Citicasters, Inc. v. Claire C. McCaskill , 89 F.3d 1350 ( 1996 )

  •                                  ___________
    No. 95-1894
    Citicasters, doing business as       *
    WDAF-TV, formerly known as           *
    Great American Television            *
    and Radio Company, Inc.,             *
    Appellee,                 *   Appeal from the United States
    *   District Court for the
    v.                              *   Western District of Missouri.
    Claire C. McCaskill, in her          *
    capacity as Jackson County           *
    Prosecutor,                          *
    Appellant,                *
    Board of Police Commissioners        *
    of Kansas City, Missouri;            *
    Steven Bishop, in his capacity       *
    as Chief of Police of the            *
    Kansas City, Missouri Police         *
    Department; Ronald Parker, in        *
    his capacity as a Kansas City,       *
    Missouri police officer; Bailus      *
    M. Tate, in his official             *
    capacity as a member of the          *
    Board of Police Commissioners        *
    of Kansas City, MO; John A.          *
    Dillingham, in his official          *
    capacity as a member of the          *
    Board of Police Commissioners        *
    of Kansas City, MO; Jack W.R.        *
    Headley, in his official             *
    capacity as a member of the          *
    Board of Police Commissioners        *
    of Kansas City, MO; Dona R.          *
    Boley, in her official capacity      *
    as a member of the Board of          *
    Police Commissioners of Kansas       *
    City, MO; Emanuel Cleaver, II,       *
    in his official capacity as a        *
    member of the Board of Police        *
    Commissioners of Kansas City,        *
    MO,                                  *
    Defendants.               *
    Submitted:   December 13, 1995
    Filed:   July 19, 1996
    Before MAGILL, BRIGHT, and MURPHY, Circuit Judges.
    MAGILL, Circuit Judge.
    Under the authority of a search warrant, investigating authorities
    seized a videotape from WDAF-TV (WDAF), Kansas City, Missouri, which
    recorded the commission of a crime.     The station owner, Citicasters, Inc.,
    brought this lawsuit for damages and injunctive relief for an alleged
    violation of the Privacy Protection Act of 1980, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000aa to
    2000aa-12 (1994), against county prosecutor Claire C. McCaskill and Kansas
    City police officials.     The district court concluded that McCaskill had
    violated the Act, but dismissed the actions against the police.    It awarded
    $1000 in liquidated damages and ordered the return of the videotape.     See
    Citicasters v. McCaskill, 
    883 F. Supp. 1282
    (W.D. Mo. 1995).
    McCaskill appeals, asserting that the district court erred in barring
    her from showing that the circumstances relating to the seizure constituted
    exceptions to the requirements of the Privacy Protection Act, that the
    evidence did not support the judgment against her, and that injunctive
    relief is not available under the Act.      We agree with McCaskill that she
    was improperly barred from invoking the exceptions to the Act, and that
    there was insufficient evidence to support the judgment against her.      We
    reverse and remand.
    On August 5, 1994, at approximately 1:10 p.m., Julia Flege was
    assaulted in public and brutally murdered.       Earl Warren, a tourist in
    Kansas City, captured the assault on videotape and, within hours, sold the
    videotape to plaintiff Citicasters, Inc., which operated WDAF, a local
    television station.   WDAF presented a small portion of the tape on its 6
    p.m. news broadcast later that same day.
    Meanwhile, at approximately 1:30 p.m. on Friday, August 5, 1994,
    Chancey E. Wright was detained in connection with Flege's murder.      Under
    Missouri law, Mo. Ann. Stat. § 544.170 (Vernon 1994), Wright had to be
    charged with the crime by 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, August 6, 1994, or be
    released.   Learning of the videotape by its broadcast on the 6 p.m. news,
    Captain Vince McInerney, commander of the media relations office of the
    Kansas City Police Department, immediately contacted WDAF to request a copy
    of the videotape.   WDAF refused to cooperate.   Michael Lewis, the station's
    assignment manager, told McInerney that tourist Warren had left town with
    the original tape,1 and that, while the
    This conversation occurred at approximately 6:10 p.m. on
    August 5, 1994, the day of the assault. Warren, however, had not
    yet left town; he was, in fact, still on WDAF property. See J.A.
    at 113 (testimony of Michael Lewis).       After discontinuing his
    conversation with Captain McInerney, station manager Lewis went to
    speak with tourist Warren and his wife. Although the manager was
    aware that the police desired a copy of the videotape of the
    assault, that the station had refused to allow the police to
    reproduce their copy, and that Warren had the original tape but was
    about to leave town, Lewis failed to apprise Warren that the police
    would like a copy of the tape. When Lewis again contacted the
    police several minutes later, at 6:14 p.m. on Friday, August 5,
    1994, to provide them with Warren's home phone number and address
