Donna Lee v. Debra Jacquez , 788 F.3d 1124 ( 2015 )

  •                   FOR PUBLICATION
    DONNA KAY LEE,                          No. 12-56258
    D.C. No.
    v.                  2:01-cv-10751-PA-PLA
    Respondent-Appellee.              OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of California
    Percy Anderson, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    November 17, 2014—Pasadena, California
    Filed June 9, 2015
    Before: Mary M. Schroeder, Harry Pregerson,
    and Jacqueline H. Nguyen, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Nguyen
    2                         LEE V. JACQUEZ
    Habeas Corpus
    The panel reversed the district court’s denial of California
    state prisoner Donna Kay Lee’s habeas corpus petition
    challenging her first-degree murder convictions and
    remanding for the district court to consider Lee’s claims on
    the merits.
    The district court found that Ex parte Dixon, 
    264 P.2d 513
    (Cal. 1953), which prohibits California state courts from
    considering habeas claims that should have been raised on
    direct appeal but were omitted, is an adequate and
    independent state law procedural rule that bars federal review
    of Lee’s claims.
    Assuming without deciding that Dixon is an independent
    state law rule, the panel held that the state has failed to meet
    its burden of demonstrating the Dixon bar’s adequacy at the
    time of Lee’s procedural default. The panel wrote that where
    the state endorsed a statistical analysis to demonstrate a rule’s
    adequacy, and the panel is left only with evidence that the
    Dixon bar was applied to between seven and twenty-one
    percent of all habeas cases filed in the months surrounding
    Lee’s default, the state failed to meet its burden of proving
    that the Dixon bar was adequate.
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    LEE V. JACQUEZ                        3
    Marta VanLandingham (argued), Deputy Federal Public
    Defender; and Sean Kennedy, Federal Public Defender, Los
    Angeles, California, for Petitioner-Appellant.
    Robert M. Snider (argued), Deputy Attorney General; Dane
    R. Gillette, Chief Assistant Attorney General; Lance E.
    Winters, Senior Assistant Attorney General; Kenneth C.
    Byrne, Supervising Deputy Attorney General; and Kamala D.
    Harris, Attorney General of California, Los Angeles,
    California, for Respondent-Appellee.
    NGUYEN, Circuit Judge:
    Donna Kay Lee is serving two life sentences without the
    possibility of parole in a California state prison for first
    degree murder. After the California Court of Appeal affirmed
    her conviction on direct appeal, Lee filed various habeas
    petitions in state courts. All of her claims were denied, some
    on the merits and others as procedurally barred. This appeal
    concerns eleven claims that the California Supreme Court
    found to be procedurally barred under the Dixon rule, which
    prohibits California state courts from considering habeas
    claims that should have been raised on direct appeal but were
    omitted. Ex parte Dixon, 
    264 P.2d 513
    (Cal. 1953). On
    federal habeas review, the district court found that Dixon is
    an adequate and independent state law procedural rule that
    bars federal review of Lee’s claims. However, even
    assuming, without deciding, that Dixon is an independent
    state law rule, the state has failed to meet its burden of
    4                          LEE V. JACQUEZ
    demonstrating the Dixon bar’s adequacy at the time of Lee’s
    procedural default. Thus, we reverse and remand for the
    district court to consider her claims on the merits.
    On March 23, 1998, Lee was convicted of two counts of
    first degree murder in Los Angeles County Superior Court.
    She was sentenced to two life sentences without the
    possibility of parole, plus an additional two years for the use
    of a knife. Lee appealed her conviction on June 10, 1999,
    raising four claims.1 Her appeal was denied on the merits on
    August 28, 2000. The California Supreme Court affirmed on
    December 13, 2000.
    Proceeding pro se, Lee filed a habeas petition in federal
    court, raising fourteen claims. After the government moved
    to dismiss the petition as largely unexhausted, Lee moved to
    withdraw her petition without prejudice to allow her to
    exhaust her claims in state court. The district court held her
    motion in abeyance, and ordered Lee to either submit a First
    Amended Petition, limited to her exhausted claims, or move
    for voluntary dismissal to pursue her claims in state court. In
    response, Lee submitted a First Amended Petition, and also
    moved to stay the proceedings while she exhausted her other
    claims in state court. The district court granted a stay, and
    Lee returned to state court to seek habeas relief, raising
    eleven claims.
