United States v. Travis Ray Burns ( 2009 )

  •                     United States Court of Appeals
    No. 04-2901
    United States of America,              *
    Appellant,                 *
    v.                               *
    Travis Ray Burns,                      *
    Appellee.                  *
    Appeals from the United States
    No. 04-2933                     District Court for the
    ___________                     Northern District of Iowa.
    United States of America,              *
    Appellee.                  *
    v.                               *
    Travis Ray Burns,                      *
    Appellant.                 *
    Submitted: September 24, 2008
    Filed: August 20, 2009
    Circuit Judges, En Banc.
    WOLLMAN, Circuit Judge.
    This case is once again before our court, this time by virtue of a remand from
    the Supreme Court for reconsideration of our en banc opinion in light of Gall v.
    United States, 
    128 S. Ct. 586
    (2007). See Burns v. United States, 
    128 S. Ct. 1091
    (2008). Having completed our reconsideration, we now affirm.
    As set forth in our initial review of this case, United States v. Burns, 
    438 F.3d 826
    (8th Cir. 2006) (Burns I), Travis Ray Burns was indicted on one count of
    conspiracy to manufacture and distribute fifty grams or more of methamphetamine in
    violation of 21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1), 841(b)(1)(A), and 846. Burns was subject to a
    mandatory life sentence under the enhanced penalty provided by 21 U.S.C. § 851.
    Absent the § 851 enhancement, Burns faced a sentencing range of 188 to 235 months’
    imprisonment. In return for Burns’s cooperation, the government agreed to move for
    a downward departure under United States Sentencing Guidelines § 5K1.1 and 18
    U.S.C. § 3553(e).1
    Section 5K1.1 of the Guidelines provides:
    Upon motion of the government stating that the defendant has provided
    substantial assistance in the investigation or prosecution of another
    person who has committed an offense, the court may depart from the
    (a)    The appropriate reduction shall be determined by the court for
    The government advised the district court2 at sentencing that Burns had
    immediately admitted his involvement in the conspiracy and provided detailed
    information during two separate debriefing sessions regarding the several groups that
    were involved in manufacturing methamphetamine. Burns twice testified before the
    grand jury and provided information in several ongoing investigations. His
    cooperation assisted the government in establishing drug quantity evidence against
    one defendant, Brad Messerly, and he was a key witness against Victor DeFoe, which
    enabled the government to obtain an indictment against and secure a plea of guilty
    from DeFoe. The government characterized Burns’s cooperation as timely, truthful,
    and complete, and recommended a 15 percent reduction from the otherwise applicable
    360-month sentence. Burns 
    I, 438 F.3d at 827-28
    The district court rejected the government’s recommendation and imposed a
    sentence of 144 months’ imprisonment, which reflected a 60 percent reduction from
    reasons stated that may include, but are not limited to, consideration of
    the following:
    (1)   the court’s evaluation of the significance and usefulness of
    the defendant’s assistance, taking into consideration the
    government’s evaluation of the assistance rendered;
    (2)   the truthfulness, completeness, and reliability of any
    information or testimony provided by the defendant;
    (3)   the nature and extent of the defendant’s assistance;
    (4)   any injury suffered, or any danger or risk of injury to the
    defendant or his family resulting from his assistance;
    (5)   the timeliness of the defendant’s assistance.
    The Honorable Mark W. Bennett, then Chief Judge, United States District
    Court for the Northern District of Iowa.
    the 360-month sentence. 
    Id. at 828.
    We set forth at length the district court’s
    explanation of its considerations of the § 5K1.1 factors:
    I’m going to use 360 months as a starting point. In this case I specifically
    find under the 5K1.1 factors, factor number 5, the timeliness of the
    defendant’s assistance, the defendant was exceptionally timely in this
    case. My understanding is he started cooperating as soon as he was
    arrested. To me that’s exceptional timeliness. While some defendants
    start that early, virtually no defendants start earlier than that . . . .
    So I find that his timeliness was exceptional and apparently started
    cooperating before he was advised of the impact of the United States
    Sentencing Guidelines, before he knew anything about how the
    guidelines might affect his sentence, before he exercised his Sixth
    Amendment right to have counsel present. So I think in this case the
    fifth factor weighs very heavily in favor of the defendant . . .
    Number 4 does not apply, any injury suffered or danger of risk because
    I haven’t heard anything about that.
    Number 3, the nature and extent of the defendant’s assistance, in this
    case based on the representations of the assistant U.S. attorney, I find
    that the defendant provided every single bit of information he knew, so
    you couldn’t—the extent of the defendant’s assistance could not be
    greater in the sense that he provided all of the information he knew.
    Now, it’s true that some defendants have greater information which leads
    to indictments of more people. But I don’t think that’s necessarily the
    test. I think the test is did the defendant provide substantial assistance
    on everything he knew, and in this case he did. So the defendant scores
    very highly on the third prong.
    Defendant scores very highly on the second prong, truthfulness,
    completeness, and reliability of the information. There’s no information
    that the defendant’s substantial assistance was anything but a hundred
    percent complete, a hundred percent truthful, and a hundred percent
    reliable. So Mr. Burns scores very highly on the second prong.
    On—the first prong is the Court’s evaluation of significance and
    usefulness of the defendant’s usefulness taking into consideration the
    government’ s evaluation of the assistance rendered. Here the
    government has indicated that the defendant testified twice in front of the
    grand jury, that he established the drug quantity on one defendant and
    led to the indictment and guilty plea of another defendant. I find that
    that was both very significant and very useful.
    Now for some reason which the government refuses to disclose, they
    only recommend 15 percent, but they won’t tell me why they only
    recommend 15 percent. And the government refuses to indicate how any
    one of the five 5K1.1 factors affect the 15 percent recommendation.
    So while I do take into consideration the government’s evaluation of the
    significance and usefulness, it’s hard to put any weight on the 15 percent
    recommendation because the government refuses to disclose how they
    arrive at that recommendation.
    And looking back on the other sentencings that I’ve had, that
    recommendation is in my view substantially lower than other
    recommendations the government has made for similarly situated
    Having said all that, I have the independent right under 5K1.1 to evaluate
    the substantial assistance based on the 5K1 factors as I see it.
    Having taken into consideration the fact that the defendant scores very,
    very highly on the second factor, the third factor, and the fifth factor, I’m
    going to reduce the defendant’s sentence substantially beyond what the
    government recommends in this case. That ought to come as no surprise
    to the government because I have a ten-year history of doing that
    because I just evaluate the five factors differently than—than how the
    government does, and the government refuses to disclose how they do
    it to me.
    Id. at 828-29
    (quoting Sent. Tr. at 12-15).
    The government appealed the sentence, contending that the district court had
    ignored its recommendation of a 15 percent reduction and that the 60 percent
    reduction was excessive in light of the assistance Burns had provided. Burns cross-
    appealed, contending that the district court should have departed from the 188 to 235-
    month guideline range rather than from the 360-month presumptive life sentence. 
    Id. at 829.
    A divided panel of this court affirmed the downward departure awarded by the
    district court and unanimously affirmed the district court’s use of the 360-month
    presumptive life sentence as its departure point. 
    Id. at 831.
    We granted the government’s petition for en banc rehearing and vacated the
    panel opinion. On rehearing, we reversed the district court’s departure and affirmed
    its starting point. United States v. Burns, 
    500 F.3d 756
    (8th Cir. 2007) (en banc)
    (Burns II).
