United States v. Alisal Water Corp. , 431 F.3d 643 ( 2005 )

  •                   FOR PUBLICATION
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,              
    ALISAL WATER CORPORATION; TORO              No. 02-15907
    WATER SERVICE, INC.; NORTH                   D.C. No.
    MONTEREY COUNTY WATER                      CV-97-2009-JF
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,              
    No. 04-16210
          D.C. No.
    and                           OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of California
    Jeremy Fogel, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    June 13, 2005—San Francisco, California
    Filed October 13, 2005
    Before: Richard C. Tallman, Jay S. Bybee, and
    Carlos T. Bea, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Tallman
    Marc P. Fairman, San Francisco, California, for the
    Lori Jonas, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., for the
    TALLMAN, Circuit Judge:
    Appellants Robert and Natholyn Adcock and various pri-
    vate water systems they owned and operated in Monterey
    County, California, violated various public health and safety
    regulations under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act
    (“SDWA”), 42 U.S.C. §§ 300f-300j. They appeal the district
    court’s orders requiring divestiture of all except the largest
    water system and imposing financial penalties. We have juris-
    diction under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1291 and 1292(a)(2) and affirm.
    Prior to this litigation, the Adcock family water system
    business was organized into four corporations. The largest,
    Alisal Water Corporation (“Alisal”), owned and operated sev-
    eral public water systems, some of which are named as defen-
    dants: Alco Water Service (“Alco”), Salinas Division, Blackie
    Road Water System # 18, Pine Canyon Division of Alco
    Water Service, Buena Vista Water System, Wildwood Water
    System, San Jerardo Water System, Vierra Canyon Water
    System, Vierra Estates Water System, and Langley/Valle
    Pacifico Water System. Alisal also wholly owned two subsid-
    iary corporations: Moss Landing Harbor District, which oper-
    ated the Moss Landing public water system, and North
    Monterey County Water Service, Inc. (“NORMCO”), which
    UNITED STATES v. ALISAL WATER CORP.                  14051
    operated NORMCO public water system. The Adcocks held
    82.5 percent ownership in Alisal. The fourth corporation was
    Toro Water Service (“Toro”), which owned and operated a
    public water system of the same name and was wholly owned
    by the Adcocks.1
    The United States commenced this civil enforcement action
    in January 1997 on behalf of the United States Environmental
    Protection Agency (“EPA”) against the Appellants. Numerous
    violations of SDWA regulations were asserted, including
    exceeding total coliform Maximum Contaminant Levels
    (“MCL”), failing to monitor for lead and copper, failing to
    take required monitoring samples, failing to give required
    agency and public notices, failing to report and falsifying
    monitoring reports, and failing to keep proper records. The
    action was initiated in response to an August 1996 written
    request from Dr. David Spath, Chief of the Division of Drink-
    ing Water and Environmental Management, California
    Department of Health Services (“DHS”). Twelve counts of
    multiple regulatory violations (totaling 232 violations) and
    one count of fraudulent conveyance were alleged.
    The district court granted summary judgment to the govern-
    ment on the first nine counts in August 2000. See United
    States v. Alisal Water Corp., 
    114 F. Supp. 2d 927
    , 939 (N.D.
    Cal. 2000) (“Alisal I”). After trial, the district court again
    ruled for the government on the tenth count (fraudulent con-
    veyance). In November 2002, the district court granted sum-
    mary judgment against the corporate defendants, but not
    Appellants represent that, as of 2001, these water systems collectively
    served approximately 28,000 people, of which Alco served the majority,
    approximately 25,000 people. The other systems served significantly
    fewer people: Blackie Road Water System (66), San Jerardo Water Sys-
    tem (194), Vierra Canyon Water System (150), Langley/Valle Pacifico
    Water System (95), Buena Vista Water System (528), Moss Landing Har-
    bor District (550), NORMCO (682), and Toro (1100). Alisal has restruc-
    tured since the onset of this civil action and Wildwood Water System and
    the Pine Canyon Division were reorganized into the other divisions.
    against Robert and Patricia Adcock individually, on the
    remaining three counts, eleven to thirteen. As to the regula-
    tory violations, the Appellants challenge on appeal only the
    partial summary judgment on counts eleven and twelve
    against Moss Landing and Vierra Canyon.
    The district court found that the proliferation of small water
    systems had stretched the Adcocks beyond their ability to
    manage effectively and remedy the continuing health viola-
    tions, endangering their customers. To remedy the underlying
    violations the district court initially ordered that all of the
    smaller water systems, including NORMCO and Toro (collec-
    tively the “Small Utilities”), be placed in receivership and
    directed the receiver to investigate and make recommenda-
    tions about selling the Small Utilities. See United States v.
    Alisal Water Corp., 
    326 F. Supp. 2d 1010
    , 1028-32 (N.D. Cal.
    2002) (“Alisal II”). The Adcocks were permitted to remain in
    control of only the largest individual water system, Alco, and
    they were ordered to implement substantial improvements
    that had been recommended in a previously compiled consul-
    tant’s report and to allow monitoring by the receiver. 
    Id. at 1030-31.
    The district court denied the Appellants’ motion to
    stay the order, and a prior panel of our court affirmed the
    denial of a stay. During this time, the district court held exten-
    sive formal hearings regarding the Appellants’ stewardship
    and their course of dealings with federal and state health offi-
    cials. See 
    id. at 1019-22
    (summarizing findings). The district
    court also held two public meetings (in August and December
    2003), where utility customers were allowed to speak about
    their concerns, and the judge invited the public to send written
    In November 2003, the receiver filed his report and the dis-
    trict court subsequently adopted the recommended sale of the
    Small Utilities. The court ordered that most of the systems be
    sold to the highest bidders, but ordered three of the systems
    to be sold to a non-profit public entity, the Pajaro/Sunny Mesa
    Community Services District (“PSMCSD”). See United States
    UNITED STATES v. ALISAL WATER CORP.          14053
    v. Alisal Water Corp., 
    326 F. Supp. 2d 1032
    , 1038-39 (N.D.