    Though her original appeal lists five claims, see People v. Lee, No.
    B126544, slip op. at 14 (Cal. Ct. App. Aug. 28, 2000), her first and second
    claims were later consolidated on habeas review.
    LEE V. JACQUEZ                                5
    After Lee’s habeas petitions in both the California
    Superior Court and the Court of Appeal were denied,2 she
    filed a habeas petition with the California Supreme Court,
    raising eleven claims from her original federal petition and a
    new claim regarding an alleged improper exclusion of female
    jurors. The Court denied her petition with citations to In re
    397 P.2d 1001
    (Cal. 1965), In re Seaton, 
    95 P.3d 896
    (Cal. 2004), and Dixon.
    Lee then returned to federal court to proceed with her
    federal habeas petition. In a Second Amended Petition, she
    included the four claims she had initially raised on direct
    appeal to the California courts, seven newly-exhausted
    claims, and four supplemental claims (which corresponded to
    the first four claims raised in her state habeas petition). The
    district court dismissed her petition, rejecting four claims on
    the merits and finding the rest to be procedurally defaulted
    under Dixon. On appeal, we affirmed the dismissal of two of
    Lee’s claims on the merits3 and reversed as to the procedural
    default issue, finding that the district court had “erroneously
    concluded that the Ninth Circuit had found the Dixon rule to
    be an independent and adequate state law ground.” Lee v.
    Because all California courts have original jurisdiction in habeas
    corpus proceedings, Cal. Const. Art. VI, § 10, “no appeal lies from the
    denial of a petition for writ of habeas corpus.” In re Clark, 
    855 P.2d 729
    767 n.7 (Cal. 1993). Thus, a petitioner may seek relief by filing new
    petitions in each court, though subsequent claims are limited to those
    raised in the first petition. See In re Martinez, 
    209 P.3d 908
    , 915 (Cal.
    We affirmed the denial of Lee’s claims regarding severance and
    battered women’s syndrome, both of which were raised on direct appeal.
    Lee v. Jacquez, 406 F. App’x 148, 149 (9th Cir. 2010). Lee did not appeal
    the district court’s denial on the merits of her two remaining claims, and
    thus we did not consider them. See 
    id. 6 LEE
    Jacquez, 406 F. App’x 148, 150 (9th Cir. 2010). We
    remanded to give the state an opportunity to present evidence
    of the Dixon rule’s independence and adequacy. 
    Id. On remand,
    the district court again concluded that the Dixon bar
    was an independent and adequate state law rule at the time of
    Lee’s procedural default. This timely appeal followed.
    Lee argues that the state failed to meet its burden of
    proving that Dixon is an independent and adequate state law
    ground barring federal review of her habeas claims. We have
    jurisdiction to review her claim under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1291 and
    2253, and we review the district court’s denial of her habeas
    petition de novo. Ybarra v. McDaniel, 
    656 F.3d 984
    , 989 (9th
    Cir. 2011).
    We now hold that the state failed to meet its burden of
    proving the Dixon bar’s adequacy at the time of Lee’s
    procedural default. Because a state procedural rule must be
    both independent and adequate to prevent federal habeas
    review, we need not decide whether Dixon is an independent
    state law ground.
    The Adequacy Requirement
    “A federal habeas court will not review a claim rejected
    by a state court ‘if the decision of [the state] court rests on a
    state law ground that is independent of the federal question
    and adequate to support the judgment.’” Beard v. Kindler,
    558 U.S. 53
    , 55 (2009) (alteration in original) (quoting
    Coleman v. Thompson, 
    501 U.S. 722
    , 729 (1991)). This rule
    arises from the need to “show proper respect for state courts
    and avoid rendering advisory opinions.” 
    Id. at 63
    LEE V. JACQUEZ                                 7
    J., concurring). Conversely, an inadequate state law ground
    will not bar federal review of a claim’s merits. “We have not
    allowed state courts to bar review of federal claims by
    invoking new procedural rules without adequate notice to
    litigants who . . . have in good faith complied with existing
    state procedural law.” 
