United States v. Gabe Aaron Dreamer ( 1996 )

  •                                    ___________
    No. 95-3868
    United States of America,              *
    Plaintiff - Appellee,         *   Appeal   from   the   United   States
    * District Court for the
    v.                                * District of South Dakota.
    Gabe Aaron Dreamer,                    *
    Defendant - Appellant.        *
    Submitted:   March 12, 1996
    Filed:   July 9, 1996
    Before FAGG, JOHN R. GIBSON, and WOLLMAN, Circuit Judges.
    JOHN R. GIBSON, Circuit Judge.
    Gabe Aaron Dreamer appeals from his conviction for setting fire to
    a house in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 81, 1153 (1994).      Dreamer argues that
    the government violated Brady v. Maryland, 
    373 U.S. 83
    (1963), in failing
    to disclose testimony of Shelli Poor Bear and that the district court1
    erred in questioning another witness, Lisa Flying Hawk.           Dreamer also
    argues that the district court erred in giving an aiding and abetting
    instruction and in refusing a proposed circumstantial evidence instruction.
    We affirm Dreamer's conviction.
    The Honorable Richard H. Battey, United States District Judge
    for the District of South Dakota.
    On July 14, 1994, Dreamer and others were having a party at the
    weekend home of Al Dreamer, Sr., Dreamer's father, just outside of Oglala,
    South Dakota.     When Al, Sr. arrived at the house and found a party he
    called the police.   Dreamer argued with his father because Dreamer wanted
    to continue the party, while his father wanted everyone to leave his house.
    After this argument the police and Al, Sr. left while Dreamer and the
    others stayed at the house.   Later that night a fire destroyed the house.
    The United States government charged Dreamer with setting the fire
    at his father's house.   After a trial, Dreamer was found guilty of setting
    the fire, and he appeals from that conviction.
    Dreamer argues that the government's failure to disclose that Shelli
    Poor Bear would testify that he set the fire denied him due process under
    Brady v. Maryland, 
    373 U.S. 83
    Shortly after the fire Poor Bear told a police investigator that
    while she was at Al, Sr.'s house briefly the night of the fire, she left
    before the fire started.      The government gave a copy of Poor Bear's
    statement to Dreamer's attorney before trial.
    Sometime before Dreamer's trial Poor Bear left the state of South
    Dakota.   Just two days before Dreamer's trial, the government managed to
    find Poor Bear.   Poor Bear told the government that the statement she gave
    to the police investigator was not true and that she saw Dreamer set the
    house on fire.       The day before Dreamer's trial the government told
    Dreamer's attorney and the district court that Poor Bear would testify
    about the fire which destroyed the house.
    During the first day of Dreamer's trial, the government disclosed to
    Dreamer's attorney that Poor Bear would not only
    testify about the fire but she would also contradict her earlier statement
    that she was not present when the fire started and testify that she saw
    Dreamer start the fire.    Dreamer's attorney expressed to the district court
    his concern that the government's late disclosure of Poor Bear's new
    statement was a total surprise first disclosed midway through Dreamer's
    trial.2       The court ordered the government to make Poor Bear its last
    witness to give Dreamer's attorney time to recover from any surprise caused
    by the government's recent disclosure of her new testimony.        Dreamer's
    attorney asked the court for a continuance to prepare for Poor Bear's new
    testimony.      The court denied this request, leading Dreamer's attorney to
    move for a mistrial based on the government's late disclosure of Poor
    Bear's new testimony.      The court denied this motion as well and allowed
    Poor Bear to testify.
    Under the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment, the government
    has a duty to disclose evidence which is favorable to Dreamer and material
    to the issue of his guilt.    Brady v. Maryland, 
    373 U.S. 83
    , 87 (1963).   To
    prove a violation of this duty, Dreamer must show that: (1) the government
    suppressed evidence; (2) the evidence was favorable to him; and (3) the
    evidence was material to the issue of his guilt.    United States v. Thomas,
    940 F.2d 391
    , 392 (8th Cir. 1991).
    We reject Dreamer's argument that the government violated its
    This mid-trial disclosure was all the more surprising to
    Dreamer's attorney because less than twenty-four hours earlier, in
    the presence of Dreamer's attorney, the district court asked the
    government's attorney, "Are there any statements that the
    government has that have not been produced?"      The government's
    attorney answered, "Not to my knowledge, Your Honor.        I have
    produced everything that I have in the file."
    There was also some confusion over identifying Poor Bear. A
    week before Dreamer's trial another woman, Lisa Flying Hawk, saying
    she was Poor Bear, gave a statement to Dreamer's attorney and his
    duty to disclose.   Poor Bear's later statement that she saw Dreamer start
    the fire was not favorable to Dreamer, but was highly incriminating.    The
    only statement made by Poor Bear which was at all favorable to Dreamer was
    her first statement that she was not present at Al, Sr.'s house when it
    caught fire.    Dreamer admits that the government gave this statement to
    him.    The government did not violate its duty to disclose, because it
    properly disclosed Poor Bear's earlier favorable statement, see Giglio v.
