United States v. Celso Tirado ( 2002 )

  •                     United States Court of Appeals
    No. 02-1496
    United States of America,               *
    Appellee,                  *
    * Appeal from the United States
    v.                                * District Court for the
    * District of Nebraska.
    Celso Tirado,                           *
    Appellant.                 *
    Submitted: October 8, 2002
    Filed: December 17, 2002
    Before BYE, LAY, and RILEY, Circuit Judges.
    RILEY, Circuit Judge.
    Celso Tirado (Tirado) was charged with and convicted of conspiracy to
    distribute methamphetamine (Count I) and charged with possession of
    methamphetamine with intent to distribute (Count II), but was convicted of the lesser
    included offense of possession of methamphetamine. 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (a)(1), 846
    (2000). The district court1 sentenced Tirado to 121 months imprisonment on Count
    I and six months on Count II, to run concurrently. Tirado alleges the district court
    The Honorable Warren K. Urbom, United States District Judge for the District
    of Nebraska.
    erred in (1) denying his motion to suppress, (2) calculating the quantity of
    methamphetamine used for sentencing, and (3) applying the obstruction of justice
    enhancement. We affirm.
    On August 24, 2000, Jeff and Paul Schwarz, criminal investigators with the
    Dawson County, Nebraska, Sheriff's Office (DCSO), used a confidential informant
    to make a controlled purchase of methamphetamine from Tirado and another man at
    a bar in Lexington, Nebraska. After the informant spent a short time in the bar, he
    came out with Tirado. Tirado lifted up his own shirt and appeared to try to get the
    informant to raise his shirt, as if looking for a hidden wire. The informant ran from
    Tirado, and Tirado chased him first on foot and then in his Chevy Blazer. The
    informant took refuge in the officers’ unmarked vehicle. Tirado pursued the
    informant and the officers in his Blazer and cornered them in an alley. Believing they
    were ambushed, the officers drew their weapons and pointed them at Tirado, who
    then drove away.
    About two months later, law enforcement officers received information that
    Tirado and another man had made death threats against the investigators, Jeff and
    Paul Schwarz, and their families. Halloween night was the rumored attack date. On
    the afternoon of October 31, 2000, three DCSO officers and two INS officers went
    to Tirado's residence to investigate the death threats and to execute a bench warrant
    for Tirado's arrest. When the officers arrived, Armando Quezada (Quezada) answered
    the door. When an INS agent asked for identification, Quezada appeared nervous,
    turned away and moved quickly into the trailer. Fearing that Quezada might be
    running out the back or retrieving a weapon, the INS agent and Jeff Schwarz followed
    Quezada into the trailer. Once inside, the officers noticed drug paraphernalia. Upon
    request by the officers, Quezada gave permission to search his bedroom, resulting in
    the discovery of illegal drugs.
    While officers were inside the trailer, Tirado approached outside. Paul
    Schwarz confronted Tirado and arrested him pursuant to the bench warrant. Schwarz
    advised Tirado of his rights. According to the officers, Tirado gave Schwarz
    permission to search his bedroom. Tirado denies giving his permission.
    While searching Tirado’s bedroom, an officer saw a book bag hanging in the
    closet. The officer searched the bag and found a scale, methamphetamine,
    ammunition and cash. Tirado later admitted the bag was his and contained
    ammunition. He denied knowing the bag contained drugs or drug paraphernalia. The
    total methamphetamine found in Tirado's residence was 128.72 grams, which Tirado
    moved to suppress. The district court denied this motion.
    At trial, two witnesses testified they received an additional 99.05 grams of
    methamphetamine from Tirado. At sentencing, the district court attributed 227.77
    grams of methamphetamine to Tirado as relevant conduct to the conspiracy. In
    addition, the district court applied a two-level obstruction of justice enhancement for
    Tirado’s conduct on August 24. The district court sentenced Tirado to 121 months
    imprisonment on Count I and a concurrent six months on Count II.
    A.    Motion to Suppress
    We review the district court's factual findings for clear error and the
    conclusions of law de novo. See United States v. Wells, 
    223 F.3d 835
    , 838 (8th Cir.
