Genzler v. Longanbach , 410 F.3d 630 ( 2005 )

  •                    FOR PUBLICATION
    DAVID GENZLER,                          
    Defendant-Appellant,           No. 02-56572
           D.C. No.
    DIEGO, a governmental entity; SAN
    DAVID GENZLER,                          
    No. 02-56573
    D.C. No.
    SAN DIEGO, a governmental entity;
    SAN DIEGO COUNTY DISTRICT                       ORDER
    ATTORNEY’S OFFICE,                          WITHDRAWING
    Defendants,           OPINION AND
    6464                 GENZLER v. LONGANBACH
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the for the Southern District of California
    Judith N. Keep, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    December 2, 2003—Pasadena, California
    Filed June 7, 2005
    Before: Harry Pregerson, Robert E. Cowen,* and
    William A. Fletcher, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge W. Fletcher
    *The Honorable Robert E. Cowen, Senior United States Circuit Judge
    for the Third Circuit, sitting by designation.
    GENZLER v. LONGANBACH                6467
    Robert L. Young, Edward Patrick Swan, Jr., Luce, Forward,
    Hamilton and Scripps, San Diego, California, Jeffrey G. Car-
    6468               GENZLER v. LONGANBACH
    ver, San Diego, California, Morris G. Hill, Office of the
    County Counsel, San Diego, California, for the appellants.
    Patrick L. Hosey, Hosey & Bahrambeygui, San Diego, Cali-
    fornia, for the appellee.
    The opinion filed on September 27, 2004, and published at
    Genzler v. Longanbach, 
    384 F.3d 1092
    (9th Cir. Sep 27,
    2004), is withdrawn and replaced by the attached opinion.
    With the filing of this new opinion, the panel has voted
    unanimously to deny the petitions for rehearing. Judges Pre-
    gerson and Fletcher have voted to deny the petitions for
    rehearing en banc, and Judge Cowen so recommends.
    The full court has been advised of the petitions for rehear-
    ing en banc and no judge of the court has requested a vote on
    whether to rehear the matter en banc. Fed. R. App. P. 35.
    The petitions for rehearing and the petitions for rehearing
    en banc, filed by Appellants Longanbach and O’Brien, are
    W. FLETCHER, Circuit Judge:
    Plaintiff David Genzler seeks damages under 42 U.S.C.
    § 1983 for violations of his constitutional rights during the
    investigation and prosecution of his state criminal homicide
    trial. Defendants San Diego County Deputy District Attorney
    Peter Longanbach and Investigator Jeffrey O’Brien appeal
    from the partial denial of their motions for summary judgment
    GENZLER v. LONGANBACH                  6469
    based on absolute official immunity. Defendant supervisors in
    the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office — District
    Attorney Paul Pfingst, Assistant District Attorney Gregory
    Thompson, and Deputy District Attorney James Pippen —
    appeal the district court’s complete denial of their motion for
    summary judgment based on absolute and qualified immunity.
    We affirm the district court’s partial denial of Longan-
    bach’s and O’Brien’s motions. Evaluating the timing and
    nature of their conduct, we conclude that there is a genuine
    issue of material fact about whether they were engaged in
    advocacy intimately associated with the judicial process when
    they interviewed a key witness, Sky Blue Flanders. However,
    we reverse the district court’s denial of the supervisors’
    motion for summary judgment because we conclude that there
    is no genuine dispute that their involvement in prosecutorial
    decisions was advocacy intimately associated with the judicial
    I.   Factual Background
    The underlying homicide giving rise to this § 1983 suit
    occurred on April 18, 1996, when David Genzler stabbed
    Dustin Harless during a fight. On April 19, Genzler learned
    from a television news report that Harless had died from the
    stabbing. Genzler turned himself into the police and was
    arrested that day. After the arrest, Deputy District Attorney
    Longanbach and Investigator O’Brien were assigned to the
    A criminal complaint was filed in Municipal Court on April
    23, 1996, and Genzler’s bail hearing was held on April 29. On
    May 23, a preliminary hearing was held in Municipal Court,
    and the judge found probable cause to bind the case over for
    trial. The criminal complaint was filed in Superior Court on
    May 24.
    The prosecution filed a pre-trial motion to compel produc-
    tion of evidence from the defense. At the hearing on this
    6470                GENZLER v. LONGANBACH
    motion, Genzler’s ex-girlfriend, Sherry Logel, testified under
    a grant of immunity that she had given a box of bloody cloth-
    ing and a knife to Gerald Blank, Genzler’s retained counsel.
    Blank said he had received the clothing and given it to the
    prosecution, but he denied receiving the knife. Longanbach
    then moved to recuse Blank as Genzler’s counsel. At the hear-
    ing on this recusal motion, Logel testified that she had lied
    about delivering the knife to Blank. The trial judge granted
    the recusal motion after Longanbach said he planned to call
    both Logel and Blank as witnesses at Genzler’s trial. In a let-
    ter she later wrote to Genzler, Logel claimed that Longanbach
    had pressured her to testify falsely about her communication
    with Blank.
