v. Icann ( 2015 )

  •                 FOR PUBLICATION
    NAME.SPACE, INC.,                          No. 13-55553
    D.C. No.
    v.                        2:12-cv-08676-
    Defendant-Appellee.            OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of California
    Percy Anderson, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    March 6, 2015—Pasadena, California
    Filed July 31, 2015
    Before: Stephen Reinhardt, N. Randy Smith,
    and Andrew D. Hurwitz, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Hurwitz
    2                 NAME.SPACE, INC. V. ICANN
    Antitrust / Trademark
    The panel affirmed the dismissal of an antitrust suit
    brought against the Internet Corporation for Assigned
    Names and Numbers, which, under contract with the
    Department of Commerce, creates and assigns top level
    domains, such as “.com” and “.net.”, a registry specializing in “expressive” top
    level domains, such as .art and .food, challenged ICANN’s
    2012 round of applications for new top level domains to be
    included in the ICANN “root zone file.”
    The panel held that the complaint did not state a claim
    for conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce under § 1
    of the Sherman Act because it did not sufficiently allege an
    anticompetitive agreement. The complaint did not state a
    claim for monopolization in violation of § 2 of the Sherman
    Act because ICANN is not a competitor in the market to act
    as a top level domain registry, the international market for
    domain names, or the market for blocking or defensive
    registration services.
    The panel held that trademark and unfair competition
    claims were not ripe for adjudication because the complaint
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    NAME.SPACE, INC. V. ICANN                   3
    did not allege that ICANN has delegated or intends to
    delegate any of the top level domains that uses.
    The panel also held that the complaint did not state a
    claim for tortious interference or unfair business practices.
    Michael B. Miller (argued), Craig B. Whitney, Adam J.
    Hunt, Morrison & Foerster LLP, New York, New York, for
    Jeffrey A. LeVee (argued), Eric P. Enson, Kathleen P.
    Wallace, Jones Day, Los Angeles, California, for
    4               NAME.SPACE, INC. V. ICANN
    HURWITZ, Circuit Judge:
    The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
    Numbers (“ICANN”) creates and assigns top level domains
    (“TLDs”), such as “.com” and “.net.” In 2012, ICANN
    accepted applications for the creation of new TLDs. This
    suit alleges that the 2012 Application Round violated
    federal and California law. The district court dismissed the
    complaint, and we affirm.
    I. Factual Background
    A. Top Level Domains
    Each Internet website is assigned a unique Internet
    Protocol (“IP”) numerical address. For ease of searching,
    websites also have alphanumeric domain names, such as
    “” The portion before the dot—“nytimes”—is
    called the “second level domain.” The portion after the
    dot—“com”—is the TLD.
    There are three main types of TLDs—sponsored TLDs
    (such as “.gov” and “.edu”), restricted to users who meet
    specified criteria; country-code TLDs (such as “.uk” or
    “.fr”), controlled by sovereign nations; and generic TLDs
    (such as “.com” and “.net”), those at issue in this case, open
    to all users. Individual generic TLDs are operated by
    registries, such as VeriSign, which sell the ability to
    register a domain name with a particular TLD and maintain
    a zone file, or registry, of all the domain names associated
    with that TLD. These registries approve registrars, such as, to sell domain names incorporating those
    TLDs to the public.
    NAME.SPACE, INC. V. ICANN                      5
    A “Domain Name System” (“DNS”) links each of these
    unique domain names with the IP address corresponding to
    that website. When an Internet user searches for a domain
    name, the DNS converts the domain name to the IP address
    by searching a list of TLDs called the “root zone file” (the
    “Root”).     Additional TLDs are made available by
    organizations other than ICANN on alternative root files.
    However, alternative root files can only be accessed
    through special settings not routinely employed by most
    Internet users. Thus, the vast majority of Internet users can
    only access websites with TLDs included in the ICANN-
    controlled Root. When the complaint in this case was filed,
    ICANN included eight generic TLDs on the Root.
    B. ICANN
    The DNS and the Root were initially managed by the
    National Science Foundation.        See Daniela Michele
    Spencer, Note, Much Ado About Nothing: ICANN’s New
    gTLDs, 29 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 865, 867–69 (2014). In
    1997, the National Science Foundation transferred control
    to the Department of Commerce (“DOC”). The DOC later
    issued a white paper proposing that management be
    transferred to a private, not-for-profit corporation. See
    Management of Internet Names and Addresses, 63 Fed.
