Lisa Milkovich v. United States ( 2022 )

  •                     FOR PUBLICATION
    LISA MILKOVICH; DANG NGUYEN,                     No. 19-35582
    D.C. No.
    v.                          2:18-cv-01658-
    Defendant-Appellee.                  OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Western District of Washington
    Barbara Jacobs Rothstein, District Judge, Presiding
    Submitted September 1, 2020
    Submission Vacated October 6, 2020
    Argued and Submitted November 3, 2020
    Seattle, Washington
    Filed March 2, 2022
    Before: Jay S. Bybee and Daniel P. Collins, Circuit Judges,
    and Richard G. Stearns, * District Judge.
    Opinion by Judge Collins;
    Dissent by Judge Stearns
    The Honorable Richard G. Stearns, United States District Judge
    for the District of Massachusetts, sitting by designation.
    2                MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES
    SUMMARY **
    The panel reversed the district court’s dismissal, under
    Federal Rule of Procedure 12(b)(6), of a complaint by
    taxpayers in a tax refund action in which they sought to
    deduct mortgage interest that their lender received at the
    short sale of taxpayer’s home.
    Taxpayers took out a mortgage in connection with
    purchasing a home, and eventually filed for bankruptcy.
    When the bankruptcy petition was discharged, their
    mortgage loan changed from “recourse” to “nonrecourse.”
    This eliminated CitiMortgage’s pre-existing ability to
    enforce the mortgage debt personally against taxpayers, and
    instead limited CitiMortgage to enforcing only the value of
    its lien. CitiMortgage received about $522,015 from the
    short sale of the house, credited $114,688 of it toward the
    accumulated unpaid interest on the secured loan, and
    credited the remaining amount toward paying off the loan
    principal. Taxpayers claimed a $114,688 mortgage interest
    deduction for that year. The Internal Revenue Service
    disallowed the deduction under I.R.C. § 265(a)(1).
    The panel held that, on the facts as pleaded, taxpayers
    are entitled to deduct the mortgage interest. The panel held
    that the district court erred in extending the principles of
    Estate of Franklin v. Commissioner, 
    544 F.2d 1045
     (9th Cir.
    1976) to short sales involving mortgages that were valid ab
    initio. The panel further held that the fact that taxpayers’
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It
    has been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES                   3
    mortgage had been converted, through the bankruptcy
    discharge, from recourse to nonrecourse provides no basis
    for declining the deduction and applying the settled rules for
    a short sale and extinguishment of nonrecourse debt under
    the approach set forth in Commissioner v. Tufts, 
    461 U.S. 300
    Judge Stearns dissented because he was persuaded that
    the majority opinion is based on a flawed factual premise and
    misreading of the applicable law. Judge Stearns disagrees
    that taxpayers “paid” the mortgage interest for which they
    sought a tax deduction. Judge Stearns also believes that the
    majority’s legal reasoning is in error and contrary to Circuit
    Kenneth C. Weil (argued), Law Office of Kenneth C. Weil,
    Seattle, Washington, for Plaintiffs-Appellants.
    Rachel Ida Wollitzer (argued) and Joan I. Oppenheimer,
    Attorneys, Tax Division/Appellate Section; Richard E.
    Zuckerman, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General;
    United States Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
    4                MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES
    COLLINS, Circuit Judge:
    Plaintiffs Lisa Milkovich and her husband Dang Nguyen
    appeal from the district court’s dismissal of their complaint
    seeking a refund of additional taxes they paid after the
    Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) disallowed the deduction
    they had claimed for the mortgage interest that their lender
    received at the short sale of their home. Concluding that, on
    the facts as pleaded, Plaintiffs were entitled to the deduction,
    we reverse.
    In 2005, Plaintiffs purchased a home in Renton,
    Washington for $748,425, and they took out a mortgage in
    connection with that purchase. 1 The complaint does not
    disclose the original value of that mortgage, but a year later
    Plaintiffs refinanced that loan. The new mortgage had a
    principal amount of $744,993, and the mortgage was
    ultimately held by CitiMortgage. Several years later,
    Plaintiffs became unable to continue making their monthly
    payments of $3,724.94, and they made their last such
    monthly payment in February 2009.
    Because this action was dismissed at the pleading stage, the well-
    pleaded factual allegations in Plaintiffs’ complaint must be taken true.
    Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. 662
    , 678 (2009). “Review is generally
    limited to the face of the complaint, materials incorporated into the
    complaint by reference, and matters of judicial notice.” Stoyas v.
    Toshiba Corp., 
    896 F.3d 933
    , 938 (9th Cir. 2018) (simplified).
    MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES                      5
    Plaintiffs jointly filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in
    January 2010. In the schedules filed with their bankruptcy
    petition, Plaintiffs reported that their home had an
    approximate current value of $600,000. Because the value
    of Plaintiffs’ home was well below the amount of
    CitiMortgage’s secured lien, the home had no value to
    creditors in the bankruptcy estate. Indeed, after examining
    Plaintiffs’ financial affairs, the bankruptcy trustee promptly
    reported to the bankruptcy court that “there is no property
    available for distribution from the estate over and above that
    exempted by law” and that he was abandoning the assets of
    the estate with no distribution to creditors. As a result,
    Plaintiffs retained legal title to their home after the trustee’s
    abandonment. See Mason v. Commissioner, 
    646 F.2d 1309
    1310 (9th Cir. 1980) (noting that, upon abandonment, “any
    title that was vested in the trustee is extinguished, and the
    title reverts to the bankrupt, nunc pro tunc”).
    In April 2010, Plaintiffs received a discharge from the
    bankruptcy court. The parties agree that this discharge
    changed Plaintiffs’ mortgage from “recourse” to
    “nonrecourse”—that is, it eliminated the pre-existing ability
    of CitiMortgage to enforce the mortgage debt personally
    against Plaintiffs and instead limited CitiMortgage to
    enforcing only the value of its lien. See Johnson v. Home
    State Bank, 
    501 U.S. 78
    , 84 (1991) (“[A] bankruptcy
    discharge extinguishes only one mode of enforcing a
    claim—namely, an action against the debtor in personam—
    while leaving intact another—namely, an action against the
    debtor in rem.”). Plaintiffs were thus relieved of personal
    liability on the mortgage debt, but the loan owed to
    CitiMortgage continued to be secured by the property and
    Plaintiffs’ payment schedule (if they wished to avoid
    foreclosure) was unaffected by the discharge. See Dewsnup
    v. Timm, 
    502 U.S. 410
    , 417 (1992) (noting that a secured lien
    6              MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES
    survives bankruptcy and “stays with the real property until
    the foreclosure,” even if the value appreciates); see also
    501 U.S. at 83
     (“[A] creditor’s right to foreclose on
    the mortgage survives or passes through the bankruptcy.”).
    Rather than foreclose on the property, CitiMortgage
    eventually agreed to a “short sale,” which took place in July
    2011. “A short sale is a real estate transaction in which the
    property serving as collateral for a mortgage is sold for less
    than the outstanding balance on the secured loan, and the
    mortgage lender agrees to discount the loan balance because
    of a consumer’s economic distress.” Shaw v. Experian Info.
