Alexander Acosta v. City National Corporation , 922 F.3d 880 ( 2019 )

  •                  FOR PUBLICATION
    ALEXANDER ACOSTA, Secretary of           No. 17-55421
    Labor, United States Department of
    Labor,                                      D.C. No.
    Plaintiff-Appellee,   2:15-cv-03084-
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of California
    Terry Hatter, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted January 11, 2019
    Pasadena, California
    Filed April 23, 2019
    2                ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.
    Before: A. Wallace Tashima and Paul J. Watford, Circuit
    Judges, and Eduardo C. Robreno, * District Judge.
    Opinion by Judge Robreno
    SUMMARY **
    Employee Retirement Income Security Act
    The panel (1) affirmed the district court’s order granting
    partial summary judgment in favor of the Secretary of Labor
    and holding City National Corporation and other defendants
    liable for self-dealing under ERISA; and (2) affirmed in part
    and reversed in part the district court’s order granting
    summary judgment as to damages.
    City National Corporation maintained a defined-
    contribution 401(k) employee profit-sharing plan and served
    as the Plan’s sponsor, administrator, and one of its
    fiduciaries. City National Bank, a subsidiary of City
    National Corporation, was the Plan’s trustee and
    recordkeeper as well as another of its trustees. For its
    services as recordkeeper, City National Bank was
    compensated by sharing a portion of mutual funds’ fees
    charged to the Plan, and it did not maintain a system for
    The Honorable Eduardo C. Robreno, United States District Judge
    for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, sitting by designation.
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It
    has been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.                    3
    tracking how much time its employees spent servicing the
    Affirming as to liability, the panel held that City National
    Corporation engaged in prohibited self-dealing under
    ERISA § 406(b) by setting and approving its own fees from
    Plan assets for serving as its own recordkeeper. The panel
    held that this conduct was not exempted under ERISA
    § 408(c)(2) as “reasonable compensation” for services
    provided by a fiduciary such as recordkeeping services. The
    panel held that the “reasonable compensation” exemption
    does not apply to prohibited self-dealing, including where a
    self-dealing fiduciary seeks the exemption for actual and
    legitimate services rendered.
    Affirming in part as to damages, the panel held that the
    loss associated with a prohibited transaction is at least the
    entire cost of the prohibited transaction. Where the fiduciary
    has engaged in self-dealing, the entire cost is the total
    amount of the illegal compensation that the fiduciary paid
    itself. The district court allowed certain offsets, but City
    National Corporation contended that additional offsets
    should have been deducted from the damages award because
    they were based on estimates of certain direct expenses such
    as employee compensation and third-party expenses. The
    panel held that City National Corporation did not meet its
    burden of proof because the additional offsets were
    effectively based on unreliable and insufficient evidence.
    Reversing the district court’s award of prejudgment
    interest, the panel held that the district court abused its
    discretion by awarding interest on amounts that the Plan
    never lost. The panel remanded for a recalculation of the
    prejudgment interest portion of damages.
    4              ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.
    Robin Meadow (argued), Jonathan H. Eisenman, and
    Edward L. Xanders, Greines Martin Stein & Richland LLP,
    Los Angeles, California; Christopher Craig, Catalina
    Vergara, and Brian D. Boyle, O’Melveny & Myers LLP, Los
    Angeles, California; for Defendants-Appellants.
    Jeffrey M. Hahn (argued), Senior Trial Attorney; Thomas
    Tso, Counsel for Appellate and Special Litigation; G.
    William Scott, Associate Solicitor for Plan Benefits
    Security; Kate O’Scannlain, Solicitor of Labor; Office of the
    Solicitor, United States Department of Labor, Washington,
    D.C.; for Plaintiff-Appellee.
    ROBRENO, District Judge:
    This case is about liability for self-dealing and breach of
    fiduciary duties under the Employee Retirement Income
    Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”) and the corresponding
    assessment of damages. Both issues—liability and
    calculating damages—revolve around a compensation
    scheme for an employee profit-sharing plan’s recordkeeper.
