Crawford Group v. William Holekamp ( 2008 )

  •                      United States Court of Appeals
    No. 07-3454
    Crawford Group, Inc.,                   *
    Appellant,                 *
    * Appeal from the United States
    v.                                * District Court for the
    * Eastern District of Missouri.
    William F. Holekamp,                    *
    an individual,                          *
    Appellee.                  *
    Submitted: May 15, 2008
    Filed: October 6, 2008 (corrected 10/15/08)
    Before WOLLMAN, MURPHY, and SMITH, Circuit Judges.
    WOLLMAN, Circuit Judge.
    The Crawford Group, the parent company of Enterprise Rent-A-Car, appeals
    from the district court’s1 order confirming an arbitration award of some $20.7 million
    in favor of William F. Holekamp in a dispute over the value of Holekamp’s stock in
    the company. We affirm.
    The Honorable Charles A. Shaw, United States District Judge for the Eastern
    District of Missouri.
    Holekamp began his employment with Crawford in St. Louis in 1976, having
    earlier worked for Enterprise Car Rental. In 1980, Holekamp was transferred to
    California for the purpose of acquiring on Crawford’s behalf a rental car company that
    was experiencing financial difficulties. As Holekamp described it,
    [t]he company that we acquired was in a lot of trouble. They had
    a bunch of Pintos sitting on the lot. We were pushing Pintos up and
    down the lot, jump starting them because the batteries were gone, they
    had been sitting there for about six months, but we had to put them out
    on rent.
    Holekamp was successful in his efforts to revive the newly acquired moribund
    company, and he was rewarded accordingly by way of salary and a percentage of the
    profits. He returned to St. Louis in 1992 as executive vice president of Enterprise.
    He retired at the end of 2000, becoming a consultant for an initial term of five years.
    In 1999, Crawford began considering pursuing public financing for the
    company, either through debt or equity. It was advised that to make such a public
    offering attractive it should replace its method of compensating its senior executives
    through large cash bonuses with a plan of compensation by way of awards of stock.
    Crawford’s decision to follow this advice resulted in the 24-page February 2,
    2000, Stock Award and Shareholder Agreement (Agreement) at issue in this appeal.2
    The Agreement provided that for the purpose of the initial grant, the value of the stock
    was to be determined by Arthur Andersen LLP.
    The parties also entered into what was called the “BV Agreement,” which is
    not at issue in this appeal.
    Paragraph 6(a) of the Agreement provides as follows:
    The purchase price for Shares shall be the value of such Shares as
    determined by the Administrator in good faith, disregarding the option
    available to Shareholder under paragraph 4(a), as of the date of the
    Trigger Event [i.e., July 31, 2004] or, if the Administrator in good faith
    determines that the use of such exact date would produce an
    inappropriate valuation, that date, as determined by the Administrator in
    good faith, which is prior to and closest to the date of the Trigger Event
    and which would not produce an inappropriate valuation (“Purchase
    Price”). In determining the Purchase Price, the Administrator shall apply
    valuation principles substantially the same as those which applied to
    valuing the Award on the Award Date (which disregarded the option
    available to Shareholder under paragraph 4(a)), unless the Administrator
    in good faith determines that the use of such valuation principles would
    produce an inappropriate valuation. The Administrator’s determination
    of the Purchase Price shall be final and binding on all parties.
    Paragraph 15 provides in part:
    [A]ny controversy or claim that arises out of or in any way relates to this
    Agreement, . . . shall be resolved solely by binding arbitration . . . .
    Company shall be entitled to appoint one arbitrator, and all other parties
    to the dispute . . . shall be entitled to appoint one arbitrator. . . . The two
    arbitrators so appointed shall choose the third arbitrator. . . . Each
    arbitrator shall have experience in arbitrating matters substantially
    similar to the matter being arbitrated pursuant to this paragraph 15. The
    arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Commercial
    Arbitration Rules of the AAA or such other rules as determined by a
    majority of the arbitrators serving. The arbitration award may grant
    damages and/or any other relief deemed by the arbitrators to be just, . . .
    provided, however, the arbitrators hall have no authority to amend this
    Agreement. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on the
    parties to the arbitration.