    Reg. 31,741, 31,741 (Jun. 10, 1998). 1 The white paper
    suggested that the corporation’s board of directors “should
    be balanced to equitably represent the interests of IP
    The white paper was cited repeatedly in the complaint and was
    therefore incorporated by reference. See United States v. Ritchie,
    342 F.3d 903
    , 907–08 (9th Cir. 2003).
    6                 NAME.SPACE, INC. V. ICANN
    number registries, domain name registries, domain name
    registrars, the technical community, Internet service
    providers (ISPs), and Internet users (commercial, not-for-
    profit, and individuals) from around the world.” 
    Id. at 31,750;
    see also A. Michael Froomkin & Mark A. Lemley,
    ICANN and Antitrust, 2003 U. Ill. L. Rev. 1, 12 (2003).
    In 1998, the DOC contracted with ICANN, a non-profit
    corporation, to manage the Internet Assigned Numbers
    Authority (“IANA”). See Justin T. Lepp, Note, ICANN’s
    Escape from Antitrust Liability, 89 Wash. U. L. Rev. 931,
    935, 959–60 (2012); Froomkin & 
    Lemley, supra, at 15
    ICANN thereby obtained the authority to operate the DNS
    and the Root, add new TLDs to the Root, and determine
    which registries would operate existing TLDs. The
    Memorandum of Understanding between the DOC and
    ICANN reserved the DOC’s right to withdraw recognition
    of ICANN. See Froomkin & 
    Lemley, supra, at 13
    –14. In
    2009, the Memorandum lapsed and the DOC formally
    relinquished control over DNS policy to ICANN. See
    Lepp, supra, at 935
    . 2
    ICANN is controlled by a board of directors with
    qualifications along the lines proposed in the white paper;
    The DOC, however, still retained the ability to move the IANA
    contract to another organization. See 
    Lepp, supra, at 959
    –60. The
    federal government plans to end its coordination role when the current
    IANA contract expires in September 2015, and has asked ICANN to
    develop a transition plan. See Nat’l Telecomms. & Info. Admin., NTIA
    Announces Intent to Transition Key Internet Domain Name Functions
    (Mar. 14, 2014),
    NAME.SPACE, INC. V. ICANN                  7
    many are industry insiders. The government has no formal
    input into the selection of the directors. See Froomkin &
    Lemley, supra, at 10
    C. is a registry specializing in “expressive”
    TLDs, such as .art, .food, .magic, .music, .now, and .sucks.
    According to the complaint,’s business model
    contemplates “the simultaneous operation of a significant
    number of TLDs.” None of’s TLDs is
    currently available on the Root.
    D. The 2000 and 2012 Application Rounds
    In 2000, ICANN first solicited applications for new
    TLDs. The application instructions were seven pages, the
    fee was $50,000, and a single application could seek
    multiple TLDs. The application included a release of all
    liability against ICANN. applied for 118
    TLDs. ICANN approved only seven new TLDs, none of
    which was awarded to
    In 2012, ICANN again accepted applications for new
    TLDs. This time, the application guidebook was 349 pages
    in length, the fee was $185,000, and each application could
    seek only one TLD. Unsuccessful applicants from the 2000
    Round received an $86,000 credit on one application, but
    were required to waive any claims arising from the 2000
    Round. did not apply in 2012 because the
    financial and procedural costs were too high. As in 2000,
    applications for new TLDs in 2012 came largely from
    industry insiders.
    The list of TLDs applied for by others in 2012 included
    189 TLDs currently in use by As of the filing
    8                  NAME.SPACE, INC. V. ICANN
    of the complaint, ICANN had not announced which new
    TLDs will be included on the Root. 3
    E. Procedural Background
    In 2012, filed a complaint in the Central
    District of California, alleging that ICANN violated
    sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Act, the Lanham Act, the
    California Cartwright Act, and the California Business and
    Professions Code in connection with the 2012 Application
    Round.      The complaint also alleged common law
    trademark, unfair competition, and tortious interference
    In 2013, the district court granted ICANN’s motion to
    dismiss the complaint, holding that the trademark and
    unfair competition claims failed to present a justiciable case
    or controversy, and that the other claims failed to state a
    claim upon which relief could be granted. 4 The district
    court dismissed the Sherman Act § 2 claim with prejudice,
    and granted leave to amend as to all other
    claims. After elected not to amend, final
    judgment was entered in favor of ICANN. This timely
    appeal followed.