    in Texas and inform them that Warren would be home three days
    later, Lewis failed to mention that Warren was still in town, and
    still on station property. See 
    id. at 111
    (recorded phone message
    from Lewis). Warren left WDAF's parking lot at approximately 6:25
    p.m. on August 5, 1994.
    police could view the portion of the tape that the station had aired on the
    newscast, they could only obtain a copy of the entire tape through a court
    The Kansas City police sought a search warrant for WDAF to obtain the
    videotape on the evening of August 5, 1994.   In support of the application,
    affiant Ronald Parker, a police veteran of twenty-two years and a detective
    in the police department's homicide unit, submitted an affidavit which
    recited the circumstances of victim Flege's murder, including the killer's
    subsequent flight and assault on a police officer, and the existence of the
    videotape.2   At 9:20 p.m. on the evening of August 5, 1994, approximately
    eight hours after the assault and abduction of Flege, the Honorable Richard
    E. Standridge, Associate Circuit Judge for Jackson County, Sixteenth
    Judicial Circuit, State of Missouri, issued a search warrant to the police.
    The warrant described the area to be searched--"The offices of the Great
    American Television and Radio Station, also known as WDAF Channel
    The search warrant application verified the following facts:
    On [Friday,] 8/5/94 at approximately 1310 hours, Julia A.
    Flege, W/F, 7/14/62, was abducted from the Liberty
    Memorial Mall, 101 Memorial Drive. She was subsequently
    taken to the Santa Fe Apts.[,] 2525 Main, where she was
    killed by her abductor.     As the suspect attempted to
    escape 2525 Main, Kansas City, Missouri Police Officer
    ordered the suspect to halt and drop his gun.         The
    subject turned towards the officer and pointed the
    handgun at the officer. The officer fired one shot at
    the subject, missing him. The news broadcast at 1800
    hours on Channel 4, [four hours and fifty minutes after
    Flege's abduction,] revealed a video tape shot by a
    private citizen which showed the abduction of the victim
    as well as the discharge by the Kansas City[,] Missouri
    police officer. Upon contacting official of Channel 4
    [approximately five hours after Flege's abduction] and
    requesting a copy of the tape, detectives were advised
    that the tape could be reviewed but no copies would be
    released without a Court Order.
    J.A. at 231.
    4, at 3030 Summit, Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri"--and the items
    to be seized--"The original video cassette tape, and copies of the video
    cassette tape, which show the abduction of Julia A. Flege which occurred
    at 101 Memorial Drive on 8/5/94 at approximately 1310 hours and the
    subsequent shooting which involved a Kansas City, Missouri Police Officer,
    occurring at 2525 Main"--and that there was probable cause to believe that
    the tape was at WDAF.     J.A. at 232.
    Police officers, accompanied by prosecuting attorneys, served the
    warrant at WDAF that evening at approximately 10 p.m., some nine hours and
    fifty minutes after the assault and abduction of Flege.          An employee of
    WDAF met them at the station and called Michael McDonald, the vice
    president of news for WDAF.     McDonald immediately came to the station.    The
    officers showed vice president McDonald the search warrant and demanded the
    tape.    McDonald responded that he would give them a copy of the material
    that had been aired on the newscast, but that he would only surrender the
    entire tape with a subpoena.      Vice president McDonald called an attorney
    for WDAF who arrived at the station at approximately 11:15 p.m. on Friday
    evening.    After further discussion and over WDAF's objections, the police
    finally obtained possession of WDAF's copy of the entire tape sometime
    between 11:45 p.m. and midnight that night.         WDAF retained at least one
    copy of the portion of the tape that had been shown on the newscast.
    Citicasters   brought   this   suit   against   defendants,   alleging   a
    violation of the Privacy Protection Act because the police obtained the
    videotape through a search warrant, rather than a subpoena duces tecum.
    The district court held an expedited hearing on August 11-12, 1994.          The
    district court entered a judgment against
    McCaskill for $1000 liquidated damages under the Privacy Protection Act,3
    and McCaskill appeals.
    The Privacy Protection Act generally prohibits government officials
    from searching for and seizing documentary materials possessed by a person
    in connection with a purpose to disseminate information to the public.   See
    42 U.S.C. § 2000aa(b).   Instead, the Act requires law enforcement agencies
    to rely on the cooperation of the media or subpoenas duces tecum to obtain
    such   documentary materials.    The Act contains important exceptions,
    however, where searches and seizures are permitted.   The Act provides that
    shall not impair or affect the ability of any government
    officer or employee, pursuant to otherwise applicable law, to
    search for or seize such materials, if--
    (1) there is probable cause to believe that the person
