Leo J. Polack v. CIR ( 2004 )

  •                      United States Court of Appeals
    No. 03-1295
    Leo J. Polack,                       *
    Appellant,                 *
    * Appeal from the
    v.                               * United States Tax Court.
    Commissioner of Internal Revenue,    *
    Appellee.                  *
    Submitted: December 18, 2003
    Filed: May 3, 2004
    Before LOKEN, Chief Judge, WOLLMAN and HANSEN, Circuit Judges.
    LOKEN, Chief Judge.
    Leo Polack gave 1,040,000 shares of Zip Sort, Inc. nonvoting common stock
    to his children. On his 1992 gift tax return, he reported $520,000 in taxable gifts,
    relying on appraiser Gerald Gray’s opinion that the shares were worth $.50 each at
    the time of the gifts. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue valued the shares at
    $1.65 each and assessed a gift tax deficiency of $442,200. Polack paid the assessed
    tax and petitioned the United States Tax Court for a redetermination of the deficiency.
    At trial, the Commissioner did not contend that the stock was worth $1.65 per share,
    instead relying on appraiser Brad Cashion’s valuation of $.88 per share. The Tax
    Court found that the evidence supported the Commissioner’s valuation and
    redetermined the gift tax based on a value of $.88 per share. Polack v. Commissioner,
    83 T.C.M. (CCH) 1811
     (2002). Polack appeals, challenging the court’s exclusion of
    Zip Sort’s 1993 and 1994 financial statements and the court’s valuation
    determination. We affirm.
    For gift tax purposes, the amount of a gift is the value of the property on the
    date of the gift. 
    26 U.S.C. § 2512
    (a). “The value of the property is the price at which
    such property would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller,
    neither being under any compulsion to buy or to sell, and both having reasonable
    knowledge of relevant facts.” 
    26 C.F.R. § 25.2512-1
    . The value of publicly traded
    stock is usually based on market prices. See 
    26 C.F.R. § 25.2512-2
    (b)(1). For
    closely held companies such as Zip Sort, stock value is best ascertained by relying on
    arms-length sales or transfers near the valuation date. See Estate of Fitts v.
    237 F.2d 729
    , 731 (8th Cir. 1956). If as in this case there were no
    contemporaneous transfers of the stock, or of stock in similar companies, the
    Commissioner and the courts examine a variety of factors in determining the fair
    market value of the company and its stock on the date in question. See Rev. Rul. 59-
    60, 1959-
    1 C.B. 238
    Polack purchased Zip Sort in 1987. The company prints bulk mail pieces and
    prepares them for mailing. Prior to 1991, Zip Sort pre-sorted bulk mail according to
    United States Postal Service criteria to obtain a four-cent postage discount, which Zip
    Sort shared equally with its customers. In 1991, the company qualified for a new
    value-added refund program, in which USPS granted a nine-tenths of a cent discount
    for pre-sorted bulk mail bearing printed bar codes. Zip Sort retained all the value-
    added refund income (VARI) that it received in 1991, resulting in the pre-sorting
    division’s first profitable year. In 1992, as a result of customer pressure to share
    VARI, Zip Sort retained $1,029,674 of its $1,147,100 in gross VARI. Thus, to
    determine the value of Zip Sort common stock at the time of the December 1992 gifts,
    it was important to estimate both the amount of future VARI and the portion of future
    VARI that Zip Sort would share with its customers.
    Gerald Gray prepared his valuation report at Polack’s request a few months
    after the December 1992 gifts. Based on discussions in which Polack estimated that
    Zip Sort would retain only 25-35% of future VARI, Gray projected that Zip Sort’s net
    VARI would equal 3.89% of its future sales, or $350,000 in 1993. Gray also
    projected that Zip Sort’s future capital expenditures would be $200,000 per year from
    1993 through 1995 and $150,000 per year thereafter, and he excluded a $170,000
    non-operating asset reflected on Zip Sort’s unaudited financials because Polack
    advised that it was substantially offset by a $150,000 debt to Polack.
