Robert Rakes v. Life Investors Insurance Co. ( 2009 )

  •                      United States Court of Appeals
    No. 08-2626
    Robert Rakes, individually, and on    *
    behalf of all others similarly situated;
    Robert Hollander, individually, and on*
    behalf of all others similarly situated,
    * Appeal from the United States
    Appellants,              * District Court for the
    * Northern District of Iowa.
    v.                             *
    Life Investors Insurance Company      *
    of America,                           *
    Appellee.                *
    Submitted: March 12, 2009
    Filed: September 18, 2009
    Before WOLLMAN, RILEY, and COLLOTON, Circuit Judges.
    WOLLMAN, Circuit Judge.
    Robert Rakes and Robert Hollander (plaintiffs), the named plaintiffs in a
    purported class action lawsuit against Life Investors Insurance Company of America
    (Life Investors), appeal from the district court’s1 order denying their motion for a
    continuance under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56(f) and granting summary
    The Honorable Linda R. Reade, Chief Judge, United States District Court for
    the Northern District of Iowa.
    judgment in favor of Life Investors on their claims of fraud and tortious breach of the
    implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing (bad faith). We affirm.
    I. Background
    Rakes and Hollander purchased long term care (LTC) insurance from Life
    Investors. Their policies were guaranteed renewable for life, and Life Investors
    reserved the right to change their premiums based on premium class. After their
    premiums were raised, Rakes and Hollander filed a class action complaint, alleging that
    Life Investors used inflated lapse rates2 to purposefully underprice its LTC insurance
    products and gain market share.
    A. Overview of LTC Insurance
    LTC insurance provides payment towards the cost of services like nursing home
    care, assisted living care, and home care. To receive benefits, the policyholder must
    meet a benefit trigger, such as requiring assistance in two activities of daily living (e.g.,
    bathing, eating, dressing). LTC insurance policies are usually purchased long before
    the policyholder will require services, when the policyholder is younger and the
    insurance premiums are lower.
    LTC insurance is a relatively new product. It has been available since the mid-
    1970s and experienced substantial growth in the 1990s. In 2003, the Kaiser
    Foundation published the report, “Regulation of Private Long-Term Care Insurance:
    Lapse is the cancellation of coverage due to death or nonpayment of premiums.
    Lapse rate refers to the percentage of policyholders whose policies lapse before long
    term care services are required. Persistency rate is the percentage of policyholders
    who renew their policies.
    Implementation Experience and Key Issues.”3 The report described the pricing of
    LTC policies as “subject to considerable uncertainty,” and it listed a number of
    variables—including lapse rates—that affect the reliability of premium calculations.
    Appellants’ Appendix (App.) 296. “As a result [of the variables], two insurers pricing
    the same policy can come up with very different rates. One using very optimistic
    assumptions might charge half as much as a more conservative insurer, with the risk
    of needing rate increases later on.” 
    Id. States regulate
    LTC insurance, and most states do not allow insurers to raise a
    policyholder’s premium on an individual basis. State regulators might approve a rate
    increase applicable to an entire class of policyholders, however, if an insurer is able to
    show that more revenue is needed to cover current or future costs. When LTC
    insurance was first introduced, state regulators tended to treat it like health insurance
    and focused on the affordability of the premiums. According to the Kaiser Report,
    “[t]here was no examination to assure that premiums were not too low; on the contrary,
    insurers were discouraged from including any margin for error.” 
    Id. The report
    remarked that “[s]ome less scrupulous insurers” deliberately set “unrealistically low
    initial premiums to gain market share, knowing that they might have to raise rates later
    Id. Rakes and
    Hollander argue that Life Investors falls into this “less scrupulous”
    LTC insurance rate hikes have sparked class action litigation across the country,
    with mixed results. E.g., Alvarez v. Ins. Co. of N. Am., No. 06-4326, 
    2006 WL 3702641
    (E.D. Pa. Dec. 12, 2006) (unpublished) (granting defendant life insurance
    company’s motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim on which relief can be
    granted), aff’d 313 F. App’x 465 (3d Cir. 2008) (unpublished); Hanson v.
