Michael Sullivan v. Endeavor Air, Inc. , 856 F.3d 533 ( 2017 )

  •                 United States Court of Appeals
    For the Eighth Circuit
    No. 16-1653
    Michael Sullivan
    lllllllllllllllllllllPetitioner - Appellant
    Endeavor Air, Inc., formerly known as Pinnacle Airlines, Inc., formerly known as
    Express Airlines, Inc., formerly known as NWA Airlink
    lllllllllllllllllllll Defendant - Appellee
    Appeal from United States District Court
    for the District of Minnesota - Minneapolis
    Submitted: March 8, 2017
    Filed: May 8, 2017
    Before BENTON, BEAM, and MURPHY, Circuit Judges.
    BENTON, Circuit Judge.
    Michael Sullivan appeals the district court’s1 denial of his Amended Petition
    to Vacate Arbitration Award. Having jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    , this court
    The petition seeks to vacate an arbitration award issued by a System Board of
    Adjustment pursuant to the Railway Labor Act, 
    45 U.S.C. § 151
    , et seq. The RLA
    states: “If any employee . . . is aggrieved by any of the terms of an award . . . then
    such employee . . . may file in any United States district court . . . a petition for review
    . . . . On such review, the findings and order [of the Board] shall be conclusive on the
    parties . . . .” 
    45 U.S.C. § 153
    (q). See United Paperworkers Int’l Union, AFL-CIO
    v. Misco, Inc., 
    484 U.S. 29
    , 37-38 (1987) (“Because the parties have contracted to
    have disputes settled by an arbitrator chosen by them rather than by a judge, it is the
    arbitrator’s view of the facts and of the meaning of the contract that they have agreed
    to accept. Courts thus do not sit to hear claims of factual or legal error by an
    arbitrator . . . . To resolve disputes about the application of a collective-bargaining
    agreement, an arbitrator must find facts and a court may not reject those findings
    simply because it disagrees with them.”); Hunt v. Northwest Air., Inc., 
    600 F.2d 176
    179 (8th Cir.) (decisions of airline boards under section 184 have the same legal
    characteristics and effect as those of the railroad board under section 153), cert.
    444 U.S. 946
     (1979). Although Sullivan disputes some of the facts set forth
    in the award, they are “conclusive,” and are the basis for the following facts.
    Sullivan was a pilot for a predecessor to Endeavor Air, Inc. from 2001 until his
    termination in December 2006. Endeavor’s pilots are represented by the Air Line
    The Honorable Susan R. Nelson, United States District Judge for the District
    of Minnesota.
    Pilots Association, International. The ALPA and Endeavor have a collective
    bargaining agreement (CBA).
    Before 2006, Sullivan received “nondisciplinary counselings about such things
    as being late for a flight, trying to change out times to avoid a recorded late departure,
    and appearance.” He was never disciplined formally. On October 17, 2006,
    Endeavor issued him two “Written Letters of Warning,” for missing a flight and
    failing to keep certifications current. He did not grieve either warning; pursuant to
    the CBA, they became binding. Two weeks later, Endeavor disciplined him for
    violating company dress code and arriving late to a flight. It scheduled a meeting to
    discuss these violations. He missed the meeting, but the parties met the next day.
    On November 29, Endeavor gave Sullivan a “Final Written Letter of Warning”
    about his “overall duty performance,” including:
    duty performance, poor decision-making causing delayed flights, late
    arrival to the aircraft for showtime, inappropriate use of the ACARS
    system, failure to remain contactable, failure to report for meetings with
    company management, unprofessionalism, and substandard uniform
    The letter stated his appearance and conduct had “fallen below the standards expected
    of you” and cautioned that “any further infractions against company policies and
    procedures will result in additional disciplinary action up to and including
    termination.” He again did not grieve the warning. It became binding.