    Brad Cashion prepared his appraisal of the Zip Sort stock many years later, at
    the Commissioner’s request. Cashion’s report was based in part on an April 1999
    tour of Zip Sort’s facilities during which he questioned Dana Rhoads, Zip Sort’s
    president in charge of operations, to gather background information. Based on
    Rhoads’s answers, Cashion projected that, as of December 31, 1992, the date of the
    gifts to be valued, Zip Sort’s gross VARI would equal 18% of future sales and that
    Zip Sort would retain 50% of its VARI receipts, resulting in net VARI of $810,000
    in 1993. Cashion projected Zip Sort’s annual capital expenditures to be $100,000 in
    most years, and he included the $170,000 non-operating asset in estimating the
    company’s value at the time of the gifts.
    The appraisals by Gray and Cashion were in substantial agreement except for
    three significant items -- future net VARI, future capital expenditures, and whether
    to include the non-operating asset. Thus, the decision whether to value the Zip Sort
    nonvoting common shares at $.50 or $.88 per share at the time of the gifts turned on
    whether Gray or Cashion made the more credible analysis of these three items. The
    Tax Court credited Cashion. With respect to net VARI, the court found that Cashion
    reasonably relied on what Rhoads told him, that Cashion’s projection of 50% VARI
    retention was consistent with Zip Sort’s retention of other USPS discounts, and that
    Gray’s “bald projection of $350,000” was not based on credible evidence. With
    respect to capital expenditures, the court found Cashion’s projections “reliable and
    probative of [Zip Sort’s] value” because they were based on Rhoads’s statements and
    Zip Sort’s operational history. With respect to the non-operating asset, the court
    rejected Polack’s uncorroborated testimony of an offsetting debt “in the face of the
    evidence that the asset was listed on [Zip Sort’s] balance sheet at a value
    approximating $170,000.”
    On appeal, Polack first argues that the Tax Court abused its discretion when
    it excluded Zip Sort’s 1993 and 1994 financial data and refused to permit Polack’s
    expert Gray to use that data to refute or impeach Cashion’s 1999 estimate of the
    common stock’s fair market value in December 1992. The Tax Court sustained the
    Commissioner’s objection, observing that “what happened in 1994 is not going to
    change the Court’s view on what was a reasonable appraisal.” Counsel for Polack
    then made the following offer of proof:
    The 1993 and 1994 financial statements indicate, in fact, that the
    income numbers that Zip Sort experienced were less than the appraisal
    that has been submitted by [Gray], and were over $650,000 less than the
    appraisal that’s been submitted by [Cashion], which would drastically
    decrease the value [of the nonvoting common stock].
    In an offer of proof, a party must “express[] precisely the substance of the excluded
    evidence” to inform both the trial court and the appellate court why exclusion of the
    evidence was prejudicial error. Strong v. Mercantile Trust Co., N.A., 
    816 F.2d 429
    432 (8th Cir. 1987), cert. denied, 
    484 U.S. 1030
     (1988); see FED. R. EVID. 103(a)(2),
    made applicable to Tax Court proceedings by 
    26 U.S.C. § 7453
    . The Tax Court’s
    decision to exclude evidence is reviewed for abuse of discretion. See Sather v.
    251 F.3d 1168
    , 1176 (8th Cir. 2001).
    Whether evidence relating to subsequent events is admissible in determining
    the fair market value of property on an earlier date is an issue of relevance. Most
    subsequent events are not relevant because “the measure of the tax must be
    determined according to the situation as it existed on the date [in question], and not
    according to subsequent events.” Morris v. Commissioner, 
    761 F.2d 1195
    , 1201 (6th
    Cir. 1985), quoting Walter v. United States, 
    341 F.2d 182
    , 185 (6th Cir. 1965).
    “Information that the hypothetical willing buyer could not have known is obviously
    irrelevant to this calculation.” First Nat’l Bank of Kenosha v. United States, 
    763 F.2d 891
    , 894 (7th Cir. 1985); accord Saltzman v. Commissioner, 
    131 F.3d 87
    , 93 (2d Cir.
