Marcia A. Hocevar v. Purdue Frederick Co. ( 2000 )

  •                      United States Court of Appeals
    No. 98-4075
    Marcia A. Hocevar,                  *
    Plaintiff - Appellant,        *
    * Appeal from the United States
    v.                            * District Court for the
    * District of Minnesota.
    Purdue Frederick Company; Timothy   *
    Amundsen,                           *
    Defendants - Appellees.       *
    Submitted: October 21, 1999
    Filed: August 9, 2000
    Before BEAM, LAY and JOHN R. GIBSON, Circuit Judges.
    LAY, Circuit Judge, with whom Judge John R. Gibson joins in Part IIA.
    This is an appeal brought by Marcia Hocevar (Hocevar) from the district court’s
    grant of summary judgment in favor of Purdue Frederick Company (Purdue), her former
    employer, in a sexual harassment and retaliation claim brought under Title VII of the
    Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000e et seq. The district court found that the
    plaintiff was a member of a protected class (a female) but that she failed as a matter of
    law to demonstrate a genuine dispute of material fact on both of her claims. In addition
    to denying her claim of retaliation, the court found that Hocevar had not shown a
    hostile work environment because it concluded that the alleged harassment was neither
    pervasive nor severe. For the reasons stated below, the majority of the court (Judges
    Beam and Gibson) affirm the grant of summary judgment on the hostile work
    environment claim; a different majority of the court (Judges Lay and Gibson) reverse
    and remand for trial on Hocevar’s retaliation claim.
    The record shows that Marcia Hocevar began working at Purdue in August 1988
    as a pharmaceutical sales representative. While working for Purdue in Minnesota
    between 1988 and 1992, Hocevar consistently out performed her then co-worker
    Timothy Amundsen (Amundsen) and was often ranked in the top sales percentile
    nationally. Hocevar was promoted three times in five years, the final promotion being
    to the position of sales training manager at corporate headquarters in Norwich,
    Connecticut. Hocevar’s bonuses reflect her good sales record, and her performance
    was rated at the highest possible level.
    In June 1994, Hocevar transferred to Minnesota due to her impending marriage
    where she was placed under the supervision of Amundsen, the new district manager,
    and took over the sales territory previously assigned to him.1 Despite Hocevar’s history
    of top-notch performance evaluations, Amundsen rated Hocevar at the lowest possible
    level in October and November 1994. Amundsen gave Hocevar an additional adverse
    rating in February 1995.
    In March 1995, Amundsen accused Hocevar of lying and making false sales
    reports. A company investigation concluded no wrongdoing on Hocevar’s part.
    Shortly thereafter, in July 1995, Amundsen again gave Hocevar the lowest possible
    The district court dismissed the action against Amundsen. There is no appeal
    from that order of dismissal.
    performance rating despite the fact that she demonstrated a sales growth of seven
    percent. At some point, Purdue took away a portion of Hocevar’s sales territory – an
    area including the world renown Mayo Clinic and LaCrosse, Wisconsin.2 This action
    was taken by Amundsen despite the fact that Hocevar exceeded Amundsen’s own prior
    sales record in the same territory and received bonuses for exceeding sales quota.
    These areas remained unstaffed for three months following removal from Hocevar’s
    On August 11, 1995, Amundsen recommended Hocevar for probation based on
    her past year’s performance. Following an automobile accident, Hocevar took
    disability leave from August 16, 1995, until September 15, 1995. Despite her absence,
    Hocevar again met her sales quota and earned a bonus. Hocevar took additional
    disability leave on October 21, 1995, and requested a part-time work schedule
    accommodation. Amundsen denied her request. As a result, Hocevar was unable to
    return to full-time work and remained on disability leave until her termination on June
    7, 1996.
    Following Hocevar’s return to Minnesota in 1994, Amundsen engaged in hostile
    behavior in the workplace over a two-year period: he distributed sexually explicit
    material at business meetings; he made threats of violence towards female staff
    members; he constantly referred to women as “bitches,” “fucking bitches,” and “fat
    fucking bitches,”3 he told stories of animal violence (e.g., placing a loaded gun in the
    The timing of the reduction in Hocevar’s sales territory is not clear from the
    record. Hocevar’s affidavit indicates the reduction occurred in the summer of 1995.
    Hocevar’s EEOC complaint, however, indicates the event occurred on September 5,
    1995. The district court found the event occurred prior to her August 16, 1995, injury
    and disability leave. See Dist. Ct. Mem. and Order at 13.
    In setting forth the facts of this case, we explicitly recite the use of foul and
    offensive language. Unfortunately, such a recitation is necessary to accurately depict
    mouth of a dog that wandered into his yard); he told jokes at meetings that were
    derogatory towards women and contained profanity; he introduced a new employee as
    the “fucking new guy;” and claimed that new pharmaceutical products were so exciting
    a physician would be “creaming his jeans” to get them. Hocevar also testified that
    Amundsen exhausted a portion of a staff meeting by playing an audiotape of the Jerky
    Boys which contained obscene, vulgar, and sexually explicit “prank” phone calls to
    businesses on topics such as genital warts.
    Hocevar also testified that in April 1992, Purdue Regional Manager Paul
    Kasprzycki (Kasprzycki) had made sexual advances toward her at a bi-regional meeting
    in Denver, Colorado. She testified that she was afraid to report complaints to
    Kasprzycki (Amundsen’s supervisor) due to incidents of Kasprzycki making
    unwelcome sexual advances towards her, including pulling her toward him resulting in
    “full body contact” during what began as a consensual “fast” dance that led into a
    “slow” dance. She testified that Kasprzycki made “very clear his wish to have a sexual
    relationship” with her and made suggestive comments about being available for a
    sexual relationship. Hocevar testified that Kasprzycki’s advances were even more
    explicit when no witnesses were around. According to Hocevar, this was not an
    isolated incident, as Kasprzycki had previously made “unwelcome and uninvited”
    sexual advances toward her following a Purdue national meeting in New Orleans in
    January 1992. Then, in front of nearly 150 people Kasprzycki made statements at a bi-
    regional meeting in April 1995 implying a female manager had a sexual device in her
    hand and, in a separate incident, that he would be engaging in a sexual liaison in his
    hotel room later that day with three female sales representatives that had just performed
    a singing skit. Additionally, she describes an incident at a national meeting in Texas
    the language used in order to provide a more precise sense of the work environment
    that existed at Purdue. Women in any work environment will be totally bewildered by
    the suggestion of Judge Beam that these terms are not sexual in content or demeaning
    to women.
    in 1993 involving two other Purdue District Managers, Dan Mackavoy and Dick
    Silverman. Hocevar stated that the district managers talked throughout her
    presentation; afterwards, she approached them about their “rude” behavior, to which
    Mackavoy responded: “We were talking about what great legs you have.”
    In yet another incident, also following a Purdue bi-regional meeting, Hocevar and
    six male and female co-workers were discussing Susan Faludi’s book Backlash: The
    Undeclared War Against American Women (discussing public reaction to successful
    working women). During this conversation, a male employee called Hocevar a “bitch”
    and the then new district manager, Kelly Bartlett, became “very angry” and “exploded”
    stating: “You women, since when are women always right and men are always wrong?
    If your women’s movement had its way, every woman would be working and our
    children would be being raised in communes.” The incident was so upsetting that
    Kathy Kiekhaefer (Kiekhaefer) and a co-worker were crying and were “scared” and
    concerned at the prospect of working for a manager with such a feeling of hostility
    toward working women.
    In October 1995, Hocevar complained to Dennis Merlo, a Purdue managerial
    employee, about Amundsen’s inappropriate behavior, foul language, and stories of
    animal violence. On December 20, 1995, Hocevar’s attorney notified Purdue of her
    intention to file a complaint against Purdue with the Minnesota Department of Human
    Rights alleging sexual harassment. The letter also voiced concerns about the “ongoing
    sexual harassment” of Hocevar and other women at Purdue. In January 1996, another
    female employee, Kiekhaefer, filed a claim of sexual harassment with Purdue, which
    prompted Purdue to investigate the complaints.
