Rezaul Karim v. Eric H. Holder, Jr. ( 2010 )

  •                     United States Court of Appeals
    No. 08-3684
    Rezaul Karim; Zannatul Karim;           *
    Neamulzannat Neela,                     *
    Petitioners,               *
    *    Petitions for Review from the
    v.                               *    Board of Immigration Appeals.
    Eric H. Holder, Jr., Attorney General   *
    of the United States,                   *
    Respondent.                *
    Submitted: November 17, 2009
    Filed: March 4, 2010
    Before MELLOY, BEAM, and GRUENDER, Circuit Judges.
    MELLOY, Circuit Judge.
    Lead petitioner Rezaul Karim ("Karim"), along with his wife and daughter, are
    natives and citizens of Bangladesh. They petition for review of an order of the Board
    of Immigration Appeals ("BIA") denying asylum and withholding of removal.1 We
    deny the petition.2
    Karim and his family entered the United States as visitors in September 1993
    with permission to remain until March 26, 1994. Karim applied for asylum in
    December 1993 based on allegations of persecution due to his membership in the
    Jatiya political party in Bangladesh. Removal proceedings began more than twelve
    years later with the issuance of Notices to Appear dated January 4, 2006. During a
    November 2006 immigration hearing, the petitioners conceded removability for
    overstaying their visas and added a claim under the Convention Against Torture
    ("CAT"). A hearing on the merits occurred on March 6, 2007.
    The BIA opinion states that petitioners did not dispute the Immigration Judge's
    ("IJ") denial of relief under the Convention Against Torture ("CAT") or denial of
    voluntary departure. The BIA also noted that the CAT claim was based on the same
    evidence as the unsuccessful asylum claim.
    Petitioners make no argument regarding CAT relief in their opening brief, and
    we consider the claim waived. Hasalla v. Ashcroft, 
    367 F.3d 799
    , 805 (8th Cir.
    2004). A discussion of voluntary departure is also absent from the opening brief,
    though some question about it arose in the petitioners' reply brief and at oral
    argument. Even if we were to consider it, as a practical matter, we have held that we
    lack jurisdiction to review the denial of voluntary departure. E.g., Tebit v. Holder,
    321 F. App'x 525
    , 526 (8th Cir. 2009) (unpublished per curiam).
    Petitioners have motions pending before the BIA related to ineffective
    assistance of counsel at earlier stages of their proceedings. We deny this petition
    without prejudice to those motions.
    The record indicates Karim joined the Jatiya party in 1982, became a
    supervisory secretary in 1985, and ran into problems because of his political affiliation
    when a rival political group, the Bangladesh National Party ("BNP"), came to power.
    In May 1991, BNP militants threw rocks at Karim's home. In July 1991 BNP
    members assaulted him, and in December 1991, BNP members allegedly took him
    to their local office, beat him again, and detained him for half a day. Karim did not
    suffer significant injuries from the 1991 incidents. The most serious attack allegedly
    occurred in March 1992, when Karim stated he was again taken to a local BNP office
    and beaten so severely that he remained hospitalized for two months. He testified
    that he reported each incident to the police, who refused to help.
    Karim also claimed that in May 1993, he learned that a BNP leader had filed
    a criminal complaint falsely accusing him of carrying a weapon illegally and that
    police had gone to his home to look for him. These incidents prompted his flight to
    the United States. According to Karim, he considered returning to Bangladesh in
    1997, but his brother obtained and sent him the police report for the May 1993
    incident. Karim submitted the police report to corroborate this aspect of his claim in
    January 2007, less than two months before the merits hearing.
    The Department of Homeland Security ("DHS") sent the police report to the
    Immigration and Customs Enforcement Document Forensic Laboratory for testing.
    Forensic testing was not completed in time, so DHS asked the fraud section of the
    U.S. embassy in Dhaka to verify the authenticity of the report. The resultant Consular
    Investigation Report ("consular report") indicated that Karim's police report for the
    weapons charge was "a totally false case."
    During the merits hearing, Karim's attorney moved to continue or adjourn
    because DHS had not submitted the consular report until about a week before.
