Larry Alexander v. Avera St. Luke's Hospital , 768 F.3d 756 ( 2014 )

  •                  United States Court of Appeals
    For the Eighth Circuit
    No. 13-2592
    Larry Alexander, M.D.
    lllllllllllllllllllll Plaintiff - Appellant
    Avera St. Luke's Hospital
    lllllllllllllllllllll Defendant - Appellee
    Appeal from United States District Court
    for the District of South Dakota - Aberdeen
    Submitted: June 12, 2014
    Filed: September 30, 2014
    Before LOKEN, BRIGHT, and GRUENDER, Circuit Judges.
    LOKEN, Circuit Judge.
    Pathologist Larry Alexander suffered a heart attack in March 2008, underwent
    a heart transplant in May 2009, and was hospitalized for bipolar disorder in October
    2010. In August 2011, Avera St. Luke’s, a non-profit corporation operating St.
    Luke’s Hospital in Aberdeen, South Dakota, terminated its December 2008 Pathology
    Services Agreement with Dr. Alexander, invoking the provision that either party may
    terminate the Agreement with or without cause on ninety days prior written notice.
    Alexander brought this action against Avera, alleging violations of the Americans
    with Disabilities Act (ADA), 42 U.S.C. § 12102 et seq., the Age Discrimination in
    Employment Act (ADEA), 29 U.S.C. § 621 et seq., the Family and Medical Leave
    Act (FMLA), 29 U.S.C. § 2617 et seq. and the South Dakota Human Relations Act
    (SDHRA), S.D. Codified Laws § 20-13-1 et seq. The district court1 granted Avera’s
    motion for summary judgment, concluding that each of these statutory claims failed
    because undisputed material facts demonstrated that Alexander was an independent
    contractor rather than an Avera employee. Alexander appeals. Reviewing the grant
    of summary judgment on this issue de novo, see Lerohl v. Friends of Minn. Sinfonia,
    322 F.3d 486
    , 488 (8th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    540 U.S. 983
    (2003), we affirm.
    I. Background
    Dr. Alexander’s relationship with Avera began in January 1991, when he
    entered into a Contract for Professional Services with another pathologist, Dr. Roy
    Burt, who had entered into an exclusive agreement to provide Avera “all of Hospital’s
    necessary pathological services and provide the medical direction and supervision of
    the Department of Pathology.” The Contract with Burt expressly provided that
    Alexander “shall apply for and become a member of” the Hospital’s medical staff;
    that the services Alexander would provide under the Contract are those of “a
    professional physician working as an independent contractor,” not as an employee of
    Burt; that Burt would have no authority to control the manner in which Alexander
    performed his pathology services; that Alexander, not Burt, would pay all applicable
    federal and state taxes and withholdings, including social security taxes; and that
    Alexander would secure and maintain professional liability insurance in prescribed
    The Honorable Charles B. Kornmann, United States District Judge for the
    District of South Dakota.
    In 1994, at Burt’s suggestion, Alexander took over Burt’s duties as director of
    pathology at the hospital and entered into a new contract with Avera, entitled
    “Agreement for Pathology Services.” Alexander and Avera entered into substantially
    identical contracts in 1998, 2002, and 2008. Like the 1991 contract with Burt, the
    contracts between Alexander and Avera all explicitly stated that Alexander would
    work as an independent contractor and not as an employee. Each contract specified
    that Avera would have no authority to control or direct performance of Dr.
    Alexander’s services. The contracts provided that Avera would neither pay nor
    withhold taxes and that Alexander was solely responsible for paying taxes, obtaining
    malpractice insurance, and paying for his professional licenses. The contracts gave
    Alexander the right to hire assistants and substitute pathologists at his own expense;
    Alexander took advantage of this provision by hiring his wife as an assistant at a
    substantial salary in the years 2008-2010.
    Alexander’s duties remained relatively uniform throughout his time at Avera.