    Danielle Nelson (Nelson), Purdue’s Vice President of Equal Employment
    Opportunity Compliance and Human Resources Administration, conducted an
    investigation into the complaints of sexual harassment. Nelson found that Amundsen’s
    extensive use of profanity and off-color jokes violated company policy and was
    “unprofessional behavior.” Nelson concluded, however, that no sexual harassment
    occurred. Despite Nelson’s determination that no sexual harassment occurred, Purdue
    directed Amundsen – under threat of termination – to take a three month unpaid leave
    of absence during which he would receive counseling and management training.
    Thereafter, Nelson and James Lang (Lang), Purdue’s National Sales Manager, traveled
    to Amundsen’s district, informed the employees that Amundsen’s language was
    inappropriate and unacceptable, and trained employees on Purdue sexual harassment
    complaint procedures. After the Nelson/Lang visit, Hocevar’s co-worker Mary Beck-
    Johnson testified that workplace conduct “absolutely changed” – “personal” matters
    were no longer discussed and inappropriate language was no longer used at meetings.
    In mid-April 1996, Amundsen returned from the unpaid leave of absence. On
    May 2, 1996, Hocevar filed a charge of sexual harassment with the Equal Employment
    Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and Purdue terminated her a little over a month later
    by letter dated June 7, 1996. Hocevar thereafter filed her claim alleging retaliatory
    discharge on July 10, 1996. Hocevar now appeals the district court’s grant of summary
    judgment in favor of Purdue.
    A. Retaliation
    The district court found that Hocevar made a prima facie case of retaliation
    following her claim of sexual harassment with the EEOC. It found that (1) Hocevar
    had engaged in a statutorily protected activity;4 (2) an adverse employment action
    An employer may not discriminate against an employee “because he has
    opposed any practice made an unlawful employment practice by this subchapter, or
    because he has made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an
    investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this subchapter.” 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-3(a).
    occurred; and (3) the adverse employment action was casually linked to the protected
    activity.5   Nonetheless, the district court found that Purdue articulated a
    nondiscriminatory reason for termination, namely, the company’s need to restaff her
    vacant position.6 The district court furthermore found that Hocevar had not shown
    evidence that Purdue’s reason was pretextual.
    Based on our de novo review of the record, we reverse the grant of summary
    judgment on Hocevar’s retaliation claim. The overall record establishes the plaintiff
    has demonstrated sufficient evidence, if believed, that the reason given for her
    discharge simply masked the true reason for the discharge – retaliation for filing an
    EEOC charge. See Furnco Constr. Corp. v. Waters, 
    438 U.S. 567
    , 577 (1978).7 The
    record demonstrates several factors from which a trier of fact might infer that retaliation
    was the true reason for her discharge:
    The defendant seeks to refute that any adverse employment had taken place.
    Without getting into evidentiary detail, it is undisputed that Hocevar claims she lost her
    job for engaging in protected activity. As the district court points out, Hocevar’s
    discharge followed the protected activity so closely in time so as to create an inference
    of retaliating motive, citing Kiel v. Select Artificials, Inc., 
    142 F.3d 1077
    , 1080 (8th
    Cir. 1998), reh’g granted and opinion vacated (Jun. 5, 1998).
    In its letter terminating Hocevar, Purdue advised that it would make every effort
    to locate a suitable territory for her when she was certified as able to return to work.
    Purdue suggests this precatory offer of reinstatement constitutes sufficient immunity
    from a claim of retaliation. Whether this offer to mitigate the harshness of discharge
    was sincere is a question of fact for the jury. Whatever intended, it cannot serve to
    provide immunity from liability if Purdue retaliated against a person who engaged in
    a statutory protected right.
    The Supreme Court observed, “when all legitimate reasons for rejecting an
    applicant have been eliminated as possible reasons for the employer’s actions, it is
    more likely than not the employer, who we generally assume acts only with some
    reason, based his decision on an impermissible consideration such as [age].” Furnco
    Constr. Corp. v. Waters, 
    438 U.S. 567
    , 577 (1978).
    (1) the close proximity in time between Hocevar’s discharge and Amundsen’s
    return to work after his three-month suspension without pay for sexual harassment as
    reported by Hocevar and others;
    (2) the close proximity of Hocevar’s filing the EEOC claim of sexual harassment
    and her discharge;
    (3) that long prior to the company’s reason for Hocevar’s discharge, the Mayo
    Clinic account was taken away from the plaintiff and that account was unserviced for
    over three months thus depriving Hocevar of substantial sales commission;
    (4) that Hocevar was targeted by Amundsen and Kasprzycki for preprobation in
    July 1995;
    (5) that defendant had earlier refused to accommodate plaintiff’s work restriction
    following a car accident, when defendant’s own employment expert testified that such
    accommodation could have occurred;
    (6) that Amundsen had required Hocevar to call him every day with a special
    report about her sales calls; no other employee was required to do so;
    (7) that Kathy Kiekhaefer testified that employees who complained about their
    manager “eventually were gone from the organization altogether.”
    Hocevar’s allegations, if proven true, evidence a long history of unfavorable
    actions by Amundsen against her virtually from the moment she was placed under his
    supervision. During the period in which Amundsen gave her the lowest possible
    performance ratings and placed her on probation, Hocevar consistently exceeded
    Purdue sales quotas and received bonuses. Hocevar’s sales performance exceeded
    quota notwithstanding the fact that Amundsen removed a lucrative portion of her sales
    territory and despite the offensive work environment and heightened scrutiny by
    Amundsen. After Hocevar notified Purdue of Amundsen’s offensive behavior,
    Amundsen was forced to take an unpaid leave of absence. Less than a month after his
    return, Hocevar filed a sexual harassment claim and shortly thereafter was terminated.
    Giving Hocevar the benefit of all favorable inferences on summary judgment, we
    hold there exists sufficient inference that the company’s sudden need to restaff the
    Mayo Clinic territory was indeed questionable and that Hocevar’s filing of her
    complaint with the EEOC was the motivating act that caused Amundsen to discharge
    It is not for this court, nor for the district court, to weigh the evidence and decide
    whether Purdue’s proffered reason was true. As long as there exists conflicting
    evidence upon which reasonable men and women might differ, we find sufficient
    evidence of pretext to survive the motion of summary judgment. Under the
    circumstances, we find the district court erred in granting summary judgment on
    Hocevar’s retaliation claim. We, therefore, reverse the grant of summary judgment on
    Hocevar’s claim of retaliation for the exercise of protected activity.
    LAY, J. dissenting.
    I dissent from the grant of summary judgment on the hostile work environment
    Title VII makes it unlawful for an employer “to fail or refuse to hire or to
    discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with
    respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because
    of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.” 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-
    2(a)(1). Title VII protects “more than ‘terms’ and ‘conditions’ in the narrow
    contractual sense.” Faragher v. City of Boca Raton, 
    524 U.S. 775
    , 786 (1998) (quoting
    Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Servs., Inc., 
    523 U.S. 75
    , 78 (1998)) (internal quotation
    omitted). The Act evinces Congress’ intention to define discrimination in the broadest
    possible terms, and neither enumerates specific discriminatory practices nor defines the
    breadth of actionable illegal activities. See Hall v. Gus Constr. Co., 
    842 F.2d 1010
    1014 (8th Cir. 1988). In interpreting the scope of activities prohibited under Title VII,
    the Supreme Court instructs that hostile work environment harassment occurs when
    “the workplace is permeated with ‘discriminatory intimidation, ridicule, and insult’ that
    is ‘sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of the victim’s employment
    and create an abusive working environment.’” Harris v. Forklift Sys., Inc., 
    510 U.S. 17
    , 21 (1993) (citations omitted and emphasis added).
    In a sexual harassment suit, in order to establish a claim of hostile work
    environment, a plaintiff must show (1) membership in a protected group; (2) the
    occurrence of unwelcome harassment; (3) a causal nexus between the harassment and
    membership in the protected group; and (4) that the harassment affected a term,
    condition or privilege of employment. See Carter v. Chrysler Corp., 
    173 F.3d 693
    , 700
    (8th Cir. 1999). If the harassment is perpetrated by a supervisor and the employee
    suffers a tangible employment action (e.g., demotion, undesirable reassignment, or
    discharge), the employer is vicariously liable for the supervisor’s sexual harassment of
    the employee. See Faragher, 
    524 U.S. at 807-08
    ; Burlington Indus., Inc. v. Ellerth, 
    524 U.S. 742
    , 765 (1998). Important to my analysis is the Supreme Court’s recent
    statement that sexually harassing behavior perpetrated by a supervisor has a “greater
    power to alter the environment” than similar actions of mere co-workers. Faragher,
    524 U.S. at 805
    The inquiry at summary judgment is “whether the evidence presents a sufficient
    disagreement to require submission to a jury or whether it is so one-sided that one party
    must prevail as a matter of law.” Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 251-
    52 (1986). As I previously indicated, in considering a motion for summary judgment,
    the district court should not weigh the evidence, make credibility determinations, or
    attempt to determine the truth of the matter, 
    id. at 249
    , but instead should give all
    reasonable inferences to the non-moving party. 
