Transit Casualty Co. v. Selective Ins. Co. ( 1997 )

  •                     United States Court of Appeals
    No. 97-1090
    Transit Casualty Company,        *
    Plaintiff/Appellee,         *     Appeal from the United States
    *     District Court for the Western
    v.                          *     District of Missouri
    Selective Insurance Company      *
    of the Southeast,                *
    Defendant/Appellant.        *
    Submitted: June 11, 1997
    Filed: September 5, 1997
    Before WOLLMAN, HENLEY and BEEZER,1 Circuit Judges.
    BEEZER, Circuit Judge:
    Selective   Insurance   Company   appeals   the   district   court’s
    summary judgment holding that Selective may not offset its debt to
    Transit Casualty Company against the sums owed by Transit to
    Selective.   The district court held that the contractual right of
    offset between the parties conflicted with the insolvency clause in
    the contracts and that granting the offset violated Missouri public
    policy.   Accordingly, the court found that Selective owed the full
    The Honorable Robert R. Beezer, United States Circuit Judge
    for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, sitting by designation.
    sum of its obligations to Transit and awarded prejudgment interest.
    We have jurisdiction over this timely appeal pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
    § 1291, and we affirm.
    This case involves two sets of contracts.              The first set
    concerns three retrocession contracts which Transit entered into in
    1983, with Fortress Re as the reinsurance underwriting manager on
    behalf of Selective.2    Pursuant to these three contracts, Transit
    has submitted a number of claims that remain unpaid.              As of the
    date of summary judgment in this case, Fortress, on behalf of
    Selective, owed Transit $183,390.98.
    In the second set of contracts, Transit acted as reinsurer for
    Fortress.    Between    1980    and   1985,   Transit   entered   into   ten
    contracts with Fortress, acting on behalf of its member companies,
    one of whom is Selective.      None of the member companies is named in
    the contracts, however; only Fortress is a signatory.          Under these
    ten contracts, Transit owes the Fortress           companies unpaid claims
    in the amount of $337,974.68.         Selective was a member company for
    the time period covered by six of the contracts.
    Transit went into receivership on December 3, 1985, and
    liquidation proceedings began in Missouri.          Fortress filed claims
    in the Transit receivership proceeding under each of the ten
    reinsurance contracts.    Eight of these ten claims were allowed by
    the receiver, for a total amount of $316,364.35.
    The receiver for Transit subsequently brought this action
    against Selective in Missouri state court seeking recovery of the
    Selective   was   formerly      known   as   Southeastern   Insurance
    sums owed by Selective under the three retrocession contracts.
    Selective removed the action to federal court and pleaded as an
    affirmative defense that it had a right to offset the sums it owed
    to Transit against funds owed by Transit to Selective under the ten
    reinsurance contracts.
    The retrocession contracts, under which Transit brought this
    action against Selective, contain an insolvency provision.
    The reinsurance contracts, under which Selective claims a right of
    offset, contain both an insolvency clause and an offset clause.
    The    district court granted summary judgment in favor of
    Transit, holding that the insolvency clause conflicted with the
    set-off    clause   in   the   reinsurance   contracts,   and   that   upon
    Transit’s insolvency the insolvency clause governed the rights of
    the parties.    The district court further held that the insolvency
    clause did not grant an inter-contract set-off right and that, even
    if it did, such a set-off would be contrary to Missouri’s Insurance
    Code and was void.
    We review the district court’s grant of summary judgment de
    novo.     Kielmele v. Soo Line R.R. Co., 
    93 F.3d 472
    , 474 (8th Cir.
    1996).    In this diversity case, the interpretation of the insuring
    agreement is a matter of state law, General Cas. Ins. Co. v. Holst
    Radiator Co., 
    88 F.3d 670
    , 671 (8th Cir. 1996), and we review de
    novo the district court’s interpretation of state law.                 Salve
    Regina College v. Russell, 
    499 U.S. 225
    , 231 (1991).
    Selective’s appeal presents three issues for resolution: (1)
    whether the allowance of a set-off violates the Missouri Insurance
    Code; (2) whether the parties contracted to allow a set-off; and
    (3) whether Selective is entitled to a set-off in this case.                  We
    answer the first question in the negative and the second in the
    affirmative, but hold that lack of mutuality prevents Selective
    from taking advantage of the contractual right of set-off.
