United States v. Charles Covington ( 1998 )

  •                          United States Court of Appeals
    No. 97-2604
    United States of America,               *
    Appellee,                   *
    * Appeal from the United States
    v.                                * District Court for the
    * Western District of Missouri.
    Charles A. Covington,                   *
    Appellant.                  *
    Submitted: November 18, 1997
    Before RICHARD S. ARNOLD, Chief Judge, and McMILLIAN and MAGILL,
    Circuit Judges.
    MAGILL, Circuit Judge.
    Charles Covington was convicted of one count of
    conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute crack
    cocaine, in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 846 (1994), and one
    count of possession with intent to distribute crack
    cocaine, in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1) (1994).
    Covington appeals his convictions and sentence, making
    several claims of error. We affirm the convictions but
    remand for resentencing.
    In June 1996 Charles Covington and Floyd Woods, two
    Alton, Illinois, residents, agreed to travel to
    California to buy crack cocaine from a man Covington knew
    named “Tank,” a former resident of Alton. Covington and
    Woods traveled with three associates, Jamescina Williams,
    Beverly Bryant, and Maurice Pittman.
    The group flew to Las Vegas, Nevada, on June 24,
    1996.    The next day,    the group took a bus to San
    Bernardino, California, where Woods and Covington met
    with Tank. Tank introduced them to an anonymous source,
    who sold them thirty ounces of crack cocaine. Woods then
    purchased a handgun from Tank for three ounces of the
    Because of the handgun, the group decided to return
    to Illinois via train. During the train ride, Covington
    put the crack cocaine in Williams's purse.       When the
    group arrived in Kansas City, Missouri, on June 28, 1996,
    Kansas City police were performing a routine drug
    interdiction procedure at the train station. Covington,
    Woods, and their three associates, concerned about the
    police, left the train and scattered. Woods abandoned
    his gun in the lobby of the train station, and the gun
    was found by officers. Williams fled when she saw police
    officers and threw her purse in the bushes, but she was
    apprehended and 832.17 grams of crack cocaine was
    discovered in her purse.        Although Covington was
    questioned at the train station, he was released and was
    not arrested until later.
    During trial, both Williams and Woods testified
    against Covington for the government, describing the
    details of the group’s trip to California to buy crack
    cocaine. The jury convicted Covington of possession with
    intent to distribute cocaine base and conspiracy to
    possess with intent to distribute cocaine base.
    Covington was sentenced as a career offender to 360
    months imprisonment.
    On appeal, Covington makes several challenges to his
    conviction and sentence.     Through counsel, Covington
    contends that (1) he was incorrectly sentenced as a
    career offender under U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual
    § 4B1.1, (2) the evidence at his sentencing was
    insufficient to show that he possessed crack cocaine
    rather than another type of cocaine base, (3) there was
    insufficient evidence to convict him of conspiracy, (4)
    the court erred in giving a deliberate ignorance jury
    instruction, and (5) the court erred in denying a
    mistrial after witnesses spoke to each other in violation
    of Federal Rule of Evidence 615.       We consider these
    arguments in turn.1
    Covington first contends that the district court
    erred by sentencing him as a career offender under U.S.
    Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 4B1.1. Covington argues
    that he was not imprisoned for two prior qualifying
    offenses within the fifteen-year period ending when he
    committed the instant offenses.     A district court’s
    “determinations with respect to the offenses in a
    criminal history computation are factual determinations
    and are subject to a ‘clearly erroneous’ standard of
    review.”   United States v. Lowe, 
    930 F.2d 645
    , 646-47
    (8th Cir. 1991).
    We previously granted Covington leave to file a supplemental pro se brief.
    Although it is not usually our practice to consider pro se filings when a party is
    represented by counsel, see United States v. Blum, 
    65 F.3d 1436
    , 1443 n.2 (8th Cir.
    1995), we have reviewed Covington’s pro se brief, and find that its claims lack merit
    and do not warrant further discussion. See 8th Cir. R. 47B.
