United States v. Casey Scott Patten ( 2005 )

  •                       United States Court of Appeals
    No. 04-1257
    United States of America,                *
    Plaintiff - Appellee,              *
    * Appeal from the United States
    v.                                 * District Court for the
    * District of North Dakota.
    Casey Scott Patten,                      *
    Defendant - Appellant.             *
    Submitted: October 21, 2004
    Filed: February 15, 2005 (corrected 2/22/05)
    Before LOKEN, Chief Judge, MAGILL and BENTON, Circuit Judges.
    LOKEN, Chief Judge.
    It is a federal crime to use an instrumentality of interstate commerce to
    knowingly persuade or attempt to persuade a person under the age of eighteen to
    engage in “any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal
    18 U.S.C. § 2422
    (b). It is a crime in North Dakota, but not in Minnesota,
    for an adult to knowingly have sexual contact with a sixteen-year-old minor. In this
    case, a police officer in West Fargo, North Dakota, posing as a sixteen-year-old girl,
    engaged in explicit sexual conversations in an Internet chat-room with twenty-six-
    year-old Casey Scott Patten in nearby Moorhead, Minnesota. The two arranged to
    meet outside a West Fargo grocery store, where Patten was arrested. After a jury
    convicted Patten of an attempt violation of § 2422(b), the district court1 sentenced
    him to fifteen months in prison, the bottom of his guidelines sentencing range. Patten
    appeals the January 2004 judgment, arguing insufficiency of the evidence,
    prosecutorial misconduct, and instruction and sentencing errors. We affirm.
    I. Sufficiency of the Evidence
    At trial, the government’s evidence established that Patten initiated the first of
    two private online chats with “ndblondie2003,” who identified herself as “Sarah,” a
    sixteen-year-old Fargo girl. “Sarah” was in fact Officer Al Schmidt of the West
    Fargo Police Department, working in an undercover operation to identify and
    apprehend persons using the Internet to exploit North Dakota minors. During the first
    chat, Patten asked “Sarah” in graphic detail about her sexual preferences and then
    asked if she would like to “hook up.” When “Sarah” said, “yeah your hot,” Patten
    said she should call him, to establish “that you’re an actual person . . . not someone
    just trying to get a guy in trouble.” In the second chat, Patten asked, “Can you and
    I get drunk this week?” and the two discussed when they might get together.
    The following day, a female West Fargo dispatcher pretending to be “Sarah”
    called Patten at the telephone number he provided. “Sarah” said she did not have a
    car. Patten said he would “come over and get you” in West Fargo. “Sarah” said she
    could walk to nearby stores, so they agreed to meet ten to fifteen minutes later outside
    a Sunmart grocery store. When the vehicle Patten described arrived in the store
    parking lot, the police arrested Patten for luring a minor by Internet. At the police
    station, he waived his Miranda rights, admitted engaging in the Internet chats with
    “Sarah,” and said “he knew what he did was wrong.” Officer Schmidt and the female
    The HONORABLE RALPH R. ERICKSON, United States District Judge for
    the District of North Dakota.
    dispatcher testified at trial. The government introduced transcripts of the two Internet
    chats and the dispatcher’s taped phone conversation with Patten.
    On appeal, Patten argues that the two Internet chats and one phone call provide
    insufficient evidence (i) that he intended to persuade “Sarah” to engage in sexual
    activity, or (ii) that he took a substantial step in furtherance of that intent, which is
    required to prove an attempt violation. “Evidence is sufficient to sustain a conviction
    if, viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the government, any rational
    trier of fact could have found the essential elements of the crime beyond a reasonable
    doubt.” United States v. Ryan, 
    227 F.3d 1058
    , 1063 (8th Cir. 2000) (quotation
    omitted). We “will reverse only if the jury must have had a reasonable doubt
    concerning one of the essential elements of the crime.” United States v. Sandifer,
    188 F.3d 992
    , 995 (8th Cir. 1999). The element of intent “need not be proved directly
    and can be inferred from the facts and circumstances surrounding a defendant’s
    actions.” United States v. Flynn, 
    196 F.3d 927
    , 929 (8th Cir. 1999).
