Kevin Cowden v. BNSF Railway Company , 690 F.3d 884 ( 2012 )

  •                  United States Court of Appeals
    For the Eighth Circuit
    No. 11-2003
    Kevin D. Cowden
    lllllllllllllllllllll Plaintiff - Appellant
    BNSF Railway Company
    lllllllllllllllllllll Defendant - Appellee
    Appeal from United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Missouri - St. Louis
    Submitted: March 13, 2012
    Filed: September 4, 2012
    Before MELLOY, SMITH, and SHEPHERD, Circuit Judges.
    MELLOY, Circuit Judge.
    Kevin D. Cowden sustained injuries while riding in a locomotive operated by
    his employer, BNSF Railway Company. Cowden brought suit seeking compensation
    under the Federal Employer's Liability Act (FELA), 45 U.S.C. § 51 et seq. The
    district court concluded that relevant regulations promulgated under the Federal
    Railroad Safety Act (FRSA), 49 U.S.C. § 20101, et seq., provided the sole duty of
    care owed to Cowden in relation to his claim. The district court ruled that Cowden
    had not demonstrated a failure to comply with the relevant regulations and that
    Cowden had therefore failed to establish a breach in BNSF's duty of care under the
    FELA, and therefore granted summary judgment for BNSF. Because the district court
    granted summary judgment on an issue not raised or discussed by either party, we
    reverse and remand for further proceedings. We also reverse in part the district
    court's order excluding expert testimony, because BNSF has not met its burden of
    showing that FRSA regulations substantially subsume Cowden's claim. We affirm
    that order in part because the district court correctly excluded other portions of the
    expert's testimony as prohibited by Rule 47 of the Federal Rules of Evidence.
    I. Facts
    Kevin Cowden was employed by BNSF as a locomotive conductor. On
    January 14, 2008, Cowden was riding a BNSF locomotive near Springfield, Missouri.
    Cowden asserts that, somewhere between mile markers 151.4 and 151.8, the train
    bottomed out, throwing him several feet in the air. When Cowden landed, he suffered
    injuries to his back and neck. Cowden's injuries have rendered him unable to return
    to work for BNSF. At the time of his injury, Cowden was forty-one years old and had
    worked for the railway company for thirteen years.
    On the day Cowden sustained his injuries, the portion of the track at issue was
    under a "slow order," which was a self-imposed order by the railway company
    permitting trains to travel no faster than forty miles per hour over that stretch of track.
    Without the slow order, BNSF's trains would normally have traveled sixty miles per
    hour over the track. It is undisputed that the train was traveling slower than forty
    miles per hour at the time of the incident. The parties disagree as to the actual reason
    for the slow order in place at the time of the accident; however, BNSF business
    records indicate that it was in place due to "tie conditions." The same section of track
    had previously been subject to additional slow orders due to various other conditions,
    such as "rough track" and "washouts."
    BNSF records indicate that in April 2007, rough track surface caused BNSF
    to limit trains to forty miles per hour over this area. On May 1, 2007, BNSF lowered
    that limit to twenty-five miles per hour because of disturbed ballast, which affected
    the lateral stability of the rails. On May 23, 2007, records indicate that the twenty-
    five-mile-per-hour order was due to inadequate crosstie conditions, and the speed
    restriction was lifted on May 29. On September 9, 2007, a washout caused by heavy
    rainfall removed ballast between crossties, and BNSF again placed a twenty-five-
    mile-per-hour limit on the area. On November 2, 2007, BNSF raised the speed limit
    on this area of track, but maintained a forty-mile-per-hour limit. The records indicate
    the reason for this was because of inadequate condition of the crossties. This forty-
    mile-per-hour speed limitation remained in place until Cowden's accident. Because
    of Cowden's accident, BNSF again lowered the maximum speed to twenty-five miles
    per hour on January 14, 2008, and BNSF records listed tie conditions as the reason.
    At no point between May 2007 and the day of Cowden's accident were the railroad
    ties replaced.
    Cowden brought suit in federal court alleging that BNSF is liable for his
    injuries under the FELA for negligently failing to provide him with reasonably safe
    working conditions.1 Cowden's claim relies heavily on the BNSF records that he
    Cowden's suit also alleged that BNSF failed to provide reasonably safe
    equipment in violation of the FELA and that BNSF violated Locomotive Inspection
    Act (LIA) regulations. Under the FELA, violating LIA regulations would constitute
    negligence per se. Kernan v. American Dredging Co., 
    355 U.S. 426
    , 439 (1958).
    Cowden also alleged a separate claim that BNSF was strictly liable under the LIA for
    its violation of those regulations. Because Cowden failed to come forward with any
    evidence that the condition or operation of BNSF's train caused his injuries, the
    district court granted summary judgment for BNSF on Cowden's FELA claim with
    respect to alleged LIA violations. In addition, because the LIA does not provide an
    independent cause of action for personal injuries, the district court granted summary
    judgment for BNSF on Cowden's strict liability claim. Cowden does not challenge
    either ruling on appeal.
    alleges indicate persistent, unremedied problems with the track in question.
    However, BNSF submitted testimony from its corporate representative, Joseph
    Thornburg, that questioned the accuracy of these business records. Thornburg
    testified that he believed BNSF's records were incorrect and that tie conditions had
    never really been a reason for the slow orders in place. Noting inconsistencies in the
    reasons for successive slow orders, Thornburg suggested that the record indicating
    tie-condition problems on May 23, 2007, may have been incorrect, and that the real
    reason may have been track-surface conditions. Thornburg also testified that he had
    an opportunity to look at geometry car data readings from early November 2007.
    Thornburg testified that the geometry data indicated that there was no evidence of any
    adverse track conditions. This data was never offered into evidence. When asked
    why a slow order of forty miles per hour remained in place if there were, in fact, no
    adverse track conditions, Thornburg stated that he didn't
    know what the ties actually looked like and, you know, I can look at the
