Rea Paeste v. Government of Guam , 798 F.3d 1228 ( 2015 )

  •                  FOR PUBLICATION
    REA MIALIZA O. PAESTE; JEFFREY F.         Nos. 13-15389
    PAESTE; SHARON M. ZAPANTA,                     13-17515
    GLENN ZAPANTA, individually and                14-16247
    on behalf of all others similarly
    situated,                                    D.C. No.
    Plaintiffs-Appellees,   1:11-cv-00008
    BAZA CALVO, in his official
    capacity; BENITA MANGLOÑA, in her
    official capacity; JOHN CAMACHO, in
    his official capacity,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Guam
    Consuelo B. Marshall, Senior District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    June 9, 2015—Honolulu, Hawaii
    Filed August 26, 2015
    Before: Kim McLane Wardlaw, Marsha S. Berzon,
    and John B. Owens, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Berzon
    2                  PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM
    Civil Rights
    The panel affirmed the district court’s summary judgment
    and permanent injunction in a class-action brought by Guam
    taxpayers against Guam and several of its officers in their
    official capacities alleging (1) that defendants violated the tax
    provisions of the Organic Act of Guam, 48 U.S.C. § 1421i, by
    failing timely to refund income tax overpayments, and (2) in
    a claim brought pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983, that Guam’s
    expedited tax refund program violated plaintiffs’ equal
    protection rights.
    On appeal, Guam challenged the taxpayers’ equal
    protection claim as not cognizable under 42 U.S.C. § 1983,
    arguing that no defendant was a “person” within the meaning
    of § 1983 and that the challenged actions were not taken
    under “color of territorial law.” Guam asserted that it could
    raise the definition of “person” for the first time on appeal
    because it implicated subject matter jurisdiction. The panel
    held that the question of whether a party is a person under
    § 1983 is not a jurisdictional question but rather a statutory
    one and therefore Guam’s § 1983 arguments did not
    implicate subject matter jurisdiction. The panel, however,
    exercised its discretion to consider the arguments.
    Determining that it was bound by Guam Society of
    Obstetricians & Gynecologists v. Ada , 
    962 F.2d 1366
    , 1371
    (9th Cir. 1992), the panel held that the official-capacity
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM                        3
    defendants were “persons” within the meaning of § 1983 for
    purposes of prospective relief. Addressing the merits, the
    panel held that the district court did not abuse its discretion in
    issuing a permanent injunction that required Guam to pay
    refunds within six months once it determined that the requests
    were valid and not subject to investigation or audit. The
    panel held that the six-month provision was well-supported
    and within the court’s broad discretion in fashioning relief.
    The panel noted that Guam raised no substantive challenge to
    the district court’s holding that Guam violated equal
    protection, nor to its holding that Guam violated the Organic
    William N. Hebert (argued), Kathleen V. Fisher, and
    Genevieve P. Rapadas, Calvo Fisher & Jacob LLP, San
    Francisco, California for Defendants-Appellants.
    David Stein (argued), Daniel C. Girard, and Amanda M.
    Steiner, Girard Gibbs LLP, San Francisco, California; Ignacio
    Cruz Aguigui, Lujan Aguigui & Wolff LLP, Hagåtña, Guam,
    for Plaintiffs-Appellees.
    4                PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM
    BERZON, Circuit Judge:
    Like many state, local, and territorial jurisdictions, Guam
    has struggled for years with chronic budget deficits. Guam
    settled on a unique solution to its financial problems: It
    refused to refund over-withheld income taxes, using the
    money to fund government spending. Confronted with
    meritorious and uncontested claims for tax refunds, Guam did
    not issue the refunds, often for several years at a time.
    Apparently recognizing that some Guam taxpayers
    desperately needed their excess tax payments — to which the
    Guam government has no legal claim — Guam established an
    “expedited refund” process. Purportedly, taxpayers facing,
    for example, medical or funeral expenses, would move to the
    front of the line and be granted refunds without waiting for
    Guam to make good on the huge backlog of claims. In
    practice, the expedited refund process was effectively
    standardless, and it devolved into arbitrariness and favoritism.
    A group of Guam taxpayers brought this class-action suit
    against Guam and several of its officers in their official
    capacities. The taxpayers alleged that Guam violated the tax
    provisions of the Organic Act of Guam, 48 U.S.C. § 1421i, by
    failing timely to refund overpayments, and, via a claim
    brought under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, the taxpayers also
    challenged the arbitrary expedited refund program as a
    violation of equal protection.
    The district court granted summary judgment to the
    taxpayers on both claims, entered a permanent injunction
    both ending the expedited refund program and requiring
    PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM                             5
    Guam to pay approved refunds in a timely manner, and
    awarded substantial attorney’s fees and costs. Guam
    challenges the district court’s orders on a number of grounds.
    We affirm.
    Taxpayers Rea Mializa Paeste, Jeffrey Paeste, Sharon
    Zapanta, and Glenn Zapanta, on behalf of a class of Guam
    taxpayers (collectively, “the Taxpayers”), brought this suit
    against Guam, along with the Governor, the Director of the
    Department of Revenue and Taxation, and the Director of the
    Department of Administration of Guam in their official
    capacities (collectively, “Guam”), challenging systematic
    delay and unfairness in Guam’s handling of income tax
    refunds. The Taxpayers asserted one claim, against all the
    defendants, under the Organic Act of Guam, 48 U.S.C.
