Gerakl Pavlovich Chakhov v. Loretta E. Lynch , 837 F.3d 843 ( 2016 )

  •                  United States Court of Appeals
    For the Eighth Circuit
    No. 15-1673
    Gerakl Pavlovich Chakhov
    Loretta E. Lynch, Attorney General of the United States
    Petition for Review of an Order of the
    Board of Immigration Appeals
    Submitted: May 16, 2016
    Filed: September 14, 2016
    Before RILEY, Chief Judge, COLLOTON and KELLY, Circuit Judges.
    RILEY, Chief Judge.
    Gerakl Pavlovich Chakhov petitions for review of an order of the Board of
    Immigration Appeals (Board or BIA) affirming an immigration judge’s (IJ) denial of
    his application for asylum, withholding of removal, and protection under the
    Convention Against Torture (CAT). We deny the petition for review.
    Russian national Chakhov entered the United States in September 2007 as a
    nonimmigrant visitor with authorization to remain in the United States until March
    2008. Approximately one month after entering the United States, Chakhov applied
    for asylum, withholding of removal, and CAT protection by submitting a Form I-589
    to the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS). See 8 U.S.C.
    § 1158(b)(1)(A); 8 C.F.R. § 1208.16(c). Chakhov, who was born in Georgia in 1964
    and is of Greek and Russian descent, asserted he was afraid to return to Russia
    because he feared he would be subject to persecution by “skinhead-fascists” based on
    his non-Russian appearance.
    On June 23, 2008, an asylum officer found Chakhov ineligible for asylum,
    determining the inconsistencies between Chakhov’s interview with the officer and his
    application for asylum undermined his credibility in material respects. DHS initiated
    removal proceedings against Chakhov in July 2008, ordering Chakhov to appear in
    immigration court. At the initial hearing before an IJ on February 12, 2009, Chakhov
    admitted to the DHS’s factual allegations, conceded removability, and indicated he
    would pursue his applications for asylum, withholding of removal, and CAT relief.
    When Chakhov appeared before the IJ at another preliminary hearing in April
    2010, he made 22 corrections to his Form I-589 and informed the IJ he wished to
    provide additional examples of mistreatment he suffered. The IJ told Chakhov he
    should submit documents proving his ethnicity and medical records, and Chakhov,
    through a Russian-language interpreter, told the IJ the medical records “exist
    somewhere but nobody is going to give then [sic] to me.” Chakhov later submitted
    a supplemental affidavit dated June 16, 2010, that provided additional incidents of
    discrimination and abuse.
    The hearing was continued until January 4, 2011. Chakhov, again testifying
    by way of interpreter, described the discrimination he and his Russian-speaking
    family experienced while growing up in the nation of Georgia in the 1970s. Chakhov
    said that in seventh grade he got into a fight with a classmate who had called
    Chakhov, “Russian bigot,” and the classmate broke Chakhov’s nose. In 1979,
    Chakhov moved to St. Petersburg and attended a medical technical college. After
    graduation, Chakhov was drafted into the Soviet Union Army, where he served from
    1982 to 1984. Chakhov testified that in 1982, another soldier “lured [him] into a
    closed room” to “put [him] on [his] knees,” but when Chakhov refused, the soldier
    started throwing logs from a furnace woodpile at Chakhov.
    After finishing his military service, Chakhov eventually began working for the
    St. Petersburg police department, continuing for twelve and a half years. Chakhov
    claimed that while living in St. Petersburg, he was harmed and targeted because of
    his ethnicity. According to Chakhov, people were able to tell he was from Georgia
    due to his dark hair, crooked nose, and facial features that are supposedly distinctive
    to people from Georgia or the “southern Republics.” For instance, Chakhov reported
    two men in 19881 “took [him] for somebody from Caucasus” and told him, “hey you,
    a black guy” and started beating him. Chakhov said in June 1990, he was approached
    on his way to work when someone yelled “hey you the black guy” and attacked and
    beat him, resulting in a concussion and kidney injury requiring Chakhov to spend one
    month in the hospital recovering from his injuries. Chakhov also described that in
    November of 1998 he was attacked by four people with leather jackets, boots, and
    shaved heads—one carried a baseball bat. Chakhov claimed he spent another month
    in the hospital recovering from that attack, which further injured his right kidney.