    2000). The district court's finding of consent to search is reviewed for clear error.
    United States v. Heath, 
    58 F.3d 1271
    , 1276 (8th Cir. 1995).
    Tirado claims the warrantless search of his residence violated the Fourth
    Amendment’s protection against unreasonable search and seizure, and the items
    found should have been suppressed. First, Tirado argues the officers unlawfully
    followed Quezada into the residence. Second, Tirado argues he never consented to
    a search, but if he had, the officers exceeded the scope of his consent to search his
    bedroom when they searched his closet and a closed bag hanging in the closet. The
    magistrate judge2 and the district court provided detailed and well-reasoned opinions
    on these issues and we affirm with little comment.
    The officers went to Tirado’s residence to execute a bench warrant for Tirado’s
    arrest and to investigate death threats allegedly made by Tirado against Jeff and Paul
    Schwarz. These duties were carried out against the backdrop of the earlier dangerous
    chase involving Tirado. Viewed in light of these facts, when Quezada appeared
    nervous and abruptly retreated into the residence, the officers were justified in
    following Quezada to protect themselves. See United States v. Hill, 
    730 F.2d 1163
    1170 (8th Cir. 1984) (“entry into the living room to locate [the defendant] was
    justified to protect the officers”).
    The district court did not err in finding Tirado voluntarily consented to a search
    of his bedroom based on the credibility of the officers’ testimony. See Schneckloth
    v. Bustamonte, 
    412 U.S. 218
    , 227 (1973) (voluntary consent to search is a fact
    question determined from the totality of the circumstances). As Tirado did not limit
    the scope of the search of his bedroom, the officers did not violate Tirado’s Fourth
    Amendment rights by searching the bedroom closet and the bag hanging in the closet.
    See Florida v. Jimeno, 
    500 U.S. 248
    , 251 (1991) (because the scope of the suspect's
    consent to search his automobile was not limited, the search authorization "extended
    beyond the surfaces of the car's interior to the paper bag lying on the car's floor");
    United States v. Moran, 
    214 F.3d 950
    , 951 (8th Cir. 2000) (consent to search trailer
    included searching a tin box on an upper shelf in a bedroom closet); United States v.
    148 F.3d 952
    , 953 (8th Cir. 1998) (consent to search home included
    searching under the defendant's bed and his pillow).
    The Honorable Thomas D. Thalken, United States Magistrate Judge for the
    District of Nebraska.
    B.    Sentencing Issues
    "The correct application of the guidelines is a question of law subject to de
    novo review," while a "factual determination of the sentencing court is reviewed
    under a clearly erroneous standard." United States v. Collins, 
    104 F.3d 143
    , 144 (8th
    Cir. 1997).
    1.   Quantity of Methamphetamine
    Tirado argues the district court erred in calculating the amount of
    methamphetamine used to sentence him. First, Tirado asserts the 128 grams of
    methamphetamine were found in his residence during an unreasonable search and
    should be excluded from the sentencing calculation. Because Tirado’s Fourth
    Amendment rights were not violated by the search of his residence, this argument
    Second, Tirado notes the jury found him guilty of the lesser included offense
    of possession of methamphetamine rather than possession with intent to distribute,
    and argues use of the acquitted conduct for sentencing is unreasonable and
    irresponsible. The district court found all 227.77 grams of methamphetamine were
    attributed to Tirado as relevant conduct to the conspiracy count. Even if the 128
    grams found in Tirado’s residence were attributable to the acquitted conduct of Count
    II, the district court still would not have erred in using that evidence to sentence
    Tirado. This Circuit allows acquitted conduct to be used for sentencing purposes if
    proved by a preponderance of the evidence, especially when a conspiracy charge is
    included. United States v. Woods, 
    270 F.3d 728
    , 730 (8th Cir. 2001); United States
    v. Madrid, 
    224 F.3d 757
    , 763 (8th Cir. 2000) (inclusion of related drugs was
    reasonably foreseeable for participant in conspiracy). Therefore, whether or not the
    district court used acquitted conduct to sentence Tirado, the district court properly
    calculated the amount of methamphetamine attributable to Tirado.