    In June 2004, Crawford informed Holekamp that it intended to repurchase
    Holekamp’s stock in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. It tendered
    payment in the amount of $11.4 million, based on the Administrator’s determination
    of a price of $25.32 per share, which in turn was derived from an appraisal conducted
    by Deloitte & Touche. In response, Holekamp filed a demand for arbitration, alleging,
    in pertinent part, that Crawford’s call and proposed valuation of the stock breached
    the Agreement. Crawford responded by filing suit in Missouri state court requesting
    specific performance of the repurchase provisions of the Agreement. Holekamp
    countered with the same claims that he had brought in his arbitration demand and
    further alleged that the Agreement required Crawford to arbitrate its claims. On
    summary judgment, the court granted Crawford specific performance of the
    repurchase provisions. Finding that there was an issue with respect to the price under
    the Agreement, the court concluded that “[i]n accordance with the parties’ agreements,
    such dispute over value is to be determined by arbitration.” The Missouri Court of
    Appeals summarily affirmed.
    Holekamp designated Harry V. Ruffalo as an arbitrator, attaching a copy of his
    vitae, which showed that Ruffalo held a law degree and that he had retired in 2000
    after a 33-year partnership with Arthur Andersen & Co. The vitae did not indicate
    that Ruffalo had any arbitration experience, and so Crawford requested confirmation
    from the American Arbitration Association (AAA) that Ruffalo had experience as an
    arbitrator and that he possessed the experience required by the Agreement. In
    response, the AAA informed the parties that it had appointed Ruffalo to serve as an
    arbitrator and enclosed a disclosure from Ruffalo in which he stated, among other
    things, that “as a worldwide managing partner of tax, legal and business advisory
    services from 1989 to 1997, I arbitrated from 200 to 400 matters.” Among the matters
    described were a dispute over executive compensation and Ruffalo’s participation as
    a member of the legal team representing Arthur Andersen in a large arbitration matter.
    After concluding that the additional information provided by the AAA did not
    establish that Ruffalo had the necessary experience, Crawford again expressed to the
    AAA its objection that Ruffalo did not meet the requirements set forth in Paragraph
    15. Its letter detailing its perceptions of Ruffalo’s lack of experience in arbitration
    matters concluded by saying: “Under Rule 17(b) of the AAA’s Commercial
    Arbitration Rules, the AAA is responsible for making the determination of whether
    Mr. Ruffalo possesses the qualifications to serve as an arbitrator in this particular
    matter. We believe it is particularly important in this case that the AAA make this
    determination.” In response to Crawford’s renewed objection, the AAA sent the
    parties a letter that stated in part: “After careful consideration of the parties’
    contentions, the Association has determined that Harry V. Ruffalo will be reaffirmed
    as an arbitrator in the above matter.”
    Following a three-day hearing, the arbitrators entered an interim award, in
    which Arbitrators Ruffalo and Best set the purchase price of Holekamp’s stock at
    $45.90 a share. Arbitrator Dietrich filed a dissent.
    Crawford then commenced the present diversity action, which seeks to vacate
    the arbitration award under the provisions of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), 
    9 U.S.C. § 10
    (a). Holekamp filed an alternative motion to confirm the award. It is from
    the district court’s confirmation of the award that Crawford appeals.
    On appeal from a district court’s order confirming, modifying, or vacating an
    arbitration award, we review findings of fact for clear error and questions of law de
    novo. Stark v. Sandberg, Phoenix & von Gontard, P.C., 
    381 F.3d 793
    , 798 (8th Cir.
    2004) (citing First Options of Chi., Inc. v. Kaplan, 
    514 U.S. 938
    , 947-48 (1995)). The
    district court affords the arbitrator’s decisions “an extraordinary level of deference”
    and confirms “so long as the arbitrator is even arguably construing or applying the
    contract and acting within the scope of his authority.” 
