United States v. Stanley Johnson ( 2001 )

  •                     United States Court of Appeals
    No. 99-3109
    United States of America                *
    Appellee,                  *
    * Appeal from the United States
    v.                                * District Court for the District
    * of Nebraska.
    Stanley Johnson,                        *
    Appellant.                 *
    Submitted: October 17, 2000
    Filed: February 26, 2001
    Before BEAM, HEANEY, and MORRIS SHEPPARD ARNOLD, Circuit Judges.
    BEAM, Circuit Judge.
    Pursuant to a plea agreement, Stanley Johnson pled guilty to conspiracy to
    distribute methamphetamine and cocaine, and possession of a firearm during a drug
    trafficking crime. The agreement obligated the government to file a downward
    departure motion upon its determination that Johnson had provided it with substantial
    assistance. The government did not move for downward departure and Johnson was
    sentenced to 324 months imprisonment on the distribution count and 60 months on the
    firearm count, to be served consecutively, followed by supervised release. Johnson
    appeals his sentence. Because we find that the prosecution failed to comply with the
    plea agreement, we vacate the sentence and remand to the district court for
    The plea agreement between Johnson and the government stated:
    Should you fully comply with all the terms and conditions of this
    agreement, and if you continue to do so in your dealings with the
    Probation Officer, and the United States Attorney for the District of
    Nebraska concludes that you have provided substantial assistance in the
    investigation or prosecution of one or more other persons who have
    committed an offense, the United States shall file a motion with the
    sentencing Court requesting the Court to depart downward from the
    sentencing guidelines in its sentencing of you.
    Clerk's Record at 18 (emphasis added). The agreement further provided that the
    motion could be made pursuant to 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (e) or United States Sentencing
    Guidelines § 5K1.1 or both. The presentence investigation report also refers to the plea
    agreement, stating, "In exchange for the defendant's pleas and cooperation, the
    government agreed to file a motion for downward departure pursuant to United States
    Sentencing Guidelines (U.S.S.G.) § 5K1.1 and/or 18 U.S.C. 3553(e) should the
    defendant's cooperation be deemed substantial."
    At the July 16, 1999, sentencing, counsel for Johnson stated:
    I would like to bring to the Court's attention a couple of facts. First
    of all, since Mr. Johnson's incarceration, he has done everything he can
    to cooperate with the Government. He has had a number of meetings
    with some law enforcement officials, I think at least three or four, maybe
    even possibly another one, and I know that he has already provided a
    substantial assistance and his cooperation is not done. He intends to
    continue cooperating in the investigation of a very large number of
    individuals. I would just like to bring that to the Court's attention.
    Sent. Tr. at 9. The district court halted defense counsel at that point.
    The Assistant United States Attorney did not make a departure motion.
    However, at the sentencing hearing, she indicated that she had in her possession a
    motion for reduction of sentence, pursuant to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 35(b),
    and that she would ask leave to file it at the end of the hearing. At the close of the
    procedure, the government asked leave to file the Rule 35(b) motion, which the court
    granted. In its motion, filed immediately after the hearing, the government conceded
    Johnson's substantial assistance, stating:
    [P]ursuant to Rule 35(b) of the Rules of Criminal Procedure [the
    government moves the] Court to lower the sentence of the defendant
    imposed on July 16, 1999, due to Defendant's substantial assistance to the
    It is expected that Mr. Johnson may be needed for further testimony
    and the government will file a request for a hearing on this Motion upon
    completion of his cooperation.
    Add. at 14A (emphasis added). To date, the government has not filed a departure
    motion under section 5K1.1 of the United States Sentencing Guidelines or 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (e), and Johnson's sentence imposed on July 16, 1999, remains in force.
    A.     Reviewability
    As a preliminary matter, the government argues that its "refusal to file a
    substantial assistance motion is reviewable only when the defendant makes a
    substantial threshold showing that the refusal was irrational or based on an
    unconstitutional motive." The argument is misplaced. We would agree with the
    government if Johnson were challenging the government's exercise of discretion as to
    whether he had provided substantial assistance, which under the plea agreement the
    government had reserved to itself, United States v. Wilkerson, 
    179 F.3d 1083
    , 1086
    (8th Cir. 1999), or its exercise of discretion under the guidelines, Wade v. United
    504 U.S. 181
    , 185-86 (1992) (finding that sections 5K1.1 and 3553 give the
    government power, but not a duty, to file a substantial assistance motion, and neither
    a defendant's claim that he provided substantial assistance nor generalized allegations
    of improper motive entitle him to a remedy, discovery, or an evidentiary hearing).