    data on the geometry car as far as the surface and that, and it looks great,
    but as far as the actual physical appearance of the ties, [I] don't know
    what they looked like in the field, and that would be the judgment of the
    track foreman.
    Thornburg Dep. 53:25–54:7, Jan. 19, 2010.
    Cowden also offered the expert testimony of Alan Blackwell, a railway
    consultant who prepared a report concerning BNSF's maintenance of the track.
    Blackwell stated that after reviewing the track and BNSF records, he believed the
    railway company violated internal and industry standards of care and therefore failed
    to provide Cowden with a reasonably safe work environment. BNSF moved to
    exclude Blackwell's testimony for a variety of reasons, most of which were rejected
    by the district court. However, the court expressed concerns about the factual
    foundation and methodology underlying Blackwell's conclusions because his report
    did not cite to specific facts from the documents he reviewed and did not explain how
    his methodology specifically led to his conclusions. The court "ultimately [found]
    that these are matters to be addressed at trial." Order of Aug. 19, 2010, at 5. The
    district court noted that Blackwell could not testify that BNSF violated federal safety
    regulations, as that would be an impermissible legal conclusion. The court
    acknowledged, however, that Blackwell could still opine generally about the
    prudence of BNSF's maintenance efforts and whether they provided a safe work
    The district court granted in part BNSF's motion to exclude with respect to two
    issues. First, the district court ruled that Blackwell would not be permitted to testify
    about possible negligence relating to train speed. Citing cases from the Fifth, Sixth,
    and Seventh Circuits that held FELA negligence claims were precluded when an
    employer was in compliance with FRSA regulations covering the same subject
    matter, the district court concluded that Blackwell could not testify about negligent
    speed because it was "undisputed that the train was traveling within the FRSA-
    mandated speed limit." 
    Id. at 7.2 Second,
    the district court ruled that Blackwell could
    not testify about repairs BNSF undertook on the section of track in question soon
    after Cowden's accident. Federal Rule of Evidence 407 bars evidence of subsequent
    remedial measures when used to prove negligence, and the district court concluded
    that was the purpose for which it was offered in the present case.
    The parties do not appear to have discussed the specific operation of FRSA
    speed regulations before the district court. Although it is undisputed that the train
    was traveling under the limit of BNSF's self-imposed slow order, the Federal Railroad
    Association (FRA), which promulgates regulations under the FRSA, does not purport
    to impose "mandatory" speeds on railroads. The "FRA has never assumed the task of
    setting train speed. Rather, the agency holds railroads responsible for minimizing the
    risk of derailment by properly maintaining track for the speed they set themselves."
    Federal Railroad Administration, Track Safety Standards, 63 Fed. Reg. 33992-01,
    33999 (June 22, 1998); see 49 C.F.R. § 213.9 (designating maximum speeds allowed
    over different classes of track).
    BNSF filed a motion for summary judgment on June 11, 2010. BNSF's motion
    argued that Cowden failed to show that BNSF knew or should have known about any
    unsafe condition, that he failed to show his injuries were caused by any act or
    omission by BNSF, or that the harm was reasonably foreseeable. In support of its
    motion, BNSF pointed to Cowden's own testimony that he had never encountered any
    problems over the section of track in question, despite passing over it hundreds of
    times.3 Neither BNSF's motion, nor its brief in support of that motion, mentioned any
    federal safety regulations.
    The district court granted BNSF's motion on September 7, 2010, concluding
    that there was no genuine issue of material fact as to whether BNSF breached a duty
    of care owed to Cowden. Although BNSF had made no argument about federal safety
    regulations relating to its duty of care, the district court reasoned that the duty owed
    "under the FELA becomes somewhat more complex when one considers the
    applicability of [FRSA] regulations to a given situation, in that the question arises as
    to whether compliance with applicable FRSA safety regulations precludes a finding
    that the railroad has been negligent for purposes of the FELA." Order of Sept. 7,
    2010, at 6–7. In this case, the district court concluded that there were FRSA
    regulations that permitted railroads to operate trains under slow orders and that these
    regulations "protect against precisely the sort of injury Plaintiff allegedly suffered."
    Id. at 8. The
    district court cited to four separate FRSA regulations that deal with train
    speeds in different contexts and stated that "these regulations concerning slow orders,
    and presumably others, directly address the harm that ultimately resulted." 
    Id. The district court
    therefore concluded that Cowden could not establish a successful FELA
    claim based on the speed of the locomotive over allegedly defective track.
    BNSF's statement of uncontroverted facts supporting its motion consisted only
    of statements from Cowden's testimony. In its response to Cowden's statement of
    contested facts, BNSF offered Thornburg's deposition as evidence that BNSF had no
    notice of any track defect. Cowden did not have an opportunity to address BNSF's
    reply before the grant of summary judgment.
    FRSA regulations supply Defendant's duty of care with respect to
    permitting trains to travel on allegedly defective or substandard track
    under slow orders, and there is no evidence in the record indicating that
    Defendant's decision to allow Plaintiff's locomotive to travel on the
    track in question under a slow order was in violation of such regulations.
    Id. at 11. On
    October 4, 2010, Cowden filed a 59(e) motion to amend or alter the
    judgment, arguing that the district court had improperly granted summary judgment
    on grounds not offered by BNSF and that the court failed to view the record in a light
    favorable to the non-moving party. Cowden argued that FRSA preclusion had not
    been briefed or argued by either party and that it was inappropriate to give preclusive
    effect to FRSA regulations in an FELA claim. In the alternative, Cowden argued that
    if violations of FRSA regulations were required for his claim to proceed, he could