    In reversing the departure, we noted that “[d]epartures under § 5K1.1 and
    reductions under § 3553(e) should not be untethered from the structure of the advisory
    guidelines.” Burns 
    II, 500 F.3d at 761
    (quoting United States v. Saenz, 
    428 F.3d 1159
    , 1162 (8th Cir. 2005)). We also noted that “[b]ecause departures and reductions
    based on § 5K1.1 and § 3553(e) appear contextually within a scheme designed ‘to
    reduce unwarranted sentence disparities among similar defendants’ . . . and because
    the Sentencing Commission’s sentence adjustments for mitigating or aggravating
    factors fall close to the recommended guidelines, ‘[a]n extraordinary reduction must
    be supported by extraordinary circumstances.’” 
    Id. at 761
    Saenz, 428 F.3d at 1162
    We also referred to an earlier holding that “‘the farther the district court varies
    from the presumptively reasonable guidelines range, the more compelling the
    justification . . . must be.’” 
    Id. at 761
    (quoting United States v. McMannus, 
    436 F.3d 871
    , 874 (8th Cir. 2006)). We concluded our summary of our previous holdings by
    saying, “In sum, our extraordinary reduction/extraordinary circumstances formulation
    requires circumstances of a strength proportional to the extent of the deviation from
    reductions envisioned by the guidelines’s structure. . . . [U]nder this proportionality
    standard, Burns’s ten-level and 60 percent reduction exceeds the bounds of
    Id. at 761
    We then went on to acknowledge that
    the appropriate degree of sentencing reduction cannot be calculated with
    mathematical precision and that there is a range of reasonableness
    available to the district court in any given case. . . . It may be that we
    have placed too great an emphasis on numerical or percentage lines in
    conducting the reasonableness inquiry with respect to sentencing
    reductions. . . . It may also be that the use of the term “extraordinary”
    suggests a false dichotomy. The term as applied to reductions should not
    be read to suggest a true dichotomy in which the location of an
    imaginary line demarcating “ordinary” from “extraordinary” may be
    divined by a statistical inquiry. Rather than representing a term of art
    with unique legal significance, the “extraordinary” label more accurately
    serves as a convenient characterization of departures that we have
    considered particularly large relative to the two to four offense level
    adjustments generally envisioned by the structure of the sentencing
    guidelines for mitigating or aggravating circumstances.
    Id. at 762.
    We also explained that aggregate statistics should not be the sole desideratum
    in weighing the strength of the circumstances justifying a given departure level, 
    id. at 762
    n.3, but that evaluation by percentages may still at times be useful. We also noted
    that extraordinary circumstances are infrequently found and that the circumstances
    that we had found to have a strength proportional to the magnitude of the departure
    granted to Burns could not reasonably have been considered as other than
    Id. at 763.
    We observed that the requirement of such circumstances
    furthered the goal of reducing unjustified sentencing disparities. 
    Id. We then
    reviewed the district court’s weighing of Burns’s assistance in the light
    of the § 5K1.1(a) factors and concluded the timeliness, truthfulness, and completeness,
    as well as the nature and extent of Burns’s assistance did not justify the 60 percent
    reduction in Burns’s sentence. 
    Id. at 763-66.
    In doing so, we voiced our concern
    about the impact the reduction granted to Burns might have upon that required to be
    granted to even more reduction-worthy defendants. 
    Id. at 766.
    We concluded our review by agreeing with the district court’s selection of the
    presumptive life sentence of 360 months as the proper guidelines departure range.
    The Court’s Decision in Gall
    In Gall, 
    128 S. Ct. 586
    , the Supreme Court reversed our holding in Gall v.
    United States, 
    446 F.3d 884
    (8th Cir. 2006). In doing so, the Court jettisoned the
    showing of proportionality and extraordinary circumstances that we required in Burns
    II and in our other decisions to justify a departure from the appropriate guidelines
    In reviewing the reasonableness of a sentence outside the
    Guidelines range, appellate courts may therefore take the degree of
    variance into account and consider the extent of a deviation from the
    Guidelines. We reject, however, an appellate rule that requires
    “extraordinary” circumstances to justify a sentence outside the
    Guidelines range. We also reject the use of a rigid mathematical formula
    that uses the percentage of a departure as the standard for determining
    the strength of the justifications required for a specific sentence.
    Gall, 128 S. Ct. at 594-95
    The Court rejected as inconsistent with the abuse-of-discretion standard of
    review applicable to appellate review of all sentencing decisions the heightened
    standard of review resulting from the requirement of exceptional circumstances and
    the application of rigid mathematical formulations. 
    Id. at 596.
    Rather, the sentencing
    court’s latitude in determining the extent of variance from a guidelines sentence is
    cabined by the requirement “that a major departure should be supported by a more
    significant justification than a minor one” and by the requirement that the chosen
    sentence be adequately explained so as to allow for meaningful appellate review and
    to promote the perception of fair sentencing. 
    Id. at 597.
    Under the abuse of discretion standard of review applicable once a sentence has
    been determined to be free from any significant procedural error, “[t]he fact that the
    appellate court might reasonably have concluded that a different sentence was
    appropriate is insufficient to justify reversal of the district court.” 
    Id. III. Issues
    on Remand
    Prior to hearing argument on remand, we asked the parties to submit
    supplemental briefs on the following issues:
    1. Did Gall v. United States, 
    128 S. Ct. 586
    (2007), abrogate or overrule
    this court’s prior decision “that a reduction in sentence based on [18
    U.S.C.] Section 3553(e) may be based only on assistance-related
    considerations,” United States v. Williams, 
    474 F.3d 1130
    , 1131 (8th
    Cir. 2007)?
    2. To what extent does the Gall standard of appellate review apply to the
    review of a district court sentence under 18 U.S.C. Section 3553(e)?
    3. What obligation does the government have to apprise the district
    court as to the bases underlying its recommendation of a particular
    downward departure under 18 U.S.C. Section 3553(e)?
    We will treat these issues in different order, addressing the last issue first.
    Government’s Duty to Disclose
    We touched on this issue in our en banc decision, rejecting the government’s
    contention that the district court failed to give substantial weight to the government’s
    evaluation of the assistance that Burns had provided. Burns 
    II, 500 F.3d at 765
    We pointed out that although the commentary to § 5K1.1 requires the district court to
    give substantial weight to the government’s evaluation of the extent of the defendant’s
    assistance, the “government’s recommendation is not controlling, however, and it is
    the district court’s responsibility to determine an appropriate reduction.” 
    Id. (quoting United
    States v. Haack, 
    403 F.3d 997
    , 1005 (8th Cir. 2005)). We concluded by saying
    that we would “not consider final departures substantially at variance with
    unexplained government recommendations to be de facto proof of discretionary
    Id. Turning to
    the specific question on which we requested supplemental briefing,
    we conclude that the government is under no obligation to apprise the district court
    with respect to the bases underlying its recommendation of a particular downward
    departure under § 3553(e) in the absence of a showing that its recommendation was
    based upon an unconstitutional motivation such as the defendant’s race or religion.
    Cf. United States v. Armstrong, 
    517 U.S. 456
    , 463-64 (1996); United States v. Wade,
    504 U.S. 181
    , 185-86 (1992); United States v. Moeller, 
    383 F.3d 710
    , 712 (8th Cir.
    2004). As the Court noted in Armstrong, “[t]he Attorney General and United States
    Attorneys retain ‘broad discretion’ to enforce the Nation’s criminal laws. They have
    this latitude because they are designated by statute as the President’s delegates to help
    him discharge his constitutional responsibility to ‘take Care that the Laws be faithfully
    executed.’” 517 U.S. at 464
    (citations omitted). In holding that the district court had
    erred in compelling the government to file a § 3553(e) motion, we stated that “it is not
    the sentencing court’s function to look behind the prosecutor’s substantial assistance
    decisionmaking in this fashion. The prosecutor’s evaluation of the quantity and
    quality of a defendant’s assistance, like a prosecutor’s decision to prosecute, ‘is
    particularly ill-suited to judicial review.’” 