    However, at issue here is whether the government breached its plea agreement.
    A prosecutor's agreement that, in any significant degree, induces the defendant
    to enter a plea, creates a duty to satisfy obligations that have arisen under that
    agreement. Santobello v. New York, 
    404 U.S. 257
    , 262 (1971); United States v.
    168 F.3d 343
    , 346 (8th Cir. 1999); United States v. Van Horn, 
    976 F.2d 1180
    , 1183 (8th Cir. 1992). Here, the government agreed to make a departure motion
    under section 5K1.1 or 3553(e), or both, if in its sole discretion it determined that
    Johnson provided substantial assistance. The government exercised that discretion
    when it determined that Johnson had provided the requisite substantial assistance.
    Therefore, the executed agreement supersedes the government's otherwise broad
    discretion. United States v. Rounsavall, 
    128 F.3d 665
    , 668 (8th Cir. 1997); U.S. v.
    988 F.2d 544
    , 552 (5th Cir. 1993) (stating that "[t]he crucial element . . . ,
    which was not present in Wade, is the existence of a plea bargain in which the
    government bargained away its discretion to not submit a [departure] motion"); cf.
    504 U.S. at 185
     (indicating that the defendant had not claimed that an agreement
    by the government to file a departure motion had superseded the condition that one be
    filed). Consequently, we look to whether the plea agreement, and not the sentencing
    guidelines, entitled Johnson to the departure motion at sentencing.
    The government further argues that we cannot address issues surrounding the
    plea agreement because Johnson "failed to object at the time of sentencing to the
    Government's decision not to file a motion for downward departure," and, therefore,
    such issues were not raised and decided at the district court level. Relying on Hormel
    v. Helvering, 
    312 U.S. 552
    , 556 (1941), the government suggests that it was somehow
    "surprised on appeal" by the plea agreement issue. 
     We find, however, that the plea
    agreement itself, as well as the revised presentence investigation report's explicit
    references to the pertinent terms of the agreement, were before the court, and that
    defense counsel sufficiently raised the issue when he specifically brought Johnson's
    assistance to the court's attention.1 See United States v. Van Thournout, 
    100 F.3d 590
    594 (8th Cir. 1996) (finding that the issue of a breach of plea agreement was raised in
    the district court by defense counsel's request to consider the subject thereof). It seems
    almost incredible that counsel for the government would be surprised by the issue we
    now address. "Even though the district court did not decide whether the plea
    agreement had been breached and instead imposed the . . . sentence" without
    In any event, where a defendant fails to raise a breach of plea agreement in the
    district court, or even before this court, we have the authority to review the issue for
    plain error when the defendant's substantial rights are affected. Granados, 
    168 F.3d at 346
    . In Granados, we found that a defendant's substantial rights are affected if his
    prison sentence may be longer than it should have been under a plea agreement. 
    Also, as the government recognizes, an appellate court may resolve an issue not ruled
    on first by the district court where "proper resolution is beyond any doubt" or "'where
    injustice might otherwise result.'" Sanders v. Clemco Indus., 
    823 F.2d 214
    , 217 (8th
    Cir. 1987) (quoting Hormel, 
    312 U.S. at 557
    ); see also Hegg v. United States, 
    817 F.2d 1328
    , 1330 n.2 (8th Cir. 1987) (indicating that an appellate court is justified in
    resolving an issue not passed on below when the issue is one of law and the necessary
    facts have been developed). When a plea agreement has been breached, remand for
    resentencing is in "the interests of justice." Santobello, 
    404 U.S. at 262
    The present case is unlike United States v. Oransky, 
    908 F.2d 307
    , 309 (8th Cir.
    1990), where the government had not bound itself to make a departure motion.
    Similarly, United States v. Favara, 
    987 F.2d 538
     (8th Cir. 1993), is inapposite.
    considering Johnson's assistance to the government, "the issue of the breach of the plea
    agreement directly affects the lawfulness of the sentence, which is precisely what is
    under review in this . . . appeal." See 
     (addressing a breach of plea agreement in
    similar circumstances).
    B.     The Plea Agreement
    Issues concerning the interpretation and enforcement of a plea agreement are
    issues of law, which we review de novo. Van Thournout, 100 F.3d at 594.