    Specifically, the Department of Labor (the “DOL”) brought
    this action under ERISA for breach of fiduciary duties and
    self-dealing by City National Corporation along with various
    of its subsidiaries and employees (collectively, “City
    National”) in administering City National’s employee profit-
    sharing plan. The district court first granted the DOL’s
    motion for partial summary judgment as to liability as to
    self-dealing and breach of fiduciary duties. In a separate
    order, after reviewing cross-motions for summary judgment
    ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.                             5
    as to damages, the district court then granted the DOL’s
    motion for summary judgment as to damages.
    On appeal, City National argues that (1) it is not liable
    for self-dealing 1 because it is exempted under § 408(c) of
    ERISA or, in the alternative, that the self-dealing claim is
    time-barred; (2) the district court erred in refusing to deduct
    certain offsets from the damages award; and (3) the district
    court abused its discretion in awarding prejudgment interest
    on the damages award before deducting the unopposed
    The district court had jurisdiction pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1331
    29 U.S.C. § 1132
    (e). We have jurisdiction
    pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    . For the reasons set forth
    below, we affirm the district court’s order as to liability and
    affirm in part, reverse in part, and remand as to damages.
    The basic facts of the case are not disputed. City National
    Corporation maintains a defined-contribution 401(k)
    employee profit-sharing plan (the “Plan”), which is subject
    to Title I of ERISA, and serves as the Plan’s sponsor,
    administrator, and one of its fiduciaries. City National Bank
    (“CNB”), a subsidiary of City National Corporation, is the
    Plan’s trustee and recordkeeper as well as another of its
    CNB became the Plan’s recordkeeper on April 1, 2000,
    pursuant to an agreement between the Plan and CNB. As
    recordkeeper, CNB’s duties included generating participant
    City National does not challenge the district court’s determination
    of liability for breach of fiduciary duties for actions separate from self-
    6              ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.
    account statements, processing participant investments and
    withdrawals, and processing contributions to the Plan.
    None of the above-mentioned facts, however, creates a
    real problem. Rather, the issue is the way in which CNB was
    compensated by the Plan for its service as recordkeeper and
    documented its expenses. CNB was compensated by sharing
    a portion of the mutual funds’ fees charged to the Plan
    through a process known as “revenue sharing,” which
    occurred through a largely automated process from 2006 to
    2011. During this time, CNB was not only the recordkeeper
    for the Plan but also for over 200 other ERISA plans. In this
    role, CNB did not maintain a system for tracking how much
    time its employees specifically spent servicing the Plan. As
    a result of this largely automated payment process and a lack
    of records documenting direct expenses incurred in servicing
    the Plan, CNB was without proof of what expenses were
    actually incurred in servicing the Plan for any given month
    between 2006 and 2011.
    At various times, the City National Corporation Benefits
    Committee, which met periodically to review the Plan’s fee
    structure, considered that the service-provider fees might be
    “high.” Each time the Benefits Committee reached this
    conclusion it prospectively reduced the fees CNB charged
    the Plan but never rebated any of the amounts previously
    received by CNB.
    In July 2009, the DOL first notified City National of its
    investigation of possible ERISA violations by City National.
    City National then retained Mercer Consulting (“Mercer”) to
    conduct a review of the Plan. Mercer concluded that the fees
    paid to CNB were higher than those reported in its survey of
    comparably sized clients. Yet after receiving Mercer’s
    report, City National did not retroactively rebate any
    amounts previously paid by the Plan to CNB.
    ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.                    7
    The DOL filed a complaint on April 24, 2015, alleging,
    among other claims, that CNB engaged in prohibited self-
    dealing under ERISA § 406(b), 
    29 U.S.C. § 1106
    (b), when
    CNB set and approved its own recordkeeping fees and
    regularly accepted those fees as compensation for its
    services. After the complaint was filed, City National
    retained Basil Imburgia, a financial expert, to provide a
    report demonstrating that CNB’s compensation never
    exceeded the direct expenses incurred in serving the Plan.
