NLRB v. Miller Waste Mills , 315 F.3d 951 ( 2003 )

  •                    United States Court of Appeals
    No. 01-3073
    National Labor Relations Board,          *
    Petitioner,                  *
    International Union, United              *
    Automobile, Aerospace &                  *   Petition for Enforcement
    Agricultural Implement Workers           *   of an Order of the
    of America, AFL-CIO-CLC,                 *   National Labor Relations Board.
    Intervenor on Appeal,                  *
    v.                           *
    Miller Waste Mills, doing business       *
    as RTP Company, Inc.,                    *
    Respondent.                  *
    Submitted: October 7, 2002
    Filed: January 10, 2003
    Before HANSEN, Chief Judge, and HEANEY and MORRIS SHEPPARD ARNOLD,
    Circuit Judges.
    HEANEY, Circuit Judge.
    The National Labor Relations Board petitions this court to enforce its order
    against Miller Waste Mills, Inc. We agree with the Board that the company violated
    § 8(a)(1) and § 8(a)(5) and (1) of the National Labor Relations Act and enforce the
    Board's order in these respects. We also hold that the Board did not abuse its
    discretion in directing the company to recognize and bargain with the International
    Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of
    America (UAW) or in denying Miller Waste's request to reopen the record.
    Miller Waste manufactures thermal plastic molding compound at its facility in
    Winona, Minnesota. In 1984, the employees voted for representation by the Winona
    Free Union (WFU), an independent labor organization formed by the employees.
    Thereafter, the WFU and Miller Waste entered into several collective bargaining
    agreements, with the last agreement set to expire on December 31, 1996. In February
    1996, the employees of the bargaining unit voted by secret ballot at a union meeting
    to affiliate with the UAW. After the company refused to recognize and bargain with
    the UAW, the Board's general counsel issued a complaint against the company.
    Thereafter, the Board found that the UAW became the bargaining representative of
    Miller Waste's production and maintenance employees in February 1996 and ordered
    the company to recognize and bargain with the union. Miller Waste complied with
    the Board's order.
    In the spring of 1997, the parties exchanged proposals for a new contract at
    meetings to be held in August of that year. The UAW proposed that Miller Waste
    grant annual wage increases, improve health insurance benefits, and decrease the
    employees' cost of health insurance. The company responded by proposing a wage
    freeze for 1997 and 1998, and expressed a willingness to discuss changes in health
    insurance benefits as long as the employees paid any increased costs.
    In December 1997, Miller Waste notified the UAW that it would not reach a
    bargaining agreement unless the union could show that a majority of the unit
    members currently supported the union. At the same meeting, the parties discussed
    wages and changes in health insurance benefits. The union told the company that it
    could proceed with a wage increase without having to worry about an unfair labor
    practice charge and that it could change health insurance benefits as long as the
    changes did not offset a wage increase and leave the employees with a net loss in
    compensation. Shortly thereafter, the union notified Miller Waste that it would not
    agree to hold a representation election. On January 2, 1998, the company sent a letter
    to each unit employee decrying the lack of progress in negotiations, asking again for
    a Board election to determine whether the employees still wanted the UAW to
    represent them, and stating:
    [T]he [union] stated [on December 11 that] they would allow [the
    company] to give the employees an increase in pay and to decrease
    insurance costs but no specifics were discussed. You will recall when
    [the company] raised wages last year, the UAW filed an unfair labor
    practice charge against us.
    We appreciate the need for increased wages and decreased
    insurance costs, but we cannot handle these things piecemeal. Wages
    and insurance are only part of the complete economic package, which
    also includes vacations, holidays, overtime and other issues which we've
    always dealt with at the same time. We also find it difficult to trust the
    UAW after they pulled the rug out from under us by denying an election.
    These and other issues must all be resolved simultaneously.
    This is a sad occasion for all of us as this marks the first time in
    [the company]’s long history we won't be giving you a wage increase at
    this time. Please understand this is not the way we do business. We are
    continually exploring ways to ensure that neither our employees nor [the
    company] are damaged any further by this fiasco.
    (J.A. at 173.)
