Midwest Division-LSH, LLC v. Nurses United for Improved Patient Care, CNA/NNOC , 720 F.3d 648 ( 2013 )

  •                   United States Court of Appeals
    For the Eighth Circuit
    No. 12-2229
    Midwest Division - LSH, LLC, doing business as Lee's Summit Medical Center
    lllllllllllllllllllll Plaintiff - Appellant
    Nurses United For Improved Patient Care, CNA/NNOC
    lllllllllllllllllllll Defendant - Appellee
    Appeal from United States District Court
    for the Western District of Missouri - Kansas City
    Submitted: February 14, 2013
    Filed: July 2, 2013
    Before RILEY, Chief Judge, LOKEN and SHEPHERD, Circuit Judges.
    LOKEN, Circuit Judge.
    Lee’s Summit Medical Center (“the Hospital”) terminated registered nurse
    Gwynn Pirnie after receiving a complaint that she did not give prompt attention to a
    person seeking emergency room care. Nurses United for Improved Patient Care (“the
    Union”) filed a grievance on Pirnie’s behalf under its collective bargaining agreement
    with the Hospital (the “CBA”), alleging the Hospital lacked “just cause” to terminate.
    Unable to resolve the grievance, the Hospital and Union submitted the following
    issues for binding arbitration under Article 10 of the CBA: “whether [the Hospital]
    had just cause to terminate [Pirnie]? If not, what shall the remedy be?” Nearly one
    year after Pirnie’s discharge, and two weeks before the arbitration hearing, the
    National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) decertified the Union after it disclaimed
    interest in continuing to represent Pirnie’s bargaining unit. The parties nonetheless
    proceeded with the hearing, stipulating that the matter was properly before the
    arbitrator for decision.
    Following the hearing, the arbitrator issued his final decision, concluding the
    Hospital lacked just cause to terminate and ordering that Pirnie be reinstated with
    back-pay from the date of termination to the date of reinstatement. The Hospital filed
    this declaratory judgment action under Section 301(c) of the Labor Management
    Relations Act, 
    29 U.S.C. § 185
    (c), seeking to vacate the arbitration award to the
    extent it ordered reinstatement and back-pay beyond the Union’s decertification. The
    Hospital appeals the district court’s1 grant of summary judgment confirming the
    arbitration award. Applying the limited standard of review governing suits to vacate
    labor arbitration awards, we affirm. See United Paperworkers Int’l Union v. Misco,
    484 U.S. 29
    , 38 (1987) (“as long as the arbitrator is even arguably construing or
    applying the [CBA] and acting within the scope of his authority, that a court is
    convinced he committed serious error does not suffice to overturn his decision”).
    1. Because the merits of an arbitrator’s decision are virtually unreviewable in
    an action to vacate his award, the Hospital argues only that the arbitrator exceeded his
    authority by ordering a remedy that extended beyond the date of the Union’s
    decertification. An arbitrator’s authority derives from and is limited by the CBA.
    “His task is limited to construing the meaning of the collective-bargaining agreement
    so as to effectuate the collective intent of the parties.” Barrentine v. Ark.-Best
    Freight Sys., Inc., 
    450 U.S. 728
    , 744 (1981), citing Alexander v. Gardner-Denver Co.,
    The Honorable Scott O. Wright, United States District Judge for the Western
    District of Missouri.
    415 U.S. 36
    , 53 (1974). Beyond question, an arbitrator may award reinstatement and
    back-pay that includes a period after the governing CBA expired, so long as the
    arbitrator in fashioning this remedy was interpreting and applying the CBA, and not
    simply “dispens[ing] his own brand of industrial justice.” United Steelworkers v.
    Enterprise Wheel & Car Corp., 
    363 U.S. 593
    , 597 (1960); see Van Waters & Rogers,
    Inc. v. Int’l Bhd. of Teamsters, 
    56 F.3d 1132
    , 1136-37 (9th Cir. 1995).
    In this case, the CBA expressly authorized arbitration of “matters which arose
    prior to the time of expiration of the Agreement,” such as Pirnie’s termination.
    Article 10, Section 6.D. Consistent with this provision, the arbitrator conducted an
    evidentiary hearing and authored a fifty-page opinion, concluding, “Just cause for
    discipline is a contract right that . . . survived the NLRB order.” The CBA expressly
    granted authority to make that decision. Moreover, the parties submitted the dispute
    for final determination by the arbitrator after the Union was decertified, stipulating
    that the issues to be resolved were whether the Hospital had just cause to terminate,
    and if not, what the appropriate remedy would be. “[W]e will not give credence to
    [the Hospital’s] argument that the arbitrator had no authority to decide an issue it
    agreed to submit.” Homestake Mining Co. v. United Steelworkers, 
    153 F.3d 678
    , 680
    (8th Cir. 1998) (quotations omitted). And when the parties stipulated that the issues
    submitted to an arbitrator included, “what shall the remedy be,” the Hospital can
    hardly argue that the arbitrator “acted outside his authority” in fashioning a remedy,
    unless that remedy was expressly prohibited by the CBA. Amalgamated Transit
    Union Local No. 1498 v. Jefferson Partners, 
    229 F.3d 1198
    , 1200-01 (8th Cir. 2000).