    All the contracts required him to provide pathology services at the hospital in
    accordance with Avera’s bylaws, rules, and regulations, which apply to all members
    of the hospital’s medical staff. Beginning in 1994, the contracts obligated Alexander
    as Medical Director of the hospital’s Department of Clinical and Anatomical
    Pathology to help meet its teaching requirements, and to confine the “majority” of his
    professional services to the hospital. The 1994, 1998, and 2002 contracts required
    Alexander to contract separately with Burt “for the provision and rendition of [Burt’s
    pathology] services,” specified Alexander’s annual compensation, and stated the
    parties’ understanding that one-half of that amount “shall be paid by Alexander to
    Burt for services rendered under this Agreement.” The 2008 contract omitted these
    provisions and significantly reduced Alexander’s annual compensation. The 2008
    contract further provided:
    In the event [Alexander] is unable to provide necessary services
    to St. Luke’s for a period beyond thirty-five (35) days during a calendar
    year due to illness, vacation, continuing medical education or any other
    reason whatsoever, [Alexander] shall be responsible for arranging and
    compensating a qualified and competent substitute pathologist and
    provide professional services to and on behalf of St. Luke’s under the
    terms of this Agreement. . . . For purposes of vacation, sick leave, and
    continuing medical education, [Alexander] shall be permitted a total of
    thirty-five (35) days per year.
    *   *    *    *   *
    [Alexander] shall be solely responsible for compensating any and
    all substitute/assistive personnel/pathologists.
    For income tax purposes, Avera provided Alexander a Form 1099 each year,
    which listed his income as “nonemployee compensation,” rather than a W-2 form
    used to report wages paid to employees. Alexander reported his income from Avera
    on Schedule C of his federal Form 1040 tax return, the schedule used by sole
    proprietors. Alexander listed as Schedule C business expenses advertising costs,
    payments to substitute pathologists, and wages he paid his wife. He also filed a
    Schedule SE calculating his self-employment FICA tax obligation.
    Beginning in 1994, Avera provided all necessary facilities, equipment, and
    non-medical assistants. Avera billed patients and paid Alexander in equal monthly
    installments. In practice, Alexander testified, he and Burt were free to determine their
    own work schedules so long as one of them was present while surgeries were taking
    place. No one from Avera ever supervised his practice of medicine, and he could not
    recall ever being assigned duties not specifically called for by the contracts. From
    1995-2010, Alexander exercised his contractual right to work outside St. Luke’s
    Hospital by serving as Medical Director of the South Dakota State Public Health
    By 2004, Alexander’s relationship with Burt was so acrimonious that Avera
    required the two pathologists to attend conflict resolution sessions with a psychiatrist.
    Their relations improved, but in March 2011, the conflict resumed, and Avera learned
    that Burt would terminate his relationship with St. Luke’s Hospital. In August, Avera
    gave Alexander ninety-day notice it was terminating his contract. To offset the
    departure of its two principal pathologists, Avera entered into contracts with two
    other pathologists, Dr. Thomas Buttolph and Dr. Bari Fritz. Unlike Avera’s prior
    contracts with Alexander and Burt, the Buttolph and Fritz contracts were entitled
    “Physician Employment Agreement[s]” and began by declaring that the “Hospital
    hereby employs the Physician” (emphasis added). The contracts provided that Avera
    would maintain malpractice insurance for Buttolph and Fritz; provide them with
    benefits including health insurance, retirement plans, and license-fee allowances; and
    withhold income and FICA taxes from their bi-weekly paychecks. In return, Buttolph
    and Fritz agreed to work a specified number of hours per week, not compete with the
    hospital during the terms of their employment and for two years thereafter, and not
    practice medicine outside the hospital without Avera’s permission. Alexander’s
    contracts contained none of these provisions.
    II. Discussion
    Alexander appeals the dismissal of his statutory claims that Avera violated his
    rights under the ADA, ADEA, FMLA, and SDHRA. Each of these statutes limits its
    protections to “employees.” Independent contractors are not covered. The key
    question on appeal, therefore, is whether Alexander in performing professional
    services under the 2008 Pathology Services Agreement was working as Avera’s
    employee or as an independent contractor. Although we conclude the answer is the
    same under each of these statutes, the last two require a somewhat different analysis.