    possessing such materials has committed or is committing
    the criminal offense to which the materials relate . . .
    (2) there is reason to believe that the immediate
    seizure of such materials is necessary to prevent the
    death of, or serious bodily injury to, a human being;
    (3) there is reason to believe that the giving of
    notice pursuant to a subpena duces tecum would result in
    the destruction, alteration, or concealment of such
    materials; or
    (4) such materials have not been produced in response
    to a court order directing compliance with a subpena
    duces tecum, and--
    The district court also determined that the police were
    immune from suit under the Act and dismissed the claim against
    them. The district court dismissed a related claim for violations
    of civil rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 against all the defendants.
    These dismissals are not before us.
    (A)   all   appellate     remedies   have   been
    exhausted; or
    (B) there is reason to believe that the delay in an
    investigation or trial occasioned by further
    proceedings relating to the subpena would threaten
    the interests of justice.
    42 U.S.C. § 2000aa(b) (emphasis added).
    As an affirmative defense, McCaskill asserted that the exceptions at
    42 U.S.C. §§ 2000aa(b)(2) and (3) applied, barring Citicasters from
    recovering under the Act.   Noting that Detective Parker's affidavit in
    support of the search warrant did not expressly recite exceptions (2) and
    (3), the district court refused to allow McCaskill to prove the existence
    of these exceptions in this case.     The district court stated:
    [T]he question for the court to consider is whether the
    defendant may claim an exception to the Act when the
    application for the search warrant is devoid of reasons
    supporting the exception.    The court finds that to allow a
    defendant to claim an exception, after a search and seizure has
    occurred, allows a defendant to justify its conduct in
    hindsight. The legislative history of the Act envisioned that
    a defendant would state the basis for exceptions when applying
    for the warrant.     Moreover, if circumstances exist which
    constitute an exception, the defendant should state these
    reasons in an affidavit for a warrant.       Thus, because the
    affidavit in support of the search warrant did not set forth
    reasons which fall under an exception to the Act, the court
    will not allow defendants to now invoke those exceptions.
    Citicasters, 883 F. Supp. at 1288
    The only legislative history cited by the district court to
    support its conclusion is a reference by the Senate Committee on
    the Judiciary, during its discussion of one of the exceptions to
    the Act, to factors which "might be considered by a magistrate."
    1980 U.S.C.C.A.N. 3950, 3959. See 
    Citicasters, 883 F. Supp. at 1288
    We   review   the   district   court's   interpretation   of   the   Privacy
    Protection Act de novo.    See United States v. Lowe, 
    50 F.3d 604
    , 606 (8th
    Cir.), cert. denied, 
    116 S. Ct. 260
    (1995).        There is no mention in the
    Privacy Protection Act of any requirement that search warrant applications
    describe exceptions to the Act,5 and we must determine if it was proper for
    the district court to rely on the legislative history of the Act to create
    such a requirement.
    It is a fundamental canon of statutory interpretation that
    we begin with the language of the statute and ask whether
    Congress has spoken on the subject before us. If the intent of
    Congress is clear, that is the end of the matter; for the court
    . . . must give effect to the unambiguously expressed intent of
    Norfolk & Western Ry. v. American Train Dispatchers' Ass'n, 
    499 U.S. 117
    128 (1991) (quotations omitted); see also Negonsott v. Samuels, 
    507 U.S. 99
    , 104 (1993) ("Our task is to give effect to the will of Congress, and
    where its will has been expressed in reasonably plain terms, that language
    must ordinarily be regarded as conclusive.") (quotations omitted); Barnhill
    v. Johnson, 
    503 U.S. 393
    , 401 (1992) ("appeals to statutory history are
    This appears to be an issue of first impression. We note
    that the United States Attorney General, pursuant to the Privacy
    Protection Act's mandate, see 42 U.S.C. § 2000aa-11, has
    promulgated guidelines defining the procedures by which federal
    agents may seek search warrants to obtain documentary materials in
    the hands of disinterested third parties. See 28 C.F.R. §§ 59.1-
    59.6 (1995). At § 59.1(b), the regulations declare that "[i]t is
    the responsibility of federal officers and employees to recognize
    the importance of these personal privacy interests, and to protect
    against unnecessary intrusions."      Factors which a government
    officer should consider in deciding whether to seek a search
    warrant or a subpoena include "[w]hether the immediate seizure of
    the materials is necessary to prevent injury to persons or property
    . . . ." § 59.4(c)(2)(ii). Nowhere do the regulations advise
    federal agents to document these concerns in the application for a
    search warrant; rather, these are determinations to be made by the