    Sols., Inc., 
    891 F.3d 749
    , 752 (9th Cir. 2018). The sale price
    of the residence at the short sale was approximately
    $555,005.92, of which about $522,015 was paid to
    CitiMortgage in satisfaction of the loan. CitiMortgage
    credited $114,688 toward the accumulated unpaid interest on
    the secured loan, while the remaining amount was credited
    toward paying off the loan principal. CitiMortgage then
    issued a Form 1098-Mortgage Interest Statement (“Form
    1098-MIS”) for 2011 indicating that it had received
    $114,688 in interest payments from Plaintiffs. Based on that
    statement, Plaintiffs claimed a $114,688 mortgage interest
    deduction that year.
    In October 2014, the IRS issued a notice of deficiency,
    stating that the IRS intended to disallow the $114,688
    interest deduction on the ground that Plaintiffs “did not
    establish that the amount . . . was (a) interest expense, and
    (b) paid.” Because, however, the IRS mailed the notice to
    the Renton home that Plaintiffs had sold at the 2011 short
    sale, Plaintiffs never received or responded to it. Given
    Plaintiffs’ lack of response, the IRS disallowed the interest
    deduction and assessed additional tax due.
    MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES                     7
    After Plaintiffs later learned of the IRS’s action, they
    pursued various administrative remedies, but in May 2018,
    the IRS Appeals Office denied Plaintiffs’ requests for relief.
    In doing so, the IRS explained that Plaintiffs had “realized
    income from cancellation of debt of $222,977.95” at the
    short sale, but that Plaintiffs “were not required to recognize
    that income because it was non-recourse debt.” “[B]ecause
    [Plaintiffs] have unrecognized income from forgiveness of
    debt in excess of the accrued interest,” the IRS stated, they
    “have no loss of income from that interest.” The IRS
    therefore concluded that the interest deduction was properly
    disallowed under I.R.C. § 265(a)(1), which precludes
    deductions that are “allocable to one or more classes of
    income . . . wholly exempt from the taxes imposed by this
    subtitle.” That limitation on deductions applied here,
    according to the IRS, because the asserted cancellation-of-
    debt income that occurred at the short sale was exempt from
    income taxes “due to being non-recourse.”
    Plaintiffs paid the tax assessed and filed a claim for a
    refund with the IRS. After the IRS did not respond within
    six months, Plaintiffs filed this civil action seeking a refund
    28 U.S.C. § 1346
    (a)(1) and 
    26 U.S.C. §§ 6532
    7422(a). The district court, however, granted the IRS’s
    motion to dismiss Plaintiffs’ complaint pursuant to Federal
    Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6).
    In dismissing the action, the district court did not rely on
    the § 265-based rationale that the IRS had invoked in its
    earlier response to Plaintiffs. Instead, the court reasoned
    that, although “interest deductions are generally allowed,”
    Plaintiffs’ interest payments fell under an exception
    established in Estate of Franklin v. Commissioner, 
    544 F.2d 1045
    , 1048–49 (9th Cir. 1976), for interest claimed in
    connection with purportedly debt-financed transactions that
    8              MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES
    lacked economic substance. Although Plaintiffs were unlike
    the taxpayers in Estate of Franklin—who had acquired their
    debt liability in a transaction that lacked economic
    substance—the district court extended Estate of Franklin to
    cover validly issued mortgages that later resulted in short
    sales in which “the nonrecourse liability (here, the mortgage)
    exceeds a reasonable estimate of the fair market value of the
    indebted property.” Because the fair market value of
    Plaintiffs’ property had declined to well below the mortgage
    balance, the district court concluded that the “transaction”
    lacked economic substance and that therefore any interest
    deduction relating to that transaction was barred.
    Plaintiffs timely appealed the district court’s judgment.
    We have jurisdiction pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    , and we
    review the motion to dismiss de novo. Wells Fargo Bank,
    N.A. v. Mahogany Meadows Ave. Tr., 
    979 F.3d 1209
    , 1213
    (9th Cir. 2020).
    We hold that, on the facts as pleaded, Plaintiffs are
    entitled to deduct the mortgage interest paid in connection
    with the short sale of their home in 2011.
    As noted earlier, the district court rested its dismissal on
    the view that, under Estate of Franklin, Plaintiffs’
    underwater nonrecourse mortgage did not constitute a
    genuine indebtedness that could support a mortgage interest
    deduction. We conclude that the district court erred in
    extending the principles of Estate of Franklin to short sales
    involving mortgages that were valid ab initio.
    MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES                   9
    In Estate of Franklin, we concluded that a partnership’s
    purported debt-financed “purchase” of a motel and related
    property lacked economic substance and therefore did not
    give rise either to genuine indebtedness that would be “able
    to support an interest deduction” or to an “investment in the
    property” that would support deductions for depreciation.
    544 F.2d at 1049
     (emphasis omitted). In reaching this
    conclusion, we relied on a number of features of the relevant
    transaction. In particular, we noted that the property was
    purchased at an apparently inflated price that exceeded “a
    demonstrably reasonable estimate of the fair market value.”
    Id. at 1048
    . Moreover, although $75,000 in “prepaid
    interest” was paid up front by the partnership, thereafter the
    partnership effectively did not have to make any further
    payments for 10 years: although principal and interest
    payments were due each month, those payments were set at
    an amount that closely approximated the monthly lease
    payments due from the “seller,” who retained possession of
    the motel pursuant to a lease-back arrangement. 
     at 1046–
    47. In addition, because the loan securing the purported sale
    of the property was nonrecourse, the partnership had the
    ability, when a “balloon” payment came due in 10 years, to
    “walk away from the transaction and merely lose its $75,000
    ‘prepaid interest payment.’” 
    Id. at 1047
    . And because, from
    the outset, the purchase price exceeded the fair market value
    of the property, the modest payments of principal yielded no
    Id. at 1048
    . On top of all this, no deed was ever
    recorded, and the “‘benefits and burdens of ownership’
    appeared to remain” with the sellers. 
    Id. at 1047
    On these facts, we held in Estate of Franklin that the
    purchase lacked “the substance necessary to justify treating
    the transaction as a sale ab initio.” 
    544 F.2d at 1048
    . The
    structure of the transaction confirmed that, “in accordance
    with the design of the parties,” any “payments of the
    10             MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES
    purchase price” would not yield any “equity to the
    Id. at 1049
     (emphasis added). And given that,
    from the outset, the nonrecourse “debt” secured by the
    property exceeded the property’s fair market value and no
    meaningful payments were required for 10 years, there was
    no genuine indebtedness, but rather only a “mere chance that
    a genuine debt obligation may arise.” 
     Lacking economic
    substance, the transaction could not support either
    depreciation deductions or interest deductions. 
    We expressly stated, however, that our holding was
    “limited to transactions substantially similar to that now
    before us.” 
     In particular, we reaffirmed the ordinary rule
    that “the absence of personal liability for the purchase
    money debt secured by a mortgage on the acquired property
    does not deprive the debt of its character as a bona fide debt
    obligation able to support an interest deduction.” 
    likewise explicitly distinguished cases in which “the
    purchase price was at least approximately equivalent to the
    fair market value of the property.” 
    Id. at 1048
    . The
    transaction before us, we emphasized, lacked the economic
    substance necessary to characterize it “as a sale ab initio.”
    Given the careful limitations that we placed on our
    reasoning and holding in Estate of Franklin, the district court
    erred in extending them to the very different circumstances
    presented here. In Estate of Franklin, we placed dispositive
    weight on the fact that, from the outset, the distinctive
    arrangements of the transaction were coupled with a
    “purchase price” that “exceed[ed] a demonstrably
    reasonable estimate of the fair market value.” 
