Phyllis Rose-Maston v. NME Hospitals ( 1998 )

  •                          United States Court of Appeals
    No. 97-2088
    Phyllis Rose-Maston,                   *
    Appellant,                 *
    *      Appeal from the United States
    v.                               *      District Court for the
    *      Eastern District of Missouri.
    NME Hospitals, Inc., doing business    *
    as Lutheran Medical Center,         *
    Appellee.                *
    Submitted:     December 12, 1997
    Filed:     January 15, 1998
    Before BOWMAN, WOLLMAN, and LOKEN, Circuit Judges.
    WOLLMAN, Circuit Judge.
    Phyllis Rose-Maston (Rose-Maston) appeals from the district court’s1
    entry of    summary judgment in favor of her former employer, Lutheran
    Medical Center (LMC), in her Title VII employment discrimination suit.
    Because Rose-Maston failed to present evidence showing that LMC’s
    legitimate, nondiscriminatory reasons for her termination were a pretext
    for unlawful discrimination, we affirm.
    The Honorable Stephen N. Limbaugh, United States District Judge for the
    Eastern District of Missouri.
    Rose-Maston, an African-American female, began working for LMC in
    October of 1984 as Utilization Review Coordinator. She was promoted in 1991
    to the position of Utilization Review Manager. In March of 1992, Glenn
    Kraft (Kraft), a white male, was hired as LMC’s Chief Financial Officer
    (CFO).    As CFO, Kraft directly supervised the performance of seven
    departmental managers, including Rose-Maston.2
    Shortly after Kraft was hired, he and Rose-Maston began experiencing
    difficulties in their working relationship.    Rose-Maston was apparently
    displeased with Kraft’s approach, which called for managers under his
    control to function with minimal guidance and supervision. She felt that
    this “hands off” approach failed to adequately apprise her of what was
    expected of her. Kraft, on the other hand, expressed concern about Rose
    Maston’s job performance, believing that she was unable to function
    competently without constant feedback and supervision.    In addition, he
    believed that she lacked an understanding of the purposes and functions of
    utilization review, and     he found her reports to be inadequate and
    confusing. Kraft was also concerned about Rose-Maston’s somewhat erratic
    In November of 1992, LMC decided to combine its Utilization Review and
    Social Services departments into a single department.       LMC anticipated
    creating a new Case Management Director (CMD) position to head up the newly
    created department. Kraft interviewed Rose-Maston and two other individuals
    for the CMD position. Because LMC’s plans to merge the Utilization Review
    and Social Services departments were not entirely formulated, and because
    the CMD position was still largely
    In addition to Rose-Maston, two of the other six managers under Kraft’s direct
    supervision were African-American females. Neither of these individuals experienced
    any negative employment actions.
    undefined, LMC decided not to hire anyone immediately and tabled the
    proposed position indefinitely.
    Following Rose-Maston’s interview for the CMD position, her
    professional relationship with Kraft continued to deteriorate. Although
    Rose-Maston’s previous supervisors had generally given her satisfactory
    performance evaluations, Kraft’s 1992 evaluation of her performance
    indicated that Kraft was extremely dissatisfied with her sporadic attendance
    and professional competence. Rose-Maston was absent from work on numerous
    occasions and was often inexplicably unavailable during ordinary working
    hours. Kraft’s concern about these repeated occurrences led him to begin
    carefully monitoring her absences. Between August of 1992 and April of
    1993, Rose-Maston was absent from work for all or part of the day on
    seventeen separate occasions.
    In January of 1993, Kraft provided Rose-Maston with an action plan
    outlining specific tasks for her to complete and setting deadlines for the
    completion of each task.        This action plan proved to be largely
    unsuccessful. Rose-Maston felt that the plan failed to provide her with
    reasonable guidance, and consequently she failed to complete certain tasks
    in a timely manner.     In April, Kraft informed Rose-Maston that he was
    unsatisfied with her performance of the tasks identified in the action plan.
    Kraft and LMC Human Resources Director Jan Kosmal met with Rose-Maston at
    this time to express their concerns and to inform her that they would
    carefully monitor her work during the following thirty days and that her
    employment status would be reevaluated at the end of that time.
    On June 7, 1993, Kraft terminated Rose-Maston’s employment, citing
    poor work performance and unacceptable attendance. Shortly thereafter, LMC
    implemented its
    plan to combine the Utilization Review and Social Services departments and
    hired a white male to serve as the director of the newly created Case
    Management department.3
    Following her dismissal, Rose-Maston filed this Title VII action,
    alleging that LMC unlawfully discriminated against her on the basis of race
    when it discharged her and when it failed to promote her to the CMD
    We review a grant of summary judgment de novo, applying the same
    standard as the district court. See Rabushka ex rel. United States v. Crane
    122 F.3d 559
    , 562 (8th Cir. 1997). We will affirm if the evidence,
    viewed in the light most favorable to the nonmoving party, shows that no
    genuine issue of material fact exists and that the moving party is entitled
    to judgment as a matter of law. See Herrero v. St. Louis University Hosp.,
    109 F.3d 481
    , 483 (8th Cir. 1997); Fed.R.Civ.P. 56(c). Although a party
    moving for summary judgment has the burden of demonstrating the absence of
    any genuine issue of material fact, a nonmoving party may not rest upon mere