    establish multiple violations by BNSF. Furthermore, Cowden argued that when
    viewed in a light favorable to the non-moving party, the record contained sufficient
    evidence to meet the low threshold required for FELA negligence claims.
    The district court denied Cowden's motion on April 13, 2011. The district
    court stated that it
    did not find that Plaintiff's FELA negligence claim was precluded by
    FRSA regulations, nor did it conclude that FRSA regulations provide a
    railroad's minimum duty of care for every FELA negligence claim.
    Plaintiff was only asserting that Defendant was negligent with respect
    to two related matters—operating the locomotive at an excessive speed
    and under poor track conditions, and the Court narrowly concluded that
    because specific FRSA regulations govern railroad speed limits and
    track conditions, those regulations supplied the standard of care for
    Plaintiff's FELA negligence claim.
    Order of Apr. 13, 2010, at 2. Furthermore, the district court stated that, even if it did
    not find the FRSA regulations controlled the case, Cowden's negligence claim could
    not survive summary judgment because he had not established that his accident was
    reasonably foreseeable. The district court placed emphasis on the fact that Cowden
    had never experienced any problems with the track in question over the six months
    preceding the accident. The district court also found that there were no adverse track
    conditions two months before the accident occurred, citing the track geometry car
    data mentioned in Thornburg's testimony.
    II. FRSA Preclusion
    In order to determine how federal safety regulations impact Cowden's claim,
    we must first examine the interplay between the FELA and the FRSA. Although
    other federal courts have drawn differing conclusions about the relationship between
    these two federal statutes, it is an issue of first impression before this Court.
    A. Background
    Enacted in 1908, the FELA provides railroad employees with a federal cause
    of action for injuries "resulting in whole or in part from the negligence" of the
    railroad. 45 U.S.C. § 51. "The FELA imposes upon employers a continuous duty to
    provide a reasonably safe place to work." Francisco v. Burlington N. R.R. Co., 
    204 F.3d 787
    , 789 (8th Cir. 2000) (internal quotation marks omitted). "Cognizant of the
    physical dangers of railroading that resulted in the death or maiming of thousands of
    workers every year, Congress crafted a federal remedy that shifted part of the 'human
    overhead' of doing business from employees to their employers." Consol. Rail Corp.
    v. Gottshall, 
    512 U.S. 532
    , 542 (1994) (quoting Tiller v. Atl. Coast Line R. Co., 
    318 U.S. 54
    , 58 (1943)). "In order to further FELA's humanitarian purposes," Congress
    removed various common-law obstacles to an employee's recovery, 
    id., and courts have
    "liberally construed FELA to further Congress'[s] remedial goal," 
    id. at 543. -8-
           Enacted in 1970, the FRSA's stated purpose was to "promote safety in every
    area of railroad operations and reduce railroad-related accidents and incidents." 49
    U.S.C. § 20101. The FRSA permits the Secretary of Transportation to "prescribe
    regulations . . . for every area of railroad safety." 49 U.S.C. § 20103(a).4 The FRSA
    states that "[l]aws, regulations, and orders related to railroad safety and laws,
    regulations, and orders related to railroad security shall be nationally uniform to the
    extent practicable." 49 U.S.C. § 20106(a)(1). To maintain this uniformity, the FRSA
    contains an express preemption clause. This preemption clause allows for some
    coordination between state and federal regulation, providing that "[a] State may adopt
    or continue in force a law, regulation, or order related to railroad safety or security
    until the Secretary of Transportation . . . prescribes a regulation or issues an order
    covering the subject matter of the State requirement." 49 U.S.C. § 20106(a)(2).
    In CSX Transp., Inc. v. Easterwood, 
    507 U.S. 658
    (1993), the Supreme Court
    further defined what it means for a regulation to "cover" the same "subject matter of
    the State requirement." The Court explained that, where an FRSA regulation
    "substantially subsumes" the subject matter of a state law negligence claim, the claim
    is preempted. 
    Id. at 664. In
    Easterwood, a truck driver's widow brought a negligence
    claim against a railroad company after her husband was killed in a collision with a
    train at a crossing. The widow argued that the train was traveling too fast and that the
    railroad company should have maintained warning devices at the crossing. Although
    the Court found the warning-device claim was not preempted by general federal
    mandates about grade-crossing improvements, 
    id. at 667–68,5 it
    concluded that the
    The Secretary has delegated this authority to the FRA. Union Pac. R.R. Co.
    v. Cal. Pub. Utils. Comm'n, 
    346 F.3d 851
    , 858 n.8 (9th Cir. 2003).
    The Court did find that one crossing regulation involving federal funds for
    warning devices had preemptive effect, but it did not apply to the facts in 
    Easterwood. 507 U.S. at 671–673
    . The Court later found a similar claim preempted under this
    same provision in Norfolk S. Ry. Co. v. Shanklin, 
    529 U.S. 344
    , 353 (2000).
    FRSA regulations relating to train speed preempted the widow's state negligence
    id. at 676. Because
    the plaintiff was arguing merely that the "train was
    traveling too quickly given the 'time and place,'" her claim was substantially
    subsumed by the Secretary's adoption of 49 C.F.R. § 213.9, which allowed railroads
    to determine maximum speeds based on the condition or "class" of track over which
    trains traveled. 
    Id. at 675 &
    B. Federal preclusion
    Easterwood did not address how the FRSA interacted with federal negligence
    claims under the FELA, and the Supreme Court has yet to address the issue. Three
    other circuits, however, have used Easterwood as a guide in holding that FRSA
    regulations preclude federal tort claims under the FELA. See Nickels v. Grand Trunk
    Western R.R., Inc., 
    560 F.3d 426
    , 430 (6th Cir. 2009); Lane v. R.A. Sims, Jr., Inc.,
    241 F.3d 439
    , 443 (5th Cir. 2001); Waymire v. Norfolk & W. Ry. Co., 
    218 F.3d 773
    776 (7th Cir. 2000).6 Two of these cases, Waymire and Lane, specifically dealt with
    the preclusive effect of 49 C.F.R. § 213.9 on excessive-speed claims brought under
    the FELA.
    In Waymire, the Seventh Circuit reviewed an employee's FELA claim based