    Id. at 1048
    see also 
     at 1046 n.1 (observing that, “the fundamental
    issue” in such cases “generally will be whether the property
    has been ‘acquired’ at an artificially high price, having little
    MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES                          11
    relation to its fair market value”). Here, of course, there is
    no suggestion that Plaintiffs acquired their original
    mortgage (or their refinanced mortgage) in a transaction that
    lacked economic substance. On the contrary, on the facts as
    pleaded here, the mortgage-financed purchase of Plaintiffs’
    home was a valid “sale ab initio,” and neither that
    transaction nor their subsequent refinancing lacked
    economic substance. 
    Id. at 1048
    ; cf. also Beck v.
    678 F.2d 818
    , 820 (9th Cir. 1982) (applying
    Estate of Franklin to transaction in which the $1,008,000
    largely debt-financed purchase price exceeded the
    property’s fair market value by nearly $800,000). Nothing
    in Estate of Franklin suggests that, without more, a
    subsequent collapse in real estate values means that the now-
    underwater mortgage should be considered a sham debt that
    cannot support a mortgage interest deduction. Similarly, the
    fact that Plaintiffs’ mortgage became nonrecourse (as a
    consequence of their bankruptcy) “does not deprive the debt
    of its character as a bona fide debt obligation able to support
    an interest deduction.” Estate of Franklin, 
    544 F.2d at 1049
    . 2 And, unlike in Estate of Franklin, Plaintiffs
    remained the legal owners, with actual possession of the
    property, until it was sold at the 2011 short sale. 
    Id. at 1047
    As noted below, we do not have before us a situation in which the
    loan was altered in a subsequent transaction that entailed a “significant
    modification” of the loan for tax purposes. See infra at 22–25. We
    express no view as to whether a different result would be warranted in
    such a case.
    The abandonment of Plaintiffs’ residence by the bankruptcy
    trustee, and the subsequent discharge of Plaintiffs’ personal liability on
    the mortgage, did not convey legal title of that property to CitiMortgage.
    See Mason, 
    646 F.2d at 1310
    12               MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES
    Accordingly, we conclude that the district court erred in
    applying Estate of Franklin to the very different
    circumstances presented here.
    We reject the IRS’s alternative argument that I.R.C.
    § 265(a)(1) precludes Plaintiffs’ home mortgage interest
    deduction. Our analysis of this issue proceeds in two steps.
    First, where (as here) a short sale involves nonrecourse debt,
    the transaction does not give rise to cancellation-of-debt
    income that might trigger the application of § 265. Second,
    Plaintiffs’ bankruptcy discharge, which converted the
    mortgage from recourse to nonrecourse a year before the
    short sale, has no effect on the otherwise applicable tax
    treatment of the later short sale.
    Under the analysis set forth in the Tax Court’s decision
    in Catalano v. Commissioner, 
    T.C. Memo. 2000-82
    , rev’d
    on other grounds, 
    279 F.3d 682
     (9th Cir. 2002), the result in
    this case would be straightforward if Plaintiffs’ debt had
    been nonrecourse from its inception. 4 Catalano started from
    the premise that a short sale or foreclosure involving
    nonrecourse debt is treated as a single transaction in which
    any loan forgiveness is folded into the debtor’s “gain or loss”
    in the sale of the property. Id. at *3. Catalano then
    concluded that, when the amount realized by the debtor in
    such a sale or foreclosure includes “both principal and
    accrued interest,” the debtor “is appropriately deemed to
    Although Tax Court memorandum decisions are not precedential,
    see InverWorld, Ltd. v. Commissioner, 
    979 F.2d 868
    , 878 n.9 (D.C. Cir.
    1992), we find the analysis in Catalano to be instructive.
    MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES                     13
    have paid the interest in the disposition of his residence” and
    “is entitled to the interest deduction” associated with that
    payment. Id. at *4 (emphasis added). Both aspects of
    Catalano’s analysis are consistent with settled law, and we
    follow a similar analysis here.
    The law is clear that a short sale or foreclosure involving
    nonrecourse debt may give rise to income “derived from
    dealings in property” under I.R.C. § 61(a)(3), but it does not
    give rise to income “from discharge of indebtedness” under
    I.R.C. § 61(a)(11).
    As a general matter, a “repossession of property securing
    a debt constitutes a taxable sale or exchange.” Estate of
    Delman v. Commissioner, 
    73 T.C. 15
    , 28 (1979). Moreover,
    the Supreme Court has held that, under Crane v.
    331 U.S. 1
     (1947), “[w]hen a taxpayer sells
    or disposes of property encumbered by a nonrecourse
    obligation,” he or she must “include among the assets
    realized the outstanding amount of the obligation.”
    Commissioner v. Tufts, 
    461 U.S. 300
    , 317 (1983) (emphasis
    added). This same rule applies even “when the unpaid
    amount of the nonrecourse mortgage exceeds the value of
    the property transferred.” 
    Id. at 307
    . If the result of the short
    sale, and its accompanying extinguishment of nonrecourse
    debt, is that the taxpayer realizes a “gain” on the sale, then
    the taxpayer may realize taxable income “derived from
    dealings in property” under I.R.C. § 61(a)(3).               See
    2925 Briarpark Ltd. v. Commissioner, 
    163 F.3d 313
    , 318
    (5th Cir. 1999) (“Section 61(a)(3) applies when a taxpayer
    agrees to surrender the property in exchange for the
    cancellation of a [nonrecourse] debt,” with “the whole
    amount of the canceled nonrecourse indebtedness being
    includable in the amount realized under [I.R.C.] § 1001.”);
    14             MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES
    see also I.R.C. § 1001 (providing rules for calculation of
    gain or loss on a “sale or other disposition of property”).
    Any such “income realization is not based on cancellation of
    indebtedness.” Estate of Delman, 
    73 T.C. at 33
    The facts of Tufts illustrate how these principles work.
    In Tufts, a partnership took out a $1,851,500 nonrecourse
    mortgage to finance the construction of an apartment
    complex. Id. at 302. After the complex was completed, the
    property’s fair market value fell to $1,400,000, and the
    partners sold their interests in the property to a third party
    for almost no consideration other than that party’s
    assumption of the nonrecourse loan. Id. at 303. At the time
    of the sale, the partnership’s adjusted basis in the property
    was $1,455,740. Id. at 302. Because the property’s fair
    market value of $1,400,000 on the day of the sale was less
    than this adjusted basis, the partners claimed a partnership
    loss of $55,740. Id. at 303. The Commissioner disagreed,
    arguing that the partnership had realized a gain of
    approximately $400,000 because, in the sale of the property,
    the partnership “had realized the full amount of the
    nonrecourse obligation,” which was over $1,800,000. Id.
    The Supreme Court agreed, holding that the Commissioner
    properly included, “in the amount realized” on the sale, “the
    amount of the nonrecourse mortgage assumed by the
    purchaser.” Id. at 309. Although the facts of Tufts involved
    the assumption of a nonrecourse mortgage rather than its
    cancellation, there is no reason why its analysis would not
    apply in the latter context. Under Tufts, therefore, a
    cancellation of a nonrecourse loan in a short sale or
    foreclosure gives rise to income derived from dealings in
    property, rather than income from discharge of indebtedness.
    MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES                          15
    The analysis is different, however, when there is a short
    sale or foreclosure involving recourse debt. “With a
    recourse debt, a debtor remains liable for the unpaid balance
    after a foreclosure sale.” 2925 Briarpark, Ltd., 
    163 F.3d at
    318 n.2.       Therefore, unlike the situation with a
    nonrecourse debt (in which the foreclosure on the deed of
    trust itself eliminates the only means to collect on the debt),
    some additional action, beyond the transfer of the property,
    is required to eliminate the otherwise surviving personal
    liability associated with recourse debt. Consequently, a
    foreclosure involving the forgiveness of recourse debt, for
    tax purposes, is split into two transactions: (1) the transfer of
    the property itself—a transaction in which “the unpaid
    portion [of the loan] is not used to calculate ‘amount
    realized’” on the sale or exchange, 
     (emphasis added)
    (citation omitted); and (2) a forgiveness of the surviving
    individual liability, which gives rise to “discharge of
    indebtedness” income under I.R.C. § 61(a)(11). See 
    Treas. Reg. § 1.1001-2
    (c), Ex. 8; see also 
     § 1.1001-2(a)(2)
    (“The amount realized on a sale or other disposition of
    property that secures a recourse liability does not include
    amounts that are . . . income from the discharge of
    indebtedness.”). 5
    The Tax Court’s decision in Simonsen v. Commissioner,
    150 T.C. 201
     (2018), further confirms the settled rules
    governing short sales involving nonrecourse encumbrances.
    In Simonsen, the taxpayers successfully negotiated a short
    In her concurrence in Tufts, Justice O’Connor argued that, if the
    Court were writing on a clean slate, it might make sense to separate into
    two transactions a sale of property encumbered by a nonrecourse
    mortgage that exceeds the property’s value. 
    461 U.S. at
    317–19. But
    given that the IRS regulations and lower-court caselaw had long taken a
    different approach, she agreed with the Court’s decision not to adopt
    such a change judicially. 
    Id. at 319
    16                MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES
    sale when, after the 2008 financial crisis, their existing
    nonrecourse mortgage debt greatly exceeded their home’s
    fair market value. 
     at 201–02. Unlike in the present case,
    the taxpayers in Simonson would have benefitted from
    splitting the short sale into two transactions, and they
    therefore argued that “the sale and consequent debt
    forgiveness” should be treated as “two separate transactions
    that resulted in both [1] a substantial deductible loss [on the
    sale] and [2] excludable cancellation-of-indebtedness (COI)
    income.” Id. at 202. The IRS disagreed, arguing that the
    law was clear that the short sale is treated as “one transaction
    and the discharged debt is included in the amount realized
    on the sale.” Id. The Tax Court agreed with the IRS,
    concluding that “[t]here was but one transaction” and that its
    tax treatment was dictated by Tufts. Id. at 211–12. The Tax
    Court held that the IRS thus correctly included “the debt
    discharged . . . in the amount realized” on the sale, and the
    resulting income was properly classified as “‘[g]ains derived
    from dealings in property’ under section 61(a)(3).” Id.
    at 206–07; see also id. at 213 (“This means that we have to
    apply the rules for computing gain or loss on a sale and not
    the rules for calculating the amount of COI income.”). 6
    Accordingly, because Plaintiffs’ short sale here involved
    the extinguishing of nonrecourse debt, it did not generate
    cancellation-of-indebtedness income within the meaning of
    I.R.C. § 61(a)(11). The transaction instead must be
    evaluated under Tufts as a single transaction that may
    produce “[g]ains derived from dealings in property.” I.R.C.
    Simonsen thus refutes the dissent’s suggestion that Tufts “applies
    only when the taxpayer retains an ownership interest in the property”
    after the transaction and therefore does not apply to a short sale in which
    “any remaining interest [the mortgagors] had held in the property
    dissolved with the sale of the property.” See Dissent at 32, 33.
    MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES                          17
    § 61(a)(3). Plaintiffs contend that, applying that approach
    here, the short sale in this case produced a nondeductible
    loss, rather than a gain. The IRS’s brief in this court has not
    disputed that particular point, and we therefore take the point
    as conceded for purposes of this appeal. 7 Accordingly,
    under the settled rules that are applicable to a short sale
    involving nonrecourse debt, Plaintiffs’ sale did not generate
    any taxable income.
    The next question is whether—again applying the
    normal rules that govern short sales concerning nonrecourse
    debt—Plaintiffs were entitled to deduct the mortgage
    interest that CitiMortgage received at the short sale. We
    conclude that the answer is yes—Plaintiffs paid the interest
    in question, and the interest payment is deductible.
    The case before us is in this respect analogous to
    Catalano. There, the Tax Court first concluded that the San
    Francisco residence at issue had been abandoned to the
    debtor during his bankruptcy proceedings. 
    T.C. Memo. 2000-82
    , at *3. The property was encumbered by a
    mortgage held by Wells Fargo, which “was either
    nonrecourse or treated as nonrecourse under California law.”
     When the home was subsequently sold at a foreclosure,
    there was an outstanding principal balance of $1,341,352 on
    that mortgage, and the residence was sold at the foreclosure
    sale for $1,215,000. Id. at *2. The debtor sought to take a
    deduction for mortgage interest paid to Wells Fargo in
    Instead, the IRS suggests that the earlier shift of Plaintiffs’ loan
    from recourse to nonrecourse during the bankruptcy proceedings has the
    effect of rendering the standard Tufts analysis inapplicable. This
    argument is wrong for reasons explained below. See infra at 21–27.
    18               MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES
    connection with the short sale, but the IRS disallowed the
    deduction on the ground that the fair market value of the
    residence was less than the outstanding mortgage principal.
    Id. at *3. The Tax Court concluded that, under Tufts, it was
    irrelevant what the fair market value of the house was at the
    time of the foreclosure sale. Id. Instead, under Tufts, the
    amount that the debtor “realized upon the disposition of his
    residence in foreclosure included both the principal
    indebtedness and the interest that had accrued as of the
    foreclosure date.” Id.; see also Allan v. Commissioner,
    856 F.2d 1169
    , 1171–72 (8th Cir. 1988). Consequently, the
    Tax Court concluded, the debtor “is appropriately deemed to
    have paid the interest in the disposition of his residence,” and
    he was therefore “entitled to the interest deduction here.” Id.
    at *4. 8
    The same result follows here. When, as in this case,
    nonrecourse liability “is extinguished in exchange for an
    asset, ‘the transaction is treated as if the transferor had sold
    the asset for cash equivalent to the amount of the debt and
    had applied the cash to the payment of the debt.’” Catalano,
    T.C. Memo. 2000-82
     at *4 (quoting Unique Art Mfg. Co. v.
    8 T.C. 1341
    , 1342 (1947)).                   Here,
    CitiMortgage received approximately $522,000 from the
    short sale. CitiMortgage applied $114,688 of that payment
    to interest, consistent with 
    Treas. Reg. § 1.446-2
    (e)(1) (and,
    presumably, in accordance with the terms of its deed of
    On appeal in Catalano, we reversed the Tax Court’s threshold
    determination that there had been an abandonment of the property by the
    bankruptcy trustee, and we therefore had no occasion to address whether
    the Tax Court’s analysis based on that determination was otherwise
    correct. See 
    279 F.3d at
    687–88. Here, by contrast, it is undisputed that
    the bankruptcy trustee abandoned Plaintiffs’ residence, and Catalano’s
    analysis of the tax consequences of such an abandonment, and a
    subsequent short sale, is therefore instructive here.
    MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES                         19
    trust), and it reported that amount as interest received on a
    Form 1098-MIS. Applying payments to interest first is the
    long-established default rule in federal and Washington law.
    See Story v. Livingston, 
    38 U.S. 359
    , 371 (1839) (“The
    correct rule, in general, is, that the creditor shall calculate
    interest, whenever a payment is made. To this interest, the
    payment is first to be applied; and if it exceed the interest
    due, the balance is to be applied to diminish the principal. If
    the payment fall short of the interest, the balance of interest
    is not to be added to the principal so as to produce interest.”);
    Clausing v. Virginia Lee Homes, Inc., 
    384 P.2d 644
    , 647
    (Wash. 1963) (“Installment payments are applied first to
    payment of interest and the remainder, if any, applied to
    payment of principal.”). Plaintiffs therefore must be deemed
    to be the persons who paid that mortgage interest to
    CitiMortgage. See also 
    Treas. Reg. § 1.446-2
    (e)(1) (stating
    the general rule that, when a taxpayer makes a payment on a
    loan that consists of both accrued interest and principal,
    “each payment under [the] loan . . . is treated as a payment
    of interest to the extent of the accrued and unpaid interest
    . . . .”). Moreover, because, under Tufts, Plaintiffs are
    deemed at the short sale to have realized an amount that
    includes all of the discharged nonrecourse debt, including
    the accrued interest, see Allan, 
    856 F.2d at
    Catalano, T.C. Memo. 200-82 at *4, they must for that
    further reason be deemed to have made the payment of
    interest that CitiMortgage received. And because Plaintiffs
    paid that mortgage interest, it was deductible under I.R.C.
    § 163(a), (h)(2)(D), (h)(3). 9
    The dissent’s contrary view is based on the premise that, because
    Plaintiffs “had long ago pledged any sale proceeds to CitiMortgage by
    deed of trust,” their home was “an asset belonging wholly to another (in
    this case CitiMortgage),” and therefore the interest payment received by
    20                MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES
    In contending that Plaintiffs did not make the interest
    payment here, the IRS argues that Crane’s rule that debtors
    realize a benefit from, and therefore have a corresponding
    interest in, the full amount of nonrecourse debt discharged at
    a sale should not apply here because, “‘if the value of the
    property is less than the amount of the mortgage, a
    mortgagor who is not personally liable cannot realize a
    benefit equal to the mortgage’” (quoting Crane, 
    331 U.S. at
    14 n.37). This argument is plainly wrong, because it
    attempts to distinguish Crane on grounds that were expressly
    rejected in Tufts. As the Court in Tufts explained after
    quoting that very footnote from Crane: “This case presents
    that unresolved issue. We are disinclined to overrule Crane,
    and we conclude that the same rule applies when the unpaid
    amount of the nonrecourse mortgage exceeds the value of
    CitiMortgage at the short sale was one that CitiMortgage “alone
    generated.” See Dissent at 31, 34. No authority supports the dissent’s
    novel view that owners of homes with underwater mortgages do not
    really own their homes at all. On the contrary, unless and until the house
    is sold or foreclosed on, homeowners have a continued ownership
    interest in their residence and could, for example, benefit from any
    unexpected rally in the price of the home. Cf. Allan, 
    856 F.2d at 1173
    (“[T]here is no doubt that had the Apartment recovered financially, the
    Partnership would have been legally obligated to repay the entire
    outstanding principal amount of the mortgage, including . . . the interest
    thereon.”); cf. also Alsberg v. Robertson (In re Alsberg), 
    68 F.3d 312
    313–14 (9th Cir. 1995) (noting that the value of debtors’ home rose from
    $259,000 to $380,000 one year after they filed for bankruptcy, thereby
    producing enough funds to pay off the mortgage in full and produce a
    $115,000 profit). Moreover, the dissent’s premise that CitiMortgage
    paid the interest to itself ignores Crane’s teaching that, for tax purposes,
    a mortgagor may not need to have actually received the proceeds of a
    sale to be deemed to have paid them over. See 
    331 U.S. at 13
    that, in some circumstances, a seller who has not actually received funds
    will be treated as having had the money “‘paid [to] it and then paid over
    by it to its creditors’”) (citation omitted)).
    MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES                            21
    the property transferred.”            
    461 U.S. at 307
    added). 10
    Accordingly, we conclude that, if the ordinary rules
    applicable to a short sale involving the extinguishment of
    nonrecourse debt are applied here, then Plaintiffs were
    entitled to the mortgage interest deduction that they took. 11
    The only remaining question, then, is whether a different
    outcome is warranted here based on the fact that, as a result
    of their 2010 bankruptcy discharge, Plaintiffs’ mortgage was
    effectively converted from recourse to nonrecourse. The
    IRS argues that the 2010 bankruptcy discharge’s conversion
    of Plaintiffs’ mortgage to nonrecourse rendered any interest
    payment at the 2011 short sale disallowable under I.R.C.
    Notably, the IRS does not contend that the deductible interest
    payment is allocable to a tax-exempt gain on the sale of Plaintiffs’
    residence, see I.R.C. § 121, thereby triggering I.R.C. § 265(a)(1), which
    disallows otherwise-allowable deductions that are “allocable to one or
    more classes of income . . . wholly exempt from the taxes imposed by
    this subtitle.” (The IRS does argue that § 265(a)(1) applies here, but only
    based on Plaintiffs’ bankruptcy. We address the IRS’s bankruptcy-based
    theory below. See infra at 21–27.) As noted earlier, the IRS did not
    contest Plaintiffs’ assertion that there was a loss on the sale, rather than
    a gain. See supra at 17.
    The dissent argues that, if Plaintiffs are deemed to have paid the
    mortgage interest that CitiMortgage received, that would create a “moral
    hazard” that presents “a threat to the integrity of the Tax Code.” See
    Dissent at 34. These concerns are overwrought. Our analysis avoids a
    converse problem in which the Government simultaneously denies that
    Plaintiffs made any interest payment to CitiMortgage at the short sale
    while treating a portion of the funds received by CitiMortgage as interest
    payments that are then presumptively taxable income as to CitiMortgage.
    The Government, too, “cannot have it both ways.” See id.
    22             MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES
    § 265(a)(1), which provides that “[n]o deduction shall be
    allowed for . . . [a]ny amount otherwise allowable as a
    deduction which is allocable to one or more classes of
    income . . . wholly exempt from the taxes imposed by this
    subtitle.” I.R.C. § 265(a)(1). According to the IRS,
    Plaintiffs’ mortgage interest deduction was precluded under
    this section because (1) Plaintiffs received “income” when
    their bankruptcy discharge converted their mortgage from
    recourse to nonrecourse; and (2) that income was exempt
    from taxation under I.R.C. § 108(a)(1)(A), which exempts
    from taxable income any discharge of indebtedness that
    “occurs in a title 11 case.” Neither premise of the IRS’s
    argument is correct, as the plain language of the statute and
    regulations makes clear.