    A defendant qualifies as a career offender when being
    sentenced for a crime of violence or a controlled
    substance offense if the defendant “has at least two
    prior felony convictions of either a crime of violence or
    a controlled substance offense.”       U.S.S.G. § 4B1.1
    (1995). The two prior felony convictions must each have
    “resulted in the defendant being incarcerated during any
    part of [the] fifteen-year period” ending when the
    defendant’s instant offense commenced.        U.S.S.G. §
    4A1.2(e)(1) (1995); see
    U.S.S.G. § 4B1.2, comment. (n.4) (1995) (instructing
    courts to apply U.S.S.G. § 4A1.2 to determine if an
    offense counts in the career offender calculation). If
    a defendant qualifies as a career offender, the
    defendant’s offense level can be increased, and the
    defendant’s criminal history category is increased to
    Category VI.     In Covington’s case, career offender
    qualification did not result in his offense level being
    increased, but resulted in an increase of his criminal
    history category from IV to VI.2
    Because Covington commenced the instant offense in
    June 1996, he must have been incarcerated for two
    qualifying offenses between June 1981 and June 1996 to
    qualify as a career offender. The district court found
    that Covington qualified as a career offender based on
    two prior Illinois convictions. The first conviction was
    for an aggravated kidnaping committed by Covington in
    1983 and is not challenged as a basis for career offender
    status.    The second conviction was for a burglary
    committed by Covington in 1975. Covington was imprisoned
    for the burglary conviction beginning in March 1978, and
    was released on parole soon thereafter in September 1978.
    In December 1979, while on parole, Covington committed
    Illinois firearm offenses, and was again imprisoned.3 In
    April 1980, an Illinois court sentenced Covington to five
    Thus, as a career offender with an offense level of 38, Covington’s sentencing
    range was 360 months to life, rather than 324 months to 405 months if he had not
    The firearm offenses would not qualify Covington for career offender status
    because they are not considered to be “crimes of violence.” See U.S.S.G. § 4B1.2,
    comment. (n.2) (1995).
    years custody on the firearm offenses, and stated that
    the five-year sentence “will run consecutive to any
    [burglary] parole violation” sentence imposed. People v.
    416 N.E.2d 61
    , 65 (Ill. App. Ct. 1981). The
    record does not indicate whether a recommitment sentence
    was ever imposed on Covington for his burglary parole
    violation.    Covington was ultimately released from
    Illinois custody in October 1982--within the fifteen-year
    career offender period.
    Covington’s presentence report indicated that he was
    ultimately released in October 1982, but was unclear as to
    whether he was imprisoned for the burglary offense or the
    firearm offenses during the period between the December
    1979 firearm arrest and his release. Covington objected
    to the presentence report, claiming that his return to
    prison was not a parole revocation for the burglary
    offense.   See Objections to Presentence Investigation
    Report at 4.     At the sentencing hearing, Covington’s
    objection was made with more specificity:
    if the parole was revoked, there was no
    continuation of this burglary sentence. In other
    words, he was not sentenced or was not committed
    to continue the sentence for the burglary case.
    . . . The parole was revoked and he was sent to
    prison on the [firearm offenses].
    Sentencing Tr. at 10.     Despite these objections, the
    government did not introduce any evidence of any sentence
    ever being imposed on Covington for the burglary parole
    violation.4 The district court found that Covington was
    imprisoned for the burglary recommitment after June 1981,
    and sentenced Covington as a career offender.
    This Court has held that “[o]nce a defendant objects
    to a factual allegation in the presentence report, the
    The only evidence relevant to Covington's state sentence that was provided to
    either this Court or the district court was a page of a docket sheet relating to
    Covington's firearm convictions, provided by the government during oral argument
    before this Court. That docket sheet, which provides that his firearms sentence would
    be served consecutive to “any sentence imposed for” his burglary parole violation, is
    unhelpful in determining whether any sentence was actually imposed for the burglary
    parole revocation.
    court must make (i) a finding as to the allegation, or
    (ii) a determination that no such finding is necessary
    because the matter controverted will not be taken into
    account in sentencing.” United States v. Granados, 
    962 F.2d 767
    , 771 (8th Cir. 1992) (quotation and citation
    omitted). If the court chooses to make a finding as to
    the factual allegation, “the government must introduce
    evidence sufficient to
    convince the Court by a preponderance of the evidence that
    the fact in question exists.” 