    Acceleration Life Ins. Co., No. CIV A3-97-152, 
    1999 WL 33283345
    (D.N.D. Mar. 16,
    The plaintiffs have relied on the Kaiser Foundation report and included it in
    their appendix. App. 286-346. We have used information from the report to draft
    this overview.
    1999) (unpublished) (certifying class action and denying defendant insurance
    company’s motion for judgment on the pleadings), 
    2000 WL 33340298
    (D.N.D. June
    21, 2000) (unpublished) (memorandum and final order on approval of settlement);
    Rose v. United Equitable Ins. Co., 
    632 N.W.2d 429
    (N.D. 2001) (reversing grant of
    defendant insurance company’s motion for summary judgment), 
    651 N.W.2d 683
    (N.D. 2002) (affirming class certification). The plaintiff in Hanson v. Acceleration
    Life Insurance Co. experienced a rate increase of more than four hundred percent over
    nine years. He testified in a hearing before the Senate Special Committee on Aging,
    and cases like his caused the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to
    change their model regulations.
    B. Factual Background
    1. Life Investors
    Janet Soppe, Life Investors’s LTC division president throughout the 1990s,
    testified that Life Investors intended that the policies at issue would be level premium
    policies; that is, the premium would remain the same throughout the life of the policy.
    Robert Darnell, the actuary who priced the policies that Rakes and Hollander
    purchased, testified repeatedly that there was no intention to raise premiums and that
    “there was never discussion of any plan to increase the Life Investors long-term care
    insurance premium rates.” Supplemental Appendix (S.A.) 721. Darnell was confident
    that all of Life Investors’s policies were appropriately priced, and when asked whether
    Life Investors planned to require policyholders to bear some of the risk of inadequate
    pricing due to higher than expected claims costs, Darnell responded:
    There was no plan for it because the plan was based on the claims cost
    that we priced in there. We expected our claims cost to be adequate.
    Now then if they were not adequate then there’s different ways of
    looking at it. And if there would have been a rate increase then—then
    the rate increase going forward would take care of it. But there was no
    plan at all for ever having a rate increase throughout the 90’s.
    S.A. 717.
    The policies at issue were priced in the 1990s with the actuarial assumption that
    the projected lapse rate would be a certain percentage in the first policy year and a
    different, lower percentage thereafter. The actual lapse rate, however, was lower than
    expected. Soppe explained that “in the early nineties, mid nineties, there was no
    discussion in the industry about the concern about lapse rates getting too low” and that
    lapse rates did not become an issue until the late 1990s or early 2000s. S.A. 2599,
    2602. Ross Bagshaw, the president of the LTC division, joined Life Investors in 2000.
    He analyzed data and reports related to the insurance products at issue, determining
    that the “lapse assumptions in the pricing and in the reserving were too high.” App.
    570. Under Bagshaw’s direction, the company instituted rate hikes and informed its
    policyholders that further premium increases were likely.
    2. The Named Plaintiffs
    Rakes purchased an LTC insurance policy from Life Investors in 1994. Before
    purchasing the policy, an insurance agent met with Rakes at his home in McLean,
    Virginia, two or three times. The first page of his policy stated:
    Your timely payment of premiums is all that is needed to keep this
    Policy in force until benefits have been exhausted. We cannot cancel or
    refuse to renew this Policy. Your premiums will not increase due to a
    change in Your age or health. We can, however, change Your premiums
    based on Your premium class.
    Compl. Ex. A. From 1994 until his policy anniversary in 2004, Rakes paid an annual
    premium of $1006.20.
    In 2004, Rakes’s annual premium increased to $1408.68. In the letter notifying
    Rakes of the rate hike, Life Investors stated that it was necessary to raise premiums
    because “sometimes claims significantly exceed anticipated levels.” Compl. Ex. C.