    Moeller, 383 F.3d at 713
    (citation omitted).
    We conclude that the reasoning set forth in those cases applies with equal force
    to the question before us in this case. There has been no allegation, much less a
    showing, of any unconstitutional motive on the government’s part in declining to go
    beyond the reasons it provided to the district court in explaining its reasons for its 15
    percent departure recommendation. Whether elaborating more fully on the reasons
    for its recommendation might have been a more prudent course to follow was for the
    government to decide.
    Williams Issue
    We held in United States v. Williams, 
    474 F.3d 1130
    -31 (8th Cir. 2007), that
    after reducing a sentence based on the factors set forth in 18 U.S.C. § 3553(e), a
    district court may not reduce the sentence further based on factors, other than
    assistance, set forth in 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a): “Where a court has authority to sentence
    below a statutory minimum only by virtue of a government motion under § 3553(e),
    the reduction below the statutory minimum must be based exclusively on assistance-
    related considerations.” 
    Id. at 1130-31.
    We pointed out that the text of § 3553(e)
    states that the section provides only “[l]imited authority to impose a sentence below
    a statutory minimum.” 
    Id. at 1131.
    Further, the body of § 3553(e) spells out that the
    district court’s authority is limited to imposing a sentence below the statutory
    minimum only “so as to reflect a defendant’s substantial assistance.” 
    Id. at 1132
    (quoting § 3553(e)). A district court would thus exceed the limited authority granted
    by § 3553(e) if it imposed a sentence below the statutory minimum based in part upon
    the history and characteristics of the defendant. See § 3553(a)(1). Id.3
    We have revisited the holding in Williams post-Gall and have concluded that
    Gall has not affected the limitations imposed by 18 U.S.C. § 3553(e) upon the district
    court’s authority to impose a sentence below the statutory minimum. See United
    States v. Johnson, 
    517 F.3d 1020
    (8th Cir. 2008); United States v. Freemont, 
    513 F.3d 884
    (8th Cir. 2008). We adhere to the holdings in those cases.4 As we read Gall, the
    Court there was concerned about the heightened standard of review that appellate
    courts had imposed through the application of concepts such as
    extraordinary/exceptional circumstances, departure percentages, proportionality
    review, and the like and said nothing that would indicate that district courts are not
    bound by the strictures set forth in § 3553(e).
    Post-Gall Review of § 3553(e) Departures
    We turn then to the principal issue before us on remand, which is whether the
    standard of appellate review laid down in Gall applies to our review of a sentence
    imposed under the provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 3553(e). We conclude that it does.
    In United States v. Coyle, 
    506 F.3d 680
    (8th Cir. 2007), we held that a district
    court may rely upon the § 3553(a) factors to fashion a sentence above the statutory
    We note that the Tenth Circuit found the reasoning in Williams to be
    persuasive. See United States v. A.B., 
    529 F.3d 1275
    (10th Cir. 2008).
    The Court in Gall noted the district court’s superior position to find and judge
    the impact of facts under § 3553(a), the district court’s opportunity to see and hear the
    evidence and thus make credibility determinations, and the district court’s greater
    access to and familiarity with the individual case and the individual defendant. 
    Gall, 128 S. Ct. at 597-98
    . The court also noted the district court’s “institutional advantage
    over appellate courts in making these sorts of determinations, especially as they see
    so many more Guidelines sentences than appellate courts do.” 
    Id. at 598
    Koon v. United States, 
    518 U.S. 81
    , 98 (1996)).
    The Court went on to note that we had given virtually no deference to the
    district court’s decision that the § 3553(a) factors justified a significant variance in
    Gall’s case, saying that although we had correctly stated the appropriate standard of
    review, we “engaged in an analysis that more closely resembled de novo review of the
    facts presented and determined that, in [our] view, the degree of variance was not
    Id. at 600.5
    The Court held that “while the extent of the difference
    between a particular sentence and the recommended Guidelines range is surely
    relevant, courts of appeals must review all sentences – whether inside, just outside,
    or significantly outside the Guidelines range – under a deferential abuse-of discretion
    Id. at 591
    (emphasis added). See United States v. Livesay, 
    525 F.3d 1081
    1092 (11th Cir. 2008) (reviewing a U.S.S.G. § 5K1.1 departure under the Gall
    standard of review).
    We have observed on more than one occasion that the pre-Gall articulation of
    our standard of review may not have been much different from that expressed in Gall:
    “One may question whether the standard articulated in this court’s pre-Gall
    proportionality review was substantively different from the Supreme Court’s direction
    to district courts in Gall that ‘a major departure should be supported by a more
    significant justification than a minor one.’” United States v. Lee, 
    553 F.3d 598
    , 602
    (8th Cir. 2009) (quoting 
    Gall, 128 S. Ct. at 597
    ). See also United States v. Marron-
    555 F.3d 1040
    , 1041 (8th Cir. 2009) (quoting Lee).
    Our recent en banc opinion recounted the limitations imposed by Gall upon the
    scope of our review of sentences, noting the Supreme Court’s explicit rejection of the
    use of the concepts extraordinary circumstances and rigid mathematical formulas.
    United States v. Feemster, No. 06-2059, slip op. at 8-9 (8th Cir. July 13, 2009) (en
    We see no basis upon which to say that the Court’s admonitions regarding the
    highly deferential view that appellate courts should take towards a district court’s
    appraisal of the § 3553(a) factors should not also apply to the district court’s findings
    and determinations regarding the five § 5K1.1factors as it calculates the substantiality
    of the defendant’s assistance when ruling on the government’s motion for a reduction
    under § 3553(e). The institutional advantage that the Court spoke of in Koon and Gall
    applies with equal force in a § 3553(e) case. We appellate judges can claim no
    knowledge superior to that of the district court in making the evaluations and findings
    required by § 5K1.1. Accordingly, our review of the significance and usefulness of
    a defendant’s assistance should accord the district court’s assessment of that assistance
    the institutional deference it deserves. True, the district court must take into account
    the government’s evaluation of the assistance rendered, see § 5K1.1(a)(1), but beyond
    that it is for the district court to bring to bear its special vantage-point competence in
    making the findings and judgments that § 5K1.1 requires of it. Likewise, it is for the
    district court in the first instance to be concerned about the impact that a reduction in
    a given case might have in other potential substantial assistance cases.
    To say that this is not to say that we no longer have a role to play in reviewing
    the reasonableness of a § 3553(e) sentence reduction. There must be some limits to
    the district court’s discretion, for surely a district court’s willy nilly mood-of-the-day
    reduction should not be insulated from appellate review, and there well may be cases
    in which a reduction so far exceeds the justification offered in support thereof that it
    must be set aside.
    The question then is whether, after putting aside all notions of
    exceptional/extraordinary circumstances, departure percentages, proportionality
    review, and similar data-based standards of review, the reduction granted to Burns is
    substantively unreasonable. We conclude that it is not. That the reduction was a
    major one is beyond dispute. Whether it was supported by a sufficiently significant
    justification is a closer question. After giving the district court’s explanations, which
    we find to be adequate for meaningful appellate review, the due deference that Gall
    commands, we conclude that it was. The sentence, although perhaps not that which
    we might have imposed, finds support in the district court’s assessment of Burns’s
    assistance. As revealed by the district court’s findings set forth at length above, that
    assessment was not capricious, whimsical, impressionistic, or ire-driven. We
    conclude that the sentence does not reflect an abuse of the district court’s discretion,
    and it is therefore affirmed.