    Id. at 771-72
    and citation omitted).    In this case, no evidence was
    introduced to confirm that Covington was imprisoned for
    burglary during the relevant period rather than for the
    firearm offenses.     The conclusion of the presentence
    report that Covington was imprisoned until October 1982
    did not provide the court with the required preponderance
    of evidence that Covington was imprisoned for burglary,
    rather than for the firearm offenses, after his return to
    custody in December 1979. Therefore, the district court
    clearly erred when it found otherwise, and we remand for
    Covington next claims that there was insufficient
    evidence that the substance he possessed was crack
    cocaine, rather than some other type of cocaine base, for
    purposes of his sentencing under U.S. Sentencing
    Guidelines Manual § 2D1.1. Covington does not challenge
    the finding that he possessed 832.17 grams of cocaine
    base.   Indeed, at trial, lab evidence was introduced
    identifying the substance as cocaine base. Trial Tr. at
    241. Instead, Covington suggests that a lab test or the
    testimony of a chemistry expert is required before a
    sentencing court may find by a preponderance of the
    evidence that the cocaine base is crack cocaine.       We
    We review the district court’s finding as to the
    “identity of drugs attributable to a defendant for clear
    error, reversing only if we are left with a definite and
    firm conviction that a mistake has been made.” United
    States v. Maxwell, 
    25 F.3d 1389
    , 1397 (8th Cir. 1994).
    The Sentencing Guidelines define crack as a “form of
    cocaine base, usually prepared by processing cocaine
    hydrochloride and sodium bicarbonate, and usually
    appearing in a lumpy, rocklike form.” U.S.S.G. § 2D1.1(c)
    (Note D) (1995).      It is well established that “the
    identity of a controlled substance can . . . be proved by
    circumstantial evidence and opinion testimony.” United
    States v. Williams, 
    982 F.2d 1209
    , 1212 (8th Cir. 1992)
    (finding the evidence sufficient to find guilt beyond a
    reasonable doubt when “narcotics detective testified that
    in his opinion the
    government’s exhibits were crack cocaine”).          Here,
    Detective Larry Cridlebaugh of the Kansas City, Missouri
    Police Department testified at sentencing that it was his
    opinion, based on his significant narcotics experience
    consisting of hundreds of encounters with crack cocaine,
    that the “tan rock-like substance” in Williams’s purse was
    crack. Sentencing Tr. at 18-19. That evidence was more
    than sufficient, and the district court did not clearly
    err when it found the cocaine base to be crack cocaine.
    Covington also challenges the sufficiency of the
    evidence supporting his conviction for conspiracy.      He
    claims that Woods's testimony was required to establish
    the existence of a conspiratorial agreement, an element of
    his offense, and that because Woods was not credible, his
    testimony could not be believed by a rational jury. We
    disagree. “Both the Supreme Court and this Circuit have
    recognized the propriety of using and relying upon the
    testimony of a coconspirator to prove another’s connection
    to the conspiracy.” United States v. Cruz, 
    739 F.2d 395
    396 (8th Cir. 1984). In this case, Woods’s testimony was
    corroborated in many respects by the testimony of
    Williams, and was also consistent with the series of
    events witnessed by several Kansas City police officers
    who testified at trial. In any event, the jury had the
    opportunity to view Woods’s testimony and gauge his
    credibility. Because “[i]t is not the function of the
    appellate court to judge the credibility of a witness,”
    United States v. Jackson, 
    959 F.2d 81
    , 82 (8th Cir. 1992),
    we accept the jury’s apparent conclusion that Woods’s
    testimony was credible. After reviewing the evidence in
    the light most favorable to the government, see 
    id. (standard of
    review), we find sufficient evidence to
    support Covington’s conviction.
