Walter Tamosaitis v. Urs Inc. ( 2015 )

  •                 FOR PUBLICATION
    WALTER L. TAMOSAITIS, PH.D., an          No. 12-35924
    Plaintiff-Appellant,          D.C. No.
    v.                           LRS
    URS INC., a Delaware corporation;
    INC., an Ohio corporation; U.S.           AMENDED
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Washington
    Lonny R. Suko, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    November 7, 2013—Seattle, Washington
    Filed November 7, 2014
    Amended March 4, 2015
    Before: Alex Kozinski, Chief Judge, and Richard A. Paez
    and Marsha S. Berzon, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Berzon
    2                   TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.
    Whistleblower / Energy Reorganization Act
    The panel affirmed the district court’s dismissal of the
    U.S. Department of Energy from the suit, affirmed the grant
    of summary judgment in URS Corp.’s favor, and reversed the
    grant of summary judgment for URS Energy & Construction,
    Inc. in an action brought by a URS Energy employee alleging
    violations of the Energy Reorganization Act whistleblower
    protection provision, concerning cleanup efforts of nuclear
    waste at the Hanford Nuclear Site in Washington state.
    The “opt-out” provision of the Energy Reorganization Act
    (“ERA”), 42 U.S.C. § 5851(b)(4), empowers whistleblowing
    employees at nuclear energy sites to bring anti-retaliation
    claims to federal court after one year of agency inaction. The
    Department of Energy (“DOE”) led the effort to clean up the
    pollution at Hanford, which included construction and
    management of a Waste Treatment Plant. The Department
    contracted with Bechtel National, Inc., which subcontracted
    with URS Energy & Construction, Inc. (“URS Energy”) for
    work on the project. URS Energy is a wholly-owned
    subsidiary of URS Corporation.
    Addressing the issue of administrative exhaustion, the
    panel held that before an employee may opt out of the agency
    process and bring a retaliation suit against a respondent in
    federal court, the respondent must have had notice of, and an
    opportunity to participate in, the agency action for one year.
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.                     3
    The panel affirmed the dismissal of DOE because there was
    no administrative complaint pending against DOE for one
    year before the employee filed suit against DOE in federal
    court, and § 5851(b)(4)’s administrative exhaustion
    requirement was not satisfied as against DOE. The panel
    held that administrative exhaustion was sufficient as to URS
    Energy where the employee gave adequate notice to URS
    Energy that it was the named respondent to his complaint.
    Finally, the panel affirmed the district court’s dismissal of
    URS Corp. for lack of administrative exhaustion where URS
    Corp. was not adequately named in the employee’s original
    administrative complaint.
    The panel held that the employee introduced sufficient
    evidence to create a triable issue as to whether his
    whistleblowing activity was a contributing factor in the
    adverse employment action URS Energy took against him.
    The panel also held that there was a genuine issue of fact as
    to whether the employee’s compensation, terms, conditions,
    or privileges of employment were affected by his transfer to
    another position. Accordingly, the panel reversed the grant
    of summary judgment to URS Energy for ERA whistleblower
    The panel held that the employee did not have a statutory
    jury trial right for his ERA whistleblower suit. The panel
    held that the employee did have a constitutional right to a jury
    trial for his claims seeking money damages under
    § 5851(b)(4), and reversed. The panel remanded for further
    4                TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.
    John Sheridan (argued), Sheridan Law Firm, Seattle,
    Washington; and Joseph R. Shaeffer, MacDonald Hoague &
    Bayless, Seattle, Washington, for Plaintiff-Appellant.
    Katherine Bushman Smith (argued), Trial Attorney, Office of
    the General Counsel, United States Department of Energy,
    Washington, D.C.; and Rolf Harry Tangvald, Assistant
    United States Attorney, Office of the United States Attorney,
    Spokane, Washington, for Defendant-Appellee Department
    of Energy.
    Matthew William Daley (argued), Timothy Michael Lawlor,
    and Matthew A. Mensik, Witherspoon Kelley, Spokane,
    Washington, for Defendants-Appellees URS Corporation,
    URS Inc., and URS Energy and Construction, Inc.
    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.                    5
    The panel has voted to amend its opinion filed November
    7, 2014, and published at 
    771 F.3d 539
    , and to deny appellees
    URS Corporation, URS Energy and Construction Inc., and
    URS Inc.’s petition for rehearing and petition for rehearing en
    banc with the following amendments:
    On page 551, change  to .
    On page 557, note 9, change  to .
    The full court has been advised of the petition for
    rehearing en banc, and no judge has requested a vote on
    whether to rehear the matter en banc. Fed. R. App. P. 35.
    The petition for rehearing is denied and the petition for
    rehearing en banc is rejected. No further petitions for
    rehearing or rehearing en banc will be entertained. The
    mandate shall issue in due course.
    6                    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.
    BERZON, Circuit Judge:
    The Energy Reorganization Act (“ERA”), 42 U.S.C.
    § 5851(b)(4), includes an “opt-out” provision empowering
    whistleblowing employees working at nuclear energy sites to
    bring anti-retaliation claims to federal court after one year of
    agency inaction. Our case concerns the interpretation and
    application of that provision. In addition, we consider
    whether a whistleblower who sues an employer in a federal
    anti-retaliation lawsuit under the ERA opt-out provision has
    a constitutional right to a jury trial.
    A. Background
    The Hanford Nuclear Site is a former nuclear weapons
    production facility in Washington state.1 Hanford’s reactors
    produced plutonium for the national defense for over forty
    years. The Hanford site abuts a river and stores fifty-three
    million gallons of hazardous, high-level nuclear waste in
    underground tanks. There are estimates that one million
    gallons of nuclear waste have leaked from the storage tanks
    into the ground and that the groundwater beneath eighty-five
    square miles of the site is polluted.
    This appeal requires us to consider the district court’s rulings at both
    the motion to dismiss and summary judgment stage. We rely on the
    allegations in the first amended complaint for our account of this appeal’s
    background but turn to the evidentiary record when analyzing the
    summary judgment rulings.
    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.                     7
    The Department of Energy (“DOE”) leads the effort to
    clean up the pollution at Hanford. The clean-up plan includes
    construction and management of a Waste Treatment Plant
    (“WTP”) responsible for “separating and vitrifying
    (immobilizing in glass) . . . nuclear tank waste.” Vitrification
    involves mixing nuclear waste with glass-forming materials
    at extremely high temperatures, then pouring the mixture into
    stainless steel containers to cool and solidify it. Once
    immobilized in glass, the nuclear waste generally is
    considered stable and safe for storage. Over hundreds of
    years, the waste will lose its radioactivity.
    The building of the WTP is in process. When completed,
    the WTP will be the largest such facility in the world. The
    WTP is to have a “design life of forty years,” meaning that
    some of its parts are to operate without maintenance for four
    decades. The sound design of the WTP is important to
    protect against occurrence of a “criticality accident” — a
    nuclear chain reaction inside plutonium or enriched uranium.
    Such reactions release radiation, which, particularly in
    combination with hydrogen gas, could be catastrophic.
    To assist in its clean-up effort at Hanford, DOE contracts
    with Bechtel National, Inc. (“Bechtel”). Bechtel subcontracts
    with URS Energy & Construction, Inc., (“URS E&C”) for
    work on the WTP.
