Bosley Medical Institute, Inc. v. Kremer ( 2005 )

  •                    FOR PUBLICATION
    Delaware corporation,
    and                            No. 04-55962
    Illinois corporation,                            D.C. No.
    Plaintiff,           OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of California
    William Q. Hayes, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    March 8, 2005—Pasadena, California
    Filed April 4, 2005
    Before: Thomas G. Nelson, Barry G. Silverman, and
    Richard C. Tallman, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Silverman
    Diana M. Torres, O’Melveny & Myers, Los Angeles, Califor-
    nia, for the plaintiff-appellant.
    Paul Alan Levy, Public Citizen Litigation Group, Washing-
    ton, D.C., for the defendant-appellee.
    SILVERMAN, Circuit Judge:
    Defendant Michael Kremer was dissatisfied with the hair
    restoration services provided to him by the Bosley Medical
    Institute, Inc. In a bald-faced effort to get even, Kremer
    started a website at, which, to put
    it mildly, was uncomplimentary of the Bosley Medical Insti-
    tute. The problem is that “Bosley Medical” is the registered
    trademark of the Bosley Medical Institute, Inc., which
    brought suit against Kremer for trademark infringement and
    like claims. Kremer argues that noncommercial use of the
    mark is not actionable as infringement under the Lanham Act.
    Bosley responds that Kremer is splitting hairs.
    Like the district court, we agree with Kremer. We hold
    today that the noncommercial use of a trademark as the
    domain name of a website — the subject of which is con-
    sumer commentary about the products and services repre-
    sented by the mark — does not constitute infringement under
    the Lanham Act.
    Bosley Medical’s cybersquatting claim is another matter.
    The issue under the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection
    Act was whether Kremer had a “bad faith intent to profit”
    from the use of the trademark in his domain name, such as by
    making an extortionate offer to sell the
    site to Bosley. Because discovery regarding that claim had not
    been completed, and the issue itself was not within the scope
    of the summary judgment motions, the district court erred in
    granting summary judgment to Kremer as to cybersquatting.
    Finally, we hold that the district court should not have
    granted Kremer’s motion to strike Bosley Medical’s state-law
    claims pursuant to the California anti-SLAPP statute. Bosley
    Medical’s complaint about the unauthorized use of its trade-
    mark as Kremer’s domain name was not so lacking in merit
    as to be susceptible to an anti-SLAPP motion to strike at an
    early stage of the case.
    3980              BOSLEY MEDICAL INSTITUTE v. KREMER
    I.       Background
    Bosley Medical provides surgical hair transplantation, res-
    toration, and replacement services to the public. Bosley Medi-
    cal owns the registered trademark “BOSLEY MEDICAL,”1
    has used the mark “BOSLEY MEDICAL” since 1992, and
    registered the mark with the United States Patent and Trade-
    mark Office in January 2001. Bosley has spent millions of
    dollars on advertising and promotion throughout the United
    States and the rest of the world.
    Michael Kremer is a dissatisfied former patient of Bosley.
    Unhappy with the results of a hair replacement procedure per-
    formed by a Bosley physician in Seattle, Washington, he filed
    a medical malpractice lawsuit against Bosley Medical in
    1994. That suit was eventually dismissed.
    In January 2000, Kremer purchased the domain name, the subject of this appeal, as well
    as the domain name,
    which is not challenged by Bosley. Five days after registering
    the domain name, Kremer went to Bosley Medical’s office in
    Beverly Hills, California and delivered a two-page letter to
    Dr. Bosley, Founder and President of Bosley Medical. The
    first page read:
    Let me know if you want to discuss this. Once it is
    spread over the internet it will have a snowball effect
    and be too late to stop. M. Kremer [phone number].
    P.S. I always follow through on my promises.
    The second page was entitled “Courses of action against
    BMG” and listed eleven items. The first item stated: “1. Net
    web sites disclosing true operating nature of BMG. Letter 3/
    Bosley also owns the following trademarks: BOSLEY, BOSLEY
    14/96 from LAC D.A. Negative testimonials from former cli-
    ents. Links. Provide BMG competitors with this information.”
    The letter contains no mention of domain names or any other
    reference to the Internet.
    Kremer began to use in 2001.
    His site summarizes the Los Angeles County District Attor-
    ney’s 1996 investigative findings about Bosley, and allows
    visitors to view the entire document. It also contains other
    information that is highly critical of Bosley. Kremer earns no
    revenue from the website and no goods or services are sold
    on the website. There are no links to any of Bosley’s competi-
    tors’ websites. does link to Kremer’s sis-
    ter site,, which links to a
    newsgroup entitled alt.baldspot, which in turn contains adver-
    tisements for companies that compete with Bosley. Bos- also contained a link to the Public Citizen
    website. Public Citizen is the organization that represents
    Kremer in this case.
    Bosley brought this suit alleging trademark infringement,
    dilution, unfair competition, various state law claims, and a
    libel claim that was eventually settled. Bosley sought to take
    discovery aimed at the trademark and libel claims. The magis-
    trate judge granted limited discovery on the libel claims. Fol-
    lowing discovery, Bosley dismissed the libel claims and
    amended the complaint.