    This report, however, relied on an estimate of the direct
    expenses for a given year using the following methodology:
    the total amount of expenses CNB incurred servicing all of
    its 200-plus plans multiplied by the ratio of the number of
    participants in the Plan to the total number of participants
    serviced by CNB across all plans.
    Following discovery, the DOL moved for partial
    summary judgment as to liability, which the district court
    granted. Anticipating the question of damages, the district
    court ordered an independent accounting of City National’s
    Plan-related revenue. City National retained Evercore Trust
    Company (“Evercore”) to conduct the court-ordered
    accounting. Evercore determined that City National received
    $4,647,090.27 in revenue sharing payments from 2006 to
    2012 and then went on to calculate the Plan’s lost
    opportunity costs, i.e., the money that the Plan would have
    earned had the Plan, and not City National, received these
    revenue sharing payments and invested the proceeds.
    Evercore applied two alternative interest rates: (1) the rate of
    return that the Plan experienced over the relevant time period
    and (2) the DOL’s Voluntary Fiduciary Correction Program
    (“VFCP”) interest rate, which is used when a fiduciary
    voluntarily agrees to return amounts to a plan. Under the
    Plan’s rate of return, the Plan’s total losses (including lost
    8               ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.
    opportunity costs) were $8,185,596.13, and under the VFCP
    rate, the Plan’s total losses were $6,061,101.19.
    The district court granted the DOL’s motion for
    summary judgment on damages. Specifically, in an order
    dated February 8, 2017, the district court, relying on
    Evercore’s report, awarded $7,367,382.13 in damages to the
    DOL. This amount was based on a gross amount of
    $8,185,596.13 less certain unopposed offsets. 2 The district
    court reached this decision after considering and rejecting
    City National’s arguments that the amount of damages
    should either be nothing or $1,129,832.00 after applying the
    VFCP rate and deducting various offsets for Plan expenses.
    In making its decision, the district court reached the
    following conclusions: (1) the VFCP rate of return is applied
    when a breaching fiduciary voluntarily corrects its violations
    rather than here when a fiduciary stops the breach after a
    third party identifies it, and (2) the additional offsets for Plan
    expenses were not proven as actually incurred but instead
    were either based on estimates or were for expenses outside
    the relevant time period.
    City National appeals the grant of summary judgment
    finding City National liable under ERISA § 406(b) for self-
    dealing and the amount of damages and prejudgment
    We review a district court’s order granting a motion for
    summary judgment de novo. Zetwick v. Cty. of Yolo,
    These unopposed offsets included KPMG’s audit of the Plan for
    Plan years 2006 to 2010, prospectus delivery fees, and previously
    rebated mutual fund revenue compensated between November 24, 2008,
    and December 14, 2011.
    ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.                             9
    850 F.3d 436
    , 440 (9th Cir. 2017). “Summary judgment is
    appropriate when, viewing the evidence in the light most
    favorable to the nonmoving party, there is no genuine
    dispute as to any material fact.” 
     (internal citation and
    quotation marks omitted). In reviewing cross-motions for
    summary judgment, “each motion must be considered on its
    own merits.” Fair Housing Council of Riverside Cty., Inc. v.
    Riverside Two, 
    249 F.3d 1132
    , 1136 (9th Cir. 2001) (internal
    citations, quotation marks, and alterations omitted).
    An award of prejudgment interest is reviewed under an
    abuse of discretion standard. In re Agric. Research & Tech.
    Grp., Inc., 
    916 F.2d 528
    , 533 (9th Cir. 1990).
    City National’s challenge to the amount of damages only
    needs to be considered if we find summary judgment on
    liability was properly granted. Therefore, we turn first to
    City National’s challenge regarding its liability.