    After trial, a jury convicted Genzler of second degree mur-
    der of Harless. This conviction, however, was reversed by the
    California Court of Appeal on the ground that the trial judge
    had improperly recused Blank. The Court of Appeal also held
    that Genzler was entitled to a jury instruction on involuntary
    manslaughter because there was sufficient evidence to support
    a finding of imperfect self-defense. Genzler had also alleged
    prosecutorial misconduct in his first trial, but the Court of
    Appeal did not reach this issue. The San Diego District Attor-
    ney’s office recused itself from Genzler’s second trial, and
    Genzler was prosecuted by the State Attorney General’s
    office. On retrial, a second jury found Genzler guilty of invol-
    untary manslaughter.
    Sky Blue Flanders, Harless’s fiancée, was a key witness for
    the prosecution in both trials. On the day of the stabbing,
    Flanders had told the police that Genzler had approached her
    in his car while she was walking across the street and had
    asked her if she wanted a ride. According to Flanders, Harless
    was zipping up his jacket on the other side of the street when
    Genzler first spoke to her. She told police that Harless had
    then crossed the street and knocked on Genzler’s window. As
    Flanders described the events to police that day, Genzler got
    out of the car, Harless and Genzler exchanged punches, Har-
    GENZLER v. LONGANBACH                    6471
    less “flipp[ed]” Genzler to the ground, and Genzler stabbed
    Harless while Harless held Genzler on the ground. Flanders
    also told police that day that Harless was a skilled wrestler
    who had been involved in previous street fights. Police audio-
    and video-taped the interview with Flanders. Flanders testi-
    fied in a later hearing that she had repeated this version of
    events — in which Harless was on top of Genzler when Gen-
    zler stabbed him — to about 20 other people in the days fol-
    lowing Harless’s death.
    Sometime after Flanders spoke with police on the day of
    the homicide, she met with Deputy District Attorney Longan-
    bach and Investigator O’Brien. She met once separately with
    O’Brien sometime during the week before April 29, and once
    with Longanbach and O’Brien together on April 29. After
    these meetings, Flanders changed her story. She testified at
    the preliminary hearing on May 23 and at both trials that she
    remembered little of the actual fight because she was dis-
    tracted by the arrival of Scott Davis, the doorman at the bar
    Flanders and Harless had left just before the stabbing. Flan-
    ders further testified that she thought she remembered seeing
    Davis pulling Genzler off Harless after the stabbing.
    In her testimony during Genzler’s second trial, Flanders
    admitted that she had “answer[ed] evasively” in the first trial
    about whether Harless had ever been involved in past fights
    and explained that she had tried to answer questions to make
    it seem that she was only aware of Harless’s participation in
    organized wrestling matches, not of his past history of street-
    fighting. She also testified in the second trial that she had felt
    pressure from Longanbach and O’Brien not to disclose Har-
    less’s history of street-fighting.
    Davis, the doorman, testified at the preliminary hearing and
    at both trials. In his interview with police the day after the
    homicide, Davis stated that he saw Genzler jump out of his
    car and chase Harless and Flanders as they walked away from
    him, hand-in-hand. This account was manifestly inconsistent
    6472                     GENZLER v. LONGANBACH
    with the account Flanders had given police on the day of the
    homicide. Davis then met with O’Brien on April 25, and
    changed his story. In a report summarizing this April 25 meet-
    ing, O’Brien wrote that, “upon reflection,” Davis considered
    that he had not seen the couple walking away from him hand-
    in-hand. At the May 23 preliminary hearing, Davis testified
    that Flanders and Harless were standing several feet apart
    when the fight began.
    According to Genzler’s version of events, the fight on April
    18 began when Harless charged Genzler and punched him in
    the face. Genzler said that Harless had grabbed him, slammed
    his face to the ground and pinned his arm, and that Davis then
    began kicking him in the head. Genzler said that he stabbed
    Harless to defend himself from the attack.
    After the second trial, Genzler was sentenced to six years
    for involuntary manslaughter. With credit for time already
    served, he was released on February 14, 2001.
    II.   The Present Action
    After his release from prison, Genzler brought the present
    § 1983 action charging the defendants with prosecutorial mis-
    conduct both preceding and during his first trial.1 The defen-
    dants moved unsuccessfully to dismiss Genzler’s complaint
    under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6). They then
    moved for summary judgment based on official immunity.
    The district court granted Longanbach and O’Brien’s motions
    for summary judgment except for claims based on an allega-
    tion contained in paragraph 66 of Genzler’s complaint. This
    paragraph alleges:
    [Longanbach and O’Brien] suborned perjury. Specif-
    Because Genzler does not allege conduct that would necessarily imply
    the invalidity of his conviction after the second trial, this suit is not barred
    by Heck v. Humphrey, 
    512 U.S. 477
    GENZLER v. LONGANBACH                          6473
    ically, prior to the preliminary hearing and during
    the initial investigation of the incident, Longanbach
    and O’Brien met with Ms. Flanders and told her that
    in order to secure a conviction she needed to lie
    about what she saw on the night of the incident and
    about Mr. Harless’ violent past.