    § 1421i;1 and another, against all but Guam itself, under
    42 U.S.C. § 1983, alleging a violation of the Equal Protection
    Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, extended to Guam by
    48 U.S.C. § 1421b(u).2
    “Congress organized Guam as an unincorporated possession of the
    United States through the 1950 Organic Act of Guam” and “provided an
    income tax scheme for Guam in 48 U.S.C. § 1421i.” Gumataotao v. Dir.
    of Dep’t of Revenue & Taxation, 
    236 F.3d 1077
    , 1079 (9th Cir. 2001).
    48 U.S.C. § 1421b(u) provides: “The following provisions of and
    amendments to the Constitution of the United States are hereby extended
    to Guam to the extent that they have not been previously extended to that
    territory and shall have the same force and effect there as in the United
    States or in any State of the United States: . . . the second sentence of
    section 1 of the fourteenth amendment,” which includes the equal
    protection clause. See also 48 U.S.C. § 1421b(n) (“No discrimination
    shall be made in Guam against any person on account of race, language,
    or religion, nor shall the equal protection of the laws be denied.”);
    6                        PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM
    The district court granted a motion for class certification.3
    After discovery, the court granted the Taxpayers’ motion for
    summary judgment as to both claims. It issued findings of
    fact and conclusions of law in support of its grant of summary
    The district court’s findings of fact, which Guam does not
    challenge on appeal, paint a troubling picture of Guam’s tax-
    refund practices. Guam has, “[s]ince the early 1990s, . . .
    Attorney Gen. of Territory of Guam ex rel. All U.S. Citizens Residing in
    Guam Qualified to Vote Pursuant to Organic Act v. United States,
    738 F.2d 1017
    , 1018 (9th Cir. 1984). Because the Taxpayers relied on this
    statutory equal protection guarantee, we express no view as to the direct
    applicability of constitutional equal protection. Cf. Examining Bd. of
    Eng’rs, Architects & Surveyors v. Flores de Otero, 
    426 U.S. 572
    , 599–601
    (1976) (holding that a Puerto Rico statute violated equal protection);
    Wabol v. Villacrusis, 
    958 F.2d 1450
    , 1460 n.19 (9th Cir. 1990) (indicating
    that “not every right subsumed within the [equal protection] clause can
    ride the fundamental coattails of [equal protection] into the territories”).
    We do note, however, that the so-called “Insular Cases,” which
    established a less-than-complete application of the Constitution in some
    U.S. territories, has been the subject of extensive judicial, academic, and
    popular criticism. See, e.g., Juan Torruella, The Insular Cases: The
    Establishment of a Regime of Political Apartheid, 77 Rev. Jur. U.P.R. 1
    (2008); Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: U.S. Territories, Youtube
    (Mar. 8, 2015),
    The class certified was defined, in relevant part, as:
    All persons and entities who have filed or will file a
    claim for refund of an overpayment of the Guam
    Territorial Income Tax: (i) which the Government of
    Guam has processed or will process and deemed valid;
    (ii) who have met the procedural requirements outlined
    in 26 U.S.C. §§ 7422(a) and 6532(a); and (iii) who
    nonetheless have not received or will not receive their
    refund six months after filing the claim for refund.
    PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM                              7
    financed chronic budget deficits by regularly delaying the
    payment of [Guam income tax] refunds to its taxpayers” such
    that “many . . . refunds [were] not paid in a timely manner”
    and “during [some] periods, no refunds were paid to any
    one.” Guam failed timely to pay refunds even after Guam’s
    Legislature enacted two separate statutes requiring that
    money be set aside for that purpose.
    “Traditionally, the Government of Guam has paid
    [income tax] refunds in a first-in, first-out order, the same
    way the Internal Revenue Service ordinarily pays federal
    income tax refunds.”4 But, in light of the chronic delays, for
    years Guam paid some refunds on an “expedited” basis, out
    of the chronological order otherwise applicable. The
    expedited refund process was not governed by any “formal
    rule-making process or any regulations,” — nor, it appears,
    any consistently followed set of standards. The result was
    starkly unequal treatment of refund requests.
    The director of the Department of Revenue and Taxation
    (“DRT”) testified, for example, that the reasons taxpayers
    offered for requesting expediting returns were ranked, from
    medical needs as the most serious to financial hardship as the
    least. In reality, however, “[w]hile taxpayers experiencing
    medical emergencies [were] often unable to obtain expedited
    refunds, other taxpayers with less urgent [financial] needs
    receive[d] their refunds on an expedited basis.” Indeed, “the
    greatest number of refunds [was] paid to DRT’s ‘catch-all’
    category of ‘financial’ hardship” despite it purportedly being
    “the lowest priority.”
    The IRS generally issues the vast majority of its refunds within twenty-
    one days, including some 90% in 2012.
    8                  PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM
    The process was also opaque and tedious. Guam did not
    “formally approve or reject requests for expedited refunds,”
    so some taxpayers stood in line at DRT’s offices day after
    day to check on the status of their refund requests. In
    practice, to obtain an expedited refund, a taxpayer would
    often need to “persuade one of a series of public officials to
    include his or her name on a list,” given to DRT, resulting in
    expedited refunds for those with the right political
    connections. DRT employees also successfully expedited
    their own refunds, and those of family and friends, often
    without filling out the purportedly required form, submitting
    supporting documentation, or visiting the DRT. Similarly,
    the named plaintiffs’ refunds were expedited, even though
    they submitted no requests for expedited treatment, in an
    apparent attempt to render this case moot.