    Cal. 2004) (“Alisal III”). PSMCSD did not have the highest
    bid, but the district court found that sale to PSMCSD would
    best serve the public interest. 
    Id. at 1037
    n.6. The district
    court denied the Appellants’ motion to stay the sale order, and
    we affirmed the denial of a stay.
    The district court also imposed monetary penalties against
    the Appellants. For purposes of determining the appropriate
    penalty amount, the district court appointed accountant Rich-
    ard Pierotti to assess the liquidation value of all of the water
    utilities and the Adcocks’ personal assets. The Appellants
    hired Dr. Joel Berk to review Pierotti’s valuation methodol-
    ogy; Dr. Berk concluded that Alco was of substantially less
    value than Pierotti had found. The district court struck Dr.
    Berk’s report as cumulative to evidence previously introduced
    by the Appellants. 
    Id. at 1037
    -38. The district court imposed
    a penalty of $500,000, but then credited the Appellants
    $300,000 as an offset for the shortfall from not accepting all
    of the high bids on the sale of the Small Utilities, leaving a
    $200,000 total penalty due. 
    Id. at 1038-39.
    The Appellants
    challenge the order appointing a receiver (No. 02-15907) and
    the order authorizing sale of the utilities and imposing penal-
    ties (No. 04-16210).
    The Appellants also challenge the district court’s jurisdic-
    tion over this entire eight-year litigation. They assert for the
    first time on appeal that the district court lacked subject mat-
    ter jurisdiction because the controlling statute states that a
    federal EPA enforcement action must be requested by “the
    chief executive officer of the State” or “agency of [the] State
    which has jurisdiction over compliance by public water sys-
    tems.” 42 U.S.C. § 300g-3(b)(2). They challenge as legally
    insufficient Dr. Spath’s request letter to demonstrate that the
    proper state agency requested EPA enforcement because: (1)
    Dr. Spath is not the head of the DHS, which they assert is the
    agency with primary jurisdiction over public water systems;
    and (2) there is nothing in the record establishing that DHS
    delegated such authority to him. See Cal. Health & Safety
    Code § 116325 (granting DHS the authority to enforce state
    drinking water regulations).
    “The existence of subject matter jurisdiction is a question
    of law reviewed de novo.” Opera Plaza Residential Parcel
    Homeowners Ass’n v. Hoang, 
    376 F.3d 831
    , 833 (9th Cir.
    2004). “[District courts] are courts of limited jurisdiction.
    They possess only that power authorized by Constitution and
    statute.” Exxon Mobil Corp. v. Allapattah Servs., Inc., 
    125 S. Ct. 2611
    , 2616 (June 23, 2005) (internal quotation marks
    and citation omitted). As a general matter, federal courts have
    subject matter jurisdiction over civil actions “arising under the
    Constitution, laws, or treaties of the United States.” See 28
    U.S.C. § 1331. By this principle, suits seeking compliance
    with, or remedies for, violations of federal water quality stat-
    utes and regulations present federal questions. Cf. Chasse v.
    595 F.2d 59
    , 61 (1st Cir. 1979) (citation omitted) (“It
    is beyond dispute that validly issued administrative regula-
    tions . . . may be treated as ‘laws of the United States’ under
    § 1331(a).”).
    This general grant of federal question jurisdiction is not
    limitless—Congress may negate district court jurisdiction
    “[b]y virtue of . . . a specific reference or assignment.” Erie-
    Net, Inc. v. Velocity Net, Inc., 
    156 F.3d 513
    , 519 (3d Cir.
    1998); see, e.g., Staacke v. United States Sec’y of Labor, 
    841 F.2d 278
    , 280 (9th Cir. 1988) (“[F]ederal question jurisdiction
    [is] subject . . . to preclusion-of-review statutes created or
    retained by Congress.”) (internal quotation marks and citation
    omitted); La Voz Radio de la Communidad v. FCC, 
    223 F.3d 313
    , 319 (6th Cir. 2000). However, absent statutory direction
    to the contrary, a district court validly exercises its jurisdic-
    tion over actions “arising under” federal laws.
    In addition to general federal question jurisdiction, “district
    courts shall have original jurisdiction of all civil actions, suits
    UNITED STATES v. ALISAL WATER CORP.           14055
    or proceedings commenced by the United States, or by any
    agency or officer thereof expressly authorized to sue by Act
    of Congress,” except as otherwise provided by Congress. 28
    U.S.C. § 1345. Any exception to the general rule of § 1345
    must be clear. See Colorado River Water Conservation Dist.
    v. United States, 
    424 U.S. 800
    , 808-09 (1976) (“When there
    are statutes clearly defining the jurisdiction of the courts the
    force and effect of such provisions should not be disturbed by
    a mere implication flowing from subsequent legislation.”)
    (quoting Rosecrans v. United States, 
    165 U.S. 257
    , 262
    [1] Therefore, under either 28 U.S.C. § 1331 or § 1345, the
    inquiry here rests on whether the SDWA contains any special
    limits or exceptions to the district court’s general statutory
    subject matter jurisdiction. Various provisions reflect con-
    gressional intent to confer subject matter jurisdiction over
    SDWA actions to federal district courts. See, e.g., 42 U.S.C.
    § 300g-3(b) (granting the government authority to “bring a
    civil action in the appropriate United States district court” to
    enforce compliance with agency orders); § 300j-7(a)(2)
    (requiring a petitioner to file a petition for review of agency
    action “in the circuit in which the petitioner resides or trans-
    acts business which is directly affected by the action”);
    § 300j-8(a) (granting district courts jurisdiction over qualified
    citizen’s civil actions). Indeed, “[w]henever any civil penalty
    sought by the [government] . . . for a violation of an applica-
    ble requirement exceeds $25,000,” as in the case at bar, the
    government is statutorily required to bring a civil action in
    “the appropriate United States district court.” 