    2.     Obstruction of Justice Enhancement
    The Sentencing Guidelines allow a two-level obstruction of justice
    enhancement. U.S.S.G. § 3C1.1 (2001). Qualifying conduct includes "threatening,
    intimidating, or otherwise unlawfully influencing a co-defendant, witness, or juror,
    directly or indirectly, or attempting to do so." Id. cmt. n.4(a).
    Tirado argues "there is inadequate evidence to show that Tirado knew that an
    investigation was underway" when he confronted the informant on August 24, 2000.
    Tirado argues the evidence, at best, "shows that Tirado was attempting to find out if
    an investigation was underway." Tirado concedes the evidence comes close to
    suggesting Tirado knew of an impending investigation, but argues the evidence fails
    to establish Tirado actually knew the investigation was underway.
    Our Court was confronted with a similar case in United States v. Watts, 
    940 F.2d 332
    , 333 (8th Cir. 1991), where the defendant was riding in a car when he
    purchased cocaine. When an unmarked vehicle following the defendant's car began
    flashing its headlights, the defendant threw the cocaine out the window. The
    defendant argued the district court erred in enhancing his sentence for obstruction of
    justice because he did not know he was under investigation when he threw the
    cocaine. We rejected that argument, believing "it is reasonable to infer [the
    defendant] thought he was being followed by law enforcement authorities, thought
    his arrest was imminent, and attempted to get rid of evidence." 
    In Brown v. United States, 
    169 F.3d 531
    , 536 (8th Cir. 1999), the sentencing
    evidence established the defendant opened a confidential informant's shirt as if
    looking for a wire and told the informant there would be “hell to pay” from his
    “brothers” if anything were to happen to him. On two other occasions, the defendant
    warned the informant “there would be some people getting even,” if anything
    happened to him, and “there would be hell to pay” if the informant was working for
    the government. 
     The district court used this evidence for an obstruction of justice
    enhancement and we affirmed, believing "the nature and frequency" of the
    defendant's threats justified the obstruction of justice enhancement. 
    Like Tirado, the defendant in Brown also argued "he did not have actual
    knowledge of an ongoing criminal investigation," so he could not have obstructed
     Our court observed that willful obstruction of justice "should be reserved
    for the more serious case, where misconduct occurs with knowledge of an
    investigation, or at least with a correct belief that an investigation is probably
     (quoting United States v. Oppedahl, 
    998 F.2d 584
    , 586 (8th Cir.
    1993)). We affirmed the district court's finding that the defendant "held the belief
    that an investigation was probably underway," because a reasonable inference from
    the defendant's actions was he believed an investigation was "probably underway."
    Tirado relies on United States v. Oppedahl, where the defendant told a major
    LSD customer that he would kill him if he ever "narked" on the defendant's supplier.
    998 F.2d at 585
    . The statement was made while both were under suspicion
    and during the course of an investigation, but neither were cooperating with law
    enforcement. After the defendant was arrested and convicted of conspiracy to
    distribute and possession with intent to distribute LSD, the probation officer
    recommended a two-level enhancement for obstruction of justice for the comments
    made to the drug customer. The district court rejected the recommended
    enhancement and the Circuit affirmed "the ruling below that declines to apply the
    two-level enhancement for obstruction of justice where the defendant was unaware
    of the investigation when he made the culpable threat." 
    Id. at 586
    Factually, Tirado’s case fits somewhere between Watts/Brown and Oppedahl.
    As in each of those cases, this court will not reverse the district court's factual
    determination, here finding Tirado believed an investigation was probably underway,
    because the determination was not clearly erroneous.
    Tirado lifted up his shirt and appeared to try to get the informant to lift his
    shirt. It is reasonable to infer Tirado was looking for a wire, which would lead to the
    reasonable inference Tirado believed an investigation was "probably underway."
    Tirado then chased the informant on foot and with his Blazer. Because Tirado had
    a correct belief that an investigation was underway and threatened and intimidated the
    informant, the district court correctly applied the two-level obstruction of justice
    For the reasons discussed above, the district court is affirmed in all respects.
    A true copy.