    Counsel argued that proceedings should at least wait until forensic testing could be
    completed. The Immigration Judge ("IJ") denied the motion and admitted the
    consular report into evidence over Karim's objection. Karim attempted to rebut the
    consular report by asserting that the investigator had perhaps failed to look in the right
    records or go to the right police station when creating it.
    Karim testified that he feared returning to Bangladesh because of ongoing
    violent conflict between the political parties, which he had learned about from the
    news and from his brother who lived there. Background evidence in the record
    includes a 2005 State Department country condition report and a 2005 State
    Department profile of Bangladeshi asylum cases, both submitted by the government.
    The record also contains a 2006 report from an international NGO that the IJ had
    suggested the parties consider during the initial November 2006 hearing. The 2005
    State Department country conditions report and the 2006 NGO report indicate that
    the Jatiya party had joined a BNP-led coalition government in 2001, suggesting that
    the BNP was unlikely to persecute members or low-level leaders of the Jatiya party,
    like Karim. Karim maintained that he belonged to a different Jatiya faction than the
    one aligned with the BNP; however, evidence indicated that Karim was a member of
    the faction that had joined the coalition government.
    The IJ denied all forms of relief in an oral opinion. The IJ noted "the point
    of departure for this decision are country conditions"3 and then turned to Karim's
    We note that Karim argued in his opening brief that the IJ erroneously
    inverted the burden of proof by finding changed country conditions at the outset and
    requiring Karim to refute them before considering his claim of persecution. Upon
    careful review of the IJ opinion, we disagree. Although the IJ made this remark at the
    beginning of the opinion's analysis section and failed to outline the burden-shifting
    analysis discussed in Part II, infra, the substance of the opinion allocated this initial
    burden properly.
    The IJ then conducted a separate well-founded-fear analysis. It is here that the
    IJ considered country conditions in Bangladesh as relevant to Karim's case. In this
    regard, the IJ first stated:
    Turning to the respondent's confession that he faces likely mistreatment
    claims of past persecution. The IJ believed that Karim held a supervisory secretary
    position in the Jatiya party and had been beaten on a number of occasions. However,
    the IJ found Karim not credible as to the most severe beating in 1992 due to
    inconsistencies in his statements about the incident. The IJ determined the other, less
    severe beatings and threats did not rise to the level of persecution. Additionally, the
    IJ found Karim had submitted a false police report and stated that Karim had given
    "misleading testimony in that regard." Considering these problems, the IJ determined
    that Karim had failed to establish past persecution. The IJ also found that Karim
    lacked a well-founded fear of future persecution. Further, the IJ denied asylum as a
    matter of discretion based on the submission of the fraudulent police report. The IJ
    next found Karim had failed to meet the higher burdens of proof for withholding of
    removal and CAT relief. Finally, the IJ denied voluntary departure primarily based
    on Karim's submission of the fraudulent police report.
    On appeal to the BIA, Karim argued that (1) he had established eligibility for
    asylum; (2) the IJ erred in admitting the potentially flawed consular report without
    on return to Bangladesh, I would say even apart from the fraudulent
    document, the case has no merit. It is clear that the party of which the
    respondent was active in as an unpaid member, and it seems to me on a
    scale of activism at the very bottom, and that the conditions have
    substantially changed. This particular party, a small party, is now part
    of the governing coalition.
    The IJ then went on note that Karim had little reason to believe the BNP
    militants would attack him upon his return, that he had been away from the country
    for more than thirteen years at that point, and the contact he had with the Bangladeshi
    government did not suggest it was interested in harming him. Summarizing the
    findings, the IJ reiterated that Karim had failed to establish past persecution and stated
    that: "I do not find that there is a well-founded fear of persecution here, that is, that
    there is an objective basis for the respondent's proclaimed fear of returning to
    allowing for a continuance; and (3) the IJ's conduct at the merits hearing lacked
    impartiality. The BIA dismissed the appeal. It noted at the outset that Karim had
    failed to challenge the IJ’s adverse credibility finding and that the IJ's finding of no
    past persecution was based largely on the IJ's disbelief of Karim as to the 1992
    beating. The BIA then went on to hold that the IJ had not abused its discretion in
    denying a continuance, had not erred in admitting the consular report, and had not
    demonstrated a lack of impartiality. Finally, the BIA held that the IJ's denial of
    asylum and withholding of removal based on changed country conditions was
    supported by the record. In doing so, the BIA cited the portions of the IJ's decision
    describing the evidence of changed country conditions and assumed that Karim could
    establish past persecution, thus shifting the burden to the government for rebuttal.