    Id. § 300g-
    The SDWA statutory scheme also creates certain narrow
    exceptions to the district court’s jurisdiction, see, e.g., 
    id. §§ 300g-1(b)(1)(B)(i)(III)
    & 300h-2(c)(7), but there is no
    express statutory negation of the district court’s federal ques-
    tion jurisdiction over enforcement of the SDWA under 42
    U.S.C. § 300g-3(b), the provision at issue here. Congress’s
    14056           UNITED STATES v. ALISAL WATER CORP.
    express identification of particular aspects of SDWA litiga-
    tion and agency action that are not subject to judicial review
    demonstrates that Congress was well aware of its power to
    limit the scope of the district court’s subject matter jurisdic-
    tion over certain SDWA claims.
    [2] The Appellants argue that 42 U.S.C. § 300g-3(b)(2)
    divests the district court of jurisdiction, but we disagree.
    Rather than creating a special exception to the district court’s
    jurisdictional authority to hear this suit, the statute reflects
    only the limitations on the government’s authority to bring
    this suit. The statute states that the federal government “may
    bring a civil action” in district court “if” so requested (or if
    authorized under conditions not relevant here), 42 U.S.C.
    § 300g-3(b)(2); it says nothing to limit the district court’s
    jurisdiction over such an action if the government was not act-
    ing pursuant to an authorized request from the state.2 We will
    not assume that Congress intended to deprive the court of sub-
    ject matter jurisdiction over enforcement of federal laws
    where Congress has refrained from doing so and where there
    is no evidence of such intent. Because the SDWA includes no
    special provision limiting jurisdiction over federal question
    claims or suits brought by the United States, we conclude that
    the district court had subject matter jurisdiction over this suit
    and that federal jurisdiction to permit EPA enforcement under
    the SDWA statutory scheme is concurrent with that of state
    The Appellants could certainly have raised the issue of whether Dr.
    Spath’s request letter was sufficient to grant enforcement power to the fed-
    eral government by moving to dismiss for the government’s “failure to
    state a claim upon which relief can be granted” under Federal Rule of
    Civil Procedure 12(b)(6), but they did not. Because the record is insuffi-
    cient to answer that question on appeal and the Appellee’s would be sub-
    stantially prejudiced if we reached this issue so late in the proceedings, we
    must conclude that the claim has been waived. See United States v. Carl-
    900 F.2d 1346
    , 1349 (9th Cir. 1990).
    UNITED STATES v. ALISAL WATER CORP.          14057
    On appeal, the Appellants concede that they committed the
    majority of the SDWA regulatory violations found by the dis-
    trict court and challenge the adverse summary judgment only
    on counts eleven and twelve against Moss Landing and Vierra
    Canyon. The government demonstrated that Moss Landing
    and Vierra Canyon committed eight violations of total coli-
    form MCL regulations in 2000 and 2001. The Appellants
    argue that judgment was impermissibly based on “special”
    samples taken by the Appellants to investigate anomalous
    results provided by the state. The district court found that the
    samples were “routine” and that the only thing that made
    these samples “special” was that the Appellants labeled them
    as such.
    [3] “We review the grant of summary judgment de novo.”
    Buono v. Norton, 
    371 F.3d 543
    , 545 (9th Cir. 2004). The
    question we must answer is whether the government demon-
    strated through appropriate means that these water systems
    violated total coliform MCLs. By regulation, a water system
    which collects fewer than 40 samples per month in accor-
    dance with its routine monitoring program is in compliance
    with total coliform MCL if no more than five percent of sam-
    ples in a given month are total coliform-positive. 40 C.F.R.
    § 141.63(a)(1). A total coliform MCL violation is based on
    “routine” and “repeat” samples, 
    id. § 141.21(a)(5)-(6),
    and may not be based on samples that have been invalidated,
    § 141.21(c), or on “[s]pecial purpose samples,”
    § 141.21(a)(6).
    [4] The regulation details the requirements for a “routine
    monitoring plan,” which requires collection of “total coliform
    samples at sites which are representative of water throughout
    the distribution system according to a written sample siting
    Id. § 141.21(a).
    But the regulation does not expressly
    define “routine samples” for purposes of establishing a viola-
    tion. The Appellants interpret 40 C.F.R. § 141.21 as requiring
    that only samples taken as part of a routine monitoring plan
    be considered “routine.” The government acknowledges that
    only “routine” and “repeat” samples may be relied upon, and
    that the samples at issue here were not “repeat” samples or
    taken as part of a routine monitoring plan. However, the gov-
    ernment asserts, and the district court concluded, that “rou-
    tine” samples are any samples which are not “special” under
    the regulation and are representative of water throughout the
    system. Therefore, the operative question is what constitutes
    a “routine” sample.
    An agency is entitled to interpret its own regulation and
    “ordinarily its construction will be affirmed if it is not clearly
    erroneous or inconsistent with the regulation.” Pac. Coast
    Med. Enters. v. Harris, 
    633 F.2d 123
    , 131 (9th Cir. 1980)
    (citations omitted). However, because neither party intro-
    duced evidence of an official agency definition of a “routine”
    sample for purposes of establishing a violation under the reg-
    ulation, we do not necessarily defer to the government’s posi-
    tion. See, e.g., Bowen v. Georgetown Univ. Hosp., 
    488 U.S. 204
    , 212 (1988) (noting that deference does not extend to
    “agency litigating positions that are wholly unsupported by
    regulations, rulings, or administrative practice”). Such defer-
    ence may still be appropriate, however, when there is “no rea-
    son to suspect” that an agency interpretation introduced only
    through a legal brief “does not reflect the agency’s fair and
    considered judgment on the matter.” Auer v. Robbins, 
    519 U.S. 452
    , 462 (1997).
    [5] We need not decide precisely how much deference the
    EPA is due here because we conclude that the only reasonable
    interpretation of 40 C.F.R. § 141.21(a) is the one espoused by
    the government; we therefore agree that any sample that is
    representative of water throughout the system and not a “spe-
    cial purpose sample” or otherwise invalidated is “routine” and
    may suffice to establish a regulatory violation. The Appel-
    lants’ interpretation of the regulation is untenable. Precluding
    reliance on accurate water quality samples simply because
    UNITED STATES v. ALISAL WATER CORP.           14059
    they were not taken according to a preset plan would prevent
    the government from identifying and remedying total coli-
    form MCL violations in a variety of contexts, such as where
    the water utility itself submitted only negative samples under
    its routine monitoring schedule. This effectively could insu-
    late a violator from judgment in cases where the water utility
    purposefully conceals excessive coliform test results in its
    routine monitoring plan reporting or fails to keep accurate
    records of testing, as the Appellants did here. See Alisal 
    I, 114 F. Supp. 2d at 934
    . Interpreting the regulation to allow reli-
    ance on only samples submitted under a routine monitoring
    plan would clearly undermine the effectiveness of the report-
    ing requirements and threaten public health and safety, and so
    we reject this unreasonable interpretation of the statute. Cf.