     (internal quotations
    omitted); see First Options, 
    514 U.S. at 943
     (“[T]he court should give considerable
    leeway to the arbitrator, setting aside his or her decision only in certain narrow
    circumstances.” (citing 
    9 U.S.C. § 10
    )). An arbitral award may be vacated only for
    the reasons enumerated in the FAA. Hall Street Assoc., L.L.C. v. Mattel, Inc., 
    128 S. Ct. 1396
    , 1403 (2008); Stark, 
    381 F.3d at 799
    ; see 
    9 U.S.C. § 10
    Crawford’s primary argument on appeal is that the selection and appointment
    of arbitrator Ruffalo was not in accordance with the Agreement, with the result that
    the arbitration panel exceeded its power to issue the award. As an initial matter, and
    contrary to Holekamp’s contention, we conclude that Crawford did not forfeit judicial
    review of the AAA’s decision to confirm Ruffalo as an arbitrator by failing to bring
    the issue before the state court at the time of the AAA’s decision. See Cox v. Piper,
    Jaffray & Hopwood, Inc., 
    848 F.2d 842
    , 843-44 (8th Cir. 1988) (“Appellants cannot
    obtain judicial review of the [AAA’s] decisions about the qualifications of arbitrators
    or other matters prior to the making of an award.”); see also Aviall, Inc. v. Ryder Sys.,
    110 F.3d 892
    , 895 (2d Cir. 1997) (under the FAA, courts may not hear a pre-
    award challenge to an arbitrator unless it forms the basis for the revocation of the
    contract) (interpreting 
    9 U.S.C. § 2
    Because the Agreement explicitly states that arbitration would be conducted in
    accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration
    Association (AAA Rules), the parties agreed to the method provided by the rules for
    the resolution of disputes concerning the disqualification of arbitrators. Pursuant to
    Rule 17(b) of the AAA Rules, the parties designated the AAA to decide the issue in
    the first instance. Rule 17(b) provides that: “Upon objection of a party to the
    continued service of an arbitrator, or on its own initiative, the AAA shall determine
    whether the arbitrator should be disqualified . . . which decision shall be conclusive.”
    The district court thus reviewed the AAA’s decision under the deferential standards
    for vacatur of the ensuing arbitration award, and we do the same.
    We may vacate an arbitration award pursuant to 
    9 U.S.C. § 10
    (a)(4) if the
    arbitrators have exceeded their powers under the arbitration agreement. Arbitrators
    exceed their powers if, inter alia, the method of their appointment provided in the
    agreement has not been followed. Hugs & Kisses, Inc. v. Aguirre, 
    220 F.3d 890
    , 893
    (8th Cir. 2000); see 
    9 U.S.C. § 5
     (“If in the agreement provision be made for a method
    of naming or appointing an arbitrator or arbitrators or an umpire, such method shall
    be followed . . . .”). Crawford does not argue that the procedures outlined in the
    Agreement for the appointment of arbitrators were not followed. Instead, it argues
    that Ruffalo did not possess the qualifications required by the Agreement. Assuming,
    without deciding, that the term “method” in section 5 of the FAA includes the parties’
    agreed-upon qualifications as well as procedures, we conclude that the parties’ method
    of appointment was arguably followed, as was their chosen method of resolving the
    issue. Crawford challenged Ruffalo’s appointment under AAA Rule 17, the parties
    submitted their arguments and supporting documentation to the AAA, and the AAA
    made the determination that Ruffalo was qualified to serve as an arbitrator. See Reeve
    Bros. v. Capital-Mercury Shirt Corp., 
    962 F. Supp. 408
    , 411 (S.D.N.Y. 1997).
    AAA Rule 17(a)(iii) permits the AAA to disqualify an arbitrator for “any
    grounds for disqualification provided by applicable law.” The applicable law is
    section 5 of the FAA, which provides that “[i]f in the agreement provision be made
    for a method of naming or appointing an arbitrator or arbitrators or an umpire, such
    method shall be followed . . . .” 
