gary-dean-olson-calvin-newman-ron-gant-danny-daughtery-werner-kunkel-frank ( 1992 )

  • 978 F.2d 1264

    NOTICE: Eighth Circuit Rule 28A(k) governs citation of unpublished opinions and provides that they are not precedent and generally should not be cited unless relevant to establishing the doctrines of res judicata, collateral estoppel, the law of the case, or if the opinion has persuasive value on a material issue and no published opinion would serve as well.
    Gary Dean OLSON; Appellant,
    Calvin Newman; Ron Gant; Danny Daughtery; Werner Kunkel;
    Frank Harris; Bruce Johnson; Clark Fimreite; Walter
    Grant; Dennie Houle; John Leftbear; Reggie Tweed; Felix
    Revial; Carlos Zeno; Raymond Namyniak; Dale Kressin;
    Darrell Red Paint; Mark Petite; Kevin Hokanson; Timothy
    Feist; Lynn Richard Myers; John Fontaine; Marcus
    McKinney; Abram Crumley; Kent Ebert, on behalf of
    themselves and all others similarly situated, Plaintiffs,
    Elaine LITTLE, as Director of the North Dakota Department of
    Corrections and Rehabilitations; Timothy Schuetzle, as the
    Warden of the North Dakota State Penitentiary; Bob Coad, as
    the Deputy Warden of the North Dakota State Penitentiary,
    and Administrator of Inmate Rights, and Inmate Rules and
    Regulations, and Recreation and Activities, and "Unit
    Management Multi- Disciplinary Team" in the North Dakota
    State Penitentiary; Daniel Wrolstad, as the Director of
    Classification, and Administrator of the Reception and
    Orientation, and Inmate Work Programs, and Inmate Library,
    and Inmate Law Library in the North Dakota State
    Penitentiary; Cordell Stromme, as the Chief of Security,
    and Administrator of Special Management Inmates, and the
    Mail Room; Steve Scott, as former Chief of Security in the
    North Dakota State Penitentiary; Donald Redmann, as the
    Representative of the American Correctional Association in
    the North Dakota State Penitentiary, and Training Office;
    American Correctional Association, as CoDefendant, by valid
    contract with the North Dakota Department of Corrections and
    Rehabilitations, and the North Dakota State Penitentiary,
    and Minimum Security Unit, and Missouri River Correctional
    Center; Mark Molesworth, as the Unit Manager of
    Disciplinary Segregation, and Administrative Segregation,
    and Detention Segregation, and the Minimum Security Unit in
    the North Dakota State Penitentiary; Pat Branson, as the
    Unit Manager of the East, West, and pre-South Cell Houses in
    the North Dakota State Penitentiary; Barbara McGilvery, as
    the Unit Manager of the Women's Prison Unit in the North
    Dakota State Penitentiary and all unnamed and unknown
    members of the "Unit Management Multi-Disciplinary Team" in
    the North Dakota State Penitentiary; Wanda Bier, as the
    General Administrator to the Warden, and Case Records and
    Management Information in the North Dakota State
    Penitentiary; June Werre, as Administrator of the Business
    Office in the North Dakota State Penitentiary; Marion Rott,
    as Administrator of the Inmate Commissary, and Cable T.V. in
    the North Dakota State Penitentiary; Bismarck/Mandan Cable
    T.V., as Co-Defendant, by contract, or lease, with the North
    Dakota State Penitentiary; Communications Carrier, unnamed
    and unknown, as Co-Defendant, by contract, or lease, of
    sales and services, for local and long- distant telephone
    calls in the North Dakota State Penitentiary; Vendors by
    Contract, all unnamed and unknown, who sell, lease, trade,
    barter, or service, all items, products and equipment, by
    oral or written contract with any Unit or Department found
    within, or connected with North Dakota Office of Management
    and Budgets, North Dakota Department of Corrections and
    Rehabilitations, North Dakota State Penitentiary, Minimum
    Security Unit, Missouri River Correctional Center and North
    Dakota State Surplus Property and Rough Rider Industries,
    and Frontier Days and/or Carnival Days on behalf of
    themselves and all other similarly situated; Judy Berg, as
    Unit Manager of the Inmate Property Office, Supervisor of
    the Inmate Commissary, and the Inmate Legal Supplies, and
    some unknown and undefined capacity in, or with, the Inmate
    Mail Room, and U.S. Certified Mail in the North Dakota
    State Penitentiary; Mirna Stromme, as the Supervisor of the
    Mail Room in the North Dakota State Penitentiary; Bucknell
    Pudwell, as an Officer that picks up U. S. Mail from the
    Cell Blocks on behalf of himself and all others similarly
    situated; Karen Halldorson, as Administrator of Inmate
    Accounts and Funds in the North Dakota State Penitentiary,
    on behalf of herself and all others similarly situated;
    North Dakota Human Social Services, as Co-Defendant, as the
    collector of child support payments from the North Dakota
    State Penitentiary and Inmate Accounts and Funds; and all
    unnamed and unknown employees as Co-Defendants of the North
    Dakota Human Social Services, who act as agents, or in
    participation in collecting child support payments from the
    Inmate Accounts and Funds in the North Dakota State
    Penitentiary agent North Dakota Human Social Services
    employees; North Dakota Board of Addiction Counselors, as
    Co-Defendants, as the North Dakota State Agency granting
    licenses to the Counselors employed in the North Dakota
    State Penitentiary; Bev Bergson, as the Unit Manager and
    Director of the Treatment and Counseling Services Department
    in the North Dakota State Penitentiary and Director of
    Social Services, and Inmate and Officer of Health Care
    Services and Religious services in the North Dakota State
