Eddie O. Buckley v. Paul Loeffelholz ( 1998 )

  •             United States Court of Appeals
    No. 96-3108
    Eddie O. Buckley, Jr.,                  *
    Plaintiff-Appellee,         *
    v.                                *
    *     Appeal   from   the   United
    Russell Rogerson, Warden IMCC;              *     District Court for the
    *     Southern District of Iowa
    Defendant.                      *
    Paul W. Loeffelholz, M.D.,           *
    Defendant-Appellant.     *
    Submitted: April 14, 1997
    Filed: January 21, 1998
    Before McMILLIAN, Circuit Judge, HENLEY,1 Senior Circuit Judge, and BEAM,
    Circuit Judge.
    McMILLIAN, Circuit Judge.
    Eddie O. Buckley, Jr., a prisoner of the Iowa Department of
    Corrections, brought this 42 U.S.C. § 1983 suit against Paul Loeffelholz,
    M.D., and others, complaining of
    Judge Henley died on October 18, 1997. This opinion is consistent with his
    vote at the panel's conference following oral argument on April 14, 1997.
    his confinement in the Iowa Medical and Classification Center (IMCC)
    psychiatric hospital for two months in late 1987 and early 1988. Buckley
    contended in the district court that the repeated use of segregation and
    restraints without medical approval during his confinement in the mental
    hospital violated his Eighth Amendment right to be free from cruel and
    unusual punishment and his Fourteenth Amendment right to due process of
    law.   The claims against the other defendants were dismissed and only
    Loeffelholz remains a defendant in the suit.
    Loeffelholz is the medical director for the Iowa Department of
    Corrections and also a psychiatrist and clinical director at IMCC. He
    moved for summary judgment on the theory that any actions he took with
    respect to Buckley's treatment were protected by qualified immunity. The
    district court2 denied the motion for summary judgment.       This appeal
    followed. For reversal, Loeffelholz argues that the district court erred
    in denying his motion for summary judgment on the ground of qualified
    immunity. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1291.3 For the
    reasons stated herein, we affirm the order of the district court.
    The Honorable Donald E. O'Brien, United States District Judge for the Southern
    District of Iowa.
    Under the requirement that appeals may be taken only from a final judgment of
    the district court, denial of a motion for summary judgment is ordinarily an
    unappealable interlocutory order. 28 U.S.C. §1291. The Supreme Court has
    recognized an exception, however, to the final order doctrine in cases where summary
    judgment in a Section 1983 action is denied on the basis that the defendant lacks
    qualified immunity. Johnson v. Jones, 
    515 U.S. 304
    , 311-12 (1995). In such cases, we
    have jurisdiction under Section 1291 to review the district court's summary judgment
    order to the extent that the decision rested on a matter of law. Behrens v. Pelletier, 
    116 S. Ct. 834
    , 842 (1996). Here, defendant Loeffelholz contends that the district court
    erred as a matter of law in concluding that any actions he took with respect to the
    treatment of Buckley violated any Constitutional right of Buckley which was "clearly
    established" at the time in question.
    We review a grant of summary judgment de novo, Merritt v. Reed, 
    120 F.3d 124
    , 125 (8th Cir.1997), and under the same standard which governed the
    district court's decision. Hall v. Lombardi, 
    996 F.2d 954
    , 957 (8th Cir.
    1993) (Hall), cert. denied, 
    510 U.S. 1047
    (1994). The question is whether
    the record shows that there is no genuine issue of material fact and that
    the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. Fed. R. Civ.
    P. 56(c); Conrod v. Davis, 
    120 F.3d 92
    , 95 (8th Cir.1997). We view the
    evidence in the light most favorable to the non-moving party and give the
    non-moving party all reasonable inferences from the evidence. 
    Hall, 996 F.2d at 957
    . Where a qualified immunity defense is asserted, the party
    raising that defense has the burden of proving it. 
    Id. BACKGROUND Buckley
    entered the Iowa Department of Corrections in March 1985 on
    a twenty-five year sentence for robbery, assault, and theft. During his
    incarceration, a state court determined that Buckley was seriously mentally
    ill and ordered his civil commitment in the prison mental hospital for
    diagnosis and treatment.
    Buckley was confined at the IMCC psychiatric hospital at Oakdale from
    November 6, 1987 until January 14, 1988. While there, he was diagnosed and
    treated for chronic schizophrenia or schizophrenia-like psychosis.