    The IRS is wrong in positing that the conversion of
    Plaintiffs’ mortgage from recourse to nonrecourse gave rise
    to otherwise taxable “income” that was then exempted from
    taxation by operation of § 108(a)(1)(A). As the text of the
    statute makes clear, § 108(a)(1)(A) is only triggered when
    there is an “amount which (but for this subsection) would be
    includible in gross income by reason of the discharge (in
    whole or in part) of indebtedness of the taxpayer.” I.R.C.
    § 108(a)(1) (emphasis added). Here, however, there is no
    basis for concluding that the 2010 conversion of Plaintiffs’
    mortgage from recourse to nonrecourse gave rise to
    “income” that “but for this subsection”—i.e., but for
    § 108(a)—would have been included in Plaintiffs’ taxable
    income.      On the contrary, the applicable Treasury
    regulations squarely refute this contention.
    A change in a debt instrument will be deemed to give rise
    to a potentially taxable exchange of debt instruments only if,
    inter alia, the underlying debt instrument undergoes a
    MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES                           23
    “significant modification.” 
    Treas. Reg. § 1.1001-3
    (emphasis added). 12 A “change (in whole or in part) in the
    recourse nature of the instrument (from recourse to
    nonrecourse or from nonrecourse to recourse) is a
     § 1.1001-3(c)(2)(i); see also id. § 1.1001-
    3(c)(1)(i) (“A modification means any alteration, including
    any deletion or addition, in whole or in part, of a legal right
    or obligation of the issuer or a holder of a debt instrument,
    whether the alteration is evidenced by an express agreement
    (oral or written), conduct of the parties, or otherwise.”). A
    modification, however, is generally deemed to be “a
    significant modification only if, based on all facts and
    circumstances, the legal rights or obligations that are altered
    and the degree to which they are altered are economically
    significant.” Id. § 1.1001-3(e)(1). Amplifying on that
    standard, the regulations specifically address when a
    conversion of a loan from recourse to nonrecourse will be
    deemed to entail a “significant modification.” Id. § 1.1001-
    3(e)(5)(ii). Under those rules, a “modification that changes
    a recourse debt instrument to a nonrecourse debt instrument
    is not a significant modification if [1] the instrument
    continues to be secured only by the original collateral and
    [2] the modification does not result in a change in payment
    expectations.” Id. § 1.1001-3(e)(5)(ii)(B)(2).
    Under the facts as pleaded, the change in Plaintiffs’
    mortgage from recourse to nonrecourse does not meet the
    definition of a significant modification. First, the loan
    continued to be “secured only by the original collateral.”
    Treas. Reg. § 1.1001-3
    (e)(5)(ii)(B)(2). Second, there was no
    All citations of the Treasury regulations in this paragraph are of
    the April 1, 2010 version that was in effect when Plaintiffs obtained their
    bankruptcy discharge. The current regulations contain changes in
    wording that are immaterial to the issues addressed here.
    24             MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES
    change in payment expectations. A “change in payment
    expectations occurs if, as a result of [the] transaction,” either
    (1) there is “a substantial enhancement of the obligor’s
    capacity to meet the payment obligations under a debt
    instrument and that capacity was primarily speculative prior
    to the modification and is adequate after the modification”;
    or (2) there is “a substantial impairment of the obligor’s
    capacity to meet the payment obligations under a debt
    instrument and that capacity was adequate prior to the
    modification and is primarily speculative after the
     § 1.1001-3(e)(4)(vi). Taking the well-
    pleaded allegations in the complaint as true, there is no basis
    for concluding that Plaintiffs’ capacity to meet their payment
    obligations under their CitiMortgage loan was any different
    before and after the bankruptcy discharge. Under the
    allegations of the complaint, Plaintiffs became unable to
    meet their payment obligations in early 2009 and remained
    unable to do so thereafter, including after their bankruptcy
    discharge. Because the modification of Plaintiffs’ loan from
    recourse to nonrecourse in 2010 did not involve a
    “significant modification,” it did not give rise to a potentially
    taxable event.
    Accordingly, the conversion of Plaintiffs’ mortgage
    from recourse to nonrecourse as a result of the bankruptcy
    discharge did not give rise to any income that “(but for this
    subsection [108(a)]) would be includible in gross income by
    reason of the discharge (in whole or in part) of
    indebtedness.” I.R.C. § 108(a)(1). Thus, the IRS is incorrect
    in concluding that Plaintiffs had otherwise-taxable income
    from that conversion that was then exempted from taxation
    by § 108(a)(1). Rather, they had no “income” from that
    conversion in the first place, regardless of § 108(a)(1). For
    that reason alone, § 265(a)(1) can have no application here.
    See I.R.C. § 265(a)(1) (stating that its deduction
    MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES                         25
    disallowance rule only applies if there is associated
    “income” that is then “wholly exempt” from taxation). 13
    There is an alternative and independent reason why
    § 265(a)(1) does not preclude Plaintiffs’ home mortgage
    interest deduction. Even assuming (contrary to the reality)
    that the conversion of Plaintiffs’ mortgage to nonrecourse
    was a taxable event that gave rise to otherwise taxable
    cancellation-of-indebtedness income, the exemption that
    would then apply under § 108(a)(1)(A) does not meet
    § 265(a)(1)’s requirement that the exemption be one that
    “wholly exempt[s]” that “class[] of income” from taxation.
    I.R.C. § 265(a)(1).
    As noted earlier, § 108(a)(1) provides that “[g]ross
    income does not include any amount which (but for this
    subsection) would be includible in gross income by reason
    of the discharge (in whole or in part) of indebtedness of the
    taxpayer if . . . (A) the discharge occurs in a title 11 case.”
    However, § 108(b)(1) provides that “[t]he amount excluded
    from gross income under subparagraph (A) . . . of subsection
    (a)(1) shall be applied to reduce the tax attributes of the
    taxpayer . . . .” Thus, for example, a taxpayer who benefits
    from a § 108(a)(1)(A) exclusion of debt-cancellation income
    The dissent implies that the “monetary gain” attributable to the
    conversion of the loan from recourse to nonrecourse brings this case
    within the scope of § 108 and § 265. However, these provisions require
    that the assertedly tax-exempt amount otherwise count as “income,” and
    the dissent has failed to explain how the “monetary gain” in this case
    qualifies as “income.” See Dissent at 33. This would rewrite the plain
    language of § 108 and § 265, which we may not do. Similarly, the
    dissent fails to explain how the reasoning of Tufts can be distinguished
    on the grounds that that case “did not involve a bankruptcy.” Id. at 33.
    26             MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES
    may need to reduce the basis of his or her property by the
    amount of the exclusion. See I.R.C. § 108(b)(2)(E). That,
    of course, would increase the gain on a subsequent sale of
    the property by a corresponding amount. The Supreme
    Court has thus aptly noted that “the effect of § 108 is not
    genuinely to exempt such income from taxation, but rather
    to defer the payment of the tax” by, inter alia, “increasing
    the size of taxable gains upon ultimate disposition of the
    reduced-basis property.” United States v. Centennial Sav.
    Bank FSB, 
    499 U.S. 573
    , 580 (1991); see also, e.g.,
    150 T.C. at 204
     n.7 (“When [cancellation of
    indebtedness] income is excluded, there is typically a
    corresponding adjustment made somewhere so that the
    Commissioner doesn’t forgo tax forever.”); Nelson v.
    110 T.C. 114
    , 125 (1998) (en banc) (“An
    exclusion that is subject to an offset (the tax attribute
    reductions) and may be subject to taxation in the future (that
    is, excluded from gross income for the taxable year) does
    not signify or indicate an item of income that is necessarily
    tax exempt on a permanent basis.”), aff’d 
    182 F.3d 1152
    (10th Cir. 1999).