    Based on these facts, the district court concluded that the
    Taxpayers were entitled to summary judgment on both
    claims. It also entered a permanent injunction prohibiting
    Guam from operating its expedited refund program. The
    injunction further provided that, as to any refund claim that
    contained no material errors and was not subject to an audit
    or other investigation, “the Government of Guam shall pay
    the corresponding refund no later than six months after the
    filing of the claim for refund or six months from the due date
    for filing the claim for refund, whichever is later . . . .”5
    Since the injunction was entered, Guam has apparently timely paid all
    PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM                         9
    Finally, the court awarded substantial attorney’s fees and
    costs to the Taxpayers.6
    These consolidated appeals followed.
    Guam challenges the Taxpayers’ equal protection claim
    as not cognizable under § 1983, which provides:
    Every person who, under color of any statute,
    ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of
    any State or Territory or the District of
    Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected,
    any citizen of the United States or other
    person within the jurisdiction thereof to the
    deprivation of any rights, privileges, or
    immunities secured by the Constitution and
    laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an
    action at law, suit in equity, or other proper
    proceeding for redress . . . .
    42 U.S.C. § 1983 (emphases added). Guam contends that no
    defendant is a “person” within the meaning of § 1983, and
    that the challenged actions were not taken “under color of”
    territorial law. Guam is wrong.
    Guam’s challenges to the award of attorney’s fees and costs are
    addressed in a memorandum disposition filed concurrently with this
    10                  PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM
    The Taxpayers contend that both of Guam’s arguments
    regarding § 1983 are waived, as they were not raised before
    the district court until long after judgment was entered on the
    merits.7 See Dream Palace v. Cnty. of Maricopa, 
    384 F.3d 990
    , 1005 (9th Cir. 2003). Guam responds that at least the
    definition of “person” may be raised for the first time on
    appeal as it implicates subject matter jurisdiction, and, in the
    alternative, that the court should exercise its discretion to
    reach the § 1983 arguments.
    Three circuits have held that “whether [a party] is a
    ‘person’ under § 1983 is not a jurisdictional question” but
    rather “a statutory one.” Settles v. U.S. Parole Comm’n,
    429 F.3d 1098
    , 1105 (D.C. Cir. 2005); accord Barker v.
    649 F.3d 428
    , 433 n.1 (6th Cir. 2011); Bolden v.
    Se. Pa. Transp. Auth., 
    953 F.2d 807
    , 821 (3d Cir. 1991) (en
    banc). We agree and so hold.
    Whether the defendant is a “person” within the meaning
    of the statute is “a necessary inquiry for the purposes of
    In opposing taxation of costs, Guam eventually did argue to the district
    court that the Taxpayers’ claims were under color of federal law rather
    than territorial law. The territory now contends that raising this argument
    before the district court in the context of taxation of costs was sufficient
    to avoid waiver. We disagree. Guam filed three notices of appeal,
    consolidated by this court: one as to the court’s summary judgment order
    and permanent injunction, another as to attorney’s fees, and a third as to
    costs. The “under color” argument was made to the district court only
    after Guam filed its opening brief with this court as to the summary
    judgment and permanent injunction issues, which included its § 1983
    arguments. An argument made after final judgment on the merits as to a
    derivative costs matter is not a timely presentation of a challenge to the
    § 1983 claim.
    PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM                     11
    establishing the essential elements of [a] § 1983 claim.”
    Pistor v. Garcia, 
    791 F.3d 1104
    , 1114 (9th Cir. 2015). But,
    as a general matter, “the absence of a valid (as opposed to
    arguable) cause of action does not implicate subject-matter
    jurisdiction.” Steel Co. v. Citizens for a Better Env’t,
    523 U.S. 83
    , 89 (1998); see also Verizon Md., Inc. v. Pub.
    Serv. Comm’n of Md., 
    535 U.S. 635
    , 642–43 (2002) (same).
    Here, the Taxpayers’ § 1983 claim, including their contention
    that the defendants are “persons” within the meaning of the
    statute, was not “made solely for the purpose of obtaining
    jurisdiction or . . . wholly insubstantial and frivolous.” Steel
    Co., 523 U.S. at 89
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Indeed, that claim was not only arguable but, as the district
    court held, actually meritorious. Thus, Guam’s statutory
    argument does not implicate subject matter jurisdiction.
    “Recharacterizing an issue of statutory interpretation as
    ‘jurisdictional’ is mere wordplay.” 
    Settles, 429 F.3d at 1105
    Nor, as Guam contends, is there a circuit split on this
    question. Both Seventh Circuit cases on which Guam relies
    as holding to the contrary grounded their jurisdictional
    holdings on Eleventh Amendment sovereign immunity. See
    Sherman v. Cmty. Consol. Sch. Dist. 21, 
    980 F.2d 437
    , 441
    (7th Cir. 1992) (concluding that a suit against a state official
    was “an effort to obtain a judgment binding the State of
    Illinois as an entity” and therefore barred by the Eleventh
    Amendment); Toledo, Peoria & W. R. Co. v. State of Ill.,
    Dep’t of Transp., 
    744 F.2d 1296
    , 1298-99 (7th Cir. 1984)
    (relying on state sovereign immunity in concluding that
    “[t]his section 1983 action against . . . a state agency[] fails
    for lack of federal court jurisdiction”). While the statutory
    definition of “person” is “[s]imilar to and often conflated with
    Eleventh Amendment immunity,” the concepts are distinct.