    Penitentiary; Fred Walker, as an Inmate Peer Counselor in
    the Treatment and Counseling Services Department in the
    North Dakota State Penitentiary on behalf of himself and all
    others similarly situated; Jane Myers, as Co-Defendant, as
    an ex-Treatment Counselor in the Treatment and Counseling
    services Department in the North Dakota State Penitentiary
    on behalf of herself and all others similarly situated;
    Donna Mathis, as Co-Defendant, a former Inmate in the North
    Dakota State Penitentiary; Richard McNair, as Co-Defendant,
    as ex-Peer Counselor in the Treatment and Counseling
    services Department in the North Dakota State Penitentiary
    on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated;
    Joel Zahn, as Co-Defendant, as ex-Peer Counselor in the
    Treatment and Counseling Services Department in the North
    Dakota State Penitentiary on behalf of themselves and all
    others similarly situated; Mary Dasovick, as Supervisor of
    Inmate and Officer Health Care Services in the North Dakota
    State Penitentiary; North Dakota State Penitentiary Inmate
    and Officer Health Care, Unnamed and Unknown Duty Nurses on
    behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated; and
    all unnamed and unknown members of the "Medical Financial
    Approval Team" in the North Dakota State Penitentiary; Dr.
    Luithle, as CoDefendant, as the professional and medical
    Health Care personnel for inmates in the North Dakota State
    Penitentiary on behalf of themselves and all others
    similarly situated; Dr. Johnson, as Co-Defendant, as the
    professional and medical Health Care personnel for inmates
    in the North Dakota State Penitentiary on behalf of
    themselves and all other similarly situated; Dr. Carr, as
    Co-Defendant, as the professional and medical Health Care
    personnel for inmates in the North Dakota State Penitentiary
    on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated;
    Dr. Griffin, as Co-Defendant, as the professional and
    medical Health Care personnel for inmates in the North
    Dakota State Penitentiary on behalf of themselves and all
    others similarly situated; Dr. KoBriger, as Co-Defendant,
    as the professional and medical Health Care personnel for
    inmates in the North Dakota State Penitentiary on behalf of
    themselves and all others similarly situated; Dr. Luistro,
    as Co-Defendant, as the professional and medical Health Care
    personnel for inmates in the North Dakota State Penitentiary
    on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated;
    Dr. Rillo, as Co-Defendant, as the professional and medical
    Health Care personnel for inmates in the North Dakota State
    Penitentiary on behalf of themselves and all others
    similarly situated; Dr. Breen, as Co-Defendant, as the
    professional and medical Health Care personnel for inmates
    in the North Dakota State Penitentiary on behalf of
    themselves and all others similarly situated; Dr. Beattie,
    as Co-Defendant, as the professional and medical Health Care
    personnel for inmates in the North Dakota State Penitentiary
    on behalf of themselves and all other similarly situated;
    Dr. Hushka, as Co-Defendant, as the professional and medical
    Health Care personnel for inmates in the North Dakota State
    Penitentiary on behalf of themselves and all others
    similarly situated; Dr. Hamar, as Co-Defendant, as the
    professional and medical Health Care personnel for inmates
    in the North Dakota State Penitentiary on behalf of
    themselves and all others similarly situated; MA, as
    Co-Defendant, as the professional and medical Health Care
    personnel for inmates in the North Dakota State Penitentiary
    on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated;
    Valerie Sturlangson, as the Pharmacist for inmates in the
    North Dakota State Penitentiary, on behalf of herself and
    all others similarly situated; A. G. Malaktaris, as the
    Dentist, as Co-Defendant, for dental care of inmates in the
    North Dakota State Penitentiary, on behalf of himself and
    all others similarly situated; Dr. Samuelson, as
    Co-Defendant, as the Psychiatrists in the North Dakota State
    Penitentiary and Jamestown State Hospital, on behalf of
    themselves and all others similarly situated; Dr. Asmir, as
    Co-Defendant, as the Psychiatrists in the North Dakota State
    Penitentiary and Jamestown State Hospital, on behalf of
    themselves and all others similarly situated; Dr. Ulrich,
    as Co-Defendant, as the Psychiatrists in the North Dakota
    State Penitentiary and Jamestown State Hospital, on behalf
    of themselves and all others similarly situated; Keith
    Grabrowski, as Supervisor and/or Officer at the Missouri
    River Correctional Center, MSU, Rough Rider Industries,
    Dairy Barn, and BEP Warehouse, on behalf of themselves and
    all others similarly situated; Mike Olson, as Supervisor
    and/or Officer at the Missouri River Correctional Center,
    MSU, Rough Rider Industries, Dairy Barn, and BEP Warehouse,
    on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated;
    Gary Griegs, as Supervisor and/or Officer at the Missouri
    River Correctional Center, MSU, Rough Rider Industries,
    Dairy Barn, and BEP Warehouse, on behalf of themselves and
    all others similarly situated; Wendell Wentz, as Supervisor
    and/or Officer at the Missouri River Correctional Center,
    MSU, Rough Rider Industries, Dairy Bar, and BEP Warehouse,
    on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated;
    Lemerman Val Gross, Lt., as Supervisor and/or officer at the
    Missouri River Correctional Center, MSU, Rough Rider