    City National does not contest that it engaged in what is
    typically prohibited self-dealing by setting and approving its
    own fees from Plan assets for serving as its own
    recordkeeper. Instead, City National contends that this
    conduct is exempted under ERISA § 408(c)(2), 
    29 U.S.C. § 1108
    (c)(2), as “reasonable compensation” for services
    provided by a fiduciary such as recordkeeping services. 3 We
    reject this argument.
    In the alternative, City National argues that the DOL’s claims are
    untimely. We reject this argument and hold that the DOL’s claims were
    timely in light of the five tolling agreements that the parties entered into
    10               ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.
    We have previously held that the “reasonable
    compensation” exemption does not apply to prohibited self-
    dealing under ERISA § 406(b). Barboza v. Cal. Ass’n of
    Prof. Firefighters, 
    799 F.3d 1257
    , 1269 (9th Cir. 2015);
    Patelco Credit Union v. Sahni, 
    262 F.3d 897
    , 910–11 (9th
    Cir. 2001).
    City National argues, however, that the holdings in
    Patelco and Barboza are limited to circumstances where the
    fiduciary received kickbacks and transfers of plan assets to a
    personal account or otherwise received compensation for
    illegitimate services. We find this argument foreclosed by
    circuit precedent. Although Patelco involved this type of
    conduct by the fiduciary, Barboza did not. In fact, the
    conduct in Barboza is very similar to the conduct in the
    instant case—self-dealing through payments for otherwise
    legitimate services. See Barboza, 799 F.3d at 1269 (“This
    dispute centers on [the fiduciary’s] practice of paying its
    own fees and expenses from the Plan’s assets held in the
    Wells Fargo account.”). Moreover, even in Patelco, where
    the fiduciary’s conduct was particularly egregious, in
    considering other cases from across the country that
    addressed the applicability of the “reasonable
    compensation” exemption to fiduciary self-dealing, we
    broadly held that “the reasonable compensation provision
    does not apply to fiduciary self-dealing.” Patelco, 262 F.3d
    at 911. Subsequently, in Barboza, we reaffirmed the broad
    sweep of our holding in Patelco that the “exemption for
    reasonable compensation under [§ 408(c)] does not apply
    . . . to a fiduciary who engages in a prohibited transaction
    under [§ 406(b)] by paying itself from the assets of a welfare
    beginning in September 2011 and ending in February 2015 covering all
    of the years for which the DOL seeks recompense for the Plan. See
    29 U.S.C. § 1113
    ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.                    11
    benefit plan.” Barboza, 799 F.3d at 1269 (citing Patelco,
    262 F.3d 897
    ). “In other words, while a plan may pay a
    fiduciary ‘reasonable compensation for services rendered’
    under [section 408], the fiduciary may not engage in self-
    dealing under [section 406(b)] by paying itself from plan
     (citing Patelco, 262 F.3d at 910–11). Simply put,
    the holdings of Patelco and Barboza are not limited to fact
    patterns where the fiduciary received compensation for
    illegitimate services. Therefore, to the extent that there is any
    doubt regarding the applicability of Patelco and Barboza to
    cases where a self-dealing fiduciary seeks the reasonable
    compensation exemption for actual and legitimate services
    rendered, we remove that doubt today.
    Having established that City National engaged in
    prohibited self-dealing and, therefore, that summary
    judgment as to liability was properly granted, we next turn
    to the issue of damages. Because the parties submitted cross-
    motions for summary judgment as to damages, we must
    consider each motion separately. Fair Housing Council,
    249 F.3d at 1136
    . We note, however, that because the two
    motions center around the same dispositive issue—whether
    City National is entitled to additional offsets—and City
    National has the same burden of proof under substantive law
    in both motions, granting the DOL’s motion compels
    denying City National’s motion.
    When reviewing the DOL’s motion, our decision
    “necessarily implicates the substantive evidentiary standard
    of proof that would apply at the trial on the merits.”
    Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 252 (1986).
