United States v. Milton James Mesteth , 687 F.3d 1034 ( 2012 )

  •               United States Court of Appeals
    For the Eighth Circuit
    No. 11-3140
    United States of America
    lllllllllllllllllllll Plaintiff - Appellee
    Milton James Mesteth
    lllllllllllllllllllll Defendant - Appellant
    Appeal from United States District Court
    for the District of South Dakota - Rapid City
    Submitted: May 17, 2012
    Filed: August 6, 2012
    Before MURPHY, BENTON, and SHEPHERD, Circuit Judges.
    SHEPHERD, Circuit Judge.
    Milton James Mesteth appeals his 60-month sentence imposed by the district
    court. We affirm.
    On September 19, 2010, Mesteth, who was 27 years of age, picked up three
    juveniles and drove them to the mobile home residence of one of the juvenile’s
    former girlfriends with whom the juvenile had been arguing. Mesteth and all three
    of the juveniles were heavily intoxicated. Finding no one at the home, the four began
    ransacking the residence and stealing various items. At some point, the disgruntled
    juvenile asked Mesteth for a lighter, Mesteth handed a lighter to him, and the juvenile
    set fire to the residence.2 Mesteth admitted he was aware the juvenile intended to set
    the fire. Once the fire began, Mesteth and the three juveniles fled the scene. The
    mobile home was completely destroyed by the fire.
    The government indicted Mesteth on three counts: arson and aiding and
    abetting arson, in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 2
    , 81 (Count 1); first degree
    burglary/aiding and abetting, in violation of South Dakota Codified Law § 22-31-1
    18 U.S.C. § 2
     (Count 2); and possession of a stolen firearm/aiding and abetting,
    in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 2
    , 922(j), and 924(a)(2) (Count 3). Mesteth entered into
    a plea agreement with the government wherein he agreed to plead guilty to Count 1,
    and the government agreed to drop Counts 2 and 3. The government also agreed that
    it would recommend a sentence at the bottom of the advisory Sentencing Guidelines
    The Honorable Jeffrey L. Viken, United States District Judge for the District
    of South Dakota.
    According to the juvenile, Mesteth started the fire.
    The presentence report (PSR) calculated a total offense level of 21 and a
    Category I criminal history based on zero criminal history points, resulting in a
    sentencing range of 37 to 46 months. Neither Mesteth nor the government objected
    to the PSR. At sentencing, the government recommended a sentence at the low end
    of the advisory Sentencing Guidelines range, as obligated under the plea agreement.
    Mesteth requested a downward departure or a downward variance to probation. The
    government opposed Mesteth’s request. The district court rejected both the
    government’s and Mesteth’s requests. Instead the district court departed upward
    under United States Sentencing Commission, Guidelines Manual, §5K2.21, which
    allows for upward departures for dismissed and uncharged conduct, and sentenced
    Mesteth to 60 months of imprisonment, the statutory maximum, to be followed by 5
    years of supervised release. The court stated that, alternatively, it would have varied
    up to the 60-month sentence under 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    In this appeal, Mesteth raises two arguments. First, he claims that his sentence
    is substantively unreasonable. Second, he argues the government failed to meet its
    obligation in the plea agreement to recommend a sentence at the low end of the
    Sentencing Guidelines range.
    We review claims of substantive reasonableness under a deferential abuse-of-
    discretion standard. United States v. Black, 
    670 F.3d 877
    , 882 (8th Cir. 2012). “A
    sentencing court abuses its discretion if it fails to consider a relevant factor that
    should have received significant weight, gives significant weight to an improper or
    irrelevant factor, or considers only the appropriate factors but commits a clear error
    of judgment in weighing those factors.” United States v. Watson, 
    480 F.3d 1175
    1177 (8th Cir. 2007). “‘[I]t will be the unusual case when we reverse a district court
    sentence—whether within, above, or below the applicable Guidelines range—as
    substantively unreasonable.”’ United States v. Shuler, 
    598 F.3d 444
    , 447 (8th Cir.)
    (quoting United States v. Feemster, 
    572 F.3d 455
    , 464 (8th Cir. 2009) (en banc)), cert.