    Industries, Dairy Barn, and BEP Warehouse, on behalf of
    themselves and all others similarly situated; Irvin
    Ennminger, as Supervisor and/or Officer at the Missouri
    River Correctional Center, MSU, Rough Rider Industries,
    Dairy Barn, and BEP Warehouse, on behalf of themselves and
    all others similarly situated; Dennis Fracassi, as
    Supervisor and/or Officer at the Missouri River Correctional
    Center, MSU, Rough Rider Industries, Dairy Barn, and BEP
    Warehouse, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly
    situated; Perry Hesch, as Supervisor and/or Officer at the
    Missouri River Correctional Center, MSU, Rough Rider
    Industries Dairy Barn, and BEP Warehouse, on behalf of
    themselves and all others similarly situated; Ruben Schmidt,
    as Supervisor and/or Officer at the Missouri River
    Correctional Center, MSU, Rough Rider Industries, Dairy
    Barn, and BEP Warehouse, on behalf of themselves and all
    others similarly situated; Deanne Morris, as Supervisor
    and/or Officer at the Missouri River Correctional Center,
    MSU, Rough Rider Industries, Dairy Barn, and BEP Warehouse,
    on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated;
    Carol Redmann, as Supervisor and/or Officer at the Missouri
    River Correctional Center, MSU, Rough Rider Industries,
    Dairy Barn, and BEP Warehouse, on behalf of themselves and
    all others similarly situated; Bob Keller, as Supervisor
    and/or Officer at the Missouri River Correctional Center,
    MSU, Rough Rider Industries, Dairy Barn, and BEP Warehouse,
    on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated;
    Linda Engmann, as Co-Defendant, as Administrator of the
    State Surplus Property Office, as Supervisor of inmates
    assigned to the State Property Office from the Missouri
    River Correctional Center; Floyd Rouarke, as Co-Defendant,
    as Administrator of the State Surplus Property Office, as
    Supervisor of inmates assigned to the State Property Office
    from the Missouri River Correctional Center; Reginald
    Trieb, as Inmates in association with Supervisors and
    Officers of the Missouri River Correctional Center and State
    Surplus Property Office, MSU, Dairy Barn, and BEP; Brad
    Horvath, as Inmates in association with Supervisors and
    Officers of the Missouri River Correctional Center and State
    Surplus Property Office, MSU, Dairy Barn, and BEP; Cook, as
    Inmates in association with Supervisors and Officers of the
    Missouri River Correctional Center and State Surplus
    Property Office, MSU, Dairy Barn, and BEP; Vern Lepard, as
    Inmates in association with Supervisors and Officers of the
    Missouri River Correctional Center and State Surplus
    Property Office, MSU, Dairy Barn, and BEP; Bill Canada, as
    Inmates in association with Supervisors and Officers of the
    Missouri River Correctional Center and State Surplus
    Property Office, MSU, Dairy Barn, and BEP; John Lafferty,
    as Inmates in association with Supervisors and Officers of
    the Missouri River Correctional Center and State Surplus
    Property Office, MSU, Dairy Barn, and BEP; North Dakota
    Department of Corrections Informers, all unnamed and
    unknown, used in the capacity to sign false affidavits
    charging innocent inmates with DOCR violations and felony
    offenses, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly
    situated; Calvin R. Edwards, as Co-Defendant, as Regional
    Director of Federal Inmates housed, by contract, in the
    North Dakota State Penitentiary, on behalf of himself and
    all others similarly situated; Ed Zuern, as Co-Defendant,
    as Chief legal counsel for the DOCR, on behalf of himself
    and all others similarly situated; State Bonding Fund of
    North Dakota, as Co-Defendant; George Sinner, as
    Co-Defendant, as the government official signing laws
    regulating budgets for the Department of Corrections and
    Rehabilitations and State Surplus Property; North Dakota
    State Legislature, Unnamed and Unknown Members, as Co-
    Defendants, as the legislative members to supervise and to
    administer the financial transactions of the various state
    agencies and departments; Office of Management and Budgets,
    as Co-Defendant, as the North Dakota agency responsible for
    the distribution of budgets and funds to operate the North
    Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitations, North
    Dakota State Penitentiary, Missouri River Correctional
    Center, and State Surplus Property Office; Bob Walsh, as
    Co-Defendant, as the North Dakota Agency responsible for the
    distribution of budgets and funds to operate the North
    Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitations, North
    Dakota State Penitentiary, Missouri River Correctional
    Center, and State Surplus Property Office.; Nicholas
    Spaeth, as Co-Defendant, as the chief law enforcement
    officer to enforce the proper application of funds
    appropriated for the operation of public institutions of the
    State of North Dakota and prosecute breaches of trust in the
    administration of those funds; Linda Leuwer, as shift
    Captain in the North Dakota State Penitentiary; Stan
    Cadotte, as shift Lt. in the North Dakota State
    Penitentiary; Craig Therer, as Correctional Officer on
    behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated in
    the North Dakota State Penitentiary; Dave Heidt, as
    Correctional Officer on behalf of themselves and all others
    similarly situated, in the North Dakota State Penitentiary;
    Richard Draeger, as Correctional Officer on behalf of
    themselves and all others similarly situated, in the North
    Dakota State Penitentiary, Appellees.