    The district court read paragraph 66 to state that Longanbach
    and O’Brien were engaged in an investigative activity when
    they convinced Flanders to change her version of the events
    she witnessed. Relying on our opinion in Milstein v. Cooley,
    257 F.3d 1004
    (9th Cir. 2001), the district court considered
    not only the nature of the defendants’ acts but also their tim-
    ing, and held that Genzler had produced sufficient evidence
    to create a genuine issue of material fact as to whether Lon-
    ganbach and O’Brien had pressured Flanders to lie as part of
    their initial investigation. The district court accordingly
    denied this part of their motion.
    The supervisory defendants also moved for summary judg-
    ment based on absolute and qualified immunity. The district
    court construed their motion to apply only to allegations con-
    tained in three paragraphs of the complaint: paragraphs 74,
    81, and 82.2 These paragraphs charged that Pfingst, Thomp-
    The specific allegations are:
    74. LONGANBACH and O’BRIEN’s misconduct did not
    stop there. On August 22, 1996, at an evidentiary hearing held
    before the Honorable Joan P. Weber, LONGANBACH granted
    prosecution witness, Sherry Logel, immunity in exchange for tes-
    timony favorable to the prosecution. This grant of immunity
    included immunity from perjury and not just from past acts of
    perjury, but was intended to cover future acts of lying on the
    stand at the trial of plaintiff. In essence, LONGANBACH gave
    Ms. Logel a “get out of jail free card” for lying on the stand. This
    was done with the knowledge of PFINGST, THOMPSON and
    81. Neither Mr. Blank nor Ms. Logel were called as trial wit-
    nesses by LONGANBACH. It [sic] The entire presentation of
    6474                  GENZLER v. LONGANBACH
    son, and Pippen knew that Longanbach had granted Logel
    immunity in exchange for her perjured testimony, and that
    they had condoned Longanbach’s tactics to force recusal of
    Genzler’s counsel. The district court denied the supervisory
    defendants’ motion in its entirety.
    Longanbach, O’Brien, and the supervisory defendants
    timely appealed. Whether official immunity applies is a ques-
    tion of law we review de novo. 
    Milstein, 257 F.3d at 1007
    We have jurisdiction over interlocutory denials of motions for
    summary judgment based on official immunity “to the extent
    that [the district court’s decision] turns on a question of law.”
    Mitchell v. Forsyth, 
    472 U.S. 511
    , 530 (1985); see also Wil-
    kins v. City of Oakland, 
    350 F.3d 949
    , 951 (9th Cir. 2003)
    (quoting Mitchell). We construe all facts in the light most
    favorable to Genzler, the non-moving party, in deciding
    whether a dispute of fact is material and thereby precludes
    summary judgment. See Butler v. San Diego County Dist.
    Attorney’s Office, 
    370 F.3d 956
    , 963 (9th Cir. 2004).
    III.   Discussion
    [1] A prosecutor is protected by absolute immunity from
    liability for damages under § 1983 “when performing the tra-
    ditional functions of an advocate.” Kalina v. Fletcher, 
    522 U.S. 118
    , 131 (1997). However, “the actions of a prosecutor
    are not absolutely immune merely because they are performed
    false evidence and perjured testimony was nothing but an attempt
    to remove GENZLER’s attorney from the case so as to improp-
    erly influence the outcome of the case which LONGANBACH
    had promised PFINGST, THOMPSON, and PIPPEN he would
    82. LONGANBACH was excited by the recusal ploy he used.
    It became one of his favorite tactics. He tried the same tactic in
    other cases and on other attorneys. PFINGST, THOMPSON and
    PIPPEN were aware of what he was doing and how he was doing
    it, but continued to condone and ratify his conduct, because it
    GENZLER v. LONGANBACH                    6475
    by a prosecutor.” Buckley v. Fitzimmons, 
    509 U.S. 259
    , 273
    (1993). Prosecutorial immunity depends on “the nature of the
    function performed, not the identity of the actor who per-
    formed it.” Kalina, 
    522 U.S. 118
    at 127 (quoting Forrester v.
    484 U.S. 219
    , 229 (1988)). Prosecutors are entitled to
    qualified immunity, rather than absolute immunity, when they
    perform administrative functions, or “investigative functions
    normally performed by a detective or police officer.” 
    Id. at 126.
    See also Burns v. Reed, 
    500 U.S. 478
    , 494-96 (1991).
    For convenience, we shall refer to the latter activities as “po-
    lice type investigative work.”
    The Supreme Court has consistently “emphasized that the
    official seeking absolute immunity bears the burden of show-
    ing that such immunity is justified for the function in ques-
    Id. at 486.
    Further, “the presumption is that qualified
    rather than absolute immunity is sufficient to protect govern-
    ment officials in the exercise of their duties.” 
    Id. at 486-87.
    Finally we note that the Supreme Court has “been quite spar-
    ing in [its] recognition of absolute immunity, and ha[s]
    refused to extend it any further than its justification would
    Id. at 487
    (citations and quotation marks omitted).
    [2] To qualify as advocacy, an act must be “intimately
    associated with the judicial phase of the criminal process.”