    It follows that cancellation-of-indebtedness income
    exempted under § 108(a)(1)(A) is not “wholly exempt” from
    income taxation within the meaning of § 265(a)(1). See
    Cotton States Fertilizer Co. v. Commissioner, 
    28 T.C. 1169
    1173 (1957) (holding that the predecessor to § 265 did not
    apply to an exclusion that “requires the taxpayer to decrease
    the basis of the new property by the amount of the gain not
    recognized by reason of its election” under a provision of the
    Code addressing involuntary conversions, because the
    exclusion did “not result in giving a ‘wholly exempt’
    classification to income received . . . . At best, [it] provides
    for the postponement of tax.”); Hawaiian Tr. Co. v. United
    291 F.2d 761
    , 773 (9th Cir. 1961) (“Wholly exempt
    MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES                   27
    income is never taxed. . . . [Nonrecognized gains] may be
    taxed, however, . . . at another time. In other words, [they]
    are not ‘wholly exempt’ from the tax.”).
    The IRS argues that Plaintiffs have not offset their tax
    attributes under § 108(b), but the plain language of
    § 265(a)(1) requires that the relevant exemption be one that
    “wholly exempt[s]” a “class[ ] of income” from income
    taxation, not merely one that “exempts” income from
    taxation. I.R.C. § 265(a)(1) (emphasis added). For the
    reasons set forth above, § 108(a)(1)(A) does not meet that
    standard here and it therefore provides no basis for applying
    § 265(a)(1).
    In sum, Plaintiffs’ home mortgage interest deduction is
    not precluded by Estate of Franklin. Moreover, under the
    settled rules for a short sale involving the extinguishment of
    nonrecourse debt, the Tufts approach applies, and Plaintiffs
    were entitled to take the corresponding mortgage interest
    deduction for the interest paid and received at the short sale.
    The fact that, during an earlier bankruptcy, Plaintiffs’
    mortgage had been converted, through their bankruptcy
    discharge, from recourse to nonrecourse, provides no basis
    for declining to apply those rules.
    28             MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES
    STEARNS, District Judge, dissenting:
    Because I am persuaded that the majority opinion is
    based on a fictional factual premise and a misreading of the
    applicable law, I respectfully dissent. The flawed factual
    premise is this: It is simply not the case, as the majority
    asserts, that appellants Lisa Milkovich and Dang Nguyen
    “paid” the mortgage interest for which they sought a tax
    deduction, and no amount of “deeming” it so can make it
    otherwise. See Majority op. at 19. I also believe that the
    majority’s rejection of the sound reasoning of the Internal
    Revenue Service (IRS), relying on a twenty-year-old
    nonprecedential (and never since cited as authority) Tax
    Court memorandum decision, Catalano v. Comm’r, T.C.
    Memo. 200-82, rev’d, 
    279 F.3d 682
     (9th Cir. 2002), is in
    error and contrary to precedent in this Circuit.
    Let me begin with where I agree with the majority. The
    essential facts are not in dispute. In 2005, Milkovich and
    Nguyen purchased a home in the State of Washington for
    $748,425. The purchase price reflected the fair market value
    of the home at the time. The couple refinanced the mortgage
    with Westwood Mortgage (later CitiMortgage) in 2006 for
    $744,993. Milkovich and Nguyen agreed to interest-only,
    monthly payments of $3,724.94. They stopped making the
    mortgage payments in February of 2009 and filed for
    bankruptcy on January 25, 2010.
    The bankruptcy trustee abandoned the home on March 4,
    2010, after determining it irretrievably under water. As a
    result of the discharge of the quasi-judicial lien, title to the
    property revested in Milkovich and Nguyen. See Jack F.
    MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES                             29
    Williams, The Tax Consequences of Abandonment under the
    Bankruptcy Code, 
    67 Temp. L. Rev. 13
    , 30, 36 (1994). 1
    In April of 2010, Milkovich and Nguyen received a
    bankruptcy discharge. On July 21, 2011, the house was sold
    by CitiMortgage in a short sale for $550,000, from which
    CitiMortgage received $522,015. Of that amount, $114,688
    was allocated to the payment of the outstanding interest on
    the $744,993 loan.       See 
    26 C.F.R. § 1.446-2
    Subsequently, CitiMortgage sent Milkovich and Nguyen a
    Form 1098-MIS for the tax year 2011, which reported the
    receipt of $114,688 in mortgage interest from the couple. 2
    As cash-basis taxpayers, Milkovich and Nguyen claimed an
    interest deduction of $114,688 on their 2011 tax bill based
    26 U.S.C. § 163
    On October 20, 2014, the IRS sent a notice of deficiency
    to Milkovich and Nguyen at the address of their former home
    proposing to disallow the couple’s $114,688 interest
    The trustee’s abandonment of the property had no tax
    consequences independent of the conversion of Milkovich and Nguyen’s
    debt from recourse to nonrecourse. “Under tax law, abandonment is the
    equivalent of a sale or exchange . . . . [B]ankruptcy abandonment[,
    however,] is an entirely different species . . . best viewed as a disclaimer
    of interest in estate property by a trustee as the representative of the
    estate. The rights and responsibilities that existed in the property
    immediately before the bankruptcy filing remain with the debtor
    throughout the administration of the case, subject to the trustee’s judicial
    lien power. . . . The effect of a trustee’s release of its judicial lien is to
    divest control over the abandoned asset, . . . [thus] bankruptcy
    abandonment is not a transfer or exchange for tax purposes any more
    than the release of a judicial lien is a transfer or exchange.” Williams,
    supra, 67 Temp. L. Rev. at 35–36; see also In re Olson, 
    930 F.2d 6
    , 8
    (8th Cir. 1991) (per curiam).
    There is no explanation in the record as to why CitiMortgage
    mailed the Form-1098-MIS to the appellants.
    30             MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES
    deduction. Because Milkovich and Nguyen no longer lived
    at the address, they did not receive the notice and did not
    respond. The IRS disallowed the deduction in March of
    2015 and assessed an additional tax due. After a failed effort
    to persuade the tax examiner to reconsider the disallowance,
    Milkovich and Nguyen appealed. In May of 2018, the IRS
    appeals office upheld the disallowance, citing to Internal
    Revenue Code (IRC) § 265 and Regs. 1.265-1, which
    “prohibit the deduction of expenses related to tax-exempt
    income.” Milkovich and Nguyen paid the outstanding tax
    liability and then filed this lawsuit in the district court.
    The district court granted the government’s Rule
    12(b)(6) motion to dismiss in May of 2019. Relying on
    Estate of Franklin v. Comm’r, 
    544 F.2d 1045
     (9th Cir. 1976),
    the court held that because the underlying transaction lacked
    “economic substance,” it fell “squarely” within Franklin’s
    sham transaction tax avoidance rule. Milkovich v. United
    States, No. 2:18-CV-01658-BJR, 
    2019 WL 2161665
    , at *2
    (W.D. Wash. May 17, 2019), quoting Franklin, 
    544 F.2d at 1049
    I fully agree with the thorough explanation set out in Part
    IIA of the majority opinion as to why the district court’s
    reliance on Franklin was misplaced. I also agree with so
    much of Part IIB that explicates the differences between
    recourse and nonrecourse debt. I disagree, however, that
    Catalano’s holding―that a nonrecourse debtor whose
    property interest is liquidated at a short sale or foreclosure is
    entitled to deduct so much of the proceeds as is allocated to
    interest―is “consistent with settled law.” Majority Op.
    at 13. It is not.