    No. 92-2123.

    United States Court of Appeals,
    Eighth Circuit.

    Submitted: September 1, 1992.
    Filed: October 27, 1992.

    Before MAGILL, LOKEN, and HANSEN, Circuit Judges.



    Gary Dean Olson, a North Dakota inmate, appeals the district court's1 sua sponte dismissal of his 42 U.S.C. § 1983 complaint for failure to comply with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 8(a). Olson and twenty-four other named pro se plaintiffs moved to file an eighty-page complaint in forma pauperis on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated.2 The complaint named over seventy defendants, most of whom are prison officials, and included numerous unnamed and unknown defendants. The prisoners asserted thirty-four claims concerning conditions and practices at the North Dakota State Penitentiary, Minimum Security Unit, and the Missouri River Correctional Center.


    The district court granted their motion to proceed in forma pauperis, but dismissed the complaint sua sponte for failure to comply with Rule 8(a)'s requirement that a complaint set forth "a short and plain statement of the claim showing that the pleader is entitled to relief." The court suggested that "justice would be better served" if the plaintiffs presented "one claim at a time to the court in separate lawsuits."


    After careful review of the record, we conclude that the district court did not abuse its discretion in dismissing Olson's complaint. See Mangan v. Weinberger, 848 F.2d 909, 911 (8th Cir. 1985) (dismissal under Rule 8 reviewable for abuse of discretion), cert. denied, 488 U.S. 1013 (1989). The complaint is wordy and confusing, and does not provide the district court with the "short and plain statement" required by the rule. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 8(a)(2).


    Accordingly, we affirm. We remand the case to the district court for entry of a dismissal without prejudice.


    The Honorable Rodney S. Webb, United States District Judge for the District of North Dakota


    Only Olson is named in and signed the notice of appeal. Thus, this court does not have jurisdiction over the other plaintiffs. See Torres v. Oakland Scavenger Co., 487 U.S. 312, 317 (1988)

Document Info

Docket Number: 92-2123

Filed Date: 10/27/1992

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 4/18/2021