    On December 10, Sullivan made at least two sexually explicit comments to a
    female flight attendant. On December 11, he showed up late for a flight. Two weeks
    later, Endeavor fired him. In the termination letter, Endeavor cited his late arrival to
    the December 11 flight and inappropriate comments to the flight attendant in
    violation of the company’s anti-harassment policy.2
    Sullivan grieved his termination to a three-member System Board of
    Adjustment under the CBA. Arguing his termination was without “just cause,” he
    contended: (1) his comments to the flight attendant were not unlawful or violative of
    the anti-harassment policy; (2) his conduct did not warrant termination; and (3)
    Endeavor terminated him in retaliation for complaints he made to the Federal
    Aviation Administration. The Board rejected the claims, finding “just cause to
    terminate him.”
    Sullivan petitioned the district court to vacate the arbitration award for three
    reasons: (1) it violated his due process rights; (2) the Board exceeded its jurisdiction
    by not drawing the essence of the award from the CBA; and (3) the Board improperly
    ignored past practice that requires less serious disciplinary measures. The court
    denied the petition. He appeals.
    This court reviews the district court’s “findings of law de novo and its factual
    findings on a clearly erroneous standard.” Brotherhood of Maint. of Way Emps. v.
    Soo Line R.R., 
    266 F.3d 907
    , 909 (8th Cir. 2001). “Judicial review of a labor-
    arbitration decision . . . is very limited. Courts are not authorized to review the
    arbitrator’s decision on the merits despite allegations that the decision rests on factual
    As the district court recognized, “there was a dispute between the parties about
    exactly when Endeavor decided to terminate Sullivan and which termination letter it
    sent him. The portion of the termination letters addressing Sullivan’s remarks to the
    flight attendant ‘differ in potentially significant ways.’ However, as discussed below,
    the [Board] ultimately found this discrepancy immaterial to deciding Sullivan’s
    errors or misinterprets the parties’ agreement.” 
     quoting Major League Baseball
    Players Ass’n v. Garvey, 
    532 U.S. 504
    , 509 (2001).
    Under the Railway Labor Act, “a Board’s decision may be set aside only for
    (1) failure to comply with RLA requirements, (2) failure to confine itself to matters
    within its jurisdiction, or (3) fraud or corruption by a Board member.” Goff v.
    Dakota, Minn. & E. R.R. Corp., 
    276 F.3d 992
    , 996 (8th Cir. 2002), citing 
    45 U.S.C. § 153
     First (q); Union Pac. R.R. Co. v. Sheehan, 
    439 U.S. 89
    , 93 (1978). See Ozark
    Air Lines, Inc. v. Air Line Pilots Ass’n, Int’l, 
    744 F.2d 1347
    , 1350 (8th Cir. 1984)
    (applying standard to decision of airline system board). “In addition to the statutorily
    created parameters of review, courts have recognized that . . . arbitration decisions are
    reviewable for possible due process violations,” Goff, 
    276 F.3d at 997
    , and violations
    of “well-defined and dominant public policies.” Union Pac. R.R. Co. v. United
    Transp. Union, 
    3 F.3d 255
    , 258 (8th Cir. 1993).
    Sullivan claims a violation of “industrial due process,” arguing “[t]he Award
    allows Endeavor to terminate Sullivan without proper notice as to the quality of
    conduct for which he could be subject to termination.” Although “arbitration
    decisions are reviewable for possible due process violations,” review is limited to the
    procedural due process afforded by the arbitration itself, not alleged due process in
    the underlying action challenged. Goff, 
    276 F.3d at 997
     (holding “due process
    requires that: (1) the Board be presented with a ‘full statement of the facts and all
    supporting data bearing upon the disputes,’ . . . and (2) the ‘[p]arties may be heard
    either in person, by counsel, or by other representatives . . . and the . . . Board shall
    give due notice of all hearings to the employee’”), quoting 
    45 U.S.C. § 153
     First (i),
    (j) (citation omitted). Sullivan does not allege any procedural deficiencies in the
    arbitration process. His procedural due process claim is without merit.
    Alternatively, Sullivan says the award violates public policy because the
    “[p]rovision of due process to airline employees is a dominant and well-defined part
    of public policy.” Courts may vacate arbitration awards that violate “well-defined
    and dominant” public policies only if those policies “can be ascertained by reference
    to the laws and legal precedents and not from general considerations of supposed
    public interests.” United Transp. Union, 
    3 F.3d at 258, 260-261
    , quoting W.R.