    denials or allegations, but must instead set forth specific facts sufficient
    to raise a genuine issue for trial. See Thomas v. Runyon, 
    108 F.3d 957
    , 959
    (8th Cir. 1997); Ruby v. Springfield R-12 Public School Dist., 
    76 F.3d 909
    911 (8th Cir. 1996).
    Rose-Maston’s claims of race discrimination are analyzed under the
    burden-shifting framework set forth in McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, 
    411 U.S. 792
    , 802-03 (1973). Under this framework, a Title VII plaintiff has
    the initial burden of establishing a prima facie case of race
    discrimination. See Hill v. St. Louis University, 
    123 F.3d 1114
    , 1119 (8th
    Cir. 1997). If she is successful in establishing a prima facie
    LMC contends, and Rose-Maston does not dispute, that the duties and
    responsibilities of this position had changed considerably since the time of Rose-
    Maston’s November interview.
    case, a rebuttable presumption of discrimination arises.      See 
    id. The burden
    then shifts to the defendant, who must articulate a legitimate,
    nondiscriminatory reason for the adverse employment action. See 
    id. Once the
    employer articulates such a reason, the presumption of discrimination
    disappears entirely and the plaintiff bears the burden of proving that the
    employer’s proffered reason is merely a pretext for discriminatory animus.
    id. At all
    times, the plaintiff retains the ultimate burden of proving
    that she was illegally discriminated against on the basis of her race. See
    Ruby, 76 F.3d at 912
    To present a prima facie case of discriminatory discharge, Rose Maston
    was required to show “that [she] was a member of a protected class, that
    [she] was qualified for the position, and that despite [her] qualification
    [she] was displaced from the position.” 
    Ruby, 76 F.3d at 911
    . As LMC
    apparently concedes, Rose-Matson has met these requirements, thus creating
    a rebuttable presumption of discrimination. See 
    Hill, 123 F.3d at 1119
    LMC rebutted the presumption, however, by articulating legitimate,
    nondiscriminatory reasons for Rose-Maston’s discharge; namely, her irregular
    attendance and her poor job performance.
    Because LMC has produced nondiscriminatory reasons for its actions, the presumption of discrimination
    created by Rose-Maston’s prima facie case disappeared. See Ryther v. KARE 11, 
    108 F.3d 832
    , 837 (8th Cir.),
    cert. denied, 
    117 S. Ct. 2510
    (1997). Nonetheless, the elements which form Rose-Maston’s prima facie case were
    not rendered irrelevant by the LMC’s production of a nondiscriminatory explanation. 
    Id. As we
    explained in
    [t]he elements of the prima facie case remain . . . and if they are accompanied by evidence of
    pretext and disbelief of the defendant’s proffered explanation, they may permit the jury to find
    for the plaintiff.
    This is not to say that, for the plaintiff to succeed, simply proving pretext is necessarily enough. We emphasize
    that evidence of pretext will not by itself be enough to make a submissible case if it is, standing alone, inconsistent
    with a reasonable inference of age discrimination. Furthermore . . . the plaintiff must still persuade the jury, from
    all the facts and circumstances, that the employment decision was based upon intentional discrimination.
    Id. at 837-38
    (emphasis in original).
    The question, then, is whether Rose-Maston produced sufficient
    evidence to support a reasonable inference that LMC’s proffered reason is
    merely a pretext for race discrimination. See Duffy v. Wolle, 
    123 F.3d 1026
    , 1036 (8th Cir. 1997); Moschetti v. Chicago, Central & Pacific R.R.
    119 F.3d 707
    , 710 (8th Cir. 1997). Rose-Maston may prove pretext
    either directly by showing that her employer was more likely motivated by
    a discriminatory reason or indirectly by showing that her employer’s
    explanation is unworthy of credence. See Harvey v. Anheuser-Busch, Inc.,
    38 F.3d 968
    , 971 (8th Cir. 1994). Proof that LMC’s articulated reason
    is unworthy of credence does not automatically entitle Rose-Maston to
    judgment but may support an inference of discrimination. See Rothmeier
    v. Investment Advisers, Inc., 
    85 F.3d 1328
    , 1334 (8th Cir. 1996). As we
    went on to explain in Rothmeier,
    [A] plaintiff can avoid summary judgment only if the evidence
    considered in its entirety (1) creates a fact issue as to
    whether the employer’s proffered reasons are pretextual and
    (2) creates a reasonable inference that [race] was a
    determinative factor in the adverse employment decision. The
    second part of the test sometimes may be satisfied without
    additional evidence where the overall strength of the prima
    facie case and the evidence of pretext “suffice[s] to show
    intentional discrimination.”      The focus, however, always
    remains on the ultimate question of law: whether the evidence
    is sufficient to create a genuine issue of fact as to whether
    the employer intentionally discriminated against the plaintiff
    because of the plaintiff’s [race].
    Id. at 1336-37
    (citations omitted).
    Rose-Maston contends that Kraft failed to adequately inform her of
    her job duties and of his expectations for her. Kraft, however, made it
    known to Rose-Maston that he expected managers under his supervision to
    demonstrate high levels of independence and initiative. Although Rose-
    Maston may have felt that Kraft’s approach was inappropriate and that more
    direction would have been preferable, an employer’s failure to inform an
    employee of what is expected of her is not evidence of discriminatory
    animus. See 
    Hill, 123 F.3d at 1119
    . Rose-Maston’s claim is nothing more
    than an attack on the business practices of LMC and Kraft.          “[T]he
    employment discrimination laws have not vested in the federal courts the
    authority to sit as super-personnel departments reviewing the wisdom or