    The notification included a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document, wherein
    Life Investors stated that the policyholder should expect another increase in two years
    and that it had requested approval for the increase from the state department of
    insurance. Moreover, Life Investors disclosed that it might apply for other premium
    increases in the future.
    Rakes contacted the Virginia Bureau of Insurance, seeking information and
    expressing concern about the rate increase. The Bureau replied that it had reviewed
    and approved the rate increase, that Life Investors had closed the individual LTC
    insurance block, and that premiums would likely increase due to the declining numbers
    of policyholders and an increasing numbers of claims. Rakes decided to keep his LTC
    insurance and maintain the original scope of coverage. When Life Investors
    implemented another rate hike in May 2007 to $1901.64 per year, however, Rakes
    opted to convert the policy to a contingent nonforfeiture benefit.4
    Rakes did not believe that his premium would increase, and he did not read
    closely the documents he received from Life Investors. Rakes testified that his
    insurance agent told him that “the only way my rates could go up is if my class
    changed.” S.A. 657.
    The contingent nonforfeiture benefit provided a maximum benefit equal to the
    total of the premiums that the insured had paid under his LTC insurance policy.
    Hollander purchased an LTC insurance policy from Life Investors in June 2001
    through the National Education Association, an organization of which he is a member.
    An insurance agent met with Hollander in his home in Creve Couer, Missouri, to
    discuss the policy. Hollander’s insurance certificate stated:
    Compl. Ex. B. His certificate also stated that Life Investors had a right to change
    premiums: “Premiums will not increase due to a change in Your age or health. We
    can, however, change Your premiums based on Your premium class.” 
    Id. From 2001
    until 2005, Hollander paid an annual premium of $1368 for his LTC insurance.
    In June 2005, Hollander received a letter from Life Investors, similar to the letter
    Rakes received, informing him of a rate hike and warning him that a future rate
    increase was probable. Hollander complained to the Missouri Department of
    Insurance, which contacted Life Investors to investigate the complaint. Life Investors
    responded that the premium rate increase had been approved by the Department. In
    August 2005, Hollander’s annual premium increased to $1846.80. Hollander has
    maintained his policy and its original scope of coverage.
    Hollander testified that he knew that his LTC insurance premium could change.
    Q:     At the time that you purchased your policy in June of 2001, your
    policy from Life Investors, did you have an understanding as to
    whether Life Investors could increase the premiums?
    A.     There was a reference to it. And I’m sure I asked [the insurance
    agent] about it. The reference said about your premium class.
    There was no other—there was no explanation, . . . I don’t think
    I had an idea at the time as to why it would occur.
    S.A. 509. Hollander’s insurance agent also testified that he advised Hollander that
    LTC premiums could increase over time, referring to part of a brochure that explains
    that “premiums would not be—or could not be increased due to age or to change in
    health. They could only be increased within their class.” S.A. 672.
    C. Procedural Background
    Rakes and Hollander filed this class action lawsuit against Life Investors in July
    2006, alleging that Life Investors had used inflated lapse rates to purposefully
    underprice LTC insurance products with the intent to raise premiums in the future.
    Although the policies and marketing material disclosed that the insureds’ rates could
    increase, Rakes and Hollander alleged that Life Investors had planned to increase
    premiums from the outset, yet failed to disclose the plan at the time the insureds bought
    their policies or upon renewal. The policies’ “guaranteed renewable” language was
    thus untrue and misleading because the rate hikes caused the policies to become
    unaffordable. The complaint asserted that “[b]y selling the LTC policies . . . as
    guaranteed renewable policies, Life Investors affirmatively represented that the LTC
    policies would also be affordable for life.” Compl. ¶ 28.