    Id. at 255
    . To survive summary
    judgment, Hocevar need only submit “‘sufficient evidence supporting a material factual
    dispute that would require resolution by a trier of fact.’” Austin v. Minnesota Mining
    & Mfg. Co., 
    193 F.3d 992
    , 994 (8th Cir. 1999), (quoting Hase v. Missouri Div. of
    Employment Sec., 
    972 F.2d 893
    , 895 (8th Cir.1992)). Summary judgment is
    inappropriate where “reasonable minds could differ as to the import of the evidence.”
    477 U.S. at 250
    . It is under this framework that we should review the
    district court’s grant of summary judgment to Purdue on Hocevar’s claims of hostile
    work environment.8
    Hocevar asserts that during her tenure at Purdue, she endured a constant litany
    of vulgar and inappropriate behavior. As previously set forth, the behavior was
    perpetrated in large part by Amundsen, her direct supervisor, and, in small part, by two
    other Purdue managers.
    As the district court found, there is no dispute that Hocevar, a female, is a
    member of a protected group. See Carter, 
    173 F.3d at 700
     (female plaintiff member
    of protected group). Our inquiry, therefore, should turn to the second element of a
    hostile work environment claim: whether she was subject to unwelcome harassment.
    Under summary judgment, the burden is actually on the moving party to show
    the absence of a genuine dispute of material fact. See Adickes v. S. H. Kress & Co.,
    398 U.S. 144
    , 157 (1970). I think it clear that the employer has not carried that burden.
    Consideration of this matter is further guided by the principle that summary
    judgment should seldom be granted in employment discrimination cases since the
    claims frequently rely on inferences. See Breeding v. Arthur J. Gallagher and Co., 
    164 F.3d 1151
    , 1156 (8th Cir. 1999) (citing Lynn v. Deaconess Med. Ctr.-West Campus,
    160 F.3d 484
    , 486-87 (8th Cir. 1998)).
    Conduct is “unwelcome” where it is “uninvited and offensive.” Bales v. Wal-Mart
    Stores, Inc., 
    143 F.3d 1103
    , 1108 (8th Cir. 1998); see Moylan v. Maries County, 
    792 F.2d 746
    , 749 (8th Cir. 1986) (conduct is unwelcome where employee neither solicited
    it nor invited it, and regarded it as undesirable or offensive).
    That the conduct in question is unwelcome is “[t]he gravamen of any sexual
    harassment claim.” Meritor Sav. Bank, FSB v. Vinson, 
    477 U.S. 57
    , 68 (1986). In
    determining whether conduct is “unwelcome,” we should consider whether the plaintiff
    indicated, by her conduct, that the alleged harassment was unwelcome. Quick v.
    Donaldson Co., 
    90 F.3d 1372
    , 1378 (8th Cir. 1996) (citing Meritor, 
    477 U.S. at 68
    This is a fact question for the jury and turns largely on credibility determinations. See
    477 U.S. at 68
     (question of whether conduct is unwelcome presents difficult
    proof problems turning largely on credibility determinations committed to trier of fact);
    see also Quick, 
    90 F.3d at 1378
    The district court focused its inquiry on whether the incidents of harassment
    were “offensive” and concluded that they failed to constitute an offensive environment
    due to their infrequent use.9 Under review of the record, I find sufficient evidence and
    inference therefrom that there was an ongoing use of sexual vulgarity directed at the
    plaintiff as well as all women employees in general. Based on the evidence set forth
    below, the plaintiff has certainly met the threshold of proof of pervasiveness as a matter
    Before the district court, Purdue argued that the court should not consider
    alleged harassment that occurred prior to July 7, 1995, that is, 300 days prior to
    Hocevar’s May 2, 1996, complaint to the EEOC. Hocevar argued the court should
    consider incidents prior to July 7, 1995, under a continuing violation theory, which
    permits consideration of allegedly discriminatory events outside the 300-day limitations
    period. See Jenson v. Eveleth Taconite Co., 
    130 F.3d 1287
    , 1302 (8th Cir. 1997).
    Although not expressly adopting the continuing violation theory, the district court
    implicitly agreed with Hocevar and considered behavior beginning in August 1994.
    of law. The ultimate determination as to whether the harassment was pervasive must
    be made by the jury.10
    The record in the present case shows Amundsen’s use of sexual vulgarity
    occurred throughout the workplace, on sales calls and during meetings. Hocevar’s
    female co-worker, Kiekhaefer, indicates Amundsen repeatedly referred to women as
    “bitches,” used the “F” word in virtually every other sentence, called clients “fuckers”
    and “assholes,” and routinely referred to female nurses and female physicians as
    “fucking bitches.” Similar testimony is in the record from another female employee of
    Amundsen’s, Mary Beck-Johnson, indicating Amundsen “routinely” used the terms
    “bitch” and “fuck” in meetings. Further, Hocevar testified that sexually explicit
    behavior occurred at meetings chaired by Amundsen, which Amundsen either condoned
    or failed to stop, and that sexually suggestive comments were made by two Purdue
    managers, one of whom subjected Hocevar to unwelcome physical contact during a
    consensual dance, which made Hocevar “extremely uncomfortable.” Under the record
    presented, these vulgar attacks cannot be simply regarded as “off-hand” or isolated
    The opinion by Judge Beam takes a different approach, suggesting that
    Hocevar cannot prove the behavior was unwelcome because she had on occasion used
    similar language, relying on Scusa v. Nestle U.S.A. Co., 
    181 F.3d 958
    , 966 (8th Cir.
    1999). In Scusa, the hostile work environment plaintiff alleged, among other incidents,
    one occurrence of foul language used by a co-worker during a meeting discussing her
    sexual harassment claim. See Scusa, 
    181 F.3d at
    963 n.3. On the question of whether
    the plaintiff found the offensive language “unwelcome,” this court observed that the
    record contained undisputed evidence that the plaintiff herself used the “F” word along
    with male-specific pejoratives, told off-color jokes at work, and teased co-workers.
    Id. at 966
    . This court affirmed the district court’s finding that Scusa failed to create a
    genuine issue of material fact to preclude summary judgment on the question of
    whether the alleged behavior was unwelcome. In contrast to Scusa, the sexual
    vulgarities were used not once, but “constantly” by Hocevar’s supervisor.
    The defendant, as does Judge Beam, relies on the fact that Hocevar herself had
    used the words “bitch” and “fuck” on occasion in the workplace. On this basis, it is
    argued that the words are not unwelcome by Hocevar. Hocevar, however, qualifies her
    use of these words by saying that they were not used in the same context that
    Amundsen had used them. There is a world of difference between the use of the
    infrequent swear word in the workplace, not actionable when not directed to a specific
    gender, and direct words demeaning to women in general. While Hocevar’s infrequent
    use of foul language may indeed, when presented to a jury, diminish her claim that the
    behavior of Amundsen and others was “unwelcome,” it in no way bars her claim as a
    matter of law. I am unaware of any case that precludes a plaintiff from arguing that the
    employer’s constant use of sexually charged language and off-color jokes is unwelcome
    merely because the plaintiff at times engaged in swearing. Such a reading is
    inconsistent with the mandate that courts consider the totality of the circumstances of
    a case. Faragher, 524 U.S. at 787. Further, Judge Beam’s analysis utterly fails to
    address Amundsen’s threats of violence, his dissemination of sexually explicit material
    at meetings, his condonation of sexually graphic behavior at meetings, and the behavior
    of other Purdue managers, all apparently because Hocevar admitted to the infrequent
    use of foul language. The record further shows that Hocevar’s swearing was not
    directed as a demeaning word of harassment at any person or group of people. It is one
    thing that an employee use vulgarity in his or her general communication; it is quite
    another when the vulgarity is directed at a specific social group who reasonably could
    find it to be demeaning to their own self-being.