    The IRC provides that a taxpayer may deduct “all
    interest paid or accrued within the taxable year on
    26 U.S.C. § 163
    (a). However, “[t]o justify
    MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES                  31
    an interest deduction [under section 163(a)], a taxpayer must
    actually pay for the use or forbearance of money.” Beck v.
    678 F.2d 818
    , 821 (9th Cir. 1982) (emphasis
    added). In the 2011 tax year for which Milkovich and
    Nguyen sought to deduct mortgage interest (and during the
    preceding two years), they made no mortgage interest (or
    principal) payments. In other words, the interest payment
    that CitiMortgage received in tax year 2011 was one that it
    alone generated through the short sale (and one that it by law
    was required to report for tax purposes as corporate income).
    Compare Golder v. Comm’r, 
    604 F.2d 34
    , 36 (9th Cir. 1979)
    (noting that in a situation where a taxpayer seeks to deduct
    interest payments on “a non-recourse note secured by a
    mortgage on the land . . . [t]he taxpayer [still] must pay the
    interest to avoid foreclosure of his ownership interest in the
    property.”) (emphasis added).
    The IRC provides that “[n]o [tax] deduction shall be
    allowed for . . . [a]ny amount otherwise allowable as a
    deduction which is allocable to one or more classes of
    income other than interest . . . wholly exempt from the taxes
    imposed by this subtitle . . . .” 
    26 U.S.C. § 265
    Pursuant to I.R.C. § 108(a)(1)(A), income from a discharge
    of indebtedness in a bankruptcy case is exempt from gross
    income. The government does not argue that Appellants
    received a discharge of indebtedness income when the short
    sale closed. Rather, the government argues that prior to the
    short sale, “the discharge of taxpayers’ personal liability on
    the mortgage loan was excluded from gross income because
    it occurred in a bankruptcy case,” Appellee Br. at 31–32, and
    therefore “was exempt from taxation under I.R.C.
    § 108(a)(1)(A).” Id. at 35.
    Milkovich and Nguyen counter that the transformation
    of their mortgage from recourse into nonrecourse debt
    32             MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES
    following the bankruptcy discharge did not result in a
    discharge of indebtedness at all. This is because, they argue,
    the “‘discharged debt’ was ultimately [required to be]
    included in [the] amount realized on the sale of the personal
    residence,” Appellants’ Reply at 16, and so was not really
    “discharged” at all. Appellants’ contention relies on the
    Supreme Court’s decision in Comm’r v. Tufts, 
    461 U.S. 300
    (1983), and its holding that “[w]hen a taxpayer sells or
    disposes of property encumbered by a nonrecourse
    obligation, the Commissioner properly requires him to
    include among the assets realized the outstanding amount of
    the obligation. The fair market value of the property is
    irrelevant to this calculation.” 
    Id. at 317
     (emphasis added).
    Appellants contend that both I.R.C. § 108 and I.R.C.
    § 265(a)(1) are inapplicable because the bankruptcy
    discharge merely deferred the tax consequences associated
    with the now-nonrecourse mortgage debt to a later
    stage―for example, when calculating assets realized upon
    disposition of the property. As a result, they maintain that
    the discharged mortgage debt did not reflect income “wholly
    exempt from the taxes imposed by this subtitle.” I.R.C.
    § 265(a)(1).
    What Milkovich and Nguyen’s argument omits is the
    fact that Tufts’s refusal to differentiate between the tax
    implications of recourse and nonrecourse debt applies only
    when the taxpayer retains an ownership interest in the
    property and thus stands to benefit from any future gain in
    the property’s sale or disposition, or conversely, from any
    capital loss. “The principal application of Section 265(a)(1)
    is to bar the deduction of expenses incurred in the course of
    earning tax-exempt income.” Induni v. Comm’r, 
    990 F.2d 53
    , 55 (2d Cir. 1993). In interpreting Section 265, this
    Circuit has explained that “[w]holly exempt income is never
    taxed” as compared to income which “may be taxed . . . at
    MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES                          33
    another time.” Hawaiian Tr. Co. Ltd. v. United States,
    291 F.2d 761
    , 773 (9th Cir. 1961).
    Here, when Milkovich and Nguyen’s mortgage was
    transformed from recourse debt into nonrecourse debt
    through bankruptcy, they received a monetary gain that was
    never taxed—that is, the discharge of personal liability on
    their mortgage debt. Because of this discharge of personal
    liability, appellants were not later required to report as a
    taxable gain the $222,977.95 difference between the initial
    value of the mortgage and the amount CitiMortgage
    recouped from the short sale. Thus, the discharge of the
    mortgage loan through bankruptcy resulted in a tax-exempt
    discharge of indebtedness within the meaning of I.R.C.
    § 108(a)(1)(A), precluding an interest deduction under
    I.R.C. § 265(a)(1). The gain (in the form of debt relief) that
    Milkovich and Nguyen received through the bankruptcy
    discharge would not be erased by the application of Tufts,
    which would require them, as taxpayers holding nonrecourse
    debt, to include that debt in calculating the amount realized
    from the disposition of their former home, an imaginary
    prospect given the fact that any remaining interest they had
    held in the property dissolved with the sale of the property
    in July of 2011. Tufts, 
    461 U.S. at 304
    . While it is true that
    Tufts involved nonrecourse debt on a property in an amount
    greater than the property’s fair market value, it did not
    involve a bankruptcy. 3 See IRS Pub. 908 (Rev. Feb. 2020),
    Bankruptcy Tax Guide, 
    2020 WL 1268263
    , at *30 (“None
    Justice Blackmun took great care in Tufts to make clear that the
    holding in the case did not involve issues raised by insolvency and the
    cancellation of indebtedness. See 
     at 310 n.11. Justice Blackmun’s
    note of caution is, I believe, a sufficient response to the majority’s
    criticism that I fail to explain why the reasoning of Tufts does not apply
    in appellants’ case. Majority op. at 25 n.13.
    34             MILKOVICH V. UNITED STATES
    of the debt canceled in a bankruptcy case is included in the
    debtor’s gross income in the year it was canceled. Instead,
    certain losses, credits, and basis of property must be reduced
    by the amount of excluded income (but not below zero).”)
    (emphasis added). Milkovich and Nguyen, in other words,
    cannot have it both ways―complete exoneration from
    liability while claiming a tax benefit from an asset belonging
    wholly to another (in this case, CitiMortgage). Nor, unlike
    the case in Tufts, were Milkovich and Nguyen the sellers of
    the debt as they had long ago pledged any sale proceeds to
    CitiMortgage by deed of trust.
    Finally, while I attribute no wrongdoing to Milkovich
    and Nguyen in attempting to claim the interest
    deduction―they saw their chance and took it―I believe
    there is a moral hazard, as well as a threat to the integrity of
    the Tax Code, in ratifying a legal fiction as a legitimate tax
    deduction. For these reasons, I dissent.

Document Info

Docket Number: 19-35582

Filed Date: 3/2/2022

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 3/3/2022

Authorities (24)

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View All Authorities »