    Rakes and Hollander identified a number of fraudulent omissions, centering on
    the defective nature of the policies and Life Investors’s plan to pass the risk of loss to
    its insureds by instituting rate hikes. The plaintiffs pleaded that Life Investors further
    misled them in the documents accompanying the premium increase notification, using
    false reasons to justify the rate increases. Specifically, they identified the following
    allegedly false statements from the materials accompanying the notification of the rate
    a. “We make every effort to provide quality coverage at reasonable and
    affordable premium rates.”
    b. “However, sometimes claims significantly exceed anticipated levels.”
    c. “The company has the right to adjust your premiums in accordance
    with the terms of the policy.”
    d. “When long term care insurance policies like yours were originally
    filed and approved there was limited actuarial and claims experience data
    available that could provide an accurate forecast of how the actual
    experience would develop.”
    Compl. ¶ 50 (emphasis omitted).
    The complaint alleged four counts: actual fraud, constructive fraud, tortious
    breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing (bad faith), and punitive
    damages. Rakes and Hollander sought to represent all individuals who bought certain
    LTC insurance policies from Life Investors “and whose premiums on those policies
    were increased at any time after 2000.” Compl. ¶ 63.
    Life Investors moved to dismiss, and the district court granted the motion as to
    the punitive damages count. The district court tentatively determined that Iowa had the
    most significant relationship to the case because the fraudulent scheme likely
    originated from or was ratified in Iowa, where Life Investors is incorporated and
    maintains its home office, rather than in Missouri or Virginia, where Rakes and
    Hollander purchased their policies. Accordingly, it applied Iowa law to the motion to
    dismiss, noting that it would revisit the choice of law question at class certification and
    after the parties completed discovery related to choice of law.
    The parties submitted a proposed scheduling order and discovery plan, which
    bifurcated discovery. The first phase encompassed class certification and fact
    discovery as to the named plaintiffs; merits discovery was allowed to the extent the
    discovery sought pertained to both class certification and the underlying claims. The
    second phase was scheduled to begin following the court’s ruling on class certification
    and included any remaining discovery. The magistrate judge5 adopted the parties’
    proposed scheduling order.6
    The parties engaged in extensive discovery during phase one, and the magistrate
    judge carefully considered each discovery dispute. Document production was
    voluminous, and Rakes and Hollander requested, among other things, data relied upon
    by the actuaries in pricing the policies and information regarding the policies’
    anticipated and actual lapse rates. After Rakes and Hollander moved to compel the
    production of those documents, Life Investors stated that it had produced all
    documents regarding the pricing of the plaintiffs’ policies. The magistrate judge
    ordered Life Investors to produce the requested information, to the extent it had not
    already done so, and to identify documents pertaining to “the original expected
    termination and/or lapse rates and expected loss ratios” for the policies at issue. Rakes
    v. Life Investors Ins. Co. of Am., No. C06-0099, 
    2008 WL 429060
    , at *3 (N.D. Iowa
    Feb. 14, 2008) (unpublished). In response to an interrogatory, Life Investors stated
    that it also had produced information related to initial rate filings, rate increase filings,
    and related correspondence with state regulators for each of its LTC insurance policies
    in Virginia, Missouri, and Iowa. Rakes and Hollander deposed a number of people,
    including the actuaries who priced their policies, the executives and actuaries who
    pursued the policy rate increases, and Life Investors’s Federal Rule of Civil Procedure
    30(b)(6) corporate designee.
    The Honorable Jon S. Scoles, United States Magistrate Judge for the Northern
    District of Iowa, who took a liberal view of the phased discovery, ordering the
    production of documents and extending the discovery schedule.
    The parties filed their briefs and appendices under seal pursuant to their broad
    confidentiality stipulation and order. We conclude that it is unnecessary to seal this
    opinion, however, as it contains no information that we deem confidential.
    Before the motion for class certification was due, Life Investors moved for
    summary judgment, arguing that the law from the plaintiffs’ home states should apply,
    that the fraud claims were barred because Life Investors disclosed potential rate
    increases, and that the complaint failed to state a claim for the tort of bad faith. Rakes
    and Hollander moved for a continuance and asked that the summary judgment motion
    be dismissed without prejudice pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56(f),
    which allows the district court to grant appropriate relief to a party that cannot present
    facts essential to justify its opposition to a summary judgment motion. Rakes and
    Hollander also substantively opposed Life Investors’s motion.