    At the time Buckley was at the Oakdale facility, Loeffelholz was the
    hospital director and was responsible for the policies and operating
    procedures of the institution. Among the polices for which Loeffelholz was
    responsible were policies under which the hospital staff developed treatment
    plans for patients. Several treatment plans designed to address several
    different problems and symptoms were developed for
    Buckley originally filed his complaint in 1988. The case was tried
    to a jury in August 1993 but resulted in a mistrial. A second jury trial
    was held in November 1993 which resulted in a verdict favorable to the
    defendants. After the second trial, the district court granted Buckley's
    motion for a new trial and also granted Loeffelholz's motion to file a
    dispositive motion. Loeffelholz then filed a motion for summary judgment
    based on qualified immunity, which the district court denied.
    In the district court, Buckley's principal contention against
    Loeffelholz5 was that the hospital's policies and procedures allowed
    correctional officers -- rather than trained medical personnel -- to develop
    and implement     the treatment plans. Buckley also contended that the
    treatment plans which were developed lacked sufficient specificity to guide
    the staff in administering the treatment. Buckley argued that Loeffelholz's
    conduct constituted deliberate indifference to a serious medical need and
    violated his Eighth and Fourteenth Amendment rights.
    On these contentions, the district court made the following findings
    of fact based in part on the evidence which was introduced in the previous
    While Buckley resided in Oakdale, defendant Dr. Paul Loeffelholz
    was responsible for developing the policies and operating
    procedures of the
    Treatment plan one involved schizophrenia-like psychosis. Treatment plan two
    concerned the refusal to comply. Treatment plan three related to poor sleeping habits.
    Treatment plan four addressed poor money management. Treatment plan five involved
    failure to follow smoking policies. Treatment plan six related to failure to meet
    The Iowa Medical and Classification Center, warden Russell Rogerson, and
    several other individuals were also named as defendants but were later dismissed from
    the case.
    institution. These policies allowed the Oakdale staff to develop "treatment
    plans" designed to address Buckley's mental illness. At trial, Buckley
    introduced evidence that, rather tha[n] assign its staff doctors to his
    case, the prison entrusted the responsibility of implementing and
    administering many of Buckley's treatment plans to correctional officers who
    had no medical training. Dr. Fredrickson, one of Oakdale's medical doctors,
    testified that correctional officers were allowed to initiate treatment of
    Buckley without Dr. Fredrickson's approval.
    Part of the "treatment" in these treatment plans involved
    stripping Buckley of his clothes and placing him in a Spartan
    "quiet" or "segregation" cell. Other parts of the "treatment"
    involved placing Buckley in restraints so that h[e] could hardly
    move. There was testimony at the full trial that segregation
    and restraints the correctional officers ordered for Buckley
    were more akin to punishment than treatment.        The evidence
    further showed that Buckley was forced into the "quiet" room on
    seventeen occasion[s] without human necessities such as clothes,
    a blanket, a bed, and a mattress.      Buckley testified it was
    "very cold" in the quiet room, that he could not hear outside
    noises when he was in the quiet room, and that a doctor never
    checked on him while he was in the quiet room. The evidence
    also showed that the decision to send Buckley to the quiet room
    was made by non-medical staff.      Dr. Loeffelholz, ostensibly
    responsible for Buckley's treatment, checked on Buckley once
    every ninety days.
    Dr. Herbert Notch, a licensed clinical psychologist with
    solid credentials and experience, testified that he examined
    Buckley's medical records which showed Buckley has a major
    personality disorder, with an antisocial personality, possible
    paranoid behavior, and some schizoid tendencies.       Dr. Notch
    further testified that, while an average inmate might be
    isolated in a quiet room and not suffer any harm, a person with
    Buckley's illness would tend to suffer exacerbation of his
    already serious symptoms. Dr. Notch further testified that he
    could conceive of no legitimate medical reason why an inmate
    with Buckley's mental illness would be deprived of a mattress.
    Dr. Notch also indicated that, at times, the "treatment" that
    Buckley received more closely resembled punishment than anything
    else. Dr. Notch testified that, unlike some patients, mental
    health patients should not be punished as part of their treatment.
    Dr. Notch also testified that the treatment Buckley
    received was contrary to accepted treatment of mental health
    patients. Dr. Notch's greatest objection to Buckley's treatment
    plan was that it did not adequately describe how to help Buckley
    improve his behavior. For example, one treatment plan stated
    that Buckley had "poor money management skills," but it
    contained little or no description of the procedures that
    penitentiary staff needed to use with Buckley to help him manage
    his money prudently. Similarly, another of Buckley's treatment
    plans stated that Buckley need[ed] to improve his sleeping
    habits, but was woefully short on specifics needed to guide the
    people who were assigned to help Buckley.