    Barker, 649 F.3d at 433
    n.1. There is no circuit split as to the
    12                  PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM
    non-jurisdictional nature of the statutory question “when
    stripped of its Eleventh Amendment component.” 
    Bolden, 953 F.2d at 821
    Guam does not contend that it is entitled to Eleventh
    Amendment immunity, but does assert federal sovereign
    immunity, arguing that it is entitled to immunity to the same
    extent accorded the federal government. This argument is
    also unavailing.
    Even if Guam enjoys sovereign immunity, of whatever
    sort, from the Taxpayers’ § 1983 claim, that claim was not
    brought against Guam itself, but only against its officers in
    their official capacities, and only for declaratory and
    injunctive relief.8 Under the principle of Ex parte Young, 
    209 U.S. 123
    (1908), “official-capacity actions for prospective
    relief are not treated as actions against” Guam itself. Guam
    We express no view as to Guam’s entitlement to sovereign immunity
    from the § 1983 claim in this case. Compare Marx v. Gov’t of Guam,
    866 F.2d 294
    , 297–98 (9th Cir. 1989) (holding that Guam enjoys
    common-law sovereign immunity) with Fleming v. Dep’t of Pub. Safety,
    837 F.2d 401
    , 408 (9th Cir. 1988) (holding that the Commonwealth of the
    Northern Mariana Islands “lacks eleventh amendment immunity and . . .
    in the Covenant [establishing the Commonwealth] it waived any common
    law sovereign immunity from federal suit it might otherwise have
    possessed”), abrogated on other grounds as recognized in DeNieva v.
    966 F.2d 480
    , 483 (9th Cir. 1992); see also Ngiraingas v. Sanchez,
    495 U.S. 182
    , 192 n.12 (1990) (“Ngiraingas II”) (declining to address
    whether Guam was entitled to Eleventh Amendment immunity from a
    § 1983 suit); 
    id. at 202–06
    (Brennan, J., dissenting) (concluding that the
    Eleventh Amendment does not apply to Guam, and that whatever
    common-law immunity Guam enjoys grants it no immunity from suit
    under federal law in federal court); see generally Adam D. Chandler,
    Comment, Puerto Rico’s Eleventh Amendment Status Anxiety, 120 Yale
    L.J. 2183 (2011) (surveying the caselaw regarding territorial sovereign
    PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM                           13
    Soc. of Obstetricians & Gynecologists v. Ada, 
    962 F.2d 1366
    1371 (9th Cir. 1992) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    In sum, Guam’s § 1983 arguments do not implicate
    subject-matter jurisdiction. Thus, our ordinary practice
    applies, under which we typically “decline to consider
    arguments raised for the first time on appeal.” Dream
    Palace, 384 F.3d at 1005
    . “We have, however, laid out
    several narrow exceptions to the rule — among them, the
    case in which the issue is purely one of law, does not affect
    or rely upon the factual record developed by the parties, and
    will not prejudice the party against whom it is raised.” 
    Id. (internal quotation
    marks omitted). Under this exception, we
    exercise our discretion to consider Guam’s § 1983
    Guam Society of Obstetricians & Gynecologists v. Ada
    held that a Guam officer sued in his official capacity is a
    “person” within the meaning of § 
    1983. 962 F.2d at 1370
    Guam’s arguments to the contrary are meritless.
    Two years before we decided Ada, Ngiraingas II held that
    “neither the Territory of Guam nor its officers acting in their
    official capacities are ‘persons’ under § 
    1983.” 495 U.S. at 192
    . Nearly all of the Supreme Court’s analysis addressed
    whether Guam itself was a “person,” concluding, based
    principally on § 1983 legislative history, that it was not. See
    id. at 187–92.
    But the plaintiffs in that case had also sued
    Because we find Guam’s contentions meritless, the Taxpayers will
    suffer no prejudice as a result of Guam’s failure to raise these matters
    before the district court.
    14               PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM
    several Guam officials in their official capacities for
    Id. at 184.
    The Supreme Court noted the
    conclusions of the district court and this court that “because
    a judgment against those defendants in their official
    capacities would affect the public treasury, the real party in
    interest was the Government of Guam.” 
    Id. at 184–85.
    Court’s own analysis as to the officials was limited to the
    following: “Petitioners concede, and we agree, that if Guam
    is not a person, neither are its officers acting in their official
    Id. at 192
    (citation omitted).
    Two years later, Ada held that a Guam official “is a
    ‘person’ when sued in his official capacity for prospective
    relief.” 962 F.2d at 1370
    . Ada binds us, and Ngiraingas II,
    an earlier-decided Supreme Court decision, offers no basis for
    us, as a three-judge panel, to reconsider Ada. See Miller v.
    335 F.3d 889
    , 900 (9th Cir. 2003) (en banc).
    Even if we could revisit Ada, we would decide the issue
    in accord with that case. Ada acknowledged the general
    statement as to Guam officers in Ngiraingas II, but pointed
    out the established “distinction between suits against
    governmental officials for damages, such as Ngiraingas, and
    those for injunctive relief.” 
    Id. at 1371.
    As Ada noted, “state
    officers, when sued for damages in their official capacities,
    are,” like states, “not ‘persons’ within the meaning of [§]
    1983,” because “a judgment against a state official in his or
    her official capacity runs against the state and its treasury.”
