United States v. Joey Loesel , 728 F.3d 749 ( 2013 )

  •                  United States Court of Appeals
    For the Eighth Circuit
    No. 12-3543
    United States of America
    lllllllllllllllllllll Plaintiff - Appellee
    Joey Matthew Loesel
    lllllllllllllllllllll Defendant - Appellant
    Appeal from United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Iowa - Davenport
    Submitted: June 12, 2013
    Filed: August 26, 2013
    Before COLLOTON, GRUENDER, and BENTON, Circuit Judges.
    BENTON, Circuit Judge.
    Joey Matthew Loesel pled guilty to conspiring to manufacture and distribute
    at least 50 grams of actual methamphetamine and 500 grams of a meth mixture or
    substance — in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 846
     and 841(a)(1), (b)(1)(A). The district
    court1 sentenced him to 180 months’ imprisonment. He appeals, attacking a
    sentencing enhancement, his girlfriend’s pseudoephedrine purchases attributed to
    him, and the evidence used to determine the guideline range. Having jurisdiction
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    , this court affirms.
    Almost daily from 2005 to 2011, Loesel and his girlfriend used meth or tried
    to get it. They purchased pseudoephedrine (a drug used to make meth) from
    pharmacies, and delivered it to meth “cooks.” Loesel assisted with meth production
    on a farm, in residential areas, and in a moving vehicle. A warranted search of the
    farm uncovered “a very large methamphetamine cooking site,” with three active meth
    labs. Chemicals, substances, and equipment for manufacturing meth were strewn
    “throughout the entire property.” Corroding tanks stored anhydrous ammonia.
    Collectively, ten locations on the farm had over 10 grams of pure meth, and 3,100
    grams of meth mixtures used in the lithium-ammonia-reduction method. There were
    enough pseudoephedrine pills and empty packs to produce over 164 grams of pure
    Loesel entered a proffer agreement. The government could use information in
    it “to rebut any factual position taken by or on his behalf in connection with
    sentencing issues or for any other reason.” At sentencing, he challenged an
    enhancement for causing substantial risk of harm to human life or the environment.
    He disputed attributing to him his girlfriend’s pseudoephedrine purchases. He
    objected to the government introducing information from his proffer to support the
    drug quantity. The district court used the information, attributed the purchases to
    him, and imposed the enhancement.
    The Honorable Robert W. Pratt, United States District Judge for the Southern
    District of Iowa.
    Loesel believes he did not create a substantial risk of harm to human life or the
    environment under U.S.S.G. § 2D1.1(b)(13)(C)(ii), because of the meth farm’s “rural
    location.” This court reviews de novo “the application of the substantial risk of harm
    standard to the undisputed facts.” United States v. Pinnow, 
    469 F.3d 1153
    , 1156 (8th
    Cir. 2006) (citations omitted). Factors to consider include: (1) the quantity of
    chemicals at the lab, and how they were stored; (2) how any “hazardous or toxic
    substances were disposed,” and their likely release into the environment; (3) the
    duration and extent of manufacturing; and (4) the lab’s location, and the number of
    human lives placed at substantial risk of harm. U.S.S.G. § 2D1.1 cmt. n.20(A) (now
    cmt. n.18(B)); see United States v. Wells, 
    706 F.3d 908
    , 917 (8th Cir. 2013). Though
    courts must consider these factors, they can “take into account the dangers inherent
    in methamphetamine manufacturing.” Pinnow, 
    469 F.3d at 1157
    Here, the factors favor enhancement. Under the first and second factors, the
    search revealed over 10 grams of pure meth, 3,100 grams of meth mixtures, and
    evidence of enough pseudoephedrine to produce over 164 grams of pure meth. See
    United States v. Whited, 
    473 F.3d 296
    , 299-300 (6th Cir. 2007) (applying the
    enhancement for 1.23 grams of pure meth). The meth farm had three active meth
    labs. Numerous substances and chemicals – some in corroding tanks – and
    equipment used to produce meth were found throughout the entire property. These
    substances and chemicals are toxic and “can cause explosions and fires.” Pinnow,
    469 F.3d at 1156
     (citation omitted).
    As to the third and fourth factors, for years, in several locations, Loesel helped
    manufacture meth using the lithium-ammonia-reduction method. “The many risks to
    human life and to the environment from this method of manufacture are well known.”
    Id. at 1157
    , citing United States v. Chamness, 
    435 F.3d 724
    , 727 (7th Cir. 2006), and
    United States v. Allen, 
    297 F.3d 790
    , 796 (8th Cir. 2002). It produces “toxic and
    often lethal waste.” Id. at 1156 (citation omitted). Though the farm was remote,
    Loesel, his co-conspirators, the farm owner, and the officers who searched the farm
    were exposed to the meth labs. Even if the conspirators and owner “assumed the
    risk,” as Loesel asserts, they were nonetheless “human lives placed at substantial risk
    of harm.” See U.S.S.G. § 2D1.1 cmt. n.20(A); cf. United States v. Davidson, 
    409 F.3d 304
    , 314 (6th Cir. 2005) (not applying the enhancement where the defendants
    tried once to make meth in a remote, locked barn, and the operation did not: involve
    “an unusually large quantity of hazardous materials”; exist “for an unusually long
    period of time”; or “actually result[] in the disposal of the materials in a way harmful
    to human life or the environment”). Also, manufacturing occurred in residential areas
    and in a moving vehicle, placing additional lives at substantial risk. Considering the
    scope of meth activity, the district court did not err in applying the enhancement. See
    469 F.3d at 1157
     (holding the offense created a substantial risk of harm
    where the defendant, “staying in various hotels,” possessed “a substantial quantity of
    pseudoephedrine, enough to manufacture fifty grams of pure meth[], plus other
    chemicals and equipment used in the lithium ammoni[a] reduction method”).