    130 S. Ct. 3436
    Mesteth argues that his 60-month sentence is substantively unreasonable. He
    claims the district court gave weight to three improper factors: (1) Mesteth’s status
    as an adult, (2) the dismissed charges, and (3) the need to send a message to effect
    policy changes on the Pine Ridge Reservation.
    Mesteth argues that because the Guidelines are only applicable to adults, the
    court’s justification for imposing the 60-month sentence because Mesteth was an
    adult was improper. Mesteth misreads the district court’s reference to his status as
    an adult. The district court simply emphasized that Mesteth was several years older
    than the juveniles involved in the offense, was a Tribal leader, and should have been
    a better role model. Among the factors to be considered are “the nature and
    circumstances of the offense and the history and characteristics of the defendant.”
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a)(1). Mesteth’s age in comparison to that of the others involved
    and his status in the community are the sort of factors the court may consider in
    imposing the sentence.
    Next, Mesteth argues that the dismissed charges of burglary and possession of
    a stolen firearm do not reflect any greater seriousness to the arson offense. The
    district court noted that, because those charges were dropped, no consideration for
    those offenses was given when determining the advisory Guidelines range. The court
    found that the burglary and firearm offenses were relevant to the overall seriousness
    of the offense and should be considered in determining the sentence. See 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a)(2)(A) (district court shall consider need for sentence to reflect seriousness
    of offense). The district court “has wide latitude” in determining the weight to give
    sentencing factors, and we find here that the district court did not abuse that
    discretion in considering the dismissed offenses. See United States v. Bridges, 
    569 F.3d 374
    , 379 (8th Cir. 2009).
    Third, Mesteth claims the district court imposed the 60-month sentence to
    “send a message” about policy decisions on the Pine Ridge Reservation. During the
    sentencing, the court recognized that Tribal authorities had built a new law
    enforcement center instead of a chemical dependency center. The court stated,
    “Those are policy decisions I can’t do anything about.” Then the court stated, “What
    I can do something about is try to send some kind of message.” Mesteth argues that
    these statements suggest that the court was seeking to invoke policy changes through
    his sentence. Again, Mesteth misreads the court’s comments. Following the second
    statement, the district court explained that Mesteth served in a leadership and
    teaching role in the Tribe and Mesteth’s sentence “has to be a deterrent” to similar
    criminal activity. See 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a)(2)(B) (sentence should afford adequate
    deterrence to criminal conduct).
    Mesteth has not shown the district court committed an abuse of discretion by
    failing to consider a relevant factor that should have received significant weight,
    giving significant weight to an improper or irrelevant factor, or considering only the
    appropriate factors but committing a clear error of judgment in weighing those
    factors. Therefore, we do not find Mesteth’s sentence to be substantively
    Next, Mesteth argues the government, while technically complying with its
    obligation to recommend a sentence at the low end of the Guidelines range,
    effectively reneged on this commitment when it opposed Mesteth’s request for a
    downward variance. Mesteth asserts that the arguments made by the government in
    opposition to his request mirror the justifications used by the district court in
    imposing the above-Guidelines sentence. For this reason, Mesteth believes he did not
    receive the benefit of his bargained-for plea agreement.
    Because he did not raise the issue of breach of the plea agreement to the district
    court, our review is for plain error. See Puckett v. United States, 
    556 U.S. 129
    , 135
    (2009). “To obtain relief under a plain-error standard of review, the party seeking
    relief must show that there was an error, the error is clear or obvious under current
    law, the error affected the party’s substantial rights, and the error seriously affects the
    fairness, integrity, or public reputation of judicial proceedings.” United States v.
    648 F.3d 884
    , 887 (8th Cir. 2011).
    Twice during the sentencing hearing, the government complied with its
    obligation to recommend a sentence at the low end of the Guidelines range. The plea
    agreement did not restrict the government from challenging Mesteth’s request for a
    below-Guidelines departure. Even if Mesteth interpreted the government’s
    presentation to the court to be “less than enthusiastic, this lack of enthusiasm does not
    breach the agreement.” United States v. Has No Horses, 
    261 F.3d 744
    , 750 (8th Cir.
    2001). Accordingly, there was no breach of the plea agreement by the government.
    We affirm Mesteth’s 60-month sentence.