    Resolution of the plea-agreement issue in this matter requires us to look at the
    timing of a defendant's substantial assistance. In 1998, Rule 35(b) was amended to
    provide that "[i]n evaluating whether substantial assistance has been rendered, the court
    may consider the defendant's pre-sentence assistance." Fed. R. Crim. P. 35(b). Before
    the amendment was added, a defendant could benefit by providing substantial
    assistance prior to sentencing, pursuant to section 5K1.1 of the guidelines, and could
    benefit by providing substantial assistance after sentencing, pursuant to Rule 35(b).
    However, no formal mechanism considered both a defendant's pre- and post-sentencing
    assistance in determining whether, in the aggregate, he had provided the substantial
    assistance required for a reduction of sentence. Id. advisory committee note.
    Therefore, it was unclear whether he could benefit from pre-sentencing assistance that,
    standing alone, did not amount to substantial assistance, but when added to post-
    sentencing assistance, would constitute substantial assistance. See, e.g., United States
    v. Alvarez, 
    115 F.3d 839
    , 842 (11th Cir. 1997) (finding that a Rule 35(b) motion did
    not encompass the totality of a defendant's cooperation). The 1998 amendment
    remedied this gap and allows aggregation of pre- and post-sentencing assistance to
    ascertain substantial assistance. Fed. R. Crim. P. 35(b) advisory committee note.
    We recognize that, in the plea agreement, the government retained the "sole
    discretion" to determine whether Johnston's assistance was substantial, which, of
    course, is permissible. Wilkerson, 
    179 F.3d at 1086
    . However, the government
    exercised that discretion in Johnson's favor when, in its Rule 35(b) motion, it conceded
    that he had indeed provided substantial assistance.2 As established by the Assistant
    United States Attorney's allusion to holding the Rule 35(b) motion and intending to ask
    leave to file it, and by the timing of the filing, the government had already made that
    determination prior to sentencing. No aggregation of pre- and post-sentencing
    assistance was necessary to ascertain whether Johnson had provided substantial
    Once the government determined that Johnson had provided substantial
    assistance, it was obligated to follow through with its agreement to file a departure
    motion. Santobello, 
    404 U.S. at 262
    ; United States v. Coleman, 
    895 F.2d 501
    , 506
    (8th Cir. 1990) ("An express promise to file a motion unambiguously binds the
    government."); United States v. Melton, 
    930 F.2d 1096
    , 1098 (5th Cir. 1991) ("[T]he
    government may neither misrepresent its intentions nor renege on representations
    reasonably relied and acted upon by defendants . . . ."). In addition, "'[a]llowing the
    government to breach a promise that induced a guilty plea violates due process.'" Van
    Thournout, 100 F.3d at 594 (citations omitted); see also Mabry v. Johnson, 
    467 U.S. 504
    , 509 (1984) (indicating that "when the prosecution breaches its promise with
    respect to an executed plea agreement, the defendant pleads guilty on a false premise,
    and hence his conviction cannot stand").
    Although, typically, a trial court may not depart from the Sentencing Guidelines
    without a motion by the government, the defendant may "nevertheless have a remedy
    The government attempts to distract us from this acknowledgment by directing
    our attention to its references to "the extent of [Johnson's] cooperation . . . not [being]
    known at [that] time." The government challenges the boundaries of our imaginations
    when it asks us to accept the premise that it did not know the extent of Johnson's
    cooperation during sentencing but suddenly had an epiphany later that day–an epiphany
    that was apparently already emerging prior to sentencing.
    for the government's refusal to file the motion if the plea agreement[] between the
    [defendant] and the government bound the government to file such a motion."
    895 F.2d at 505
    . If the government fails to fulfill the terms of a plea
    agreement, the defendant may seek either specific performance of the agreement or
    withdrawal of his guilty plea. Id.; United States v. Barresse, 
    115 F.3d 610
    , 612 (8th
    Cir. 1997). Also, notwithstanding the language of an agreement, if the government's
    refusal to file a departure motion is irrational or in bad faith, the district court may
    require the government to make a downward departure motion. Rounsavall, 
    128 F.3d at 669
    In the present case, the language of the plea agreement is clear and the
    government's failure to file a departure motion prior to sentencing–when it had already
    determined that Johnson had provided substantial assistance–breached that agreement.