    Loesel claims the district court should not have attributed to him his
    girlfriend’s pseudoephedrine purchases, because they were not reasonably foreseeable
    to him. “The district court’s drug quantity . . . determinations are factual findings .
    . . review[ed] for clear error, applying the preponderance-of-the-evidence standard.”
    United States v. Walker, 
    688 F.3d 416
    , 420 (8th Cir. 2012). “Only if this court has
    a definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been made, will it reverse the
    sentencing court’s factual findings.” United States v. Two Elk, 
    536 F.3d 890
    , 909
    (8th Cir. 2008).
    “When calculating drug quantity in . . . a narcotics trafficking conspiracy, the
    sentencing court may consider all transactions[,] known or reasonably foreseeable to
    the defendant,” that furthered the conspiracy. United States v. Payton, 
    636 F.3d 1027
    , 1046 (8th Cir. 2011). A co-conspirator’s testimony “may be sufficiently
    reliable evidence” for the court to “base its drug quantity calculation for sentencing
     “Drug quantities purchased for personal use by a member of the
    conspiracy are relevant in determining the total drug quantity attributable to the
    defendant.” Walker, 688 F.3d at 422. The “sentencing court should consider the
    similarity, regularity, and temporal proximity of the conduct in determining whether
    it is part of the same course of conduct or common scheme or plan.” Payton, 
    636 F.3d at 1046-47
    According to Loesel’s girlfriend, they used meth, or worked together to get it,
    almost daily for years. This included buying pseudoephedrine from pharmacies, and
    distributing it to meth manufacturers. Loesel contends that some of her purchases
    were “secretive,” and she never “accepted her role exclusively within a larger unit.”
    He relies on United States v. Palafox-Mazon, 
    198 F.3d 1182
     (9th Cir. 2000). There,
    each defendant was responsible only for his personal drug quantity, with “no
    evidence suggesting that the Defendants accepted their ‘role within a larger unit.’”
    198 F.3d at 1190-91
    . But unlike Loesel, the defendants there neither
    pled guilty to conspiracy, nor undertook “joint criminal activity.” 
    Id. at 1185, 1187, 1191
    .     Given Loesel and his girlfriend’s extensive joint meth use and
    pseudoephedrine distribution, it was reasonably foreseeable to him that – even in his
    absence – his girlfriend would purchase pseudoephedrine from pharmacies. Her
    testimony shows she accepted a role in the conspiracy. “In light of this ongoing
    arrangement,” the district court did not clearly err in attributing to him his girlfriend’s
    pseudoephedrine purchases. See United States v. Voegtlin, 
    437 F.3d 741
    , 748 (8th
    Cir. 2006) (attributing to the defendant a pseudoephedrine purchase by a co-
    conspirator, though the defendant did not direct her to make it, because she “routinely
    obtained pills for [him]”).
    Loesel argues the district court used information in the proffer agreement to
    determine the guideline range, violating U.S.S.G. § 1B1.8(a). This court reviews “the
    district court’s factual findings for clear error, and its interpretation and application
    of the guidelines[] de novo.” United States v. Robinson, 
    639 F.3d 489
    , 495 (8th Cir.
    2011); see United States v. Perry, 
    640 F.3d 805
    , 810 (8th Cir. 2011).
    If the government agrees that self-incriminating information in a proffer cannot
    be used against the defendant to determine the guideline range, the sentencing court
    may use such information only “to the extent provided in the agreement.” U.S.S.G.
    § 1B1.8(a); Perry, 640 F.3d at 810. This court “interpret[s] contracts between
    defendants and the Government according to general contractual principles.” Perry,
    640 F.3d at 811.
    Loesel contends that the district court used self-incriminating information
    about meth dealing to determine the drug quantity attributable to him, and thus the
    guideline range. (The information detailed meth activity in the Northern District of
    Iowa, where he testified under an immunity agreement inapplicable here.) The
    proffer agreement states that self-incriminating statements cannot “be used to
    determine the appropriate guideline sentence.” But it lists exceptions, including “to
    rebut any factual position taken by or on [Loesel’s] behalf in connection with
    sentencing issues or for any other reason.”
    He asserts the exception does not apply. Not so. At sentencing, he claimed his
    girlfriend’s pseudoephedrine purchases were not attributable to him. According to
    Loesel, his claim is a “legal theory,” not a factual position. Drug quantity is a
    question of fact. See Walker, 688 F.3d at 420. The government used his proffer
    statements about meth use and distribution to rebut Loesel’s factual position about
    drug quantity — which is permitted under the agreement. Cf. Perry, 640 F.3d at 812-
    13 (holding the proffer agreement was violated where “information . . . from the
    proffer session could be used against [the defendant] only if he . . . [materially]
    contradicted statements made during the proffer session—and . . . only as
    ‘impeachment or rebuttal evidence, or as the basis for a prosecution for perjury or
    false statement’”). The district court did not err in using that information to
    determine the guideline range.
    The judgment of the district court is affirmed.