    Of course, an arbitrator may not ignore persuasive evidence that a particular
    remedy was considered and “explicitly rejected” in negotiating the CBA. See Bureau
    of Engraving, Inc. v. Graphic Commc’n Int’l Union Local 1B, 
    164 F.3d 427
    , 430 (8th
    Cir.), cert. denied, 
    528 U.S. 821
     (1999). But reinstatement and back-pay are
    universally accepted labor arbitration remedies; therefore, limitations on this remedial
    power will not be lightly implied. “When an arbitrator is commissioned to interpret
    and apply the collective bargaining agreement, he is to bring his informed judgment
    to bear in order to reach a fair solution of a problem. This is especially true when it
    comes to formulating remedies.” Enterprise Wheel, 
    363 U.S. at 597
    . As the Ninth
    Circuit explained in ILWU Local 142 v. Land & Construction Co., 
    498 F.2d 201
    , 204
    (9th Cir. 1974), when there is no provision in the CBA limiting back-pay to a period
    ending with its expiration, “[i]t follows that the arbitrator was faithful to the [CBA]
    in holding that its termination neither ousted him of jurisdiction to arbitrate nor
    limited back pay to that accruable to the date of termination.”
    2. The Hospital argues that these general principles do not apply because the
    CBA did not simply expire, it was “voided” when the NLRB decertified the Union.
    We reject this contention. The Hospital cites no NLRB decisions or rulings giving
    this effect to decertification, and we are confident the Board did not intend that its
    decertification would nullify grievance and arbitration proceedings pending under the
    Union’s CBA. Cf. Union Switch & Signal, 
    316 N.L.R.B. 1025
    , 1036 (1995). In our
    view, so long as the governing CBA authorizes -- in other words, does not prohibit --
    post-expiration remedies for pre-expiration grievances, the manner in which the CBA
    expires has no effect on the arbitrator’s authority.
    3. In arguing that the arbitrator exceeded his authority, the Hospital relies on
    Second and Fifth Circuit cases in which collective bargaining agreements expired
    after arbitrators had ordered reinstatement and back-pay. Emphasizing that the
    arbitrators had no opportunity to consider this relevant change in circumstances, the
    courts limited the arbitrators’ back-pay remedy to the date of expiration. See Int’l
    Chem. Workers Union, Local No. 227 v. BASF Wyandotte Corp., 
    774 F.2d 43
    , 45-46
    (2d Cir. 1985); Pioneer Natural Res. USA, Inc. v. Paper, Allied Indus. Chem. &
    Energy Workers Int’l Union Local 4-487, 
    338 F.3d 440
    , 441-42 (5th Cir.), amending
    328 F.3d 818
     (5th Cir. 2003). Those decisions did not question the arbitrators’
    authority to make the awards being reviewed. They simply limited judicial
    enforcement of the arbitrators’ remedies based upon post-arbitration circumstances,
    decisions reflecting the equitable principle “that a sound judicial discretion may call
    for the modification of the terms of an injunctive decree if the circumstances, whether
    of law or fact, obtaining at the time of its issuance have changed, or new ones have
    since arisen.” Sys. Fed’n No. 91 v. Wright, 
    364 U.S. 642
    , 647 (1961). Here, the
    circumstances of the Union’s decertification and the CBA’s expiration were known
    to, and expressly considered by the arbitrator in making his award.
    4. The Hospital further argues that Pirnie lost all CBA job protections
    following the Union’s decertification. Therefore, as an at-will employee, Pirnie may
    not be reinstated and awarded back-pay after decertification because that would put
    her in a position superior to others in the bargaining unit. Of course, this is an attack
    on the fairness of the arbitrator’s remedy, not on his authority. Moreover, it assumes
    evidence not in the record. The Hospital presented no evidence to the arbitrator
    regarding the practical effect of union decertification on members of the bargaining
    unit. For example, there was no evidence that, following the CBA’s expiration, the
    Hospital unilaterally changed the terms and conditions of employment to an at-will
    relationship. Nor was there evidence that Pirnie would have been discharged on the
    day after expiration if the arbitration had proceeded more expeditiously and she had
    been reinstated before the CBA expired. It may be that an arbitrator would be
    “dispens[ing] his own brand of industrial justice” if he ignored such evidence, or
    evidence that the CBA expired because poor business conditions eliminated the job
    of a grievant seeking full reinstatement and back-pay, the fact situation in United
    Steelworkers v. Overly Mfg. Co., 
    438 F. Supp. 922
    , 927 (W.D. Pa. 1977). We
    express no view on those issues. Rather, we conclude that, on the record before the
    arbitrator in this case, there is simply no basis to conclude that the arbitrator’s
    exercise of his remedial authority failed to “draw its essence” from the CBA.
    Enterprise Wheel, 
    363 U.S. at 597
    The judgment of the district court is affirmed.