    SEC v. Edwards, 
    540 U.S. 389
    , 395 (2004) (addressing secur-
    ities law and declaring that the “[Supreme] Court will not read
    into the . . . laws a limitation not compelled by the language
    that would so undermine the laws’ purposes.”).
    Moreover, our interpretation is consistent with the overall
    regulatory scheme. When interpreting a regulation, we must
    avoid an interpretation that would render another regulation
    superfluous. See, e.g., Dodd v. United States, 
    125 S. Ct. 2478
    2490 (2005) (Stevens, J., dissenting). As noted, the regulation
    expressly requires reliance on routine and repeat samples, see
    40 C.F.R. § 141.21(a)(5)-(6), (b)(7), and expressly precludes
    reliance on “special purpose samples,” § 141.21(a)(6), and
    samples that have been invalidated, § 141.21(c). If an MCL
    violation could be established only on the basis of routine
    monitoring samples, then there would be no need for regula-
    tors to identify specific types of samples, unrelated to routine
    monitoring, that are not the proper basis for such violations.
    We therefore conclude that reliance on “routine” samples nec-
    essarily includes reliance on any samples that are not “special
    purpose samples” or otherwise invalidated.
    [6] The next question is whether the samples here were
    “special purpose samples;” otherwise, they are properly con-
    14060          UNITED STATES v. ALISAL WATER CORP.
    sidered “routine” and the district court could therefore rely on
    them.3 See 
    id. § 141.21(a)(6).
    “Special purpose samples” are
    defined by example as “those taken to determine whether dis-
    infection practices are sufficient following pipe placement,
    replacement, or repair.” 
    Id. This definition
    clarifies that “spe-
    cial purpose” samples are those taken at a time when the sys-
    tem has been altered in some way, or there are unusual
    circumstances, such that the sample taken may not be indica-
    tive of the water quality in general unaltered use. This is also
    consistent with the regulatory approach to routine monitoring
    samples which must be taken “at sites which are representa-
    tive of water throughout the distribution system.” 
    Id. § 141.21(a)(1).
    [7] The samples on which the district court relied in counts
    eleven and twelve are not “special purpose samples” under
    this definition. There is no suggestion here that the samples
    were tainted by recent changes to the system, and, as the dis-
    trict court found, “[n]othing in the record suggests that the
    subject samples were less accurate or probative than other
    ‘routine’ or ‘repeat’ samples.” There is also no suggestion
    here that the samples were otherwise invalid or unreliable, so
    it was reasonable and consistent with the regulation to rely
    upon them. We therefore conclude that the samples in ques-
    tion were “routine” and we affirm summary judgment on
    counts eleven and twelve.
    The remainder of the Appellants’ claims on appeal center
    on the district court’s choice of remedy and the process by
    which the remedy was determined. The Appellants argue that
    the district court abused its discretion in ordering divestiture
    Neither party suggests that these samples were invalid under the regu-
    lation or compliant with total coliform MCL requirements.
    UNITED STATES v. ALISAL WATER CORP.                    14061
    because the court did not closely tailor injunctive relief to
    address the threat of future harm or exercise the least possible
    power adequate to achieve the proposed end. Their argument
    in summary is that the district court: (1) erred in reacting to
    past violations and not considering the current status because
    the facts show a “sharp reduction in violations after 1994” in
    the Small Utilities; and (2) erred in not considering each util-
    ity separately, specifically referring to Toro, which has been
    in regulatory compliance since 1994.
    [8] The Appellants assert that the district court exceeded its
    statutory authority in ordering divestiture of the Small Utili-
    ties. The Appellants base their claim on the argument that the
    court may not order such a remedy because Congress failed
    to list divestiture expressly as a possible remedy under the
    SDWA.4 However, the court will not generally infer restric-
    tions on inherent judicial authority from congressional
    silence: “[U]nless a statute in so many words, or by a neces-
    sary and inescapable inference, restricts the court’s jurisdic-
    tion in equity, the full scope of that jurisdiction is to be
    recognized and applied.” Owner Operator Indep. Drivers
    Ass’n v. Swift Transp. Co., 
    367 F.3d 1108
    , 1112 (9th Cir.
    2004) (quoting Porter v. Warner Holding Co., 
    328 U.S. 395
    398 (1946)). Where the public interest is involved, “equitable
    powers assume an even broader and more flexible character
    than when only a private controversy is at stake.” 
    Porter, 328 U.S. at 398
    (citation omitted).
    The Appellants raise this issue for the first time on appeal and so we
    could consider it waived. See 
    Carlson, 900 F.2d at 1349
    . The Appellants
    were well aware that the government was seeking complete divestiture and
    that the district court had proposed partial divestiture, see Alisal II, 326 F.
    Supp. 2d at 1027, and they fail to explain why they did not or could not
    challenge the district court’s authority at that time. However, this is a pure
    question of law and the record is sufficient to review the issue on appeal.