    On January 12, 1998, the UAW sent Miller Waste notice that the union would
    file a charge if the company did not retract the January 2 letter quoted above and give
    the employees a wage increase as the company had always done in the past. On
    January 15, Miller Waste received a petition signed by approximately fifty percent
    of the employees in the bargaining unit. The petition asked the company to grant
    employees a fair and decent wage increase and better insurance. In response, Miller
    Waste directed a letter to "our loyal employees," informing them that the company
    was going to grant a wage increase of 51¢ an hour (the largest pay increase ever
    granted by the company), and stating that it hoped and believed it could reduce the
    cost for health insurance. This letter was followed shortly by another letter from
    Miller Waste to the employees, this time stating that the company was reducing the
    employee contribution for health insurance with improved benefits. Miller Waste did
    not consult with the union prior to implementing these unilateral wage and insurance
    On February 4, an employee in the bargaining unit informed the company that
    125 employees signed a petition stating they did not want the UAW to represent
    them. Thereafter, a lawyer for the employees sent Miller Waste a letter dated
    February 22, stating that the law firm represented a number of company employees
    who have "advised us that a clear majority" of company employees have signed a
    petition regarding union affiliation. (J.A. at 183.) Enclosed in the letter was a blind
    copy of the petition that stated, "We no longer want to be affiliated with the U.A.W.,
    and I do not want the U.A.W. to represent me." (Id. at 184.)
    On February 26, at scheduled negotiations between Miller Waste and UAW,
    the company's chief negotiator showed the union the letter from the employees and
    a copy of the petition and told the UAW's negotiator that based on this document,
    Miller Waste was no longer in any position to bargain with the union. On the same
    day, the company sent a letter to its employees stating that as a result of the letter and
    the petition, it was no longer going to meet with the UAW. The letter thanked the
    employees for supporting the company and stated that the company would "continue
    to operate as it had over the past months." (Id. at 185.) Thereafter, Miller Waste
    refused to allow the UAW to participate in the company's grievance process or permit
    a union officer to take time off for union business.
    Soon after Miller Waste stopped negotiating with the UAW, the company
    announced a change in its attendance program, and informed employees that effective
    June 1, they could begin using the same health plan as used by the non-unit
    employees, a change that would result in better benefits and lower employee
    contributions. On June 1, the company purchased life insurance for unit employees
    and increased its weekly payment for employees on disability.
    In preparation for the hearing on the UAW’s unfair labor practice charges, the
    company issued a subpoena duces tecum to an employee on the union's negotiating
    committee and who served as the union vice president until January 1998. In
    response to that subpoena, the employee supplied his notes of the union meeting.
    These notes identified the employees who attended the meeting and indicated what
    transpired during the meeting.
    On the basis of the above facts, the Board unanimously agreed that from the
    date the employees voted to affiliate with the UAW, Miller Waste worked to
    undermine and affect limited bargaining, and engaged in a series of unfair labor
    practices which culminated in the company's withdrawal of recognition of the UAW.
    The Board also found that Miller Waste's letters reasonably led the employees to
    blame the union for their failure to receive the customary annual wage increase. Most
    importantly, the Board found that Miller Waste engaged in direct dealing with the
    employees by, without union involvement, granting the largest raise in the company's
    history and telling the employees that it would improve health care benefits in the
    near future. Finally, the Board found that there was a causal relationship between
    Miller Waste's unfair labor practices and the subsequent employee petition claiming
    dissatisfaction with the union, upon which the company based its withdrawal of
    recognition, and that the direct dealing tainted the petition because it undermined the
    union and indicated to the employees that the company had the employees' best
    interests at heart. As a result, Miller Waste acted unlawfully by withdrawing
    recognition of the union based on the petition.