    3’s complaint only challenges the 2012 Round’s rules and
    procedures. We therefore do not consider today any questions
    concerning the subsequent delegation of TLDs.
    ICANN had also moved to dismiss on the ground that the release
    clause in the 2000 application barred liability on all claims. The district
    court converted the motion into one for summary judgment, which it
    denied. ICANN does not seek review of that decision.
    NAME.SPACE, INC. V. ICANN                   9
    II. Jurisdiction and Standard of Review
    We have jurisdiction over this appeal under 28 U.S.C.
    § 1291. We review de novo dismissals for failure to state a
    claim, Coal. for ICANN Transparency, Inc. v. VeriSign,
    611 F.3d 495
    , 501 (9th Cir. 2010) (“ICANN
    Transparency”), and for absence of a justiciable case or
    controversy, Laub v. U.S. Dep’t of Interior, 
    342 F.3d 1080
    1084 (9th Cir. 2003). “All allegations of material fact are
    taken as true and are construed in the light most favorable
    to” the plaintiff. ICANN 
    Transparency, 611 F.3d at 501
    III. Sherman Act § 1
    Section 1 of the Sherman Act prohibits conspiracies “in
    restraint of trade or commerce.” 15 U.S.C. § 1. A § 1
    claim requires: (1) a “contract, combination or conspiracy
    among two or more persons or distinct business entities”;
    (2) which is intended to restrain or harm trade; (3) “which
    actually injures competition”; and (4) harm to the plaintiff
    from the anticompetitive conduct. Brantley v. NBC
    Universal, Inc., 
    675 F.3d 1192
    , 1197 (9th Cir. 2012)
    (internal quotation marks omitted). “Because § 1 . . . does
    not prohibit all unreasonable restraints of trade but only
    restraints effected by a contract, combination, or
    conspiracy, the crucial question is whether the challenged
    anticompetitive conduct stems from independent decision
    or from an agreement, tacit or express.” Bell Atl. Corp. v.
    550 U.S. 544
    , 553 (2007) (alterations, citations,
    and internal quotation marks omitted).
    A complaint asserting a § 1 claim must allege facts
    “plausibly suggesting (not merely consistent with)” a
    Id. at 557.
    It is not enough merely to include
    conclusory allegations that certain actions were the result of
    a conspiracy; the plaintiff must allege facts that make the
    10             NAME.SPACE, INC. V. ICANN
    conclusion plausible. See Kendall v. Visa U.S.A., Inc.,
    518 F.3d 1042
    , 1047–48 (9th Cir. 2008). This standard
    does not impose a “probability requirement,” but “simply
    calls for enough fact to raise a reasonable expectation that
    discovery will reveal evidence of illegal agreement.” See
    Twombly, 550 U.S. at 556
    The complaint in this case alleges that the rules and
    procedures governing the 2012 Application Round were the
    result of a conspiracy between ICANN, its board members,
    and industry insiders. As is common, the complaint
    includes no direct allegation of an agreement among the
    alleged co-conspirators. See Oltz v. St. Peter’s Cmty.
    861 F.2d 1440
    , 1450–51 (9th Cir. 1988). Rather,
    the complaint’s conspiracy assertion rests on the following
    alleged circumstantial evidence: (a) some of ICANN’s
    board members have “known, vested interests in the
    economic performance of the TLD registries”; (b) ICANN
    and its board designed the rules for the 2012 Application
    Round; (c) the 2012 application price was significantly
    higher than the 2000 price, and the rules more complex; (d)
    the 2012 Application Round’s price and rules conflicted
    with’s business model; (e) the majority of 2012
    applicants were industry insiders and large technology
    companies; and (f) some potential applicants, including, were deterred from applying in 2012 by the
    price and rules.
    We cannot, however, infer an anticompetitive
    agreement when factual allegations “just as easily suggest
    rational, legal business behavior.” 
    Kendall, 518 F.3d at 1049
    .      Here, ICANN’s decision-making was fully
    consistent with its agreement with the DOC to operate the
    DNS and the Root. See Matsushita Elec. Indus. Co. v.