    We reaffirm our earlier holding that the district court correctly used the 360-
    month presumptive life sentence as its departure point in determining the reduction.
    Accordingly, the district court’s judgment is affirmed in its entirety.
    BRIGHT, Circuit Judge, with whom Judge Bye joins in Part I only, concurring.
    I concur in the result, but write separately to further explain my views.
    Today, the court definitively concludes that the days of “extraordinary/
    exceptional circumstances, departure percentages, proportionality review, and the
    like,” ante, at 13, have ended. This result, commanded by the Supreme Court’s
    decisions in a line of cases that culminated in Gall v. United States, 
    128 S. Ct. 586
    (2007), puts the discretion at sentencing in the district court, just where it should be,
    with due regard for the guidelines and the statutes relating to the goals of sentencing.
    Appellate courts are not sentencing courts.
    The dissent makes essentially two arguments. First, that Gall does not apply
    to sentencing reductions under § 3553(e) because there are no Sixth Amendment
    concerns with such reductions. Second, the dissent repeatedly asserts that this court,
    in Burns II, adopted the same proportional review that the court rejects today. Both
    arguments miss the point.
    First, the dissent’s focus on the perceived distinctions between § 3553(a)
    (providing a list of relevant sentencing factors) and § 3553(e) (providing that a district
    court has authority to sentence below the mandatory minimum) lead it to overlook the
    point of Gall altogether. As I read Gall, the opinion is at least as much about district-
    court discretion as it is about the Sixth Amendment. The high court could not have
    been more clear: “the abuse-of-discretion standard of review applies to appellate
    review of all sentencing decisions.” 
    Gall, 128 S. Ct. at 596
    (emphasis added). I am
    unaware of any Supreme Court authority to the contrary. Gall, therefore, applies with
    equal force to sentencing proceedings under both § 3553(a) and § 3553(e).
    The dissent also contends that Gall “does not justify wholesale abandonment
    of the approach endorsed by the en banc court in Burns II,” post, at 1. But the
    circumstance that this court may have endorsed an improper standard is of no moment.
    For example, the Supreme Court has reversed, vacated, or abrogated decisions of this
    court and those of other circuit courts in a series of recent cases relating to sentencing
    and criminal law. I have the highest regard for my distinguished colleagues who
    joined Burns II. Burns II represented the rule in this circuit until the judgment was
    vacated by the Supreme Court and remanded for reconsideration in light of Gall.
    When the high court vacated the judgment and remanded Burns II, its message seems
    clear: the discretion belongs with the district court.
    A mandatory Sentencing Guidelines scheme ended with Booker. Today, this
    court recognizes that the role of federal appellate review of sentences has drastically
    changed with Gall. Thus begins a new era in sentencing, hopefully creating fairer
    sentences than many meted out under the mandatory guidelines regime. But let me
    add a word to district judges. Discretion is not unfettered and must be supported by
    good reasons for sentencing either above or below the now advisory guidelines or in
    determining the proper sentence below the statutory minimum for an offender’s
    “substantial assistance.”
    Although I agree with the majority’s application of the Gall standard to our
    review of § 3553(e) reductions, I reject the ruling that the government is “under no
    obligation to apprise the district court with respect to the bases underlying its
    recommendation of a particular downward departure under § 3553(e) in absence of
    a showing that its recommendation was based upon an unconstitutional motivation
    such as the defendant’s race or religion,” ante, at 11-12.
    I stand by my dissent on this point in Burns II, when I wrote that the
    government is obliged to explain the basis for its recommendation to the district court,
    and I will not repeat that extensive explanation of my views here. See United States
    v. Burns, 
    500 F.3d 756
    , 770-77 (8th Cir. 2007) (Bright, J., dissenting). I will,
    however, add two brief responses to the majority’s analysis of this issue.
    First, the cases cited by the court for the proposition that the prosecutor has no
    duty to explain the basis for the departure recommendation are not directly on point.
    See United States v. Armstrong, 
    517 U.S. 456
    , 463-64 (1996); United States v. Wade,
    504 U.S. 181
    , 185-86 (1992); United States v. Moeller, 
    383 F.3d 710
    , 712 (8th Cir.
    2004). They stand merely for the unassailable premise that prosecutors, in contexts
    other than the one here, have “broad discretion” to enforce our Nation’s criminal laws.
    Armstrong, 517 U.S. at 464
    (internal quotation marks omitted). This premise leads
    the majority to conclude, by way of analogy, that the instant prosecutor had no
    obligation to make the district court aware of the government’s justification for the
    recommended reduction.
    The analogy is flawed. Enforcement of the criminal statutes is not the issue; the
    question is which office, the prosecutor or the district court, should play the primary
    role at sentencing. After a period of upheaval and change in the area of sentencing,
    the answer is crystal clear: sentencing is for district courts and the discretion is to be
    exercised by them.
    Second, the rule stated today suffers from another, potentially more serious,
    fault. Information and experience are the strongest bulwarks against discretion’s slide
    into caprice. I have no doubt that our district courts are experienced. The question
    is whether they will have adequate information to properly exercise their discretion.
    This is why I strongly disagree with a process that inherently restricts the efficacy of
    judicial discretion by encouraging the government to withhold crucial information
    from the district courts.
    For these reasons, and those explained in my dissent in Burns II, I reject the
    majority’s conclusion that the prosecutor has no obligation to inform the district court
    of the rationale behind a reduction recommendation.
    The majority adheres to the panel decision in United States v. Williams, which
    held that when a district court has authority to sentence below a statutory minimum
    only by virtue of a government motion under § 3553(e), “the reduction below the
    statutory minimum must be based exclusively on assistance-related considerations.”
    474 F.3d 1130
    , 1131 (8th Cir. 2007).
    I recognize that there is nothing in Gall that directly overrules or otherwise
    abrogates Williams, meaning that Williams remains good law in this circuit. But if I
    were writing on a clean slate, I would permit a district court to consider all factors,
    including those in § 3553(a), when determining whether, and to what extent, a
    sentence below the applicable statutory minimum is necessary.
    COLLOTON, Circuit Judge, with whom LOKEN, Chief Judge, and RILEY and
    GRUENDER, Circuit Judges, join, dissenting.
    In a series of cases beginning with United States v. Haack, 
    403 F.3d 997
    Cir. 2005), United States v. Dalton, 
    404 F.3d 1029
    (8th Cir. 2005), and United States
    v. Pizano, 
    403 F.3d 991
    (8th Cir 2005), this court was called upon to decide whether
    a district court, acting under 18 U.S.C. § 3553(e), abused its discretion by granting
    unreasonable sentence reductions below a statutory minimum term based on a
    defendant’s substantial assistance. These decisions, culminating in United States v.
    500 F.3d 756
    (8th Cir. 2007) (en banc) (“Burns II”), vacated, 
    128 S. Ct. 1091
    (2008), developed a sound methodology for conducting appellate review of § 3553(e)
    The Supreme Court’s decision in Gall v. United States, 
    128 S. Ct. 586
    concerning appellate review of sentencing decisions under a different statutory
    subsection, 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a), does not justify wholesale abandonment of the
    approach endorsed by the en banc court in Burns II. Gall implemented the
    constitutionally-based holding of United States v. Booker, 
    543 U.S. 220
    (2005), which
    declared the sentencing guidelines effectively advisory in all cases, and established
    appellate review for “reasonableness.” But whereas the deferential appellate review
    under Gall and Booker must focus on whether a sentence is reasonable in light of all
    of the undifferentiated § 3553(a) factors taken as a whole, the sole purpose of
    appellate review in a § 3553(e) case is to determine whether the district court reduced
    a sentence below the statutory minimum “to an unreasonable degree” based on the
    defendant’s level of assistance. 18 U.S.C. § 3742(f)(2). Review of sentence
    reductions under § 3553(e), moreover, is unencumbered by the Sixth Amendment
    concerns that underlay Booker and Gall. Therefore, Gall does not dictate a dramatic
    change in our analysis of § 3553(e) cases, and substantially for the reasons discussed
    by the court in Burns II, I would reverse the judgment of the district court and remand
    for further proceedings.