    9 U.S.C. § 5
    . Based on the above-described
    information provided to the AAA with respect to Ruffalo’s qualifications, we
    conclude that the AAA’s decision that he was qualified to serve is an arguable
    interpretation of the provision that “Each arbitrator shall have experience in arbitrating
    matters substantially similar to the matter being arbitrated . . . .” Accordingly, we
    conclude that the AAA’s resolution of Crawford’s challenge to Ruffalo’s appointment
    does not present a basis for vacatur of the arbitration award.
    Crawford argues that Paragraph 6(a) of the Agreement deprived the arbitrators
    of any authority to determine the purchase price of Holekamp’s shares. As set forth
    above, however, Paragraph 15 of the Agreement provides that “any controversy or
    claim that arises out of or in any way relates to this Agreement, including any dispute
    about whether any particular controversy is arbitrable . . ., shall be resolved solely by
    binding arbitration . . . .” The arbitrators arguably applied the terms of the Agreement
    when they determined that the issue was arbitrable. Although Paragraph 6(a) states
    that “the Administrator’s determination of the Purchase Price shall be final and
    binding on all parties,” it also provides that the Administrator’s determination must
    be in good faith and must follow a certain procedure. The Administrator’s
    determination is thus reviewable under the terms of the Agreement. Paragraph 15
    submits nearly all issues to arbitration and may be interpreted to permit the arbitrators
    to review the Administrator’s determination and fashion a remedy if the Administrator
    has exceeded his limitations with respect to the purchase price. Thus, the case upon
    which Crawford relies, Katz v. Feinberg, 
    290 F.3d 95
     (2d Cir. 2002), is inapposite, for
    in that case the agreement explicitly prohibited arbitration or review of any nature
    whatsoever of the accountants’ price determination. We therefore conclude that the
    arbitrators’ resolution of this issue does not present a basis for vacatur of the
    arbitration award.
    Crawford argues that because Holekamp requested the “fair market price” for
    the stock in his demand for arbitration, the arbitrators’ award of more than fair market
    price for the stock exceeded the scope of the submission to arbitration. The demand
    also called for “such other relief as [the arbitrators] deem[ed] just and appropriate,”
    however, and we agree with the district court that the award did not exceed the scope
    of the submission.
    Crawford also argues that the arbitrators’ determination of the purchase price
    was irrational and failed to draw its essence from the Agreement because it greatly
    exceeded the Administrator’s determination of the stock’s market value and was not
    based upon the entirety of any single expert’s valuation.
    Judicial review of an arbitration award is extremely narrow. We may set an
    award aside only if the contract is not “susceptible of the arbitrator’s interpretation.”
    Hoffman v. Cargill, Inc., 
    236 F.3d 458
    , 462 (8th Cir. 2001) (internal quotation
    omitted). In the absence of a good faith reason to the contrary, the Agreement
    required the Administrator to “apply valuation principles substantially the same as
    those which applied to valuing the Award on the Award Date” (which was February
    2, 2000). Holekamp submitted evidence that supported his claim that the valuation
    principles applied by Deloitte & Touche in 2004 differed from those applied by
    Arthur Andersen in February 2000. Crawford submitted evidence in support of its
    contention that the principles applied in both instances were essentially the same. In
    their statement of reasons, Arbitrators Ruffalo and Best found that the Administrator
    had failed to apply valuation principles substantially the same as those that were
    applied in valuing Holekamp’s shares in February 2000 and that that failure
    constituted a breach of the Administrator’s obligations under Paragraph 6(a) that
    precluded any determination that the Administrator had acted in good faith.
    The conflicting testimony submitted by the parties set forth persuasive
    arguments in support of their respective positions. It was for the arbitrators to accept
    those portions of the testimony which they found more persuasive. Whether we as
    judges would have found that testimony equally as persuasive is beside the point, for
    we may not set aside an award simply because we might have interpreted the
    Agreement differently or disagreed with the arbitrators’ factual determinations. 
    In sum, then, we conclude that the arbitrators acted within the scope of their
    authority in reaching their conclusion and in setting the price of the stock.
    The judgment is affirmed.