    Grace & Co. v. Local Union 759, Int’l Union of United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum &
    Plastic Workers of Am., 
    461 U.S. 757
    , 766 (1983) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Sullivan does not explain how the award violates public policy. Rather, he
    contends the award affirms an action (his termination) that violates public policy (his
    due process rights). But this is not a valid reason to set aside an award. See generally
    id. at 261 (holding that reinstatement of the grievant, a railroad employee terminated
    for drug and alcohol use, violated the “well-defined and dominant public policy
    against a railroad’s employment of individuals whose impaired judgment due to the
    use of drugs or alcohol could seriously threaten public safety” and placed the railroad
    at risk of violating the Federal Railroad Administration regulations). Instead, it is an
    improper attempt to have this court decide the merits of the Board’s decision. See
    Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers Local Union No. 878 v. Coca-Cola Bottling
    613 F.2d 716
    , 717 (8th Cir. 1980) (“It is not within the scope of [this court’s]
    review to pass upon the merits of a grievance.”), quoting Kewanee Mach. v. Local
    U. No. 21, Int’l Bro., 
    593 F.2d 314
    , 316-317 (8th Cir. 1979). Courts are not “free to
    overturn any award with which they disagree.” United Transp. Union, 
    3 F.3d at 260
    As the district court said, “it was the province of the [Board] to decide whether
    Sullivan’s termination was conducted with the necessary procedural due process,”
    and “the [Board] concluded that no violation occurred.” See generally Chauffeurs,
    613 F.2d at 720-21
     (upholding an arbitration award reinstating an employee because
    the arbitrator concluded that the lack of due process in the investigation meant that
    the employer did not have “just cause” to terminate). Sullivan’s disagreement with
    the Board’s determination that Endeavor did not violate his due process rights is not
    a reason to reverse the award. 
    Id. at 720
     (“While our interpretation of ‘just cause’
    may differ from that of the arbitrator in this case, such disagreement is irrelevant to
    our review. We are not to review the merits.”).
    Sullivan believes “the Award exceeded its jurisdiction and fails to draw its
    essence from the contract at issue because it fails to apply the plain policy language
    on which the termination was based.” Stated differently, he thinks Endeavor’s anti-
    harassment policy prohibits only unlawful harassment, making his comments to the
    flight attendant outside its scope.3
    A Board award is “enforceable as within the scope of the board’s jurisdiction
    unless the award is ‘without foundation in reason or fact.’” International Ass’n of
    Machinists & Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO v. Northwest Air., Inc., 
    858 F.2d 427
    430 (8th Cir. 1988), quoting Brotherhood of Ry., Airline & S.S. Clerks v. Kansas
    City Terminal Ry. Co., 
    587 F.2d 903
    , 906 (8th Cir. 1978). “To merit judicial
    enforcement, an award must have a basis that is at least rationally inferable, if not
    obviously drawn, from the letter or purpose of the collective bargaining agreement.”
    Kansas City Terminal Ry. Co., 
    587 F.2d at 906
    , quoting Brotherhood of R.R.
    Trainmen v. Central of Ga. Ry. Co., 
    415 F.2d 403
    , 411-12 (5th Cir. 1969). “The test
    of the board’s jurisdiction is not whether [this court] agree[s] with the board’s
    In December 2006, the anti-harassment policy stated that Endeavor
    does not and will not permit employees to engage in unlawful
    discriminatory practices, or harassment based on any factor
    prohibited by law: including sexual harassment. Specifically,
    unlawful harassment whether committed by supervisory or non-
    supervisory personnel, is prohibited as unlawful and against
    stated Company policy. Unlawful harassment involves . . . (c)
    verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature; . . . (e) creating an
    intimidating, offensive or hostile working environment by such
    interpretation of the agreement, but ‘whether the remedy fashioned by the Board is
    rationally explainable as a logical means of furthering the aims of that contract.’”
    International Ass’n of Machinists & Aerospace Workers, 
    858 F.2d at 430
    , quoting
    Kansas City Terminal Ry. Co., 
    587 F.2d at 906-07
    . “Stated another way, the award
    must draw its essence from the collective bargaining agreement.” 