    Zenith Radio Corp., 
    475 U.S. 574
    , 597 n.21 (1986)
    NAME.SPACE, INC. V. ICANN                  11
    (“[C]onduct that is as consistent with permissible
    competition as with illegal conspiracy does not, without
    more, support even an inference of conspiracy.”); Eclectic
    Props. E., LLC v. Marcus & Millichap Co., 
    751 F.3d 990
    996 (9th Cir. 2014) (explaining that courts must consider
    obvious alternative explanations for a defendant’s behavior
    when analyzing plausibility). In transferring control to
    ICANN, the DOC specifically required it to coordinate the
    introduction of new TLDs onto the Root. This is exactly
    what ICANN did in the 2012 Application Round—after
    determining that the Internet could sustain more TLDs,
    ICANN created a process for TLD registries to apply for
    new ones. The 2012 rules and procedures were facially
    neutral, and there are no allegations that the selection
    process was rigged. See ICANN 
    Transparency, 611 F.3d at 502
    –03 (affirming in part a dismissal of a § 1 claim
    because there were insufficient allegations that competitive
    bidding was rigged). contends that an anticompetitive agreement
    nonetheless is plausible because the rules of the 2012
    Application Round, including the application fee and limit
    of one TLD per application, were contrary to its business
    model. But, absent allegations that suggest ICANN’s
    decisions were illogical or suspicious, see 
    Twombly, 550 U.S. at 556
    n.4; In re High-Tech Emp. Antitrust Litig.,
    856 F. Supp. 2d 1103
    , 1116 (N.D. Cal. 2012) (noting that it
    “strain[ed] credulity” that alleged conduct occurred absent
    unlawful coordination), ICANN’s independent business
    decisions about how many TLDs to create, and at what
    price they are offered, are not policed by § 1, see T.W. Elec.
    Serv., Inc. v. Pac. Elec. Contractors Ass’n, 
    809 F.2d 626
    634 (9th Cir. 1987). ICANN was not required to replicate
    the 2000 Application Round in 2012, or even to create new
    TLDs. The application rules served to ensure that those
    12             NAME.SPACE, INC. V. ICANN
    who obtained new TLDs would be financially stable. This
    is a perfectly logical decision, and one that ICANN,
    through its contract with the DOC, had full authority to
    The complaint alleges that ICANN’s board members
    had motive to design an application process that would
    benefit their corporate allies. But such motive alone cannot
    sustain a § 1 claim. See 
    Matsushita, 475 U.S. at 597
    In re Late Fee & Over-Limit Fee Litig., 
    528 F. Supp. 2d 953
    , 964 (N.D. Cal. 2007) (citing VI Philip E. Areeda &
    Herbert Hovenkamp, Antitrust Law: An Analysis of
    Antitrust Principles and Their Application ¶ 1411, at 68 (2d
    ed. 2003)), aff’d, 
    741 F.3d 1022
    (9th Cir. 2014). And, the
    complaint includes no specific allegations of wrongdoing
    that would indicate that the board members acted with an
    improper motive. Cf. Am. Soc’y of Mech. Eng’rs, Inc. v.
    Hydrolevel Corp., 
    456 U.S. 556
    , 560–62, 571–72 (1982)
    (evidence that committee members used their positions to
    disparage a rival’s product); Radiant Burners, Inc. v.
    Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co., 
    364 U.S. 656
    , 659–60
    (1961) (per curiam) (association members conspired to
    withhold a necessary certification from rival). alleges that the rules advantaged the
    businesses with which some board members were
    associated.     But, it was understood from ICANN’s
    inception that its board would include industry insiders, and
    that the board would approve the application process. See
    Management of Internet Names and Addresses, 63 Fed.
    Reg. at 31,749–50. We cannot infer an illegal agreement
    with outside interests simply because ICANN’s rational
    business decisions favor the status quo rather than’s untested alternative business model. See
    Monsanto Co. v. Spray-Rite Serv. Corp., 
    465 U.S. 752
    , 764
    NAME.SPACE, INC. V. ICANN                       13
    (1984) (“There must be evidence that tends to exclude the
    possibility that the [alleged conspirators] were acting
    It may well be, as claims, that an “open
    Internet” represents better public policy than one with a
    more limited supply of TLDs. But the DOC left that choice
    to ICANN. At bottom,’s complaint alleges that
    ICANN’s actions should be viewed as arising from a
    conspiratorial agreement because a conspiracy is
    theoretically possible. But that is not enough to state a § 1
    claim. We cannot infer a conspiracy based on speculation
    that the very type of board members the DOC sought must
    have conspired to restrain trade simply because the system
    they adopted made it difficult for to carry out
    its business plans. 5
    IV. Sherman Act § 2
    Section 2 of the Sherman Act prohibits monopolization.
