United States v. Weldon B. Nelson ( 1996 )

  •                              ___________
    No. 95-4137
    United States of America,        *
    Appellee,              *
    *   Appeal from the United States
    v.                          *   District Court for the
    *   District of Minnesota.
    Weldon B. Nelson; Grace M.       *
    Nelson,                          *
    Appellants.            *
    Submitted:   October 24, 1996
    Filed: December 6, 1996
    Before MAGILL, ROSS, and MURPHY, Circuit Judges.
    MAGILL, Circuit Judge.
    Weldon and Grace Nelson appeal the decision of the district
    court1 in this Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) recovery action.
    The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the
    government and denied the Nelsons' motion for summary judgment.
    The district court held that when the FmHA executed a series of
    partial releases of property that secured defaulted promissory
    notes, the FmHA had not effected a foreclosure, and that therefore
    the FmHA was not precluded from suing on the promissory notes. We
    The Honorable David S. Doty, United States District Judge for
    the District of Minnesota.
    The Nelsons executed three promissory notes in favor of the
    FmHA in May 1989. The 1989 notes were part of a restructuring plan
    for loans in the principal amounts of $371,401.24, $430,179.32, and
    $340,921.99. The Nelsons incurred these loans in 1979 and 1980 for
    the purpose of raising and selling poultry.      Both the original
    loans and the 1989 notes were secured in part by a mortgage on the
    Nelson farm in Clearwater County, Minnesota.
    In March 1993, at the request of the Nelsons, the FmHA
    executed a series of partial releases that allowed the Nelson farm
    to be sold at its fair market value, $250,000, to the Nelsons'
    children.   The proceeds of the sale were applied to the amount
    owing on the 1989 notes, after which the Nelsons made no further
    payments and defaulted on the notes. Consequently, on January 19,
    1996, the United States sued the Nelsons on the 1989 notes in
    federal district court.
    Before the district court, the parties submitted the case on
    cross-motions for summary judgment. The district court held that,
    assuming arguendo that Minnesota law is applicable, the government
    is entitled to recover on the notes.2
    We review the district court's grant of summary judgment de
    novo. Johnson v. Baptist Med. Ctr., 
    97 F.3d 1070
    , 1072 (8th Cir.
    1996).   Summary judgment is appropriate when (1) there are no
    Because we conclude that Minnesota law does not bar the
    government from proceeding on the notes and neither party contends
    that any other rule of decision would bar the government from
    proceeding on the notes, we do not reach the question of whether
    Minnesota state law should be the federal rule of decision in this
    genuine issues of material fact, and (2) the moving party is
    entitled to judgment as a matter of law. See Stevens v. St. Louis
    Univ. Med. Ctr., 
    97 F.3d 268
    , 270 (8th Cir. 1996); see also Fed. R.
    Civ. P. 56(c) (1996). Because both parties have agreed that there
    is no genuine issue of material fact in this case, we are left to
    decide only whether the government is entitled to judgment as a
    matter of law.
    The Nelsons argue that Minn. Stat. § 582.31 (1996) bars the
    government from bringing suit against them on the notes.3 This
    section precludes a mortgagee of property used for agricultural
    production from both (1) obtaining a personal judgment for the debt
    secured by the mortgage and (2) foreclosing on the mortgage and
    obtaining a deficiency judgment. See Ed Herman & Sons v. Russell,
    535 N.W.2d 803
    , 806-07 (Minn. 1995) (applying Minn. Stat.
    § 582.31). All parties agree that the land in question is used for
    agricultural production. The Nelsons contend, however, that when
    the FmHA released the mortgaged property for sale to the Nelsons'
    children, the FmHA foreclosed on the mortgaged property.      As a
    result, according to the Nelsons, the United States is now barred
    by § 582.31 from suing the Nelsons personally on the notes. We
    Minn. Stat. § 582.31 provides as follows:
    (a) For a mortgage on property used in agricultural
    production entered into on or before March 22, 1986, the
    mortgagee may only proceed to:
    (1) obtain a personal judgment for the debt owed on
    the note secured by the mortgage and execute on the
    judgment; or
    (2) foreclose the mortgage and obtain a deficiency
    judgment, if allowed.
    (b) An action under paragraph (a), either clause (1)
    or (2), bars an action under the other clause.
    Minnesota statutory provisions provide only two methods of
    foreclosure. One is by advertisement (public auction), pursuant to
    Minn. Stat. § 580.01 (1992), and the other is by judicial action,
    pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 581.01 (1992).      Minnesota's statutes
    clearly define these two methods of foreclosure, and they provide
    for no other method of foreclosure. Thus, under Minnesota law, if
    the FmHA did not foreclose by either advertisement or judicial
    action as described by the Minnesota foreclosure statutes, the FmHA
    could not have effected a foreclosure.
    When the FmHA released the land for sale to the Nelsons'
    children, the release was not pursuant to a Minnesota foreclosure
    statute.   The FmHA did not act pursuant to either Minn. Stat.
    § 580.01 or § 581.01; instead, the FmHA executed a series of
    partial releases to facilitate the Nelsons' request to sell their
    farm to their children. Because the FmHA did not act pursuant to
    either § 580.01 or § 581.01, the FmHA did not foreclose on the
    property under Minnesota law. Accordingly, § 582.31--which applies
    only to foreclosures--does not bar the government from now suing on
    the notes.
    The Nelsons contend that § 582.31 must be interpreted to bar
    a suit on a note whenever the security holder has recovered on the
    secured property, even if the secured party's recovery was not
    pursuant to a Minnesota foreclosure statute. This interpretation,
    however, ignores a basic rule of Minnesota statutory construction.
    The Minnesota Supreme Court has held that "[w]here the statutory
    language is clear and unambiguous, courts must give effect to its
    plain meaning." Green Giant Co. v. Commissioner of Revenue, 
    534 N.W.2d 710
    , 712 (Minn. 1995). The Minnesota foreclosure statutes
    make it clear by which procedure a foreclosure is effected, and
    Minn. Stat. § 582.31 plainly applies only to foreclosures.      It
    would be contrary to the rules of Minnesota statutory construction
    for us to add to the statute clauses concerning actions that are
    not foreclosures, as the Nelsons would have us do.         Because
    § 582.31 plainly applies only to foreclosures, we reject the
    Nelsons' proffered interpretation.
    Finally, the Nelsons also argue that subdivisions 4 and 6 of
    Minn. Stat. § 582.30 (1996) bar the United States from suing on the
    notes. The Nelsons' reliance on § 582.30, however, is misplaced.
    This section concerns deficiency judgments and is only triggered if
    there has been a foreclosure.     See, e.g., Minn. Stat. § 582.30
    subd. 1 ("a person holding a mortgage may obtain a deficiency
    judgment against the mortgagor if the amount a person holding a
    mortgage receives from a foreclosure sale is less than [a specified
    amount]"); see also Ed Herman & 
    Sons, 535 N.W.2d at 806
    (discussing § 580.30 in the context of foreclosures). Because the
    FmHA never foreclosed on the Nelsons' farm, § 582.30 is not
    applicable to this case.
    For the reasons discussed above, we affirm the decision of the
    district court.
    A true copy.