    federal agents, their supervisors, and agency attorneys.        See
    § 59.4(a)(2).
    only to resolve statutory ambiguity") (quotations omitted); Virginia Univ.
    Hosp., Inc. v. Casey, 
    499 U.S. 83
    , 98-99 (1991) ("The best evidence of
    [statutory] purpose is the statutory text adopted by both Houses of
    Congress and submitted to the President.               Where that [statutory text]
    contains a phrase that is unambiguous--that has a clearly accepted meaning
    in both legislative and judicial practice--we do not permit it to be
    expanded or contracted by the statements of individual legislators or
    committees during the course of the enactment process."); Arkansas AFL-CIO
    v. FCC, 
    11 F.3d 1430
    , 1440 (8th Cir. 1993) (en banc) ("If the intent of
    Congress is clear from the plain language of the statutory provision, that
    will be the end of the judicial inquiry.").                This rule of statutory
    interpretation    exists   because   "when,       as     here,   the   statutes     are
    straightforward and clear, legislative history and policy arguments are at
    best interesting, at worst distracting and misleading, and in neither case
    authoritative."   Northern States Power Co. v. United States, 
    73 F.3d 764
    766 (8th Cir. 1996).
    We find no ambiguity in the Privacy Protection Act.                See Brown v.
    115 S. Ct. 552
    , 555 (1994) ("Ambiguity is a creature not of
    definitional possibilities but of statutory context.").            The Act presents
    a   straightforward   statutory   scheme    for   protecting     those    engaged    in
    information dissemination from government intrusion by prohibiting searches
    and seizures of documentary materials except where government officials
    have a reasonable belief that a statutory exception applies.                 Although
    Congress could have chosen to include elaborate procedural requirements in
    the Act,6 it instead created a private cause of action as the exclusive
    The dissent argues that "it is the absence of procedural
    requirements rather than any ambiguity that is crucial in deciding
    this case." Slip op. at 15. We disagree. It is precisely the
    lack of ambiguity that is crucial in this case, for this mandates
    that we enforce the plain language of the statute. That Congress
    did not choose to substantially interfere with the procedures by
    which state judicial officers issue search warrants to state law
    enforcement officials more likely reflects, in our view,
    congressional appreciation of the proper restraints of federalism,
    rather than congressional ineptitude in drafting the legislation
    that it intends.
    remedy to ensure that the protections of the Act would be effective, and
    allowed recovery of damages against those found liable for violations of
    the Act.   See 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000aa-6(a), (d), (f).7
    Where Congress has provided a specific means for achieving its
    purpose, we must honor its decision, and not embellish its legislative
    scheme with additional procedural innovations.   See, e.g., Director, Office
    of Workers' Comp. Prog. v. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., 
    115 S. Ct. 1278
    , 1288 (1995) ("Every statute proposes, not only to achieve
    certain ends, but also to achieve them by particular means--and there is
    often a considerable legislative battle over what those means ought to
    be."); MCI Telecommunications Corp. v. American Tel. & Tel. Co., 
    114 S. Ct. 2223
    , 2232 n.4 (1994) (Courts and agencies "are bound, not only by
    Indeed, we note that Congress did choose to somewhat modify
    the search warrant application process in other circumstances. See
    42 U.S.C. § 2000aa(c) (where 42 U.S.C. § 2000aa(b)(4)(B) exception
    applies, person possessing materials may submit an affidavit
    contesting issuance of warrant).      We find that this strongly
    suggests that Congress is capable of enacting the legislation that
    it intends, and that by its silence Congress did not mean to create
    additional procedural requirements. The district court, however,
    interpreted this provision somewhat differently. While noting that
    "[a] literal reading of the statute reveals that an affidavit can
    only be submitted when a search warrant is obtained after non-
    compliance with a subpoena duces tecum," 
    Citicasters, 883 F. Supp. at 1290
    , the district court nevertheless required the availability
    of an affidavit whenever "a government entity bypasses the primary
    protection provided by a subpoena." 
    Id. While we
    may not reach
    this point on appeal because it was not raised by the parties, we
    do observe that the "literal reading" of a statute is often the
    best place to begin, and end, an interpretive analysis.
    The dissent, arguing that "the majority pulls the teeth out
    of the statute" by failing to add procedural requirements, Slip op.
    at 20, simply ignores this legislative determination that the award
    of damages is sufficient to ensure an effective statute.
    the ultimate purposes Congress has selected, but by the means it has deemed
    appropriate, and prescribed, for the pursuit of those purposes.").      Had
    Congress desired to create additional procedural requirements to guard