    Finally, Dr. Notch testified that the "violations" Buckley
    was supposed to have committed, such as sleeping in the daytime
    and failure to follow the smoking policy, were more like
    violations of routine hospital procedures than they were serious
    psychiatric deficiencies that needed treatment.
    Buckley v. Loeffelholz, No. 88-CV-51691, slip op. at 2-4 (S.D. Iowa July 8,
    1996). Based on these facts the district court concluded that in November
    1987 Buckley had a clearly established right not to be placed in segregation
    without medical staff approval and that Dr. Loeffelholz knew or should have
    known that the correctional staff was violating that right acting under the
    policies and procedures he developed. 
    Id. at 13-16.
    Under the doctrine of qualified immunity, a government official is
    immune from suit unless the conduct complained of violated "clearly
    established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person
    would have known." Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 
    457 U.S. 800
    , 818 (1982) (Harlow).
    For a right to be deemed clearly established, the "contours of the right
    must be sufficiently clear that a reasonable official would understand that
    what he is doing violates that right." Anderson v.
    483 U.S. 635
    , 640 (1987). The official is not required to guess
    the direction of future legal decisions, Mitchell v. Forsyth, 
    472 U.S. 511
    535 (1985), but may rely on preexisting case law for guidance. Coffman v.
    884 F.2d 1057
    , 1063 (8th Cir. 1989), cert. denied, 
    494 U.S. 1056
    (1990). Whether an individual will be held liable for his official actions
    depends upon the "objective legal reasonableness" of those actions. 
    Harlow, 457 U.S. at 819
    . "Where an official could be expected to know that certain
    conduct would violate statutory or constitutional rights, he should be made
    to hesitate . . . ." 
    Id. We have
    recently explained that under Harlow a defendant's assertion
    of a qualified immunity defense requires us to address three issues:
    (1) whether the plaintiffs have asserted a violation of a
    constitutional or statutory right; (2) if so, whether that right
    was clearly established at the time of the violation; and (3)
    whether, given the facts most favorable to the plaintiffs, there
    are no genuine issues of material fact as to whether a
    reasonable official would have known that the alleged action
    violated that right.
    Burnham v. Ianni, 
    119 F.3d 668
    , 673-74 (8th Cir. 1997) (en banc) (Burnham).
    Constitutional Right
    The Eighth Amendment proscription against cruel and unusual punishment
    has been held to bar deliberate indifference to serious medical needs,
    Estelle v. Gamble, 
    429 U.S. 97
    , 105 (1976), where the defendant knew of and
    disregarded such needs, Farmer v. Brennan, 
    511 U.S. 825
    , 837 (1994). In
    addition, the Supreme Court has held that the freedom from bodily restraint
    is at the core of the liberty interest protected by the due process clause.
    Youngberg v. Romeo, 
    457 U.S. 307
    , 316 (1982). Thus, even a prisoner has a
    constitutionally protected interest in "conditions of reasonable care and
    safety [and] reasonably nonrestrictive confinement conditions . . . .
    [which] comport
    fully with the purpose of . . . [the] commitment."   
    Id. at 324.
    The district court concluded that Buckley had asserted a violation of
    Eighth and Fourteenth Amendment rights not to be placed in restraints or
    segregation absent a doctor's approval.
    Buckley alleges [Loeffelholz] has violated his clearly-
    established right not to be placed in segregation without
    specific approval from a medical doctor. By this, Buckley means
    that it is not enough for a doctor [to] issue a blanket order
    allowing segregation for rules violations, because such an order
    would not constitute the medical judgment required to avoid the
    requirements of the Due Process Clause or the Eighth Amendment.
    Buckley argues a doctor's approval is required each time an
    inmate is placed in segregation.
    Slip op. at 7 (footnote omitted). We agree with the district court that
    Buckley's allegations are sufficient to state a violation of a
    constitutional right.
    Was the right "clearly established"?
    Loeffelholz focuses his argument on the second issue, contending that
    -- even assuming there is a constitutional right to specific medical
    approval of segregation and restraint for prison mental patients -- no such
    right was clearly established in the law at the time in question.
    Loeffelholz bears the burden of proving that this right was not clearly
    Burnham, 119 F.3d at 674
    As we have noted in previous cases, this court has taken a "broad
    view" of what constitutes clearly established law for purposes of qualified
    Id. at 677.