    on similar facts to those in Easterwood. After allegedly suffering post-traumatic
    stress from an automobile collision at a crossing, the employee argued that the
    railroad negligently allowed his train to travel at an unsafe speed—even though it was
    traveling below the FRSA-determined speed limit—and failed to install proper
    warning devices at the crossing. The Seventh Circuit noted, however, that it would
    "seem absurd to reach a contrary conclusion [to Easterwood] in this case when the
    A fourth circuit has acknowledged these cases, but stopped short of endorsing
    their approach to preclusion. Tufariello v. Long Island R.R. Co., 
    458 F.3d 80
    , 86 (2d
    Cir. 2006).
    operation of both trains was identical and when the Supreme Court has already found
    that the conduct is not culpable 
    negligence." 218 F.3d at 776
    . Reviewing the
    warning-device claim, the court similarly concluded that allowing "a plaintiff to argue
    adequacy of warning claims under FELA but not under state law would undermine
    the railroad safety uniformity intended by Congress and we decline to do this." 
    Id. at 777. In
    Lane, the FELA plaintiff argued that FRSA regulations did not preclude his
    claim because the FRSA set only minimum safety requirements. The court rejected
    this argument, citing the explanation in Easterwood that the FRSA not only
    established a ceiling for permissible train speeds, but also precluded states from
    imposing lower 
    ceilings. 241 F.3d at 443
    . Lane embraced the reasoning in Waymire
    that uniformity required courts to treat claims brought under federal law the same as
    claims brought under state law.
    Dissimilar treatment of the claims would have the untenable result of
    making the railroad safety regulations established under the FRSA
    virtually meaningless: The railroad could at one time be in compliance
    with federal railroad safety standards with respect to certain classes of
    plaintiffs yet be found negligent under the FELA with respect to other
    classes of plaintiffs for the very same conduct.
    Id. (internal quotation marks
    We have previously noted that the FRSA—and in particular, its speed
    regulations—were adopted to address the patchwork effect of each state applying its
    own set of regulations. See Duluth, Winnipeg, & Pac. Ry. Co. v. City of Orr, 
    529 F.3d 794
    , 800 (8th Cir. 2008). To this extent, it is not clear how negligence claims
    brought under the federal common law threaten the uniformity sought by the FRSA.
    See Urie v. Thompson, 
    337 U.S. 163
    , 174 (1949) ("What constitutes negligence for
    the statute's purposes is a federal question, not varying in accordance with the
    differing conceptions of negligence applicable under state and local laws for other
    purposes. Federal decisional law formulating and applying the concept governs.");
    Infermo v. New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc., 
    2012 WL 209359
    at *6 (D.N.J.
    Jan. 24, 2012) (unpublished) ("[T]he language of FRSA itself gives no indication that
    the express preemption clause crafted to address potentially varying and disparate
    state laws concerning standards for the operation and maintenance of the national rail
    system should, by implication, extend to subsume matters governed by FELA, which
    is concerned primarily with providing injured railroad employees a deliberately
    attainable remedy."). However, it appears that many lower courts have adopted our
    sister circuits' view that the FRSA can only achieve its desired uniformity if federal
    negligence claims are treated the same as state negligence claims. See, e.g., McCain
    v. CSX Transp., Inc., 
    708 F. Supp. 2d 494
    , 501–04 (E.D. Pa. 2010); Davis v. Union
    Pac. R.R. Co., 
    598 F. Supp. 2d 955
    , 956–60 (E.D. Ark. 2009); Booth v. CSX Transp.,
    334 S.W.3d 897
    , 900–01 (Ky. Ct. App. 2011); DeHahn v. CSX Transp., Inc.,
    925 N.E.2d 442
    , 450 (Ind. Ct. App. 2010). But see Grimes v. Norfolk S. R. Co., 
    116 F. Supp. 2d
    . 995, 1003 (N.D. Ind. 2000) ("There is also nothing in the language or
    legislative history of any enactment, including FRSA, that indicates the serious
    purpose of undermining the basic core of FELA and its essential purposes. Neither
    has the Supreme Court, nor for that matter any decision of the Circuit Courts of
    Appeal, indicated a basic hostility to the legislative purpose embedded in FELA, now
    or in the past."); Earwood v. Norfolk S. Ry. Co., 
    845 F. Supp. 880
    , 891 (N.D. Ga.
    1993) (pre-Waymire case concluding that Easterwood's analysis of state preemption
    did not mandate federal preclusion of FELA claims); Myers v. Illinois Cent. R.R. Co.,
    753 N.E.2d 560
    , 565 (Ill. App. Ct. 2001) (rejecting Waymire's application of
    Easterwood to FELA claims)
    We are mindful that the Supreme Court has cautioned that the FELA should not
    be cut down "by inference or implication." See 
    Urie, 337 U.S. at 186
    . We are also
    mindful that the Supreme Court has acknowledged "the presumption against pre-
    emption" in the "relatively stringent standard" of § 20106(a) (formerly 45 U.S.C.
    § 434), and that FRSA regulations have "no affirmative indication of their effect on
    negligence law." 
    Easterwood, 507 U.S. at 668
    . However, the Supreme Court has
    thus far declined to review our sister circuits' application of § 20106(a) to the issue
    of federal preclusion.
    Although we are not bound by another circuit's decision, we adhere to
    the policy that a sister circuit's reasoned decision deserves great weight
    and precedential value. As an appellate court, we strive to maintain
    uniformity in the law among the circuits, wherever reasoned analysis
    will allow, thus avoiding unnecessary burdens on the Supreme Court
    United States v. Auginash, 
    266 F.3d 781
    , 784 (8th Cir. 2001) (quoted from Aldens,
    Inc. v. Miller, 
    610 F.2d 538
    , 541 (8th Cir. 1979)). We decline to create a circuit split
    on this issue, in part because the issue was not properly raised below and the current
    record does not accurately demonstrate how preclusion might apply in Cowden's case.
    Even if we assume that the express preemption clause in 49 U.S.C. § 20106(a)(2) can
    be applied in some cases to preclude federal laws, we do not believe that it was
    properly applied in the current case.
    III. Improper Grant of Summary Judgment
    The district court erred by addressing the dispositive nature of FRSA
    regulations for the first time in its order granting summary judgment.7 The record
