Keith Scherbart v. CIR ( 2006 )

  •                      United States Court of Appeals
    No. 05-1325
    Keith Scherbart; Janet Scherbart,    *
    Appellants,                *
    * Appeal from the
    v.                               * United States Tax Court.
    Commissioner of Internal Revenue,    *
    Appellee.                  *
    Submitted: March 13, 2006
    Filed: July 5, 2006
    Before ARNOLD, JOHN R. GIBSON, and SMITH, Circuit Judges.
    ARNOLD, Circuit Judge.
    Keith and Janet Scherbart appeal the ruling of the tax court1 that they were not
    entitled to defer as income on their joint tax returns payments that Mr. Scherbart
    received from a corn-processing cooperative. We affirm.
    Mr. Scherbart, a corn farmer, was a member of the Minnesota Corn Processors
    (MCP) cooperative during 1994 and 1995. As a member of MCP, Mr. Scherbart was
    obligated to make three deliveries of corn per year, with the total number of bushels
    The Honorable John J. Pajak, Special Trial Judge. See 26 U.S.C. § 7443A.
    delivered equaling the number of "units of equity participation" that he held in the
    cooperative. MCP processed the corn that it held and sold the processed product to
    third parties. Its members received contemporaneous payments for their deliveries,
    as well as "value-added" payments derived by splitting MCP's net proceeds at the end
    of each fiscal year among the units of equity participation.
    In August of 1994 and 1995, Mr. Scherbart received letters from MCP that
    advised him that value-added payments would be calculated after MCP's annual audit
    and would be paid out in mid-November. The letters offered the option to have these
    payments deferred until January of the next taxable year. Each year, Mr. Scherbart
    elected to defer the value-added payment. The Scherbarts filed joint tax returns that
    listed the value-added payments as income for the years that Mr. Scherbart received
    In 1998, the IRS issued a notice of deficiency to the Scherbarts based on the
    contention that they could not defer the value-added payments as income because
    those payments were earned and payable in the preceding taxable year. The
    Scherbarts filed a petition with the tax court challenging the decision, and the tax court
    ruled in favor of the IRS. The tax court held that MCP was Mr. Scherbart's agent, and
    that because the proceeds from the sale of Mr. Scherbart's corn were in MCP's
    possession during its fiscal year and Mr. Scherbart imposed the limitation that kept
    MCP from sending him the payments in November, the proceeds were received by the
    taxpayers at that time.
    The parties agree that MCP acted as Mr. Scherbart's agent for purposes of
    processing and marketing the corn, and a written agreement between MCP and its
    members reflects the agency relationship. Cf. Bot v. Commissioner, 
    353 F.3d 595
    , 601
    (8th Cir. 2003). The parties disagree, however, on the legal consequences of the
    relationship. The Commissioner contends that receipt by MCP, the agent, amounts
    to receipt by Mr. Scherbart. The Scherbarts, however, maintain that the IRS is
    required by statute to treat the deliveries of corn to MCP as an installment sale and
    that under the installment method of reporting, the value-added payments should have
    been recognized in the taxable years in which they were sent by MCP. See 26 U.S.C.
    § 453. We review the factual findings of the tax court for clear error, and review its
    interpretation of the tax laws de novo. See 
    id. Under the
    Internal Revenue Code, an "installment sale" is "a disposition of
    property where at least 1 payment is to be received after the close of the taxable year
    in which the disposition occurs," and the income from such sales generally will be
    accounted for by using the "installment method." 26 U.S.C. § 453(a), (b)(1). While
    the installment method is not used for "dealer dispositions," which include
    dispositions of personal property by someone who regularly disposes of property of
    a particular type on the installment plan, 26 U.S.C. § 453 (b)(2)(A), (l)(1)(A), the
    disposition of farm property such as the corn in this case is not considered a "dealer
    disposition" and thus the installment method may be used, 26 U.S.C. § 453(l)(2)(A).
    The Scherbarts argue that because Mr. Scherbart made dispositions of corn to MCP,
    the value-added payment is simply a final installment in payment for that corn. Under
    § 453(l)(2)(A), recognition of the value-added payments would thus occur in the
    taxable year in which MCP transferred them to the Scherbarts.
    The success of the Scherbarts' installment-sale theory depends entirely on
    characterizing the corn deliveries and subsequent payments as sales transactions. An
    equity disclosure statement, which describes the obligations of MCP and its members,
    however, does not refer to the transactions as sales. It talks about deliveries and
    payments, but at no point does the agreement establish that ownership of the corn
    passes from the member to MCP. We noted in 
    Bot, 353 F.3d at 601-02
    , that MCP's
    "program operated on the basis that [the members] were producers or owners of the
    corn delivered under the program and that MCP acted as their agent in further
    processing and marketing the corn." Bot's holding would collapse into nonsensicality
    if MCP owned the corn in question; MCP's agency with regard to processing and
    marketing is meaningful only if the corn is owned by the member after delivery.
    Since Bot dealt with the same type of relationship and transaction as this case does,
    we hold that the transactions at issue here were not sales.
    Because the value-added payments are not installments pursuant to an
    installment sale agreement, we turn to the Scherbarts' argument that Mr. Scherbart did
    not receive the payments when MCP first made them available to members. They
    contend that because Mr. Scherbart elected to defer receipt of any post-audit value-
    added payment in August, before MCP had calculated whether such a payment would
    be made at all, the payment should be recognized as income in the following taxable
    year, not the taxable year in which he had the first opportunity to receive the value-
    added payment.
    The general rule is that receipt by an agent is equivalent to receipt by the
    principal, Maryland Casualty Co. v. United States, 
    251 U.S. 342
    , 347 (1920), even if
    the agent agrees not to distribute income to the principal until the following year. See
    Crimmins v. United States, 
    655 F.2d 135
    , 138 (8th Cir. 1981). Self-imposed
    limitations on receipt do not trump this rule. Arnwine v. Commissioner, 
    696 F.2d 1102
    , 1109 (5th Cir. 1983). Because Mr. Scherbart's deferrals of the value-added
    payments were self-imposed limitations, the payments were received when they were
    held by Mr. Scherbart's agent, MCP, in the years before the payments were sent to
    Mr. Scherbart.
    The Scherbarts seek to rely on Schniers v. Commissioner, 
    69 T.C. 511
    , 516
    (1977), which permitted a farmer to report income from what were termed "Deferred
    Payment Contract[s]" for the year in which he received the payments; the court ruled
    for the taxpayer because the Commissioner failed to show that the sales agreements,
    which specifically required the deferred payments, were "shams." 
    Id. at 519.
    But in
    Schniers the transaction was unquestionably a sale, and the payments were to be
    received by the taxpayer-seller from the agent for the buyer. 
    Id. at 516-19.
    Here, the
    relevant sale was between MCP and the buyers of processed corn products, not MCP
    and the Scherbarts, and MCP was Mr. Scherbart's agent. Therefore requiring that the
    Commissioner prove that any sale was a sham in order to invalidate the deferred
    payment agreement is inapposite; the agreement in question here is simply not a sale.
    Given the agency relationship between MCP and Mr. Scherbart and the
    voluntary nature of the deferral, the tax court did not err in finding that the Scherbarts
    received the value-added payments in the taxable years in which they were calculated.
    The Scherbarts received the value-added payments in November of 1994 and 1995.
    They were therefore not entitled to defer recognition of the payments as income until
    the next taxable year.
    We affirm the judgment of the tax court.