    The district court denied the plaintiffs’ Rule 56(f) motion, concluding that
    further discovery into Life Investors’s disclosures was unnecessary, and granted the
    motion for summary judgment, ruling that Life Investors’s “numerous disclosures of
    its right to raise premiums negates any alleged misrepresentation or Plaintiffs’
    reasonable reliance on a belief their rates would not increase.” Rakes v. Life Investors
    Ins. Co. of Am., 
    622 F. Supp. 2d 755
    , 767 (N.D. Iowa 2008). Because Iowa, Missouri,
    and Virginia law require that a plaintiff’s reliance on the alleged fraudulent
    representations or omissions be reasonable, the district court found no conflict of law
    and determined that summary judgment was appropriate under the law of each of the
    three states. The district court also dismissed the plaintiffs’ claim of “Tortious Breach
    of Implied Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing (Bad Faith)” for failure to plead
    the tort of bad faith. Rakes and Hollander did not resist summary judgment based on
    their constructive fraud claim and have not appealed its dismissal.
    II. Analysis
    We review de novo the district court’s grant of summary judgment, viewing the
    evidence and inferences that may be reasonably drawn from the evidence in the light
    most favorable to the nonmoving party. St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co. v. Compaq
    Computer Corp., 
    457 F.3d 766
    , 769 (8th Cir. 2006). Summary judgment is appropriate
    if there are no genuine disputes of material fact and the moving party is entitled to
    judgment as a matter of law. Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c). A dispute is genuine if the
    evidence is such that it could cause a reasonable jury to return a verdict for either party;
    a fact is material if its resolution affects the outcome of the case. Anderson v. Liberty
    Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 248, 252 (1986). We review for abuse of discretion the
    district court’s denial of a Rule 56(f) continuance, upholding the decision if the
    nonmoving party was not deprived of a fair chance to respond to the summary
    judgment motion. Nord v. Kelly, 
    520 F.3d 848
    , 852 (8th Cir. 2008); Elnashar v.
    Speedway SuperAmerica, LLC, 
    484 F.3d 1046
    , 1054 (8th Cir. 2007).
    A. Summary Judgment
    Rakes and Hollander argue that there exist genuine issues of material fact as to
    whether they reasonably relied on Life Investors’s statements that its policies were
    “guaranteed renewable for life” and that Life Investors had only a limited right to
    change premiums. They contend that their knowledge that Life Investors might raise
    premiums does not preclude their fraud claim because (1) Life Investors planned to
    raise premium rates when it sold the LTC insurance policies, yet it did not disclose the
    planned rate hike; (2) at some point, Life Investors realized that its actuarial
    assumptions were wrong and thus rate increases were inevitable, yet it did not disclose
    that information, causing the insureds to unwittingly renew their policies; and (3) Life
    Investors lied about its reasons for instituting the rate hikes when it stated that the
    claims significantly exceeded anticipated levels and that limited actuarial and claims
    experience data failed to provide an accurate forecast. Rakes and Hollander further
    argue that their claim for tortious breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair
    dealing (bad faith) should be reinstated.
    1. Actual Fraud
    We agree with the district court that summary judgment was appropriate under
    Iowa, Virginia, and Missouri state law. Because no conflict of law exists, we need not
    determine which state law applies to the plaintiffs’ fraud claim. Prudential Ins. Co. of
    Am. v. Kamrath, 
    475 F.3d 920
    , 924 (8th Cir. 2007).
    To establish a claim for actual fraud, the plaintiffs must prove a false
    representation of a material fact, made knowingly and intentionally, with the intent to
    mislead, justifiable reliance, and damages. Magnusson Agency v. Pub. Entity Nat.
    560 N.W.2d 20
    , 27-28 (Iowa 1997); Evaluation Research Corp. v.