    The first question presented by Selective’s appeal is whether
    the offset of debts in insolvency violates the Missouri Insurance
    Code or otherwise violates Missouri public policy.                  If such a
    prohibition is discovered, any contractual right of offset is
    irrelevant.     Transit contends that the Missouri Insurance Code
    constitutes a comprehensive scheme for the resolution of the failed
    insurer’s assets and that the Code does not condone set-offs.
    Moreover, argues Transit, allowing set-offs would subvert the
    priority of creditors established in the Code.
    Selective, on the other hand, argues that set-offs merely
    establish the bounds of the pre-receivership assets and that the
    Insurance Code governs only the distribution of those assets,
    rather than their definition.        We agree with Selective that nothing
    in the Insurance Code nor in Missouri common law indicates that
    Missouri rejects the right of parties to contract for a right to
    offset debts.
    In 1892 the Supreme Court held that the right to assert set-
    off in insolvency was customary both statutorily and as a matter of
    equity.       Indeed,    the    Court    stated   that    “where   the   mutual
    obligations have grown out of the same transaction, insolvency on
    the one hand justifies the set-off of the debt due upon the other.”
    Scott v. Armstrong, 146 U.S 499, 507 (1892).             The Court went on to
    hold   that   “[w]here    a    set-off   is   otherwise   valid,   it    is   not
    perceived how its allowance can be considered a preference, and it
    is clear that it is only the balance, if any, after the set-off is
    deducted, which can justly be held to form part of the assets of
    the insolvent.”    
    Id. at 510.
    The Supreme Court of Missouri subsequently dealt with the
    question of offset in an insurance insolvency proceeding.                    The
    Court recognized the right to offset debts, but disallowed the
    offset because of the lack of mutuality of obligation.                  Citing
    Scott v. Armstrong, the Missouri Supreme Court stated that the
    “right to assert set-off at law is of statutory creation, but
    courts of equity from a very early day have been accustomed to
    grant relief in that regard independently as well as in aid of
    statutes upon the subject.”      Sturdivant Bank v. Stoddard County, 
    58 S.W.2d 702
    , 703 (1933).      Thus, the broad principle of offset in
    insurance   insolvencies   has     been    accepted   by   Missouri    courts.
    Missouri courts continue to allow offset in contractual disputes.
    See Greenwood v. Bank of Illmo, 
    782 S.W.2d 783
    (1989); Edmonds v.
    457 S.W.2d 228
    The    Missouri   Insurance    Code    establishes    the    priority   of
    creditors in the case of an insurer insolvency.3                 This section,
    along with the remainder of the statute, dictates the order of
    Mo. Rev. Stat. § 375.700 (1997) provides:
    1.Unless reinsurance of a dissolved insurer is effected
    and its assets conveyed to the reinsuring company as
    provided by law, and unless such insurer is being
    rehabilitated under other provisions of sections 375.010
    to 375.1246, the receiver, under the direction of the
    court, shall apply the sums realized from the assets of
    such insurer in hereafter making any partial or final
    distribution, in the following order:
    (1) To payment of all the expenses of closing the
    business and disposing of the assets of such insurer;
    (2) To the payment of all lawful taxes and debts due the
    state and the counties and municipalities of this state;
    (3) To the payment of policy claims;
    (4) To the payment of debts due the United States
    (5) To the payment of the other debts and claims allowed
    against such insurer, and the unearned premiums and the
    surrendered value of its policies, in proportion to their
    respective amounts.
    distribution of the insolvent insurance company’s assets at the
    time the receivership or liquidation order is entered.    If, as is
    contemplated in Scott v. Armstrong, set-off defines the nature of
    the insolvent’s assets, allowing set-off does not subvert the
    priority of creditors established by statute.   Because the Missouri
    courts have accepted the right of parties to offset debts and have
    adopted Scott v. Armstrong, we believe that the Missouri Supreme
    Court would hold that a mutual set-off may constitute a pre-
    receivership asset that does not subvert the priority of creditors
    listed in the Insurance Code.
    We are aware that the allowance of set-offs affects the nature
    of the claims allowed:
    Whereas the allowance of set-offs furthers some public
    policies, it may conflict with other public policies that
    guide the administration of insolvent estates: the prohibition
    of preferences (the preferential treatment of one creditor
    over another), and the guarantee of a pro rata distribution of
    estate assets.      There is no question that in some
    circumstances, the application of set-off principles works to
    the advantage of one particular creditor, or class of
    creditors, and to the disadvantage of others. For nearly two
    thousand years, however, courts and legislatures have resolved
    the tension between these competing public policies in favor
    of set-offs.