    Imbler v. Pachtman, 
    424 U.S. 409
    , 430 (1976); 
    Kalina, 522 U.S. at 125
    (quoting Imbler); 
    Buckley, 509 U.S. at 270
    Burns, 500 U.S. at 479
    (same); see also 
    Milstein, 257 F.3d at 1009
    (prosecutorial immunity protects “the prosecu-
    tor’s actions [that] are closely associated with the judicial pro-
    cess”) (citing Imbler). Such activity is sometimes called
    “quasi-judicial” conduct. E.g., Broam v. Bogan, 
    320 F.3d 1023
    , 1029 (9th Cir. 2003) (“[I]n deciding whether to accord
    a prosecutor immunity from a civil suit for damages, a court
    must first determine whether a prosecutor has performed a
    quasi-judicial function. If the action was part of the judicial
    process, the prosecutor is entitled to the protection of absolute
    immunity whether or not he or she violated the civil plaintiff’s
    6476                GENZLER v. LONGANBACH
    constitutional rights.”) (citation and internal quotation marks
    omitted). In Imbler, the Court observed that absolute “immu-
    nity . . . leave[s] the genuinely wronged defendant without
    civil redress against a prosecutor whose malicious or dishon-
    est action deprives him of 
    liberty.” 424 U.S. at 432
    . However,
    the Court explained that absolute immunity for prosecutorial
    advocacy is justified because, “the alternative of qualifying a
    prosecutor’s immunity would disserve the broader public
    interest” in protecting the prosecutor’s abilities to exercise
    independent judgment and to advocate vigorously without the
    threat of retaliation. 
    Id. at 429;
    see also 
    Milstein, 257 F.3d at 1007
    -08. Thus, a prosecutor enjoys absolute immunity from
    a suit alleging that he maliciously initiated a prosecution, used
    perjured testimony at trial, or suppressed material evidence at
    Imbler, 424 U.S. at 430
    . A prosecutor is also absolutely
    immune for direct participation in a probable cause hearing,
    Burns, 500 U.S. at 491
    , and for preparing and filing charging
    Kalina, 522 U.S. at 130
    In Buckley, the Supreme Court explored the limits of pro-
    secutorial absolute immunity. The Court denied absolute
    immunity to prosecutors who had fabricated evidence “during
    the early stage of the investigation” when “police officers and
    assistant prosecutors were performing essentially the same
    functions.” 509 U.S. at 273
    . The Buckley Court
    also denied absolute immunity to prosecutors accused of hold-
    ing a defamatory press conference — an activity which “had
    no functional tie to the judicial process.” 
    Id. at 277.
    In other
    cases, the Court has held that a prosecutor does not have abso-
    lute immunity for providing legal advice to police that proba-
    ble cause exists to arrest a suspect, 
    Burns, 500 U.S. at 491
    , or
    for personally attesting to the truth of evidence in support of
    charging documents, 
    Kalina, 522 U.S. at 130
    The analysis of whether prosecutorial acts constitute advo-
    cacy or police-type investigative work is complicated by the
    fact that the Supreme Court has resisted any attempt to draw
    a bright-line between the two. In Buchanan, the court noted
    GENZLER v. LONGANBACH                  6477
    that “[a] prosecutor neither is, nor should consider himself to
    be, an advocate before he has probable cause to have anyone
    arrested.” 509 U.S. at 274
    . This might suggest that once prob-
    able cause is present, or once an arrest has been made, a pros-
    ecutor assumes an advocacy-related role and enjoys absolute
    immunity. However, in a note appended to the quoted pas-
    sage, the Court rejected this approach, explaining that “a
    determination of probable cause does not guarantee a prosecu-
    tor absolute immunity for liability for all actions taken after-
    wards. Even after that determination . . . a prosecutor may
    engage in ‘police investigative work’ that is entitled to only
    qualified immunity.” 
    Id. at 274
    [3] The Court has also rejected the idea that prosecutors are
    only entitled to qualified immunity when they are engaged in
    investigation. In Buchanan, the Court said that “evaluating
    evidence and interviewing witnesses” in preparation for trial
    is advocacy. 
    Id. at 273.
    This is true, notwithstanding the fact
    that some of the activities a prosecutor takes in preparation for
    trial, like the interview of witnesses, may be investigatory in
    nature. The question is whether a prosecutor’s investigation is
    of the type normally done by police, in which case prosecu-
    tors enjoy only qualified immunity, or whether an investiga-
    tion is bound up with the judicial process, thus affording
    prosecutors the heightened protection of absolute immunity.
    With this framework in mind, we consider the specific allega-
    tions against the defendants.
    A.   Longanbach and O’Brien
    1.   Witness Interviews: The Functional Analysis
    The claim against Longanbach and O’Brien that survived
    summary judgment is that “prior to the preliminary hearing
    and during the initial investigation of the incident . . . [they]
    met with Ms. Flanders and told her that in order to secure a
    conviction she needed to lie about what she saw on the night
    of the incident and about Mr. Harless’ violent past.” Like the
    6478                GENZLER v. LONGANBACH
    district court, we understand this claim to state that as part of
    the initial investigation Longanbach and O’Brien coerced or
    encouraged Flanders to lie.
    [4] Witness interviews may serve either an investigative or
    an advocacy-related function, as may other methods of gath-
    ering or manufacturing evidence prior to trial. See KRL v.
    384 F.3d 1105
    , 1110-16 (9th Cir. 2004) (holding that
    pre-trial evidence gathering intimately associated with the
    judicial process was protected by absolute immunity, while
    evidence gathering for a collateral investigation was not).
    Viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to Genzler,
    we must decide whether Longanbach and O’Brien were
    engaged in an advocacy-related function “intimately associ-
    ated with the judicial phase of the criminal process” when
    they met with Flanders, or whether they were engaged in
    police-type investigative work. 
    Imbler, 424 U.S. at 430
    ; see
    Milstein, 257 F.3d at 1009
    Broam, 320 F.3d at 1029
    . If
    the former, they are absolutely immune. If the latter, they are
    entitled only to qualified immunity.
    [5] If not done in a quasi-judicial capacity, the acquisition
    or manufacturing of evidence is not protected by absolute
    Milstein, 257 F.3d at 1011
    (“acquiring known false
    statements from a witness for use in a prosecution is . . . fabri-
    cating evidence that is unprotected by absolute immunity”). In
    Moore v. Valder, 
    65 F.3d 189
    , 194-95 (D.C. Cir. 1995), the
    D.C. Circuit held that a prosecutor had not met his burden to
    show that he was entitled to absolute immunity for acts of
    intimidating and coercing witnesses into changing their testi-
    mony before a grand jury. The court held that such activity
    a misuse of investigative techniques legitimately
    directed at exploring whether witness testimony is
    truthful and complete and whether the government
    has acquired all incriminating evidence. It therefore
    GENZLER v. LONGANBACH                      6479
    relates to a typical police function, the collection of
    information to be used in a prosecution.
    Id. at 194
    (citing Barbera v. Smith, 
    836 F.2d 96
    , 100 (2d Cir.
    [6] Prosecutors are, however, absolutely immune “for gath-
    ering additional evidence after probable cause is established
    or criminal proceedings have begun when they are performing
    a quasi-judicial function.” 
    Broam, 320 F.3d at 1030
    sis added). As the Court in Buckley explained,
    [t]here is a difference between the advocate’s role in
    evaluating evidence and interviewing witnesses as he
    prepares for trial, on the one hand, and the detec-
    tive’s role in searching for clues and corroboration
    that might give him probable cause to recommend
    that a suspect be arrested, on the other hand. When
    a prosecutor performs the investigative functions
    normally performed by a police officer, it is neither
    appropriate nor justifiable that, for the same act,
    [absolute] immunity should protect the one and not
    other. 509 U.S. at 273
    . A prosecutor gathering evidence is more
    likely to be performing a quasi-judicial advocacy function
    when the prosecutor is “organiz[ing], evaluati[ng], and mar-
    shaling [that] evidence” in preparation for a pending trial, in
    contrast to the police-like activity of “acquiring evidence
    which might be used in a prosecution.” 
    Barbera, 836 F.2d at 100
    [7] The timing of evidence gathering is a relevant fact in
    determining how closely connected that conduct is to the offi-
    cial’s core advocacy function in the judicial process, and thus
    informs the inquiry into whether the official’s conduct is pro-
    tected by absolute immunity. The Supreme Court has held
    that when a witness is being coached at or during a break in
    6480                GENZLER v. LONGANBACH
    trial, the prosecutor is protected by absolute immunity even if
    he or she is instructing the witness to lie. 
    Imbler, 424 U.S. at 430
    , 431 n.33; cf. Herb Hallman Chevrolet, Inc. v. Nash
    169 F.3d 636
    , 643 (9th Cir. 1999) (holding that pros-
    ecutors were absolutely immune for interviewing new wit-
    nesses during investigative grand jury proceedings, when the
    majority of other witnesses had been interviewed prior to the
    initiation of proceedings).
    Longanbach and O’Brien rely on the timing of their meet-
    ings with Flanders to argue that they are entitled to absolute
    immunity. They point out that their meetings with Flanders
    occurred after Genzler’s April 19 arrest, which Genzler con-
    cedes was based on probable cause. However, as we noted
    above, in Buckley, the Court was careful to state that “a deter-
    mination of probable cause does not guarantee a prosecutor
    absolute immunity from liability for all actions taken after-
    wards. Even after that determination . . . a prosecutor may
    engage in ‘police investigative work’ that is entitled to only
    qualified immunity.” 
    Id. at 274
    n.5. While interviews con-
    ducted before probable cause to arrest has been established
    are not protected by absolute immunity, the converse is not
    necessarily true. As the district court correctly observed, the
    courts have only “draw[n] the line in the reverse, stating that
    absolute immunity could not be invoked before probable
    cause was established.” Indeed, in Robichaud v. Ronan, 
    351 F.2d 533
    , 535 (9th Cir. 1969), we held that prosecutors who,
    soon after the arrest of a suspect, directed police to coerce a
    confession from that suspect were not entitled to absolute
    immunity because their activity was more police-like than
    Timing is thus a relevant, but not necessarily determinative,
    factor. See 
    KRL, 384 F.3d at 1111
    (citing Cousin v. Small, 
    325 F.3d 627
    , 636 (5th Cir. 2003)); see also Kulwicki v. Dawson,
    969 F.2d 1454
    , 1466 (3rd Cir. 1992). We also focus on
    whether the character of the meetings was more in the nature
    of quasi-judicial advocacy or police-type investigative work.