    A. The ADA and ADEA Claims. The ADA and the ADEA define an
    “employee” as an individual employed by an employer. 42 U.S.C. § 12111(4); 29
    U.S.C. § 630(f). In Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co. v. Darden, 
    503 U.S. 318
    , 323 (1992),
    the Supreme Court again considered the meaning of the statutory term “employee”
    when Congress has provided a “completely circular” definition that “explains
    nothing.” Reversing a Fourth Circuit decision based upon “the declared policy and
    purposes” of the statute in issue, there ERISA, the Court reaffirmed a “well-
    established” principle: “when Congress has used the term ‘employee’ without
    defining it . . . Congress intended to describe the conventional master-servant
    relationship as understood by common-law agency doctrine.” 
    Id. at 321,
    (quotation omitted).
    We have consistently applied this principle in determining whether a plaintiff
    asserting claims under the ADA or the ADEA was a protected employee, or an
    unprotected independent contractor. See Ernster v. Luxco, Inc., 
    596 F.3d 1000
    , 1004
    (8th Cir. 2010), and cases cited. In weighing a nonexhaustive list of relevant
    common-law factors the Supreme Court derived from the Restatement (Second) of
    Agency § 220(2) (1958) in Darden, 503 U.S. at 323-24,2 “all of the incidents of the
    relationship must be assessed and weighed with no one factor being decisive.”
    Lerohl, 322 F.3d at 489
    , quoting 
    Darden, 503 U.S. at 324
    . “The district court may
    properly consider economic aspects of the parties’ relationship.” Wojewski v. Rapid
    City Reg’l Hosp., Inc., 
    450 F.3d 338
    , 343 (8th Cir. 2006) (quotation omitted).
    Though the employee/independent contractor issue is fact intensive under Darden, we
    “In determining whether a hired party is an employee under the general
    common law of agency, we consider the hiring party’s right to control the manner and
    means by which the product is accomplished. Among the other factors relevant to
    this inquiry are the skill required; the source of the instrumentalities and tools; the
    location of the work; the duration of the relationship between the parties; whether the
    hiring party has the right to assign additional projects to the hired party; the extent of
    the hired party’s discretion over when and how long to work; the method of payment;
    the hired party’s role in hiring and paying assistants; whether the work is part of the
    regular business of the hiring party; whether the hiring party is in business; the
    provision of employee benefits; and the tax treatment of the hired party.”
    have consistently held that it is an issue of law and therefore “may often be decided
    by the court on a summary judgment record.” 
    Ernster, 596 F.3d at 1006
    Because “the hiring party’s right to control the manner and means by which the
    [work] is accomplished” is central to Darden’s common-law 
    inquiry, 503 U.S. at 323
    we begin our analysis with that factor. Alexander argues that he was subject to
    Avera’s control because he (like every other doctor at the hospital) was required to
    abide by Avera’s bylaws, rules, and regulations, and Avera controlled the means by
    which Alexander performed his services by providing equipment, supplies, and staff,
    and by billing patients. However, this court and several other circuits have held that
    a doctor who has lost staff privileges at a hospital was an independent contractor, not
    a hospital employee. See 
    Wojewski, 450 F.3d at 343
    , and cases cited. As we noted
    in Glascock v. Linn Cnty. Emergency Med., PC, 
    698 F.3d 695
    , 698 (8th Cir. 2012),
    “the issue of control is less useful in the context of emergency room physicians than
    in some other settings because a hospital ‘must assert a degree of conflicting control
    over every doctor’s work . . . to discharge its own professional responsibility to
    patients,’ regardless whether the physician is an employee or independent contractor,”
    quoting Cilecek v. Inova Health Sys. Servs., 
    115 F.3d 256
    , 260 (4th Cir. 1997), cert.