    15 U.S.C. § 2. “There are three essential elements to a
    successful claim of Section 2 monopolization: (a) the
    possession of monopoly power in the relevant market;
    (b) the willful acquisition or maintenance of that power;
    and (c) causal antitrust injury.”      Allied Orthopedic
    Appliances Inc. v. Tyco Health Care Grp. LP, 
    592 F.3d 991
    , 998 (9th Cir. 2010) (quoting Cal. Computer Prods.,
    Because the analysis under the Cartwright Act, Cal. Bus. & Prof.
    Code §§ 16700–16770, is identical to that under the Sherman Act, see
    Cnty. of Tuolumne v. Sonora Cmty. Hosp., 
    236 F.3d 1148
    , 1160 (9th
    Cir. 2001), we also affirm the district court’s dismissal of the
    Cartwright Act claim.
    14                 NAME.SPACE, INC. V. ICANN
    Inc. v. Int’l Bus. Mach. Corp., 
    613 F.2d 727
    , 735 (9th Cir.
    1979)) (internal quotation marks omitted). 6
    The complaint posits three relevant markets: (a) the
    market to act as a TLD registry; (b) the international market
    for domain names; and (c) the market for blocking or
    defensive registration services. ICANN, however, is
    neither a registry nor a registrar. Because ICANN is not a
    competitor in any of the three markets, they cannot serve as
    the basis for a § 2 monopoly claim. See Mercy-Peninsula
    Ambulance, Inc. v. San Mateo Cnty., 
    791 F.2d 755
    , 759
    (9th Cir. 1986) (“The gravamen of a section 2 claim is the
    deliberate use of market power by a competitor to control
    price or exclude competition.”); see also Spanish Broad.
    Sys. of Fla., Inc. v. Clear Channel Commc’ns, Inc.,
    376 F.3d 1065
    , 1075 (11th Cir. 2004) (“There is no
    question that [defendant] does not participate in the
    Spanish-language radio market. Thus, [defendant] cannot
    attempt to monopolize that market.”). argues that ICANN should be considered a
    participant in the three markets because ICANN has
    ultimate control over TLDs, which are the essential aspect
    of each of the relevant markets. But this does not mean
    that ICANN competes in the markets. In Mercy-Peninsula,
    we addressed whether a county monopolized a market
    because it chose which company would provide paramedic
    services. 791 F.2d at 756
    . We rejected § 2 liability,
    holding that because “the county is not a competitor in the
    health care provision market,” it “cannot be charged with
    No claim for conspiracy to monopolize was raised in the complaint.
    NAME.SPACE, INC. V. ICANN                         15
    having used market position to exclude competition.” 
    Id. at 759;
    see also Olde Monmouth Stock Transfer Co. v.
    Depository Trust & Clearing Corp., 
    485 F. Supp. 2d 387
    392–93 (S.D.N.Y. 2007) (rejecting the argument that
    “market power under Section 2 of the Sherman Act
    encompasses ‘influence’ by a non-competitor over the
    relevant market”). 7
    Even if ICANN competed in any of the relevant
    markets, § 2 liability could only arise if ICANN unlawfully
    acquired or maintained its monopoly.            See Allied
    Orthopedic, 592 F.3d at 998
    . The district court correctly
    held that ICANN’s authority was lawfully obtained through
    a contract with the DOC. See United States v. Grinnell
    384 U.S. 563
    , 570–71 (1966) (distinguishing
    “willful acquisition” of monopoly power from
    “development as a consequence of a superior product,
    business acumen, or historic accident”). A monopolist can
    also violate § 2 by engaging in predatory behavior against
    potential competitors. See ICANN Transparency, 
    611 F.3d 7
         Contrary to’s argument, this case is not akin to Tate v.
    Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 
    230 F. Supp. 2d 1072
    (N.D. Cal. 2002).