    Id. (citing Will
    v. Mich. Dep’t of State Police, 
    491 U.S. 58
    63–65 (1989); Kentucky v. Graham, 
    473 U.S. 159
    , 166
    (1985)). But, as Ada explained, the “rule is entirely different”
    with regard to prospective relief, which does not run directly
    against the state’s treasury; suits for such relief “are not
    treated as actions against the State.” 
    Id. (internal quotation
    PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM                          15
    marks omitted). The court concluded: “We can see no reason
    why the same distinction between injunctive and damages
    actions against officials should not apply to a territory.” Id.10
    There is, indeed, no reason why these established
    principles, applicable to states, should not apply to territories
    as well. Accord McCauley v. Univ. of Virgin Islands,
    618 F.3d 232
    , 240–41 (3d Cir. 2010) (citing 
    Will, 491 U.S. at 71
    n.10; Brow v. Farrelly, 
    994 F.2d 1027
    , 1037 n.12 (3d Cir.
    1993), as amended (May 26, 1993)); see also Playboy Enter.,
    Inc. v. Pub. Serv. Comm’n of Puerto Rico, 
    906 F.2d 25
    , 31
    n.8 (1st Cir. 1990) (concluding that Ngiraingas II did not
    foreclose § 1983 liability, in part because the plaintiffs sought
    only injunctive relief); cf. 
    Pistor, 791 F.3d at 1112
    that Graham’s “same principles fully apply” in the context of
    Indian tribes). Ngiraingas II did not, it is true, expressly state
    that the prospective-relief exception applies to official-
    capacity suits against territorial officers. But that silence
    indicates little; the Court did not address prospective relief at
    all, because the plaintiffs sought none. 
    See 495 U.S. at 184
    Particularly given the cursory treatment of the official-
    capacity defendants in that case, and the plaintiffs’
    concession there that the same rule would apply to both
    Guam and the official-capacity defendants, we do not read
    Ngiraingas II to establish markedly different treatment of
    official-capacity suits as between states and territories.
    Guam’s suggestion that Ada was wrong because the Ex Parte Young
    principle applies only to suits against state officers is baseless. See
    Armstrong v. Exceptional Child Ctr., Inc., 
    135 S. Ct. 1378
    , 1384 (2015)
    (noting that “federal courts may in some circumstances grant injunctive
    relief” under the Ex parte Young principle “not only with respect to
    violations of federal law by state officials, but also with respect to
    violations of federal law by federal officials”).
    16                 PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM
    Guam puts forward another theory as to why Ada is not
    binding — that it is inconsistent with Ngiraingas v. Sanchez,
    858 F.2d 1368
    (9th Cir. 1988) (“Ngiraingas I”), the case
    reviewed by the Supreme Court in Ngiraingas II. Ngiraingas
    I concluded that Guam “‘is in essence an instrumentality of
    the federal government,’ much like a federal department or
    administrative agency,” and so “Guam, like the federal
    government, should not be held liable on the same terms as
    other entities.” 
    Id. at 1370–71
    (citation omitted) (quoting
    Sakamoto v. Duty Free Shoppers, Ltd., 
    764 F.2d 1285
    , 1286
    (9th Cir. 1985)).11 Thus, we held, Guam itself was not a
    “person” within the meaning of § 1983. 
    Id. at 1372
    quotation marks omitted).
    In reliance on Ngiraingas I, Guam now argues that its
    officers should be treated in the same way as federal officers
    for the purposes of § 1983. Section 1983 “provides no cause
    of action against federal agents acting under color of federal
    law.” Billings v. United States, 
    57 F.3d 797
    , 801 (9th Cir.
    1995). But Ngiraingas I is unhelpful to Guam for several
    First, if there really were an irreconcilable conflict in our
    caselaw, “we could not simply pick one [case] to follow —
    we would be required to call this case en banc.” United
    States v. Torre-Jimenez, 
    771 F.3d 1163
    , 1167 (9th Cir. 2014)
    (citing Atonio v. Wards Cove Packing Co., 
    810 F.2d 1477
    1478–79 (9th Cir. 1987) (en banc)); see also United States v.
    Guam also relies on Sakamoto. But the relevant portion of Sakamoto
    held only that Guam was entitled to immunity from antitrust law, did not
    involve § 1983 or the meaning of “person,” and is not pertinent here
    outside of Ngiraingas I’s reliance upon 
    it. 764 F.2d at 1286
    , 1288–89.
    PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM                             17
    593 F.3d 790
    , 798 n.9 (9th Cir. 2010) (en
    Second, the portion of Ngiraingas I on which Guam relies
    is almost surely no longer binding precedent. Although
    Ngiraingas II affirmed Ngiraingas I’s holding that Guam is
    not a “person” under § 1983, it did so on an entirely different
    rationale. See Ngiraingas 
    II, 495 U.S. at 185
    , 187–92. The
    dissent in Ngiraingas II understood the majority opinion in
    Ngiraingas II as rejecting our “conclusion that Guam is
    outside the coverage of § 1983 because it is an
    instrumentality of the Federal Government,” observing that
    our interpretation was “flatly inconsistent” with the statute’s
    manifest intent that at least natural persons could be held
    liable for acts under color of territorial 
    law. 495 U.S. at 204
    n.10 (Brennan, J., dissenting); see also 
    Ada, 962 F.2d at 1371
    Finally, there is a third reason that the argument based on
    Ngiraingas I does not avail Guam. Ngiraingas I’s analysis of
    official-capacity suits is not inconsistent with Ada. The
    portion of Ngiraingas I on which Guam relies is its analysis
    as to whether Guam was a “person,” not as to whether its
    officials were. As to the officials sued in that case, we relied,
    Guam suggests that, if there were an irreconcilable conflict, the proper
    course would be to follow the earlier-decided case, relying on United
    States v. Rodriguez-Lara, 
    421 F.3d 932
    , 943 (9th Cir. 2005), overruled on
    other grounds by United States v. Hernandez-Estrada, 
    749 F.3d 1154
    Cir. 2014). Not so. Rodriguez-Lara did approvingly cite H & D Tire &
    Automotive-Hardware, Inc. v. Pitney Bowes Inc., 
    227 F.3d 326
    , 330 (5th
    Cir. 2000), which noted that “[w]hen panel opinions appear to conflict,”
    panels of the Fifth Circuit follow “the earlier opinion.” But we do not
    follow the Fifth Circuit’s rule, and we do not understand Rodriguez-Lara
    to have jettisoned the rule established by our en banc court in Wards Cove
    with a “see also” citation.