    below was not developed with the dispositive nature of FRSA regulations in mind,
    We acknowledge that the issue of preclusion was discussed earlier in BNSF's
    motion to bar Cowden's expert's testimony. However, the district court's order on that
    issue only addressed the specific context of Blackwell's conclusions about the speed
    of the train. An argument that FRSA regulations set the standard of care for
    Cowden's entire negligence suit was never raised, nor even alluded to, by BNSF prior
    to the court's summary judgment order.
    and thus neither party has advanced evidence that was directly relevant to the
    conclusions the court ultimately formed. The incomplete summary judgment record
    requires remand for two reasons.
    First, BNSF had the burden to show § 20106(a)(2) applied to Cowden's claim
    at the summary judgement stage. See Duluth, Winnipeg & Pac. Ry. 
    Co., 529 F.3d at 797
    ("It is the burden of the party advocating preemption under § 20106(a)(2) to
    show that a federal law, regulation, or order covers the same subject matter as the
    state law, regulation, or order it seeks to preempt."). Preclusion analysis, like the
    Supreme Court's preemption analysis under § 20106(a)(2), requires consideration of
    whether an FRSA regulation "substantially subsumes" the negligence claim.
    Nickels, 560 F.3d at 429–31
    . Instead of requiring BNSF to meet this burden, the
    district court raised sua sponte four FRSA regulations with which to evaluate
    Cowden's claim, without thorough consideration of whether they "substantially
    subsume" that claim.
    Second, questions of material fact remain that make summary judgment
    improper. The district court determined in its summary judgment order that FRSA
    regulations established the sole duty of care BNSF owed to Cowden. Cowden argues
    that, had he been put on notice and given the opportunity, he could have submitted
    evidence of FRSA violations. Furthermore, the district court improperly relied on
    disputed issues of fact about track conditions to support its alternative ruling denying
    Cowden's motion to amend, and the court did not view the record in a light favorable
    to the non-moving party.
    A. BNSF has not demonstrated regulations "cover" Cowden's claim
    Assuming that the analysis adopted by our sister circuits is correct, an FELA
    claim is precluded when the same claim would be preempted by the FRSA if brought
    as a state-law negligence claim. 
    Nickels, 560 F.3d at 429–30
    . The FRSA preemption
    clause, however, explains that state law is only preempted when the Secretary of
    Transportation adopts a rule or regulation "covering the subject matter of the State
    requirement." 49 U.S.C. § 20106(a)(2). To establish that regulations "cover" the
    plaintiff's claim, a defendant "must establish more than that they 'touch upon' or
    'relate to' that subject matter, for 'covering' is a more restrictive term which indicates
    that preemption will lie only if the federal regulations substantially subsume the
    subject matter of the relevant state law." 
    Easterwood, 507 U.S. at 664
    citation omitted).
    BNSF made no mention of FRSA regulations in its summary judgment motion,
    and never argued that any particular regulation covered Cowden's claim. Addressing
    the matter sua sponte, the district court concluded that "[t]here are FRSA regulations
    permitting railroads to operate trains under slow orders, and the Court finds that these
    are safety regulations that exist, at least in part, to ensure the safety of the
    locomotive's passengers in the face of unsafe track conditions." Order of Sept. 7,
    2010, at 8. The court offered as examples four specific FRSA regulations: 49 C.F.R.
    §§ 213.233 (setting forth instructions for procedure and frequency of track
    inspections), 234.107(c)(2) (dealing with warning signals at road crossings), 213.9(b)
    (allowing railroads to change maximum speed by reclassifying segments of track),
    and 213.237(e)(2) (setting requirements for inspection of internal flaws). Of these
    four regulations, two (§§ 234.107(c)(2) and 213.237(e)(2)) are unrelated to Cowden's
    claim, as his accident did not occur at a road crossing and he has made no allegations
    about internal flaws in the track. One of the regulations (§ 213.233) certainly
    "exist[s], at least in part, to ensure the safety" of passengers, but it contains no
    reference to the issue of train speed or slow orders, which the court found controlled
    the question of negligence. The fourth regulation, § 213.9(b), does relate to train
    speed, slow orders, and unsafe track conditions. However, a regulation must do more
    than "relate to" a plaintiff's claim in order for preclusion to apply.
    Easterwood, Waymire, and Lane all concluded that § 213.9 substantially
    subsumed excessive-speed claims, but unlike the plaintiffs in those cases, Cowden
    has not alleged generally that BNSF allowed its trains to travel at an unsafe speed.
    Easterwood, 507 U.S. at 675
    n.15 (describing claim as alleging that the "train was
    traveling too quickly given the 'time and place'"); 
    Waymire, 218 F.3d at 774
    (describing claim as alleging that railroad allowed "train to travel at an unsafe
    Lane, 241 F.3d at 441
    (describing claim as alleging "the train was
    proceeding at an excessive speed"). In fact, BNSF points out that Cowden's
    complaint nowhere mentioned "speed" specifically. See Appellee Br. at 3. Instead,
    Cowden's complaint alleges that BNSF failed to maintain a safe workplace, and his
    filings have consistently linked this unsafe workplace to BNSF's alleged failure to
    maintain a safe track. See, e.g., J.A. at 139 (memorandum opposing motion to
    exclude expert testimony); J.A. at 196 (memorandum opposing summary judgment);
    J.A. at 350 (motion to alter or amend the judgment).
    Despite this distinction, § 213.9 may still substantially subsume Cowden's
    claim, but not in a way argued by BNSF or addressed by the district court. The FRA
    has explained that § 213.9 is not a regulation of train speed, but rather is a regulation
    that holds railroads accountable for maintaining certain track conditions based on the
    speed they set themselves. See Track Safety Standards, 63 Fed. Reg. at 33999.
    Cowden alleges that BNSF failed to maintain a safe track, and § 213.9 indicates what
    condition or "class" the track must meet in order for a train to operate at forty miles
    per hour. If relevant FRSA regulations establish a railroad's duty of care, § 213.9
    imposes a duty to maintain track quality, not a duty to travel at a particular speed.8
    In Easterwood, Waymire, and Lane, there were no questions about the quality