    GENZLER v. LONGANBACH                   6481
    Because Deputy District Attorney Longanbach and Investiga-
    tor O’Brien were engaged in slightly different functions, we
    analyze separately their entitlements to absolute immunity. As
    all parties acknowledge, it is appropriate to focus on the func-
    tions performed by Longanbach and O’Brien, not on their
    2.   O’Brien’s Meeting with Flanders Before April 29
    [8] Viewing the facts in the light most favorable to Genzler,
    we conclude that O’Brien was engaged in police-type investi-
    gative work, not quasi-judicial advocacy, when he met with
    Flanders prior to Genzler’s bail hearing on April 29, 1996.
    O’Brien’s report indicates that he met with Flanders “several
    days prior” to April 29. In her testimony during the hearing
    on Genzler’s 2000 motion to dismiss, Flanders estimated that
    this meeting took place about a week before the April 29 joint
    meeting with Longanbach and O’Brien. She remembered that
    she and O’Brien had talked for about an hour, “primarily . . .
    as to the identity of the person who stabbed [Harless].”
    Police investigations were still ongoing. At this time, the
    preliminary hearing at which the judge would decide whether
    there was probable cause to hold Genzler for trial in superior
    court was still over a month away. Moreover, it is a support-
    able conclusion from the evidence that O’Brien’s meeting
    with Flanders took place before the criminal complaint was
    filed in municipal court on April 23, 1996, and before police
    finished their investigation and written synthesis, which is
    dated April 24, 1996. See 
    Kulwicki, 969 F.2d at 1465
    that filing of a criminal complaint is a relevant but not dispo-
    sitive factor in determining whether an interview involves
    investigation or advocacy).
    [9] The written police synthesis leaves out the initial state-
    ment by Flanders to police that Harless was on top of Genzler
    at one point during the fight. It emphasizes Davis’s point of
    view, but it does not include Davis’s story that Flanders and
    6482                GENZLER v. LONGANBACH
    Harless were walking hand-in-hand. If all factual inferences
    are resolved in favor of Genzler, one could conclude that
    O’Brien used this interview to change Flanders’s story about
    what she remembered and to make her story more consistent
    with Davis’s story.
    Further, the record reflects that during this period, O’Brien
    was engaged in other work that can only be characterized as
    police-type investigation. For example, he and Longanbach
    interviewed Scott Davis on April 25, 1996. The notes from
    the conversation reflect only a narrative from Davis’s point of
    view about the events of the stabbing. O’Brien joined police
    Detective Warrick in a meeting on June 3, 1996 with Sherry
    Logel, Genzler’s ex-girlfriend, discussing her story about giv-
    ing Genzler’s knife to Blank, and Genzler’s character in gen-
    eral. This conversation, too, was police-type investigative
    work, as indicated by the nature of the information obtained
    and by the presence of Detective Warrick. On June 5, 1996,
    O’Brien interviewed Paul Ernst, another witness to the homi-
    cide, about what he had seen. Similarly, on June 28, 1996,
    O’Brien met again with John Belsan, who came forward with
    evidence about a past fight with Genzler. Again, O’Brien’s
    notes from this conversation reflect only Belsan’s narrative
    about what happened in that confrontation. That O’Brien was
    engaged in police-type investigative work during the time he
    met with Flanders supports an inference that he was also
    engaged in such work when he met with her.
    [10] We conclude from the foregoing that there is sufficient
    evidence in the record to support the conclusion that, during
    his first meeting with Flanders, O’Brien was, like the prosecu-
    tor in Moore, engaged in the process of acquiring or manufac-
    turing evidence during performance of police-type
    investigative work, rather than engaged in quasi-judicial
    advocacy. At this stage of the proceedings, O’Brien is there-
    fore unprotected by absolute immunity.
    [11] Absolute immunity does not protect Longanbach if he
    was directing this police-type investigative activity by
    GENZLER v. LONGANBACH                  6483
    O’Brien. See Joseph v. Patterson, 
    795 F.2d 549
    , 556 (6th Cir.
    1986) (“a prosecutor who assists, directs, or otherwise partici-
    pates . . . in obtaining evidence prior to an indictment
    undoubtedly is functioning more in his investigative capacity
    than in his quasi-judicial capacities of deciding which suits to
    bring and conducting them in court”) (citation and internal
    quotation omitted); 
    Robichaud, 351 F.2d at 537
    (holding that
    prosecutors are not absolutely immune if they either “commit-
    ted acts, or authoritatively directed the commission of acts,
    which ordinarily are related to police activity as opposed to
    judicial activity”); cf. 
    Burns, 500 U.S. at 496
    (prosecutor not
    entitled to absolute immunity for act of giving legal advice to
    police). Longanbach cannot, however, be liable for O’Brien’s
    conduct on a theory of vicarious liability for any independent
    actions taken by O’Brien. See Monell v. Dep’t of Social Servs.
    of NY, 
    436 U.S. 658
    , 691 (1978) (respondeat superior not
    available as theory of liability under § 1983).