    Even if one concedes that use of foul language by an employee can diminish a
    claim that the harassment was unwelcome and subjectively offensive, evidence of
    Hocevar’s reaction could still support a finding that Amundsen’s behavior was
    unwelcome. See Burns v. McGregor Elec. Indus., Inc., 
    989 F.2d 959
    , 964 (8th Cir.
    1993) (agreeing with district court that plaintiff having posed nude for a nationally
    distributed magazine does not lead inevitably to conclusion that workplace harassment
    was welcome); Bales, 
    143 F.3d at 1108-09
     (plaintiff’s reaction to harassment sufficient
    to support jury finding that behavior was unwelcome); see also Caviness v. Nucor-
    Yamato Steel Co., 
    105 F.3d 1216
    , 1223 (8th Cir.1997) (“[I]t stretches credulity to
    conceive that a reasonable jury might have thought [plaintiffs] welcomed from their
    co-workers the conduct detailed in the evidence at trial.”).
    Hocevar testified that she suffered fear, depression, anxiety and self-doubt as a
    result of Amundsen’s behavior, including his degrading and demeaning criticism of her
    work performance. If she was not offended by this, as I think any reasonable person
    would be, it is difficult to explain that both she and her co-worker were under the
    continuing care of a psychologist and that Hocevar was treated with Prozac for anxiety
    and depression. Hocevar’s complaint to Purdue manager Dennis Merlo is also
    “reaction” evidence revealing that Hocevar viewed Amundsen’s sexually derogatory
    language unwelcome. Further, the record contains evidence that Hocevar, Kiekhaefer,
    and a third female co-worker were “scared” and upset to the point of tears following
    the incident surrounding the discussion of Susan Faludi’s book Backlash: The
    Undeclared War Against American Women. Giving her the benefit of all favorable
    inferences, this conduct could be found by a jury to support a finding that the
    harassment was unwelcome and that it was subjectively offensive.11 Precedent
    supports such a finding. See Harris, 
    510 U.S. at 22
     (recognizing that Title VII bars
    discriminatory conduct that affects a reasonable person’s psychological well-being);
    Kopp v. Samaritan Health Sys., Inc., 
    13 F.3d 264
    , 269 (8th Cir. 1993) (psychological
    harm is a relevant factor in hostile work environment analysis); cf. Jenson v. Eveleth
    Taconite Co., 
    130 F.3d 1287
    , 1304 (8th Cir. 1997) (recognizing that a callous pattern
    The Supreme Court directs that “the objective severity of harassment should
    be judged from the perspective of a reasonable person in the plaintiff’s position,
    considering ‘all the circumstances.’” Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Servs., Inc., 
    523 U.S. 75
    , 81 (1998) (quoting Harris v. Forklift Sys., Inc., 
    510 U.S. 17
    , 23 (1993)).
    Because Purdue does not appear to suggest that the harassment was not objectively
    offensive, this issue is not addressed.
    and practice of degrading sexual harassment in the workplace can destroy self-esteem
    of women exposed to it).
    The third element of a claim of hostile work environment requires evidence of
    a causal nexus between the harassment suffered and Hocevar’s membership in a
    protected group. See Carter, 
    173 F.3d at 700
    . At the summary judgment stage, a
    plaintiff may prove harassment is “based on sex” by presenting evidence that members
    of one sex were the primary targets of harassment. Quick, 
    90 F.3d at 1378
    that members of one sex were primary targets of harassment sufficient to show conduct
    was gender based for purposes of summary judgment) (quoting Kopp, 
    13 F.3d at
    70). Whether harassing conduct is based on sex is determined by inquiring “whether
    ‘members of one sex are exposed to disadvantageous terms or conditions of
    employment to which members of the other sex are not exposed.’” Quick, 
    90 F.3d at 1379
     (quoting Harris, 
    510 U.S. at 25
    ) (Ginsburg, J., concurring).
    This court has recently reaffirmed that gender-based insults, such as the term
    “bitch,” may give rise to an inference of discrimination based on sex, see Carter, 
    173 F.3d at 700
    , and has rejected the notion that an employee must be propositioned,
    touched offensively, or harassed by sexual innuendo in order to have been sexually
    harassed. See Quick, 
    90 F.3d at
    1379 (citing Burns, 
    989 F.2d at 964
    ). Additionally,
    we have held that intimidation and hostility toward women in general can result from
    conduct other than explicit sexual advances.12 See Hall, 
    842 F.2d at 1014
    . Moreover,
    it is well settled that verbal abuse, violence, or physical aggression may constitute
    sexual harassment, see Quick, 
    90 F.3d at
    1379 (citing Burns, 
    989 F.2d at 964-65
    ), and
    Indeed, Justice Scalia recently pointed out that harassment does not have to be
    motivated by sexual desire, but can be motivated by hostility to members of a particular
    sex. See Oncale, 
    523 U.S. at 80
     (“A trier of fact might reasonably find such [same-sex]
    discrimination, for example, if a female victim is harassed in such sex-specific and
    derogatory terms by another woman as to make it clear that the harasser is motivated
    by general hostility to the presence of women in the workplace.”).
    that such need not be explicitly sexual in nature. See Carter, 
    173 F.3d at 700-01
    instances of harassment need not be stamped with signs of overt discrimination to be
    relevant under Title VII if they are part of a course of conduct which is tied to evidence
    of discriminatory animus.”); see also, Williams v. General Motors Corp., 
    187 F.3d 553
    565-66 (6th Cir. 1999) (gender-specific epithets such as “slut” and “fucking women”
    can support an inference that the comments were motivated by gender).
    On the question of causal nexus, the district court essentially reasoned that
    because the offensive behavior occurred in front of both men and women and was not
    specifically directed at Hocevar, it failed to evidence the harasser’s thoughts toward a
    particular gender.       Similarly, Judge Beam holds that because Amundsen
    indiscriminately used the crude adjective “fucking” when referring to both men and
    women, the term somehow loses its sexual connotation and cannot be used to show the
    language was causally linked to gender. He finds that “[t]his is not a case where
    Amundsen used the term bitch as a synonym for female-specific characteristics of
    which he did not approve.” This reasoning is inconsistent with this court’s decision in
    Kopp where we found sufficient evidence of actionable harassment based on sex to
    survive summary judgment where women were more frequently exposed to harassment
    than men, despite that abuse was rarely couched in terms of sex or gender and was used
    in front of both men and women. Kopp, 
    13 F.3d at 269-70
    . Judge Beam’s opinion
    further fails to appreciate the inherently sexual nature of the profane term,13 and also
    fails to address Amundsen’s chronic characterization of women as “bitches,” “fucking
    bitches,” and “fat fucking bitches.”
    The American Heritage Dictionary, New College Edition, defines “fuck” as:
    “1. Vulgar. To have sexual intercourse with. 2. Vulgar Slang. To deal with in an
    aggressive, unjust, or spiteful manner.” p. 531.
    Contrary to Judge Beam’s conclusion,14 Hocevar presents the hypothetical case
    we considered in Kriss where a supervisor’s constant use of the word “bitch” was
    directed only at women. It is apparent that Amundsen used the term “bitch” throughout
    the workplace in a pejorative manner to describe women who were rude to him or
    In support of the proposition that “bitch” is not indicia of a misogynist attitude,
    Judge Beam cites Kriss v. Sprint Communications Co., 
    58 F.3d 1276
    , 1281 (8th Cir.
    1995). In Kriss, we reversed the district court’s finding of gender discrimination
    following a bench trial. Kriss’ supervisor had once stated that a woman in the office
    was a “bitch.” This court considered the supervisor’s use of that term and wrote:
    Specifically, the word “bitch,” it seems to us, is not an indication of a
    general misogynist attitude. Rather, it is a crude, gender-specific
    vulgarity, which in this case was directed toward only one woman, rather
    than women in general. (We note the existence of many vulgar epithets
    that are used only of men that, we believe, would not be indicative of
    animus against males.) Hence, we do not find Miller’s use of this term to
    be particularly probative of gender discrimination. Perhaps if the
    evidence were that Miller regularly used the word “bitch” as a synonym
    for “complain,” the plaintiff’s case would be stronger, because that would
    furnish some evidence that Miller associated complaining with females.