    We therefore conclude that the government will not be prejudiced if we
    reach the issue here. See 
    Carlson, 900 F.2d at 1349
    14062           UNITED STATES v. ALISAL WATER CORP.
    [9] Here, the SDWA gives the district court authority to
    enter “such judgment as protection of public health may
    require.” 42 U.S.C. § 300g-3(b). There is no limiting lan-
    guage, so the statute incorporates the full panoply of the
    court’s equitable powers. Cf. United States v. Mass. Water
    Res. Auth., 
    48 F. Supp. 2d 65
    , 71-72 (D. Mass. 1999) (con-
    cluding that the SDWA enforcement provision does not “strip
    the courts of their equitable powers”). We therefore conclude
    that ordering partial divestiture was not outside of the district
    court’s authority.5
    “We review a district court’s decision to issue a permanent
    injunction for abuse of discretion, but we review any determi-
    nation underlying the court’s decision by the standard that
    applies to that determination.” United States v. Hovsepian,
    359 F.3d 1144
    , 1156 (9th Cir. 2004) (en banc) (citing Silver
    Sage Partners, Ltd. v. City of Desert Hot Springs, 
    251 F.3d 814
    , 826 (9th Cir. 2001)). The district court’s choice of reme-
    dies is reviewed for an abuse of discretion. See Stone v. City
    & County of San Francisco, 
    968 F.2d 850
    , 861 (9th Cir.
    1992). Review of the scope of injunctive relief is also for an
    abuse of discretion. Idaho Watersheds Project v. Hahn, 
    307 F.3d 815
    , 823 (9th Cir. 2002). The Appellants do not allege
    that there were any clearly erroneous findings of fact,6 so we
    In a related argument, the Appellants assert that the district court
    impermissibly encroached on the power of the California Public Utility
    Commission (“CPUC”), which has some jurisdiction over public drinking
    water. See Hartwell Corp. v. Superior Court, 
    38 P.3d 1098
    , 1108-12 (Cal.
    2002) (discussing the complex overlap in authority over drinking water
    regulation between DHS and the CPUC). They advance no legal basis to
    explain how the fact that CPUC has some authority over water systems
    negates the district court’s broad authority to enforce federal laws through
    exercise of its equitable powers. Moreover, as the government points out,
    the sales are necessarily subject to approval by the CPUC. See Alisal 
    II, 326 F. Supp. 2d at 1029
    . The Appellants’ argument is without merit.
    The Appellants do assert in a footnote of their brief to this Court that
    their son, Thomas Adcock, was qualified to manage the water systems.
    This could be construed as challenging the district court’s finding that the
    UNITED STATES v. ALISAL WATER CORP.                 14063
    may only reverse if we find that the district court misapplied
    the law or “rule[d] in an irrational manner.” Chang v. United
    327 F.3d 911
    , 925 (9th Cir. 2003) (quoting United
    States v. Sherburne, 
    249 F.3d 1121
    , 1125-26 (9th Cir. 2001)).
    In arguing that the district court was reacting only to past
    conduct and not considering recent improvements, the Appel-
    lants mischaracterize the record. The district court expressly
    considered the Appellants’ overall improvements in compli-
    ance subsequent to initiation of this enforcement suit, but
    found (and it is not challenged) that Appellants continued to
    violate reporting requirements, and produce “inaccurate test
    results and unreasonable delay in addressing incidences of
    contamination . . . through and including the time of trial.”
    II, 326 F. Supp. 2d at 1018
    ; see 
    id. at 1026.
    There are
    extensive factual findings demonstrating Appellants’ contin-
    ued noncompliance, which did not cease after initiation of this
    Id. at 1018-21.
    Moreover, the district court found
    and recounted the Appellants’ continued unwillingness to
    work with the government, which suggests that ongoing com-
    pliance would continue to be problematic. See Alisal 
    III, 326 F. Supp. 2d at 1036-37
    ; Alisal 
    II, 326 F. Supp. 2d at 1022-23
    Given the Appellants’ unwillingness or inability to comply in
    an accurate and timely manner while under the close supervi-
    sion of the EPA and the district court, it was rational to con-
    clude that the Appellants’ behavior would not improve once
    this litigation ends.
    Similarly, Appellants’ argument that Toro should not have
    been sold because it has been compliant since 1994 is not per-
    suasive. The district court based its partial divestiture order on
    Appellants lacked sufficient managerial competence to comply with the
    SDWA. See Alisal 
    II, 326 F. Supp. 2d at 1014
    , 1023-25. However, the
    issue is not squarely presented, and regardless is without merit. The dis-
    trict court specifically outlined Thomas Adcock’s shortcomings with
    respect to managing the family business. See 
    id. at 1023-25.
    We conclude
    that these findings are not clearly erroneous.
    the rationale that Appellants could not meet their regulatory
    obligations given the number of water systems they controlled
    and the pervasive scope of the problems involved with the
    various systems. See Alisal 
    II, 326 F. Supp. 2d at 1024
    , 1026
    (noting that evidence showed lack of “managerial resources
    and expertise to manage effectively the numerous water sys-
    tems . . . , especially the smaller ones”). The district court’s
    decision reflects its well-supported belief that the Appellants’
    efforts were spread too thinly, both financially and admin-
    istratively, across the various systems and that they were not
    capable of handling more than one system in a manner com-
    pliant with all regulatory requirements. See 
    id. at 1028.
    is not an irrational conclusion given the Appellants’ poor
    overall performance history, and is a valid concern in fashion-
    ing an appropriate remedy.
    “In issuing an injunction, the court must balance the equi-
    ties between the parties and give due regard to the public
    interest.” Idaho Watersheds 
    Project, 307 F.3d at 833
    Amoco Prod. Co. v. Village of Gambell, 
    480 U.S. 531
    , 542
    (1987)). Clearly, the Adcocks have an understandable per-
    sonal interest in maintaining their family business and a prop-
    erty interest in their ownership of the various systems. On the
    other hand, there is no question that the public interest at stake
    here, the quality of public drinking water and the health and
    safety of the consumers, is fundamental.
    The record reflects that the district court adopted a reason-
    able compromise in fashioning appropriate relief and tailored
    a remedy that took into consideration both the substantial
    public interest and the Adcocks’ personal interest. The gov-
    ernment originally asked for a complete divestiture; the
    Appellants asked only to have to implement recommended
    system upgrades (which the record shows they could not
    afford to finance). The district court did not order sale of the
    largest water system, Alco. There, the district court only
    ordered implementation of the recommended improvements.