    against post hoc justifications for searches, it presumably would have done
    so; it is not for the federal courts to redraft legislation merely because
    we would have selected different procedures.8
    Because there is no ambiguity in the statute, the district court
    erred in relying on the legislative history of the Privacy Protection Act.
    Because the Privacy Protection Act does not require an application for a
    search warrant to describe any exceptions to the Act, the district court
    erred in imposing such requirements on the defendants in this case.
    McCaskill should have had the opportunity to prove that the exceptions
    claimed in fact existed, and we remand for a hearing on this issue.
    The district court found that "Claire McCaskill, the Prosecuting
    Attorney of Jackson County, Missouri, assisted in executing the search
    warrant on plaintiff at its business premises."   
    Citicasters, 883 F. Supp. at 1285
    .   This Court reviews a district court's factual findings for clear
    error.     See Stevens v. McHan, 
    3 F.3d 1204
    , 1206 (8th Cir. 1993).      "A
    factual finding is
    Although, by its terms, the Privacy Protection Act
    significantly restricts the ability of law enforcement officials to
    search for and to seize certain documentary evidence of crimes,
    Congress took pains to limit the Act's chilling effect on law
    enforcement. See, e.g., 42 U.S.C. § 2000aa-6(e) (materials shall
    not be excluded as evidence because of a violation of the Act); 42
    U.S.C. § 2000aa-6(b) (creating good faith defense to civil action).
    With due respect, the district court's expansive interpretation of
    the Act simply disregards the balance struck by Congress between
    preserving the ability of government officials to prosecute crime
    and protecting those engaged in the dissemination of information
    from government intrusion.
    clearly erroneous if it is not supported by substantial evidence in the
    record, if it is based on an erroneous view of the law, or if the reviewing
    court is left with the definite and firm conviction that an error has been
    made."    Burns v. McGregor Elec. Indus., Inc., 
    955 F.2d 559
    , 563 (8th Cir.
    1992).    McCaskill asserts that there is insufficient evidence to support
    the district court's finding that she or anyone acting on her behalf
    participated in the execution of the search warrant.
    McCaskill's position is well taken.      At the initial hearing, an
    assistant county prosecutor testified that "the prosecutor's office is not
    directly involved with the searching, or the serving [of] a search
    warrant."   J.A. at 91.   Indeed, under Missouri law, a search warrant "may
    be executed only by a peace officer."   Mo. Ann. Stat. § 542.276.7 (Vernon
    We are aware of only two instances in the record which would indicate
    that McCaskill engaged in the search and seizure.   First, in her answer to
    the complaint, McCaskill, who was one of a host of defendants in this
    action, admitted that "defendants came to plaintiff's business premises and
    served plaintiff with a search warrant."   J.A. at 129, 140.   Second, at the
    preliminary hearing, McCaskill examined an assistant prosecuting attorney
    from her office.   One question she asked the attorney began, "At the point
    in time that we took the tape . . . ?"     J.A. at 79.   A question from an
    attorney is hardly strong evidence of a proposition, however, and the
    testimony at trial indicated that McCaskill herself was not present when
    the warrant was initially served.    See J.A. at 54.
    Nevertheless, if McCaskill's statements are not sufficient evidence
    of her participation in the search and seizure, they were at least
    misleading to the plaintiffs.   The hearing held in the district court was
    not   a   full hearing, and Citicasters should have the opportunity to
    establish that McCaskill directed, supervised,
    or otherwise engaged in the execution of the warrant to such an extent that
    a finding can be made that she "searched for or seized" the tape.    See 42
    U.S.C. § 2000aa(b).     Accordingly, we remand and "exercise our discretion
    to order a new trial rather than a judgment for defendant."   F & H Inv. Co.
    v. Sackman-Gilliland Corp., 
    728 F.2d 1050
    , 1055 (8th Cir. 1984) (citing 9
    Wright & Miller, Federal Practice & Procedure: Civil § 2540 & p. 617
    The district court required that the actual tape seized be returned
    to the plaintiff:
    With regards to plaintiff's request for return of its
    videotape, the court notes that at the hearing held on August
    12, 1994, defendants agreed to return to plaintiff the
    videotape seized on August 5.       The court was under the
    impression that the tape was returned to plaintiff. Indeed,
    defendants contend that the original tape has been returned to
    plaintiff.   Plaintiff, however, claims that its request for
    injunctive relief for return of the videotape is not mooted
    because defendants have provided plaintiff with a copy of the
    videotape in question.    Plaintiff maintains that defendants
    still retain the original videotape.      It was this court's
    understanding that the original videotape was returned to the
    plaintiff.   Thus, the defendants shall return the original