    The instant petition for review followed.
    To qualify for asylum, Karim must establish that he is a "refugee" as defined
    in the Immigration and Nationality Act. 8 U.S.C. §§ 1158(b)(1)(A), 1158(b)(1)(B)(i);
    8 C.F.R. § 1208.13(a). In short, a refugee is someone who is unable or unwilling to
    return to his or her native country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of
    persecution on account of five enumerated grounds, including political opinion. 8
    U.S.C. § 1101(a)(42)(A). Persecution is a "fluid concept" that includes the "threat of
    death, the threat or infliction of torture, and the threat or infliction of injury to one's
    person or one's liberty on account of a protected ground." Sholla v. Gonzales, 
    492 F.3d 946
    , 951 (8th Cir. 2007).
    If Karim establishes past persecution, he is entitled to a presumption of a well-
    founded fear of persecution upon return to Bangladesh. 8 C.F.R. § 1208.13(b)(1).
    The burden then shifts to the government to rebut the presumption by showing
    fundamentally changed country conditions or the possibility of internal relocation.
    Id. §§ 1208.13(b)(1)(i)–(ii).
    "If an applicant attempts to establish a well-founded fear
    of future persecution without having shown past persecution, then the burden does not
    shift and the applicant must show the fear is both subjectively genuine and
    objectively reasonable." Uli v. Mukasey, 
    533 F.3d 950
    , 955 (8th Cir. 2008) (quotation
    and citation omitted). "An alien may establish the subjective element with credible
    testimony that he or she genuinely fears persecution. " Francois v. INS, 
    283 F.3d 926
    , 930 (8th Cir. 2002). "Objectively, the alien must show credible, direct, and
    specific evidence that a reasonable person in the alien’s position would fear
    persecution if returned to the alien's native country." Turay v. Ashcroft, 
    405 F.3d 663
    , 667 (8th Cir. 2005) (internal quotations and citations omitted).
    Withholding of removal is a mandatory form of relief, unlike asylum which is
    discretionary. 8 U.S.C. §§ 1231(b)(3)(A), 1158(b)(1). To obtain withholding of
    removal, an alien must demonstrate a clear probability—i.e., that it is more likely than
    not—that he would suffer persecution on account of a protected ground. Ngure v.
    367 F.3d 975
    , 989 (8th Cir. 2004). The standard for withholding of removal
    is more rigorous than the well-founded-fear standard for asylum, so an alien who fails
    to prove eligibility for asylum cannot meet the burden for withholding of removal.
    Id. "Where the
    BIA's decision is the final agency decision, it is the subject of our
    review." Diallo v. Mukasey, 
    508 F.3d 451
    , 453–54 (8th Cir. 2007) (quotations and
    citation omitted). However, to the extent that the BIA adopted the findings or the
    reasoning of the IJ, we review the IJ's decision as well. 
    Id. at 454.
    We review a denial
    of asylum for abuse of discretion. 
    Uli, 533 F.3d at 955
    . We review underlying factual
    findings for substantial evidence in the record, 
    id., and the
    standard is "extremely deferential." Salkeld v. Gonzales, 
    420 F.3d 804
    , 809 (8th Cir.
    2005). We will not overturn the agency's decision unless Karim demonstrates that the
    evidence "not only supports a contrary conclusion," 
    Diallo, 508 F.3d at 454
    (quotation omitted), but that it is so compelling "that no reasonable fact finder could
    fail to find the requisite fear of persecution." Cooke v. Mukasey, 
    538 F.3d 899
    , 904
    (8th Cir. 2008). "We analyze questions of law de novo, according substantial
    deference to the agency's interpretations of the statutes and regulations it administers."