    In the wake of a report detailing problems with the
    Hanford clean-up, appellant Dr. Walter Tamosaitis, an
    employee of URS E&C, was appointed to lead a study
    reviewing technical challenges within the WTP project. The
    study identified twenty-eight technical issues, twenty-seven
    of which were “closed,” meaning resolved, by the planned
    date of October 2009. The remaining issue, termed the “M3
    8                TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.
    mixing issue,” required solving a design problem concerning
    the mixing of nuclear waste in certain of the WTP
    pretreatment tanks.
    The M3 mixing issue proved to be a lingering and
    complex challenge. Tamosaitis wanted to extend the deadline
    for solving the issue to September 2010, while Bechtel
    wanted it resolved by June 2010. Failure to resolve the M3
    mixing issue by June would have jeopardized Bechtel’s six-
    million-dollar fee.
    Bechtel rejected Tamosaitis’s advice and announced
    closure of the M3 mixing issue by June. Tamosaitis objected:
    He brought a fifty-point list of environmental and safety
    concerns to a meeting hosted by Bechtel; forwarded the same
    list to Bill Gay, a URS employee and WTP Assistant Project
    Manager; and reached out to several WTP consultants by
    email, hoping that they would oppose closure and publicize
    his concerns.
    Two days later, Tamosaitis was fired from the WTP
    project. URS Operations Manager Dennis Hayes personally
    terminated Tamosaitis. Hayes directed Tamosaitis to return
    his badge, cell phone, and Blackberry, and leave the site
    immediately.     Tamosaitis was reassigned, in a non-
    supervisory role, to a basement office in a URS facility off
    the Hanford site. He was later offered other positions with
    URS, but they required relocation.
    B. The ERA Anti-Retaliation Provision
    The anti-retaliation — or “whistleblower” protection —
    provision of the ERA provides that:
    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.                 9
    No employer may discharge any employee or
    otherwise discriminate against any employee
    with respect to his compensation, terms,
    conditions, or privileges of employment
    because the employee . . . notified his
    employer of an alleged violation of this
    chapter [Development of Energy Sources] or
    the Atomic Energy Act of 1954.
    42 U.S.C. § 5851(a)(1)(A). This statute “protect[s] workers
    from retaliation based on their concerns for safety and
    quality,” Mackowiak v. Univ. Nuclear Sys., Inc., 
    735 F.2d 1159
    , 1163 (9th Cir. 1984), and ensures that the government
    agencies charged with monitoring nuclear safety do not see
    their “channels of information . . . dried up by employer
    intimidation,” DeFord v. Sec’y of Labor, 
    700 F.2d 281
    , 286
    (6th Cir. 1983) (quoting NLRB v. Scrivener, 
    405 U.S. 117
    122 (1972)).
    The Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and
    Health Administration (“DOL-OSHA”) implements this anti-
    retaliation provision. See 29 C.F.R. §§ 24.100–24.105. An
    employee seeking redress under section 5851 must file a
    complaint with DOL-OSHA and follow the statutorily
    designated administrative scheme, whereby:
    Any employee who believes that he has been
    discharged or otherwise discriminated against
    by any person in violation of subsection (a) of
    this section may, within 180 days after such
    violation occurs, file (or have any person file
    on his behalf) a complaint with the Secretary
    of Labor (in this section referred to as the
    “Secretary”) alleging such discharge or
    10                TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.
    discrimination. Upon receipt of such a
    complaint, the Secretary shall notify the
    person named in the complaint of the filing of
    the complaint, the Commission, and the
    Department of Energy.
    42 U.S.C. § 5851(b)(1).
    In 2005, Congress bolstered this whistleblower protection
    by amending section 5851 to allow employees to take their
    retaliation cases to federal district court if, after one year,
    DOL-OSHA has not adjudicated their claim. Energy Policy
    Act of 2005, Pub. L. No. 109-58, § 629, 119 Stat 594 (Aug.
    8, 2005). The amendment adds the “opt-out” clause at issue
    here, which provides:
    If the Secretary has not issued a final decision
    within 1 year after the filing of a complaint
    . . . and there is no showing that such delay is
    due to the bad faith of the person seeking
    relief under this paragraph, such person may
    bring an action at law or equity for de novo
    review in the appropriate district court of the
    United States, which shall have jurisdiction
    over such an action without regard to the
    amount in controversy.
    42 U.S.C. § 5851(b)(4). Congress added the opt-out
    provision to the statutory scheme to address “extensive delays
    that . . . frustrated the purpose of [the] whistleblower
    statutes.” H.R. Rep. No. 108-65, at 160 (2003).
    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.                   11
    C. Procedural Background
    On July 30, 2010, Tamosaitis filed a discrimination action
    with DOL-OSHA. He named “his employer, URS, Inc., a
    contractor at the Hanford Nuclear Site,” as respondent, and
    asserted workplace discrimination on account of activities
    protected under the ERA. DOL-OSHA acknowledged receipt
    of the complaint on August 13, 2010, and said it was
    “providing the named party with a copy of [the] complaint
    and information concerning OSHA’s responsibilities under
    the law.”
    URS Corporation (“URS Corp.”) responded to
    Tamosaitis’s OSHA complaint by filing a position statement
    with DOL-OSHA. On the second page of the document,
    URS Corp. stated that “Mr. Tamosaitis’ employer is URS
    Energy & Construction, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of
    URS Corporation. . . . As URS Energy & Construction, Inc.
    employs Mr. Tamosaitis and is the party to the Subcontract,
    references to URS in the remainder of this initial statement of
    position are to URS Energy & Construction, and not URS
    Corporation.” The eighteen-page position statement went on
    to defend against Tamosaitis’s claims on the merits.
    Tamosaitis amended the OSHA complaint twice: On
    December 15, 2010, he added DOE and Bechtel as
    defendants, and on September 7, 2011, he deleted Bechtel
    because he was pursuing Bechtel in state court, and changed
    the employer defendant from URS, Inc. to URS Corp. and
    URS E&C. That same day, Tamosaitis gave notice that he
    intended to bring an action in federal court pursuant to the
    ERA’s opt-out provision. In response to Tamosaitis’s notice
    of intent, DOL-OSHA dismissed the agency complaint.
    12                  TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.
    Tamosaitis filed his complaint in federal court on
    November 9, 2011, and his first amended complaint on
    December 20, 2011. The suit names URS Corp., URS E&C,
    and DOE as defendants, and alleges violations of the ERA
    whistleblower protection provision, 42 U.S.C. § 5851.
    Tamosaitis also requested a jury trial.
    The district court granted DOE’s motion to dismiss,
    ruling that Tamosaitis did not wait a full year after naming
    DOE in his agency complaint and so did not exhaust his
    administrative remedies against DOE.2 As to URS Corp. and
    URS E&C, the district court granted summary judgment, also
    for lack of administrative exhaustion, reasoning that
    Tamosaitis was required to wait one year after changing the
    named defendant from URS Inc. to URS Corp. and URS
    E&C before filing suit in federal court. In addition, summary
    judgment was granted to URS Corp. on the alternative ground
    that Tamosaitis offered no evidence tending to show that
    URS Corp. was anything but a parent corporation of
    Tamosaitis’s employer, URS E&C, and that this parent-
    subsidiary relationship was insufficient to establish liability
    under the ERA. In a separate order, the district court granted
    the URS defendants’ motion to strike Tamosaitis’s jury
    demand, ruling that Tamosaitis had no statutory or
    constitutional right to a trial by jury.