    id. at 668
     (suggesting that the government may have violated its plea agreement in
    failing to file a section 3553(e) motion and remanding for an evidentiary hearing on the
    issue). The 1998 amendment to Rule 35(b) is not a mechanism to string a defendant
    along once the government has concluded he has already satisfied his obligation under
    a plea agreement–indefinitely holding a departure motion over his head like Damocles'
    sword. See Fed. R. Crim. P. 35(b) advisory committee note (discussing the purpose
    of the amendment); United States v. Novak, 
    217 F.3d 566
    , 572 n.13 (8th Cir. 2000)
    (discussing the purpose of a Rule 35(b) motion). Under the approach advocated by the
    government, the government could get a guilty plea, pre-sentencing substantial
    assistance, plus Johnson's efforts toward providing post-sentencing substantial
    assistance, and a full sentence under the guidelines–all without fulfilling its own
    promise under the agreement.
    We acknowledge the legitimacy of the government's goal of encouraging a
    defendant's further cooperation. However, once the government determines that a
    defendant has satisfied a condition precedent, the government's fulfillment of its own
    obligation under the plea agreement becomes paramount. Santobello, 
    404 U.S. at 260
    (indicating that although "an unfortunate lapse in orderly prosecutorial procedures" may
    be explicable, it does not excuse the breach of a plea agreement). Furthermore, in this
    case, the government was not without valid options to encourage additional assistance.
    A defendant who receives a departure for substantial assistance rendered before
    sentencing is not precluded from providing post-sentencing substantial assistance in
    exchange for a Rule 35(b) motion. Fed. R. Crim. P. 35(b) advisory committee's note;
    see also United States v. Causor-Serrato, 
    234 F.3d 384
    , 387 (8th Cir. 2000) (indicating
    that government witnesses had "received significant reductions in their own sentences
    pursuant to United States Sentencing Guidelines . . . § 5K1.1 for rendering the
    government substantial assistance, and [were] hoping for even more of a reduction
    under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 35" in exchange for their post-sentencing
    testimony against the defendant).
    C.     Rule 35(b)
    Johnson also asks us to determine whether a Rule 35(b) motion provides the
    same relief as that provided by a section 3553(e) or 5K1.1 motion. Because we remand
    for resentencing consistent with the terms of the plea agreement, which requires the
    government to file a section 3553(e) and/or a 5K1.1 motion, we need not reach this
    The government argues that a Rule 35(b) motion would yield Johnson
    essentially the same result as would a section 3553(e) or 5K1.1 motion. Whether or
    not the government is correct, its argument further bolsters our position. If it had
    determined a Rule 35(b) motion–which it believes to be the equivalent of a section
    3553(e) or 5K1.1 motion–was in order prior to sentencing, it should have filed the
    appropriate departure motion at that time. "[A]t this stage the prosecution is not in a
    good position to argue that its . . . breach of agreement is immaterial." Santobello, 
    404 U.S. at 262
    Unlike the situation in Rounsavall, 
    128 F.3d at 668
    , we see no need for an
    evidentiary hearing to determine the government's reasons for failing to file the
    appropriate departure motion prior to sentencing. The express terms of the plea
    agreement and the government's determination that Johnson had provided substantial
    assistance speak for themselves.4
    The plea agreement, along with the government's exercise of its discretion to
    determine Johnson's substantial assistance, required the government to file a section
    5K1.1 or a 3553(e) departure motion, or both, prior to sentencing. The government
    breached the agreement by failing to do so. Consequently, we vacate the sentence and
    remand the case to the district court for resentencing. Because Johnson is entitled to
    specific performance of the plea agreement, upon remand, the government is to file a
    motion or motions in accordance with the plea agreement.5
    Also, we note in passing that appeal of a reduced sentence pursuant to a Rule
    35(b) motion carries a greater onus than does a pre-sentence departure. See United
    States v. Coppedge, 
    135 F.3d 598
    , 599 (8th Cir. 1998) (dismissing for lack of
    jurisdiction an appeal of reduced sentence pursuant to Rule 35(b) motion).
    We realize that, in the future, the government may try to avoid the result of our
    decision today by simply not acknowledging that it has already determined that a
    defendant's assistance has been substantial. It is our hope that the aegis of Rounsavall
    and prosecutors' integrity will deter that course.
    Any additional post-sentencing substantial assistance can be considered
    pursuant to a Rule 35(b) motion.
    A true copy.