    Section 3553(e) provides:
    Limited authority to impose a sentence below a statutory
    minimum.–Upon motion of the Government, the court shall have the
    authority to impose a sentence below a level established by statute as a
    minimum sentence so as to reflect a defendant’s substantial assistance in
    the investigation or prosecution of another person who has committed an
    offense. Such sentence shall be imposed in accordance with the
    guidelines and policy statements issued by the Sentencing Commission
    pursuant to section 994 of title 28, United States Code.
    The court today reaffirms that § 3553(e) grants limited authority for a district
    court to reduce a sentence based only on a defendant’s substantial assistance. A
    government motion under § 3553(e) does not authorize a sentencing court to impose
    a more lenient sentence based on the factors set forth in § 3553(a). See United States
    v. Williams, 
    474 F.3d 1130
    , 1130-31 (8th Cir. 2007); see also United States v. Pearce,
    191 F.3d 488
    , 494-95 (4th Cir. 1999) (concluding that the district court improperly
    based its decision on factors unrelated to the defendant’s assistance to the government,
    as evidenced by the court’s permissive response to defense counsel’s argument
    invoking the “‘good ole days’ when judges did not have ‘to worry about guidelines
    and sentencing commissions and things like that’”); cf. Stephanos Bibas, Regulating
    Local Variations in Federal Sentencing, 58 Stan. L. Rev. 137, 150 (2005) (“[J]udges
    in some districts resent what they view as unduly severe Guidelines sentences. These
    judges are happy to exploit substantial assistance departures to escape the Guidelines’
    strictures. Other judges, however, seek to peg their departures to the Guidelines,
    offering proportionate and more modest discounts.”) (footnote omitted).
    Our decisions from Haack through Burns II established that a reduction under
    § 3553(e) based on substantial assistance should not be untethered from the structure
    of the sentencing guidelines, because the reductions take place in the context of a
    statutory plan that is designed to promote uniformity and proportionality in
    sentencing. We explained that the amount of the reduction should be proportional to
    the degree of assistance provided by the cooperating defendant. We observed that the
    guidelines provide for adjustments of two, three, and four offense levels to account
    for most aggravating and mitigating circumstances, United States v. Saenz, 
    428 F.3d 1159
    , 1162 (8th Cir. 2005), and reasoned that when a court grants a reduction that
    substantially exceeds these benchmarks, it should identify exceptional facts to justify
    the larger reduction. See United States v. Jensen, 
    493 F.3d 997
    , 1001 (8th Cir. 2007).
    In other words, a major reduction should be supported by a more significant
    justification than a minor one.
    This methodology was well grounded in decisions of the Supreme Court and
    other circuits. In Williams v. United States, 
    503 U.S. 193
    (1992), the Court explained
    that a court of appeals should affirm a departure from an otherwise mandatory
    sentence if it is “satisfied that the departure is reasonable” under 18 U.S.C.
    § 3742(f)(2). 
    Id. at 203.
    “The reasonableness determination looks to the amount and
    extent of the departure in light of the grounds for departing.” 
    Id. The reasons
    by the district court, therefore, must be “sufficient to justify the magnitude of the
    Id. at 204.
    Applying Williams in the context of substantial assistance, the
    Fourth Circuit in Pearce considered the nature, extent, and significance of a
    cooperating defendant’s assistance to the government, and found that it was
    insufficient to support the magnitude of the departure granted by the district 
    court. 191 F.3d at 495
    . The Seventh Circuit in United States v. Thomas, 
    930 F.2d 526
    Cir. 1991), superseded on other grounds by USSG § 5H1.6 (1991), declared that
    substantial-assistance departures must be “linked to the structure of the guidelines.”
    Id. at 530.
    The court recognized that “weighing the impact of any given factor on the
    quality of the defendant’s cooperation is an imprecise art,” but cautioned that
    “‘departures of more than two levels should be explained with the care commensurate
    with their exceptional quality.’” 
    Id. at 531
    (quoting United States v. Ferra, 
    900 F.2d 1057
    , 1064 (7th Cir. 1990)).
    Our cases under § 3553(e) before Gall carefully analyzed whether the district
    court’s stated reasons justified the magnitude of its reductions. In Haack, the court
    was left with the “firm impression that the district court reached outside its
    permissible range of choice and abused its discretion by departing downward to an
    degree.” 403 F.3d at 1004
    (internal quotation omitted). We reversed
    a seven-level reduction as unreasonably large, after observing that Haack’s
    cooperation consisted of providing information that led to the issuance of a search
    warrant at a residence, standing ready to testify against the occupants if needed, and
    providing information against suspects already under indictment or known to law
    Id. at 1005.
    A reduction of that extent, the court explained, “leaves
    little room for greater departures for defendants who actually participate in controlled
    buys, wear wires, give grand jury and trial testimony, or are subjected to significant
    risk of injury or death to themselves or their family.” 
    Id. at 1005-06.
    In Dalton, the
    court was left with “the definite and firm conviction” that the district court “exceeded
    the permissible bounds of its 
    discretion,” 404 F.3d at 1034
    , when it granted a 12-level
    reduction to a defendant whose cooperation was “limited to proffering information
    about a handful of people and serving only as a corroborative witness before a grand
    jury against two of them.” 
    Id. at 1033.
    In Saenz, we held that the district court’s 11-level reduction was excessive and
    unreasonable, where the nature and extent of the defendant’s assistance was
    “relatively limited,” the significance and usefulness of her assistance was “relatively
    modest,” and she suffered no apparent danger or risk of 
    injury. 428 F.3d at 1163-65
    We also found unreasonable the district court’s conclusion that “any defendant who
    is timely, completely truthful, complete, reliable, and tells the government everything
    they need to know deserves more than 50 percent in reduction,” (i.e., more than ten
    offense levels in the Saenz case), without regard to the nature and extent of the
    defendant’s assistance, the significance and usefulness of the assistance, or any danger
    or risk of injury endured by the cooperating defendant. 
    Id. at 1162-63
    quotation omitted).
    In United States v. Coyle, 
    429 F.3d 1192
    (8th Cir. 2005), we reversed as
    unreasonably large a 14-level reduction, which the district court characterized as
    id. at 1193
    (internal quotation omitted), on the view that a reduction of
    that magnitude should be reserved for cooperating defendants who provide a greater
    degree of assistance. 
    Id. at 1194.
    We observed that “[t]here undoubtedly are
    defendants who provide long-term undercover assistance that is greater than the two
    controlled transactions involved here, who assist with the investigation of multi-
    member conspiracies rather than the single defendant prosecuted in this matter, whose
    cooperation results in the apprehension of particularly dangerous offenders or
    ‘kingpins,’ and who suffer a more tangible risk of injury or actual harm as a result of
    their cooperation with the government.” 
    Id. We were
    loathe to conclude that a
    defendant providing these greater levels of assistance must be awarded an even greater
    reduction (i.e., 15 or more offense levels) to avoid unwarranted disparities. 