    Id. at 63
    Here, the California Supreme Court declined to review
    the merits of Lee’s claims by invoking Dixon’s procedural
    bar, which prevents state courts from considering habeas
    claims that should have been raised on direct appeal but were
    Dixon, 264 P.2d at 514
    . The parties do not contest that
    the Dixon rule, if independent and adequate, would bar all of
    Lee’s remaining habeas claims except two (Ground 6 and
    Supplemental Ground 4), because Lee failed to first raise
    these claims on direct appeal of her conviction.4
    Adequacy is evaluated at the time of the petitioner’s
    purported default, which for Dixon is the date when the
    petitioner could have raised the claims on direct appeal.
    Fields v. Calderon, 
    125 F.3d 757
    , 760–61 (9th Cir. 1997). In
    order to be adequate, a procedural bar must be “clear,
    consistently applied, and well-established at the time of the
    petitioner’s purported default.’” Collier v. Bayer, 
    408 F.3d 4
       A federal court may review the merits of a claim that was procedurally
    defaulted on an independent and adequate state procedural ground if the
    petitioner “can demonstrate cause for the procedural default and actual
    prejudice, or demonstrate that the failure to consider the claims will result
    in a fundamental miscarriage of justice.” Noltie v. Peterson, 
    9 F.3d 802
    804–05 (9th Cir. 1993). Here, Lee has not asserted good cause for her
    default, nor has she claimed that a fundamental miscarriage of justice
    would occur absent consideration of her claim. See Lee v. Mitchell, No.
    01-10751-PA, slip op. at 20 (C.D. Cal. June 19, 2007). Thus, we do not
    reach these issues.
    8                      LEE V. JACQUEZ
    1279, 1284 (9th Cir. 2005) (quoting Calderon v. United
    States District Court (Bean), 
    96 F.3d 1126
    , 1129 (9th Cir.
    1996)). The Supreme Court has described this requirement
    as asking whether a state procedural rule was “firmly
    established and regularly followed” at the time of the
    petitioner’s default. Walker v. Martin, 
    131 S. Ct. 1120
    1127–28 (2011) (quoting 
    Kindler, 558 U.S. at 60
    –61). The
    adequacy requirement exists to prevent state courts from
    discriminating against “disfavored claims,” and to “ensure
    that habeas petitioners have fair notice of what they must do
    to avoid default.” Kindler v. Horn, 
    642 F.3d 398
    , 401 (3d
    Cir. 2011).
    We have established a burden-shifting regime to guide
    our evaluation of a state procedural bar’s adequacy. See
    Bennett v. Mueller, 
    322 F.3d 573
    (9th Cir. 2003). First, the
    state must plead the existence of an independent and adequate
    state procedural bar as an affirmative defense. 
    Id. at 586.
    Next, the burden shifts to the petitioner, who must “assert[]
    specific factual allegations that demonstrate the inadequacy
    of the state procedure, including citation to authority
    demonstrating inconsistent application of the rule.” 
    Id. The petitioner’s
    burden at this stage is “modest,” Dennis v.
    361 F. Supp. 2d 1124
    , 1130 (N.D. Cal. 2005), and the
    use of unpublished decisions to show the state’s “actual
    practice” is encouraged, Powell v. Lambert, 
    357 F.3d 871
    879 (9th Cir. 2004). If the petitioner successfully puts
    adequacy at issue, then the burden shifts back to the state,
    which must carry “the ultimate burden of proving the
    adequacy of [a] . . . state [procedural] bar” as an affirmative
    Bennett, 322 F.3d at 585
    Applying Bennett’s burden-shifting framework to this
    case, we conclude that the state has satisfied its initial burden
    LEE V. JACQUEZ                        9
    by adequately pleading the independence and adequacy of
    Dixon as an affirmative defense. At the second step, our
    previous remand in this case suggests that Lee has met her
    burden of putting the adequacy of the Dixon rule at issue. See
    Lee, 406 F. App’x at 150 (noting that Lee “presented
    evidence challenging the independence and adequacy of” the
    Dixon rule and remanding to the district court for an
    evaluation of the state’s “evidence to the contrary”). Thus,
    we are left at the final stage of Bennett’s framework, where
    the state must prove the Dixon bar’s adequacy.