    As alternative grounds for dismissing DOE from the suit, the district
    court found that: (1) DOE did not qualify as an employer under the ERA’s
    whistleblower protection provision; and (2) the complaint failed to state
    a claim against DOE for which relief could be granted, because the court
    lacked the power to order DOE to provide the equitable relief Tamosaitis
    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.                   13
    Finally, with regard to URS E&C, the district court held,
    alternatively, that there was no genuine issue of material fact
    as to whether URS E&C “took adverse action because of
    [Tamosaitis’s] conduct.” All the evidence, the district court
    ruled, showed that Bechtel, not URS E&C, “was solely
    responsible for [Tamosaitis’s] removal from the WTP project
    and is the entity which ‘took adverse action’ against him.” In
    addition, the court concluded that, although Tamosaitis was
    taken off the WTP project at Hanford, he was not fired from
    URS E&C, and “[n]othing in the record create[d] a genuine
    issue of material fact that URS E&C has discriminated
    [against him] with respect to his compensation, terms,
    conditions, or privileges of employment in violation of the
    Tamosaitis timely appealed the partial dismissal, the
    denial of jury trial, and the grant of summary judgment.
    A. Administrative Exhaustion
    (1) The district court ruled that the ERA opt-out
    provision requires employees to wait one full year after
    naming a particular respondent in a DOL-OSHA complaint
    before bringing a federal suit against that respondent. Thus,
    concluded the court, because Tamosaitis did not wait until
    December 15, 2011, to sue DOE and until September 7, 2012,
    to sue URS Corp. and URS E&C, he did not exhaust his
    14                    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.
    administrative remedies against these defendants before filing
    suit and may not proceed in federal court.3
    We agree that, as a general rule, adding a new respondent
    to an administrative complaint restarts the one-year
    exhaustion clock as to that person. As we later explain, that
    conclusion leads us to affirm the district court’s dismissal of
    two of the appellees in this case, DOE and URS Corp., but
    not the third, URS E&C.
    First, the structure of section 5851 indicates that the
    administrative exhaustion period is linked to a particular
    respondent, not to the substance of the claim alone: Section
    5851 provides that the Secretary of Labor is to “notify the
    person named in the complaint of the filing of the complaint,”
    42 U.S.C. § 5851(b)(1) (emphasis added); investigate the
    “violation alleged in the complaint[,]” and “notify . . . the
    person alleged to have committed such violation of the results
    of the investigation,” 42 U.S.C. § 5851(b)(2)(A) (emphasis
    added); and, where appropriate, enter a settlement “with the
    person alleged to have committed [the] violation,” 
    id. (emphasis added).
    Knowing the identity of the respondent is
    thus a critical component of carrying out the prescribed
    procedure within the agency.
    Second, like the statute, DOL-OSHA regulations assume
    that every ERA whistleblower administrative complaint will
    name a particular respondent or respondents, and that the
    named individuals will have an opportunity to participate
    Whether the one-year exhaustion requirement is terminated by the
    filing of the notice of intent to remove to federal district court or by the
    date of filing of the complaint in federal district court makes no difference
    in this case. We therefore do not address this question.
    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.                    15
    throughout the agency’s adjudicative process.              The
    regulations provide that “the Assistant Secretary will notify
    the respondent of the filing of the complaint,” 29 C.F.R.
    § 24.104(a); that “the respondent may submit to the Assistant
    Secretary a written statement and any affidavits or documents
    substantiating its position,” 29 C.F.R. § 24.104(b); and that
    the agency “will provide to the complainant . . . a copy of all
    of respondent’s submissions to the agency,” 29 U.S.C.
    § 24.104(c). The agency regulations define “respondent” as
    “the employer named in the complaint, who is alleged to have
    violated” the anti-retaliation statute. 29 C.F.R. § 24.101.
    Unless such a respondent is “named in the complaint,” 
    id., that individual
    or entity may not have the benefit of notice or
    the opportunity to participate in the agency’s complaint
    review process, and the agency may not have occasion to
    consider that respondent’s submission of position.
    Third, although the opt-out provision speaks in general
    terms and makes no specific mention of respondents,
    defendants, or employers, that provision contemplates a basic
    level of similarity between an agency action and the
    corresponding federal suit. The opt-out clause provides that
    after one year of agency inaction the employee “may bring an
    action . . . for de novo review.” 42 U.S.C. § 5851(b)(4).
    “[D]e novo review” is a term of art that, in the administrative
    context, generally refers to “[a] court’s nondeferential review
    of an administrative decision, usu[ally] through a review of
    the administrative record plus any additional evidence the
    parties present.” Black’s Law Dictionary (9th ed. 2009).
    “[D]e novo review” of an agency action for which there is no
    final agency decision, as will inevitably be the case in actions
    under section 5851(b)(4), differs in important ways from
    judicial review of a final agency decision. See Stone v.
    Instrumentation Lab. Co., 
    591 F.3d 239
    , 246–47 (4th Cir.
    16                TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.
    2009). Still, Congress’s characterization of the opt-out action
    as review of the agency proceedings indicates that the district
    court litigation is tied to the case and the parties that were
    before the agency.
    Finally, allowing an employee to sue a defendant who
    was not a respondent in the administrative proceedings for a
    full year before the case was moved to federal court would
    severely undermine the efficacy of the administrative
    exhaustion scheme.
    Exhaustion is generally required as a matter of
    preventing premature interference with
    agency processes, so that the agency may
    function efficiently and so that it may have an
    opportunity to correct its own errors, to afford
    the parties and the courts the benefit of its
    experience and expertise, and to compile a
    record which is adequate for judicial review.
    Weinberger v. Salfi, 
    422 U.S. 749
    , 765 (1975). If there were
    no requirement of parity between the respondents in an
    agency action under the ERA and the defendants named in a
    corresponding ERA whistleblower federal lawsuit, an
    employee could file a DOL-OSHA complaint, add an entirely
    new respondent a year later, and — even if neither the new
    respondent nor the agency had notice of the new respondent’s
    involvement in the retaliation — proceed to federal court
    against the new respondent the very next day. By doing so,
    the employee would effectively make it impossible for the
    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.                           17
    agency to investigate the allegations against the new
    respondent and create a record concerning that respondent.4
    A primary purpose of the opt-out provision is to
    encourage DOL-OSHA to resolve whistleblower claims
    promptly. We cannot expect DOL-OSHA to resolve claims
    against unknown respondents who have no opportunity to
    participate in the administrative process. Allowing the opt-
    out provision to become a mechanism for bypassing
    Congress’s carefully constructed scheme would frustrate the
    congressional intent that whistleblower claims be resolved at
    the agency level, if possible.5
    The opt-out provision also provides that a complainant may bring suit
    in federal court only if there is “no showing that such delay is due to the
    bad faith of the person seeking relief under this paragraph.” 42 U.S.C.
    § 5851(b)(4). This requirement arguably would defeat district court
    jurisdiction if the employee purposely waited until the last minute to add
    a respondent to his agency complaint, so as to curtail the administrative
    process and obtain de novo review in district court (as opposed to
    deferential review in a circuit court of appeals following a final agency
    decision). But assuming, without deciding, that the bad-faith provision
    applies to this scenario does not resolve the issue this case raises.
    Whether motivated by benign or manipulative intent, the negative impact
    of belatedly adding a new respondent to the agency review process is the
    The conclusion we reach today on the exhaustion question differs from
    the precedent in the Title VII realm. “‘Title VII charges can be brought
    against persons not named in an EEOC complaint as long as they were
    involved in the acts giving rise to the EEOC claims.’” EEOC v. Nat’l
    Educ. Ass’n, Alaska, 
    422 F.3d 840
    , 847 (9th Cir. 2005) (quoting Sosa v.