    In order to determine whether a right is clearly
    established, it is not necessary that the Supreme Court has
    directly addressed the issue, nor does the precise action or
    omission in question need to have been held
    unlawful. In the absence of binding precedent, a court should look to all
    available decisional law, including decisions of state courts, other
    circuits and district courts.
    Norfleet v. Arkansas Dep’t of Human Services, 
    989 F.2d 289
    , 291 (8th Cir.
    1993) (internal citations omitted); cf. Anderson v. Romero, 
    72 F.3d 518
    , 525
    (7th Cir. 1995) (noting district court decisions are evidence of the state
    of the law, but by themselves cannot clearly establish the law). We must
    look, then, at the state of the decisional law at the time in question to
    determine whether a reasonable person in Loeffelholz’s position could have
    known that his conduct would violate Buckley's Eighth or Fourteenth
    Amendment rights.
    In concluding that the law at the time of Buckley's confinement in
    late 1987 and early 1988 clearly precluded his segregation or restraint
    without medical approval, the district court relied heavily on Burks v.
    492 F. Supp. 650
    (W.D. Mo. 1980) (Burks). Burks was a class
    action challenging various aspects of medical treatment received by
    prisoners in the Missouri state prison hospital. Among their claims, the
    plaintiffs specifically challenged the use of seclusion and restraint for
    mental patients without authorization by a physician. The district court
    held that the use of seclusion or restraints by custody personnel on a non-
    emergency basis violated due process: "Insofar as the use of seclusion
    and/or restraints for mentally disturbed inmates can only be used for
    medical purposes without running afoul of due process guarantees, this Court
    holds that custody personnel are unqualified to make such determinations on
    a non-emergency basis." 
    Id. at 679.
    As the district court correctly noted,
    this holding is directly on point and demonstrates that at least by May 1980
    there was solid authority within this circuit proscribing the very conduct
    challenged by Buckley.6
    A year earlier another district court case from Missouri had addressed the
    procedures necessary to protect mental patients when seclusion or physical restraint
    was used. The court there concluded that the state hospital had violated mental
    patients' due process rights by not implementing its own regulations. Those regulations
    required seclusion or restraint orders to be signed by a doctor except in an emergency
    and for a doctor to be notified when seclusion or restraint was imposed on an
    emergency basis so that the doctor could determine quickly whether the seclusion or
    restraint should be continued. Eckerhart v. Hensley, 
    475 F. Supp. 908
    , 926 (W.D. Mo.
    1979), vacated on other grounds, 
    716 F.2d 909
    (8th Cir. 1983) (table).
    The district court also pointed to Negron v. Preiser, 
    382 F. Supp. 535
    (S.D.N.Y. 1974) (Negron), as even earlier authority for the constitutional
    limits on the use of seclusion and restraint for prisoners being treated
    for mental illness. After recognizing due process limits on the use of
    seclusion and restraint, the court in Negron concluded that the first step
    in protecting patient rights was the keeping of detailed records:
    The Court will require extensive records to be kept of
    every instance in which an isolation cell is used. The purpose
    of such records will be to ensure and document that the decision
    to use the isolation cell is based on explicit criteria, is
    reviewed at the requisite brief intervals, and is, where
    possible, supplemented by other forms of treatment. . . .
    Specifically, the Court requires a daily record, with a detailed
    statement of the examining physician's clinical observations of
    the patient, including the patient's physical condition,
    apparel, overt behavior, and mental status, a statement of the
    physician's reasons for initiating or continuing the seclusion
    procedure, and a statement of his treatment plan.
    Id. at 543.
       Although the court in Negron did not specifically require
    approval by a physician in advance of the use of seclusion or restraint, the
    required record keeping provision essentially mandated a physician's
    involvement soon thereafter and required a trained medical professional to
    decide whether to continue the seclusion in each instance.
    Similarly, in United States v. Michigan, 
    680 F. Supp. 928
    (W.D. Mich.
    1987), the court recognized constitutional limitations on the treatment of
    mentally ill prisoners and required state prison officials to follow strict
    procedures for the use of seclusion or restraint. These detailed procedures
    included examination of the inmate by a
    physician or qualified mental health professional within one hour after the
    patient was placed in seclusion or restraint, the use of seclusion for no
    longer than six hours without another physician seclusion order, and the use
    of restraints for no longer than two hours unless a physician again signed
    a restraint order.     Again, we agree with the district court that the
    decisions in Negron and Michigan provide strong support for Buckley's claim
    that clearly established law in late 1987 required that segregation and
    restraint decisions should be made by qualified medical professionals.