    United States, 
    405 U.S. 150
    , 154 (1972), and it had no duty to disclose
    Poor Bear's later incriminating statement, 
    Thomas, 940 F.2d at 392
    Dreamer argues that the district court erred in giving the jury an
    aiding and abetting instruction because there was insufficient evidence to
    support the instruction.    Dreamer asserts that we must assume that this
    error was prejudicial because there is no way to determine from the general
    verdict form whether the jury followed or ignored the improper aiding and
    abetting instruction.
    When the district court submits to the jury two or more grounds for
    conviction, for one of which there was insufficient evidence, and it is
    impossible to tell on what grounds the jury decided the defendant's guilt,
    we cannot reverse the jury's general verdict of guilty.   Griffin v. United
    502 U.S. 46
    , 56-60 (1991) (citing and quoting Turner v. United
    396 U.S. 398
    , 420 (1970)).   As long as there is sufficient evidence
    to support at least one of the grounds for conviction, we must affirm the
    jury's general verdict.    
    Id. Even assuming
    Dreamer is correct that there was insufficient evidence
    to support the district court's aiding and abetting instruction, the
    district court also instructed the jury that they could find Dreamer guilty
    if they found that he set the fire at his
    father's house.   There was sufficient evidence to support this instruction,
    as Poor Bear testified that she saw Dreamer enter his father's house with
    a can of gasoline and set the house on fire.             There was sufficient evidence
    to support one of the grounds for conviction submitted to the jury and to
    support the general verdict of guilty.              
    Griffin, 502 U.S. at 56-60
    .        We
    reject Dreamer's argument.
    Dreamer argues that the district court erred by rejecting his
    proposed jury instruction on how to consider circumstantial evidence.
    Without his proposed instruction, Dreamer contends that the jury's verdict
    may be based on speculation or conjecture.
    The district court has wide discretion in formulating appropriate
    jury instructions.     United States v. McQuarry, 
    726 F.2d 401
    , 402 (8th Cir.
    1984) (per curiam).      We review the adequacy of the jury instructions by
    considering them as a whole.         
    Id. The district
      court   did    not       abuse   its   discretion   in   rejecting
    Dreamer's   proposed     instruction       on     circumstantial    evidence.       Other
    instructions given by the district court removed any threat of speculation
    or conjecture by the jury.     The district court instructed the jury that the
    government had the burden of proving Dreamer was guilty beyond a reasonable
    doubt.   The district court defined the government's burden of proof beyond
    a reasonable doubt as "proof of such a convincing character that a
    reasonable person would not hesitate to rely and act upon it."                      After
    giving these instructions, the district court was not obligated to give
    Dreamer's proposed instruction.
    Dreamer argues that the district judge improperly questioned
    a witness, Lisa Flying Hawk, in front of the jury.
    At trial Flying Hawk first testified that she could not remember if
    she saw Dreamer standing outside Al, Sr.'s house shortly after it caught
    fire.    Flying Hawk then admitted that she testified at a previous grand
    jury hearing that she saw Dreamer standing outside the house shortly after
    it caught fire.      Later, Flying Hawk testified that she did not see anyone
    standing outside the house shortly after it caught fire.       Flying Hawk also
    stated that she "kind of made up a story" when she testified under oath
    before the grand jury.
    Shortly after Flying Hawk's comment that she "kind of made up a
    story," Dreamer's attorney asked the district judge to advise Flying Hawk
    that she might be committing the crime of perjury.           The district judge
    advised Flying Hawk about the crime of perjury and the penalties for
    committing perjury.       After the judge advised Flying Hawk, the following
    exchange took place between the judge and Flying Hawk:
    FLYING HAWK:    My first statement was true.
    THE COURT:    Which first statement.
    FLYING HAWK:    The one I gave to Lyle Brings Him Back.
    THE COURT:    The one you gave to Lyle Brings Him Back.
    FLYING HAWK:    That was the very first statement.
    THE COURT:   So the statement you gave before the grand jury was
    FLYING HAWK:    They were true.
    THE COURT:    Very well.   Anything further?
    Dreamer now objects to this exchange, arguing that the district judge
    became an advocate for the government.
    A district judge may ask questions to clarify the testimony of a
    witness in order to avoid any misunderstanding of the testimony by the
    jury.    See United States v. Cooper, 
    596 F.2d 327
    , 330 (8th Cir. 1979).   The
    district judge's questions, however, may not become so one-sided against
    the defendant as to deprive him of a fair trial.       United States v. Van
    14 F.3d 415
    , 417-18 (8th Cir. 1994).
    The district judge's questions were an attempt to clarify the
    confusing and contradictory testimony of Flying Hawk.       The judge simply
    attempted to determine which of Flying Hawk's contradictory statements was
    the truth.    When Flying Hawk refused to say which one was the truth, the
    judge stopped questioning her.     The judge's questions were not one-sided
    and did not deprive Dreamer of a fair trial.     We reject the argument that
    there was error in this exchange.
    We affirm the conviction and judgment.
    A true copy.