    Chakhov also testified about a visit to Georgia in 2000. He stated that while
    he was there, his bag was stolen and he was accused of being a Russian spy.
    During his testimony at the hearing, Chakhov initially stated this incident
    occurred in 1980, but later indicated it happened in 1988. In recounting Chakhov’s
    testimony in their briefs, the parties refer to the event as occurring in 1988.
    Chakhov reported that he was detained, interrogated, and hit in the chest and in the
    face by Georgian police. When he returned to Russia, the police “threaten[ed] [him]
    with a machine gun” at the border and “extorted money” from Chakhov in exchange
    for permitting him to return home. Chakhov testified he was “very afraid” to return
    to Russia because of “skinheads,” “fascists,” and, “not to such [a] degree as the
    Nazis[,] . . . police.”
    On May 1, 2013, the IJ issued an order denying Chakhov’s applications and
    ordering his removal. Taking into account “the rationality, internal consistency, and
    inherent persuasiveness” of Chakhov’s claim, the IJ found Chakhov was “not credible
    based on inconsistencies and lack of corroborating evidence to support his claims of
    persecution in Russia.” Chakhov appealed the decision to the Board, and the Board
    dismissed his appeal. Chakhov submitted a petition for review. On March 3, 2014,
    the government moved to remand the case “to clarify . . . to what extent an [IJ] may
    incorporate or weigh an asylum officer’s adverse credibility determination when the
    application is renewed in removal proceedings.” We granted the unopposed motion
    and remanded the order.
    On March 4, 2015, the Board issued its decision again dismissing Chakhov’s
    petition. The Board determined the IJ had not deferred to the asylum officer’s
    credibility determination and concluded the IJ had “independently considered the
    totality of the evidence to conclude that the respondent was not a credible witness.”
    Chakhov timely petitioned for review. See 8 U.S.C. § 1252 (jurisdiction).
    To demonstrate eligibility for asylum, the burden of proof is on the applicant
    to show that he is a refugee, see 
    id. § 1158(b)(1)(B)(i),
    which requires the applicant
    to demonstrate that he “is unable or unwilling to” return to the country of the
    applicant’s nationality “because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution
    on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or
    political opinion,” 
    id. § 1101(42).
    The burden may be satisfied through the
    applicant’s testimony, “but only if the applicant satisfies the trier of fact that the
    applicant’s testimony is credible, is persuasive, and refers to specific facts sufficient
    to demonstrate that the applicant is a refugee.” 
    Id. § 1158(b)(1)(B)(ii).
    evidence may be required to bolster otherwise credible testimony “unless the
    applicant does not have the evidence and cannot reasonably obtain the evidence.” 
    Id. We review
    the Board’s “determination that an alien is not eligible for asylum,
    withholding of removal, or relief under the Convention Against Torture using the
    deferential substantial evidence standard.” Osonowo v. Mukasey, 
    521 F.3d 922
    , 927
    (8th Cir. 2008). “We review the BIA’s decision, as it is the final agency decision;
    however, to the extent that the BIA adopted the findings or the reasoning of the IJ,
    we also review the IJ’s decision as part of the final agency action.” Davila-Mejia v.
    531 F.3d 624
    , 627 (8th Cir. 2008).
