Midwest Coca-Cola v. Allied Sales Drivers , 89 F.3d 514 ( 1996 )

  •                                  ___________
    No. 95-2661
    Midwest Coca-Cola Bottling Co.,     *
    Plaintiff - Appellee,     *
    v.                            *
    * Appeal from the United States
    Allied Sales Drivers, Ambulance,* District Court for the
    Beer, Brewery, Grain Elevator,      * District of Minnesota.
    Retail Liquor, Livery, Malt         *
    House, Spring Water,                *
    Soft Drinks, Taxi Cab, Vending      *
    Drivers, Helpers, Inside            *
    Employees, and General Workers      *
    Union, Local 792,                   *
    Defendant - Appellant.     *
    Submitted:     February 16, 1996
    Filed:    July 11, 1996
    Before McMILLIAN, LAY and JOHN R. GIBSON, Circuit Judges.
    JOHN R. GIBSON, Circuit Judge.
    Allied Sales Drivers, Ambulance, Beer, Brewery, Grain Elevator,
    Retail Liquor, Livery, Malt House, Spring Water, Soft Drinks, Taxi Cab,
    Vending Drivers, Helpers, Inside Employees, and General Workers Union,
    Local 792, appeals from an order of the district court vacating an
    arbitrator's award that ordered Midwest Coca-Cola Bottling Company to
    reinstate a discharged employee.     The Union argues that the arbitrator's
    award is consistent with the collective bargaining agreement between the
    Union and Coca-Cola,
    and, therefore, the award should be enforced.    We reverse the judgment of
    the district court and order enforcement of the arbitrator's award.
    William Thoreson worked for Coca-Cola and his employment with Coca-
    Cola was governed by a collective bargaining agreement negotiated between
    the Union and Coca-Cola.   The Agreement contains a management prerogatives
    paragraph, giving Coca-Cola the right to make and enforce rules of conduct
    and to discipline and discharge employees.1     The Agreement provides that
    Coca-Cola shall not discharge an employee after he obtains seniority
    without just
    Article I(d) of the Agreement states:
    (d)      Management Prerogatives: [Coca-Cola] has,
    retains and shall continue to possess and exercise each
    and every management right, right to function, privilege
    and authority which it had prior to the certification of
    the Union except, and only except, as specifically
    limited, relinquished, modified, or restricted by this
    Agreement. Illustrative, but not all inclusive of the
    rights of management retained are the right to manage the
    Company; to direct the work force, and to make and
    enforce rules of conduct; . . . to classify, promote,
    discipline, demote, and discharge employees; . . . .
    Subject to the terms of this agreement, rights not
    specifically set forth in the Agreement upon which the
    parties negotiated or had the opportunity to negotiate,
    whether or not such rights have been exercised by [Coca-
    Cola] in the past, remain with [Coca-Cola].
    (emphasis added).
    cause.2     There is a grievance procedure, the last step of which is
    Article IV(d) of the Agreement states:
    (d)     Discharge: [Coca-Cola] shall not discharge
    any employee after he has been placed on the seniority
    list without just cause.        Notice of discharge or
    suspension shall be mailed to the Union office within two
    (2) work days of occurrence. In case of discharge, such
    employee may request an investigation as to the discharge
    and should such investigation prove an injustice has been
    done, the employee shall be reinstated and compensated at
    his usual rate of pay, while he has been out of work.
    Appeal from a discharge or suspension must be taken
    within five (5) work days following notice thereof to the
    Union Steward by written notice by the Union to [Coca-
    Cola], and if a satisfactory decision is not reached by
    the Union and [Coca-Cola], it shall be settled as
    provided under Article VII of this Agreement.
    Suspension or discharges will be imposed when the
    decision to take action is made.
    (emphasis added).