    522 U.S. 1049
    In this case, the parties agreed Avera would have no right to control the
    specific manner in which Alexander rendered pathology services. Alexander testified
    that no one from Avera exercised control over his professional services, and that he
    maintained complete freedom to set his schedule and determine the manner of his
    performance, including the hiring of substitute pathologists at his own expense, so
    long as he provided the services required by the 2008 Agreement. Alexander
    explicitly agreed in each contract that he was an independent contractor, as is typical
    in hospital/staff physician relationships. Thus, this factor supports the district court’s
    conclusion that Alexander was an independent contractor. Cf. Lerohl, 322 F.3d at
    490 (symphony musicians are not employees simply because they are always subject
    to the conductor’s “control” at rehearsals and concerts).
    Consideration of the other Darden common-law factors further supports this
    conclusion. Especially indicative of an independent-contractor relationship are that
    Alexander was not provided with benefits or malpractice insurance, Avera did not
    withhold income and FICA taxes from Alexander’s monthly compensation and
    reported his income on a Form 1099, and Alexander reported his compensation as the
    income of a self-employed independent contractor. See 
    Lerohl, 322 F.3d at 492
    . By
    contrast, Avera withheld taxes from its payments to employee-physicians such as Dr.
    Buttolph and Dr. Fritz, and reported those payments on W-2 forms.
    Other facts strongly suggest an independent-contractor relationship:
    Alexander, unlike Buttolph and Fritz, had the contractual right to hire substitute
    pathologists and assistants at his own expense (including his wife), had no weekly
    hours requirement, was never assigned duties not specified in his contract, held other
    medical employment during much of his time at Avera, and was never bound by a
    non-compete agreement. These facts demonstrate that Alexander retained substantial
    “freedom of choice” in determining the extent to which he committed his available
    professional time to St. Luke’s Hospital, though his commitment was certainly more
    substantial than the musicians made in 
    Lerohl, 322 F.3d at 491-92
    The remaining factors cited in Darden are inconclusive or of little relevance.
    The level of skill required, location of the work, and source of equipment and staff
    are not indicative of employee status because all hospital medical staff are skilled and
    must work inside the hospital using its equipment. “When a physician shows up to
    work in today’s world -- either as an independent contractor or a full-fledged
    employee -- he no longer is likely to carry all relevant medical instruments in a black
    satchel. Instead, it is expected that he will make full use of the hospital’s physical
    facilities during the course of his service.” Tsosie v. United States, 
    452 F.3d 1161
    1164 (10th Cir. 2006). Similarly, that Avera is a non-profit “business” and that
    pathology services are a regular part of that business do little to illuminate this issue
    because the services of hospital medical staff -- regardless of employment status --
    are part of the business of the hospital at which those services are performed.
    Having carefully reviewed the summary judgment record, we conclude that the
    balance of common-law Darden factors as applied by this court tilts heavily towards
    the district court’s determination that Alexander was an independent contractor of St.
    Luke’s Hospital under his 2008 Pathology Services Agreement. Accordingly, the
    district court did not err in granting summary judgment dismissing Alexander’s ADA
    and ADEA claims.
    B. The FMLA Claim. Congress in the FMLA adopted by cross-reference the
    definition of “employee” in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) -- “any individual
    employed by an employer” -- which is the same “circular definition” considered in
    Darden. 29 U.S.C. §§ 2611(3), 203(e)(1). However, the cross-reference to the FLSA
    also adopted that statute’s definition of “employ” -- “to suffer or permit to work.” 
    Id. §§ 2611(3),
    203(g). The “striking breadth” of this latter FLSA definition “stretches
    the meaning of ‘employee’ to cover some parties who might not qualify as such under
    a strict application of traditional agency law principles.” 
    Darden, 503 U.S. at 326
    In prior cases, the Supreme Court construed this broad FLSA definition as meaning
    that “employees are those who as a matter of economic reality are dependent upon the
    business to which they render service.” Bartels v. Birmingham, 
    332 U.S. 126
    , 130
    (1947). Alexander argues that his FMLA claim should be governed by a six-factor
    “economic realities” test, rather than the common-law agency principle of Darden.