    UNITED STATES v. ALISAL WATER CORP.           14065
    The district court’s remedy allows the Appellants to control
    operations and service for approximately 90 percent of their
    original customer base in a very streamlined fashion, thereby
    “giving [Appellants] a clear opportunity to demonstrate that
    they can operate at least one water system in compliance with
    the law.” Alisal 
    II, 326 F. Supp. 2d at 1028
    . The Appellants
    themselves admit that most of the compliance problems
    occurred in the Small Utilities (other than Toro). The Appel-
    lants have proven through their service history and throughout
    this litigation that they were unable to manage effectively the
    several water systems in order to serve the public health. Sim-
    ply put, they now have the opportunity to prove that they can
    safely manage just one.
    The Appellants argue that letting them continue to own and
    operate Alco shows that the court was acting inconsistently,
    but we think that it demonstrates that the district court was
    balancing the competing interests of the public and the Appel-
    lants, despite the egregious nature of their prior course of con-
    duct. Alisal 
    II, 326 F. Supp. 2d at 1028
    -29 (concluding that
    while full divestiture was fully justified, partial divestiture
    was a “less drastic remedy” and required under principles of
    equity). While other appropriate remedies are conceivable,
    our review is limited to whether the district court erroneously
    applied the law or acted irrationally in imposing the remedy
    it did.
    [10] We conclude that the Appellants’ personal interests in
    maintaining ownership over the Small Utilities is substantially
    outweighed by the profound public interest at stake here. The
    regulatory violations that the Appellants committed were
    numerous and significant. They were entrusted with safe-
    guarding the health and welfare of the thousands of individu-
    als who rely on these water systems, and they have not
    effectively responded to the water quality problems. Further-
    more, the record supports the district court’s conclusions that
    the Appellants have acted in a manner inconsistent with an
    appreciation for the importance of their obligation to the pub-
    lic. We conclude the district court fashioned a rational remedy
    that fairly took into consideration the competing interests.
    There was no abuse of discretion in the means employed.
    The Appellants assert next that the district court violated
    their due process rights by: (1) conducting the receivership
    bidding process in secret; and (2) improperly considering and
    giving weight to public comments and letters not part of the
    record, not taken under oath, and not subject to cross-
    examination. However, the Appellants waived their due pro-
    cess claim regarding the receivership bidding process by fail-
    ing to raise it in the district court. They state that they
    “repeatedly complained” that they were not being informed
    about the bidding and sales process. However, their only sup-
    port in the record is that they once told the district judge that
    they did not know the status of the sales and requested addi-
    tional information, and the court immediately ordered that the
    receiver make sales-related documents available as part of his
    This single evidentiary proffer is hardly evidence of
    repeated complaints. It does not demonstrate that the receiver
    willfully withheld information (or even that the Appellants
    had ever requested the information before or after that day).
    Additionally, it does not rise to the stature of a “due process”
    violation. Thus, the Appellants do not demonstrate through
    the record how their participation was unjustly limited, and
    we therefore will not consider the claim. See, e.g., Los Ange-
    les News Serv. v. Reuters Television Int’l, Ltd., 
    149 F.3d 987
    996 (9th Cir. 1998) (“We will not take up an issue not prop-
    erly raised below unless necessary to prevent manifest injus-
    tice.”) (citation omitted).
    As to the public hearings, the Appellants argue that they
    were not allowed to “question” the process, but they did not
    object to the process as it occurred. On appeal, the Appellants
    UNITED STATES v. ALISAL WATER CORP.           14067
    admit they did not object to the district court’s holding the
    public hearings, so this issue is waived. Nor did the Appel-
    lants object to the lack of evidentiary formality in conducting
    the hearings. No objections were timely raised that the speak-
    ers were not sworn and were not subject to cross-examination.
    However, they did object to the district court’s considering
    the statements and letters gathered through the hearing pro-
    cess in the divestiture proceedings, so this aspect of the claim
    is properly before us.
    [11] As the Supreme Court acknowledges, “due process” is
    difficult to define. See Lassiter v. Dep’t of Soc. Servs., 
    452 U.S. 18
    , 24-25 (1981). The process that is due varies accord-
    ing to the nature of the right and the type of proceedings.
    Mathews v. Eldridge, 
    424 U.S. 319
    , 334 (1976) (“[D]ue pro-
    cess is flexible and calls for such procedural protections as the
    particular situation demands.”) (quoting Morrissey v. Brewer,
    408 U.S. 471
    , 481 (1972)) (alteration in original). At its core,
    due process requires that a party have adequate notice and
    opportunity to be heard. See Dusenbery v. United States, 
    534 U.S. 161
    , 167 (2002); LaChance v. Erickson, 
    522 U.S. 262
    266 (1998). In considering whether a district court accorded
    adequate due process, appellate courts “must look at the
    actual substance, not the name or form, of the procedure to
    see if the claimants’ interests were adequately safeguarded.”
    SEC v. Elliott, 
    953 F.2d 1560
    , 1567 (11th Cir. 1992) (discuss-
    ing summary receivership proceedings and citing SEC v.
    783 F.2d 829
    , 836 (9th Cir. 1986)).
    We conclude that there was no due process violation in the
    district court considering the information obtained through the
    public hearings. Importantly, there is no suggestion that the
    Appellants were denied the basic elements of due process—
    adequate notice and opportunity to be heard. This is not a situ-
    ation where a party was unaware of an adverse proceeding or
    the district court denied a party forms of process to which
    they had expressly asserted a right. The Appellants were well
    aware of the contemplated hearing process and their counsel
    attended the hearings. There is no showing that they were in
    any way limited in their ability to participate in the hearings
    or to refute any testimony presented, or that their interests
    were prejudiced or marginalized in this process. Accordingly,
    we do not see how the Appellants’ due process rights were
    denied. See Guenther v. Comm’r, 
    939 F.2d 758
    , 760 (9th Cir.