    of the track over which the respective trains were operating. Instead, the plaintiffs
    were alleging that lower speeds were required because of potential dangers at railroad
    crossings. Because § 213.9 establishes train speeds "with respect to track conditions,
    including the conditions posed by grade crossings," a negligence claim that seeks to
    impose a common-law standard for safe speeds at crossings is "'incompatible with'
    Whether BNSF has breached that duty, however, appears to depend on other
    regulations from Chapter 213—many of which were addressed at various points by
    the parties, but not discussed by the district court. See, e.g., 49 C.F.R. § 213.63
    (regulating track surface conditions for each class of track); 49 C.F.R. § 213.109
    (regulating number of sufficient crossties for each class of track); 49 C.F.R. § 213.1
    (indicating that regulations treat conditions in isolation, but that a combination of
    conditions may require additional remedial action).
    B. The record regarding FRSA compliance is underdeveloped
    Having concluded that FRSA regulations set the exclusive standard of care for
    Cowden's claim, the district court held that there was no evidence in the record
    indicating that BNSF had violated any of those regulations. The district court
    acknowledged that Cowden's expert had asserted that BNSF violated numerous FRSA
    regulations. The court, however, concluded that Blackwell's report did not point to
    specific facts that would raise factual disputes sufficient to survive a motion for
    summary judgment.
    Cowden argues that summary judgment was improper because he was not put
    on notice by BNSF's motion that his claim would be determined solely on the issue
    of FRSA regulations. Cowden cites Heisler v. Metropolitan Council, 
    339 F.3d 622
    (8th Cir. 2003), where we stated:
    We have repeatedly held that in the Eighth Circuit, a district court
    commits reversible error when it grants summary judgment on an issue
    not raised or discussed by the parties. It is fundamentally unfair to the
    nonmoving party to require her to address issues not addressed by the
    moving party in anticipation that the district court might rely on some
    unidentified issue to grant the motion.
    FRSA and the Secretary's regulations." 
    Easterwood, 507 U.S. at 675
    Id. at 631. We
    agree that such unfairness exists in this case, as the district court based
    its summary judgment on Cowden's failure to provide evidence relating to a
    previously-unidentified issue. We stated in Heisler that it would unfairly prejudice
    a plaintiff to grant a summary judgment motion based on a lack of evidence relating
    to an issue not raised by defendants in the summary judgment proceedings. In that
    case, summary judgment had been granted based on a previously-unaddressed
    retaliation claim:
    Met Council's argument that there is no evidence of retaliation
    demonstrates precisely why summary judgment must be reversed on the
    retaliation claim. Heisler did not get a chance to develop the record or
    point out material issues of fact contained in the record related to the
    elements of her retaliation claim because she was not on notice that the
    retaliation claim was at issue in the summary judgment proceedings. It
    may well be that Heisler will be unable to establish a genuine issue of
    fact regarding the retaliation claim, but she must at least be given a
    chance to try.
    Id. at 632. Summary
    judgment was inappropriate in the present case for the same reason.
    Neither party was on notice that the FRSA regulations would prove dispositive, and
    neither party presented evidence related to the relevant regulations. Indeed, as
    explained above, the district court's summary judgment order demonstrates that it
    wasn't even clear which regulations were relevant, let alone whether or not BNSF had
    complied with them.
    On remand, BNSF has the burden of persuading the court that particular
    regulations meet the standard for preemption set out in § 20106(a)(2). Because
    Cowden's suit addresses the maintenance of track rather than simply alleging an
    excessive-speed claim, it appears likely that relevant regulations will deal more
    specifically with track conditions. Even if Cowden is unable to establish a genuine
    issue of fact regarding BNSF's compliance with those regulations, he "must at least
    be given a chance to try." 
    Id. Based on the
    current record, viewed in a light most
    favorable to Cowden, the quality of the track appears to be a disputed material fact.
    It may be that Cowden's claim relies on weak circumstantial evidence: the BNSF
    business records indicating persistent and unremedied problems with railroad-tie
    conditions. And it may be that Thornburg is correct in his belief that those records
    incorrectly state that there were tie-condition problems.9 But this is a factual question
    that should be determined by a jury if further discovery does not conclusively resolve
    the dispute.
    IV. Reasonable Foreseeability
    In denying Cowden's motion to alter or amend the judgment, the district court
    held in the alternative that Cowden's claim would have failed because Cowden did
    not establish a reasonable foreseeability of harm. Reasonable foreseeability of harm
    "is indeed 'an essential ingredient of [FELA] negligence.'" CSX Transp., Inc. v.
    131 S. Ct. 2630
    , 2643 (2011) (alteration in original) (quoting Gallick v.
    Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Co., 
    372 U.S. 108
    , 117 (1963)). "If a person has no
    reasonable ground to anticipate that a particular condition . . . would or might result
    in a mishap and injury, then the party is not required to do anything to correct [the]
    Gallick, 372 U.S. at 118
    n.7. In the present case, the district court
    concluded that BNSF had no reasonable ground to anticipate that the condition of the
    rails could lead to Cowden's injury, placing heavy emphasis on the fact that no prior
    accidents had occurred on the stretch of track in question, and that Cowden himself
    had never experienced a problem with that specific stretch of track.
    We also note that the missing geometry track data—which may, according to
    Thornburg, demonstrate there were no track surface problems in November
    2007—does not appear to be relevant to the question of tie-conditions. See
    Thornburg Dep. 53:25–54:7, January 19, 2010.
    The district court's reasoning on foreseeability reflects the same reasoning that
    the Supreme Court rejected in Gallick. In Gallick, the Court reversed a state-court