    There, the relevant market was “natural-gas technologies and/or the
    specialized equipment needed to supply the specialized fuels,” which
    encompassed two distinct competing technologies—compressed natural
    gas (“CNG”) and liquefied natural gas (“LNG”). 
    Id. at 1075–76.
    Although the defendant only sold CNG, the district court held it could
    be liable for hindering a LNG competitor based on allegations that it
    was protecting its CNG business and later planned to enter, and
    monopolize, the LNG market. 
    Id. at 1078–79.
    Here, in contrast,
    ICANN does not need to hinder any of the relevant markets to protect
    its own monopoly, and there are no allegations that it plans to enter any
    of them.
    16                   NAME.SPACE, INC. V. ICANN
    at 506; Alaska Airlines, Inc. v. United Airlines, Inc.,
    948 F.2d 536
    , 547–49 (9th Cir. 1991). But
    does not allege such behavior; indeed, is not
    restricted from establishing TLDs on alternative root files.
    The DOC chose ICANN to manage the DNS and the
    Root. Barring predatory behavior, ICANN is “free to
    choose the parties with whom [it] will deal, as well as the
    prices, terms, and conditions of that dealing.” Pac. Bell
    Tel. Co. v. Linkline Commc’ns, Inc., 
    555 U.S. 438
    , 448
    (2009); see also Verizon Commc’ns Inc. v. Law Offices of
    Curtis V. Trinko, LLP, 
    540 U.S. 398
    , 407–08 (2004). The
    complaint merely alleges that the 2012 Application Round
    was structured in a manner not advantageous to’s business model. But whether ICANN’s
    choices were wise or fair is an issue outside the purview of
    § 2.
    V. Trademark Claims
    Trademark and unfair competition law protect against
    the misleading use of another’s mark. See Mattel, Inc. v.
    Walking Mountain Prods., 
    353 F.3d 792
    , 806 (9th Cir.
    2003); Los Defensores, Inc. v. Gomez, 
    166 Cal. Rptr. 3d 899
    , 912–13 (Ct. App. 2014). The complaint asserts
    Lanham Act, common law trademark, and common law
    unfair competition claims because ICANN accepted
    applications for TLDs in use by 8 The district
    court found these claims not ripe for adjudication. We
    Like the parties, we treat the three related claims collectively.
    NAME.SPACE, INC. V. ICANN                         17
    “A question is fit for decision when it can be decided
    without considering ‘contingent future events that may or
    may not occur as anticipated, or indeed may not occur at
    all.’” Addington v. U.S. Airline Pilots Ass’n, 
    606 F.3d 1174
    , 1179 (9th Cir. 2010) (quoting Cardenas v. Anzai,
    311 F.3d 929
    , 934 (9th Cir. 2002)). We applied this
    principle to a patent infringement claim in Swedlow, Inc. v.
    Rohm & Haas Co., 
    455 F.2d 884
    (9th Cir. 1972) (per
    curiam). The plaintiff in that case alleged that the
    operation of a factory under construction would, upon
    completion, infringe on the plaintiff’s patents. 
    Id. at 885.
    We affirmed the dismissal of this claim as unripe, finding
    the threat of infringement “too remote and unduly
    speculative” because only the floor and the shell of the
    factory were then in place. 
    Id. at 886.
    The Swedlow analysis applies here. See Image Online
    Design, Inc. v. Internet Corp. for Assigned Names &
    Numbers, No. CV 12–08968 DDP (JCx), 
    2013 WL 489899
    at *5 (C.D. Cal. Feb. 7, 2013) (applying Swedlow to
    trademark infringement). has not alleged that
    ICANN has delegated or intends to delegate any of the
    TLDs that uses. All that alleges is
    that ICANN has accepted applications from companies
    wanting to use one of those TLDs on the Root. Although may have a ripe claim if such a delegation
    occurs, the complaint as it stands does not allege “actual or
    imminent infringement.” 
    Swedlow, 455 F.2d at 886
    . 9
    Because the complaint contains no allegations about delegations, we
    do not today consider whether an actual delegation would give rise to a
    18                NAME.SPACE, INC. V. ICANN
    We are unpersuaded by’s argument that the
    acceptance of the applications and fees alone constitutes
    infringement. The cases it cites all deal with situations in
    which the defendant clearly intended to violate plaintiff’s
    trademarks in the near future. See Levi Strauss & Co. v.