    Id. On the
    other hand, we affirmed as reasonable the district court’s 12-level
    reduction in Pizano, where the defendant provided timely and truthful cooperation,
    was a “key witness” against two co-conspirators, gave testimony that could be
    instrumental in seizing assets from a money laundering scheme, provided debriefings
    and grand jury testimony regarding both a close family member and a “major figure”
    in the conspiracy, and put himself and his family at risk of harm from “dangerous
    people” when he 
    testified. 403 F.3d at 995-96
    . In United States v. Pepper, 
    486 F.3d 408
    (8th Cir. 2007) (“Pepper II”), after first remanding based on consideration of an
    improper factor, United States v. Pepper, 
    412 F.3d 995
    , 999 (8th Cir. 2005) (“Pepper
    I”), we held that the district court did not abuse its discretion in reducing the
    defendant’s sentence by five offense levels based on “timely, truthful, honest, helpful,
    and important” assistance that the district court described as “pedestrian or average.”
    II, 486 F.3d at 411
    (internal quotation omitted). In Jensen, we affirmed the
    district court’s six-level reduction for a defendant who was timely, complete, and
    truthful, was debriefed extensively by law enforcement agents concerning a
    substantial methamphetamine conspiracy, served as a prospective witness in a
    sentencing proceeding that ultimately was resolved by stipulation, identified a major
    figure in the drug conspiracy, and testified in the grand jury in support of a probable
    indictment. 493 F.3d at 1001
    In Burns II, the en banc court applied the methodology developed in these cases
    and concluded that the district court’s ten-level reduction exceeded the bounds of
    reasonableness. 500 F.3d at 762
    . The court held that to affirm such a large reduction
    based on the assistance rendered by the defendant “would frustrate our goal of
    preventing departures from becoming untethered from the structure of the guidelines
    and would not reflect any meaningful sense of proportionality.” 
    Id. at 766.
    These decisions recognized that we could not say “with mathematical
    precision” how great a reduction should be granted for particular degrees of
    cooperation, Burns 
    II, 500 F.3d at 762
    Haack, 403 F.3d at 1005
    , but they identified
    ranges of reasonableness and outer limits on the district court’s exercise of discretion.
    The cases fostered a decisional process in which determinations about substantial-
    assistance reductions were linked to the structure of the guidelines, and were not
    motivated by improper factors such as hostility to mandatory sentencing, 
    Haack, 403 F.3d at 1006
    , or a desire to sentence a defendant to “the shortest possible term of
    imprisonment” that would allow for participation in a prison drug treatment program.
    I, 412 F.3d at 999
    . The opinions strived to ensure that the magnitude of
    reductions were proportional to the circumstances that justified them, without micro-
    managing the district court’s sentencing decisions. As we said in Coyle, for example,
    “[t]here is a good deal of room between the government’s modest recommendation
    [for a reduction of less than two full offense levels] and the district court’s generous
    departure [of 14 levels] to recognize this defendant’s assistance without at the same
    time skewing the degree of reduction that must be granted to future defendants whose
    performance on the continuum of substantial assistance deserves more credit than
    Coyle’s.” 429 F.3d at 1194
    During the same time period, this court began to implement the Supreme
    Court’s decision in Booker, which held that the application of the mandatory
    sentencing guidelines violated the Sixth Amendment right to jury trial in certain
    circumstances, and declared the guidelines “effectively advisory” in all cases as a
    remedy. 543 U.S. at 245
    . The Court held that sentencing courts should consider and
    take into account the sentencing guideline range, but that the district courts should
    impose sentence based on the factors set forth in 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a) as a whole. 
    Id. Booker directed
    the courts of appeals to review sentences imposed by the district
    courts to determine whether they are “unreasonable with regard to § 3553(a).” 
    Id. at 261.
    Like some other circuits, our court interpreted Booker and its “reasonableness”
    requirement to call for what came to be described as “proportionality review” of
    sentences imposed under the new advisory regime. Under this approach, when a
    district court imposed a non-guideline sentence, we reviewed to determine whether
    the district court’s stated justification for varying from the advisory guidelines was
    “proportional to the extent of the difference between the advisory range and the
    sentence imposed.” United States v. Gall, 
    446 F.3d 884
    , 889 (8th Cir. 2006) (internal
    quotations omitted), rev’d, 
    128 S. Ct. 586
    In Gall, the Supreme Court held that an appellate rule requiring a proportional
    justification for a variance from the advisory guideline range was impermissible for
    a specific reason: it was inconsistent with the remedial opinion in 
    Booker. 128 S. Ct. at 595
    . The Court established that the proper measure of “reasonableness” in a
    § 3553(a) case is not whether the variance from the advisory guideline range is
    reasonable, but whether the ultimate sentence is reasonable in light of all of the
    § 3553(a) factors taken as a whole. 
    Id. at 597.
    Proportionality review under
    § 3553(a), the Court explained, came “too close to creating an impermissible
    presumption of unreasonableness for sentences outside the Guidelines range.” 
    Id. at 595.
    Because the advisory range is sometimes based on findings made by the
    sentencing judge, proportionality review would mean that some sentences would be
    “upheld only on the basis of additional judge-found facts,” 
    id. at 602
    (Scalia, J.,
    concurring), and these sentences would violate the Sixth Amendment. See Rita v.
    United States, 
    551 U.S. 338
    , 371-72 (2007) (Scalia, J., concurring in judgment). By
    rejecting proportionality review and applying a deferential abuse-of-discretion
    standard of review, the Court drastically curtailed review for substantive
    reasonableness, and thereby minimized the number of Sixth Amendment violations
    that will occur under the advisory system.
    The Supreme Court remanded this case for further consideration in light of
    Gall.6 The analysis in Gall concerning review of a sentence imposed under § 3553(a),
    however, does not dictate that this court abandon its proportionality review of
    sentence reductions under § 3553(e). Booker has no application to § 3553(e). As the
    court reaffirms today, a sentencing judge is forbidden to rely on the § 3553(a) factors
    to reduce a sentence when acting on a government motion under § 3553(e). Ante, at
    13. Unlike reasonableness review under § 3553(a), where the court of appeals is
    charged with considering the reasonableness of a sentence with regard to all of the
    factors in § 3553(a) taken as a whole, the exclusive purpose of reasonableness review
    under § 3553(e) is to determine whether the degree of the reduction from the statutory
    minimum sentence is reasonable. Gall held in the context of § 3553(a) that the court
    of appeals does not merely evaluate the reasonableness of a variance between the
    advisory guideline range and the final sentence. But the only responsibility of the
    court of appeals in a § 3553(e) case is to determine whether the departure below the
    statutory minimum is “to an unreasonable degree.” 18 U.S.C. § 3742(f)(2). There are
    no other factors at play.
    The district court’s ruling on a substantial-assistance motion under § 3553(e)
    also poses no constitutional concerns under the Sixth Amendment. The only possible
    effect of a § 3553(e) motion is to reduce the defendant’s sentence. As with a sentence
    The Court’s summary reconsideration order does “not amount to a final
    determination on the merits.” Henry v. City of Rock Hill, 
    376 U.S. 776
    , 777 (1964)
    (per curiam). According to a leading treatise, “[i]t seems fairly clear that the Court
    does not treat the summary reconsideration order as the functional equivalent of a
    summary reversal order and that the lower court is being told merely to reconsider the
    entire case in light of the intervening precedent – which may or may not compel a
    different result.” Eugene Gressman, et al., Supreme Court Practice 349 (9th ed.
    reduction proceeding under 18 U.S.C. § 3582(c), there is no potential that judicial
    factfinding conducted in resolving a § 3553(e) motion will increase the statutory
    maximum punishment. See United States v. Starks, 
    551 F.3d 839
    , 842 (8th Cir.), cert.