    This is a question of first impression for this court, and one that is largely unexplored
    by our sister circuits.
    The FMLA’s cross-reference to the FLSA in defining a protected “employee”
    was no accident. As the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee explained:
    The [FMLA] accommodates the important societal interest in
    assisting families, by establishing a minimum labor standard for leave.
    The bill is based on the same principle as the child labor laws, the
    minimum wage . . . and other labor laws that establish minimum
    standards for employment.
    S. Rep. No. 103-3, at 4 (1993), reprinted in 1993-2 U.S.C.C.A.N. 3, 6-7. But simply
    applying to Alexander’s FMLA claim an “economic realities” test developed in cases
    that involved FLSA minimum wage or maximum hours claims is not appropriate. In
    the first place, Dr. Alexander’s work in a “professional capacity” was totally exempt
    from the FLSA’s minimum standards. See 29 U.S.C. § 213(a)(1).
    More importantly, prior to the Supreme Court’s decision in Darden, “nearly
    every appellate court . . . applied a test described as a hybrid of the common-law test
    and the economic realities test.” Wilde v. Cnty. of Kandiyohi, 
    15 F.3d 103
    , 105 (8th
    Cir. 1994). In Wilde, we saw “no significant difference between the hybrid test and
    the common-law test articulated by the Supreme Court in Darden.” 
    Id. at 106.
    have continued to apply that hybrid test in resolving employee/independent contractor
    issues under statutes that adopted the “circular definition” at issue in Darden. See,
    Glascock, 698 F.3d at 698
    (Title VII); 
    Wojewski, 450 F.3d at 343
    Lerohl, 322 F.3d at 489
    . Therefore, we conclude that the hybrid test we apply in
    determining whether plaintiff is an “employee” under statutes governed by Darden
    -- a test that expressly takes into account “economic realities” -- is the appropriate test
    to apply in construing the term “employee” in the FMLA.3
    In Haybarger v. Lawrence Cnty. Adult Prob. and Parole, 
    667 F.3d 408
    , 417-18
    (3d Cir. 2012), the Third Circuit with little analysis applied an “economic reality” test
    in determining whether a public employee’s supervisor was an “employer” who could
    be individually liable under the FMLA. We express no view as to the standard for
    determining a supervisor’s individual liability, which is not an issue in this case.
    As we have explained, Alexander was an independent contractor, not an
    employee, under the common-law standard of Darden, taking into account economic
    realities such as Alexander’s freedom to use his fixed contractual compensation to
    hire substitute pathologists and assistants, his responsibility to pay his professional
    licensing and malpractice insurance expenses, and the economic independence
    reflected on his tax returns. Focusing more directly on the “economic realities”
    underlying the FMLA, Congress considered this a statute establishing minimum labor
    standards for unpaid leave. Dr. Alexander’s 2008 Pathology Services Agreement
    more than met the FMLA’s minimum standard. It provided him unlimited freedom
    to hire -- at his expense -- “a qualified and competent substitute pathologist” if he was
    “unable to provide necessary services to St. Luke’s for a period beyond thirty-five
    (35) days during a calendar year” for any reason. Thus, the conclusion that Alexander
    was an independent contractor rather than an employee does no violence to the
    “economic realities” underlying the FMLA.
    We thus conclude that the district court correctly granted summary judgment
    dismissing Alexander’s FMLA claim.
    C. The SDHRA Claim. Count III of Alexander’s complaint alleged that
    Avera, with knowledge of his disabilities, discharged him in violation of the SDHRA,
    which declares it to be “an unfair or discriminatory practice for any person, because
    of . . . disability . . . to discharge an employee.” S.D. Codified Laws § 20-13-10.
    There are few South Dakota reported cases applying this statute.
    The first question is whether Alexander was an “employee” for purposes of
    § 20-13-10. The SDHRA provides explicit guidance on this question, defining an
    “employee” as “any person who performs services for any employer for
    compensation, whether in the form of wages, salary, commission, or otherwise.” S.D.