    It is City National’s burden here, as it would be at trial, to
    demonstrate that it is entitled to the additional offsets. In
    other words, whether opposing the DOL’s motion or
    12             ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.
    supporting its own motion, City National bears the burden of
    proving that it is entitled to the additional offsets.
    Accordingly, we ask “whether reasonable jurors could find
    by a preponderance of the evidence that [City National] is
    entitled to a verdict—whether there is evidence upon which
    a jury can properly proceed to find a verdict for the party
    producing [the evidence], upon whom the onus of proof is
     (internal citations, quotation marks, and
    alterations omitted).
    Under Ninth Circuit precedent, the loss associated with
    a prohibited transaction is at least “the entire cost of the
    prohibited transaction.” Kim v. Fujikawa, 
    871 F.2d 1427
    1431 (9th Cir. 1989). In cases where the fiduciary has
    engaged in self-dealing, we have previously held that the
    “entire cost” of the transaction is the total amount of the
    illegal compensation that the fiduciary paid itself. See
    Patelco, 262 F.3d at 911. In determining this amount, a court
    “should resolve doubts in favor of the plaintiffs.” Kim,
    871 F.2d at 1431 (quoting Leigh v. Engle, 
    727 F.2d 113
    138–39 (7th Cir. 1984)). Accordingly, citing Kim, the district
    court correctly determined that the expenses were City
    National’s burden to prove and any doubts related to
    damages should be resolved in the DOL’s favor.
    To be clear, the DOL did not oppose $818,214.00 in
    offsets. At issue in this case are additional offsets that the
    district court did not deduct from the damages award
    because they were based on estimates of certain direct
    expenses such as employee compensation and third-party
    expenses. City National contends that had the district court
    considered these expenses, it would have been clear that the
    Plan never suffered a loss, that is, that CNB never received
    more compensation than necessary for performing its
    recordkeeping services. But City National has failed to meet
    ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.                          13
    its burden to show that it is entitled to these offsets because
    these offsets are effectively based on unreliable and
    insufficient evidence. We conclude that no reasonable jury
    could find in favor of City National given the paucity of the
    evidence demonstrating that the additional offsets represent
    expenses actually incurred by CNB in servicing the Plan.
    Below, we first discuss employee compensation before
    turning to the third-party expenses.
    1. Employee Compensation
    In support of its argument that City National is not
    entitled to any additional offsets, the DOL points to a Ninth
    Circuit case where the fiduciary did not keep adequate
    records of how much time employees spent providing
    services to a specific plan, similar to the instant case. See
    Kim, 871 F.2d at 1430–31. But the DOL slightly
    mischaracterizes Kim. The Kim Court did not hold that
    estimates could not be considered but rather that the
    fiduciary had simply not presented sufficient evidence to
    meet its burden of proof. Id.
    Similarly, here, as the district court observed, aside from
    the offsets unopposed by the DOL, City National failed to
    provide evidence showing that its requested offsets were
    actually incurred by CNB in servicing the Plan. See Perez v.
    City Nat’l Corp., 
    176 F. Supp. 3d 945
    , 948 (C.D. Cal. 2016).
    Instead, City National’s proposed offsets were based on
    estimates or averages, which the district court found
    insufficient “to raise a triable issue.” 4 
    Id. at 949
    . The issue,
    Although not entirely clear, we read the district court’s
    determination that there was no “triable issue” to mean both that there is
    no genuine dispute as to any material fact and that the DOL is entitled to
    judgment as a matter of law. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(a).
    14             ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.
    in this case, however, can be significantly simplified: did
    City National’s evidence of these offsets prove that the
    expenses were incurred by the Plan? The answer is simply
    “no.” Plainly put, no reasonable juror could find in City
    National’s favor on this issue.
    Because ERISA does not supply a method for proving
    offsets, that method is supplied by federal common law. See
    Salyers v. Metro. Life Ins. Co., 
    871 F.3d 934
    , 939 (9th Cir.