    Next, Covington contends that the district court
    erroneously gave the jury a deliberate ignorance
    instruction.   Covington reasons that the instruction
    undermined his
    defense strategy of attacking the credibility of his
    coconspirators, Woods and Williams. It appears that the
    deliberate ignorance instruction was meant to apply only
    to Pittman, whose defense was based on his having had no
    knowledge of the purchase. Nonetheless, the instruction
    was written to be generally applicable to each co-
    defendant.5   We agree with Covington that the district
    court erred in giving the jury a generally applicable
    instruction when it was only relevant to the case against
    Pittman. See United States v. Barnhart, 
    979 F.2d 647
    , 652
    (8th Cir. 1992) (deliberate ignorance instruction “should
    not be given unless there is evidence to support the
    inference that defendant was aware of a high probability
    of the existence of the [drugs] and purposely contrived to
    avoid learning [of the drugs] in order to have a defense
    in the event of a subsequent prosecution” (quotation and
    citation omitted)). We conclude, however, that the error
    was harmless.
    An unwarranted willful blindness instruction “creates
    a risk that the defendant will be convicted because he
    acted negligently or recklessly.”6     
    Id. An erroneous
    willful blindness instruction is harmless if it is “clear
    beyond a reasonable doubt that the jury would have
    The government argues that the jury instruction applied only to Pittman, and
    produced a copy of a jury instruction in its brief which referred specifically to Pittman.
    This “instruction” appears nowhere in the district court record, which includes only an
    instruction applicable to any defendant. See Instructions Given to Jury on Dec. 6,
    1996, No. 19. We note our displeasure with the government’s failure to correctly
    represent the trial record in its brief or address the merits of Covington’s claim.
    In this case, the risk of error was minimized because the instruction, itself,
    warned the jury that it could not convict for reckless or negligent conduct. See
    Instructions Given to Jury on Dec. 6, 1996, No. 19.
    returned a verdict of guilty.” 
    Id. (quotation, citation,
    and alteration omitted).    Here, the error was harmless
    because the evidence that Covington took part in the crack
    purchase was overwhelming. See United States v. White,
    794 F.2d 367
    , 371 (8th Cir. 1986). Additionally, the risk
    of conviction for negligent or reckless behavior is
    particularly low when, as here, there is a conviction for
    conspiracy requiring
    proof of a conspiratorial agreement. See United States v.
    63 F.3d 1
    , 9-10 (1st Cir. 1995) (willful blindness
    instruction does not “dilute[] the express ‘intent’
    requirement of the conspiracy count”). Additionally, any
    reasonable juror would have understood the instruction to
    apply only to Pittman, the only defendant to raise lack of
    knowledge of the drugs as a defense. In fact, the jury
    showed it understood the distinction by acquitting Pittman
    while convicting Covington. Given “the circumstances of
    the error,” 
    Barnhart, 979 F.2d at 653
    , any error caused by
    the instruction was harmless.
    Covington finally contends that the district court
    erred in denying his motion for a mistrial after Woods and
    Williams spoke briefly with each other when they were
    transported from the courthouse to the jailhouse, because
    the communication violated Federal Rule of Evidence 615.
    Rule 615 provides that “[a]t the request of a party the
    court shall order witnesses excluded so that they cannot
    hear the testimony of other witnesses.”      The district
    court has substantial discretion in deciding whether to
    grant a mistrial, and will be reversed only “if evidence
    of clear prejudice indicates the trial court’s ruling was
    an abuse of discretion.” United States v. Kindle, 
    925 F.2d 272
    , 276 (8th Cir. 1991).     Here, after Woods had
    testified, he and Williams spoke briefly twice during a
    single trip from the courthouse to the jailhouse. A U.S.
    Marshal promptly instructed them not to discuss the case
    and there has been no showing that the contact resulted in
    less than candid testimony by Williams. See 
    id. (finding no
    prejudice when “[t]here was no showing made that the
    contact resulted in the tailoring of witness testimony .
    . . or the development of less than candid testimony which
    Rule 615 seeks to prevent”). Without more of a showing by
    the defendant, we see no prejudice which would allow us to
    conclude that the district court abused its discretion in
    deciding not to grant a mistrial.
    A true copy.