    A. Walker v. Martin and Discretionary State Procedural
    The state argues that the Supreme Court’s decision in
    Walker v. Martin, 
    131 S. Ct. 1120
    (2011), means that the
    Dixon bar may be adequate even if the rule was applied
    inconsistently during the time period surrounding Lee’s
    default. This argument misreads Martin’s holding and scope.
    In Walker v. Martin, the Supreme Court found
    California’s timeliness procedural bar to be an independent
    and adequate state procedural ground that bars later federal
    habeas review of a claim on the merits. 
    Id. at 1131.
    “California does not employ fixed statutory deadlines to
    determine the timeliness of a state prisoner’s petition for
    habeas corpus. Instead, California directs petitioners to file
    known claims ‘as promptly as the circumstances allow.’” 
    Id. at 1124
    (quoting In re Clark, 
    855 P.2d 729
    , 738 n. 5 (Cal.
    1993)). This rule has also been described as setting a general
    “reasonableness” standard, where a habeas petition is deemed
    timely if it was filed within a reasonable period of time. See
    Carey v. Saffold, 
    536 U.S. 214
    , 221 (2002). California courts
    will generally deny untimely petitions by citing to the
    10                     LEE V. JACQUEZ
    California Supreme Court decisions of In re Clark, 
    855 P.2d 729
    (Cal. 1993) and In re Robbins, 
    959 P.2d 311
    (Cal. 1998).
    Martin, 131 S. Ct. at 1124
    “[O]utcomes under [this] rule vary from case to case,” 
    id. at 1129,
    as courts must evaluate the reasonableness of a filing
    based on the particular circumstances of each petition.
    Nevertheless, relying on its previous opinion in Beard v.
    Kindler, which first held that “a discretionary state procedural
    rule can serve as an adequate ground to bar federal habeas
    review,” 558 U.S. at 60
    , the Martin Court found California’s
    discretionary timeliness rule to be both firmly established and
    followed. 131 S. Ct. at 1128
    –29. The rule had
    developed through case law, putting habeas petitioners on
    notice that they must “alleg[e] with specificity” why their
    petition was not substantially delayed or explain their
    eligibility for an exception to the time bar. 
    Id. at 1128
    (alteration in original) (quoting In re Gallego, 
    959 P.2d 290
    299 (Cal. 1998)). Thus, even though the rule’s language is
    “indeterminate” and does not set strict filing deadlines, its
    “[a]pplication . . . in particular circumstances . . . supplie[s]
    the requisite clarity” for the purposes of establishing
    Id. The Martin
    Court noted that the California
    courts “regularly follow[]” and “regularly invoke” the
    timeliness rule, and did so around the time the petitioner had
    filed for habeas relief. 
    Id. at 1229.
    Relying on Martin, the state argues that, like California’s
    timeliness rule, Dixon is a discretionary procedural bar, and
    any inconsistency in Dixon’s application reflects only the
    state’s exercise of discretion rather than the rule’s
    inadequacy.       We find this argument unpersuasive.
    California’s timeliness rule is inherently discretionary in its
    initial application, while the Dixon rule is mandatory in the
    LEE V. JACQUEZ                        11
    first instance. Evaluating whether a habeas petition has been
    “filed as promptly as the circumstances allow” requires a
    case-specific evaluation in every instance, leading inevitably
    to varied outcomes. 
    Id. at 1125
    Clark, 855 P.2d at 738
    n.5). The Dixon bar, in contrast, is meant to apply to all
    habeas claims that could have been raised on direct appeal but
    were not. 
    Robbins, 959 P.3d at 340
    n.34 (noting that
    California courts apply the Dixon bar “whenever . . .
    applicable”). Deciding whether a claim is barred by Dixon
    involves not a malleable, circumstance-specific question of
    “reasonableness,” but a straightforward review of the record:
    A claim is either record-based, or it is not, and the petitioner
    either raised or omitted a claim on direct appeal. Thus,
    California state courts should be able to apply the Dixon bar
    mechanically and consistently, and a failure to cite Dixon
    where Dixon applies does not reflect the exercise of
    discretion so much as it reflects the irregular application of
    the rule.