    2017). “In developing a body of federal common law
    governing employee benefit plans,” we have an “‘obligation’
    to adopt a federal rule that ‘best comports with the interests
    served by ERISA’s regulatory scheme.’” 
     (quoting PM
    Grp. Life Ins. Co. v. W. Growers Assur. Trust, 
    953 F.2d 543
    546 (9th Cir. 1992)).
    In this case, City National’s evidence of its expenses was
    based on the Imburgia Report. Because City National
    allocated employee salaries across hundreds of plans without
    maintaining contemporaneous records of such employee
    compensation, the report relied on after-the-fact estimates of
    the allocation of employee compensation across all plans
    serviced by CNB. Given that there were no
    contemporaneous time records or other records reliably
    demonstrating how much time employees spent servicing
    the Plan, the figures provided in the report were simply a
    rough estimate and did not satisfy City National’s burden of
    proof. See Kim, 871 F.2d at 1431 (discussing that a
    breaching fiduciary is entitled to offsets only if it can prove
    that those offsets are for direct expenses benefitting the plan
    and explaining that “[t]his is nothing more than application
    of the principle that, once a breach of trust is established,
    uncertainties in fixing damages will be resolved against the
    wrongdoer”) (internal citation omitted).
    ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.                   15
    To be sure, contemporaneous records are not required in
    all cases and are not necessarily the only way to determine
    the amount of expenses incurred by the fiduciary. They are,
    however, an important and reliable form of evidence for
    documenting that the fiduciary only receives its actual
    expenses. See U.S. Dep’t of Labor, Office of Pension and
    Welfare Benefit Programs, Opinion No. 80-58A, 
    1980 WL 8955
    , at *2 (Oct. 1, 1980) (discussing why a per diem
    reimbursement allowance is not allowed because such an
    amount may be in excess of actual expenses). Additionally,
    in its advisory opinion No. 93-06A, in a slightly different
    context, the DOL addressed the importance of maintaining
    adequate records of employee compensation. See generally
    U.S. Dep’t of Labor, Office of Pension and Welfare Benefit
    Programs, Opinion No. 93-06A, 
    1993 WL 97262
     (Mar. 11,
    1993). In Opinion No. 93-06A, the DOL explained that
    employee salaries “may be a properly reimbursable expense
    . . . if the expense would not, in fact, have been sustained had
    the services not been provided, if it can be properly allocated
    to the particular services provided, and if the expense does
    not represent an allocable portion of overhead costs.” 
    Id. at *6
    . The DOL went on to explain that if the fiduciary provides
    services to multiple plans, then the reimbursement of direct
    expenses “requires that the parties maintain records adequate
    to verify that the allocation methods employed properly
    allocate expenses to the plans from which reimbursement is
    In this case, during the relevant period, City National
    provided services to multiple plans, and without adequate
    records, the best the Imburgia Report could offer was
    speculation that five or six employee positions would have
    been eliminated but for their work on the Plan. Such an
    estimate is hardly “adequate to verify that the allocation . . .
    properly allocate[s] expenses . . . .” 
    16              ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.
    2. Other Expenses
    City National also argues that the district court
    improperly excluded certain rebates purportedly paid to the
    Plan, certain third-party expenses, and revenue derived from
    City National’s own proprietary mutual funds. But,
    similarly, these offsets were either not shown as actually
    incurred expenses or were incurred outside of the relevant
    time period. Each is addressed in turn.
    a. Rebates
    The district court offset City National’s liability by
    $538,902 in rebates that City National paid to the Plan. City
    National, however, argues that the district court should have
    offset its liability by an additional $290,000 in rebates. In its
    opening brief in support of its motion for partial summary
    judgment as to damages and its opposition to the DOL’s
    motion, it relied on minutes of the Benefits Committee as
    evidence that these rebates were indeed paid. Although this
    evidence supports the contention that the Benefits
    Committee approved the payments, it does not show that the
    rebates were indeed paid.