    Stephen W. Schwab et al., Onset of an Offset Revolution: The
    Application of Set-Offs in Insurance Insolvencies, 95 Dick.L.Rev.
    449, 454 (1991).   Acknowledging this tension, we hold that parties
    in Missouri may contract to offset mutual debts.
    The allowance of set-off in Missouri insurance insolvencies
    does not contradict the Missouri Insurance Code and it does not
    otherwise violate Missouri public policy.   There is no indication
    in Missouri case law that the right to set-off has been rejected.
    Moreover, to allow set-off aligns Missouri with almost all other
    states.   See 
    id. at App.
    A.   Indeed, since Transit’s insolvency,
    Missouri has enacted a set-off provision, an indication that set-
    offs likely did not violate public policy prior to the enactment.
    Mo. Rev. Stat. § 375.1198 (1997).
    Given that parties in Missouri are free to contract for a
    right of set-off, we next consider whether the parties did, in
    fact, bargain for a right of offset.   We hold that the contracts at
    issue here allow for the set-off of mutual obligations.
    The retrocession contracts, under which Transit brought this
    suit, do not contain a set-off clause.     But the ten reinsurance
    contracts, under which Transit owes money to Fortress Re, do:
    The parties may offset any balances (whether on account of
    premium, commission, claims, losses, loss adjustment expenses,
    salvage or other) due from one party to the other under this
    Contract or under any other Contract heretofore or hereafter
    entered into by the parties.
    The district court found that the offset clause conflicted with the
    following insolvency clause:
    In the event of the insolvency of [Transit] it is understood
    and agreed that [the Fortress companies’] claim against
    [Transit] in the insolvency proceeding shall consist of all
    amounts owing to [the Fortress companies] from [Transit] on
    the date of the entry of a receivership or liquidation order,
    . . . including but not limited to, liquidated and
    unliquidated claims and claims undetermined in amount on said
    date, all such claims being deemed hereby to be in existence
    as of such date less those amounts owing from the [Fortress
    companies] to [Transit] on the date of the entry of the
    aforesaid receivership or liquidation order.
    We disagree with the district court that the clauses cannot operate
    simultaneously.   In interpreting a contract under Missouri law, we
    attempt to harmonize the various provisions of a contract, and we
    read them to avoid a conflict.           Phillips v. Authorized Investors
    625 S.W.2d 917
    , 921 (Mo. App. 1981).            If the terms of the
    contract are clear, we apply those provisions as written.               We find
    that the contract here is clear and that there is no necessary
    conflict between the two clauses.
    The    insolvency      clause    stipulates   that,    in   the   event   of
    Transit’s insolvency, the Fortress companies’ claims would be
    deemed to be in existence as of the date of insolvency and that the
    amount owed by the Fortress companies to Transit would be deducted
    from the claimed amount.             This appears to be a set-off clause
    within the insolvency clause.           Transit maintains that it covers
    only debts under the reinsurance contracts and does not apply to
    obligations under other contracts, as the set-off clause does.
    We are unconvinced by Transit’s argument.             The two clauses may
    be read harmoniously, and there is no reason not to do so in this
    case.     The insolvency clause does not clearly limit its offset
    provision to sums owed under the reinsurance contract; the offset
    clause clearly does apply to sums owed under other contracts
    between    the   parties.      Accordingly,    the   reinsurance       contracts
    provide for an inter-contract right of set-off.              We see no reason
    why the insolvency clause and the set-off clause cannot operate
    simultaneously.    Together, these two clauses manifest an intent by
    the parties to allow set-off of mutual obligations.
    We next consider whether Selective may set-off its debt to
    Transit.    In order for a set-off to be applied, the parties must be
    “mutually indebted.”     Sturdivant 
    Bank, 58 S.W.2d at 704
    .            “It is a
    rule of practically universal application that to warrant a set-off
    at law the demands must be mutual and subsisting between the same
    parties, due in the same capacity or right, and there must be
    mutuality as to the quality of right.”        
    Id. at 703-04.
      In other
    words, “the mutuality of capacity requirement means that in order
    for debts to be set off in an insurance insolvency, the parties
    between whom the set-off is to be made must stand in the same
    relationship or capacity to each other.”      Schwab, 95 Dick. L. Rev.
    at 478.
    It   is   upon   the   mutuality   requirement   that   Selective’s
    arguments fail.   Transit and Selective are not mutually indebted.