    decision denying an FELA negligence claim where a plaintiff's leg had to be
    amputated because of an infected bug bite. The bug bite was traced to a stagnant and
    infested pool by the railroad, which a jury found was created by the railroad
    company's negligence. The question for the Supreme Court was whether such an
    injury was foreseeable to the negligent employer. Gallick's jury had been instructed
    in state court to "take into account 'the past experience respecting the location and
    conditions in question' and the fact 'that no occurrence of the kind here alleged either
    occurred, or was known by defendant to have occurred'" in the past. 
    Id. at 121. Based
    in part on those past conditions, the jury concluded that Gallick's injury was
    not foreseeable. The Court concluded, however, that such an instruction was "far too
    narrow a concept of foreseeable harm to negative negligence under the Federal
    Employers' Liability Act." 
    Id. Instead, the Court
    reasoned that a defendant's duty of
    care under FELA should simply be "measured by what a reasonably prudent person
    would anticipate as resulting from a particular condition." 
    Id. at 118; see
    also Ulfik
    v. Metro-North Commuter R.R., 
    77 F.3d 54
    , 58 n.1 (2d Cir. 1996) ("Though the issue
    of negligence is still governed by the common law requirement of foreseeability in
    order to determine whether or not a defendant is required to guard against a particular
    risk, the concept of foreseeability has been construed somewhat more liberally in
    FELA cases than it might otherwise be under common law."); Harbin v. Burlington
    N. R.R. Co., 
    921 F.2d 129
    , 131 (7th Cir. 1990) ("It is well established that the
    quantum of evidence required to establish liability in an FELA case is much less than
    in an ordinary negligence action.").
    Cowden presented evidence that BNSF knew of problems with the stretch of
    track in question before the accident. Thus, the proper foreseeability question for the
    present case is whether a reasonably prudent person who knew of the reported
    problems would have anticipated an injury to occur as a result of operating a train
    over that stretch of track at the same speed. Relevant to this consideration is the
    evidence that BNSF adopted more restrictive slow orders because of these problems,
    and then purportedly removed those restrictive slow orders without fixing the root
    The district court found that BNSF did not know of a problem with the track
    because it found dispositive Thornburg's testimony that "geometry track car data"
    suggested there actually were no surface condition problems with the segment in
    question. This geometry track car data, however, was never entered into evidence.
    Cowden questioned why any slowdown order would have remained in place if there
    were actually no problems with the surface condition of the track, and Thornburg
    conceded that track foremen may have been concerned about the condition of the
    railroad ties. Despite this inconsistency, the court concluded that Thornburg's
    testimony rendered all evidence of earlier problems moot. Even if this ultimately
    proves correct, the court's determination at the summary judgment stage does not
    reflect a review of the record in a light favorable to Cowden.
    V. Motion to Exclude Expert Testimony
    Cowden raises two arguments about the district court's order to bar the expert
    testimony of Alan Blackwell. Although most of Blackwell's expert report was
    admitted, Cowden argues that the court erred by excluding Blackwell's testimony
    about the possible negligence of permitting the train to operate at a speed permitted
    by FRSA regulations and by barring his testimony about subsequent remedial
    measures under Federal Rule of Evidence 407. We review a decision to exclude
    expert testimony for an abuse of discretion. Shelton v. Kennedy Funding, Inc., 
    622 F.3d 943
    , 950 (8th Cir. 2010).
    As stated above, if we assume that FRSA preclusion is appropriate in some
    cases, BNSF bears the burden to show that specific regulations substantially subsume
    Cowden's claim under § 20106(a)(2). If BNSF meets that burden, the district court
    may assess the admissibility of Blackwell's testimony on the subsumed subject matter.
    However, because BNSF did not meet its burden below, we reverse that part of the
    district court's ruling and remand it for further consideration.
    The district court's decision to bar Blackwell's testimony about remedial
    measures is not, however, related to the issue of preclusion. The district court
    concluded that this portion of Blackwell's testimony would be offered to prove
    negligence, which is prohibited by Rule 407. On appeal, Cowden argues that this
    evidence meets an exception to Rule 407 because remediation was "mandated by
    law."10 Although we have noted in the past that there is an exception to Rule 407
    when remedial action is "mandated by superior governmental authority," O'Dell v.
    Hercules, Inc., 
    904 F.2d 1194
    , 1204 (8th Cir. 1990), Cowden has failed to
    demonstrate that remediation was actually mandated. Cowden asserts that 49 C.F.R.
    § 213.5(a) imposes a requirement that railroads remedy any defect, but the plain
    language of the regulation does not support his assertion. Section 213.5 imposes
    responsibility for compliance with FRA regulations; however, if a railroad knows its
    track is not in compliance, repairing track to bring it into compliance is but one of
    This argument is different than Cowden's assertion before the district court
    that the evidence met an exception to Rule 407 because it could be used to
    demonstrate the feasibility of repairs. Because feasibility of repairs was not in
    dispute, the district court rejected Cowden's argument.
    three options a railroad has to avoid penalties.11 The district court did not abuse its
    discretion in excluding this portion of Blackwell's testimony.
    VI. Conclusion
    Accordingly, we reverse in part and affirm in part the decision of the district
    court, and we remand for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    Section 213.5(a) provides:
    [A]ny owner of track to which this part applies who knows or has notice
    that the track does not comply with the requirements of this part, shall--
    (1) Bring the track into compliance;
    (2) Halt operations over that track; or
    (3) Operate under authority of a person designated under
    § 213.7(a), who has at least one year of supervisory experience in
    railroad track maintenance, subject to conditions set forth in this