     If it does, “a
    court is bound to enforce the award and is not entitled to review the merits of the
    contract dispute.” W.R. Grace & Co., 
    461 U.S. at 764
    The CBA prohibited Endeavor from disciplining employees without just cause.
    The Board was tasked with determining whether Endeavor terminated Sullivan’s
    employment for just cause. This determination required interpreting the anti-
    harassment policy. The Board said:
    [Sullivan] emphasizes that the Company’s anti-harassment policy
    prohibited only “unlawful harassment.” The implication is that his
    conduct did not on its own meet the judicial standard for Title VII cases.
    Although [Sullivan’s] brief did not cite the relevant case law, judicial
    interpretations of Title VII hold that an employer would be liable for an
    employee’s harassment only if the offensive conduct were “severe or
    pervasive” enough to interfere with an employee’s ability to perform her
    The scope of an employer’s liability under Title VII has nothing to do
    with its right to discipline an employee for offensive conduct that, on its
    own, would not make the employer liable. Applying [Sullivan’s]
    interpretation of the Anti-Harassment policy as prohibiting only
    employee conduct that would make the employer legally liable would
    mean that an employee could not be disciplined for offensive and
    harassing conduct until it crossed some line and became “severe” or
    That is an unrealistic and cramped reading of the Company’s
    Anti-Harassment policy. We find that the use of the term “unlawful” in
    that policy refers to offensive and harassing conduct and words that
    would tend, if tolerated by the employer, [to] create legal problems and
    potential liability. The Company has the right to prohibit all such
    conduct; it has no obligation to let it continue.
    Sullivan disagrees with the Board’s determination that his conduct violated the
    anti-harassment policy, and, therefore, Endeavor had just cause to terminate him.
    However, this court may not review the merits of the Board’s determination. See Gas
    Aggregation Servs., Inc. v. Howard Avista Energy, LLC., 
    319 F.3d 1060
    , 1064 (8th
    Cir. 2003). Because the determination is not contrary to the plain language of the
    CBA, this argument has no merit. See Bureau of Engraving, Inc. v. Graphic
    Commc’ns Int’l Union, Local 1B, 
    164 F.3d 427
    , 429 (8th Cir. 1999) (reversing an
    arbitration award where the award was “contrary to the plain language of the
    Sullivan argues the award further fails to draw its essence from the contract by
    allowing Endeavor to “ignore past practice [of progressive discipline] and bypass
    suspension,” moving directly to termination.
    “The essence of the CBA is derived not only from its express provisions, but
    also from the industrial common law.” 
     “The industrial common law includes the
    past practices of the industry and the shop.” 
     Where a CBA’s contractual
    provisions are silent, courts must consider the parties’ intent, which may include past
    Sullivan relies on Bureau of Engraving, Inc. v. Graphic Communications
    International Union, Local 1B, 
    164 F.3d 427
    , 429 (8th Cir. 1999). But here, the CBA
    is not silent on the issue of discipline. It states: “Discipline is defined as a written
    warning, suspension and discharge.” As the Board found, nothing in the CBA
    requires any progression through these disciplinary measures: “The Company might
    have chosen some other form of discipline like a suspension, but nothing in the
    [CBA] required it to do so.”      Still, the Board found Endeavor progressively
    disciplined him:
    On October 17, 2006, it issued [Sullivan] two Written Letters of
    Warning, the first step in the progressive discipline system.
    About two weeks later, on November 29, 2006, the Company issued
    [Sullivan] a Final Written Letter of Warning, the next step in its
    progressive discipline procedure.
    The Board concluded that Sullivan had notice that additional infractions may result
    in termination: “As of December 10, 2006, therefore, he had two Written Letters of
    Warning and one Final Written Letter of Warning. The last letter specifically warned
    that further infractions would result in discipline up to termination.”
    The Board also considered whether termination was an appropriate
    [Sullivan’s] brief suggested that termination was too severe a penalty.
    It might have been too severe if the events of December 10-11 stood
    alone. They do not. They were the culmination of a long series of
    behavioral problems that included repeated informal counselings, two
    letters of warning, and a final letter of warning. . . . In light of his
    overall performance record, we cannot find that termination for those
    events was unjust.
    The Board properly applied the CBA.
    The judgment is affirmed.