James W. Ladd v. Charles W. Ries , 450 F.3d 751 ( 2006 )

  •                     United States Court of Appeals
    No. 05-1606
    In re: James W. Ladd, doing            *
    business as Ladd Trucking;             *
    Sherri L. Ladd, doing business         *
    as Ladd Trucking,                      *
    Debtors.                          *
    _______________________                * Appeal from the United States
    * Bankruptcy Appellate Panel
    James W. Ladd; Sherri L. Ladd,         * for the Eighth Circuit.
    Appellants,                *
    v.                               *
    Charles W. Ries,                       *
    Appellee.                  *
    Submitted: December 14, 2005
    Filed: May 5, 2006
    Before WOLLMAN, BEAM, and RILEY, Circuit Judges.
    BEAM, Circuit Judge.
    James and Sherri Ladd appeal from the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel (BAP)
    decision denying their motion to amend their asset schedules to claim their farm as
    exempt property under Minnesota law. Because we find that the doctrine of res
    judicata does not preclude such action, we reverse and remand to the bankruptcy
    court for further proceedings.
    When the Ladds first filed for bankruptcy in September 2002, they claimed
    their farm as an exempt homestead pursuant to the exemptions under federal
    bankruptcy law. 11 U.S.C. § 522(d)(1). The Ladds estimated their equity interest in
    the homestead to be $18,150. The Trustee filed a protective1 objection to the
    homestead claim, and because the Ladds did not oppose the objection, a default order
    was entered denying the federal exemption. Fifteen months later, the Ladds filed
    amended schedules of assets and attempted to claim their farm as exempt property
    under Minnesota law. The Trustee again objected, this time asserting that res judicata
    precluded any amended claim of exemption for the homestead. The bankruptcy court
    agreed with the Trustee, as did the BAP. The BAP reasoned that a bankruptcy motion
    is the equivalent of a civil lawsuit and that to allow amendment after entry of
    judgment on such a motion would be "akin to allowing a party to add a new claim to
    a complaint after trial and entry of a judgment." In re Ladd, 
    319 B.R. 599
    , 603
    (B.A.P. 8th Cir. 2005).
    On appeal the Ladds claim that because Bankruptcy Rule 1009 allows them to
    amend schedules "at any time," they should not be precluded by res judicata
    principles from amending their schedules to claim the exemption under Minnesota
    state law. The Trustee argues that Rule 1009 does not contemplate amendment after
    a final order has been entered on a claimed exemption.
    If the Trustee does not timely object to a claim of exemption, the property will
    be deemed exempt, even if there is no basis for the exemption. Taylor v. Freeland &
    503 U.S. 638
    , 643-45 (1992). Therefore trustees commonly object, initially,
    to claimed exemptions.
    We review the bankruptcy court's and appellate panel's conclusions of law de
    novo and factual findings for clear error. In re Kaelin, 
    308 F.3d 885
    , 888 (8th Cir.
    2002). A bankruptcy court's decision regarding whether a debtor may file amended
    property schedules is reviewed for an abuse of discretion. 
    Id. We find
    that the BAP erred in holding this action was barred by the doctrine
    of res judicata. "Final judgment on the merits of an action precludes the same parties
    from relitigating issues that were or could have been raised in that action." Lundquist
    v. Rice Mem'l Hosp., 
    238 F.3d 975
    , 977 (8th Cir. 2001) (per curiam). Res judicata
    will apply where a final judgment was entered by a court of competent jurisdiction,
    if the same parties (or their privies) and the same cause of action were involved.
    Banks v. Int'l Union Electron, 
    390 F.3d 1049
    , 1052 (8th Cir. 2004). An action is the
    "same," for purposes of res judicata if it turns on the "same nucleus of operative facts
    as the prior claim." Daley v. Marriott Int'l, Inc., 
    415 F.3d 889
    , 896 (8th Cir. 2005)
    (quotations omitted). We have noted that res judicata should not be applied where
    one or both parties have "little motivation" or "little incentive" to fully litigate an
    issue. Lovell v. Mixon, 
    719 F.2d 1373
    , 1377 (8th Cir. 1983).
    Assuming that the judgment entered on the federal exemption was a "final"
    judgment, the problem with applying res judicata is that the same cause of action is
    not involved. The Trustee argues that since the Ladds are claiming a homestead
    exemption in both actions, the two causes of action necessarily arise out of the same
    nucleus of operative facts. We disagree, as there are significant differences between
    the federal exemption statute and the Minnesota exemption.
    Debtors in Minnesota may elect between the federal exemptions found in 11
    U.S.C. § 522(d), or elect the exemptions provided by state law, plus any federal
    exemptions, other than those given by section 522(d). Christians v. Dulas, 95 F.3d
    703, 704 n.1 (8th Cir. 1996). Debtors may not choose to exempt some assets under
    the federal scheme and others under the state scheme, however. 11 U.S.C. § 522(b).
    The primary difference between the federal and the Minnesota state homestead
    exemption is that the federal homestead exemption is limited by monetary
    value–when the Ladds filed in 2002, it allowed debtors to protect up to $34,850 for
    their homestead. 11 U.S.C. § 522(d)(1). On the other hand, Minnesota's exemption
    scheme essentially limits the homestead by acreage–160 acres–rather than amount.
    Minn. Stat. Ann. § 510.02; see In re Johnson, 
    880 F.2d 78
    , 82 (8th Cir. 1989) ("The
    [homestead] exemption is limited by acreage rather than by monetary value. Minn.
    Stat. § 510.02.").