    1997). But subsequent events that shed light on what a willing buyer would have
    paid on the date in question are admissible, such as “evidence of actual sales prices
    received for property after the date [in question], so long as the sale occurred within
    a reasonable time . . . and no intervening events drastically changed the value of the
    property.” First Nat’l Bank of Kenosha, 763 F.2d at 894; see Schnorbach v.
    102 F. Supp. 828
    , 834 (W.D. Mich. 1951).1
    Based on Polack’s offer of proof, the 1993 and 1994 unaudited financials were
    not relevant. In general, courts exclude “post-transaction earnings [because they]
    would not have been known to a prospective purchaser on the critical date.” Krapf
    v. United States, 
    977 F.2d 1454
    , 1460 (Fed. Cir. 1992), citing Fehrs v. United States,
    620 F.2d 255
    , 264 n.6 (Ct. Cl. 1980). Here, Polack asserts on appeal that the 1993
    and 1994 financials were relevant because they show that Zip Sort “certainly did not
    We reject the Commissioner’s contention that the proffered testimony by
    expert Gray was inadmissible because it concerned matters not contained in his
    valuation report. The Tax Court rules provide that an expert witness “may be allowed
    . . . to cover matters arising after the preparation of the report,” and may be permitted
    to testify to matters outside the scope of his report “where the expert witness testifies
    . . . only in rebuttal to another expert witness.” TAX CT. R. 143(f)(1) & (2). Thus, if
    the 1993 and 1994 financials were relevant, Gray would have been an appropriate
    witness to explain their relevancy.
    achieve the percentage of value added refund that Cashion projected.” But that
    assertion was not part of the offer of proof at trial, and from our review of the record
    it is inaccurate. The proffered 1993 income statement reflected gross VARI of
    $1,402,484 that year with $201,131 remitted to Zip Sort customers. This left net
    VARI of over $1,200,000 retained by Zip Sort in 1993, $390,000 more than Cashion
    estimated and $850,000 more than Gray estimated. Zip Sort’s net income in 1993
    was less than either expert projected for a different reason -- they both estimated sales
    of $9,000,000 in 1993, whereas the actual sales were $7,378,051. In these
    circumstances, the Tax Court did not abuse its discretion in excluding Zip Sort’s 1993
    and 1994 financials and rebuttal testimony by Gray based on those financials.
    Polack next argues that the Tax Court’s valuation determination was clearly
    erroneous because Cashion’s stock valuation opinion was based on “speculation,
    conjecture and unwarranted assumptions.” The valuation of property for federal tax
    purposes is a question of fact we review for clear error. Estate of Ford v.
    53 F.3d 924
    , 926 (8th Cir. 1995). In this case, the fact intensive
    valuation issue required the Tax Court to weigh the credibility of experts Gray and
    Cashion in order to resolve their conflicting projections of Zip Sort’s future net VARI
    and future capital expenditures and their disagreement over whether to exclude a non-
    operating asset reflected on Zip Sort’s 1992 financials because of an unrecorded
    offsetting debt to Polack. Based on our careful review of the record and the Tax
    Court’s lengthy explanation of why it found Cashion’s treatment of these disputed
    items more reliable, we conclude that the court’s determination of fair market value
    for gift tax purposes was not clearly erroneous.
    Finally, Polack argues that the Tax Court erred in not shifting the burden of
    proof after the Commissioner abandoned his initial valuation theory in favor of expert
    Cashion’s valuation opinion. The Tax Court noted but did not decide the burden of
    proof issue because it concluded that a preponderance of the evidence supported the
    Commissioner’s valuation. This was not error. “The shifting of an evidentiary
    burden of preponderance is of practical consequence only in the rare event of an
    evidentiary tie . . . .” Cigaran v. Heston, 
    159 F.3d 355
    , 357 (8th Cir. 1998).
    The judgment of the Tax Court is affirmed.