    Articles VII(a) and (b) of the Agreement state:
    (a) No claimed grievance of any kind will be acted
    upon or considered valid for any reason unless filed in
    writing with [Coca-Cola] within thirty (30) days of the
    alleged violation. This shall not apply to discharge or
    suspension cases which shall be considered under Article
    (b) Any controversy arising from the interpretation
    of, or adherence to the terms and provisions of this
    Agreement shall be settled promptly by negotiations
    between the Union and [Coca-Cola].     If no adjustment
    satisfactory to both parties can be reached in this way,
    then the matter shall be settled by arbitration . . . .
    (emphasis added).
    The Agreement recognizes Coca-Cola's right to make work rules for its
    employees, except where this right is specifically limited, modified, or
    restricted by the Agreement.      Exercising its right to make rules of
    conduct, Coca-Cola required any employee who was going to be late or absent
    from work to call and notify Coca-Cola thirty minutes before his scheduled
    work   time.   Coca-Cola   provided    for    increasing   punishments   for   each
    successive violation of its rule within a twelve-month period: a verbal
    warning for the first; a written warning for the second; a three-day
    suspension for the third; and discharge of the employee for the fourth
    violation in twelve months.4
    Thoreson reported for work late four times from October 1993 to May
    1994, and on every occasion failed to call in thirty minutes before his
    scheduled time for work.     Before October 1993, Thoreson had worked for
    Coca-Cola for seventeen years without a problem.
    Coca-Cola gave Thoreson a verbal warning for his first late
    Coca-Cola's work rules provide:
    Violation of [work] rules will normally result in
    progressive discipline. On a first occurrence, a verbal
    warning will be issued. Second occurrence within a 12
    month period will result in a written warning.      On a
    third occurrence, the employee will be given a three (3)
    day suspension. Finally, a fourth violation will result
    in discharge.
    . . .
    Employees who are unable to attend work must call and
    report their absence 30 minutes prior to the time they
    are scheduled to start. "Call in" must be made every day
    to the employee's immediate supervisor, unless the
    supervisor specifically tells the employee that a call
    does not have to be made every day (as in the case of a
    long-term illness).
    In the event an employee will be late reporting for work,
    a call will be made to report the intended lateness 30
    minutes prior to the scheduled starting time.
    arrival to work without calling in, a written warning for his second, and
    a three-day suspension for his third.    Finally, after Thoreson arrived late
    for work without calling in for the fourth time in less than twelve months,
    Coca-Cola discharged Thoreson.       The Union disagreed with Coca-Cola's
    decision to discharge Thoreson and asked Coca-Cola to reinstate Thoreson,
    but Coca-Cola refused to change its decision.
    The dispute between the Union and Coca-Cola over Thoreson's discharge
    went to arbitration as required by the Agreement after the Union and Coca-
    Cola failed to settle the dispute themselves.       The arbitrator found that
    between October 1993 and May 1994 Thoreson had failed four times to call
    Coca-Cola before his late arrival at work and that Thoreson had no good
    excuse for his failures.     The arbitrator ruled, however, that Coca-Cola
    should reinstate Thoreson without backpay because Thoreson had a good work
    record over the seventeen years he worked for Coca-Cola before October
    Coca-Cola refused to reinstate Thoreson and brought this action in
    federal district court to vacate the arbitrator's award.        The district
    court stated that the arbitrator found that Thoreson had violated Coca-
    Cola's work rules four times without any good excuse for doing so.       The
    district court concluded that Thoreson's four violations constituted just
    cause to discharge Thoreson and that the Agreement did not permit the
    arbitrator to order Thoreson's reinstatement after his four unexcused
    violations of Coca-Cola's work rules.       The district court vacated the
    arbitrator's award, and the Union appeals.
    Our review of this arbitration award is exceptionally narrow because
    Coca-Cola and the Union have contracted to have their disputes settled by
    an arbitrator, and it is the arbitrator's view of the facts and the meaning
    of the Agreement that they have agreed to accept.    See United Paperworkers
    Int'l Union v. Misco, Inc., 484
    U.S. 29, 37-38 (1987).   We must enforce the arbitrator's award, even if we
    think he has committed serious error, as long as he is arguably construing
    or applying the Agreement and acting within the scope of his authority.