    fairness of the business judgments made by employers, except to the extent
    that those judgments involve intentional discrimination.”       Hutson v.
    McDonnell Douglas Corp., 
    63 F.3d 771
    , 781 (8th Cir. 1995). See also Day
    v. Johnson, 
    119 F.3d 650
    , 657 (8th Cir. 1997) (“federal courts are not
    self-appointed personnel managers, and they may not second-guess the
    fairness or wisdom of an employer’s nondiscriminatory employment
    decisions”).   Title VII prohibits intentional discrimination based on
    certain, discreet classifications; it does not prohibit employment
    decisions based on other factors, such as job performance, erroneous
    evaluations, personality conflicts, or even unsound business practices.
    Hill, 123 F.3d at 1120
    Rose-Maston also alleges that she was treated differently than
    similarly situated white employees. Specifically, she submits that she
    was subjected to an evaluation process different from that used with her
    fellow employees and that certain white employees received promotions for
    which they were not qualified.      These unsubstantiated and conclusory
    allegations are insufficient to support an inference of pretext. See
    Davenport v. Riverview Gardens School Dist., 
    30 F.3d 940
    , 945 (8th Cir.
    1994) (“While evidence supporting this claim [of disparate treatment]
    would be highly relevant to the issue of pretext, plaintiff presented no
    such evidence other than his own unsubstantiated allegations”). Rose-
    Maston points to no specific factual evidence supporting her claim,
    choosing instead to rely upon bald assertions of favoritism. Conclusory
    affidavits, standing alone, cannot create a genuine issue of material fact
    precluding summary judgment. See Miller v. Citizens Security Group, Inc.,
    116 F.3d 343
    , 346 (8th Cir. 1997); Jackson v. Anchor Packing Co., 
    994 F.2d 1295
    , 1303-04 (8th Cir. 1993).4
    Finally, Rose-Maston asserts that her prior satisfactory evaluations
    support an inference of pretext because they cast doubt upon LMC’s
    assertions that she was incompetent.        See 
    Hutson, 63 F.3d at 779
    (“demonstration of competence may serve as evidence of pretext when an
    employee is discharged for incompetence”).            Rose-Maston’s prior
    evaluations, however, are not sufficient to defeat LMC’s motion for
    summary judgment.     These evaluations may show that Rose-Maston had
    performed competently in the past, but they do not render her more recent
    negative evaluations inherently untrustworthy.      Rose-Maston offers no
    evidence showing that LMC’s proffered explanations for her termination --
    poor attendance and failure to complete assigned tasks -- are pretextual.
    Indeed, she does not dispute that her attendance was poor or that she
    failed to complete assigned tasks.
    Rose-Maston argues that LMC failed to show that other similarly situated
    employees were treated in the same manner. This argument, however, misplaces the
    burden of proof. As the plaintiff, Rose-Maston bears at all times the ultimate burden
    of proving that she was illegally discriminated against. See 
    Ruby, 76 F.3d at 912
    Thus, it was Rose-Maston’s burden to produce specific, tangible evidence showing a
    disparity in the treatment of similarly situated employees. See 
    Harvey, 38 F.3d at 972
    Lanear v. Safeway Grocery, 
    843 F.2d 298
    , 301 (8th Cir. 1988).
    In sum, because Rose-Maston failed to present any evidence that would
    support a reasonable inference of pretext, we conclude that the district
    court properly granted summary judgment against her on her claim of
    discriminatory discharge.
    We turn to Rose-Maston’s claim that LMC unlawfully failed to promote
    her because of her race.       Once again, we apply the burden-shifting
    framework of McDonnell Douglas.     To establish a prima facie case in a
    failure-to-promote case, a plaintiff must show: (1) that she was a member
    of a protected group; (2) that she was qualified and applied for a
    promotion to an available position; (3) that she was rejected; and (4) that
    a similarly qualified employee, not part of a protected group, was promoted
    instead. See Shannon v. Ford Motor Co., 
    72 F.3d 678
    , 682 (8th Cir. 1996);
    Lidge-Myrtil v. Deere & Co., 
    49 F.3d 1308
    , 1310 (8th Cir. 1995).
    We recognize that the threshold of proof necessary to make a prima
    facie case is minimal. See Krenik v. County of LeSueur, 
    47 F.3d 953
    , 957
    (8th Cir. 1995); Johnson v. Arkansas State Police, 
    10 F.3d 547
    , 551 (8th
    Cir. 1993). Nonetheless, we agree with the district court’s conclusion
    that Rose-Maston failed to establish the elements of a prima facie case.
    She offers no evidence of the qualifications necessary for the CMD
    position, nor does she offer any evidence regarding her own qualifications.
    She instead makes conclusory assertions that she was qualified for the
    position.    This is insufficient to establish a prima facie case for
    discriminatory failure to promote.
    Further, even assuming that Rose-Maston has established a prima facie
    case on her failure-to-promote claim, LMC has met its burden of
    articulating a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for its failure to
    promote Rose-Maston. Specifically, LMC contends that the person ultimately
    hired to fill the CMD position was more qualified than Rose-Maston. Rose-
    Maston offers no evidence that would support an inference
    that this reason is pretextual. In fact, she offers no evidence whatsoever
    regarding the qualifications of the individual who ultimately obtained the
    CMD position, and she stated in her deposition that she was entirely
    unaware of that individual’s qualifications. Thus, the district court
    properly entered summary judgment in favor of LMC on the failure-to-promote
    The judgment is affirmed.
    A true copy.