    Kremer moved to dismiss the First Amended Complaint
    and in addition moved for partial summary judgment on the
    issues of commercial use and likelihood of confusion. Bosley
    filed a cross-motion for partial summary judgment on the
    infringement and dilution claims. Kremer agreed that the facts
    were undisputed with regard to the issues of commercial use
    and likelihood of confusion, and that these issues were ripe
    for summary judgment.
    Ruling that Kremer’s use of “Bosley Medical” in the
    domain name was noncommercial and unlikely to cause con-
    fusion, the district court entered summary judgment for
    Kremer on the federal claims and dismissed the state law
    claims under Claifornia’s anti-SLAPP statute. Bosley now
    II.    Jurisdiction and Standard of Review
    We have jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1291 and review a
    district court’s grant of summary judgment de novo, viewing
    the evidence in the light most favorable to the non-moving
    party. Prison Legal News v. Lehman, 
    397 F.3d 692
    , 698 (9th
    Cir. 2005). A district court’s grant of a special motion to
    strike under California’s anti-SLAPP statute, Cal. Civ. P.
    Code § 425.16, is also reviewed de novo. Vess v. Ciba-Geigy
    317 F.3d 1097
    , 1102 (9th Cir. 2003).
    III.   Analysis
    A.    Trademark Infringement and Dilution Claims
    [1] The Trademark Act of 1946 (“Lanham Act”) prohibits
    uses of trademarks, trade names, and trade dress that are
    likely to cause confusion about the source of a product or ser-
    vice. See 15 U.S.C. §§ 1114, 1125(a). In 1996, Congress
    amended § 43 of the Lanham Act to provide a remedy for the
    dilution of a famous mark. See 15 U.S.C. § 1125(c).
    [2] Infringement claims are subject to a commercial use
    requirement. The infringement section of the Lanham Act, 15
    U.S.C. § 1114, states that any person who “use[s] in com-
    merce any reproduction, counterfeit, copy, or colorable imita-
    tion of a registered mark in connection with the sale, offering
    for sale, distribution, or advertising of any goods or services
    on or in connection with which such use is likely to cause
    confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive . . .” can be held
    liable for such use. 15 U.S.C. § 1114(1)(a).
    [3] In 1996, Congress expanded the scope of federal trade-
    mark law when it enacted the Federal Trademark Dilution Act
    (“FTDA”). The FTDA allows the “owner of a famous mark”
    to obtain “an injunction against another person’s commercial
    use in commerce of a mark or trade name . . . .” 15 U.S.C.
    § 1125(c)(1) (emphasis added). While the meaning of the
    term “commercial use in commerce” is not entirely clear, we
    have interpreted the language to be roughly analogous to the
    “in connection with” sale of goods and services requirement
    of the infringement statute. See Mattel, Inc. v. MCA Records,
    296 F.3d 894
    , 903 (9th Cir. 2002) (“Although this statu-
    tory language is ungainly, its meaning seems clear: It refers
    to a use of a famous and distinctive mark to sell goods other
    than those produced or authorized by the mark’s owner.”); see
    also Huthwaite, Inc. v. Sunrise Assisted Living, Inc., 261 F.
    Supp. 2d 502, 517 (E.D. Va. 2003) (holding that the commer-
    cial use requirement of the FTDA is “virtually synonymous
    with the ‘in connection with the sale, offering for sale, distri-
    bution, or advertising of goods and services’ requirement” of
    the Lanham Act).
    The inclusion of these requirements in the Lanham Act
    serves the Act’s purpose: “to secure to the owner of the mark
    the goodwill of his business and to protect the ability of con-
    sumers to distinguish among competing producers.” Two
    Pesos, Inc. v. Taco Cabana, Inc., 
    505 U.S. 763
    , 774 (1992)
    (internal quotation marks and citations omitted). In other
    words, the Act is designed to protect consumers who have
    formed particular associations with a mark from buying a
    competing product using the same or substantially similar
    mark and to allow the mark holder to distinguish his product
    from that of his rivals. See Avery Dennison Corp. v. Sumpton,
    189 F.3d 868
    , 873 (9th Cir. 1999).
    The Supreme Court has made it clear that trademark
    infringement law prevents only unauthorized uses of a trade-
    mark in connection with a commercial transaction in which
    the trademark is being used to confuse potential consumers.
    See Prestonettes, Inc. v. Coty, 
    264 U.S. 359
    , 368 (1924) (“A
    trade-mark only gives the right to prohibit the use of it so far
    as to protect the owner’s good will against the sale of anoth-
    er’s product as his.” [emphasis added]); see also Mishawaka
    Rubber & Woolen Mfg. Co. v. S.S. Kresge Co., 
    316 U.S. 203
    205 (1942) (explaining that the main purpose of the Lanham
    Act is to prevent the use of identical or similar marks in a way
    that confuses the public about the actual source of goods and
    As the Second Circuit held, “[t]he Lanham Act seeks to
    prevent consumer confusion that enables a seller to pass off
    his goods as the goods of another . . . . [T]rademark infringe-
    ment protects only against mistaken purchasing decisions and
    not against confusion generally.” Lang v. Ret. Living Publ’g
    Co., Inc., 
    949 F.2d 576
    , 582-83 (2d Cir. 1991) (internal quota-
    tion marks and citation omitted) (emphasis added).