    Chakhov argues that the Board and IJ erred in making their credibility
    determination. We afford credibility findings from the IJ “much weight because the
    IJ sees the witness testify and is therefore in the best position to determine his or her
    credibility.” Fofanah v. Gonzales, 
    447 F.3d 1037
    , 1040 (8th Cir. 2006). The IJ “may
    base a credibility determination on the demeanor, candor, or responsiveness of the
    applicant or witness, the inherent plausibility of the applicant’s or witness’s account,
    the consistency” and “internal consistency” of the applicant’s “written and oral
    statements,” “and any inaccuracies or falsehoods in such statements, without regard
    to whether an inconsistency, inaccuracy, or falsehood goes to the heart of the
    applicant’s claim, or any other relevant factor.” 18 U.S.C. § 1158(b)(1)(B)(iii). The
    IJ’s reasoning must “be convincing enough that a reasonable adjudicator would not
    be compelled to reach the contrary conclusion.” Singh v. Gonzales, 
    495 F.3d 553
    558 (8th Cir. 2007).
    Here, the IJ noted several discrepancies between Chakhov’s application for
    asylum, his interview with the asylum officer, and his later testimony. The IJ began
    her credibility discussion by describing the inconsistencies the asylum officer
    reported after reviewing Chakhov’s application, including discrepancies relating to
    whether Chakhov and his wife were ever fired from their jobs due to ethnic
    persecution, the status of Chakhov’s relationship with his wife, his police service,
    living in Georgia, and his non-Slavic appearance.
    Chakhov argues the IJ merely repeated the asylum officer’s findings without
    conducting her own de novo review of his applications. The Board decided “it was
    appropriate for the [IJ] to take note of the statements made to the Asylum Officer by
    the respondent when performing a de novo review of the record.” The IJ did not
    “specifically disavow[] reliance on any credibility findings” contained in the asylum
    officer’s assessment, cf. Krasnopivtsev v. Ashcroft, 
    382 F.3d 832
    , 837 (8th Cir.
    2004), but the IJ did not merely adopt the asylum officer’s findings. The IJ
    considered the record, including all of Chakhov’s previous written and oral
    statements, and, specifically, Chakhov’s testimony before the IJ. See 8 C.F.R.
    § 1003.42(c), (d). The IJ explained that Chakhov only described attacks occurring
    in 1990 and 1998 in his application and supplemental affidavit, but when he testified
    before the IJ, he described additional attacks he suffered in 1982 and 1988. When
    questioned at the hearing why he had not previously disclosed the 1988 attack earlier,
    Chakhov testified he might have thought the 1988 attack was less important because
    his injury was not severe.
    Chakhov admits that, over the course of the proceedings, he “continued to
    provide additional examples of the mistreatment he suffered in the Soviet Union,” but
    argues “‘evolving’ facts” alone do not provide an “adequate basis to find his
    testimony inconsistent” or “undermine the heart of his claim.” But, in assessing an
    applicant’s credibility, an IJ may take into account these types of inconsistencies or
    omissions. Cf. Ntangsi v. Holder, 
    554 F.3d 1142
    , 1147 (8th Cir. 2009)
    (“‘Inconsistencies or omissions in an asylum application that relate to the basis of
    persecution are not minor but are at the heart of the asylum claim.’” (citation omitted)
    (quoting Esaka v. Ashcroft, 
    397 F.3d 1105
    , 1110 (8th Cir. 2005))). We agree with
    the Board that these inconsistencies “touch on the circumstances of [Chakhov’s]
    persecution” and are “material to his application for asylum.” Furthermore,
    Chakhov’s explanation that “[i]n hindsight” he would have included these prior
    accounts if he had understood the REAL ID Act does not excuse his evolving claim.
    See REAL ID Act of 2005, Pub. L. No. 109-13; cf. Purwantono v. Gonzales, 
    498 F.3d 822
    , 824 (8th Cir. 2007).
    Chakhov contends the IJ clearly erred by questioning his father’s background
    and “[s]uggesting that this issue bears negatively on [his own] credibility.” The IJ
    questioned Chakhov’s account of his father’s nationality, explaining she was
    “uncertain whether [Chakhov]’s father was a citizen or national of Greece or was
    merely of Greek descent,” but did not question Chakhov’s own descent or nationality.