    The state attempts to get around Dixon’s mandatory
    applicability by focusing on the rule’s four Harris exceptions.
    See In re Harris, 
    855 P.2d 391
    , 395 n.3, 398–407 (Cal. 1993)
    (detailing the four exceptions to the Dixon rule); see also
    Robbins, 959 P.2d at 340
    n. 34 (clarifying that the court
    considers the Harris exceptions when imposing the Dixon
    bar). These exceptions allow courts to excuse a Dixon
    procedural default if a “fundamental constitutional error”
    occurred, if the original court lacked or acted in excess of its
    jurisdiction, or if there has been “a change in the law
    affecting the petitioner.” 
    Harris, 855 P.2d at 398
    –407. Since
    courts may decline to apply the Dixon bar when an exception
    excuses a petitioner’s failure to raise a claim on appeal, the
    state argues that Dixon and the timeliness rule are similarly
    12                     LEE V. JACQUEZ
    While the state’s argument has some superficial appeal,
    we do not believe that Dixon’s exceptions transform a
    mandatory rule into a discretionary one. First, like the Dixon
    rule, the timeliness bar also has four exceptions. 
    Clark, 855 P.2d at 797
    –98. Yet Martin mentioned these exceptions
    only in passing. 
    See 131 S. Ct. at 1128
    . Instead, the Court
    focused its analysis on the discretion inherent in the
    timeliness bar’s initial application, rather than on the
    application of the bar’s exceptions. See 
    id. at 1125
    that its holding means to ensure that California could
    maintain the “flexibility of current practice”), 1130 (noting
    that discretion allows courts to “avoid . . . harsh results,” and
    emphasizing the importance of encouraging states to choose
    more malleable rules).
    Thus, even if courts must exercise discretion when
    applying Dixon’s exceptions, this analysis occurs only after
    Dixon has first been applied. See, e.g., In re Preston, 98 Cal.
    Rptr. 3d 340, 344 (Cal. Ct. App. 2009) (noting the
    applicability of the Dixon bar, and then applying one of
    Dixon’s four exceptions to consider the claim on the merits);
    In re Crockett, 
    71 Cal. Rptr. 3d 632
    , 637 (Cal. Ct. App. 2008)
    (same). And the state court will likely invoke an exception to
    the Dixon bar whenever it applies, instead of simply not
    applying Dixon without explanation. Cf. 
    Robbins, 959 P.3d at 340
    n.34 (“When, in our orders, we impose the [Dixon]
    bar[] . . . this signifies that we have concluded that none of
    the four [Harris] exceptions . . . apply.”).
    Second, the Martin opinion carefully focused its holding
    on discretionary rules, expressly noting that it “leaves
    unaltered [the Supreme] Court’s repeated recognition that
    federal courts must carefully examine state procedural
    requirements to ensure that they do not operate to
    LEE V. JACQUEZ                             13
    discriminate against claims of federal 
    rights.” 131 S. Ct. at 1130
    . In short, Martin does not support the state’s argument
    that the inconsistent application of a state procedural rule
    merely reflects the state’s exercise of discretion.5 To the
    contrary, while Martin noted that “[a] discretionary rule
    ought not be disregarded automatically upon a showing of
    seeming inconsistencies,” 
    id. (emphasis added),
    the Court
    also stated that “a state [procedural] rule must be ‘firmly
    established and regularly followed’” to be deemed adequate,
    id. at 1127–28
    Kindler, 558 U.S. at 60
    We conclude that in order to bar federal review of Lee’s
    habeas claims, the state must prove the Dixon rule’s regular
    and consistent application around the time of Lee’s default.
    We now turn to the state’s attempt to do so.
    B. The State’s Burden
    The parties dispute what precisely the state must show in
    order to meet its burden at the final stage of Bennett’s test.