    In reply, City National provided certain trust account
    statements as additional evidence that these rebates were
    paid. The district court’s finding that it was not presented
    with evidence proving that the expenses, including these
    rebates, were actually incurred is correct. The trust account
    statements provided by City National are part of a 500-page
    package of exhibits offered in reply during the motion
    practice on summary judgment. These statements were
    produced by City National without a clear explanation as to
    which exhibits supported which rebates. In the absence of
    such explanation, i.e., matching the rebates to a specific
    account, it was proper for the district court to conclude that
    ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.                17
    the evidence was insufficient to show that the rebates were
    actually paid.
    b. Third-Party Direct Expenses
    City National further argues that the district court
    improperly    excluded   three   different   third-party
    administrative expenses, all of which were allegedly
    contemporaneously documented. Each is discussed in turn.
    First, City National seeks an offset for $207,003 in
    custodial fees retained by Fidelity. As with the employee
    compensation, however, the evidence of this expense is the
    Imburgia Report, which did not base this amount on any
    evidence of actual payments made to Fidelity. Instead, the
    amount is based on what these payments might or should
    have been under the terms of City National’s agreement with
    Fidelity. City National has also submitted spreadsheets
    purporting to show these Fidelity payments, but these
    spreadsheets were only submitted with City National’s reply
    and lacked a clear explanation. More problematic, however,
    is the fact that these spreadsheets suffer from other fatal
    defects; they appear to be self-generated, may well have
    undergone multiple iterations, and are without any
    documentation or evidence to substantiate the numbers.
    For City National to prove that it actually incurred
    expenses by paying Fidelity custodial fees, City National
    would have needed to produce reliable and sufficient
    documentation such as a receipt, account statement, or other
    document showing actual payments. Here, because the
    evidence for the custodial fees was an unsubstantiated and
    self-generated spreadsheet, the district court properly
    excluded offsets for the custodial fees.
    18              ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.
    Second, City National argues that the district court
    improperly excluded $145,660 in printing and mailing costs.
    Although City National submitted numerous invoices for
    such services, the invoices did not specify which of the
    hundreds of plans serviced by City National received the
    printing and mailing services corresponding to the invoice.
    Therefore, there was again insufficient evidence that the
    expenses were actually incurred in servicing the Plan and,
    even if so, that the invoices were actually paid.
    Third, City National argues that the district court
    improperly excluded a $32,500 offset for an audit of the Plan
    by KPMG. But this audit, which is required by ERISA, did
    not concern any of the Plan years in question (2006–2012)
    but rather Plan year 2005. It makes no difference that City
    National accounted for audit payments on a cash basis
    because the expense was incurred in 2005, a year outside of
    the relevant time. It is also irrelevant that City National did
    not pay for this audit until 2006 or that the audit did not occur
    until 2006.
    c. Revenue
    City National argues that the district court erroneously
    included over $534,000 of revenue in the damages award
    that is categorically exempt from § 406 under Prohibited
    Transaction Exemption 77-3 (“PTE 77-3”).
    Under PTE 77-3, § 406 does not apply when an
    investment company offers its own mutual funds to its
    employee profit-sharing plan if there are no commissions or
    extraneous fees and “[a]ll other dealings between the plan
    and the investment company . . . are on a basis no less
    favorable to the plan than such dealings are with other
    shareholders of the investment company.” 
    42 Fed. Reg. 18734
    , 18735 (Apr. 8, 1977).
    ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.                  19
    In this case, the fact that City National offered its own
    mutual funds to the Plan does not mean that PTE 77-3
    exempts the revenue from the damages award. Instead,
    PTE 77-3 simply allows a plan to trade in in-house funds.
    PTE 77-3 does not extend its safe harbor to instances where
    a self-dealing fiduciary sets and receives a certain amount of
    revenue from in-house funds as compensation for
    recordkeeping services it provides to an employee profit-
    sharing plan.
