Ricky Tillman, Jr. v. BNSF Railway Company ( 2022 )

  •                  United States Court of Appeals
    For the Eighth Circuit
    No. 21-2931
    Ricky Tillman, Jr.
    lllllllllllllllllllllPlaintiff - Appellee
    BNSF Railway Company; Donald Handy
    lllllllllllllllllllllDefendants - Appellants
    Appeal from United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Missouri - Cape Girardeau
    Submitted: January 12, 2022
    Filed: May 12, 2022
    Before LOKEN, GRUENDER, and GRASZ, Circuit Judges.
    LOKEN, Circuit Judge.
    On August 14, 2020, Titusan Townsend and Ricky Tillman, Sr. died when the
    car Townsend was driving collided with a BNSF Railway Company train in Hayti,
    Missouri. Ricky Tillman, Jr. filed a wrongful death suit in Missouri state court
    against BNSF, train operator Donald Handy, and Townsend. BNSF removed to
    federal court based on diversity jurisdiction. See 
    28 U.S.C. §§ 1332
    (a), 1441(b).
    Tillman filed a motion to remand, and discovery commenced that included separate
    counsel for defendant Townsend’s guardian ad litem and for his family. After the
    guardian consented to federal jurisdiction, the district court denied Tillman’s motion
    to remand on March 5, 2021.
    On April 7, Townsend’s widow filed a wrongful death suit against the City of
    Hayti and Donald Handy in state court. On April 15, Tillman and his sister filed a
    wrongful death suit against the City in state court, and a motion to consolidate that
    action with Townsend’s. On April 27, Tillman moved to voluntarily dismiss this case
    without prejudice, citing his desire to pursue these claims in state court to eliminate
    potential duplication of evidence and inconsistent verdicts. Because BNSF had
    answered the Complaint, dismissal required a “court order, on terms that the court
    considers proper.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(2). BNSF opposed the motion, arguing
    improper forum shopping and prejudice to the defendants.
    The state court granted Tillman’s motion to consolidate on June 16, 2021. The
    district court1 granted the motion for voluntary dismissal without prejudice on July
    21. Noting the complexity of parallel lawsuits and the risk of inconsistent verdicts,
    the court concluded that a single action in state court “will best allow for efficient use
    of judicial resources that this Court cannot ignore.” BNSF appeals, arguing (i) the
    court erred when it “failed to address [Tillman’s] purpose in seeking to voluntarily
    dismiss,” Thatcher v. Hanover Ins. Grp., Inc., 
    659 F.3d 1212
    , 1214 (8th Cir. 2011);
    and (ii) abused its discretion in dismissing without prejudice because Tillman
    requested voluntary dismissal “merely to seek a more favorable forum,” and “the
    presence of improper forum shopping . . . is fatal to a voluntary dismissal without
    prejudice.” BNSF urges us to remand with directions to deny the voluntary motion
    to dismiss. Finding no abuse of discretion, we affirm.
    The Honorable Stephen N. Limbaugh, Jr., United States District Judge for the
    Eastern District of Missouri.
    I. The Forum Shopping Issue
    A. When ruling on a Rule 41(a)(2) motion, district courts must consider
    “whether the party has presented a proper explanation for its desire to dismiss;
    whether a dismissal would result in a waste of judicial time and effort; and whether
    a dismissal will prejudice the defendants.” Donner v. Alcoa, Inc., 
    709 F.3d 694
    , 697
    (8th Cir. 2013), quoting Hamm v. Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Pharms., Inc., 
    187 F.3d 941
    950 (8th Cir. 1999), cert. denied, 
    528 U.S. 1117
     (2000). We will refer to these as “the
    Hamm factors.” In Thatcher, a class action plaintiff sought voluntary dismissal
    without prejudice so he could file an amended complaint in state court that would
    avoid removal under the Class Action Fairness Act (“CAFA”), 
    28 U.S.C. § 1332
    Although other Hamm factors weighed in favor of dismissal, we concluded the
    district court abused its discretion in granting voluntary dismissal “without first
    addressing whether the motion was an improper forum-shopping measure.” 
    659 F.3d at 1215
    . Here, BNSF argues the district court failed to consider Tillman’s forum
    shopping motive in granting his motion to dismiss without prejudice.
    We agree a district court is obligated to “address the plaintiff’s purported
    reason for the voluntary motion to dismiss” and determine whether the stated purpose
    is proper. Blaes v. Johnson & Johnson, 
    858 F.3d 508
    , 514-15 (8th Cir. 2017).