    439 S.E.2d 387
    , 390 (Va. 1994); Emerick v. Mu. Ben. Life Ins. Co., 
    756 S.W.2d 513
    , 519 (Mo. 1988). A misrepresentation, which serves as the basis for a
    fraud claim, can be based upon a failure to disclose information in certain
    circumstances. See, e.g., Nelson v. DeKalb Swine Breeders, Inc., 
    952 F. Supp. 622
    628 (N.D. Iowa 1996) (citing Cornell v. Wunschel, 
    408 N.W.2d 369
    , 374 (Iowa
    1987)); Andres v. Albano, 
    853 S.W.2d 936
    , 943 (Mo. 1993); Clay v. Butler, 
    132 Va. 464
    , 474 (Va. 1922).
    Plaintiffs have not shown that their LTC insurance policies contained a
    fraudulent representation. The plaintiffs were not guaranteed a level premium for life;
    they were guaranteed the right to renew their LTC insurance policies. Accordingly,
    Life Investors could not cancel or refuse to renew their policies for any reason other
    than their nonpayment of premiums. Life Investors disclosed its right to change
    premium rates on the first page of its policies, in boldface, capital letters. This right
    was limited, in that Life Investors could not change premiums on an individual basis.
    Moreover, although Rakes and Hollander believed that their premium rates would not
    increase, both testified that they were aware that the rates could increase. Thus, there
    is no genuine issue of material fact as to whether the policies’ guaranteed renewable
    language constituted a fraudulent representation.
    Despite the substantial document production, written discovery, and depositions
    in this case, the plaintiffs have failed to support their assertion that Life Investors
    fraudulently omitted that it had initially underpriced its LTC insurance policies,
    intending to seek a series of premium increases and to shift the risk of loss to its
    policyholders. Plaintiffs have directed us to statements, reports, studies, similar cases,
    and their expert’s affidavit to show that some companies in the LTC insurance industry
    deceptively underpriced policies, but they have failed to create a genuine issue of
    material fact that Life Investors did so in this case. Plaintiffs failed to support the
    following sweeping allegations with record citations:
    LI’s internal documents establish that it knew because it was using
    inappropriately high lapse rates when initially pricing the policies,
    persistency would cause losses within the blocks of insurance. LI
    intended, but did not disclose, that it would pass its persistency risk to its
    insureds in the form of rate increases.
    Appellants’ Br. at 20.
    Where the plaintiffs have provided citations, the documents and testimony
    support Life Investors’s position that it priced the policies using appropriate lapse
    rates. For example, the plaintiffs have cited a letter dated April 12, 1993, from actuary
    Darnell to the Florida Department of Insurance. The department had disapproved
    Life Investors’s filing because the regulators believed that Life Investors would not
    meet its filed loss ratio because its assumed lapse rates were too low. In support of
    Life Investors’s position that its lapse rate assumptions were appropriate, Darnell
    disclosed that the actual lapse rate for the LTC insurance product at issue was the
    same as its assumed lapse rate in the first year and the actual lapse rate was slightly
    lower than the assumed lapse rate in the second year. Darnell wrote, “I realize that
    these persistency rates are somewhat above the industry average. At Life Investors,
    we work hard to keep to keep our policies in force. . . . Then, as now, high lapse rates
    were unacceptable to Life Investors and they should be unacceptable to our industry.”
    App. 718
    Taken in the light most favorable to the plaintiffs, the other evidence cited
    shows that Life Investors realized in the early 2000s that its lapse rate assumptions
    were too high. Plaintiffs cite a 2000 LTC status report, board meeting minutes from
    2000, and LTC division president Bagshaw’s testimony that, after he joined Life
    Investors in 2000, the company discovered that its lapse rate assumptions were higher
    than the lapse rate it was experiencing. Former LTC division president Soppe also
    testified that she became aware around that time period that lapse rates were an issue.