    As noted, adequacy requires that a rule be “clear, consistently
    applied, and well-established,” 
    Collier, 408 F.3d at 1284
    Bean, 96 F.3d at 1129
    ), and “firmly established and
    regularly followed,” 
    Martin, 131 S. Ct. at 1127
    –28 (quoting
    Kindler, 558 U.S. at 60
    –61). Yet we lack “binding case law
    defining what is a statistically insignificant irregularity and
    Our conclusion is buttressed by the fact that other circuits have
    continued to ask whether state procedural rules are regularly followed and
    consistently applied after the Martin decision. See, e.g., Lee v. Corsini,
    777 F.3d 46
    , 54 (1st Cir. 2015) (citing the “regularly followed” standard
    for adequacy); Lark v. Sec’y Pa. Dep’t of Corr., 
    645 F.3d 596
    , 613 (3d
    Cir. 2011) (distinguishing a “facially mandatory state procedural rule
    which was not clearly followed” from the discretionary rules evaluated in
    Walker and Kindler).
    14                     LEE V. JACQUEZ
    inconsistency in the application of a state procedural bar.”
    Monarrez v. Alameda, No. 03-00104, 
    2005 WL 2333462
    (C.D. Cal. Sept. 22, 2005), at *6. Some cases have suggested
    that a rule must be applied in the “vast majority” of cases in
    order to be considered adequate. Scott v. Schriro, 
    567 F.3d 573
    , 580 (9th Cir. 2009) (quoting Dugger v. Adams, 
    489 U.S. 401
    , 411 n.6 (1989)); see also Moran v. McDaniel, 
    80 F.3d 1261
    , 1270 (9th Cir. 1996). A closer look at these cases,
    however, suggests that the court was describing a sufficient
    but unnecessary condition—while a rule applied in the “vast
    majority” of cases is most likely adequate, such a showing is
    not required for a rule to be found adequate. See 
    Dugger, 489 U.S. at 410
    n. 6 (noting that “[i]n the vast majority of
    cases . . . the Florida Supreme Court has faithfully applied”
    the rule at issue, without seeming to set out an absolute
    Scott, 567 F.3d at 580
    (internal quotation marks
    and citation omitted) (stating that a procedural bar “is
    considered consistently applied and well-established if the
    state courts follow it in the vast majority of cases”). Thus,
    while a state’s reliance on a procedural ground in the vast
    majority of cases would likely prove the rule’s adequacy, the
    state need not necessarily reach such a high statistical bar in
    order to prove its affirmative defense.
    Bennett does provide some specific guidance regarding
    the state’s ultimate burden, noting that “[t]he scope of the
    state’s burden of proof . . . will be measured by the specific
    claims of inadequacy put forth by the 
    petitioner.’” 322 F.3d at 584
    –85 (quoting Hooks v. Ward, 
    184 F.3d 1206
    , 1217
    (10th Cir. 1999)). Bennett also advises the state to provide
    “records and authorities [that] prove whether its courts have
    regularly and consistently applied the procedural 
    bar,” 322 F.3d at 585
    , which suggests that the state should do more
    than just discredit the petitioner’s evidence from Bennett’s
    LEE V. JACQUEZ                       15
    second step. See also Monarrez, No. 03-00104, at *6 (finding
    that the state failed to meet its ultimate burden under Bennett
    when it merely contested petitioner’s evidence of inadequacy
    without providing its own affirmative evidence).
    Additionally, we know that the Dixon bar was applied
    inconsistently until at least September 30, 1993, when the
    California Supreme Court decided Harris to “provide needed
    guidance” for application of the rule going 
    forward. 855 P.2d at 395
    n.3, 398; see also 
    Fields, 125 F.3d at 763
    (noting that
    Dixon “had been obscured” by inconsistent application over
    the years); La Crosse v. Kernan, 
    244 F.3d 702
    , 705 (9th Cir.
    2001) (reading Fields to hold Dixon as per se inadequate until
    at least 1993). Almost five years later, the California
    Supreme Court noted in Robbins that it needed to again
    “provide guidance” on the Dixon rule, suggesting that the
    rule’s application did not become consistent in the time
    period immediately following 
    Harris. 959 P.2d at 340
    see also Park v. California, 
    202 F.3d 1146
    , 1152 n.4 (9th Cir.
    2000) (reading Robbins as an attempt “to establish the
    adequacy . . . of . . . future Dixon” decisions).
    After Robbins was decided, however, Dixon’s adequacy
    remains unclear. Though Harris and Robbins meant to create
    consistent application of the rule going forward, “it does not
    follow that the rule in historical fact has been so applied.”