    18               PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM
    as the Supreme Court noted, Ngiraingas 
    II, 495 U.S. at 185
    on the established doctrine that “a suit where the relief sought
    would affect the public treasury and public administration[]
    is deemed to be a suit against the government itself” in
    holding that “the individual defendants acting in their official
    capacities [were] not amenable to suit under section 1983,”
    I, 858 F.2d at 1372
    . In other words, Ngiraingas
    I’s holding as to the official-capacity defendants was
    explicitly predicated on the fact that the suit was one seeking
    damages. Ada recognized the rule precluding suits for
    damages against officials in their official capacities, but also
    recognized the established, contrary principle applicable to
    suits seeking prospective 
    relief. 962 F.2d at 1371
    In sum, the official-capacity defendants in this case are
    “persons” within the meaning of § 1983 for purposes of
    prospective relief.
    Guam next argues that none of the conduct at issue in this
    case was undertaken under color of territorial law. The
    Organic Act, which established Guam’s territorial income
    tax, is, indeed, a federal statute passed by Congress and
    signed by the President. See 48 U.S.C. § 1421i. Section
    1421i establishes, with some exceptions not important in this
    case, a Guam tax code “mirroring the provisions of the
    federal” Internal Revenue Code, another federal statute, and
    delegates enforcement and collection authority to Guam
    officials. Bank of Am., Nat. Trust & Sav. Ass’n v. Chaco,
    539 F.2d 1226
    , 1227-28 (9th Cir. 1976) (per curiam); see also
    Gumataotao, 236 F.3d at 1079
    –81; Sayre & Co. v. Riddell,
    395 F.2d 407
    , 410 (9th Cir. 1968) (en banc). How, Guam
    PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM                    19
    asks, could the implementation of two federal statutes
    constitute action under color of territorial law?
    At the outset, we note some confusion regarding the
    extent to which the Taxpayers rely on § 1983. In its briefing,
    Guam asserted that both the claims in this case were brought
    under § 1983; the oral argument suggested confusion on this
    score. The complaint is quite clear, however, that only the
    equal protection claim is asserted under § 1983, and the
    district court was even clearer: “Plaintiffs’ first cause of
    action . . . is for violation of the Organic Act of Guam,
    48 U.S.C. § 1421i,” while “Plaintiffs’ second cause of action
    . . . is under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 for violation of the Equal
    Protection Clause.” The district court was right — only the
    equal protection claim was asserted under § 1983.
    This clarification goes a long way towards answering
    Guam’s argument. The equal protection claim brought under
    § 1983 is that Guam officials established an expedited refund
    process that was so standardless and arbitrary that it violated
    principles of equal protection. That process was not
    established by Congress and signed by the President; it is not
    mentioned in the Organic Act or the Internal Revenue Code.
    It was created and administered entirely by Guam officials.
    Those officials used the power vested in them by virtue of
    their position as territorial officers to authorize or refuse
    refunds of tax overpayments collected by Guam, held by
    Guam, and obliged to be refunded by Guam. No officer or
    agency of the federal government was involved at any point.
    Moreover, even if implementation of a federal law (other
    than the Constitution) did in some sense underlay the § 1983
    claim, that circumstance would not alter our conclusion that
    the defendants acted under color of territorial law. “The
    20                PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM
    traditional definition of acting under color of state law
    requires that the defendant in a § 1983 action have exercised
    power ‘possessed by virtue of state law and made possible
    only because the wrongdoer is clothed with the authority of
    state law.’” West v. Atkins, 
    487 U.S. 42
    , 49 (1988) (quoting
    United States v. Classic, 
    313 U.S. 299
    , 326 (1941)). “Thus,
    generally, a public employee acts under color of state law
    while acting in his official capacity or while exercising his
    responsibilities pursuant to state law.” 
    Id. at 50;
    see also
    Naffe v. Frey, 
    789 F.3d 1030
    , 1036 (9th Cir. 2015).
    We recognize that suits against territorial officers are
    importantly different from those against state officers.
    Because territories are organized under federal law, see U.S.
    Const. art. IV, § 3, cl. 2, the actions of territorial officers are
    always, in some sense, under color of federal law. But that
    cannot be, and is not, the sense in which that term is used in
    § 1983. Section 1983 does not generally authorize challenges
    to actions taken under color of federal law, but it does,
    expressly, contemplate suits for violations of federal rights
    under color of territorial law. See District of Columbia v.