    Plaintiffs contend that Life Investors had a duty to disclose that its lapse rate
    assumptions were wrong and that rate increases were thus inevitable, but they have
    cited no law that requires an insurance company to disclose its actuarial assumptions
    to its policyholders, and the record reflects that Life Investors did not consider rate
    increases until 2001 or 2002.
    The alleged misrepresentations in the documents accompanying the notification
    of the rate hike are not actionable. Life Investors stated that it implemented rate
    increases because “sometimes claims significantly exceed anticipated levels.” Compl.
    Ex. C. Viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the plaintiffs, Life
    Investors misrepresented that the rate hikes were due to increased claims, but the
    plaintiffs have failed to explain how this misrepresentation was material or how they
    relied on it. Moreover, Life Investors disclosed that future rate increases were likely,
    a representation that would be material to the insured’s decision whether to renew his
    policy. The FAQ accompanying Rakes’s notification stated:
    You have told me that you are going to increase my premiums. Can
    I expect another increase in the future?
    Yes. When we notified the Department of Insurance of the need for this
    premium increase, we requested one additional increase to be effective
    two years from now. . . . Further, it is our hope that it will not be
    necessary to consider any additional increases beyond these two, but it
    is possible.
    Id. In response
    to the FAQ accompanying Hollander’s notification, Life Investors
    stated, “It is probable that in the future you will receive additional premium
    increases.” Compl. Ex. D.
    B. Bad Faith
    We affirm the district court’s dismissal of the plaintiffs’ claim for tortious
    breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing (bad faith). In the
    insurance context, the Iowa Supreme Court has held that “[t]he tort of bad faith arises
    in situations where the insurer has denied benefits or has refused to settle a third-
    party’s claim against the insured within the policy limits.” Vos v. Farm Bureau Life
    Ins. Co., 
    667 N.W.2d 36
    , 51 (Iowa 2003). Plaintiffs have not made a claim for
    benefits under their policies, and we decline the invitation to extend Iowa law to fit
    their allegations.7
    C. Rule 56(f) Motion
    We conclude that the district court did not abuse its discretion in denying
    plaintiffs’ Rule 56(f) motion for a continuance. Plaintiffs had a fair chance to oppose
    Life Investors’s motion, and the discovery sought was not relevant to the district
    court’s decision.
    On appeal, the plaintiffs contend that they were denied access to merits
    discovery related to Life Investors’s disclosures to policyholders and Life Investors’s
    Plaintiffs have conceded that they have not pleaded a cause of action for bad
    faith under Virginia or Missouri law.
    regulatory filings. As stated above, the plaintiffs were entitled to fact discovery as to
    the named plaintiffs and merits discovery pertaining to both class certification and the
    underlying claims. Presumably, then, Rakes and Hollander were entitled to discovery
    related to the disclosures Life Investors made to them, which they requested.
    Although the plaintiffs had not deposed the executives who had knowledge related to
    the drafting of the policy language and the correspondence to policyholders, it is not
    clear whether plaintiffs noticed those depositions. Moreover, we have concluded that
    the policy’s “guaranteed renewable” language was not a misrepresentation and that
    the plaintiffs have failed to support their fraudulent omissions contention because they
    made no showing that Life Investors used a deceptively low lapse rate to underprice
    its LTC insurance products. As for the contention that Rakes and Hollander were
    denied discovery of Life Investors regulatory filings, Life Investors produced
    documentation related to its initial rate filings and rate increase filings with state
    regulators for each of its LTC insurance policies in Virginia, Missouri, and Iowa.
    Plaintiffs have not identified what they were missing or explained how they were
    prevented from opposing the motion for summary judgment without discovery related
    to Life Investors’s filings in the forty-seven other states.
    In light of our holding, we need not discuss Life Investors’s arguments that
    plaintiffs’ action is barred by the filed rate doctrine, that Rakes’s claims are barred by
    the statute of limitations, and that Hollander’s claims are barred by the Employee
    Retirement Income Security Act.
    The judgment is affirmed.