    920 F.2d 1451
    , 1458–59 (9th Cir. 1990)). “‘[W]here the EEOC
    or defendants themselves should have anticipated that the claimant would
    name those defendants in a Title VII suit, the court has jurisdiction over
    those defendants even though they were not named in the EEOC charge.’”
    Id. (quoting Sosa,
    920 F.2d at 1459) (internal quotation marks omitted);
    see also Ortez v. Washington Cnty., 
    88 F.3d 804
    , 808 (9th Cir. 1996).
    18                   TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.
    Accordingly, we hold that before an employee may opt
    out of the agency process and bring a retaliation suit against
    a respondent in federal court, that respondent must have had
    notice of, and an opportunity to participate in, the agency
    action for one year. The format and level of specificity
    required to “name” a respondent in an agency complaint is a
    separate question, which we address in due course as it
    applies to this case.
    (2) Given our holding regarding the need to identify
    respondents, Tamosaitis’s claim against DOE fails for lack of
    administrative exhaustion.        Tamosaitis’s first agency
    complaint did not name DOE as a respondent, did not
    indicate that Tamosaitis intended to name DOE as a
    respondent, did not attribute any adverse employment actions
    to DOE, and did not allege that DOE participated in any of
    the actions from which Tamosaitis’s complaint arose. The
    only role attributed to DOE in the original complaint is its
    status as manager of the Hanford site.
    Not until the first amended OSHA complaint did
    Tamosaitis allege “DOE[’s] possible involv[e]ment in
    retaliation,” asserting that DOE was upset about an email that
    Tamosaitis sent out, and that he was removed “at the
    direction of . . . DOE WTP Federal Project Director Dale
    Knudson.” But as these allegations against DOE were not
    made one year before Tamosaitis opted out of the
    This difference reflects an important distinction between agency
    proceedings under Title VII and the ERA: Whereas EEOC proceedings
    under Title VII involve “informal methods of conference, conciliation, and
    persuasion,” 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5(b), ERA proceedings before DOL-
    OSHA are geared towards adjudication of a retaliation claim on the
    merits, see 29 C.F.R. § 24.105(a).
    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.                          19
    administrative review process, DOL-OSHA did not have the
    statutorily required period to consider them.
    Because there was no administrative complaint pending
    against DOE for one year before Tamosaitis filed suit against
    DOE in federal court, section 5851(b)(4)’s administrative
    exhaustion requirement was not satisfied as against DOE.
    Accordingly, we affirm the dismissal of DOE from this
    (3) The district court ruled, and the URS entities
    maintain, that Tamosaitis similarly failed to exhaust his
    administrative remedies against them. According to the
    district court, once Tamosaitis changed respondent URS Inc.
    to URS Corp. and URS E&C, Tamosaitis had to wait another
    full year before bringing the suit to federal court against these
    defendants. We agree as to URS Corp. but not as to URS
    The situation of URS E&C differs from that of both DOE
    and URS Corp. in a critical respect: The original complaint
    adequately notified URS E&C that it was the intended
    respondent. Accordingly, URS E&C’s position was fully
    presented to the agency. URS E&C was therefore adequately
    named in the original complaint.
    Tamosaitis’s first agency complaint named “URS Inc.” as
    respondent, but made clear that the intended respondent was
    “his employer” and the “Principal Subcontractor to Bechtel
    We note that Tamosaitis made no effort to file a separate suit against
    DOE, or to amend the complaint in this suit, once the year had expired.
    We therefore do not address whether the case against DOE could have
    gone forward had he done so.
    20              TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.
    . . . in a government contract . . . at the Hanford Nuclear
    Site.” URS Corp. and URS E&C responded to Tamosaitis’s
    administrative complaint in an eighteen-page position
    statement to DOL-OSHA. The statement acknowledges that
    Tamosaitis could only be referring to URS E&C, and explains
    the relationship between the URS entities, Bechtel, and
    Tamosaitis, as follows:
    Mr. Tamosaitis’ employer is URS Energy &
    Construction, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary
    of URS Corporation.          URS Energy &
    Construction, Inc., held the name Washington
    Group International, Inc. (“WG”) when it
    entered into the WTP contract with BNI
    [Bechtel] (“the Subcontract”). Once URS
    acquired WG in November 2007, WG began
    doing business as the Washington Division of
    URS. It continued to conduct business in this
    name until February 2010 when the WG name
    was formally changed to URS Energy &
    Construction, Inc.
    The position statement then goes on to acknowledge that
    URS E&C “employs Mr. Tamosaitis and is the party to the
    The response addresses the merits of Tamosaitis’s
    allegations in depth, attaching evidence in support of its
    position. At no point in the statement do the URS entities
    assert Tamosaitis’s mistake in naming URS Inc. instead of
    URS E&C as a defense to the agency complaint.
    Had URS E&C argued before DOL-OSHA that it was not
    adequately named in Tamosaitis’s complaint, the argument
    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.                   21
    would not have had merit. Administrative complaints are
    generally less formal than their judicial counterparts.
    “[A]dministrative pleadings are liberally construed and easily
    amended.” Donovan v. Royal Logging Co., 
    645 F.2d 822
    826 (9th Cir. 1981).
    Administrative complaints under the ERA’s anti-
    retaliation provision fit this general mold. The whistleblower
    regulations make clear that “[n]o particular form of complaint
    is required.” 29 C.F.R. § 24.103(b). Complaints may be
    made orally and reduced to writing by the agency. 
    Id. OSHA’s whistleblower
    manual confirms that employees are
    generally free to amend their complaints throughout the
    agency investigation so long as the amendment “falls within
    the scope of the original complaint.” U.S. Dep’t of Labor,
    OSHA Instruction, “Whistleblower Investigations Manual,”
    § 3–13 (Sept. 20, 2011).
    Further, under the ERA, DOL-OSHA complaints must be
    filed within 180 days of the alleged retaliatory conduct.
    42 U.S.C. § 5851(b)(1). Combined with the accepted
    informality and fluidity of agency pleadings, this brief
    window means that some employees will misstate the exact
    name of an intended respondent, as Tamosaitis did with
    respect to URS E&C. Where, as here, neither the correct
    respondent nor DOL-OSHA had any difficulty identifying the
    proper respondent, a whistleblower’s technical mistake in
    providing the precise name of the proper respondent should
    not be dispositive.
    In short, Tamosaitis gave adequate notice to URS E&C
    that it was the named respondent to his complaint, such that
    URS E&C could be defended, and in fact was defended,
    22               TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.
    against the original agency complaint. We conclude that the
    administrative exhaustion was sufficient as to URS E&C.
    URS Corp., however, was not adequately named in
    Tamosaitis’s original administrative complaint. Tamosaitis
    did not assert in the complaint that URS Corp. was either his
    employer or a subcontractor to Bechtel at the Hanford site,
    and in fact it was not. Moreover, URS Corp.’s response to
    the original complaint noted as much, and stated that
    “references to URS in the remainder of this initial statement
    of position are to URS Energy & Construction, and not URS
    Corporation.” Thus, URS Corp. affirmatively indicated that
    it was participating in the proceedings not as the alleged
    wrongdoer, but on behalf of URS E&C. Accordingly, we
    affirm the district court’s dismissal of URS Corp. for lack of
    administrative exhaustion.
    B. Liability of URS E&C
    (1) URS E&C assumed, for purposes of its summary
    judgment motion, that Tamosaitis engaged in protected
    activity and was retaliated against because of that conduct.
