ING Financial v. Alyson Johansen ( 2006 )

  •                     United States Court of Appeals
    No. 05-2531
    ING Financial Partners, f/k/a           *
    Washington Square Securities,           *
    Inc., a Minnesota corporation,          *
    Appellee,                   * Appeal from the United States
    * District Court for the
    v.                                * District of Minnesota.
    Alyson Johansen,                        * [PUBLISHED]
    Appellants.                 *
    Submitted: April 7, 2006
    Filed: May 1, 2006
    Before WOLLMAN, MURPHY, and COLLOTON, Circuit Judges.
    Alyson Johansen appeals the district court’s order granting summary judgment
    to ING Financial Partners, Inc., f/k/a Washington Square Securities, Inc. (ING), and
    permanently enjoining Johansen from pursuing her claims in arbitration. For the
    reasons discussed below we reverse the grant of summary judgment and vacate the
    permanent injunction.
    In August 2000, ING hired Johansen as a Brokerage Specialist. A Registered
    Representative Agreement (RRA), which set forth the terms of Johansen’s relationship
    with ING, contained the following arbitration clause:
    Any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to this
    Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration
    conducted in Minneapolis, Minnesota in accordance with the rules of the
    National Association of Security Dealers, Inc.
    The National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (NASD) Code of Arbitration
    Procedure provides in relevant part:
    A claim alleging employment discrimination, including a sexual
    harassment claim, in violation of a statute is not required to be arbitrated.
    Such a claim may be arbitrated only if the parties have agreed to arbitrate
    it, either before or after the dispute arose.
    See NASD Code Rule 10201(b).
    Following her termination from ING in January 2003, Johansen commenced
    arbitration proceedings before NASD claiming sex discrimination, sexual harassment,
    and retaliatory discharge for whistleblowing. Over a year later, ING filed this action
    seeking to enjoin the arbitration on the ground that it had not agreed to arbitrate
    Johansen’s claims. ING moved for summary judgment, and the district court granted
    the motion finding that the dispute was not subject to arbitration because the RRA
    “effectively incorporated” the NASD rules; the NASD rules require consent for
    arbitration of statutory employment-discrimination claims; ING did not consent to
    arbitration; and “[a]lthough the [RRA] says that ‘all disputes’ arising out of the [RRA]
    will be arbitrable, this statement does not negate the fact that the [RRA] is governed
    by the rules of the NASD.” The court permanently enjoined Johansen from pursuing
    her arbitration claims.
    We review de novo, and we disagree with the district court that the RRA
    unequivocally exempted Johansen’s claims from the parties’ agreement to arbitrate.
    See Madewell v. Downs, 
    68 F.3d 1030
    , 1036 (8th Cir. 1995) (standard of review);
    Howsam v. Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc., 
    537 U.S. 79
    , 83 (2002) (question of
    arbitrability is issue for judicial determination unless parties clearly and unmistakably
    provide otherwise).
    Although courts should generally apply ordinary state law principles in
    deciding whether the parties have entered an agreement to arbitrate, see Volt Info.
    Scis., Inc. v. Bd. of Trs., 
    489 U.S. 468
    , 477 (1989), the construction of an agreement
    to arbitrate is governed by the Federal Arbitration Act unless an agreement expressly
    provides that state law should govern, see Dominium Austin Partners, LLC v.
    248 F.3d 720
    , 729 n.9 (8th Cir. 2001). “[Q]uestions of arbitrability must
    be addressed with a healthy regard for the federal policy favoring arbitration.” Moses
    H. Cone Mem’l Hosp. v. Mercury Constr. Corp., 
    460 U.S. 1
    , 24 (1983).
    We believe that the RRA’s arbitration provision can be construed as an
    agreement to arbitrate all claims arising out of or relating to the RRA, and that such
    an interpretation is not inconsistent with the RRA’s reference to the NASD Rules.
    Read in context, Rule 10201(b) is merely an exception to the NASD rules’
    requirement that all registered members arbitrate all disputes if so requested by
    another member or associated person, without the need for any independent agreement
    between the two parties. See Littman v. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, 
    766 A.2d 794
    798 (N.J. Super. Ct. App. Div. 2001) (citing answer to “Q: What exactly does the
    [1999] amendment do?” from NASD published document “Frequently Asked
    Questions Relating To Arbitration of Employment Discrimination Claims”). The
    Rules still contemplate that the parties might nevertheless agree to arbitrate claims that
    fall within the exception.
    The broadly worded “any dispute” language used in the RRA’s arbitration
    clause appears to be such an agreement, and given the federal policy favoring
    arbitration, the mere reference to the NASD Rules should not be interpreted to
    foreclose arbitration. See CD Partners v. Grizzle, 
    424 F.3d 795
    , 800 (8th Cir. 2005)
    (doubts about whether arbitration clause should be construed to cover a particular
    dispute are generally resolved in favor of arbitration); Lyster v. Ryan’s Family Steak
    Houses, Inc., 
    239 F.3d 943
    , 945 (8th Cir. 2001) (under federal presumption of
    arbitrability, order to arbitrate should not be denied unless it may be said with positive
    assurance that arbitration clause is not susceptible of interpretation that covers asserted
    dispute). In referring to the NASD Rules, the parties did not specifically limit the
    agreement to arbitrate to those matters that NASD rules required to be arbitrated. Had
    the parties intended to agree to submit to arbitration only those disputes required to
    be arbitrated under NASD rules, they could have drafted language that unambiguously
    so provided, as parties have done in comparable settings. Cf. Young v. Prudential Ins.