    Failure to explain why voluntary dismissal is being sought and to advise what claims
    may be filed in a new action often justifies denying a motion to dismiss without
    prejudice. See Paulucci v. City of Duluth, 
    826 F.2d 780
    , 783 (8th Cir. 1987); Beavers
    v. Bretherick, 227 F. App’x 518, 522 (8th Cir. 2007); cf. Graham v. Mentor
    Worldwide LLC, 
    998 F.3d 800
    , 805 (8th Cir. 2021). However, if the plaintiff states
    a proper justification and the court concludes that the relevant Rule 41(a)(2) factors
    support voluntary dismissal without prejudice, there is no reversible error if the
    district court grants the motion without explicitly addressing the “forum shopping”
    issue. See Blaes, 858 F.3d at 515. In Blaes, the plaintiff explained in his reply brief
    that he was seeking to refile his products liability action in state court and consolidate
    it with multiple pending actions. Id. at 512. The district court concluded the “reason
    was proper, would not waste judicial time and effort, and would not prejudice
    defendants.” Id. at 514. We affirmed, observing the district court “implicitly rejected
    defendants’ argument that Blaes was forum shopping.” Id. at 515.
    Here, Tillman’s Memorandum supporting his motion for voluntary dismissal
    without prejudice set forth the proper standard; explained that two actions arising out
    of the same crash were pending in state court and were not removable; and argued
    that judicial economy and the interests of justice would be served by dismissing the
    case without prejudice so it can be refiled and consolidated with the state court cases.
    In granting the motion, the district court agreed, rejecting BNSF’s contention that
    Tillman manufactured the situation by not adding the City of Hayti as a federal
    defendant. The court explained, “the other related case involving defendant
    Townsend’s widow . . . must still be litigated separately in state court,” and “Tillman
    also brings a claim against the deceased Townsend.” In response to BNSF’s
    argument based on Thatcher -- “that plaintiff should not be permitted to forum-shop
    even if the factors otherwise weigh in favor of dismissal” -- the court stated that
    Thatcher did not involve a situation “in which a parallel and unremovable state-court
    case presents the risk of inconsistent verdicts.”
    BNSF argues this statement demonstrates the court chose not to consider forum
    shopping. What nonsense. The court was distinguishing Thatcher, not foregoing
    analysis of the forum shopping issue. The plaintiff in Thatcher offered no
    justification for dismissal without prejudice other than a desire to escape federal
    jurisdiction. Tillman’s reasons for voluntary dismissal -- to avoid multiplicitous
    litigation and the risk of inconsistent verdicts -- like the trial efficiency reason
    belatedly put forth in Blaes, squarely addressed the question whether dismissal
    “would result in a waste of judicial time and effort.” Hamm, 
    187 F.3d at 950
    BNSF’s failure-to-consider argument is without merit.
    B. BNSF argues that Thatcher requires a district court ruling on a Rule
    41(a)(2) motion to first consider whether the plaintiff was improperly attempting to
    escape an adverse decision or seeking a more favorable forum. Only if the court finds
    that the plaintiff has no “forum shopping” motive may it consider whether the other
    Hamm factors warrant exercise of its discretion to grant voluntary dismissal. We
    reject this contention. An attorney who files a voluntary dismissal motion for the
    purpose of refiling the lawsuit elsewhere of course believes the alternative venue
    would be “more favorable.” We decline to adopt a theory that would effectively
    preclude every motion to dismiss without prejudice.
    Without question, we have “repeatedly noted the importance of inquiring into
    whether a party has a proper explanation for its desire to dismiss and whether a
    party’s motive in requesting a voluntary dismissal is merely to seek a more favorable
    forum.” Graham, 998 F.3d at 805 (citations omitted). BNSF bases its argument on
    the term “forum shopping,” using it as a pejorative. In this case, however, the
    intimation is deceptive at best. Tillman began the suit in state court rather than
    federal court, exercising a plaintiff’s time-honored right to choose when more than
    one forum has jurisdiction over his claims. BNSF then removed the action to federal
    court, exercising a limited statutory right of “forum shopping” first granted in § 12
    of the Judiciary Act of 1789. See St. Paul Mercury Indem. Co. v. Red Cab Co., 
    303 U.S. 283
    , 286 (1938). Tillman now seeks to return the case to his original chosen
    forum in a form that will avoid removal. So who is the forum shopper? This issue
    should be decided on the merits, not by name-calling.
    Using a Rule 41(a)(2) motion to dismiss without prejudice to avoid federal
    jurisdiction is a recurring tactic. As usual, context matters. When the federal case
    has progressed to the point where a decision adverse to a plaintiff is imminent, such
    as the pending summary judgment motion in Hamm, “a party is not permitted to
    dismiss merely to escape an adverse decision.” 
    187 F.3d at 950
     (citations omitted);
    accord Graham, 998 F.3d at 805 (federal preemption motion pending). Likewise, it
    is not a proper purpose when the plaintiff seeks dismissal without prejudice to add a
    non-diverse defendant against whom he has no legally viable claim. See Donner, 709
    F.3d at 697. Another specific context is Thatcher, where we remanded because the
    plaintiff’s intent to avoid federal jurisdiction “set forth no adequate reason why it
    would benefit the class to abandon [the] additional claims” needed to avoid CAFA
    659 F.3d at 1214
    Our settled rule is that a plaintiff seeking voluntary dismissal without prejudice
    must give a reason other than “merely to seek a more favorable forum.” Graham, 998
    F.3d at 805, quoting Donner, 709 F.3d at 699, and citing Blaes, 858 F.3d at 514-15
    and 518-19 (Gruender, J., dissenting), and Hamm, 
    187 F.3d at 951
    . Here, as in Blaes,
    Tillman put forth reasons for voluntary dismissal -- to avoid multiplicitous litigation
    and the risk of inconsistent verdicts -- consistent with an important Hamm factor --
    whether dismissal “would result in a waste of judicial time and effort.” 