    Codified Laws § 20-13-1(6). On appeal, the parties completely ignore this statute,
    instead urging us to apply the distinct definitions of “employee” in SDCL § 60-1-1,
    part of the Labor and Employment Title, or SDCL § 62-1-3, part of the Workers’
    Compensation Title, or the definition of an exempt “independent contractor” in SDCL
    § 61-1-11, part of the Unemployment Compensation Title. Although the Supreme
    Court of South Dakota has not addressed the question, we predict it would reject
    these contentions and consider the meaning of “employee” as defined in the SDHRA
    a distinct question, to be answered in the context of that employment discrimination
    statute, drawing guidance from prior cases and authorities distinguishing employees
    and independent contractors in other common law and statutory contexts.
    The second question is whether the SDHRA protects employees but not
    independent contractors, like the federal statutes we have considered. In interpreting
    the SDHRA, the South Dakota Supreme Court has followed federal court decisions
    construing analogous federal anti-discrimination statutes. See Huck v. McCain
    479 N.W.2d 167
    , 169-70 (S.D. 1991). Consequently, we predict the Supreme
    Court of South Dakota would conclude that § 20-13-10 does not apply to independent
    contractors, just as we predicted the Supreme Court of North Dakota would apply its
    analogous anti-discrimination statute in Birchem v. Knights of Columbus, 
    116 F.3d 310
    , 314 (8th Cir. 1997). Alexander does not argue on appeal that § 20-13-10
    protects independent contractors, only that he was Avera’s employee.
    The third question is what standard the Supreme Court of South Dakota would
    apply in determining whether Alexander was an employee or an independent
    contractor for purposes of § 20-13-10. We consider this question more uncertain
    because there are various formulations of the standard in prior South Dakota cases
    that raised the question in different contexts. But a common theme of those cases was
    an emphasis on the control factor, both in common law tort cases where the issue was
    critical to liability, such as Halverson v. Sonotone Corp., 
    27 N.W.2d 596
    , 598-99
    (S.D. 1947), and in cases where the issue was critical to a statutory workers’
    compensation or unemployment insurance claim, such as Egemo v. Flores, 
    470 N.W.2d 817
    , 821-22 (S.D. 1991).
    In evaluating the control factor, the Supreme Court of South Dakota has more
    than once looked to the Restatement (Second) of Agency for guidance. See Buisker
    v. Thuringer, 
    648 N.W.2d 817
    , 820 (S.D. 2002) (consulting § 225 on a “gratuitous
    employee” issue); Steen v. Potts, 
    61 N.W.2d 825
    , 827 (S.D. 1953) (consulting § 220
    on a common law contract issue). In Darden, the Supreme Court looked to the
    Restatement and common-law principles in deciding the employee/independent
    contractor issue, emphasizing “the hiring party’s right to control the manner and
    means by which the product is 
    accomplished.” 503 U.S. at 323
    . Bearing in mind the
    desirability of construing federal and state anti-discrimination statutes in harmony,
    and the fact that the Darden common-law test is consistent with the control factor
    emphasized by the Supreme Court of South Dakota in other contexts, we predict that
    Court would apply the Darden test -- perhaps with the “economic realities”
    supplement we apply -- in determining whether Alexander was a protected employee,
    or an independent contractor not covered by the SDHRA.
    The final question is whether the Supreme Court of South Dakota would decide
    that this question is one of fact for a jury, or a question of law, as federal courts have
    ruled in applying federal anti-discrimination statutes. This is by no means an easy
    question. See 
    Ernster, 596 F.3d at 1005-07
    . But it is a question we need not decide
    in this case because, for the reasons explained in Part II.A. of this opinion, we
    conclude that no reasonable jury could find that Alexander was an employee of Avera
    for purposes of § 20-13-10, and therefore the district court properly granted summary
    judgment dismissing the SDHRA claim. We further conclude that summary judgment
    was proper applying the somewhat different two-factor test applied in 
    Egemo, 470 N.W.2d at 821
    The judgment of the district court is affirmed.