    121 F.3d 1309
    , 1311–12, 1314 (9th Cir. 1997)
    (finding Lanham Act liability for a defendant who
    “admitted to offering to sell counterfeit Levi’s jeans and
    components”); Millennium Labs., Inc. v. Ameritox, Ltd.,
    No. 12CV1063-MMA (JMA), 
    2012 WL 4863781
    , at *1
    (S.D. Cal. Oct. 12, 2012) (denying a motion to dismiss an
    infringement claim against a defendant who offered to sell
    a product employing similar trade dress); Nova Wines, Inc.
    v. Adler Fels Winery LLC, 
    467 F. Supp. 2d 965
    , 970–72
    (N.D. Cal. 2006) (granting a preliminary injunction against
    a defendant who used plaintiff’s trademark in its product
    packaging, but had yet to actually sell it). No such facts
    were alleged here. Nor did ICANN “use” the TLDs simply
    by accepting the applications. See Bosley Med. Inst., Inc. v.
    403 F.3d 672
    , 676 (9th Cir. 2005) (“Infringement
    claims are subject to a commercial use requirement.”); Los
    Defensores, 166 Cal. Rptr. 3d at 913
    (noting that unfair
    competition liability requires a “misleading or deceptive
    VI. Tortious Interference Claims alleges California common law claims for
    tortious interference with contract and prospective
    economic advantage.      The elements of a tortious
    justiciable controversy or the merits of such a controversy. See supra
    note 3.
    NAME.SPACE, INC. V. ICANN                19
    interference with contract claim are: “(1) a valid contract
    between plaintiff and a third party; (2) defendant’s
    knowledge of the contract; (3) defendant’s intentional acts
    designed to induce breach or disruption of the contract;
    (4) actual breach or disruption; and (5) resulting damage.”
    Family Home & Fin. Ctr., Inc. v. Fed. Home Loan Mortg.
    525 F.3d 822
    , 825 (9th Cir. 2008). A tortious
    interference with prospective economic advantage claim
    has the same elements (focusing instead on the existence
    and knowledge of a prospective economic relationship), but
    also requires that the defendant’s conduct be “wrongful by
    some legal measure other than the fact of interference
    itself.” Kor. Supply Co. v. Lockheed Martin Corp., 
    63 P.3d 937
    , 950 (Cal. 2003) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The district court properly dismissed these claims. does not allege any facts plausibly suggesting
    that ICANN accepted applications in the 2012 Round with
    the intent to breach or disrupt any existing contracts or
    prospective economic relationships.  ,
    moreover, does not allege any specific resultant disruption
    to contractual or economic relationships. See, e.g., Image
    2013 WL 489899
    , at *9–10; Conte v. Jakks Pac.,
    Inc., No. 1:12–CV–00006–LJO–GSA, 
    2012 WL 6115632
    at *5–6 (E.D. Cal. Dec. 10, 2012); Semi-Materials Co. v.
    SunPods, Inc., No. 11–CV–06719–LHK, 
    2012 WL 3962487
    , at *6 (N.D. Cal. Sept. 10, 2012). And, the failure
    to sufficiently allege a wrongful act outside of the
    interference itself forecloses an interference with
    prospective economic advantage claim. See Kor. 
    Supply, 63 P.3d at 950
    VII. Unfair Business Practices Claim
    “California’s statutory unfair competition laws broadly
    prohibit unlawful, unfair, and fraudulent business acts.”
    20             NAME.SPACE, INC. V. ICANN
    Sybersound Records, Inc. v. UAV Corp., 
    517 F.3d 1137
    1151 (9th Cir. 2008) (citing Kor. 
    Supply, 63 P.3d at 943
    Statutory liability can be premised on antitrust or trademark
    violations. See 
    id. at 1152
    (antitrust); Cleary v. News
    30 F.3d 1255
    , 1263 (9th Cir. 1994) (trademark).
    Because failed to state an antitrust violation,
    trademark claim, or other unlawful act, the district court
    properly dismissed this claim.
    VIII. Conclusion
    For the reasons stated above, we AFFIRM the
    judgment of the district court.

Document Info

Docket Number: 13-55553

Filed Date: 7/31/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/11/2015

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