    videotape to the plaintiff if they have not already done so.
    Citicasters, 883 F. Supp. at 1289
    The district court labeled this order as a form of injunctive relief,
    and the parties have briefed the issue in that context.        We conclude,
    however, that the district court was not actually granting an injunction,
    but was rather reaffirming the prior agreement of the parties.        It is
    unclear from the record whether the parties disputed Citicaster's right to
    regain the actual tape seized.        If there is any continuing dispute
    concerning the return
    of the seized tape, we leave its resolution to the district court on
    We reverse the district court and remand for an evidentiary hearing
    on the issue of McCaskill's participation in the search and seizure.            If
    the district court finds that McCaskill did participate in the search and
    seizure, the court shall also determine whether, at the time of the search,
    McCaskill possessed a reasonable belief that an exception to the Privacy
    Protection Act existed.
    BRIGHT, Circuit Judge, concurring in part and dissenting in part.
    Under most circumstances, the Privacy Protection Act prohibits the
    government, in connection with the investigation of a criminal offense,
    from searching and seizing documentary materials from news or information
    organizations.   See 42 U.S.C. § 2000aa(b).       Under the Act, the government
    may not obtain a search warrant but must instead rely upon a subpoena duces
    tecum or the voluntary release of the materials.      The Act, however, exempts
    certain situations where immediate seizure is justified, such as where a
    risk exists that the materials may be destroyed or another person may be
    physically harmed.      The case before us raises the question whether
    government officials may claim such exceptions to the Privacy Protection
    Act when the application for the search warrant is devoid of any statements
    supporting   those   exceptions.   Because    I    conclude   that   the   Privacy
    Protection Act constrains government action by requiring the government to
    establish an exception to the Act before it can obtain a warrant to search
    the office of a news agency, I dissent from Part II of the opinion.
    I agree with the majority that "[t]he task of resolving the dispute
    over the meaning of [a statute] begins where all such
    inquiries must begin:   with the language of the statute itself."          United
    States v. Ron Pair Enters., Inc., 
    489 U.S. 235
    , 241 (1989).            The Privacy
    Protection Act specifically lists the four exceptions to the Act and
    requires "reason to believe" that one of the invoked exceptions applies.
    Contrary to the position of the majority, however, the statute contains no
    direct statement as to whether it is the issuing magistrate judge who must
    determine the existence of an exception or whether its existence can be
    asserted   after-the-fact   by   the   investigating   authorities.1      The   Act
    establishes a substantive standard but is silent as to the appropriate
    procedural requirements.
    Although the majority opinion explains that the language of the
    statute is not ambiguous, it is the absence of procedural requirements
    rather than any ambiguity that is crucial in deciding this case.         The areas
    the statute addresses are clear and we need not and should not embellish
    upon them.     The statute, however, does not address the process for
    obtaining a warrant.    It is this absence of a statutory directive which
    faces us here.
    Where the statute does not speak on an issue, this court has turned
    to other sources to determine the intent of Congress.          The legislative
    history may provide guidance.    See Wisconsin Public Intervenor v. Mortier,
    501 U.S. 597
    , 611-12 n. 4 (1991); Arkansas AFL-CIO v. F.C.C., 
    11 F.3d 1430
    1440 (8th Cir. 1993) (en banc)
    The text of the statute implies that the issuing magistrate
    judge must find the existence of an exception before a lawful
    warrant can issue. One of the exceptions pertains to instances
    where the party in possession has failed to comply with a subpoena
    duces tecum and further delay would "threaten the interests of
    justice." 42 U.S.C. § 2000aa(b)(4). In such an event, section
    2000aa(c) requires that the person in possession be afforded the
    opportunity to submit an affidavit stating why the materials sought
    are not subject to seizure before the warrant issues.          This
    exception, without directly stating so, presupposes that a
    magistrate judge, rather than the investigating authorities, makes
    the determination.
    (conducting a Chevron analysis).             The circumstances surrounding the
    enactment of the statute can also be helpful in deciphering congressional
    intent.    See Security Bank Minnesota v. C.I.R., 
    994 F.2d 432
    , 436 (8th Cir.
    1993).     When interpreting a statute, we must consider the statute in light
    of judicial concepts existing before it was enacted.            Estate of Wood v.
    909 F.2d 1155
    , 1160 (8th Cir. 1990); Stillians v. Iowa, 
    843 F.2d 276
    , 280 (8th Cir. 1988).        Finally, we look to the overall purpose of the
    Act.     See In re Graven, 
