United States v. Christopher Moore ( 1998 )

  •                     United States Court of Appeals
    No. 98-2192
    United States of America,                *
    On Appeal from the United
    Appellee,                        States District Court
    v.                                 *
    Christopher Jerome Moore,                    [To Be Published.]
    Filed: November 24, 1998
    ter Christopher Moore pleaded guilty to bank robbery, in violation of 
    1 U.S.C. § 2113
    (a), the District Court1
    impriso       and three years supervised release. The term of imprisonment was
    ence Moore is serving for forgery. Counsel
    has led a brief pursuant to Anders v. California                                 a
    challenge to the sentence imposed. We affirm.
    The Honorable Carol E. Jackson, United States District Judge for the Eastern
    District of Missouri.
    In July                                                                      e
    forgery onviction; he served part of the sentence, and was released on probation in
    5. In August 1997, Moore committed the instant offense, and after his
    arr   for federal bank robbery in December 1997, Moore’s state probation was
    tence. In the Anders
    counsel argues that the District Court erroneously ordered Moore’s federal
    ate sentence, and seeks to have the
    sentences run concurrently.
    a District
    Court sentences a defendant who--like Moore--is subject to an undischarged prison
    United States v. Marsanico, 
    61 F.3d 666
    , 668 (8th Cir.
    is w                                                                                   .
    Section 5G1.3(a) requires consecutive sentences when the instant offense was
    itted while the defendant was serving a term of imprisonment, or before th
    defendant began serving a term; section 5G1.3(b) applies when subsection (a) does not,
    urrent sentences if the “undischarged term of imprisonment resulted
    from offense(s) that have been fully taken into account” in determining
    for the instant offense; and under section 5G1.3(c)--which applies in “any other case”--
    sentence may be imposed to run concurrently or consecutively “to achieve
    reasonable punishment.” Under applicable commentary,
    If   e defendant was on federal or state probation . . . at the time of the
    such probation . . . revoked, the sentence for
    the     ant offense should be imposed to run consecutively to the term
    sed for the violation of probation . . . in order to provide a
    incremental penalty for the violation of probation . . . .
    U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 5G1.3, comment. (n.6). We conclude the
    District Court’s sentence was consistent with subsection (c) and Application Note 6.
    Cf. United States v. Lange, 
    146 F.3d 555
    , 556 (8th Cir. 1998) (affirming district court’s
    imposition of consecutive sentence under § 5G1.3 (c); although prior state conviction
    was taken into account in calculation of criminal history points, events underlying state
    conviction were not taken into account as relevant conduct and did not affect offense
    level); United States v. Hornsby, 
    88 F.3d 336
    , 339-40 (5th Cir. 1996) (where defendant
    committed instant offense while on state parole and parole was revoked, district court
    did not err by ordering sentence for instant offense to run consecutively pursuant to
    § 5G1.3(c) as application note 6 squarely addressed situation). We thus conclude that
    the District Court did not err.
    Upon review of the record in accordance with Penson v. Ohio, 
    488 U.S. 75
    , 80
    (1988), we find no nonfrivolous issues. Accordingly, we affirm.
    A true copy.