     (emphasis added).
    behaved in some way that displeased him.15 This term also has a distinctively negative
    connotation when used to describe women.16
    Giving Hocevar the benefit of all reasonable inferences, there is little doubt that
    the extensive use of the gender-specific pejorative “bitch,” coupled with the sexually
    explicit and offensive term “fuck,” could support a finding that the harassment was
    based on sex. To hold otherwise is an unprecedented endorsement of the sexually
    insulting behavior presented. See Burns, 
    989 F.2d at 965
     (vulgar and offensive
    epithets, including but not limited to “bitch,” are “‘widely recognized as not only
    improper but as intensely degrading, deriving their power to wound not only from their
    meaning but also from the disgust and violence they express phonetically.’”) (citations
    and internal quotations omitted).
    The Supreme Court recently reaffirmed the “severe or pervasive” test articulated
    in Harris, defining a sexually objectionable environment to mean “one that a reasonable
    person would find hostile or abusive, and one that the victim in fact did perceive to be
    so.” Faragher, 524 U.S. at 787; see Ellerth, 
    524 U.S. at 754
    . Once there is evidence
    of improper conduct and subjective offense, the question of whether the conduct rose
    to a persuasive level of abuse is largely one for the jury. See Howard v. Burns Bros.,
    149 F.3d 835
    , 840 (8th Cir. 1998); see also O’Shea v. Yellow Tech. Servs., Inc.,
    Hocevar testified through deposition about an incident in which a female
    physician backed she and Amundsen out a door, refusing to allow them to visit another
    physician. Hocevar testified that Amundsen became “very angry,” was “ranting and
    raving” and said “I wish I was in the military again or, like, a cop, because I’d like her
    to fear me. I should go up there and slam her one.” Throughout the day, Amundsen
    repeatedly referred to the female physician as a “fat fucking bitch” and a “fucking
    bitch.” This single incident gives a clear understanding of the hostile context in which
    Amundsen used these offensive terms.
    The American Heritage Dictionary, New College Edition, defines “bitch” as:
    “Slang. A spiteful or lewd woman.” p. 135.
    185 F.3d 1093
    , 1098 (10th Cir. 1999) (“the severity and pervasiveness evaluation is
    particularly unsuited for summary judgment because it is ‘quintessentially a question
    of fact’”) (quoting Beardsley v. Webb, 
    30 F.3d 524
    , 530 (4th Cir. 1994)).
    In determining whether a work environment is sufficiently severe or pervasive
    to alter the terms or conditions of employment, we must look at the totality of the
    circumstances, including factors such as “‘frequency of the discriminatory conduct; its
    severity; whether it is physically threatening or humiliating, or a mere offensive
    utterance; and whether it unreasonably interferes with an employee’s work
    performance.’” Faragher, 524 U.S. at 787-88 (quoting Harris, 
    510 U.S. at 23
    Evidence of psychological harm to the plaintiff is also a relevant factor, Harris, 
    510 U.S. at 23
    , as is evidence of harassment of plaintiff’s co-workers. See Howard, 
    149 F.3d at 838
     (harassment of plaintiff’s co-workers relevant to show pervasiveness of
    hostile environment).
    Under this framework, we should consider the fourth element of a claim of
    hostile work environment harassment, namely, whether the harassment Hocevar
    suffered affected a term, condition or privilege of her employment. This court has held
    that in the context of Title VII “conditions of employment” may be altered by
    harassment if the employee is discouraged from remaining on the job, Smith v. St.
    Louis Univ., 
    109 F.3d 1261
    , 1264 (8th Cir. 1997), or the harassment caused economic
    injury, affected the employee’s psychological well-being, detracted from job
    performance, or kept the employee from advancing in her career. Quick, 
    90 F.3d at 1378
    . Title VII is violated when a “workplace is permeated with ‘discriminatory
    intimidation, ridicule and insult’ that is ‘sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the
    conditions of the victim’s employment and create an abusive working environment,’”
    where if the environment is objectively and subjectively perceived as hostile or abusive.
     (quoting Harris, 
    510 U.S. at 21
    ) (emphasis added).
    On the question of whether Hocevar showed sufficient evidence that the
    harassment was “severe or pervasive” to alter a term or condition of employment, the
    district court found the alleged incidents were neither sufficiently pervasive nor directed
    at Hocevar.17 In reaching this conclusion, the district court concluded that playing the
    Jerky Boys tape was not offensive conduct; that Amundsen’s stories of animal violence
    are not severe enough to constitute a hostile environment; that Amundsen’s referral to
    a female doctor as a “fucking bitch” and introduction of a new employee as a “fucking
    new guy” at most offended the person the comments were directed at, which was not
    Hocevar. On this point, Judge Beam recognizes that the use of foul language may have
    been pervasive. Because he concludes that the offensive language is not based on sex,
    however, he sets this evidence aside, then proceeds to consider whether the remaining
    facts of Hocevar’s case are sufficiently severe or pervasive. This approach errs
    because it fails to consider the totality of the circumstances, see Harris, 
    510 U.S. at 23
    (all evidence concerning abusiveness of a plaintiff’s working condition is relevant), and
    imposes a per se test requiring harassment be “directed at” plaintiff to be actionable.
    This approach has been rejected by an appellate court in Vinson v. Taylor, 
    753 F.2d 141
    , 146 (D.C. Cir. 1985), which expressly held that “[e]ven a woman who was never
    herself the object of harassment might have a Title VII claim if she were forced to work
    in an atmosphere in which such harassment was pervasive.” 
     (emphasis added). The
    Vinson court reached this conclusion in light of EEOC Decision No. 71-909, 3 Fair
    The defendant asserts this was not a basis for the district court’s summary
    judgment grant. To the contrary, the court stated:
    Because none of the alleged harassment was directed at Hocevar, and
    because the incidents were infrequent, the allegations fail to be
    sufficiently pervasive and severe enough to alter the conditions of her
    employment and create an abusive working environment. Thus,
    Defendant’s motion for summary judgment on Count 1 is granted.
    Dist. Ct. Mem. and Order at 9.
    Empl. Prac. Cas. (BNA) at 269-70 (1970) in which the EEOC found reasonable cause
    to find a Title VII violation where a white employee was discharged for befriending
    African American co-workers.18
    Title VII provides employees the “right to work in an environment free from
    discriminatory intimidation, ridicule, and insult.” Meritor, 
    477 U.S. at 65
    added). The EEOC Guidelines defining sexual harassment do not limit sexual
    harassment to only those actions that are directed at the plaintiff. See 
    29 C.F.R. § 1604.11
     (1999) (“Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other
    verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when . . .
    such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s
    work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working
    environment.”) (emphasis added).
    I find no case that dictates, as Judge Beam suggests, that only behavior directed
    at the plaintiff, such as sexual advances, may support a claim of hostile work
    environment sexual harassment. Cf. Breeding, 
    164 F.3d at 1159
    The EEOC stated that an employer violates Title VII by maintaining a work
    environment in which racial insults are countenanced. It stated that Title VII requires
    an employer:
    maintain a working atmosphere free of racial intimidation or insult.
    Failure to take steps reasonably calculated to maintain such an
    atmosphere violates the Act. . . . That the racial insults were not directed
    to [white] Charging Party, but to his fellow employees, renders the act no
    less a violation. Indeed, Charting Party was so offended by the epithet
    and the attitude underlying its use that he determined to resign his
    employment. That Charging Party was “aggrieved” in fact and as a
    matter of law is well settled.