    Bennett, 322 F.3d at 583
    . In fact, while no Ninth Circuit case
    has found Dixon to be inadequate in the post-Harris era, Cree
    v. Sisto, No. 2:08-CV-00487, 
    2011 WL 66253
    , (E.D. Cal. Jan.
    7, 2011), at *2, in no case has the state met its burden of
    proving Dixon’s adequacy at Bennett’s third step. See, e.g.,
    Dennis v. Brown, 
    361 F. Supp. 2d 1124
    , 1133 (N.D. Cal.
    2005) (concluding that the state failed to meet its burden
    because it cited no cases or opinions showing actual practice);
    16                     LEE V. JACQUEZ
    Ayala v. Ayers, No. 01-CV-0741, 
    2008 WL 1787317
    Cal. Apr. 16, 2008) (same); Vaughn v. Adams, No. CVF-
    2006 WL 1439400
    (E.D. Cal. May 22, 2006),
    adopted in full by Vaughn v. Adams, No. 1:01-CV-05241,
    2006 WL 1774915
    (E.D. Cal. June 24, 2006) (finding that the
    state failed to meet its burden because it did not overcome the
    specific evidence submitted by the petitioner showing
    Dixon’s inadequacy). In every case where the state has been
    permitted to use the Dixon bar as an affirmative defense, the
    petitioner failed to place the adequacy of the bar at issue as
    required by Bennett’s second step. See, e.g., Cree v. Sisto,
    No. 2:08-00487, 
    2011 WL 66253
    (E.D. Cal. Jan. 7, 2011);
    Johnson v. Giurbino, No. 1:03-CV-06013, 
    2007 WL 2481789
    (E.D. Cal. Aug. 29, 2007); Sanchez v. Ryan, 
    392 F. Supp. 2d 1136
    , 1138–39 (C.D. Cal. 2005); Flores v. Roe, No. 05-5296,
    2005 WL 1406086
    (E.D. Cal. June 14, 2005), aff’d by Flores
    v. Roe, 228 F. App’x 690 (9th Cir. 2007); Protsman v. Pliler,
    318 F. Supp. 2d 1004
    , 1014 (S. D. Cal. 2004).
    While these lower court evaluations of Dixon’s adequacy
    are not binding, these decisions inform our analysis because
    “[a] procedural rule is either adequate or inadequate during a
    given time period.” King v. LaMarque, 
    464 F.3d 963
    , 968
    (9th Cir. 2006). Thus, the fact that the state has never shown
    Dixon’s adequate application at Bennett’s third step is not
    insignificant as we evaluate its efforts to meet its burden in
    this case.
    C. The State’s Evidence
    With this backdrop in mind, we turn to the state’s
    evidence. The state analyzed 4,700 California Supreme Court
    habeas denials surrounding the time of Lee’s June 10, 1999
    default, finding that the Dixon procedural bar was invoked in
    LEE V. JACQUEZ                       17
    approximately twelve percent of all habeas denials. Though
    the application rate varied between seven and twenty-one
    percent across the months surveyed (August 1998 to June
    2000), the state argues that this shows a “predictable”
    application of Dixon such that the rule was an adequate state
    law ground at the time of Lee’s default.
    We find this evidence entirely insufficient to meet the
    state’s burden of showing the Dixon rule’s adequacy. The
    state’s evidence merely shows Dixon’s application as a
    percentage of all habeas denials filed during this time period,
    and does not purport to show to how many cases the Dixon
    bar should have been applied. Logic dictates that in order to
    know if invoking Dixon in twelve percent of all cases shows
    consistent application, we need to know “the number of times
    that claims to which the Dixon rule could apply were instead
    rejected on the merits.” Lee v. Mitchell, No. CV-01-10751-
    2012 WL 2194471
    , at *18 (C.D. Cal. May 1, 2012).
    Thus, we are missing the denominator that would give any
    meaning to the state’s number. Without a baseline number
    against which to measure the twelve percent application rate,
    this percentage in no way indicates the consistency of the
    rule’s application.
    The state attempts to cover the gap in its evidence in two
    ways. First, the state argues that many of the habeas denials
    from the surveyed time period were actually silently applying
    procedural bars that were first invoked by a lower state court.