    City National also points to a pre-regulatory notice to
    argue that PTE 77-3 was intended to allow the fiduciary to
    collect the entire expense ratio charged by the funds,
    including customary investment advisory fees and any
    administrative fees. See 
    41 Fed. Reg. 54080
    , 54081 (Dec. 10,
    1976). But City National misunderstands the import of that
    pre-regulatory notice. Although the notice explains that a
    fiduciary may collect an investment advisory fee from the
    mutual fund pursuant to an investment advisory agreement,
    nowhere in the notice or in PTE 77-3 does it provide that the
    fiduciary can also collect such a fee from the plan.
    City National has, in its own words, described the
    $534,000 at issue as “earmarked for shareholder servicing”
    and has cited the recordkeeping agreement as the basis for
    its receipt of revenue from the mutual funds. Therefore, from
    the record before us, we conclude that City National is
    simply seeking its recordkeeping fees, which cannot be
    offset against the damages award in this case because they
    were incurred through City National’s self-dealing.
    3. City National’s Motion for Summary Judgment on
    For the same reasons that we grant the DOL’s motion for
    summary judgment on damages, we deny City National’s
    20              ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.
    motion for summary judgment on damages. The two
    motions center around the same dispositive issue—whether
    City National is entitled to additional offsets. City National’s
    burden on both motions is the same—to show entitlement to
    the offsets. See Anderson, 
    477 U.S. at 252
    . Therefore, by
    granting the DOL’s motion on this issue as City National
    failed to carry its burden of proof under the substantive law,
    we are compelled to deny City National’s motion for
    summary judgment on the same issue.
    Although a summary judgment motion is reviewed de
    novo, a district court’s award of prejudgment interest on
    summary judgment is reviewed under an abuse of discretion
    standard. In re Agric. Research & Tech. Grp., Inc., 
    916 F.2d at 533
    . We have previously held that, in the ERISA context,
    an award of prejudgment interest is “a question of fairness,
    lying within the court’s sound discretion, to be answered by
    balancing the equities.” Landwehr v. DuPree, 
    72 F.3d 726
    739 (9th Cir. 1995) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The essential point of prejudgment interest is to “ensure
    that an injured party is fully compensated for its loss.” City
    of Milwaukee v. Cement Div., Nat. Gypsum Co., 
    515 U.S. 189
    , 195 (1995). The loss in this case is the entire cost of the
    transaction, that is, the illegal compensation plus the lost
    opportunity cost. The unopposed offsets do not reflect losses
    or illegal compensation. Accordingly, we find that the
    district court abused its discretion by awarding interest on
    amounts that the Plan never lost. In other words, the district
    court calculated prejudgment interest on City National’s
    liability for the gross amount of its recordkeeping
    compensation rather than on its net compensation after the
    unopposed offsets were deducted (i.e., the unopposed
    revenue-sharing rebates and third-party expenses). In doing
    ACOSTA V. CITY NAT’L CORP.                   21
    so, the district court effectively required City National to pay
    interest on more than the entire cost of the transaction.
    Therefore, we reverse the district court on this issue and
    remand for a recalculation of the prejudgment interest
    portion of damages.
    We conclude that the district court’s grant of summary
    judgment in favor of the DOL as to liability was proper
    because the “reasonable compensation” exemption under
    ERISA § 408(c)(2) does not apply to self-dealing by a
    fiduciary. Therefore, we affirm the district court’s grant of
    summary judgment as to liability.
    We next conclude that the additional offsets City
    National argues for were not sufficiently proven as “actually
    incurred” or were outside of the relevant time period.
    Because no reasonable jury could find in favor of City
    National on its claim of entitlement to the additional offsets,
    we affirm the district court’s grant of summary judgment in
    favor of the DOL and against City National on this issue. For
    the same reasons, we affirm the denial of City National’s
    summary judgment motion on this issue. Finally, we
    conclude that the district court abused its discretion by
    awarding prejudgment interest before deducting the allowed
    offsets. Therefore, we reverse and remand on the same issue
    for a recalculation of damages as to prejudgment interest.
    The parties shall bear their own costs on appeal.