    EEOC Decision No. 71-909, 3 Fair Empl. Prac. Cas. (BNA) at 269-70 (1970).
    supervisor’s fondling of genitals in view of various employees, including plaintiff, and
    inappropriate comments made in front of men and women); Howard, 
    149 F.3d at 838
    (considering harassment of employees other than plaintiff relevant to show
    pervasiveness of hostile environment); Kopp, 
    13 F.3d at 270
     (reversing grant of
    summary judgment where male physician used gender-specific foul language in front
    of numerous employees, both male and female, only one incident of which was directed
    at plaintiff); Jenson v. Eveleth Taconite Co., 
    824 F. Supp. 847
     (D. Minn. 1993) (class
    plaintiffs prevailed on hostile work environment claim where much of derogatory and
    insulting language used by men was directed at women in general). The fact that the
    bulk of the harassing behavior occurred in Hocevar’s workplace in her presence yet
    was directed at all women present does not, as a matter of law, preclude a finding of
    a hostile work environment. This is particularly true where the harassment occurred
    at the hands of Hocevar’s direct supervisor, in light of the Supreme Court’s recent
    statement that harassing behavior perpetrated by a supervisor has a “greater power to
    alter the environment” than similar behavior of mere co-workers. Faragher, 524 U.S.
    at 805.
    It is inconceivable at the summary judgment stage to suggest that the language
    used by Timothy Amundsen, Hocevar’s supervisor, coupled with the behavior of two
    Purdue managers, is insufficient as a matter of law to support a claim of hostile work
    environment harassment under Title VII. Justice Scalia’s recent observation is
    appropriate here, “[t]he real social impact of workplace behavior often depends on a
    constellation of surrounding circumstances, expectations, and relationships which are
    not fully captured by a simple recitation of the words used or the physical acts
    performed.” Oncale, 
    523 U.S. at 81-82
    I disagree with Judge Beam who perceives this to be a case of isolated or
    sporadic incidents of “mere offensive utterances” in the workplace. Assuming
    Hocevar’s allegations as true at this early stage of summary judgment, the record
    reveals a clear pattern of pervasive offensive behavior tinged with gender animus.
    Hocevar provides evidence that she was physically afraid of Amundsen, particularly
    after an incident in which he punched a fellow employee, and that she found his
    demeaning behavior toward women so humiliating that she sought psychiatric treatment
    and medication. The allegations, if found true by a jury, are sufficient to permit a
    finding that the cumulative effect of Amundsen’s conduct, along with that of other
    Purdue managers, was sufficiently severe or pervasive to create a hostile work
    environment based on sexual harassment.
    I therefore dissent from the affirmance granting summary judgment for hostile
    work environment in violation of Title VII.
    BEAM, Circuit Judge, with whom Judge John R. Gibson joins in the result reached in
    Part IIA.
    Marcia Hocevar appeals the district court's19 grant of summary judgment in favor
    of Purdue Frederick Company (Purdue) and Timothy Amundsen, resulting in the
    dismissal of her Title VII claims of hostile work environment and retaliation.20 The
    The Honorable Paul A. Magnuson, United States District Judge for the District
    of Minnesota.
    Hocevar also brought claims of quid pro quo harassment in violation of Title
    VII, and state law claims of intentional infliction of emotional distress, breach of
    contract, and wrongful discharge. The district court dismissed Amundsen as a party.
    The district court also dismissed the quid pro quo claim on summary judgment. After
    dismissal of the Title VII claims, the district court declined to exercise supplemental
    jurisdiction over the state law claims. At oral argument, Hocevar's counsel seemed to
    imply that Hocevar did not wish to pursue an appeal of the dismissal of her quid pro
    quo claim. Regardless, we affirm the district court's well-reasoned opinion with regard
    to the dismissal of the quid pro quo allegation. Hocevar does not appeal the dismissal
    of Amundsen as a party or the district court's decision to not exercise supplemental
    jurisdiction over the state law claims.
    district court found that Hocevar had not established a prima facie case of hostile work
    environment and that she had not demonstrated a retaliation claim.
    I relate the relevant facts in the light most favorable to Hocevar.21 Hocevar
    worked as a sales representative for Purdue. During Hocevar's employment, her
    supervisor, Timothy Amundsen, constantly used the words "bitch," "fuck, " and
    "asshole," and sometimes used combinations of these words. Aside from her claims
    of constant offensive language, Hocevar also asserts four specific instances of
    inappropriate conduct by Amundsen. First, Amundsen called a female client who
    treated him rudely a "fat fucking bitch." Second, Amundsen called a new male
    employee a "fucking new guy" throughout a business meeting. Third, at a business
    meeting, Amundsen played a tape of the Jerky Boys, a set of crude, so-called
    comedians whose routine often includes offensive language. Fourth, Amundsen said
    that Purdue's clients would "cream their jeans" when they found out about a new
    product that Purdue had developed.
    Hocevar cited four other incidents of sexual harassment involving other company
    officials. First, in the spring of 1992, while having drinks, several company employees
    engaged in a heated argument about Susan Faludi's book Backlash. During that
    argument, a company official expressed negative feelings about the feminist movement
    We review the district court's grant of summary judgment de novo, and will
    affirm if the evidence, viewed in the light most favorable to Hocevar, shows that there
    is no genuine issue of material fact and that Purdue is entitled to judgment as a matter
    of law. See Austin v. Minnesota Mining and Mfg. Co., 
    193 F.3d 992
    , 994 (8th Cir.
    1999) (standard of review).
    and another company official called Hocevar a "bitch."22 Second, in January of 1993,
    another company official made sexual advances toward her and pulled her close to have
    full-body contact during a dance at a company gathering. Third, at a company meeting
    in the spring of 1993, two other company officials talked during a presentation that
    Hocevar was giving. At the end of the presentation, Hocevar confronted them about
    their rude behavior and one of the men told her that they had been talking about "what
    great legs" Hocevar had. Fourth, in April of 1995, after a skit performed by three
    female employees at a company gathering, a company official23 suggested to the room
    of 150 people that he would be having a sexual liaison with the three women later that
    evening. During this same gathering, the company official also made a comment that
    suggested a female employee had a sexual device in her hand.
    In August of 1995, Hocevar was injured in a car accident in which she received
    injuries that kept her off work for several weeks. On September 18, 1995, Hocevar
    returned to work. However, she was only able to work for a little more than a month
    before having to take another absence because of continuing pain from injuries
    sustained in the accident. On December 15, 1995, Purdue sent a letter to Hocevar in
    which the company expressed concern about her continued absence. Five days later,
    Hocevar's attorney responded with a letter that outlined Hocevar's complaints about
    Amundsen's conduct. On May 2, 1996, Hocevar filed a complaint with the EEOC.
    About a month after the complaint was filed, Purdue terminated Hocevar.
    The company official who called Hocevar a "bitch" later called to apologize for
    his comment.
    This was the same company official who danced with Hocevar two years
    A.     Hostile Work Environment
    To succeed on a claim of hostile work environment created by her supervisor,
    Hocevar has to prove the elements of such a case. These elements are: (1) that she is
    a member of a protected group; (2) that she was subject to unwelcome sexual
    harassment; (3) that the harassment was based on sex; and (4) that the harassment
    affected a term, condition, or privilege of employment. See Phillips v. Taco Bell Corp.,
    156 F.3d 884
    , 888 (8th Cir. 1998). Purdue has an affirmative defense to liability or
    damages when no tangible employment action is taken if: (a) Purdue exercised
    reasonable care to prevent and correct promptly any sexually harassing behavior; and
    (b) Hocevar unreasonably failed to take advantage of any preventive or corrective
    opportunities provided by Purdue or to avoid harm otherwise. See Faragher v. City of
    Boca Raton, 
    524 U.S. 775
    , 807 (1998). Hocevar is a member of a protected group.
    However, Hocevar has failed to establish that the alleged behavior was unwelcome, the
    discrimination was based on sex, or that the harassment affected a term, condition, or
    privilege of employment.24
    Hocevar has not demonstrated that Amundsen's use of offensive language was
    unwelcome. A plaintiff must indicate by her conduct that the alleged harassment was
    unwelcome. See Quick v. Donaldson Co., 
    90 F.3d 1372
    , 1378 (8th Cir. 1996). A
    plaintiff cannot create a genuine issue of material fact with regard to unwelcome
    behavior when she engages in the conduct complained about. See Scusa v. Nestle
    U.S.A. Co., 
    181 F.3d 958
    , 966 (8th Cir. 1999). Hocevar's own testimony indicates that
    Because Hocevar has failed to prove the elements of her claim, we need not
    decide the availability of or extent of an affirmative defense.
    Amundsen's use of offensive language was not unwelcome because she used the
    offensive language herself. Hocevar admitted that she also called the new co-worker
    the "fucking new guy" at the business meeting. She further admitted that she used the
    words "bitch" and "fuck" around both Amundsen and other Purdue employees. I find
    that these actions on the part of Hocevar vitiate her contention that the mere use of
    these words was unwelcome.