    This may be so. If the California Supreme Court denies a
    habeas petition without explanation, the federal courts will
    presume that a procedural default was imposed if “the last
    reasoned opinion on the claim explicitly impose[d] a
    procedural default.” Ylst v. Nunnemaker, 
    501 U.S. 797
    , 803
    (1991). But this argument does not relieve the state of its
    18                    LEE V. JACQUEZ
    burden of proving adequacy, and the state does not identify
    cases in which a silent denial relied on a prior invocation of
    Dixon. As the Supreme Court has noted, “[t]he essence of
    unexplained orders is that they say nothing.” 
    Id. at 804.
    Thus, unless the state points out an underlying Dixon default
    behind an ambiguous denial, we cannot assume that a silent
    adoption of Dixon occurred.
    Second, the state challenges the evidence submitted by
    Lee at Bennett’s second step, which shows that the California
    Supreme Court failed to invoke Dixon in at least nine cases
    to which it should have been applied among its December 21,
    1999 habeas denials. Upon close review of these cases, and
    mindful of the fact that we previously found that Lee met her
    burden of putting the Dixon rule’s adequacy in question, see
    Lee, 406 F. App’x at 150, we reject the state’s challenge.
    While five of the cited cases raised ineffective assistance of
    counsel claims, which often involve extra-record issues that
    would not be barred by Dixon, these cases also had other
    record-based claims to which Dixon should have applied.
    Since California courts regularly employ multiple procedural
    bars to deny petitions with multiple claims (as Lee’s own case
    reflects), these five cases provide some evidence of
    inconsistent application of Dixon. Further, the state argues
    that several cases are distinguishable because they involved
    petitioners who had pled guilty, which restricted their rights
    on direct appeal. See Cal. Penal Code § 1237.5. But the state
    fails to explain how these restricted rights affect habeas
    petitions and Dixon’s applicability—and the state’s claim is
    also belied by the existence of several habeas cases where
    Dixon barred the claims of petitioners who had pled guilty.
    See, e.g., Reyes v. Cash, No. CV-13-1248, 
    2014 WL 3734550
    , at *1 (C.D. Cal. July 28, 2014) (noting that a
    petitioner who had pled guilty had his state habeas petition
    LEE V. JACQUEZ                             19
    denied on procedural grounds, including by Dixon);
    Gustafson v. Long, No. CV-13-1737, 
    2014 WL 4187828
    , at
    *12 (C.D. Cal. Apr. 16, 2014) (same).
    In sum, we are left only with evidence that the Dixon bar
    was applied to between seven and twenty-one percent of all
    habeas cases filed in the months surrounding Lee’s default.
    Because this statistic, without more, is incomplete, the state
    failed to meet its burden of proving that the Dixon bar was
    “clear, consistently applied, and well-established at the time
    of [Lee’s] purported default.” 
    Collier, 408 F.3d at 1284
    We do not suggest that the state must always use a
    statistical analysis to prove a rule’s adequacy, and nor do we
    set any precise statistical bar that must be reached if the state
    does use such an approach. Here, however, the state chose to
    use just such a statistical framework, and argues that, if the
    Dixon bar is mandatory, statistical analysis would be the best
    way to demonstrate the rule’s regular and consistent
    application. Endorsing this method, and then providing only
    a partial statistical picture, the state must now live with the
    inevitable result: Dixon’s application to twelve percent of all
    habeas denials tells us almost nothing about the rule’s
    consistent application and, therefore, its adequacy. While the
    state requested at oral argument that we remand to allow it to
    compile the missing records, which the state conceded were
    Lee also argues that two of her claims, Ground 6 and Supplemental
    Ground 4, were sufficiently raised in her direct appeal such that they are
    not barred by Dixon. We need not address this argument because we find
    the Dixon bar to be an inadequate state law ground. All of her remaining
    claims should be considered on the merits on remand.
    20                     LEE V. JACQUEZ
    likely available, we see no reason to give the state yet another
    chance. The state had a full opportunity to prove Dixon’s
    adequacy and failed to do so. Thus, we remand for the
    district court to consider Lee’s claims on the merits.