Document Info

Docket Number: 11-2003

Citation Numbers: 690 F.3d 884

Judges: Melloy, Shepherd, Smith

Filed Date: 9/4/2012

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/5/2023

Authorities (29)

Davis v. Union Pacific Railroad , 598 F. Supp. 2d 955 ( 2009 )

robert-ulfik-v-metro-north-commuter-railroad-metro-north-commuter , 77 F.3d 54 ( 1996 )

Lane v. R.A. Sims, Jr., Inc. , 241 F.3d 439 ( 2001 )

Vito Tufariello v. Long Island Railroad Company, Docket No. ... , 458 F.3d 80 ( 2006 )

Joseph J. Waymire v. Norfolk and Western Railway Company , 218 F.3d 773 ( 2000 )

Nickels v. Grand Trunk Western RR, Inc. , 560 F.3d 426 ( 2009 )

Shelton v. Kennedy Funding, Inc. , 622 F.3d 943 ( 2010 )

United States of America v. Richard Lawrence Auginash , 266 F.3d 781 ( 2001 )

Lloyd Francisco v. Burlington Northern Railroad Company, a ... , 204 F.3d 787 ( 2000 )

Kathy Heisler v. Metropolitan Council , 339 F.3d 622 ( 2003 )

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David Harbin v. Burlington Northern Railroad Company , 921 F.2d 129 ( 1990 )

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Earwood v. Norfolk Southern Ry. Co. , 845 F. Supp. 880 ( 1993 )

DeHahn v. CSX Transportation, Inc. , 925 N.E.2d 442 ( 2010 )

Myers v. Illinois Central Railroad , 323 Ill. App. 3d 780 ( 2001 )

Booth v. CSX Transportation, Inc. , 334 S.W.3d 897 ( 2011 )

union-pacific-railroad-company-southern-pacific-transportation-company , 346 F.3d 851 ( 2003 )

Grimes v. Norfolk Southern Railway Co. , 116 F. Supp. 2d 995 ( 2000 )

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