    [12] There is sufficient evidence in the record to support
    the conclusion that Longanbach was actively directing
    O’Brien throughout his work on the Genzler case, including
    O’Brien’s first meeting with Flanders. For example, Flanders
    testified that Longanbach would give her instructions that
    O’Brien would then “reiterate.” Genzler also introduced a
    declaration from another Deputy District Attorney stating that
    “Jeff O’Brien does whatever Mr. Longanbach told him to do.”
    Because the evidence could support a conclusion that Longan-
    bach was actively directing police-type investigative actions
    by O’Brien, Longanbach is also not entitled to summary judg-
    ment that he is absolutely immune for any action taken with
    respect to O’Brien’s meeting with Flanders before April 29.
    3.   Longanbach and O’Brien’s April 29 Meeting with
    The next question is whether Longanbach and O’Brien
    were engaged in police-type investigative work or quasi-
    6484                GENZLER v. LONGANBACH
    judicial advocacy in their joint April 29 meeting with Flan-
    We consider first the timing of the conversation. The crimi-
    nal complaint had been filed by the time of Longanbach and
    O’Brien’s April 29 meeting with Flanders. However, just as
    the existence of probable cause to arrest is not conclusive, we
    do not view the filing of the complaint as an event after
    which, by definition, all actions by the prosecutor and his staff
    are protected by absolute immunity. The timing of the April
    29 meeting does not weigh as much in favor of absolute
    immunity as did the timing of the search carried out pursuant
    to a warrant in 
    KRL, 384 F.3d at 1111
    -13. In KRL, we held
    that a prosecutor and his investigator were entitled to absolute
    immunity for seeking a search warrant and carrying out a
    search pursuant to that warrant more than three weeks after
    the grand jury returned an indictment indicating that it had
    found sufficient evidence for the defendant to stand trial. 
    Id. When Longanbach
    and O’Brien met with Flanders, the pre-
    liminary hearing at which the court would determine whether
    there was probable cause for Genzler to stand trial was still
    more than three weeks away. On April 29, officials were con-
    tinuing the process of investigation into the facts that would
    inform whether there was such probable cause, and the pre-
    cise charges on which Genzler would stand trial had yet to be
    [13] We next consider the nature of the interview with
    Flanders. The Supreme Court has stated that
    acts undertaken by a prosecutor in preparing for the
    initiation of judicial proceedings or for trial, and
    which occur in the court of his [or her] role as an
    advocate for the State, are entitled to the protections
    of absolute immunity. Those acts must include the
    professional evaluation of evidence assembled by the
    police and appropriate preparation for its presenta-
    GENZLER v. LONGANBACH                      6485
    tion at trial or before a grand jury after a decision to
    seek an indictment has been made.
    Buckley, 509 U.S. at 273
    (emphasis added); see also 
    Broam, 320 F.3d at 1030
    . In KRL, we held that “to the extent that the
    second search warrant sought evidence to prosecute the
    crimes charged in the indictment,” the prosecutors’ authoriza-
    tion of that warrant and an investigator’s subsequent search
    were protected by absolute 
    immunity. 384 F.3d at 1112
    , 1118.
    We held that the prosecutors and the investigator were acting
    as advocates to the extent they were reviewing, evaluating,
    and ensuring the admissibility of evidence in preparation for
    an already pending trial. 
    Id. [14] There
    is some evidence in the record that Longanbach
    and O’Brien were reviewing and evaluating evidence at the
    April 29 meeting in preparation for the preliminary hearing
    and trial testimony, including some testimony by Flanders
    describing the meeting at some of the later proceedings in
    Genzler’s case. However, when we resolve all ambiguity in
    favor of Genzler and view the evidence in the context of other
    evidence about ongoing investigations, we conclude that evi-
    dence in the record supports the conclusion that Longanbach
    and O’Brien were engaged in police-type investigative work
    during the meeting.
    The only notes in the record from the meeting were taken
    by O’Brien. They are captioned, “Witness Interview.” These
    interview notes, like notes taken of other interviews by
    O’Brien, record only a narrative of what Flanders reportedly
    said at the meeting about the events of April 17 and April 18.
    The notes state that “FLANDERS had told me during a con-
    versation that took place at her residence several days earlier
    that she had a clearer picture in her mind of the events sur-
    rounding HARLESS’ death. She felt that she could relate
    them in a more organized fashion than she may have done
    earlier in the investigation.” Specifically, the notes state that
    Flanders was “distracted” by the arrival of Scott Davis, which
    6486               GENZLER v. LONGANBACH
    is inconsistent with the initial statement Flanders made to
    police. The notes thus reflect that Longanbach and O’Brien
    were in the process of gathering information from Flanders
    during the meeting and possibly encouraged her to lie as part
    of their process.
    The Fifth Circuit decision in Cousin, relied on heavily by
    Longanbach and O’Brien, is therefore inapposite. In Cousin,
    the Fifth Circuit held that a declaration by a witness who was
    allegedly coerced and intimidated into lying “eliminate[d]”
    any “ambiguity” about whether the prosecutor was engaged in
    an investigatory or quasi-judicial function when he inter-
    viewed that 
    witness. 325 F.3d at 633
    . The declaration clearly
    showed that when the prosecutor met with the witness, “he
    did so to tell [the witness] how he should testify.” 