    Like the district court, we have no difficulty concluding that the transcripts of
    the Internet chats and the telephone conversation are sufficient evidence to permit a
    reasonable jury to find that Patten intended to persuade “Sarah” to engage in sexual
    activity. But as previously noted, the 
    18 U.S.C. § 2422
    (b) offense is limited to
    conduct that persuades or attempts to persuade a minor to engage in sexual activity
    “for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense.” The parties agree that
    “any person” in this case can only mean Patten himself. Before and during trial, they
    vigorously debated the significance of the difference between North Dakota and
    Minnesota law regarding sexual contacts between adults and minors. In Minnesota,
    consensual sexual contact between Patten and “Sarah” would have been, with some
    exceptions, lawful. See MINN. STAT. § 609.345, subd. 1(e)-(g). In North Dakota, on
    the other hand, even consensual sexual contact with sixteen-year-old “Sarah” would
    have been criminal. See N.D. CENT. CODE § 12.1-20-07(f).
    The debate continues on appeal and impacts the sufficiency of the evidence
    issue. In our view, neither party’s interpretation of § 2422(b) is entirely correct. We
    begin, quite naturally, with the district court’s instructions to the jury. The critical
    instruction told the jury -- correctly, in our view -- that in order for the jury to find
    Patten guilty of violating § 2422(b):
    The United States must prove that the defendant intended to
    persuade or attempted to persuade a minor to engage in an unlawful
    act. . . . The defendant could only be criminally prosecuted for an
    unlawful sexual act under North Dakota law if the sexual activity
    occurred or was intended to occur within the borders of the state of
    North Dakota.
    The government argues that the evidence in this regard was obviously
    sufficient because § 2422(b) is an interstate communication crime that was
    “complete” when Patten used the Internet in an attempt to persuade “Sarah” to engage
    in sexual activity that would be illegal in North Dakota, where she received the
    communication. But this formulation improperly broadens the plain meaning of the
    statute. To take an obvious example, Patten would not have violated § 2422(b) if his
    interstate communications had explicitly urged “Sarah” to come to Minnesota to
    engage in lawful sexual activity with him, even though “Sarah” received those
    communications in North Dakota. The statute only prohibits persuading a minor to
    engage in illegal sexual activity.
    Patten argues that the government must prove he intended to engage in sexual
    activity with “Sarah” in North Dakota, an issue on which, in his view, there was no
    evidence whatsoever. As the district court’s instruction accurately stated, the intent
    that violates § 2422(b) is the intent to persuade a minor to engage in illegal sexual
    activity. See United States v. Bailey, 
    228 F.3d 637
    , 639 (6th Cir. 2000) (§ 2422(b)
    criminalizes “the attempt to persuade, not the performance of the sexual acts
    themselves”), cert. denied, 
    532 U.S. 1009
     (2001). Thus, Patten’s conviction must be
    affirmed if the evidence was sufficient to permit a reasonable jury to infer that he
    intended to persuade “Sarah” to engage in sexual activity in North Dakota. The jury
    could resolve that issue of fact without having to decide the additional question of
    where Patten in fact intended the sexual activity to occur.
    Viewed in this light, we conclude the evidence was sufficient to support the
    jury’s verdict. Patten and “Sarah” never discussed where they might engage in sexual
    activity. When “Sarah” said she did not have a car available, Patten said he would
    come to North Dakota to meet her there in ten to fifteen minutes. The jury could
    reasonably infer from this circumstance that Patten intended to persuade “Sarah” to
    engage in sexual activity in North Dakota.