    More specifically, the Board found that Miller Waste's January 2, 1998 letter
    and its pretrial interview of the employee violated § 8(a)(1) of the Act. The Board
    also found that the company's January 16 and February 13, 1998 letters informing the
    employees of wage and benefit changes constituted direct dealings with the
    employees in violation of § 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. The Board also found that
    Miller Waste violated the same sections of the Act by withdrawing recognition of the
    UAW and thereafter implementing changes in the terms and conditions of
    employment; refusing to comply with the union's information request; refusing to
    permit employees to take time off for the union grievance process; and refusing to
    allow the union to participate in the union grievance process. The Board's order not
    only requires Miller Waste to cease and desist from the unfair labor practices found,
    but affirmatively directs the company to recognize the UAW as exclusive
    representative of the company's production and maintenance employees at the
    Winona plant and bargain with the UAW upon the union’s request, to comply with
    the union information request, to allow union officials to conduct union business
    during scheduled work time, to participate in the grievance process, and to post
    appropriate notices to the employees. The Board also denied the company’s request
    to reopen the record.
    The Board’s findings of fact are to be affirmed if supported by substantial
    evidence on the record. Universal Camera Corp. v. NLRB, 
    340 U.S. 474
    , 490-91
    (1951). In this case, we are in full agreement with the Board’s findings. We find
    particularly egregious Miller Waste's failure to bargain with the union in good faith
    after it had been certified to represent the employees. Instead, Miller Waste engaged
    in a series of unfair labor practices designed to undermine union support, the most
    important of which was dealing with the employees directly and improving their
    wages and benefits while completely circumventing the union’s authority.
    The Board took issue with the following letters from Miller Waste to its
    employees: (1) the letter of January 2, because it blamed the union for preventing
    a wage increase; (2) the letter of January 16 granting a wage increase, because it
    bypassed the union and dealt directly with unit employees; and (3) the letter of
    February 13 notifying the employees of a reduction in their health insurance costs,
    because it also bypassed the union and dealt directly with unit employees. The
    company argues that the letters did not unlawfully blame the union or constitute
    direct dealings with the employees. The record as a whole, however, indicates that
    Miller Waste made it quite clear to the employees that it would grant them wage and
    benefit increases if they bypassed the union. It comes as no surprise that when the
    employees accepted the company’s invitation, they were rewarded for their efforts.
    Such conduct is a clear violation of the Act, as the Board correctly found.
    Further, the Board did not abuse its discretion in directing Miller Waste to
    bargain with the UAW. Congress expressly delegated to the Board the authority to
    order appropriate relief for unfair labor practices. Thus, the Board's remedies are
    reviewed for an abuse of its broad discretion in its field of expertise. NLRB v.
    Beverly Health & Rehabilitation Servs., Inc., 
    187 F.3d 769
    , 772 (8th Cir. 1999);
    NLRB v. Drapery Mfg. Co., 
    425 F.2d 1026
    , 1029 (8th Cir. 1970). Our circuit’s
    decisions are consistent with NLRB v. P. Lorillard Co., 
    314 U.S. 512
    , 512-13 (1942),
    in which the Supreme Court stated:
    The Board found that the respondent . . . had committed an unfair
    labor practice within the meaning of Section 8(5) of the National Labor
    Relations Act by refusing to bargain collectively with . . . the duly
    selected bargaining representative . . . . On the Board's petition for
    enforcement the court below sustained the Board's finding, but
    expressing the belief that because of lapse of time and changed
    conditions the Local might no longer represent the majority of
    employees, modified the Board's order so as to require it to conduct an
    election to determine whether the Local had lost its majority due to a
    shift of employees to a rival independent association. The Board had
    considered the effect of a possible shift in membership, . . . [b]ut it had
    reached the conclusion that in order to effectuate the policies of the Act,
    [the company] must remedy the effect of its prior unlawful refusal to
    bargain by bargaining with the union shown to have had a majority on
    the date of [the company]’s refusal to bargain. This was for the Board
    to determine, and the court below was in error in modifying the Board's
    order in that respect.
    Lastly, the Board did not abuse its discretion when it denied the company's
    request to reopen the record. Not only did the company fail to meet the requirements
    of the Board's rules and regulations that govern the reopening of the record, but the
    Board found the company failed to promptly submit the new evidence or explain why
    it had not done so.
    We have considered the other issues raised by Miller Waste and find them
    without merit. Thus, we enforce the Board's order.
    A true copy.