    Id. at 38.
       The arbitrator cannot, however, dispense his own brand of
    industrial justice and his award is legitimate only so long as it draws its
    essence from the Agreement.   United Steelworkers v. Enterprise Wheel & Car
    363 U.S. 593
    , 597 (1960).
    Coca-Cola argues that the arbitrator could not order it to reinstate
    Thoreson because the Agreement permits it to make and enforce work rules
    and that it properly discharged Thoreson under those rules.
    We reject Coca-Cola's argument because it fails to consider the
    entirety of the applicable contract provisions.   The Agreement gives Coca-
    Cola the ability to adopt and enforce work rules and to discipline and
    discharge employees, and makes clear that these management rights exist
    except as specifically limited, relinquished, modified or restricted by the
    Agreement.   Thus, while the Agreement gives Coca-Cola the right to enforce
    work rules and to discharge employees, it also provides that Coca-Cola
    "shall not discharge any employee after he has been placed on the seniority
    list without just cause."   These provisions of the Agreement are the basis
    for the issues that were presented to the arbitrator for a decision.
    We have in earlier cases, one of which involves Coca-Cola, considered
    the tension that may exist between the right to discipline and contract
    provisions requiring just cause for discharge.     In Chauffeurs, Teamsters
    & Helpers Local Union No. 878 v. Coca-Cola Bottling Co., 
    613 F.2d 716
    Cir.), cert. denied, 
    446 U.S. 988
    (1980), we rejected an argument that an
    arbitrator's award reinstating an employee was unenforceable because it had
    no foundation in the collective bargaining agreement.    Like the
    agreement in this case, the contract provided that the company could not
    discharge an employee without just cause.           
    Id. at 718-19.
          The management
    rights provision, which is quite similar to the one before us, reserved to
    the company the rights not "clearly and expressly relinquished" by the
    specific terms of the contract, and provided that the company could
    "discharge or otherwise discipline employees for cause determined to be
    just by the [company]."       
    Id. at 719.
          The Chauffeurs case specifically
    involved the issue of whether "just cause" was ambiguous as to its
    procedural    implications,       and   determined      that   interpretation   by     an
    arbitrator was appropriate.        
    Id. at 719-20.
          Chauffeurs is instructive in
    that it examines the relationship between specific provisions of the
    contract concerning management's right to discharge and just cause.
    Later,    in   Local   238     International    Brotherhood    of    Teamsters    v.
    Cargill, Inc., 
    66 F.3d 988
    (8th Cir. 1995) (per curiam), an employee was
    discharged for refusing to submit to a drug and alcohol test.                         The
    company's    drug   and   alcohol    policy,    which    the   collective   bargaining
    agreement incorporated by reference, stated that any employee who refused
    a test would be discharged.          
    Id. at 989-90.
          The collective bargaining
    agreement also stated that the company could not discharge an employee
    without just cause.       
    Id. at 990.
        An arbitrator reinstated the employee
    because he concluded that there was insufficient cause to discharge the
    Id. at 989.
       After considering these facts we stated:
    [T]here is an inherent tension or ambiguity between the portion
    of the drug and alcohol policy which provides that if "testing
    is refused, the employee . . . will be terminated," and the
    provision in the collective bargaining agreement submitting
    drug and alcohol policy disputes to grievance and arbitration.
    Harmonizing these discordant provisions was clearly a matter
    for the arbitrator and was well within his authority.
    Id. at 990.
       We also observed that the arbitrator was concerned with the
    question of remedy and went on to quote Misco, 484 U.S. at
    41, as follows:
    [T]hough the arbitrator's decision must draw its essence from
    the agreement, he `is to bring his informed judgment to bear in
    order to reach a fair solution of a problem.           This is
    especially true when it comes to formulating remedies.'