    Hocevar also failed to establish that the discrimination was based on sex.
    Harassing conduct constitutes discrimination based on sex when members of one sex
    are exposed to disadvantageous terms or conditions of employment to which members
    of the other sex are not exposed. See Montandon v. Farmland Indus. Inc., 
    116 F.3d 355
    , 358 (8th Cir. 1997). Hocevar failed to demonstrate that the language complained
    about was based on sex. Offensive language was used to describe both men and
    women. While Amundsen described a female client who had treated him rudely as a
    "fat fucking bitch," he also referred to a new male employee as a "fucking new guy."
    Offensive language was used in front of both men and women at company meetings and
    the Jerky Boys tapes were played in front of both men and women. The use of foul
    language in front of both men and women is not discrimination based on sex. See 
    id. at 358
    ; see also Scusa, 
    181 F.3d at 965
    Hocevar claims that Amundsen's use of the term "bitch" itself shows a
    discriminatory attitude toward females. Gender-based insults may create an inference
    that discrimination was based on sex. See Carter v. Chrysler Corp., 
    173 F.3d 693
    , 700
    (8th Cir. 1999). However, mere use of the word "bitch," without other evidence of sex
    discrimination, is not particularly probative of a general misogynist attitude. See Kriss
    v. Sprint Communications Co., 
    58 F.3d 1276
    , 1281 (8th Cir. 1995).
    In this case, Hocevar has presented no additional evidence demonstrating that
    Amundsen's use of the word "bitch" connotes a misogynist attitude. This is not a case
    where Amundsen used the term bitch as a synonym for female-specific characteristics
    of which he did not approve. See 
    id. at 1281
     (noting that evidence where supervisor
    used word "bitch" as synonym for "complain" would provide stronger evidence of sex
    harassment because that would demonstrate that supervisor associated complaining
    with females). Neither is this a case where Amundsen blamed Hocevar's sexuality for
    his use of the word "bitch." Carter, 
    173 F.3d at 701
     (holding that use of sexual epithets
    is evidence of sexual harassment when co-employee claims he used sexual epithets
    because plaintiff dressed provocatively and put "her ass up in our faces"). Nor is this
    a case in which Amundsen engaged in a litany of obscene name calling against
    Hocevar. See Burns v. McGregor Elec. Indus. Inc., 
    989 F.2d 959
    , 964 (8th Cir. 1993)
    (finding discrimination based on sex when male co-worker called female plaintiff a
    "bitch," "asshole," "slut," and "cunt"). Because Hocevar has failed to present any
    additional evidence to bolster her contention that Amundsen's pervasive use of the term
    "bitch" shows his misogynist attitude, I find that Hocevar cannot demonstrate the
    harassment was based on sex.
    Finally, Hocevar cannot show that the harassment was sufficiently severe or
    pervasive so as to alter a term, condition, or privilege of employment. See Taco Bell,
    156 F.3d at 888
    . "Conduct that is not severe or pervasive enough to create an
    objectively hostile or abusive environment–an environment that a reasonable person
    would find hostile or abusive–is beyond Title VII's purview." Oncale v. Sundowner
    Offshore Servs. Inc., 
    523 U.S. 75
    , 81 (1998). Factors to consider when determining
    whether sexual harassment is sufficiently severe or pervasive include: "the frequency
    of the discriminatory conduct; its severity; whether it is physically threatening or
    humiliating, or a mere offensive utterance; and whether it unreasonably interferes with
    an employee's work performance." Harris v. Forklift Sys. Inc., 
    510 U.S. 17
    , 23 (1993).
    More than a few isolated instances are required. See Kimzey v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.,
    107 F.3d 568
    , 573 (8th Cir. 1997). While the use of foul language may have been
    pervasive, I have already concluded that it was neither unwelcome nor based on sex.
    This leaves Hocevar with four events that might constitute unwelcome behavior
    based on sex: (1) the Backlash incident; (2) the "great legs" incident; (3) the dancing
    incident; and (4) the skit incident. I will assume that all of these incidents could
    constitute unwelcome behavior based on sex. However, these incidents were clearly
    not pervasive because they occurred over at least a three-year period. In addition, a
    few inappropriate comments and an unwanted slow dance do not amount to particularly
    severe conduct that was threatening or humiliating.
    I have little doubt that Amundsen's behavior was boorish and unprofessional.
    But, Title VII is not a general civility code. See Faragher, 
    524 U.S. at 788
    . The simple
    fact is that the cases on which Hocevar relies involved far, far more evidence than
    Hocevar has presented. See Rorie v. United Parcel Serv., 
    151 F.3d 757
     (8th Cir. 1998)
    (reversing summary judgment against plaintiff where supervisor patted female
    employee on back, brushed up against her, told her she "smelled good," always "came-
    on" to her, and asked her about co-worker's penis size); Howard v. Burns Bros. Inc.,
    149 F.3d 835
     (8th Cir. 1998) (affirming jury verdict where co-employee always used
    sexual innuendos, told plaintiff she had nice legs, brushed her buttocks, told jokes
    involving lewd gestures, and touched the buttocks of and talked "nasty" to other female
    employees); Hall v. Gus Constr. Co., 
    842 F.2d 1010
     (8th Cir. 1988) (upholding
    judgment when plaintiffs' male co-workers made repeated requests for sex and touched
    plaintiffs' breasts and thighs). While I sympathize with Hocevar's having to endure
    Amundsen's conduct, her assertions fall far short of proof of a hostile work
    B.     Retaliation
    To establish a prima facie retaliation case, Hocevar must prove that: (1) she
    engaged in protected activity; (2) Purdue took adverse action against her; and (3) there
    is a causal connection between the two. See Scott v. County of Ramsey, 
    180 F.3d 913
    917 (8th Cir. 1999). If Hocevar establishes a prima facie case, a presumption of
    retaliation arises, and the burden then falls on Purdue to advance a legitimate reason
    for the adverse employment action. See 
     If Purdue advances a legitimate reason, the
    presumption drops out and Hocevar has the burden of demonstrating intentional
    retaliation. See 
     If there is no direct proof of retaliation, as here, a claimant may,
    under some circumstances, advance indirect proof by evidence that the so-called
    legitimate reason is merely a pretext for unlawful retaliatory conduct. See 
     I find
    that Hocevar established a prima facie case of retaliation. However, I also find that
    Purdue advanced a legitimate reason for Hocevar's termination and that Hocevar
    presented no evidence of pretext.
    Hocevar engaged in protected activity when she lodged a complaint with the
    EEOC on May 2, 1996. Purdue then took an adverse employment action against
    Hocevar by terminating her on June 7, 1996.25 Finally, she established an inference of
    a causal connection because her termination closely followed the filing of her EEOC
    complaint and also closely followed Amundsen's return from a three-month suspension
    received, in part, because of Hocevar's complaints to Purdue officials. See Smith v.
    Riceland Foods, Inc., 
    151 F.3d 813
    , 819-20 (8th Cir. 1998) (causal connection
    established by circumstantial evidence, including close proximity of time between
    plaintiff's engagement in protected activity and the adverse employment action).
    However, Purdue presented a legitimate reason for Hocevar's termination. In its
    termination letter, Purdue expressly noted that Hocevar was dismissed because of the
    need to re-staff her territory due to her lengthy absence. Hocevar does not dispute her
    absence from work for more than seven months, and I have little doubt that Purdue has
    Hocevar received poor performance evaluations in late-1994 and early-1995,
    and she had two major accounts removed from her sales territory in June of 1995.
    However, these are not adverse employment actions for the purpose of her retaliation
    claim because these events occurred well before Hocevar filed her complaint with the
    EEOC, the event which, according to Hocevar, triggered the retaliatory conduct. I also
    note that these events lend no aid to Hocevar's hostile work environment claim.
    a legitimate need to have its sales territories covered. Thus, I find it was legitimate for
    Purdue to terminate Hocevar in order to re-staff her vacant sales territory.