    The company moved for summary judgment only on the
    ground that it was not responsible for the retaliation. The
    district court agreed, holding that “Tamosaitis has not
    presented evidence raising a genuine issue of material fact
    that his employer, URS E&C, ‘took adverse action because of
    his conduct,’” and that Bechtel was “solely responsible” for
    Tamosaitis’s “removal from the WTP project.” We hold that
    Tamosaitis introduced evidence sufficient to create a triable
    issue as to whether his whistleblowing activity was a
    contributing factor in the adverse employment action URS
    E&C took against him. Accordingly, we reverse the grant of
    summary judgment to URS E&C.
    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.                      23
    To establish a prima facie case of ERA retaliation, an
    employee must show: (1) he “engaged in a protected
    activity”; (2) “the respondent knew or suspected . . . that the
    employee engaged in the protected activity”; (3) “[t]he
    employee suffered an adverse action”; and (4) “[t]he
    circumstances were sufficient to raise the inference that the
    protected activity was a contributing factor in the adverse
    action.” 29 C.F.R. § 24.104(f)(2); cf. Coppinger-Martin v.
    627 F.3d 745
    , 750 (9th Cir. 2010) (interpreting the
    similarly structured whistleblower protection provision of the
    Sarbanes-Oxley Act); Araujo v. N.J. Transit Rail Operations,
    708 F.3d 152
    , 157 (3d Cir. 2013) (interpreting the
    Federal Railroad Safety Act whistleblower statute). Under
    the ERA’s burden-shifting approach to retaliation claims, if
    an employee shows that his participation in protected activity
    “was a contributing factor in the unfavorable personnel action
    alleged,” the burden shifts to the employer. 42 U.S.C.
    § 5851(b)(3)(C); see also Williams v. Admin. Rev. Bd.,
    376 F.3d 471
    , 476 (5th Cir. 2004). The employer may then
    rebut the employee’s prima facie case by introducing “clear
    and convincing evidence that it would have taken the same
    unfavorable personnel action in the absence of [the
    employee’s participation in] such behavior.” 42 U.S.C.
    § 5851(b)(3)(D).7
    Applying this statutory scheme to this case, we note, first,
    that there is plenty of evidence that Bechtel encouraged URS
    E&C to remove Tamosaitis from the WTP site because of his
    whistleblowing, that URS E&C knew that Tamosaitis’s
    The 1992 amendments to the ERA added a burden-shifting procedure
    distinct from that established in McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green,
    411 U.S. 792
    , 800–05 (1973). See Trimmer v. U.S. Dep’t of Labor,
    174 F.3d 1098
    , 1101 (10th Cir. 1999).
    24                   TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.
    whistleblowing motivated Bechtel, and that URS E&C
    carried out the removal. Frank Russo, the Project Director for
    WTP and a Bechtel employee, forwarded URS E&C manager
    Gay an email from DOE personnel regarding Tamosaitis’s
    email about the M3 closure, which read: “If this shows up in
    the press we will be sticking to our previous comment. Walt
    [Tamosaitis] does not speak for DOE . . . . Please use this
    message as you see fit to accelerate staffing changes . . . .”
    Introducing this string of emails, Russo wrote Gay: “Walt is
    killing us. Get him in your corporate office today.” Gay
    replied: “Dennis [Hayes] has called. He will be gone
    tomorrow.” The email is dated July 1, 2010, the day before
    Hayes, a URS E&C employee, removed Tamosaitis from the
    Hanford site. Another email dated July 1 from Russo,
    introducing the same email chain but sent to a DOE official,
    said that Russo was “livid about the string of emails Walt has
    sent in the last 2 days,” and that “[t]oday I told Gay that Walt
    will no longer be paid by WTP.”
    The thrust of the email chains are assuredly that Bechtel,
    and DOE, were extremely unhappy with Tamosaitis’s
    participation in protected activity and wanted him off the
    project.8 A reasonable factfinder could infer not only that the
    retaliatory motive of URS E&C’s customer, Bechtel, spurred
    URS E&C’s actions against Tamosaitis, but also that URS
    E&C knowingly acquiesced in or ratified Bechtel’s
    retaliation. A reasonable factfinder could also conclude that
    We decline URS E&C’s invitation to apply judicial estoppel in this
    case. For the reasons explained, Tamosaitis’s insistence in state court that
    Bechtel “was behind the decision to remove” him from the WTP is not
    “clearly inconsistent” with the argument that URS E&C retaliated against
    Tamosaitis by carrying out Bechtel’s request. See Baughman v. Walt
    Disney World Co., 
    685 F.3d 1131
    , 1133 (9th Cir. 2012).
    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.                    25
    there is not clear and convincing evidence that URS E&C
    would have taken the same action had Tamosaitis not
    engaged in protected activity.
    Under the ERA’s whistleblower protection provision,
    such showings, if established at trial, are sufficient to make
    URS E&C liable for retaliatory discrimination against
    Tamosaitis.       The ERA forbids an employer from
    discriminating against an employee based on the employee’s
    whistleblowing activities even if the adverse action is taken
    to maintain an advantageous business relationship. Cf.
    Gerdom v. Cont’l Airlines, Inc., 
    692 F.2d 602
    , 609 (9th Cir.
    1982); Fernandez v. Wynn Oil Co., 
    653 F.2d 1273
    , 1276–77
    (9th Cir. 1981). The purpose of the ERA’s anti-retaliation
    provision is to root out retaliation against whistleblowers, for
    the benefit of both the public and the employee. “It would be
    totally anomolous if we were to allow the preferences . . . of
    [a] customer[ ] to determine whether the . . . discrimination
    was valid.” 
    Gerdom, 692 F.2d at 609
    (quoting Diaz v. Pan
    Am. World Airways, Inc., 
    442 F.2d 385
    , 389 (5th Cir. 1971)).
    We hold that where an employer takes an adverse
    employment action to satisfy a customer with a retaliatory
    motive of which the employer is aware, retaliation is a
    “contributing factor,” 42 U.S.C. § 5851(b)(3)(C), in the
    employer’s decision to take that action.
    Under this framework, the presence of an employer’s
    subjective retaliatory animus is irrelevant. All a plaintiff
    must show is that his “protected activity was a contributing
    factor in the adverse [employment] action.” 29 C.F.R.
    § 24.104(f)(1). The relevant causal connection is not between
    retaliatory animus and personnel action, but rather between
    protected activity and personnel action. As a result, there is
    no meaningful distinction between an employer who takes
    26                TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.
    action based on its own retaliatory animus and one that acts
    to placate the retaliatory animus of a customer. Either way,
    the fact that the employee engaged in protected activity is the
    cause of the action taken against him.
    In the analogous context of Title VII actions, we have
    long held that a customer’s discriminatory preference does
    not justify an employer’s discriminatory practice unless —
    for those protected categories for which the defense is
    available under Title VII — the discriminatory requirement
    amounts to a bona fide occupational qualification. See
    42 U.S.C. § 2000e-2(e); 
    Gerdom, 692 F.2d at 609
    Fernandez, 653 F.2d at 1276
    –77. Implicit in such holdings
    is the commonsense conclusion that when a known or
    attributed discriminatory customer preference motivates an
    adverse employment action, the discriminatory preference is
    a cause of the employment action.