    409 U.S. 418
    , 424-25 (1973) (noting that, “with the
    exception of the Territories, actions of the Federal
    Government and its officers are at least facially exempt from
    [§ 1983’s] proscriptions” (emphasis added)) (footnote
    Ada, 962 F.2d at 1371
    . So the same general
    principles apply to the interpretation of “under color” in cases
    involving territorial officers as apply in cases involving state
    officers. Otherwise, the inclusion of “Territory” in § 1983
    would be rendered largely nugatory.
    All of the § 1983 defendants in this case were territorial
    officers, accused of administering the expedited refund
    program while acting in their official capacities, or, in other
    PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM                            21
    words, using “power possessed by virtue of [territorial] law
    and made possible only because [they were] clothed with the
    authority of [territorial] law.” 
    West, 487 U.S. at 49
    quotation marks omitted).13 For that reason, Williams v.
    United States, 
    396 F.3d 412
    (D.C. Cir. 2005), on which Guam
    relies, undercuts its argument. Williams held that the
    defendant’s conduct was not undertaken under color of
    District of Columbia law, even though he had arrested the
    plaintiff for a violation of District of Columbia law, because
    he was “a federal official, not a D.C. official” and “the
    District of Columbia had no authority over him and thus did
    not exercise coercive power through him.” 
    Id. at 415
    (internal quotation marks and alteration omitted). In other
    words, while the officer applied and effectuated District of
    Columbia law, he was still, as a federal official, acting under
    color of federal law. Here, the opposite is the case. The
    defendants are, and acted as, Guam officers, not officers of
    the federal government, and so, even if they were effectuating
    federal law, they were acting under color of territorial law.
    Guam argues otherwise, maintaining that the particular
    contours of Congress’s delegation to Guam officials of
    authority to administer Guam’s income tax, see 
    Chaco, 539 F.2d at 1227
    , indicates that the defendants were in reality
    acting under color of federal law. We see no basis for
    establishing a special carve-out limited to the relationship
    between Congress and Guam officials established by the tax
    provisions at issue here. Our caselaw indicates that these
    While this case, unlike Ada, does not challenge the enforcement of a
    territorial statute, 
    see 962 F.2d at 1368
    , § 1983 refers as well to an
    “ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage,” thereby expressing a
    conception of action under color of territorial (or state) law broader than
    one limited only to statutes. 42 U.S.C. § 1983.
    22               PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM
    defendants would be properly sued under § 1983 even if the
    actions they took as territorial officers were required by
    federal law.
    In Tongol v. Usery, 
    601 F.2d 1091
    (9th Cir. 1979), a class
    of plaintiffs sued the federal Secretary of Labor and three
    California state defendants, seeking to invalidate a regulation
    promulgated by the Secretary that required state officials to
    recover overpayments of unemployment benefits despite state
    laws permitting waiver of such recoupment. 
    Id. at 1094.
    district court invalidated the regulation, and we affirmed. 
    Id. at 1095–96.
    The district court held, however, that attorney’s
    fees were not available under 42 U.S.C. § 1988 for the
    plaintiffs’ claim under § 1983, because the suit attacked a
    federal regulation, and the state, through the official-capacity
    defendants, was “simply implementing the federal regulations
    as it was obliged to do.” 
    Id. at 1096–97
    (internal quotation
    marks omitted). We disagreed.
    The “under color” requirement of § 1983, we held in
    Tongol, was satisfied even though the regulation implemented
    was federal. “[T]he relevant inquiry focuses not on whose
    law is being implemented, but rather on whether the authority
    of the state was exerted in enforcing the law.” 
    Id. at 1097.
    “The state officials who sought to recover these . . .
    overpayments were empowered to act only by virtue of their
    authority under state law,” and so “were acting ‘under color
    of state law’ within the meaning of section 1983.” 
    Id. Similarly here,
    even if the territorial officials had been
    obliged by federal law to institute the arbitrary expedited
    refund process — which they most certainly were not — they
    were empowered to act only in their capacities as territorial
    PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM                           23
    officers. Thus, they were acting under territorial law within
    the meaning of § 1983.14
    We arrive, finally, at Guam’s only challenge to the district
    court’s merits decisions.15 Guam challenges one particular
    provision of the district court’s permanent injunction, the
    requirement that Guam pay refunds within six months once
    Guam determines that the requests are valid and not subject
    to investigation or audit. According to Guam, that
    requirement is grounded in a legal error. We review the
    district court’s legal conclusions underlying the injunction de
    novo and the scope of the injunction for abuse of discretion.
    Armstrong v. Brown, 
    768 F.3d 975
    , 979 (9th Cir. 2014).
    The district court stated in its conclusions of law that “the
    provisions of the Internal Revenue Code applicable on Guam
    generally require Defendants to pay refunds to taxpayers no
    later than six months after the filing date of the corresponding
    claims for refund,” a legal conclusion Guam contends is
    Nor do we think, as Guam suggests, that our decision today undercuts
    our cases interpreting and applying the tax provisions of the Organic Act.
    We are not interpreting those provisions, but simply applying the settled
    meaning of § 1983. Furthermore, to the extent that, as Guam contends,
    territorial residents may have greater access to attorney’s fees under
    § 1988 than those who challenge similar tax practices by the federal
    government, that is a product of Congress’s choice to include those acting
    under color of territorial law, but not those otherwise acting under color
    of federal law, within the scope of § 1983.
    Guam has raised no substantive challenge to the district court’s
    holding that Guam violated equal protection, nor to its holding that Guam
    violated the Organic Act by failing to “set[] aside revenues as needed to
    refund overpayments and pay[] the refunds owed to Guam taxpayers.”