    936 F.2d 378
    , 385 (8th Cir. 1991).
    The Privacy Protection Act was prompted by the Supreme Court's
    decision in Zurcher v. Stanford Daily, 
    436 U.S. 547
    (1978).           See S. Rep.
    No. 874, 96th Cong., 2d Sess., reprinted in 1980 U.S.C.C.A.N. 3950, 3950-
    51.    In Zurcher, the Stanford Daily, a student newspaper, had published
    articles and photographs of a demonstration at which several police
    officers     were   
    assaulted. 456 U.S. at 550-51
    .   As   part   of   its
    investigation, the district attorney obtained a search warrant and searched
    the newspaper's offices for additional photographs of the incident.              
    Id. The newspaper
    brought a declaratory judgment action claiming, among other
    things, that the search warrant was issued in violation of the Fourth
    Amendment.    The district court held, "unless the Magistrate has before him
    a sworn affidavit establishing proper cause to believe that the materials
    in question will be destroyed, or that a subpoena duces tecum is otherwise
    `impractical', a search of a third party for materials in his possession
    is unreasonable per se, and therefore violative of the Fourth Amendment."
    Stanford Daily v. Zurcher, 
    353 F. Supp. 124
    , 127 (N.D. Cal. 1972).2              The
    In explaining its decision, the district court stated,
    It should be apparent that means less drastic than
    a search warrant do exist for obtaining materials in
    possession of a third party. A subpoena duces tecum,
    obviously, is much less intrusive than a search warrant:
    the police do not go rummaging through one's home,
    office, or desk if armed only with a subpoena. And,
    perhaps equally important, there is no opportunity to challenge the
    search warrant prior to the intrusion, whereas one can always move
    to quash the subpoena before producing the sought-after materials.
    Stanford Daily v. Zurcher, 
    353 F. Supp. 124
    , 130 (N.D. Cal. 1972).
    court of appeals affirmed per curiam, adopting the opinion of the district
    550 F.2d 464
    (9th Cir. 1977).   The Supreme Court reversed, holding
    that the Fourth Amendment does not provide any special protection against
    search and seizure for the possessor of documentary evidence who is not a
    suspect in the offense under 
    investigation. 436 U.S. at 560
    At the close of the majority opinion in Zurcher, the Court stated,
    "[o]f course, the Fourth Amendment does not prevent or advise against
    legislative or executive efforts to establish nonconstitutional protections
    against possible abuses of the search warrant procedure, . . ."      
    Id. at 567.
      Congress took the "invitation" of the Court and enacted the Privacy
    Protection Act of 1980.   See 1980 U.S.C.C.A.N. at 3952.
    Congress stated that the Privacy Protection Act responded to the
    Zurcher decision.   
    Id. at 3950.
      In Zurcher, the Supreme Court addressed
    whether the application for a search warrant must establish "special
    circumstances" before a warrant to search the office of a news agency may
    lawfully issue.   Zurcher focused entirely on the substantive issue of what
    circumstances must be established; there was no dispute as to when or by
    whom the determination would be made.        Both Justice White's majority
    opinion and the dissenting opinion of Justice Stevens indicated that it was
    the issuing magistrate judge who would determine whether the necessary
    requirements were fulfilled.       
    See 436 U.S. at 550
    , 577.       Thus the
    legislative reaction to Zurcher focused on the substantive standard rather
    than the undisputed procedural framework.     The
    logical conclusion is that Congress envisioned the procedural framework to
    remain intact.
    The legislative history of the Act indicates that Congress assumed
    that the exceptions to the Act would be considered by a magistrate judge
    prior to the issuance of a search warrant.             In discussing the third
    exception to the Act, the Senate Report provides:
    Among the factors which the Committee believes might be
    considered by a magistrate in determining whether materials
    might be destroyed are evidence of a close personal, family or
    business relationship between the person in possession of the
    material with a person who is a suspect; evidence of prior,
    similar conduct by a party who may exert control of the
    material; or evidence that a party in possession of the
    material has expressed an intent to hide, move, or destroy the
    material sought.
    1980 U.S.C.C.A.N. at 3959-60 (emphasis added).         Senators Orrin Hatch and
    Alan Simpson of the Senate Judiciary Committee submitted "additional views"
    which were included in the legislative history.            The Senators stated:
    The Stanford Daily case held that the Constitution does
    not require a magistrate to conclude that warrant searches of
    the press are necessarily "unreasonable".     The committee in
    adopting [the Act] is, in effect, instructing magistrates and
    others empowered to issue warrants that a search directed at
    the documentary materials of journalists is to be considered in
    itself "unreasonable" in the absence of certain enumerated
    1980 U.S.C.C.A.N at 3968.