Document Info

Docket Number: 97-2088

Filed Date: 1/15/1998

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/13/2015

Authorities (21)

Richard HARVEY, Appellant, v. ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC., Appellee , 38 F.3d 968 ( 1994 )

Isiah Thomas v. Marvin T. Runyon, Jr., Postmaster General, ... , 108 F.3d 957 ( 1997 )

C. Thomas RYTHER, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. KARE 11, an NBC ... , 108 F.3d 832 ( 1997 )

Donna Krenik v. County of Le Sueur , 47 F.3d 953 ( 1995 )

Carolyn LIDGE-MYRTIL, Appellant, v. DEERE & COMPANY, Doing ... , 49 F.3d 1308 ( 1995 )

James MOSCHETTI, Appellant, v. CHICAGO, CENTRAL & PACIFIC ... , 119 F.3d 707 ( 1997 )

73-fair-emplpraccas-bna-852-70-empl-prac-dec-p-44775-epifania , 109 F.3d 481 ( 1997 )

Janet Marie Hill v. St. Louis University , 123 F.3d 1114 ( 1997 )

75-fair-emplpraccas-bna-1649-73-empl-prac-dec-p-45361-richard-day , 119 F.3d 650 ( 1997 )

75-fair-emplpraccas-bna-667-71-empl-prac-dec-p-44810-robert-l , 116 F.3d 343 ( 1997 )

David A. Duffy v. Charles R. Wolle Harold D. Vietor Ronald ... , 123 F.3d 1026 ( 1997 )

Stanley D. Rabushka, Ex Rel. United States of America ... , 122 F.3d 559 ( 1997 )

prodliabrep-cch-p-13557-claudy-jackson-katherine-eardey-jackson , 994 F.2d 1295 ( 1993 )

63-fair-emplpraccas-bna-479-63-empl-prac-dec-p-42725-walter , 10 F.3d 547 ( 1993 )

Monte C. Ruby v. Springfield R-12 Public School District , 76 F.3d 909 ( 1996 )

Dale E. LANEAR, Appellant, v. SAFEWAY GROCERY, Appellee , 843 F.2d 298 ( 1988 )

David Davenport v. Riverview Gardens School District, a Six ... , 30 F.3d 940 ( 1994 )

Frangena A. Shannon v. Ford Motor Co., a Delaware ... , 72 F.3d 678 ( 1996 )

James F. HUTSON, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. McDONNELL DOUGLAS ... , 63 F.3d 771 ( 1995 )

Steven G. Rothmeier v. Investment Advisers, Inc., a ... , 85 F.3d 1328 ( 1996 )

View All Authorities »