    187 F.3d at 950
    . The district court properly reached the merits of that issue.
    II. Weighing the Hamm Factors
    BNSF argues the district court abused its discretion because it (1) granted the
    motion despite rejecting Tillman’s proffered reason; (2) ignored prejudice to
    defendants; and (3) gave significant weight to an improper factor, the risk of
    inconsistent verdicts. We disagree.
    In Thatcher, the class action plaintiff based his remand motion on Eighth
    Circuit CAFA law that was overruled in Standard Fire Insurance Co. v. Knowles, 
    568 U.S. 588
    , 595 (2013), where the Supreme Court observed that federal courts may
    allow plaintiffs to avoid federal jurisdiction by stipulation only if the stipulation is
    “binding on all [class member] plaintiffs.” That resolved our concern in Thatcher.
    The district court decision on remand in Thatcher was not appealed, and we do not
    agree with the broader reasoning in that opinion on which BNSF heavily relies.
    (1) The district court did not reject Tillman’s proffered reason -- to consolidate
    claims against all defendants in a single suit. BNSF argued that Tillman’s professed
    concern about parallel litigation was illusory because he could add the City of Hayti
    as a defendant in his federal suit, rather a separate suit in state court. The district
    court agreed in part, noting Tillman “might easily add the City of Hayti to this matter
    and represent his sister’s interests as a beneficiary.” But the separate unremovable
    suit filed by Townsend’s widow would remain in state court, maintaining the
    “complexity of the separate suits” and “very real risk of inconsistent judgments.”
    BNSF argued Tillman’s claims against the City are of “questionable merit” --
    they are barred by sovereign immunity or procedurally-barred. But Tillman’s reply
    provided argument and authorities supporting the validity of his claims against the
    City. The district court concluded this reason for voluntary dismissal does not lack
    a “reasonable basis in law.” Donner, 709 F.3d at 697. BNSF argued that procedural
    improprieties in the appointment of Townsend’s original guardian ad litem and the
    timing of Tillman’s separate state court suit against the City of Hayti are further
    evidence of pretext. The district court did not abuse its discretion in concluding these
    are insufficient reasons to find Tillman’s justification pretextual.
    (2) Regarding the prejudice factor, “[t]he purpose of Rule 41(a)(2) is primarily
    to prevent voluntary dismissals which unfairly affect the other side. Courts generally
    will grant dismissals where the only prejudice the defendant will suffer is that
    resulting from a subsequent lawsuit.” Paulucci, 
    826 F.2d at 782
    . In Kern v. TXO
    Production Corp., Judge Richard Arnold explained, “[b]y ‘prejudice’ in this context
    is meant something other than the necessity that defendant might face of defending
    another action.” 
    738 F.2d 968
    , 970 (8th Cir. 1984). “[O]ne court is as good as
    Id. at 973
    , quoting Judge Learned Hand’s concurring opinion in Young v.
    Southern Pacific Co., 
    25 F.2d 630
    , 632 (2d Cir. 1928).
    BNSF argues the district court abused its discretion “by wholly failing to
    consider the potential prejudice to the defendants” -- that the plaintiff may not be
    bound by his stated abandonment of punitive damages, and defendants may lose valid
    defenses and face “a consolidated state court trial rife with undue sympathy for
    multiple plaintiffs.” These arguments were extensively briefed to the district court.
    The court did not abuse its discretion in concluding that the prejudices defendants
    may suffer are those “resulting from a subsequent lawsuit.” An extensive discourse
    was not required. See Mullen v. Heinkel Filtering Sys., Inc., 
    770 F.3d 724
    , 728 (8th
    Cir. 2014); Kern, 
    738 F.2d at 970
    (3) BNSF’s contention that giving weight to the risk of inconsistent verdicts
    is an improper factor is plainly without merit. Nor was this the district court’s sole
    justification for granting the motion. Rather, the court assessed the judicial economy
    concerns created by parallel lawsuits arising out of a single accident and concluded
    that dismissal “will best allow for efficient use of judicial resources that this Court
    cannot ignore.”
    Consideration of the Hamm factors is left to the “sound discretion of the
    district courts. . . . [T]he court has a range of choice, and . . . its decision will not be
    disturbed as long as it stays within that range and is not influenced by any mistake of
    law.” Kern, 
    738 F.2d at 970
    . Here, even if denying Tillman’s motion would not have
    abused the district court’s discretion, on these unique procedural facts it was not an
    abuse of discretion to grant it. “The very concept of discretion presupposes a zone
    of choice within which the trial courts may go either way.” 
    Id. at 971
    The Order of the district court dated July 21, 2021 is affirmed.