    II. Prosecutorial Misconduct
    Patten next argues that it was error to deny him a new trial because the
    prosecutor improperly and prejudicially stated during closing argument that Patten
    would not have intended to bring “Sarah” back to his home because “he knows it is
    illegal to have sexual contact with” her in Moorhead, Minnesota. Before Patten’s
    closing argument, Patten objected to this statement on the grounds that it misstated
    Minnesota’s age-of-consent law. The district court agreed and promptly instructed
    the jury, “Except under circumstances not present in this case, the age of consent to
    sexual contact in Minnesota is 16.” Patten neither objected to the curative instruction
    nor moved for a mistrial. As the instruction clearly corrected the prosecutor’s
    misstatement of Minnesota law, the court’s response to Patten’s objection was not an
    abuse of its broad discretion to control closing arguments. See United States v.
    340 F.3d 632
    , 641-642 (8th Cir. 2003) (standard of review), cert.
    124 S. Ct. 1186
    III. A Jury Instruction Issue
    Because “Sarah” was a fictitious victim, Patten was charged with attempting
    to violate § 2422(b). The district court properly instructed the jury that, to prove an
    attempt violation, the government must show that Patten intentionally carried out
    some act which was a “substantial step” toward persuading “Sarah” to engage in
    illegal sexual activity. Patten argues that the district court erred in failing to further
    instruct the jury that it could only look at Patten’s electronic and telephonic
    communications to determine whether he undertook a substantial step. The district
    court declined to give the instruction, advising Patten’s attorney that he was free to
    argue the point to the jury. We agree with the district court’s resolution of this issue.
    There is clear authority for the government’s position that Patten’s act of driving to
    the arranged meeting place in West Fargo was relevant evidence of a substantial step.
    See United States v. Root, 
    296 F.3d 1222
    , 1228 (11th Cir. 2002), cert. denied, 
    537 U.S. 1176
     (2003). Thus, the district court’s decision to give an instruction that fairly
    and adequately stated the general elements of an attempt violation and then allow the
    parties to argue their respective positions to the jury was not an abuse of the court’s
    “wide discretion in crafting appropriate jury instructions.” United States v. Wright,
    246 F.3d 1123
    , 1128 (8th Cir. 2001), cert. denied, 
    534 U.S. 919
     (2001). We further
    conclude that the evidence was clearly sufficient to permit a reasonable jury to find
    that Patten took one or more substantial steps in an attempt to carry out his intent to
    IV. Sentencing Issues
    Patten argues that the district court made two errors in applying the Guidelines
    that applied at the time of his sentencing. First, he contends that, despite putting the
    government to its proof at trial, he is entitled to a two-level downward adjustment
    because he “clearly demonstrate[d] acceptance of responsibility for his offense.”
    U.S.S.G. § 3E1.1. We review a district court's denial of an acceptance of
    responsibility adjustment for clear error. See United States v. Field, 
    110 F.3d 587
    591 (8th Cir. 1997). Only in “rare situations” will a defendant who puts the
    government to its proof at trial and denies factual elements of guilt warrant this
    adjustment. U.S.S.G. § 3E1.1 cmt. n.2. Patten vigorously challenged the sufficiency
    of the government’s evidence that he violated § 2422(b). The district court did not
    clearly err in denying this adjustment. See, e.g., United States v. Dyck, 
    334 F.3d 736
    744 (8th Cir. 2003).
    Second, Patten argues that the district court erred in not granting him a
    downward departure based upon the aberrant nature of his criminal conduct. See
    U.S.S.G. § 5K2.20 (p.s). “We have jurisdiction to review a district court’s decision
    not to depart only where the decision is based on the district court’s legally erroneous
    determination that it lacked authority to consider a particular mitigating factor.”
    110 F.3d at 590-91
    . Patten argues the district court mistook its discretionary
    authority because, after reviewing the criteria suggested in § 5K2.20, the court stated
    “that the aberrant behavior policy statement is not available in this case.” We
    presume that a district court is aware of the scope of its authority to depart. See
    United States v. Riza, 
    267 F.3d 757
    , 759 (8th Cir. 2001). After reviewing the district
    court’s careful consideration of this issue at the sentencing hearing, we conclude the
    court was fully aware of its departure authority. Therefore, we may not review its
    decision to deny the requested departure.
    The judgment of the district court is affirmed.