    Since Tamosaitis has shown that his protected activity
    was a “contributing factor” in the adverse employment action
    he suffered, he has met his burden for establishing a prima
    facie case of retaliation under the ERA. The ERA contains
    no bona fide occupational qualification defense. Instead,
    where retaliation is a contributing factor to an employer’s
    adverse action, the statute requires that the employer
    demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that it would
    have taken the adverse action even if the employee had not
    participated in the protected activity.          42 U.S.C.
    § 5851(b)(3)(D).
    On the present record, URS E&C has made no such
    showing. The only relevant argument URS E&C makes is
    that it had no choice under its contract with Bechtel to
    continue to employ someone on the Hanford project if
    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.                     27
    Bechtel demanded that that person be removed, regardless of
    the reason for the request. But this suggestion is unavailing.
    A trier of fact could conclude that URS E&C’s contract
    with Bechtel did not require URS E&C to transfer an
    employee if requested to do so for a known retaliatory reason.
    The contract provides that, “All work under this contract shall
    be performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner. The
    Contracting Officer may require, in writing, that the
    Contractor remove from the work any employee the
    Contracting Officer deems incompetent, careless or otherwise
    objectionable.” No one contends that Tamosaitis was
    “incompetent” or “careless.” Thus the question is whether
    the term “otherwise objectionable” is broad enough to
    encompass unlawful, retaliatory objections. As “a general
    phrase at the end of a list is limited to the same type of things
    (the generic category) . . . found in the specific list,” Antonin
    Scalia & Bryan A. Garner, Reading Law: The Interpretation
    of Legal Texts 203 (2012) (quoting William D. Popkin, A
    Dictionary of Statutory Interpretation 74 (2007)), “otherwise
    objectionable,” read in light of the preceding criteria, best
    refers to concerns regarding an employee’s work quality and
    productivity, not to an employee’s protected airing of public
    safety concerns. See also Los Angeles News Serv. v. CBS
    Broad., Inc., 
    305 F.3d 924
    , 933 (9th Cir.) as amended by
    313 F.3d 1093
    (9th Cir. 2002). For example, if Bechtel
    viewed disabled or female employees as undesirable, the
    “otherwise objectionable” language would not confer the
    right to order such employees discharged without regard to
    their productivity, on-the-job honesty, or other criteria related
    to their ability to perform their jobs.
    Supporting this reading of “otherwise objectionable” as
    not reaching retaliation or other proscribed reasons is the
    28               TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.
    consideration that a contract requiring compliance with a
    transfer or discharge demand triggered by a known retaliatory
    reason could be void or unenforceable as against public
    policy. See Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 178 (1981);
    W.R. Grace & Co. v. Local Union 759, Int'l Union of United
    Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of Am., 
    461 U.S. 757
    , 766 (1983) (a court may not enforce a discriminatory
    contract contrary to public policy). Reading “otherwise
    objectionable” as not encompassing impermissible
    motivations avoids that possibility. Cf. Restatement (Second)
    of Contracts § 207 (1981) (ambiguous contracts are to be read
    consistently with the public interest).
    Moreover, an employer may be liable for the retaliatory
    conduct of another entity “where the employer either ratifies
    or acquiesces” in the retaliation “by not taking immediate
    and/or corrective actions when it knew or should have known
    of the conduct.” Folkerson v. Circus Circus Enters., Inc.,
    107 F.3d 754
    , 756 (9th Cir. 1997). Viewing the record in the
    light most favorable to the non-movant, Tamosaitis, as we
    must on summary judgment, Nolan v. Heald College,
    551 F.3d 1148
    , 1154 (9th Cir. 2009), it supports the
    reasonable inference that URS E&C ratified Bechtel’s
    retaliation by transferring Tamosaitis, despite knowledge of
    Bechtel’s retaliatory motive. Equally supported is the
    reasonable inference that URS E&C could have refused to
    carry out Tamosaitis’s removal but failed to do so.
    URS E&C supervisor Bill Gay acknowledged that if
    Bechtel ordered him to transfer a woman and he knew the
    request was motivated by sexual animus, he would not
    immediately cede to the request, and would instead take the
    issue to his corporate headquarters in protest. A jury could
    view this evidence as supporting the reasonable inference that
    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.                   29
    URS E&C retained some control over staffing decisions at
    the Hanford site. See 42 U.S.C. § 5851(b)(3)(C) (protected
    activity need only be a “contributing factor in unfavorable
    personnel action alleged”).
    (2) As a separate ground for granting URS E&C
    summary judgment on Tamosaitis’s retaliation claim, the
    district court held that “[n]othing in the record creates a
    genuine issue . . . that URS E&C has discriminated against
    [Tamosaitis] with respect to his compensation, terms,
    conditions, or privileges of employment in violation of the
    ERA.” The district court cited the fact that Tamosaitis
    continues to receive bonuses and has had other meaningful
    work assignments since the WTP.
    “By its terms, section 5851(a) prohibits . . . employers
    from discriminating in practically any job-related fashion
    against an employee because the employee [engaged in
    protected activity].” 
    DeFord, 700 F.2d at 286
    . Transfer to
    “less desirable employment” is job-related discrimination
    under the ERA. Mackowiak v. Univ. Nuclear Sys., Inc.,
    735 F.2d 1159
    , 1162 (9th Cir. 1984); see 
    DeFord, 700 F.2d at 287
    Tamosaitis attests that his “current job duties vary
    dramatically” from his previous position at Hanford. At
    Hanford he supervised a 500 million dollar program
    involving fifteen-to-fifty employees. Now, he does not
    supervise any programs, and no employees report to him.
    Since January 1, 2012, he has not received an annual bonus
    as he did at Hanford, thereby losing $30,000 to $100,000 in
    compensation each year. Of the alternative employment
    opportunities URS E&C offered Tamosaitis, the primary one
    was in another country, a transfer undesirable for him because
    30                TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.
    of his family ties in the United States. The evidence thus
    creates a genuine issue of fact as to whether Tamosaitis’s
    compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment
    were affected by his transfer.
    Accordingly, we reverse the grant of summary judgment
    to URS E&C for ERA whistleblower retaliation.
    Having determined that Tamosaitis’s suit against URS
    E&C may proceed to trial, we turn to whether Tamosaitis has
    a right to trial by jury. The district court granted URS E&C’s
    motion to strike Tamosaitis’s jury demand, ruling that
    Tamosaitis had neither a statutory nor a constitutional right to
    a jury trial for his claim under the opt-out provision of the
    ERA whistleblower protection provision. We hold that
    Tamosaitis has a constitutional right to a jury trial for his
    claims seeking money damages against URS E&C and so
    reverse the district court’s ruling.
    A. Statutory Right to Jury Trial
    Before reaching a constitutional question, a court must
    “first ascertain whether a construction of the statute is fairly
    possible by which the [constitutional] question may be
    avoided.” City of Monterey v. Del Monte Dunes at Monterey,
    526 U.S. 687
    , 707 (1999) (alteration in original)
    (quoting Feltner v. Columbia Pictures Television, Inc.,
    523 U.S. 340
    , 345 (1998)). Accordingly, before proceeding
    to hold that there is a constitutional jury trial right in cases
    filed under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, Monterey determined that there
    was no statutory right to trial by jury under section 1983. 
    URS, INC.                     31
    The appellees in Monterey maintained that the term,
    “action at law,” used in the statute was a “term of art
    implying a right to a jury trial.” 
    Id. at 707–08.
    The Court
    disagreed that “this [was] . . . a necessary implication,” and
    “decline[d] . . . to find a statutory jury right under § 1983
    based solely on the authorization of ‘an action at law.’” 