    Selective is a named party to the retrocession contracts, but only
    Fortress and Transit are parties to the reinsurance contracts under
    which Selective claims a set-off.       Selective may well be obligated
    under the reinsurance contracts by virtue of an agreement with
    Fortress, but Selective does not act in the same capacity under
    both the reinsurance and the retrocession contracts.         Transit may
    sue Selective under the retrocession contracts, but it does not
    appear that Selective could bring a cause of action against Transit
    under the reinsurance contracts.    See Sturdivant 
    Bank, 58 S.W.2d at 704
    (“If defendant’s demand is due and payable while plaintiff’s is
    not . . . it seems clear that the parties are not mutually
    indebted.”); see also 
    Greenwood, 782 S.W.2d at 786
    , quoting Dalton
    v. Sturdivant Bank, 
    76 S.W.2d 425
    , 426 (1934) (“It is a general
    rule of practically universal application at law that, to warrant
    a set-off, the demands must be mutual and subsisting between the
    same parties and must be due in the same capacity of right.       Equity
    usually follows the law, and it is held as a general rule that in
    equity as at law the right of set-off is reciprocal, and only
    mutual claims and such as are in the same capacity or right can be
    set off.”)
    The facts presented here are virtually identical to those in
    a California case in which the Supreme Court of California denied
    a set-off because the debts between the reinsurers were not mutual.
    Prudential Reinsurance Co. v. Superior Court, 
    3 Cal. 4th 1118
    , 1137
    (1992) (“Prudential II”).            In Prudential II, Prudential Reinsurance
    Company acted as reinsurer for Mission Insurance Company under one
    set of contracts, and Mission acted as reinsurer for Prudential and
    its subsidiary, Gibraltar, under another.                The court held that the
    debts were not mutual under the two sets of contracts because
    “Prudential Reinsurance did not demonstrate below that both it and
    its       subsidiary,   Gibraltar,      contracted    as    both    reinsurers     and
    reinsureds with the Mission companies.”              Prudential Reinsurance Co.
    v. Superior Court, 
    265 Cal. Rptr. 386
    , 396-97 (1990) (“Prudential
    I”) (explicitly affirmed on appeal by Prudential II, 
    3 Cal. 4th 1118
    ).      The California court declined to adopt an expansion of the
    set-off doctrine that would permit set-off “in the absence of an
    express mutual agreement that the subsidiary would be deemed a
    mutual debtor-creditor of the parent.”               Prudential 
    II, 3 Cal. 4th at 1137
    Although Prudential I and Prudential II were decided pursuant
    to    a    set-off   statute,    we    believe    that     the   logic   applies    to
    Selective’s set-off claim.              There is no evidence in the record
    indicating that Selective and Fortress agreed to be mutual debtor-
    creditors.       With respect to the retrocession contracts, Selective
    is a principal party; the same is not true of the reinsurance
    contracts.       Thus, as in Prudential I and II, Selective did not
    prove that it had contracted both as reinsurer and reinsured with
    Transit.         Mutuality      is    therefore    lacking,        and   Selective’s
    affirmative defense of set-off fails.
    Selective finally contends that the district court erred in
    awarding prejudgment interest from 90 days after each demand
    Transit made for payment of claims under the retrocession
    contracts.        Selective argues that the debts were not liquidated
    until February 17, 1995, the date the parties stipulated to the
    amount of insurance proceeds at issue.       The district court found
    that Transit had made demands for proceeds from claims due every
    year since 1986 and awarded prejudgment interest from 90 days after
    each demand.       Whether the district court had authority to grant
    prejudgment interest is a question of state law which we review de
    novo.    Latham Seed Co. V. Nickerson American Plant Breeders, Inc.,
    978 F.2d 1493
    , 1501-02 (8th Cir. 1992).
    The Missouri Code provides: “Creditors shall be allowed to
    receive interest at the rate of nine percent per annum, when no
    other rate is agreed upon, for all moneys after they become due and
    demand of payment is made.” Mo. Rev. Stat. § 408.020 (1997)        In
    Missouri, prejudgment interest will be awarded only on liquidated
    claims, and a claim is liquidated when it is “fixed and determined
    or readily ascertainable by computation or recognized standard.”
    Schnucks v. Carrollton Corp. v. Bridgeton Health and Fitness, Inc.,
    884 S.W.2d 733
    , 740 (1994).      Under this standard, Transit’s claims
    under the     contracts were ascertainable at the date of the demand.
    Transit is entitled to prejudgment interest in accordance with the
    district court’s order of November 13, 1996.
    A True Copy: