United States v. Joseph Brown, Jr. , 702 F.3d 1060 ( 2013 )

  •                  United States Court of Appeals
    For the Eighth Circuit
    No. 12-1236
    United States of America
    lllllllllllllllllllll Plaintiff - Appellee
    Joseph Brown, Jr.
    lllllllllllllllllllll Defendant - Appellant
    Appeal from United States District Court
    for the District of North Dakota - Fargo
    Submitted: October 19, 2012
    Filed: January 7, 2013
    Before MURPHY, BYE, and SHEPHERD, Circuit Judges.
    SHEPHERD, Circuit Judge.
    Joseph Brown, Jr., was charged with attempted aggravated sexual abuse in
    violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 2241(a) and 1153. Brown was convicted after a jury trial
    and sentenced to life imprisonment. Brown appeals his conviction, arguing that the
    district court1 erred in denying his motion for acquittal. Brown also argues that he was
    not afforded a fair trial due to the prosecutor’s improper rebuttal remarks. We affirm.
    On the evening of August 17, 2009, Brown, Roseanne Redroad, and others were
    drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana at Redroad’s home on the Spirit Lake Indian
    Reservation in North Dakota. At some point during the evening, Brown, Redroad, and
    several others went for a drive in Brown’s vehicle. During the drive, Brown became
    angry, and the vehicle returned to Redroad’s residence. After the other occupants
    exited the vehicle, Brown drove away with Redroad still in the car. Redroad had been
    drinking throughout the evening and had no recollection of taking a drive or being in
    Brown’s car.
    Redroad testified that the next thing she remembered was Brown pulling her out
    of the car by her hair. Brown took Redroad into a bedroom, threw her onto a bed, and
    told her “to take [her] clothes off now or he was going to.” Redroad testified that she
    struggled with Brown for two hours, resisting his attempts to remove her clothing and
    trying to get away. During that time, Redroad stated that Brown pulled her pants
    down “like halfway,” but that she pulled them back up. At some point during the
    struggle, Redroad escaped and hid outside underneath a tractor, but Brown found her,
    dragged her back into the bedroom, threw her on the bed, and choked her. Redroad
    testified that Brown again told her to “take your clothes off now or I’m going to.”
    Redroad testified that Brown eventually stopped struggling with her and that
    she asked if he would give her a ride home. Brown agreed and they both got in
    Brown’s vehicle, but the car would not start. Redroad noticed that Brown appeared
    The Honorable Ralph R. Erickson, Chief Judge, United States District Judge
    for the District of North Dakota.
    to be falling asleep, so she grabbed a cell phone from inside the vehicle and fled.
    Redroad ran until she felt it was safe to stop, then attempted to phone a relative. The
    phone went dead, and Redroad next called 911. She was unable to report her location,
    but the 911 dispatcher identified an approximate location using a GPS feature of the
    cell phone. Several Bureau of Indian Affairs officers responded and found Redroad
    on a gravel road about three miles from Brown’s residence. The officers testified that
    Redroad was distraught, crying, and had messy hair. Redroad pointed towards
    Brown’s residence and told an officer that Brown tried to rape her, but that she ran
    away. After placing Redroad into the police car, the officers proceeded to Brown’s
    residence. Officers found him asleep inside the house, awakened him, and placed him
    under arrest for public intoxication.
    Brown testified at trial and presented a different version of events. Brown
    admitted to drinking and smoking at Redroad’s residence for most of the evening, but
    he denied sexually assaulting Redroad. Instead, Brown stated that after driving back
    to his home and falling asleep, he awoke to find Redroad attempting to remove his
    wedding ring from his finger. Brown stated that he grabbed Redroad, threw her out
    of his house, and then went back to sleep. He testified that he was awakened later by
    the officers and placed under arrest.
    Brown subsequently was charged with attempted aggravated sexual abuse in
    violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2241(a). Counsel was appointed for Brown, and the case was
    tried before a jury. Brown moved for a judgment of acquittal at the conclusion of the
    Government’s case-in-chief and again at the close of evidence. The district court
    denied both motions.
    Brown had two prior convictions for rape, and the jury heard testimony from
    the victim of each of these prior offenses. During closing arguments, the Government
    said that “a tiger can’t change his stripes or . . . a leopard can’t change their spots. But
    in any event Joe Brown did what Joe Brown knows.” Trial Tr. 308-09. This remark
    came shortly before the end of the Government’s rebuttal and was one of the final
    statements that the jury heard before the judge read the jury instructions. Brown’s
    counsel did not object to the statement during closing arguments, and the judge, sua
    sponte, referenced the tiger stripes/leopard spots remark and issued an instruction
    stating that the jury could not convict Brown solely because of his prior similar acts.
    Trial Tr. 311. After the jury was excused to deliberate, Brown’s counsel objected to
    the remark, but the district court denied any motion for mistrial.
    The jury returned a verdict of guilty, and the district court sentenced Brown to
    life imprisonment. Brown now appeals his conviction.
    Brown presents two challenges to his conviction. First, he argues that there was
    insufficient evidence to support his conviction for attempted aggravated sexual abuse.
    Second, he argues that the Government’s tiger stripes/leopard spots remark during
    closing denied him a fair trial.
    “We review challenges to the sufficiency of the evidence de novo, resolving all
    evidentiary conflicts in favor of, and accepting all reasonable inferences that support,
    the jury’s verdict.” United States v. Tucker, 
    689 F.3d 914
    , 918 (8th Cir. 2012).
    “While the evidence need not preclude every outcome other than guilty, we consider
    whether it would be sufficient to convince a reasonable jury beyond a reasonable
    doubt.” United States v. Medearis, 
    380 F.3d 1049
    , 1060 (8th Cir. 2004). “Decisions
    regarding credibility of witnesses are to be resolved in favor of the jury’s verdict.”
    United States v. Gabe, 
    237 F.3d 954
    , 961 (8th Cir. 2001) (quotation omitted).
    Brown was convicted of attempted aggravated sexual abuse under 18 U.S.C. §
    2241(a). Aggravated sexual abuse requires the defendant knowingly cause another
    person to engage in a sexual act by force or threat. See 18 U.S.C. § 2241(a). A
    “sexual act” includes various forms of contact between the offender and the victim’s
    body; in this case, the sexual act required some form of intended sexual penetration
    of the victim.2 See 18 U.S.C. §§ 2246(2)(A)-(C). Attempt liability requires (1) intent
    to commit a criminal action and (2) conduct amounting to a substantial step toward
    the crime. United States v. Kenyon, 
    481 F.3d 1054
    , 1067 (8th Cir. 2007).
    Brown argues that the evidence supports, at most, a finding of physical assault,
    and that there is insufficient evidence that he took a substantial step toward the
    commission of a sexual act. We disagree. “A substantial step generally exists when
    a defendant takes actions necessary to the consummation of the crime that were of
    such a nature that a reasonable observer, viewing [the actions] in context could
    conclude . . . that [the actions were] undertaken in accordance with a design to commit
    the actual offense.” United States v. Young, 
    613 F.3d 735
    , 743 (8th Cir. 2010), cert.
    131 S. Ct. 962
     (2011) (quotation omitted). Redroad testified that Brown drove
    her to an isolated location, forced her onto a bed, demanded that she disrobe or he
    would do it for her, and attempted to remove her clothing when Redroad did not
    undress. Brown succeeded in pulling her pants halfway down at one point, but
    Redroad was able to pull them back up. Redroad testified that she struggled with
    Brown and attempted to flee, but that he pushed her back onto the bed and choked her.
    When Redroad briefly escaped the bedroom, Brown located her on his property and
    forcefully returned her to the bedroom. Brown then continued to hold Redroad down
    by her neck, again telling her to “take your clothes off now or I’m going to.” These
    struggles continued for approximately two hours before Brown abruptly stopped. A
    Section 2246(2)(D), which defines “sexual act” to require only intentional
    touching and not penetration, is inapplicable here because the victim was at least 16
    years old.
    reasonable juror could have concluded that these actions constituted a substantial step
    towards the commission of a sexual act.
    As for Brown’s specific contention that the evidence establishes only a physical
    assault, this argument misses the mark. In this sufficiency challenge, the issue is not
    whether an alternative interpretation of the evidence is possible, but instead whether
    a reasonable jury could conclude that the evidence showed that Brown intended, and
    then took a substantial step, to commit aggravated sexual abuse. See United States v.
    White Bull, 
    646 F.3d 1082
    , 1089 (8th Cir. 2011). Here, Brown conceded intent to
    commit aggravated sexual abuse.3 And, as discussed above, we believe that a
    reasonable juror could have concluded that Brown’s conduct constituted a substantial
    step toward aggravated sexual abuse. Thus, we conclude that there was sufficient
    evidence to support Brown’s conviction.