    1991) (explaining that a party’s due process rights would be
    infringed if they were “unfairly prejudiced” by ex parte com-
    Although the form of this process was not typical for the
    courts, and we do not endorse such a practice in routine civil
    enforcement actions, the substance of the evidence adduced at
    the hearings is similar to that which could have been intro-
    duced by the government through affidavits or testimony. See,
    e.g., FTC v. Amy Travel Serv., Inc., 
    875 F.2d 564
    , 576 (7th
    Cir. 1989) (holding that, where defendants were found to have
    committed deceptive trade practices in a nationwide telemar-
    keting operation, the trial court did not abuse its discretion in
    admitting affidavits from consumers who had purchased
    travel vouchers from the defendants). In a case of this magni-
    tude, directly affecting public health, evidence of the views of
    the individuals affected by the outcome was relevant to the
    district court’s choice of remedy. The Appellants have
    pointed to no legal authority that would bar the district court
    from proceeding in a public-hearing forum and they did not
    timely object to proceeding in such a fashion. We recognize
    that “a district court’s power to supervise an equity receiver-
    ship and to determine the appropriate action to be taken in the
    administration of the receivership is extremely broad,” SEC v.
    803 F.2d 1034
    , 1037 (9th Cir. 1986), and the hearing
    process was an efficient and direct way for the district court
    to consider the views of the interested public, which had a
    manifest and significant stake in the proceedings.
    Nor do the Appellants point to authority that would require
    the district court to conduct a remedy-phase hearing in the
    same manner or under the same evidentiary standards that it
    UNITED STATES v. ALISAL WATER CORP.                 14069
    conducts a trial. In the context of a civil suit “cross-
    examination is not, in every instance, a sine qua non of due
    process. It all depends on the situation.” David v. City of Los
    307 F.3d 1143
    , 1147 (9th Cir. 2002), rev’d on other
    538 U.S. 715
    (2003); see U.S. Steel, LLC v. Tieco,
    261 F.3d 1275
    , 1287 n.13 (11th Cir. 2001) (noting that
    “[o]f course, the Confrontation Clause is not applicable to
    civil cases”). In Federal Trade Commission v. Figgie Interna-
    tional, Inc., 
    994 F.2d 595
    (9th Cir. 1993), for example, we
    allowed the district court to base its calculation of the maxi-
    mum amount of redress for which the defendant might be lia-
    ble on the agency’s summation of 127 letters of complaint
    that it had received from private citizens. 
    Id. at 608-09
    mining that admission of the letters fell into the residual hear-
    say exception).7 Similarly, the district court here considered
    evidence of unsworn public comment not to demonstrate the
    violations that the Appellants committed, but for the limited
    purpose of fashioning a remedy for the violations.
    In concluding that there was no due process violation in
    this case, we also rely substantially on the fact that the Appel-
    lants’ primary complaints against the evidence adduced at the
    public hearings—the lack of sworn testimony and cross-
    examination—are the direct result of their own failure to
    object to the district court holding such hearings and their fail-
    ure to timely object to the manner in which the hearings were
    held and in which the evidence was introduced. They assert
    that they were “never allowed” to address the public letters
    and comments, but they fail to point out where in the record
    they ever asked to do so, despite the fact that counsel was
    present at the hearings. Had the Appellants timely objected to
    The Figgie International court relied on its analysis of whether the
    complaint letters were admissible under the Federal Rules of Evidence.
    See 994 F.2d at 608-09
    . The Appellants have not raised such an argument
    here on appeal, although their “due process” claim could properly be char-
    acterized as an unpreserved challenge to the district court’s admission of
    such evidence. Because the Appellants did not raise an evidentiary objec-
    tion to the district court or on appeal, we consider it waived.
    the proceedings or requested that the hearings be conducted
    in a more formal way, the district court could have modified
    the process and cured any potential defect. See United States
    v. Odom, 
    736 F.2d 104
    , 114 (4th Cir. 1984) (noting that “[i]t
    is well settled” that a party waives a challenge to failure to
    swear in a witness by failing to raise the point during the wit-
    ness’s testimony, when it could have been corrected).
    [12] We hold that the Appellants’ due process rights were
    not violated by the district court’s fashioning a remedy for
    regulatory violations by relying in part on evidence intro-
    duced through public hearings where: (1) the Appellants
    failed to object to the district court’s conducting such hear-
    ings; (2) the Appellants failed to object to the witnesses’ not
    being sworn or subject to cross-examination; and (3) the
    Appellants failed on appeal to show how they were prejudiced
    by admission of the evidence.8
    The Appellants argue next that the court-ordered sale of the
    Small Utilities was confiscatory because the sale prices real-
    ized were not indicative of their true value, and they seek just
    compensation under the Fifth Amendment’s takings clause.
    The government points out that the takings clause issue was
    not raised below and should therefore be waived. In response,
    the Appellants contend that they raised a takings claim below
    in their comments to the Pierotti report. They cite to two
    places in the record. First, in the context of disputing the
    method of valuation, they argued before the district court only
    that “[w]here [they are] forced to sell the utility for less than
    its rate base, as the [r]eceiver recommends here, there is a tak-
    ing that violates the Constitution.” And second, they prefaced
    a feasibility argument with: “in light of the constitutional
    We emphasize that our holding is extremely narrow. Had the Appel-
    lants made timely objections to this unusual procedure or demonstrated
    prejudice, our analysis might be different.
    UNITED STATES v. ALISAL WATER CORP.           14071
    issues about confiscation . . . .” These are the only references
    to a takings claim in the record covering years of litigation.
    These references were brief, conclusory statements made
    with no supporting legal argument and so are insufficient to
    preserve a takings claim for appeal. See, e.g., Broad v.
    Sealaska Corp., 
    85 F.3d 422
    , 430 (9th Cir. 1996) (“To have
    been properly raised below, the argument must be raised suf-
    ficiently for the trial court to rule on it.”) (internal quotation
    marks and citation omitted); Banks v. Rockwell Int’l N. Am.
    Aircraft Operations, 
    855 F.2d 324
    , 326 (6th Cir. 1988) (hold-
    ing that a “vague reference” to an issue before the district
    court was insufficient to preserve that issue on appeal). We
    therefore consider the Appellants’ takings claim waived.