    Id. at 708
    (emphasis added). In doing so, Monterey distinguished
    section 1983 from the Age Discrimination in Employment
    Act of 1967 (“ADEA”) at issue in Lorillard v. Pons, 
    434 U.S. 575
    (1978), explaining that Lorillard held that there was a
    statutory right to a jury trial “in part because [the ADEA]
    authorized ‘legal . . . relief,’” and in part because of the
    ADEA’s “explicit incorporation of the procedures of the Fair
    Labor Standards Act, which had been interpreted to guarantee
    trial by jury in private actions.” 
    Id. (first emphasis
    Lorillard, 434 U.S. at 580
    Like section 1983, the ERA provides for “an action at law
    or equity for de novo review,” 42 U.S.C. § 5851(b)(4), and
    makes no express reference to a jury trial. Cf. 42 U.S.C.
    § 1981a(c)(1) (“If a complaining party seeks compensatory or
    punitive damages under this section . . . any party may
    demand a trial by jury”); 46 U.S.C. § 30104 (“A seaman
    injured in the course of employment . . . may elect to bring a
    civil action at law, with the right of trial by jury.”). Although
    the phrase “action at law” is consistent with a statutory right
    to jury trial, the phrase standing alone is under Monterey
    insufficient to establish a statutory jury trial right for ERA
    whistleblower suits. See 
    Monterey, 526 U.S. at 708
    B. Constitutional Right to Jury Trial
    “Given this statutory silence, we must answer the
    constitutional question presented.” Tull v. United States,
    32                TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.
    481 U.S. 412
    , 417 n. 3 (1987). The Seventh Amendment
    provides that “[i]n Suits at common law, where the value in
    controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by
    jury shall be preserved . . . .” U.S. Const. amend. VII
    (emphasis added). This constitutional guarantee “appl[ies] to
    actions enforcing statutory rights, and requires a jury trial
    upon demand, if the statute creates legal rights and remedies,
    enforceable in an action for damages in the ordinary courts of
    law.” Curtis v. Loether, 
    415 U.S. 189
    , 194 (1974).
    “Consistent with the textual mandate that the jury right be
    preserved, . . . interpretation of the Amendment has been
    guided by historical analysis.” Monterey, 526 U.S at 708. In
    applying that analysis, we “examine both the nature of the
    statutory action and the remedy sought,” 
    Feltner, 523 U.S. at 348
    , to determine whether the claim at issue is a “cause of
    action that either was tried at law at the time of the founding
    or is . . . analogous to one that was,” 
    Monterey, 526 U.S. at 708
    (quoting Markman v. Westview Instruments, Inc.,
    517 U.S. 370
    , 376 (1996)). Consideration of the remedy
    sought is the critical factor in this analysis. Granfinanciera,
    S.A. v. Nordberg, 
    492 U.S. 33
    , 42 (1989); Spinelli v.
    12 F.3d 853
    , 855–56 (9th Cir. 1993).
    Monterey held that a section 1983 suit “seeking legal
    relief is an action at law within the meaning of the Seventh
    Amendment” even though there was no action equivalent to
    section 1983 at the time the Seventh Amendment was
    adopted. 526 U.S. at 709
    . The constitutional right to a jury
    trial, Monterey determined, “extends to statutory claims
    unknown to the common law, so long as the claims can be
    said to ‘soun[d] basically in tort,’ and seek legal relief.” 
    Id. (quoting Curtis,
    415 U.S. at 195) (alteration in original). As
    the plaintiff in Monterey sought compensatory damages, and
    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.                            33
    because “compensation is a purpose ‘traditionally associated
    with legal relief,’” 
    id. at 710–11
    Feltner, 523 U.S. at 352
    ), the Court concluded the remedy sought was a legal
    id. at 710.
    Tamosaitis’s whistleblower suit also “sounds in tort” and
    seeks compensatory damages. His lawsuit is analogous to a
    wrongful discharge claim at common law, “a tort so widely
    accepted in American jurisdictions today we are confident
    that it has become part of our evolving common law.”
    Spinelli, 12 F.3d at 857
    . “[W]herever the [retaliatory
    discharge] tort has been recognized, it has been treated as
    legal and not equitable.” 
    Id. Although Tamosaitis
    is not
    alleging complete termination, his claim for wrongful transfer
    is for present purposes sufficiently analogous to wrongful
    discharge for us to conclude that the nature of the statutory
    right is legal. See 
    Monterey, 626 U.S. at 709
    Most critically, the ERA anti-retaliation provision, section
    5851, expressly authorizes award of “compensatory
    damages” to a complainant. 42 U.S.C. § 5851(b)(2)(B). As
    Although some state courts do not recognize adverse employment
    claims falling short of actual or constructive discharge, Restatement
    (Third) of Employment Law § 5.01 cmt. c. at 188 (Proposed Final Draft
    2014), “[t]wo state supreme courts have explicitly sustained ‘wrongful
    demotion’ claims and a few intermediate appellate courts have either
    sustained claims of this type or indicated their approval of such claims,”
    § 5.01 cmt. c. reporters’ notes at 198 (collecting cases). Those courts that
    do allow such claims emphasize that they are analogous to wrongful
    discharge claims. See, e.g., Garcia v. Rockwell Int’l Corp., 
    187 Cal. App. 3d
    1556, 1562 (Ct. App. 1986), abrogated on other grounds by Gantt v.
    Sentry Ins., 
    1 Cal. 4th 1083
    (1992), overruled on other grounds by Green
    v. Ralee Eng’g Co., 
    19 Cal. 4th 66
    , 80 n.6 (1998); Brigham v. Dillon Cos.,
    262 Kan. 12
    , 20 (1997); Trosper v. Bag ‘N Save, 
    273 Neb. 855
    , 864
    34                    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.
    one commentator has noted: “It is established law that
    ‘compensatory damages’ are available under the ERA
    whistleblower provision and other environmental
    whistleblower statutes and that ‘compensatory damages’
    under these statutes means non-pecuniary damages, which
    include recovery for mental anguish, emotional distress, pain
    and suffering, humiliation, and loss of professional
    reputation.” Jarod S. Gonzalez, Sox, Statutory Interpretation,
    and the Seventh Amendment: Sarbanes-Oxley Act
    Whistleblower Claims and Jury Trials, 9 U. Pa. J. Lab. &
    Emp. L. 25, 45 & n.125 (2006) (collecting cases).
    Although he also requests injunctive relief, “back pay . . .
    and lost benefits,” Tamosaitis seeks compensatory damages
    for “loss of enjoyment of life, pain and suffering, mental
    anguish, emotional distress, injury to reputation, and
    humiliation.” “And there is overwhelming evidence that the
    consistent practice at common law was for juries to award
    Feltner, 523 U.S. at 353
    . Accordingly, both the
    nature of the claim (wrongful transfer) and, more importantly,
    the nature of the relief sought (compensatory damages)
    support a right to trial by jury.