    129 S. Ct. 2746
    (2009). Accordingly, there is no constitutional difficulty with
    an appellate rule that requires a district court to identify justifications for a sentence
    reduction under § 3553(e) that are proportional to the magnitude of the reduction. The
    Court in Booker unanimously recognized that Congress in the Sentencing Reform Act
    sought to achieve uniformity in sentencing, and that the Booker remedy, with its wide
    discretion for sentencing judges, was contrary to what Congress desired. See 
    Booker, 543 U.S. at 246-47
    , 250, 253, 263-64; 
    id. at 292-300
    (Stevens, J., dissenting); 
    id. at 303-06
    (Scalia, J., dissenting). With no Sixth Amendment concerns under § 3553(e),
    there is no reason to abandon a framework that is designed to keep sentence
    reductions tethered to the structure of the guideline system that Congress created.
    Gall applied an abuse-of-discretion standard of review to a district court’s
    sentencing decisions, but this is nothing new. Well before Gall, in Koon v. United
    518 U.S. 81
    , 96-100 (1996), the Supreme Court applied an abuse of discretion
    standard to a district court’s departure from an otherwise mandatory sentence, and our
    § 3553(e) decisions from Haack to Burns II likewise conducted abuse of discretion
    review. See, e.g., Burns 
    II, 500 F.3d at 760
    Haack, 403 F.3d at 1003-04
    . Appellate
    review under this standard is not an “empty exercise,” and “[t]he deference that is due
    depends on the nature of the question presented.” 
    Koon, 518 U.S. at 98
    . “‘Abuse of
    discretion’ may have different meanings in different contexts; the deference given a
    particular decision depends upon ‘the reason why that category or type of decision is
    committed to the trial court’s discretion in the first instance.’” Gasperini v. Ctr. for
    Humanities, Inc., 
    149 F.3d 137
    , 141 (2d Cir. 1998) (quoting Henry J. Friendly,
    Indiscretion About Discretion, 31 Emory L.J. 747, 764 (1982)).
    Under § 3553(a), due to a confluence of circumstances, a district court’s
    discretion is near its zenith. First, there is almost “no law to apply.” 
    Friendly, supra, at 765
    . The district court has discretion to consider virtually unlimited information,
    see 18 U.S.C. § 3661; Williams v. New York, 
    337 U.S. 241
    , 247 (1949), and to apply
    the undifferentiated factors under § 3553(a) as it sees fit. After Gall and Kimbrough
    v. United States, 
    128 S. Ct. 558
    (2007), this court has identified no basis in substantive
    law for a court of appeals to prefer one district court’s sentencing practices under §
    3553(a) over those of another. See United States v. Feemster, No. 06-2059, 
    2009 WL 2003970
    , at *5 n.4, *7 (8th Cir. July 13, 2009) (en banc). As long as the sentencing
    judge does not act arbitrarily or shock the conscience, see 
    Rita, 551 U.S. at 365
    (Stevens, J., concurring) (rejecting “purely procedural review,” because “[a]fter all,
    a district judge who gives harsh sentences to Yankees fans and lenient sentences to
    Red Sox fans would not be acting reasonably even if her procedural rulings were
    impeccable”), there seems to be no discernible legal reason for a court of appeals to
    declare unreasonable the decision of a judge who imposes sentence under § 3553(a)
    based on the individual characteristics and circumstances of a particular defendant.7
    Second, the highly deferential standard of review adopted in Gall is influenced by the
    constitutional problems that would result from any more rigorous appellate review.
    Given that the basis for invalidating the mandatory guidelines in the first place was
    the Sixth Amendment, the standard of review adopted by the Court presumably is
    designed to ameliorate Sixth Amendment violations as much as possible, by giving
    the district courts free rein to apply the § 3553(a) factors. See 
    Gall, 128 S. Ct. at 602
    (Scalia, J., concurring). Third, the district court’s “institutional advantages” over the
    court of appeals are greatest when the sentencing court is engaged in a “unique study
    The Supreme Court has reserved judgment on whether “closer review may be
    in order when the sentencing judge varies from the Guidelines based solely on the
    judge’s view that the Guidelines range ‘fails properly to reflect § 3553(a)
    considerations’ even in a mine-run case.” Kimbrough v. United States, 
    128 S. Ct. 558
    575 (2007) (quoting 
    Rita, 551 U.S. at 351
    ). The Court has not yet said, however, that
    a sentencing court is required to give any weight to the advisory guidelines. See 
    id. at 576-77
    (Scalia, J., concurring); 
    Booker, 543 U.S. at 245
    , 264 (explaining that a
    district court must “consider” the advisory guidelines and “take them into account”);
    id. at 305-06
    (Scalia, J., dissenting) (“If the majority . . . thought the Guidelines not
    only had to be ‘considered’ . . . but had generally to be followed . . . its opinion would
    surely say so.”).
    in . . . human failings,” 
    Gall, 128 S. Ct. at 598
    (internal quotation omitted), informed
    by all of the factors set forth in § 3553(a), including even “insights not conveyed by
    the record.” 
    Id. at 597.
    In a § 3553(e) case, however, there is a “principle of preference” that is absent
    under § 3553(a). See 
    Friendly, supra, at 768
    . It is entirely appropriate for a court of
    appeals to prefer a proportionate reduction from the mandatory minimum over a
    disproportionate one. The reasons given by the district court must be “sufficient to
    justify the magnitude of the departure,” 
    Williams, 503 U.S. at 204
    , and an evaluation
    of sufficiency requires the court of appeals to consider whether the magnitude of the
    assistance is proportional to the magnitude of the reduction. No constitutional
    difficulties arise from this rule of appellate review under § 3553(e). And the
    institutional advantages of the district court cited by the Court in Gall are muted. A
    sentence reduction under § 3553(e) does not involve the same wide-ranging, highly
    personal inquiry that a district court must undertake pursuant to § 3553(a). There is
    one discrete issue: the degree of reduction warranted by the defendant’s assistance
    to the government. With respect to that decision, the governing policy statement of
    the Sentencing Commission establishes that the sentencing court owes deference to
    the institutional advantage of another party – the government, which sees more
    cooperating defendants than any single district judge, and which is best positioned to
    know the value of a defendant’s cooperation in law enforcement investigations. See
    USSG § 5K1.1(a)(1) & comment. (n.3) (“Substantial weight should be given to the
    government’s evaluation of the extent of the defendant’s assistance, particularly where
    the extent and value of the assistance are difficult to ascertain.”). The court of appeals
    must ensure that the district court adheres to that principle of preference as well.
    In discussing the standard of review in Gall, the Supreme Court concluded that
    the appellate review conducted by this court with respect to a decision under § 3553(a)
    “more closely resembled de novo 
    review.” 128 S. Ct. at 600
    . It cannot fairly be said,
    however, that this court has applied the equivalent of de novo review to sentence
    reductions under § 3553(e). We affirmed a five-level reduction for “pedestrian”
    assistance in Pepper II, stating that it was a “close call,” but that we could not say the
    district court abused its 
    discretion. 486 F.3d at 411
    (internal quotation omitted). In
    Jensen, we rejected the government’s challenge to a six-level reduction, saying that
    while the reduction was “generous, and at or near the limit of what we could view as
    reasonable based on this level of assistance,” the district court did not abuse its
    discretion. 493 F.3d at 1001
    . And we affirmed a 12-level reduction in Pizano, saying
    that while the extent of the reduction was “well below the government’s
    recommendation,” it was not an abuse of 
    discretion. 403 F.3d at 997
    . The discussion
    in these opinions does not suggest that the court of appeals reached agreement with
    the district court under a de novo standard of review. Rather, the court recognized that
    a range of discretion is available to the district court, and affirmed sentences even
    though “the appellate court might reasonably have concluded that a different sentence
    was appropriate.” 