    The Appellants challenge the overall monetary penalty
    imposed on the basis that the district court did not consider
    the report of Dr. Berk that they submitted. The report chal-
    lenged the valuation findings of the court-appointed accoun-
    tant, Pierotti. The Appellants contend that Alco was
    substantially overvalued and that the resulting penalty was
    excessive. The substance of their argument is that the district
    court initially suggested that they would be allowed to object
    to the Pierotti report at the penalty hearing, but then had a
    “change of heart” and refused to consider the information.
    The district court’s decision to exclude expert testimony is
    reviewed for an abuse of discretion. Kumho Tire Co. v. Car-
    526 U.S. 137
    , 152 (1999). Prior to seeking to intro-
    duce Dr. Berk’s report, the Appellants had already introduced
    an expert witness, Carl Danner, who testified as to valuation
    of the water systems. After reviewing the evidentiary proffer
    of Dr. Berk’s report, the district court noted that when it said
    it would consider further evidence, it had expected evidence
    about “any changes in circumstances that might affect Mr.
    Pierotti’s analysis.” The court concluded that Dr. Berk’s
    14072            UNITED STATES v. ALISAL WATER CORP.
    report was instead simply cumulative of the Danner testimony
    and “[v]iewed as a whole, Dr. Berk’s opinions concern[ed]
    facts known to and litigated by the parties at trial.” Alisal 
    III, 326 F. Supp. 2d at 1037
    [13] The Appellants fail to show how Dr. Berk’s report was
    new or different from the evidence they had introduced at
    trial, and thus they fail to show how the district court abused
    its discretion in dismissing the report as cumulative. We
    affirm the exclusion of the proffered evidence. The Appel-
    lants raise no other argument as to why the penalty was exces-
    sive and so we also affirm the penalty as imposed.9
    In its receivership order, the district court enjoined not only
    the named defendant individuals, Robert and Natholyn, but
    also their children, Thomas and Lynette, from “acquir[ing]
    any new interest, financial or otherwise, in any ‘public water
    system’ . . . without the express permission of [the] Court.”
    II, 326 F. Supp. 2d at 1032
    . The Appellants do not
    The penalty imposed was well below the maximum penalty allowed by
    statute, which states, in part, that:
    [I]f the court determines that there has been a violation of the reg-
    ulation or schedule or other requirement with respect to which the
    action was brought, the court may, taking into account the seri-
    ousness of the violation, the population at risk, and other appro-
    priate factors, impose on the violator a civil penalty of not to
    exceed $25,000 for each day in which such violation occurs.
    42 U.S.C. § 300g-3(b); 
    id. at §
    300g-3(g)(3)(A). The Appellants commit-
    ted 232 violations, many of which could be considered as extending over
    multiple days, which the district court concluded would result in a maxi-
    mum civil penalty range from $17 million to $400 million. Alisal 
    III, 326 F. Supp. 2d at 1035
    . The government argued that a penalty of $3 million
    to $5 million dollars was appropriate. As noted, the district court ulti-
    mately imposed a penalty of $500,000 with a $300,000 offset for the
    receiver’s acceptance of bids that were not the highest bids on three water
    Id. at 1038-39.
                   UNITED STATES v. ALISAL WATER CORP.          14073
    claim that the substantive injunctive limitation is overly broad
    or otherwise challenge the scope of the injunction but argue
    that the injunction is simply not valid against Thomas and
    Lynette because they were not parties named in the lawsuit.
    The Appellants specifically seek a ruling that would invali-
    date the injunction under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure
    65(d). However, we cannot reach this issue.
    Although not specifically mentioned in Appellants’ briefs,10
    Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 3(c) requires the notice
    of appeal to:
    [S]pecify the party or parties taking the appeal by
    naming each one in the caption or body of the
    notice, but an attorney representing more than one
    party may describe those parties with such terms as
    “all plaintiffs,” “the defendants,” “the plaintiffs A,
    B, et al.,” or “all defendants except X”. . . .
    FED. R. APP. P. 3(c)(1)(A) (emphasis added). Non-parties to
    the original action may appeal where they are “bound by the
    order from which they were seeking to appeal.” Devlin v.
    536 U.S. 1
    , 8 (2002). But non-parties must also
    pass through the ordinary “jurisdictional threshold” of Rule
    3(c), which requires that they be named in the notice of
    appeal. Torres v. Oakland Scavenger Co., 
    487 U.S. 312
    , 315
    (1988). Moreover, the Appellants are bound by the ordinary
    time-constraints imposed upon parties and non-parties alike
    by Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 4(a)(1), which
    requires that a notice of appeal be filed within 30 days after
    judgment. See FED. R. APP. P. 4(a)(1).
    [14] Here, Thomas and Lynette were not named as defen-
    dants in the notice of appeal. The notice of appeal named the
    following defendants: Alisal Water Corporation; Toro Water
    “Jurisdictional issues must be raised by this court sua sponte.”
    MacKay v. Pfeil, 
    827 F.2d 540
    , 542 (9th Cir. 1987).
    Service, Inc.; North Monterey County Water Service, Inc.;
    Moss Landing Water Service, Inc.; Robert T. Adcock; and
    Natholyn P. Adcock. Because Thomas and Lynette were not
    included in the first notice of appeal, they were required to
    file a separate appeal within 30 days of judgment. They failed
    to do so. Moreover, it is not objectively clear from the notice
    of appeal that they intended to appeal. Cf. Retail Flooring
    Dealers of Am., Inc. v. Beaulieu of Am., LLC, 
    339 F.3d 1146
    1149 (9th Cir. 2003) (holding that when a party’s intent to
    appeal is objectively clear, that party is not prevented from
    going forward under Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure
    3(c)); Simo v. Union of Needletrades, Indus. & Textile
    322 F.3d 602
    , 610 (9th Cir. 2003) (same). Conse-
    quently, we do not have jurisdiction to consider their chal-
    lenge to the injunction.
    We conclude that the district court had subject matter juris-
    diction over this SDWA civil enforcement action and did not
    abuse its discretion or violate the Appellants’ due process
    rights in fashioning the remedy imposed.

Document Info

Docket Number: 02-15907

Citation Numbers: 431 F.3d 643

Filed Date: 10/12/2005

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (52)

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