    URS E&C argues that the monetary relief Tamosaitis
    seeks is intertwined with and incidental to the injunction
    sought, so his overall suit sounds in equity.10 But
    URS E&C argues that compensatory damages under the ERA are
    discretionary, and suggests that their discretionary nature makes them
    equitable, rather than legal, relief. Not so. While the statute provides that
    upon finding an employer has violated the statute, the adjudicator “may
    order . . . compensatory damages,” 42 U.S.C. § 5851(b)(2)(B), this
    formulation reflects that an award of compensatory damages depends on
    proof of the damages alleged. See 
    Curtis, 415 U.S. at 189
    –90, 197
    (interpreting statute providing that “court . . . may award to the plaintiff
    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.                           35
    Tamosaitis’s prayer for monetary relief extends beyond back
    pay, a form of monetary relief that, when restitutionary or
    “incidental to . . . injunctive relief,” is fairly characterized as
    equitable. Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers, Local No. 391
    v. Terry, 
    494 U.S. 558
    , 570–71 (1990); see Lutz v. Glendale
    Union High Sch., 
    403 F.3d 1061
    , 1069 (9th Cir. 2005). He
    also requests reputational damages and mental and emotional
    damages. Such damages are not merely incidental to the
    equitable relief of reinstatement. See 
    Tull, 481 U.S. at 425
    Curtis, 415 U.S. at 196
    n.11. And where a statute authorizes
    both equitable and legal relief, the plaintiff’s decision to
    “join[ ]” a legal claim with an equitable claim does not
    “abridge[ ]” “the right to jury trial on the legal claim.”
    Curtis, 415 U.S. at 196
    n.11. It is irrelevant whether an
    action is properly characterized “as one for damages and
    injunctive relief, or as one for damages alone, for purposes of
    analyzing the jury trial issue.” 
    Id. In denying
    Tamosaitis a jury trial, the district court added
    a third factor to the constitutional inquiry: Whether the
    plaintiff’s suit vindicates a private or public right. The
    district court concluded that when “Congress may assign the
    adjudication of a statutory cause of action to a non-Article III
    tribunal,” as it undisputedly can—and does—with respect to
    ERA retaliation claims, “the Seventh Amendment poses no
    independent bar to the adjudication of that action by a
    nonjury factfinder.” In the district court’s view, because the
    whistleblower provision vindicates a “public right” over
    which Congress has conferred adjudicatory power to DOL-
    OSHA, the Seventh Amendment does not require a jury trial
    actual damages” to mean that “if a plaintiff proves unlawful discrimination
    and actual damages, he is entitled to judgment for that amount”).
    36                TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.
    when, under the ERA’s opt-out provision, the claim is heard
    instead in federal court.
    This analysis mistakenly conflates two separate issues —
    (1) when Congress may assign claims involving public rights
    to non-Article III adjudicatory bodies, and (2) whether, when
    such claims are assigned to federal courts for adjudication,
    there is a constitutional jury trial right. Granfinanciera
    concerned the first issue, holding that Congress can give non-
    Article III courts the power to make findings of fact as to
    claims involving public 
    rights. 492 U.S. at 51
    In so holding, Granfinanciera made its narrow scope
    clear: “Congress may devise novel claims of action involving
    public rights free from the strictures of the Seventh
    Amendment if it assigns their adjudication to tribunals
    without statutory authority to employ juries as factfinders.”
    Id. at 52
    (emphasis added). “Congress is not required by the
    Seventh Amendment to choke the already crowded federal
    courts with new types of litigation or prevented from
    committing some new types of litigation to administrative
    species with special competence in the relevant field,” and
    “[t]his is the case even if the Seventh Amendment would have
    required a jury where the adjudication of those rights is
    assigned to a federal court of law instead of an administrative
    Id. at 51
    n.9 (emphasis added) (quoting Atlas
    Roofing Co. v. Occupational Safety and Health Review
    430 U.S. 442
    , 455 (1977)).
    Thus, the right to a jury trial “turn[s] to a considerable
    degree on the nature of the forum in which a litigant [finds]
    himself.” Atlas 
    Roofing, 430 U.S. at 458
    . Consistent with
    this framework, Congress may confer adjudicatory authority
    of a new statutory right to an administrative process “with
    TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.                     37
    which [a] jury would be incompatible.” 
    Id. at 450.
    where Congress provides for federal district court authority
    over a public statutory right — here, after a non-Article III
    tribunal had an opportunity to rule on the case and failed to
    do so — the considerations that permit agency determination
    of such rights without triggering Seventh Amendment
    concern disappear.
    In the ERA’s opt-out provision, “Congress . . . chose an
    aggressive timetable for resolving whistleblower claims and
    . . . created a cause of action in an alternative forum should
    the DOL fail to comply with such schedule.” 
    Stone, 591 F.3d at 248
    (4th Cir. 2009) (construing the Sarbanes-Oxley Act).
    Congress thereby gave an administrative agency a “first
    crack” at resolving the dispute; after one year, jurisdiction is
    available in federal courts, at which point any findings made
    by the agency have no preclusive effect. See 
    id. at 247.
    sum, absent a final decision from the agency within the
    specified period, “the employee may . . . file a federal civil
    cause of action,” Day v. Staples, Inc., 
    555 F.3d 42
    , 53 (1st
    Cir. 2009), and the “proceedings begin anew in district
    Stone, 591 F.3d at 248
    Assuming, as we do for present purposes, that the agency
    is properly vested with the ability to hear and make findings
    as to such a dispute without a jury, the fact that Congress has
    given adjudicatory power to DOL-OSHA in the first instance
    does not cut away the constitutional right to a jury when the
    suit moves to federal court. Put differently, once the
    retaliation claim is in the district court — a forum which
    traditionally employs juries and is constitutionally obliged to
    do so for claims meeting certain criteria — a cause of action
    meeting those criteria is not shorn of a jury trial right because
    38                   TAMOSAITIS V. URS, INC.
    it could have been decided by an administrative agency
    without a jury.
    For these reasons, we conclude that Tamosaitis has a right
    to a jury trial in the district court for his claims seeking
    money damages under section 5851(b)(4), and we reverse.
    We note that this holding extends to plaintiffs and defendants
    alike: An employer hailed into federal court to defend against
    a whistleblower retaliation suit for money damages may
    demand the constitutional protection of a trial by jury.
    For the reasons explained, we affirm the dismissal of
    DOE from this suit, and also affirm the grant of summary
    judgment in URS Corp.’s favor. We reverse the grant of
    summary judgment for URS E&C and remand to the district
    court for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.11
    Tamosaitis asks that we remand to a different judge. We deny the
    request. We “remand to a different district judge if a party can show
    personal biases or unusual circumstances, based on an assessment of three
    factors: (1) whether on remand the district judge can be expected to follow
    this court’s dictates; (2) whether reassignment is advisable to maintain the
    appearance of justice; and (3) whether reassignment risks undue waste and
    duplication.” United States v. Lyons, 
    472 F.3d 1055
    , 1071 (9th Cir. 2006)
    as amended on reh’g in part (Jan. 11, 2007) (citing United States v.
    353 F.3d 1080
    , 1091 (9th Cir. 2003), overruled on other grounds
    by United States v. Contreras, 
    593 F.3d 1135
    , 1136 (9th Cir. 2010) (en
    banc)). Here, there is no indication of personal bias or other unusual
    circumstances. The district court judge erred in some respects but not
    others, and we have absolutely no reason to believe he will not follow our
    rulings on remand. Nor do the other two factors apply.

Document Info

Docket Number: 12-35924

Filed Date: 3/4/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 3/4/2015

Authorities (36)

Day v. Staples, Inc. , 555 F.3d 42 ( 2009 )

Trimmer v. United States Department of Labor , 174 F.3d 1098 ( 1999 )

71-fair-emplpraccas-bna-584-68-empl-prac-dec-p-44170-97-cal , 88 F.3d 804 ( 1996 )

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View All Authorities »