    24               PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM
    wrong. In support of the six-month deadline in the
    injunction, the district court provided the following analysis:
    “Under the Internal Revenue Code, a taxpayer can sue to
    recover his or her refund six months after its filing date,
    26 U.S.C. § 6532(a)(1), signifying that a taxpayer’s right to
    a refund vests at that time, unless there is an offset, audit, or
    some other administrative reason that justifies continued
    withholding of the payment.”
    Section 6532(a)(1) provides, in relevant part:
    No suit or proceeding under [26 U.S.C. §]
    7422(a) for the recovery of any internal
    revenue tax, penalty, or other sum, shall be
    begun before the expiration of 6 months from
    the date of filing the claim required under
    such section unless the Secretary renders a
    decision thereon within that time . . . .
    26 U.S.C. § 6532(a)(1). As Guam points out, § 6532(a)(1) is,
    on its face, a limitation, prohibiting suits until six months
    have elapsed; it does not state directly when the IRS must
    provide refunds within that period. The district court
    recognized as much. Guam challenges the six-month
    provision of the injunction as impermissibly based on an
    interpretation of § 6532(a)(1) as something more than a
    requirement that a request for a refund pend for the requisite
    period before a suit seeking a tax refund can be filed in court.
    We need not decide whether the district court’s
    statements, if so understood, would constitute legal error.
    Our question here is solely whether the district court’s
    inclusion in the injunction of a six-month deadline for paying
    refunds was an abuse of its discretion. To decide that
    PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM                      25
    question, we consider that provision in the context of the
    totality of the district court’s articulated concerns, as
    expressed during the summary judgment hearing.
    In discussing the Organic Act claim at the hearing, the
    Taxpayers suggested that an injunction should require Guam
    to pay refunds “in a timely manner” and “in an ordinary
    course.” The court expressed concern that an injunction
    including a vague limitation “to the effect [of] ‘a reasonable
    time period’ or ‘in due course,’” would “just bring another
    lawsuit because there’s no guidance being given as to a time
    frame for” disbursing refunds. The Taxpayers agreed that
    was a “fair point” and suggested that “it’s fairly evident from
    the Internal Revenue Code[,] which allows a taxpayer to file
    a lawsuit to [sic] their refund after six months, that the
    corollary to that is that once six months has passed, they have
    a right to their refunds” and “[s]o if the Court is interested in
    setting a time period, that would certainly be one which
    makes sense to us.”
    This colloquy indicates that the district court included the
    six-month pendency period of § 6532(a)(1) only as a
    benchmark for a reasonable time limitation, and included that
    time period in the injunction to give sufficient specificity for
    enforcement purposes. Understood in this light, the six-
    month provision of the district court’s injunction was well-
    supported. Section 6532(a)(1) is certainly indicative of
    Congress’s expectation that six months is a sufficient period
    for administrative processing of a valid claim for a tax refund.
    And a reasonable time limitation was amply justified by
    Guam’s chronic failure to pay refunds, sometimes for years,
    and the court’s concern that an indefinite injunction would
    only spark new litigation. Such a limitation was well within
    the court’s broad discretion in fashioning relief. See State of
    26                 PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM
    Cal. Dep’t of Soc. Servs. v. Thompson, 
    321 F.3d 835
    , 857 (9th
    Cir. 2003).
    Guam contends that, even apart from the purported legal
    error, the six-month period was simply too short, and
    unjustifiably tied Guam’s hands in administering its budget.
    More broadly, Guam suggests that, under the Internal
    Revenue Code and the Organic Act, it has the power to defer
    refund payments for its own budgetary purposes for as long
    as it pleases, so long as it eventually pays the overpayment
    back with interest. See 26 U.S.C. § 6611.
    We thoroughly disagree. These tax overpayments were
    never Guam’s to begin with, and it has no legal claim to
    them. See Weber v. C.I.R., 
    138 T.C. 348
    , 356 (2012) (“[T]he
    IRS ‘shall’ refund any overpayment not otherwise credited
    . . . .”) (quoting 26 U.S.C. § 6402(a)); Estate of Michael ex
    rel. Michael v. Lullo, 
    173 F.3d 503
    , 509 (4th Cir. 1999) (“If
    a tax payment is an ‘overpayment,’ the IRS must refund it.”)
    (quoting 26 U.S.C. § 6402(a)).16 If anything, allowing Guam
    six months to honor refund requests it has determined to be
    valid and not subject to audit or investigation is more
    solicitous than necessary to Guam’s concerns. We discern no
    abuse of discretion in the district court’s six-month limitation,
    and affirm the district court’s injunction in full.
    We acknowledge that many governments struggle to
    balance their budgets, particularly in times of economic
    uncertainty and increasing fiscal demands. But, as the district
    We express no view as to extraordinary circumstances, such as war or
    natural disaster, that might justify delay in refunding tax overpayments.
    PAESTE V. GOV’T OF GUAM                   27
    court correctly concluded, Guam’s solution — refusing to pay
    concededly valid requests for income tax refunds for years on
    end — was illegal. Guam’s policy also fell most heavily on
    taxpayers of limited means, while expedited refunds were
    available to those with personal or political connections. As
    the district court held and its injunction assures, Guam must
    find another way to deal with its fiscal difficulties.

Document Info

Docket Number: 13-15389

Citation Numbers: 798 F.3d 1228

Filed Date: 8/26/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

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View All Authorities »