    The Board “agree[d] with the [IJ] that the noted inconsistencies and omissions make
    it difficult to know what to believe regarding these claims.” Given the IJ’s broad
    discretion to weigh “all relevant factors” under the totality of the circumstances when
    making a credibility determination, we cannot say taking into account this unresolved
    discrepancy was unreasonable. See 8 U.S.C. § 1158(b)(1)(B)(iii).
    Chakhov also challenges the IJ’s finding that he provided insufficient
    corroborating evidence. Chakhov maintains the IJ erred by requiring Chakhov to
    obtain corroborating evidence when it was unreasonable to do so and by failing to
    explain why she rejected his proffered reason for the unavailability. See, e.g.,
    Khrystotodorov v. Mukasey, 
    551 F.3d 775
    , 782 (8th Cir. 2008) (“A denial of asylum
    based on a lack of corroboration must include an explicit ruling on the applicant’s
    credibility, an explanation of why it is reasonable to expect additional corroboration,
    or an assessment of the sufficiency of the explanations for the absence of
    corroborating evidence.”); see also Eta-Ndu v. Gonzales, 
    411 F.3d 977
    , 984 (8th Cir.
    To corroborate his claims, Chakhov provided a medical report from Russia
    showing he was hospitalized from June 18, 1990, through July 17, 1990. According
    to the IJ, the report did not explain why Chakhov was being treated, why he was in
    the hospital, or any “account of [his] medical condition during that month.” The IJ
    also seems to have doubted the validity of Chakhov’s efforts to obtain police records
    documenting the attacks against him. Initially, Chakhov stated that even if the police
    had opened a record relating to the 1988 attack in St. Petersburg, “they probably
    closed it right away. And maybe they send it to archives.” Later, when the IJ
    inquired why Chakhov was unable to submit additional documents in support of his
    claims, Chakhov told the IJ he had tried to, but “when [he] realized that nothing
    would come out of it, they would not open the case, they would not persecute [sic]
    any culprits, they would not do anything about it, I just realized that my efforts would
    be just fruitless. And that’s it.” In her written order, the IJ observed that, although
    Chakhov said the effort was “fruitless,” he “did not say why the police department
    would not open his case.” We agree with the Board’s assessment that the IJ did not
    clearly err by finding Chakhov’s explanation of why the records were unavailable was
    insufficient. See 
    Khrystotodorov, 551 F.3d at 783-84
    (affirming the IJ’s decision to
    discount the asylum applicant’s explanation of why providing corroboration was
    impossible); cf., e.g., Liu v. Holder, 
    575 F.3d 193
    , 198 (2d Cir. 2009) (“[W]hile we
    have sometimes remanded a case if the IJ failed to explain his reliance on a lack of
    corroborating evidence, the alien bears the ultimate burden of introducing such
    evidence without prompting from the IJ.”).
    In sum, the IJ identified, and the Board adopted, specific, cogent reasons for
    Chakhov’s adverse credibility finding that were supported by substantial evidence.
    Singh, 495 F.3d at 556
    , 558; Tebyasa v. Holder, 
    593 F.3d 707
    , 711 (8th Cir.
    2010) (upholding an adverse credibility finding where “numerous inconsistencies,
    some going to the heart of the claim, provide a specific, cogent reason to disbelieve
    [the applicant’s] claim of persecution”). As Chakhov’s applications for asylum,
    withholding of removal, and relief under the CAT “‘were based upon the same
    discredited testimony,’” his other claims for relief also fail. See Singh v. Lynch, 
    803 F.3d 988
    , 993 (8th Cir. 2015) (quoting 
    Fofanah, 447 F.3d at 1040
    ); see also
    Khrystotodorov, 551 F.3d at 781-82
    (discussing the different and more stringent
    standards of proof that apply to claims for withholding of removal and CAT relief).
    For all of these reasons, we deny the petition for review.