    Brown next argues that the tiger stripes/leopard spots remark by the
    Government during closing arguments constituted prosecutorial misconduct, and that
    he was denied a fair trial as a result. Although the denial of a motion for a new trial
    is generally reviewed for abuse of discretion, see United States v. Barrera, 
    628 F.3d 1004
    , 1007 (8th Cir. 2011), the Government argues that review here should be for
    plain error because Brown failed to object to the remark at trial. See Dixon v. Crete
    Brown did not challenge on appeal the sufficiency of the evidence regarding
    his intent to commit aggravated sexual abuse. Indeed, it appears Brown may have
    conceded intent at trial, as well. When moving for judgment of acquittal after the
    close of the Government’s case, defense counsel stated “I think that the jury can infer
    intent from everything that they have heard.” Trial Tr. 229.
    Med. Clinic, P.C., 
    498 F.3d 837
    , 849 (8th Cir. 2007). Brown conceded at oral
    argument that plain error review applies,4 so we adopt that standard of review here.
    Under the plain error standard of review, we may only grant relief if Brown
    demonstrates (1) error, (2) that is plain, and (3) that affects Brown’s substantial rights.
    United States v. Pirani, 
    406 F.3d 543
    , 550 (8th Cir. 2005) (en banc). Even if these
    three prongs are satisfied, we should only exercise our discretion to correct plain error
    if “the error seriously affects the fairness, integrity, or public reputation of judicial
    proceedings.” Id. (quoting Johnson v. United States, 
    520 U.S. 461
    , 467 (1997)). Plain
    error review places a heavy burden on the defendant, and accordingly we will “reverse
    only under exceptional circumstances.” United States v. Darden, 
    688 F.3d 382
    , 388
    (8th Cir. 2012) (quotation omitted).
    “To obtain a reversal based on prosecutorial misconduct, the defendant must
    show that (1) the prosecutor’s remarks or conduct were improper, and (2) the remarks
    or conduct prejudicially affected the defendant’s substantial rights so as to deprive
    him of a fair trial.” United States v. Mullins, 
    446 F.3d 750
    , 757 (8th Cir. 2006).
    Neither prong is satisfied in this case. The district court interpreted the remark as a
    reference to Brown’s modus operandi, rather than an encouragement to convict purely
    as the result of Brown’s prior offenses. This interpretation was not plain error, and
    we conclude that it would not have been improper for the Government to suggest that
    Brown’s prior sexual assaults shed light on his modus operandi. See Fed. R. Evid.
    Brown’s counsel did not interrupt the Government’s closing arguments to
    object to the remark, but he did object after closing arguments were completed and the
    jury was dismissed to deliberate. See Trial Tr. 312 (“I also do want to object to Ms.
    Morley’s tiger stripe/leopard spot argument . . . . I didn’t want to interrupt her
    closing.”); see also United States v. Williams, 
    503 F.2d 480
    , 485 (8th Cir. 1974)
    (“[N]o timely objection was made to the prosecutor’s argument either during or after
    the completion of closing arguments . . . .” (emphasis added)). However, because
    Brown conceded plain error review at oral argument, we need not reach the question
    of whether his objection was timely.
    413 (in sexual assault cases, allowing evidence of defendant’s commission of any
    other sexual assault to be considered “on any matter to which it is relevant”).
    Even if the remark was improper, it was not so prejudicial to Brown’s
    substantial rights so as to deprive him of a fair trial. To determine prejudice in this
    context, the court looks to “(1) the cumulative effect of such misconduct, (2) the
    strength of the properly admitted evidence of the defendant’s guilt, and (3) the
    curative actions taken by the trial court.” See United States v. Eldridge, 
    984 F.2d 943
    946-47 (8th Cir. 1993) (quotation omitted). Here, none of these factors suggest
    prejudice warranting reversal. Since there was only a single remark, the cumulative
    impact of any misconduct was minimal. See id. at 947 (finding that “prosecutor’s
    single expression of personal belief” during closing arguments was not prejudicial).
    Further, although the strength of the evidence in this case was not overwhelming, it
    was not so weak that a single remark by the Government could reasonably have
    affected the jury’s verdict. See id. (“Reversal is in order only if the court determines
    that the jury verdict could reasonab[ly] have been affected by the argument.”
    (quotation omitted)). Finally, even before defense counsel objected, the district court
    issued a curative instruction to the jury out of an abundance of caution. See Trial Tr.
    311 (instructing the jury that “you cannot convict the defendant solely because he’s
    committed a similar act in the past”).
    In sum, the district court did not commit plain error by denying Brown’s request
    for a mistrial based on the tiger stripes/leopard spots remark, and even if it was plain
    error there was no effect on Brown’s substantial rights. Thus, we affirm the district
    court’s decision to deny a mistrial.
    Accordingly, we affirm.