    Loeffelholz relies on two cases for the proposition that no such right
    was clearly established at the time in question. First, Loeffelholz cites
    Rogers v. Evans, 
    792 F.2d 1052
    (11th Cir. 1986) (Rogers). In Rogers, the
    plaintiffs brought suit alleging inadequate treatment and care after the
    apparent suicide of their daughter in a segregation cell. The Eleventh
    Circuit agreed with the district court that there was insufficient evidence
    of a failure of medical care or of deliberate indifference to serious
    medical needs to state a claim against prison supervisory personnel and
    dismissed the complaint as to those defendants. 
    Id. at 1058.
    The court
    refused to dismiss as to the consulting psychiatrist, however, concluding
    that sufficient facts were alleged to allow that claim to go to trial. 
    Id. at 1060.
    Rogers tends to support Buckley's contention that a mental patient's
    right to have his treatment determined by a doctor was clearly established.
    The court in Rogers explicitly stated that "systemic deficiencies can
    provide the basis for a finding of deliberate indifference." 
    Id. at 1058.
     The court in Rogers concluded that the plaintiffs had not come forward with
    enough evidence to show deliberate indifference by some supervisory
    personnel but had presented a triable issue as to the liability of the
    consulting psychiatrist.    Here, Buckley has come forward with substantial
    evidence of repeated instances where non-medical personnel made decisions
    to place him in an isolation cell or restraints and where no approval from
    a qualified physician or mental health professional was obtained either
    before or shortly after that decision.       We believe this more closely
    corresponds to the evidence presented against the consulting
    psychiatrist in Rogers, and thus the district court was correct to refuse
    summary judgment in the present case.
    Similarly, Konigsberg v. Ciccone, 
    285 F. Supp. 585
    (W.D. Mo. 1968),
    417 F.2d 161
    (8th Cir. 1969), cert. denied, 
    397 U.S. 963
    (1970), also
    cited by Loeffelholz, does not support his contentions. In that habeas
    corpus case the prisoner alleged various constitutional deficiencies in his
    treatment at a federal prison medical center.        Among the claims, the
    prisoner alleged that he had been held for several hours without clothes in
    a strip cell. However, the facts in that case showed that efforts were made
    immediately to notify his physician. The physician happened to be away from
    the facility for lunch but returned to examine the prisoner within several
    hours of his confinement in the strip cell. In finding that there was no
    Eighth Amendment violation on these facts, the court emphasized that this
    was a single isolated incident, that the delay in a physician examining the
    prisoner was due merely to happenstance, and that the incident was unlikely
    to reoccur given the facility's strict policy requiring approval by a
    medical official of use of the strip cell. On the other hand, Buckley here
    contends that during his stay in the hospital he was routinely placed in
    restraints or stripped and put in the segregation cell and the district
    court found that this was done without the close supervision of a trained
    medical staff member.
    We believe that the district court correctly concluded that case law
    clearly established at the time in question that the decision to use
    segregation or restraints had to be made under close medical supervision.
    Would a reasonable official have been aware that the alleged action violated
    the right?
    In Harlow, the Supreme Court stated that if "the law was clearly
    established, the immunity defense ordinarily should fail, since a reasonably
    competent public official should know the law governing his 
    conduct." 457 U.S. at 818-19
    . The Court went on
    to say, however, that the official might still be entitled to immunity if
    he could prove that he neither knew, nor should have known, of the legal
    Id. at 819.
    Thus, the third prong of our inquiry focuses on
    whether there are any unusual facts which show that this particular official
    should not be held liable even for a violation of clearly established law.
    Burnham, 119 F.3d at 673-74
    In the district court and in his brief on appeal, Loeffelholz focused
    on the first two prongs of the Burnham test: that no constitutional right
    existed and that even if it did it was not clearly established in late 1987.
    Loeffelholz did not address and presented no evidence on the third prong of
    the Burnham test which asks whether a reasonable official would have been
    aware that his alleged conduct violated the constitutional right. For this
    reason, the record reveals no special circumstances which should relieve
    Loeffelholz of responsibility for following clearly established law.
    In sum, we agree with the district court that Loeffelholz was not
    entitled to summary judgment based on qualified immunity on Buckley’s due
    process and Eighth Amendment claims.
    For the reasons stated herein, the order of the district court is
    A true copy.