    Gall, 128 S. Ct. at 597
    . The mere fact that other sentence
    reductions under § 3553(e) were reversed as unreasonably large and an abuse of
    discretion does not mean that the court applied de novo review in those cases either.
    On this understanding of Gall, and of the distinctions between § 3553(a) and
    § 3553(e), the en banc decision in Burns II was essentially sound.8 We explained in
    Burns II that the district court justified its ten-level reduction by emphasizing the
    Burns II did include some remnants of a mathematical percentage-based
    approach to evaluating reductions, which Gall 
    rejected, 128 S. Ct. at 595-96
    , but those
    aspects of the opinion in Burns II do not affect the ultimate conclusion. Even before
    Gall, we had recognized the shortcomings of considering reductions in terms of
    percentages, and turned to a focus on offense levels as a method more in keeping with
    the structure and theory of the sentencing guidelines. Burns 
    II, 500 F.3d at 762
    Jensen, 493 F.3d at 1000-01
    ; see also United States v. Chettiar, 
    501 F.3d 854
    , 860
    (8th Cir. 2007); United States v. Maloney, 
    466 F.3d 663
    , 668 (8th Cir. 2006). Nothing
    in Gall suggests that reference to the Guidelines’ sentencing table and the number of
    offense levels traversed by a reduction is an inappropriate means to distinguish a
    “major departure” from a “minor one.” 
    Gall, 128 S. Ct. at 597
    timeliness of Burns’s assistance, the truthfulness and completeness of his cooperation,
    and the nature and extent of the 
    assistance. 500 F.3d at 763
    . We concluded, however,
    that the reasons given were not sufficient to justify the magnitude of the reduction in
    the context of a guideline system that typically employs adjustments of two, three, and
    four levels. 
    Id. at 763-65.
    We observed that the district court did not identify how Burns’s timeliness
    provided any discernible benefit. 
    Id. at 764.
    We reasoned that the district court’s
    emphasis on Burns’s truthfulness and completeness, divorced from an assessment of
    the value of his assistance, did not justify treating Burns as an exceptional cooperator,
    particularly in view of the district court’s contemporaneous announcement in another
    case of a “bright-line rule” that “any defendant who is timely, completely truthful,
    complete, reliable, and tells the government everything they need to know deserves
    more than 50 percent” in reduction of sentence. 
    Id. at 764
    & n.6; see 
    Saenz, 428 F.3d at 1162
    -63. We determined that the district court applied an improper test regarding
    the “nature and extent” of assistance by focusing on whether the defendant “provided
    all of the information he knew,” Burns 
    II, 500 F.3d at 759
    (internal quotation omitted),
    because “the proper analysis under § 5K1.1(a)(3) focuses on the nature and extent of
    the actual, discrete, and specific activities constituting the assistance, regardless of the
    opportunities available or the defendant’s willingness and ability to provide more.”
    Id. at 765.
    At bottom, the Supreme Court’s decision in Gall regarding § 3553(a) does not
    undermine the conclusion of the panel dissent in United States v. Burns, 
    438 F.3d 826
    (8th Cir. 2006) (“Burns I”), vacated and reh’g en banc granted, (8th Cir. May 18,
    2006), adopted in substance by the en banc court in Burns II: “[E]ven after giving due
    respect to the carefully considered views of a district judge who has had the
    experience of sentencing untold defendants over the years, the [ten-level] reduction
    in this case was excessive in light of the relative insubstantiality of Burns’s
    assistance.” Burns 
    I, 438 F.3d at 832
    (Wollman, J., dissenting).9
    The en banc court charts a different course. It appears that so long as a
    sentencing court makes a § 3553(e) reduction that is not “capricious, whimsical,
    impressionistic, or ire-driven,” ante, at 16, it will be affirmed. No longer is there
    concern that a major reduction for a minor cooperator leaves little room to recognize
    assistance from major cooperators, 
    Haack, 403 F.3d at 1005
    -06, or that major
    reductions for minor cooperators deprive the system of “any meaningful sense of
    proportionality.” Burns 
    II, 500 F.3d at 766
    The statement in Gall that “all sentences” should be reviewed under a
    deferential abuse-of-discretion standard, ante, at 14 
    (quoting 128 S. Ct. at 591
    (emphasis added by majority opinion), plainly refers to sentences imposed under
    § 3553(a) pursuant to the remedial opinion in Booker. See 
    Gall, 128 S. Ct. at 594
    (“Our explanation of ‘reasonableness’ review in the Booker opinion made it pellucidly
    clear that the familiar abuse-of-discretion standard of review now applies to appellate
    review of sentencing decisions.”). In any event, it is common ground that the
    reduction of Burns’s sentence should be reviewed for abuse of discretion. The
    question here is whether abuse-of-discretion review of a reduction under § 3553(e)
    differs from review of a sentence imposed under § 3553(a), given the different
    purposes of appellate review and the absence of constitutional concerns under
    § 3553(e). The majority seems to believe that United States v. Livesay, 
    525 F.3d 1081
    (11th Cir. 2008), supports its approach, ante, at 14, but that case does not address the
    question presented in this appeal. Livesay had no occasion to apply the abuse-of-
    discretion standard to determine the reasonableness of a substantial-assistance
    reduction, because it reversed the district court for committing “procedural” 
    error. 525 F.3d at 1092
    . Livesay also did not involve § 3553(e). When a court imposes
    sentence above the statutory minimum, as in Livesay, a defendant’s assistance is likely
    just another factor to be considered under § 3553(a), see United States v. Lazenby, 
    439 F.3d 928
    , 933-34 (8th Cir. 2006), such that Gall is directly applicable.
    The decision is a victory for Burns, but it will not necessarily benefit the class
    of cooperating defendants as a whole. Unlike sentencing under § 3553(a), where the
    district court is the sole actor and exercises what is now largely unconstrained
    discretion, reductions under § 3553(e) involve another actor. The United States
    Attorney, so long as he or she acts with no unconstitutional motive, retains sole
    discretion to determine whether a substantial-assistance motion should be filed under
    § 3553(e). Without such a motion, the court may not sentence below the statutory
    The statute does not define what level of assistance counts as “substantial,” and
    the United States Attorney, in setting that bar, is entitled to make a “rational
    assessment of the cost and benefit that would flow from moving.” Wade v. United
    504 U.S. 181
    , 187 (1992). If a United States Attorney is not convinced that
    reductions under § 3553(e) for cooperators who provide relatively modest assistance
    will be correspondingly modest, then it would be rational for the United States
    Attorney to raise the bar, and withhold motions for some borderline cooperating
    defendants, until the sentencing court’s decisions demonstrate a satisfactory degree
    of proportionality. See 
    Saenz, 428 F.3d at 1163
    . On the other hand, the United States
    Attorney may well find it necessary and proper to give the district court a better sense
    of how he or she evaluates various cooperators on the continuum of substantial
    assistance, with all parties cognizant that these matters cannot be defined with
    mathematical precision.
    As Judge Wollman aptly put it in Burns I, “neither prosecutors nor district
    courts should yield to the temptation of indulging solipsistic preferences in
    recommending and imposing 
    sentences.” 438 F.3d at 832
    (Wollman, J., dissenting).
    “District judges after all are not minions of the prosecutor’s office. By the same
    token, United States Attorneys are not subalterns of the district court.” 
    Id. The history
    of conflict between the United States Attorney and the district court in the
    § 3553(e) cases brought to this court is not encouraging, but perhaps the process set
    in motion by the en banc court’s elimination of meaningful appellate review will help
    to foster an equilibrium.
    I respectfully dissent.