    Id. In the
    case before us the Agreement specifically gives Coca-Cola the
    right to make and enforce rules of conduct and to discharge.              The work
    rules adopted by Coca-Cola are based on this provision in the Agreement.
    Discharge, however, is limited by the clear statement that Coca-Cola "shall
    not discharge any employee . . . without just cause."          Arbitration of the
    issue of discharge under the Agreement of necessity involved the issue of
    just cause.   As the Agreement nowhere defines just cause, the arbitrator
    must interpret and decide the meaning of the Agreement with respect to its
    discharge provisions.     Under the Agreement, the arbitrator was entitled to
    decide that Coca-Cola did not have just cause to discharge Thoreson, and
    to order Coca-Cola to reinstate Thoreson.           Insofar as there was tension
    between the right to enforce work rules specifying discharge, and to
    discharge only for just cause, these were issues to be resolved by the
    Cargill, 66 F.3d at 990
    .        The fact that we, the district
    court,   or   Coca-Cola    may   disagree    with    the   arbitrator's   arguable
    interpretation of the Agreement is of no consequence, because Coca-Cola and
    the Union bargained for the arbitrator's interpretation.           See Enterprise
    Wheel & Car 
    Corp., 363 U.S. at 599
    .         Because the arbitrator has arguably
    construed and applied the Agreement and has acted within the scope of his
    authority, his award drew its essence from the Agreement.
    In support of its argument that discharge was mandated by a violation
    of its work rules, Coca-Cola relies on Truck Drivers &
    Helpers Union Local 784 v. Ulry-Talbert Co., 
    330 F.2d 562
    (8th Cir. 1964),
    and St. Louis Theatrical Co. v. St. Louis Theatrical Brotherhood Local 6,
    715 F.2d 405
    (8th Cir. 1983).       The collective bargaining agreements in
    those cases, however, are substantially different from the one before us.
    In Ulry-Talbert, the company fired an employee for dishonesty in falsifying
    his work 
    records. 330 F.2d at 563
    .     The agreement gave the company the
    right to discharge and discipline employees, but also provided that regular
    employees may be discharged for proper cause.       
    Id. Immediately following
    the "proper cause" provision, the agreement listed conduct, including
    dishonesty, that "shall be grounds for discharge."             
    Id. at 563-64.
    Additionally, the agreement permitted the company to discharge employees
    for dishonesty without the normally required written warning.      
    Id. at 564.
    Further, under the agreement, an arbitrator, in considering discharges,
    "shall only reverse" the decision of the company if he "finds that the
    Company's complaint against the employee is not supported by the facts, and
    that the management has acted arbitrarily and in bad faith or in violation
    of the express terms of this Agreement."      
    Id. Because the
    agreement in
    Ulry-Talbert specifically modified the requirement of proper cause for
    discharge by stating dishonesty "shall be grounds for discharge," and
    limited the arbitrator to deciding whether the company's complaint was
    supported by the facts, Ulry-Talbert gives no support to Coca-Cola.
    Further, this is not a case such as St. Louis Theatrical, where a
    company discharged an employee for an unauthorized work stoppage.           The
    collective bargaining agreement in St. Louis Theatrical stated that any
    employee discharged for participating in an unauthorized work stoppage
    "shall have no recourse to any other provisions of this Agreement except
    as to the fact of 
    participation." 715 F.2d at 407-08
    .      We held that once
    the arbitrator found that the employee participated in the work stoppage
    and was thus subject to discipline, any consideration as to whether the
    discharge was an excessive penalty exceeded his
    Id. at 408-09.
      Again, because the agreement in St. Louis
    Theatrical limited the arbitrator's authority in a way that the agreement
    in this case does not, St. Louis Theatrical gives no support to Coca-Cola.
    Coca-Cola's argument, at the core, is that the work rules trump the
    Agreement.   We reject this argument.
    Accordingly, we reverse the judgment of the district court and order
    enforcement of the arbitrator's award.
    A true copy.