    Gitimu v. Holder, 
    581 F.3d 769
    , 772 (8th Cir. 2009) (internal quotations and citation
    Karim puts forth several arguments against the agency’s denial of relief. His
    main contentions remain that the IJ violated his due process rights by admitting the
    consular report and should have granted a continuance instead. Karim argues that the
    admission of the consular report resulted in a damaging adverse credibility finding
    regarding the alleged illegal weapon case against him, which in turn led to the IJ’s
    conclusion that Karim failed to establish past persecution and the IJ's denial of asylum
    as a matter of discretion. He also argues that the IJ’s separate adverse credibility
    finding as to the 1992 beating is unsupported by substantial evidence. The Attorney
    General counters that we lack jurisdiction to consider the "dispositive" issue of
    adverse credibility because Karim failed to properly raise it before the BIA–as the
    BIA opinion itself points out.
    Alternatively, the Attorney General asserts that the finding of changed country
    conditions is conclusive in this case. We agree. Even assuming that Karim was
    credible and could establish past persecution, we will not interfere with the decision
    "if the record provides sufficient support for . . . the factual finding that changed
    country conditions mean [Karim] do[es] not have a well-founded fear of future
    Gitimu, 581 F.3d at 773
    . We have held that "State Department country
    reports can support a factual finding of changed conditions to rebut a presumption of
    a well-founded fear of future persecution." Id.; see also Mambwe v. Holder, 
    572 F.3d 540
    , 548 (8th Cir. 2009); 
    Diallo, 508 F.3d at 455
    (in withholding of removal and
    CAT case, "[e]ven if the credibility determination were in error, substantial evidence
    [including country reports] supports the BIA's conclusion that changed country
    conditions preclude a finding of future persecution or torture" if petitioner returned);
    Reyes-Morales v. Gonzales, 
    435 F.3d 937
    , 942 (8th Cir. 2006) ("Our court has
    expressly held that a State Department country report may be used to rebut the
    presumption that an asylum-seeker has a reasonable fear of persecution."). Here, the
    2005 State Department country conditions report states that a BNP candidate became
    prime minister in 2001 in an election "deemed free and fair by international and
    domestic observers." Although this election took place in an environment of
    "sporadic violence and isolated irregularities," the Jatiya party became and remained
    a member of a coalition government led by the BNP. We acknowledge that the
    country report indicates ongoing politically motivated violence and notes NGO and
    press accounts of politically-motivated kidnappings, disappearances, and government
    harassment such as arbitrary and false arrests and detentions. However, the country
    report does not suggest that people in positions comparable to Karim's in the Jatiya
    party continue to be targeted for persecution, either by members or leaders of the
    BNP, by the other political parties, or by the government itself.
    Other documentary evidence the agency relied on has much the same tenor.
    The 2006 NGO report confirms that the Jatiya party joined a BNP alliance and that
    the BNP recognized that it must maintain alliances, including with the Jatiya party,
    to retain power through subsequent elections. Moreover, this report suggests overall
    that tension and hostilities have centered in recent years around the BNP and the
    Awami League, the two largest mainstream parties, with a growing concern over
    potential violent clashes with Islamist political parties and militant groups. Neither
    party has asserted here that the Jatiya party is such a group.
    Finally, our own review of the record reveals additional evidence that, while
    not explicitly discussed by the agency, tends to support its position. A 2005 State
    Department profile of Bangladeshi asylum claims observes that "[t]he violence that
    applicants relate as a result of their membership and work for a political party
    [including the Jatiya party] is real," and that student organizations of the various
    political groups, including the BNP and Jatiya parties, continue to clash violently in
    particular. Once again, however, the report does not suggest Karim or someone in his
    position would become a target. In fact, elsewhere this report states that "the Jatiy[a]
    Party . . . is no longer a major force in Bangladesh politics . . . ."
    To be sure, the record paints politics in Bangladesh as a messy and often violent
    business. This alone does not compel a conclusion contrary to that of the BIA.
    "While a different factfinder may have reasonably found in the Petitioners’ favor,
    that is not enough to require reversal . . . ." 
    Gitimu, 581 F.3d at 774
    Where applicants fail to establish eligibility for asylum, “they necessarily
    cannot meet the more rigorous standard of proof for withholding of removal.”
    Khrystotodorov v. Mukasey, 
    551 F.3d 775
    , 784 (8th Cir. 2008). Accordingly, we
    affirm the BIA order dismissing the appeal and deny the petition for review.