    The Ladds argue that they initially tried asserting the federal exemptions
    because they were more favorable for property other than the homestead. Under the
    federal "wildcard" exemption scheme, a debtor may protect other miscellaneous
    property in addition to the homestead. 11 U.S.C. § 522(d)(5). Pursuant to the
    wildcard federal exemptions, the Ladds also attempted to exempt approximately
    $1,600 worth of personal property in the form of cash in a checking account, artwork,
    clothing, and office materials such as a fax machine and filing cabinet. Once the
    Trustee objected to the homestead exemption, questioning the value of the Ladds'
    homestead interest, it became too costly to proceed with the federal exemptions
    because the Ladds would have had to obtain expert testimony and expend attorney
    fees for litigation regarding the value of their homestead. Since the value of the
    miscellaneous personal property was so low, it was not worth the expense of litigation
    over the valuation of their homestead. So rather than litigate the federal homestead
    issue, and assuming that they could amend their schedules at any time before the
    close of the bankruptcy case pursuant to Rule 1009, the Ladds chose not to fight the
    objection and allowed a default judgment on the federal exemption to be entered
    against them.
    Although they could not exempt the miscellaneous personal property, under
    Minnesota law, their homestead would be protected up to $500,000 since it was a
    homestead used for agricultural purposes. Minn. Stat. Ann. § 510.02. Thus, there
    would be no serious question that the Ladds' equity in their homestead would qualify
    for the state exemption. There also is no dispute that the Ladds' homestead is within
    the 160 acre-limit imposed by Minnesota law. 
    Id. Under these
    circumstances, we find that the cause of action is not the same for
    res judicata purposes. The key operative facts of the federal exemption litigation
    would have been whether the Ladds' interest in the homestead was greater than the
    maximum allowed by federal bankruptcy law–$34,850. The key facts in a proceeding
    under the Minnesota exemption would be whether their homestead interest exceeded
    160 acres or the $500,000 limit. The substance of what the debtors would have to
    prove in each action is substantially different. Under federal law, a debtor's focus
    would be on value, and under Minnesota law, it would be on acreage.
    Since the Ladds had so little equity in their home, it made sense for them to
    initially proceed under the federal scheme and try to exempt other personal property
    pursuant to the wildcard statute. But there was "little motivation" and "little
    incentive" for the Ladds to engage in costly litigation defending the federal
    homestead exemption in order to exempt $1,600 worth of personal property. 
    Lovell, 719 F.2d at 1377
    The Trustee argues that the Ladds should have asserted their intent to use the
    state homestead exemption before default judgment on the federal exemption was
    entered. But in the District of Minnesota at least, debtors could not have raised the
    Minnesota exemption as an "alternate" theory at the same time the federal exemption
    was asserted. See In re Cochrane, 
    178 B.R. 1011
    , 1017-18 (Bankr. D. Minn. 1995)
    (holding that "there is no basis under the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure for
    proposing an 'alternative' claim of exemptions at the same time as one asserts a 'main'
    claim"). The bankruptcy forms also do not allow pleading in the alternative, as a
    Minnesota debtor must check either the federal or the state exemptions "box" on the
    Schedule C property exemption form. The Trustee conceded at oral argument that a
    debtor may not plead exemptions "alternatively." Requiring an already cash-strapped
    debtor to litigate an exemption simply for the purpose of raising the alternative theory
    makes little sense, especially when the debtor can accomplish the same result by
    amending pursuant to Rule 1009.
    We have previously held that in bankruptcy cases, "the principle of res judicata
    should be invoked only after careful inquiry because it blocks 'unexplored paths that
    may lead to truth.'" 
    Lovell, 719 F.2d at 1379
    (quoting Brown v. Felsen, 
    442 U.S. 127
    132 (1979)). We see no reason to stray from that admonishment in this case.
    If the Ladds are not barred by res judicata from asserting their state law
    homestead exemption, the question remains as to whether the bankruptcy court
    should have allowed amendment pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 1009. Rule 1009(a)
    provides that a debtor may amend, at any time, as a matter of course before the case
    is closed. In Kaelin we noted that the general rule allows liberal amendment, but the
    ability to amend is not absolute, depending on the actions of the debtor and the
    consequences to the 
    creditor. 308 F.3d at 889
    . Thus, the two recognized exceptions
    to the rule allowing liberal amendment under Rule 1009 are bad faith on the part of
    the debtor and prejudice to the creditor. 
    Id. The record
    is not clear as to why the debtors waited fifteen months between the
    time the federal exemptions were denied and they filed for state exemptions.
    However, neither the Trustee nor any other creditors have claimed bad faith or
    misconduct by the debtors. And, we find that the creditors would not be prejudiced
    by amendment. As the Ladds point out, the creditors essentially concede that the
    requisites of the Minnesota homestead exemption, i.e., ownership, occupancy and a
    parcel less than 160 acres, are not truly at issue for this property. See 
    id. at 890
    (holding that creditors can show prejudice if they would have asserted different
    positions had the exemption been claimed earlier).
    Maximization of exemptions, especially the homestead exemption, is a
    fundamental policy of the Bankruptcy Code, In re 
    Johnson, 880 F.2d at 83
    , which is
    likely why Rule 1009 allows liberal amendment. Because there have been no
    allegations of bad faith by the debtors or prejudice to the creditors, we hold that the
    bankruptcy court abused its discretion in not allowing the Ladds to amend their
    schedules to claim the Minnesota homestead exemption.
    We reverse and remand to the bankruptcy court for proceedings consistent with
    this opinion.