    Id. Here, by
    contrast, the interview notes show a process of police-type
    investigation — or, viewed in the light most favorable to Gen-
    zler, a process of manufacturing evidence while performing
    an police-type investigative work — not Longanbach or
    O’Brien acting as advocates by actively preparing Flanders
    for her testimony in court. See 
    Moore, 65 F.3d at 194
    [15] We therefore agree with the district court that Longan-
    bach and O’Brien are not entitled to summary judgment that
    they are absolutely immune for their actions during the April
    29 meeting with Flanders.
    4.   Summary
    [16] A prosecuting attorney may perform many roles, or
    functions. See 
    Robichaud, 351 F.2d at 537
    (citing Edward L.
    Barrett, Jr., Police Practices and the Law—From Arrest to
    50 Cal. L
    . Rev. 11, 16-24 (1962)). Not all of these
    roles are protected by absolute immunity. See 
    Robichaud, 351 F.2d at 537
    (“The distinction between the roles may be signif-
    icantly controlling.”). We recognize that the two meetings
    with Flanders described here were to some degree related to
    trial preparation, even when viewed in the light most favor-
    GENZLER v. LONGANBACH                  6487
    able to Genzler. The Supreme Court has cautioned, however,
    that “[a]lmost any action by a prosecutor, including his or her
    participation in purely investigative activity, could be said to
    be in some way related to the ultimate decision to prosecute,
    but we have never indicated that absolute immunity was that
    Burns, 500 U.S. at 495-96
    . We therefore remain
    focused on the question whether the prosecutor’s actions are
    “intimately associated with the judicial phase of the criminal
    Id. at 487
    (emphasis added) (quoting 
    Imbler, 424 U.S. at 430
    ) . We do not read the record here, resolving all
    ambiguity in favor of Genzler, to indicate such a close associ-
    ation between Longanbach and O’Brien’s actions in their wit-
    ness interviews with Flanders, on the one hand, and the
    judicial phase of Genzler’s criminal trial, on the other, to enti-
    tle them to summary judgment that they are absolutely
    immune for those actions. We therefore affirm the district
    court’s partial denial of summary judgment to Longanbach
    and O’Brien.
    B.    The Supervisory Defendants
    The next issue is whether Pfingst, Thompson, and Pippen
    — the supervisory defendants — are entitled to absolute
    immunity. The district court understood the supervisory
    defendants to have moved for summary judgment on only
    three allegations in Genzler’s complaint, specifically para-
    graphs 74, 81, and 82.3 The district court did not view the
    motion as including any other allegations against the supervi-
    sory defendants in Genzler’s complaint, and its ruling did not
    extend to any such allegations. We construe the supervisory
    defendants’ motion for summary judgment as did the district
    We reverse the district court’s denial of summary judgment
    with respect to the allegations contained in these three para-
    graphs. We apply the “function test” to determine whether the
    See supra pages 6473-74, n.2.
    6488                GENZLER v. LONGANBACH
    supervisory defendants are entitled to absolute immunity. Roe
    v. City and County of San Francisco, 
    109 F.3d 578
    , 584 (9th
    Cir. 1997). To decide whether absolute immunity applies, we
    assume without deciding that Genzler has alleged a depriva-
    tion of a constitutional right under § 1983. See 
    Buckley, 509 U.S. at 261
    [17] The relevant paragraphs state (1) that the supervisory
    defendants knew that Longanbach had granted Logel immu-
    nity in exchange for perjured testimony favorable to the pros-
    ecution; (2) that Longanbach had promised the supervisory
    defendants he would win Genzler’s case; and (3) that the
    supervisory defendants were aware of and condoned a ploy to
    use Logel’s perjured testimony to force the recusal of Gen-
    zler’s counsel of choice. Each of these statements describes
    conduct closely related to prosecutorial decisions in the trial
    phase of Genzler’s case. These actions all involve advocacy
    “intimately associated with the judicial phase of the criminal
    Imbler, 424 U.S. at 430
    , for which the supervisory
    defendants are entitled to absolute immunity. See 
    id. at 431
    (presenting perjured testimony protected by absolute immu-
    nity); Mullinax v. McElhenney, 
    817 F.2d 711
    (11th Cir. 1987)
    (offering a witness immunity in exchange for testimony pro-
    tected by absolute immunity); see also Rivera v. Green, 
    775 F.2d 1381
    , 1384 (9th Cir. 1985) (holding that a prosecuting
    attorney and his supervisor had absolute immunity “for their
    actions in prosecuting a case against” a defendant).
    [18] We affirm the district court’s partial denial of sum-
    mary judgment as to Longanbach and O’Brien. We reverse
    the district court’s denial of summary judgment as to Pfingst,
    Thompson, and Pippen. We express no opinion about whether
    Genzler has stated a violation of a constitutional right that is
    actionable under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, or whether the defendants
    may be entitled to qualified immunity. We leave these deter-
    minations to the district court in the first instance.
    GENZLER v. LONGANBACH                6489
    AFFIRMED   in   part,   REVERSED    in   part,   and

Document Info

Docket Number: 02-56572

Citation Numbers: 410 F.3d 630

Filed Date: 6/7/2005

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (22)

Dianne Mullinax v. E.B. McElhenney Clifford Sticher and ... , 817 F.2d 711 ( 1987 )

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