    The legislative history of the Act also indicates that although the
    Privacy   Protection   Act   is   a   statutory   rather   than   a   constitutional
    limitation on the power of the government, it was
    intended to be read in conjunction with the Fourth Amendment.3                First,
    Zurcher was a Fourth Amendment case.        Second, the "legal history" of the
    Privacy Protection Act as developed in the Senate Report is comprised
    entirely of the historical development of the Fourth Amendment.           See 1980
    U.S.C.C.A.N. at 3952-54.   Finally, in defining the purpose of the Act, the
    Senate Report stated,    "The Committee bill, as amended, affords the press
    and   certain other persons not suspected of committing a crime with
    protections   not   provided    currently   by   the   Fourth   Amendment."     1980
    U.S.C.C.A.N. at 3950.   The legislative intent was to build upon the Fourth
    In United States v. United States District Court, 
    407 U.S. 297
    , 316
    (1972), the Supreme Court relayed "the very heart of the Fourth Amendment
    where practical, a governmental search and seizure should
    represent both the efforts of the officer to gather evidence of
    wrongful acts and the judgment of the magistrate that the
    collected evidence is sufficient to justify invasion of a
    citizen's private premises or conversation. Inherent in the
    concept of a warrant is its issuance by a "neutral and detached
    Id. (citation omitted).4
          In the warrant process, it is the
    The language of the statute implies that the Act was intended
    to be a statutory extension of the Fourth Amendment.        Section
    2000aa-6(e) provides that the statute does not extend the
    application of the exclusionary rule:          "Evidence otherwise
    admissible in a proceeding shall not be excluded on the basis of a
    violation of this chapter."      Nothing on the face of the Act
    specifically invokes the exclusionary rule. Unless the Act were
    intended as a statutory extension of the Fourth Amendment,
    disclaiming the exclusionary rule would be an anomaly.          The
    presence of this provision thus indicates that the statute extends
    the framework of the Fourth Amendment, but is not intended to
    extend the exclusionary rule.
    Justice Jackson underscored the importance of a neutral
    magistrate judge in effectuating the goals of the Fourth Amendment:
    The point of the Fourth Amendment, which often is
    not grasped by zealous officers, is not that it denies
    province of the magistrate judge to independently find the existence of the
    requisite conditions before a lawful warrant can issue.               When viewed in
    conjunction with this constitutional allocation of responsibility, the
    Privacy Protection Act logically places the determination of whether an
    exception exists in the discretion of the magistrate judge issuing the
    search warrant.
    By   construing   the   Act   so   as   not   to   require   a   prior   judicial
    determination, the majority pulls the teeth out of the statute.                    The
    purpose of the Privacy Protection Act is to prevent the search and seizure
    of documentary materials from persons disseminating information.               After-
    the-fact review can only punish violation, not prevent it.              Furthermore,
    permitting an after-the-fact showing of what was "known" to the affiant but
    not communicated to the magistrate judge contains too great a potential for
    abuse; there could often be no assurance that the critical facts and
    details were in fact known prior to the issuance of the warrant.                See 2
    Wayne R. LaFave, Search and Seizure § 4.3(a), at 459 (3d ed. 1996).
    In its decision, the majority ignores the circumstances surrounding
    the enactment of the Privacy Protection Act, its legislative history, its
    intimate association with Fourth Amendment principles, and its purpose of
    preventing searches and seizures.       For these reasons, I must dissent as to
    Part II of the court's opinion.
    law enforcement the support of the usual inferences which
    reasonable men draw from evidence.        Its protection
    consists in requiring that those inferences be drawn by
    a neutral and detached magistrate instead of being judged
    by the officer engaged in the often competitive enter-
    prise of ferreting out crime.
    Johnson v. United States, 
    333 U.S. 10
    , 13-14 (1948).
    A true copy.

Document Info

Docket Number: 95-1894

Citation Numbers: 89 F.3d 1350

Filed Date: 7/19/1996

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (25)

Nancy C. Stillians v. State of Iowa , 843 F.2d 276 ( 1988 )

Estate of Leonard A. Wood, Deceased, J.M. Loonan, Personal ... , 909 F.2d 1155 ( 1990 )

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Stanford Daily v. Zurcher , 353 F. Supp. 124 ( 1972 )

Zurcher v. Stanford Daily , 98 S. Ct. 1970 ( 1978 )

Johnson v. United States , 68 S. Ct. 367 ( 1948 )

United States v. Ron Pair Enterprises, Inc. , 109 S. Ct. 1026 ( 1989 )

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Norfolk & Western Railway Co. v. American Train Dispatchers'... , 111 S. Ct. 1156 ( 1991 )

Wisconsin Public Intervenor v. Mortier , 111 S. Ct. 2476 ( 1991 )

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