    Hocevar argues that the legitimate reason advanced by Purdue is a pretext for
    retaliation because: (1) Purdue failed to re-staff another important sales territory for
    three months and (2) a similarly situated employee who did not complain to the EEOC
    was not terminated by Purdue. As an initial matter, it does not appear that Hocevar
    made these arguments to the district court. See Womack v. City of Bellefontaine
    193 F.3d 1028
    , 1032 (8th Cir. 1999) (declining to address arguments first
    advanced on appeal). However, even assuming that these arguments were advanced
    below, she has not provided evidence of pretext.
    The fact that Purdue left another territory unstaffed for three months does not
    amount to pretext. Perhaps if Purdue had terminated Hocevar after three months, this
    would be somewhat persuasive. However, Hocevar's territory was left unstaffed for
    seven months–more than double the amount of time that Hocevar claims another
    territory was left unstaffed. Because of the significant difference in the amount of time
    that Hocevar's territory remained unstaffed, Purdue's failure to re-staff another territory
    for three months provides no evidence of pretext.
    Hocevar's contention about an allegedly similarly situated employee also fails.
    Hocevar presented evidence that Purdue did not terminate another sales representative
    who also expressed concern about Amundsen's conduct but who did not file an EEOC
    complaint. Where the only evidence of pretext is disparate treatment when compared
    to another employee, a plaintiff must show that the other employee was similarly
    situated in all relevant aspects. See Scott, 
    180 F.3d at 917
    . In this case, the other sales
    representative and Hocevar were not similarly situated in all relevant aspects because
    the other sales representative was never absent from work. Thus, Purdue's retention
    of the other sales representative provides no support for Hocevar's allegations of
    For the foregoing reasons, I would affirm the district court's dismissal of the
    hostile work environment claim. I would also affirm the district court's decision on the
    retaliation claim.
    JOHN R. GIBSON, Circuit Judge, concurring specially in affirmance of grant of
    summary judgment on hostile work environment claim.
    I concur separately in the decision to affirm judgment against Hocevar on her
    hostile environment claim. I do not concur in Judge Beam's opinion, because I believe
    it engages in fact finding, see supra at 5-6, and an unnecessary semantic dissection of
    the language in question. I recognize that our decision in Kriss v. Sprint
    Communications Co., 
    58 F.3d 1276
    , 1281 (8th Cir. 1995), stated that "the word 'bitch'
    . . . is not an indication of a general misogynist attitude," but I do not read Kriss as
    establishing a test as to whether this word is inherently of a sexually harassing nature.
    It is beyond question that the repetitive use of the word in this case was demeaning to
    females, and the discipline which Purdue Frederick imposed on Amundsen, who used
    the word, shows that the company recognized the utterance was improper.
    Even unquestionably offensive words do not necessarily make a hostile work
    environment, without considering the context. See Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore
    Servs., Inc., 
    523 U.S. 75
    , 80 (1998) (use of words having sexual content or
    connotations not necessarily discrimination because of sex). I have examined the
    whole record and conclude that the facts taken in the light most favorable to Hocevar
    do not add up to a hostile work environment case.
    At the outset, it is necessary to focus on the key facts. I believe that the only
    conduct on the record that might be substantial enough to alter a term, condition, or
    privilege of employment, see Harris v. Forklift Sys., Inc., 
    510 U.S. 17
    , 21-22 (1993),
    is Amundsen's use of sexual vulgarities. The other allegations about Amundsen's
    conduct, such as his involvement in a bar fight and his statements to employees at sales
    meetings that if sales did not improve, he was "going to kill you" or "kill your dog," do
    not appear to be gender-related. See Oncale, 
    523 U.S. at 80
     (to be actionable,
    harassment must be discrimination because of sex). Hocevar's complaints about people
    other than Amundsen are based on incidents that were simply too few and far between
    to make a hostile environment.
    Hocevar alleges that Amundsen chronically used foul language, specifically the
    words "fuck" and "bitch." In a letter dated December 20, 1995, Hocevar's counsel
    notified Purdue Frederick that Amundsen had engaged in ongoing sexual harassment
    against Hocevar. In January 1996 Purdue Frederick investigated the complaint. The
    investigation revealed that the members of the Viking District interviewed had "all
    participated in the use of profanity and, from time to time, off-color jokes. And the
    general consensus was that they carried it too far." In particular, the investigator
    concluded that Hocevar herself had participated in the profanity and improper jokes.
    Hocevar admitted at her deposition in this case that she used the same offensive
    language around Amundsen and other sales representatives. A Purdue personnel
    representative traveled to the Viking District in February to inform the employees there
    that the firm expected a high level of professionalism and that the investigation revealed
    that "perhaps there had been some deterioration in that professional standard" with the
    use of profanity and jokes. Amundsen was put on a three-month leave and required to
    undergo counseling and training. This discipline resulted in an improvement in
    Amundsen's language, as well as that of the other employees.
    Hocevar complains most specifically of an incident in September 1994, at Dr.
    Kubics's office, in which Amundsen became enraged at being treated disrespectfully
    by a female doctor. Amundsen repeatedly referred to the doctor as a "fat fucking
    bitch," and talked about how he would like to "slam her one" and make her fear him.
    In deciding when inappropriate conduct rises to the level of a hostile
    environment that changes a term or condition of employment, courts must look at all
    the circumstances. "These may include the frequency of the discriminatory conduct;
    its severity; whether it is physically threatening or humiliating, or a mere offensive
    utterance; and whether it unreasonably interferes with an employee's work
    performance." Harris, 
    510 U.S. at 23
     (emphasis added). In this regard, it is important
    that the conduct complained of consists only of "offensive utterances" of a type
    Hocevar herself engaged in at work, and that to the extent the gender-based utterances
    were threatening or abusive, they were not aimed at Hocevar, but at the female doctor,
    who was not a Purdue employee.
    "We have considered harassment of employees other than the plaintiff to be
    relevant to show pervasiveness of the hostile environment." Howard v. Burns Bros.,
    149 F.3d 835
    , 838 (8th Cir. 1998) (emphasis added). However, in the cases in our
    circuit where we have considered conduct directed at others in upholding sexual
    harassment claims, that conduct augmented evidence of harassment directed at the
    plaintiff, see, e.g., 
     (evidence of harassment of others augmented evidence of
    physical contact of plaintiff and chronic innuendos); Hall v. Gus Constr. Co., 
    842 F.2d 1010
    , 1015 (8th Cir. 1988) (each plaintiff endured abuse). Abuse directed at a third
    party is part of the picture, but it is less significant than abuse directed at the plaintiff.
    See Gleason v. Mesirow Fin., Inc., 
    118 F.3d 1134
    , 1144-45 (7th Cir. 1997) ("Second
    hand harassment" not as great an invasion as harassment directed at plaintiff); Black
    v. Zaring Homes, Inc., 
    104 F.3d 822
    , 826 (6th Cir. 1997) (fact that most comments not
    directed at plaintiff contributes to conclusion of insufficiency of evidence). But see
    Leibovitz v. New York City Transit Auth., 
    4 F. Supp. 2d 144
    , 150-53 (E.D.N.Y. 1998)
    (upholding hostile environment verdict based entirely on harassment of others). Here,
    the conduct was directed at someone who was not a Purdue Frederick employee, and
    who was not even present to hear the hostile remarks. Therefore, even considering the
    evidence of Amundsen's reaction to the female doctor, Hocevar did not start out with
    a strong case. The standards for establishing a hostile environment are set high so that
    Title VII "does not become a 'general civility code.'" Faragher v. City of Boca Raton,
    524 U.S. 775
    , 788 (1998) (quoting Oncale, 
    523 U.S. at 80
    But Hocevar's claim truly struck the shoals when she admitted she used the sort
    of language she now complains of. In Scusa v. Nestle U.S.A. Co., 
    181 F.3d 958
    , 967
    (8th Cir. 1999), we held that a plaintiff could not show others' workplace conduct was
    subjectively offensive when she did the same thing herself. "Appellant's evidence of
    a hostile work environment falls flat in light of the fact that she engaged in the very type
    of conduct about which she now complains . . . ." 
    Id. at 967
    . Accord Gleason, 
    118 F.3d at 1146
    For these reasons, I concur in affirming the summary judgment entered against
    Hocevar on her hostile environment claim.
    A true copy.

Document Info

Docket Number: 98-4075

Filed Date: 8/9/2000

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/13/2015

Authorities (39)

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