    Co. of Am., Inc., 
    688 A.2d 1069
    , 1074, 1078-82 (N.J. Super. Ct. App. Div. 1997)
    (holding that Form U-4 agreement “to arbitrate any dispute, claim or controversy that
    may arise between me and my firm . . . that is required to be arbitrated under the
    [NASD rules]” did not require arbitration because plaintiff’s dispute involved “the
    insurance business of any member which is also an insurance company,” which is
    specifically excepted by NASD Rules); see also Gelco Corp. v. Baker Indus. Inc., 
    779 F.2d 26
    , 28 (8th Cir. 1985) (per curiam) (affirming district court’s order denying
    petition to compel arbitration after finding contract narrowly drawn and relevant
    contractual provisions clear and unambiguous). Because the RRA’s arbitration clause
    was not drafted to specifically limit the agreement to arbitrate to those matters that
    NASD rules required to be arbitrated, the reference to the NASD rules appears to
    relate only to the manner in which the arbitration shall be conducted, not which
    matters are subject to arbitration.
    Those cases interpreting similar contract clauses support this interpretation of
    the RRA’s arbitration clause. In Bailey v. Chase, No. 01-Civ. 7222, 
    2002 WL 826816
    (S.D.N.Y May 1, 2002) (unpublished), the plaintiff moved to compel arbitration of his
    employment-discrimination action. In 1997, the plaintiff had signed a Registered
    Representative Employment Notice (RREN), which stated that, “Any claim or
    controversy between [plaintiff] and [the company] arising out of or relating to this
    Agreement, or the breach thereof and/or [plaintiff’s] employment or the termination
    thereof shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the Code of Arbitration
    Procedure of the NASD.” See 
    id. at *1.
    The district court granted the plaintiff’s
    motion to compel arbitration, holding that because the RREN--which was signed prior
    to the 1999 amendment that created Rule 10201(b)--unambiguously stated that all
    employment-related claims were to be arbitrated, the agreement “existed independent
    of the parties’ association with the NASD, and thus the 1999 amendment does not
    affect the arbitrability of [plaintiff’s discrimination claims].” See 
    id. at *3.
    The court
    further noted that:
    [T]hough the agreement states that disputes between plaintiff and [the
    company] shall be submitted to arbitration “in accordance with the Code
    of Arbitration Procedure of the NASD,” this reference to the NASD
    Code merely sets forth the procedural rules under which the arbitration
    is to be conducted. It does not . . . provide a basis to apply the amended
    version of the NASD code and thus undermine the agreement’s clear
    intent to require that all employment-related disputes between plaintiff
    and [the company] shall be arbitrated.
    id. In Zouras
    v. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., No. 02-Civ. 9249, 
    2003 WL 21997745
    (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 22, 2003), the plaintiff claimed that following the 1999
    amendment, the NASD did not provide a forum for the arbitration of her Title VII
    claim. However, the court held that plaintiff’s discrimination claim was arbitrable
    because the parties had previously agreed, in an employment application (before the
    1999 amendment), to arbitrate “any controversy . . . that may arise out of my
    employment . . . in accordance with the rules [of the NASD].” See 
    id. at *1-*3.
    While the contracts in Bailey and Zouras were entered into before the 1999
    amendment added Rule 10201(b), we find these cases consistent with the
    interpretation of the RRA language requiring “any” dispute to be arbitrated “in
    accordance with” NASD rules to mean only that the parties will follow NASD
    procedural rules.
    Finally, to the extent that the RRA’s arbitration provision is ambiguous as to
    the interplay of arbitrating “any dispute” and the effect of Rule 10201(b), the clause
    must be interpreted to favor arbitration, see Moses H. 
    Cone, 460 U.S. at 24-25
    issue concerns construction of contract language itself, any doubts concerning scope
    of arbitrable issues should be resolved in favor of arbitration), and against the drafter,
    ING, see Mastrobuono v. Shearson Lehman Hutton, Inc., 
    514 U.S. 52
    , 62-63 (1995)
    (court should construe ambiguous language against the interest of the party that
    drafted it; reason for rule is to protect party who did not choose language from
    unintended or unfair result; drafter of ambiguous document cannot claim benefit of
    Consequently, we hold that the district court erred by granting summary
    judgment to ING and by permanently enjoining Johansen from pursuing her
    arbitration claims. See Manion v. Nagin, 
    255 F.3d 535
    , 538 (8th Cir. 2001) (when
    ruling on requests for injunctive relief, court reverses only for clearly erroneous
    factual determinations, errors of law, or abuse of discretion). Although the court did
    not make any factual errors, it was mistaken in concluding that Rule 10201(b)
    overrode the arbitration clause in the RRA. The RRA provided for arbitration
    between the parties and referenced the NASD procedural rules for the purpose of
    indicating how the arbitration would be conducted. The RRA is thus consistent with
    the strong federal policy favoring arbitration.
    Accordingly, we reverse the district court’s order granting summary judgment,
    vacate its order of permanent injunction, and remand for further proceedings.