    As a matter of First Amendment law, commercial speech
    may be regulated in ways that would be impermissible if the
    same regulation were applied to noncommercial expressions.
    Florida Bar v. Went For It, Inc., 
    515 U.S. 618
    , 623 (1995).
    “The First Amendment may offer little protection for a com-
    petitor who labels its commercial good with a confusingly
    similar mark, but trademark rights do not entitle the owner to
    quash an unauthorized use of the mark by another who is
    communicating ideas or expressing points of view.” 
    Mattel, 296 F.3d at 900
    (internal quotation marks and citations omit-
    The district court ruled that Kremer’s use of Bosley’s mark
    was noncommercial. To reach that conclusion, the court
    focused on the “use in commerce” language rather than the
    “use in connection with the sale of goods” clause. This
    approach is erroneous. “Use in commerce” is simply a juris-
    dictional predicate to any law passed by Congress under the
    Commerce Clause. See Steele v. Bulova Watch Co., 
    344 U.S. 280
    , 283 (1952); OBH, Inc. v. Spotlight Magazine, Inc., 86 F.
    Supp. 2d 176, 185 (W.D.N.Y. 2000). 15 U.S.C. § 1127 states
    that “unless the contrary is plainly apparent from the context
    . . . [t]he word ‘commerce’ means all commerce which may
    lawfully be regulated by Congress.” Therefore, the district
    court should have determined instead whether Kremer’s use
    was “in connection with a sale of goods or services” rather
    than a “use in commerce.” However, we can affirm the dis-
    trict court’s grant of summary judgment on any ground sup-
    ported by the record. Lamps Plus, Inc. v. Seattle Lighting
    Fixture Co., 
    345 F.3d 1140
    , 1143 (9th Cir. 2003). The ques-
    tion before us, then, boils down to whether Kremer’s use of
    Bosley Medical as his domain name was “in connection with
    a sale of goods or services.” If it was not, then Kremer’s use
    was “noncommercial” and did not violate the Lanham Act.
    Bosley argues that it has met the commercial use require-
    ment in three ways. First, it argues that a mark used in an oth-
    erwise noncommercial website or as a domain name for an
    otherwise noncommercial website is nonetheless used in con-
    nection with goods and services where a user can click on a
    link available on that website to reach a commercial site. Nis-
    san Motor Co. v. Nissan Computer Corp., 
    378 F.3d 1002
    Cir. 2004). However, Bosley’s reliance on Nissan is
    [4] In Nissan, Nissan Motor Company sued Nissan Com-
    puter Corporation for using the Internet websites and 
    Id. at 1006.
    In Nis-
    san, however, commercial use was undisputed, as the core
    function of the defendant’s website was to advertise his com-
    puter business. 
    Id. Additionally, the
    defendant in Nissan, like
    the defendant in Taubman Co. v. Webfeats, 
    319 F.3d 770
    Cir. 2003), placed links to other commercial businesses
    directly on their 
    website. 319 F.3d at 772-73
    . Kremer’s web-
    site contains no commercial links, but rather contains links to
    a discussion group, which in turn contains advertising. This
    roundabout path to the advertising of others is too attenuated
    to render Kremer’s site commercial. At no time did Kremer’s site offer for sale any product or service
    or contain paid advertisements from any other commercial
    entity. See TMI, Inc. v. Maxwell, 
    368 F.3d 433
    , 435, 438 (5th
    Cir. 2004) (holding that the commercial use requirement is
    not satisfied where defendant’s site had no outside links).
    [5] Bosley also points out that Kremer’s site contained a
    link to Public Citizen, the public interest group representing
    Kremer throughout this litigation. We hold that Kremer’s
    identification of his lawyers and his provision of a link to
    same did not transform his noncommercial site into a com-
    mercial one.
    [6] Bosley’s second argument that Kremer’s website satis-
    fies the “in connection with the sale of goods or services”
    requirement of the Lanham Act is that Kremer created his
    website to enable an extortion scheme in an attempt to profit
    from registering In Panavision Interna-
    tional, L.P. v. Toeppen, 
    141 F.3d 1316
    (9th Cir. 1998), this
    court held that a defendant’s “commercial use was his attempt
    to sell the trademarks themselves.” 
    Id. at 1325.
    Similarly, in
    Intermatic Inc. v. Toeppen, 
    947 F. Supp. 1227
    (N.D. Ill.
    1996), the court found that “Toeppen’s intention to arbitrage
    the ‘’ domain name constitute[d] a commercial
    Id. at 1239;
    see also Boston Prof’l Hockey Ass’n., Inc.
    v. Dallas Cap & Emblem Mfg., Inc., 
    510 F.2d 1004
    , 1010 (5th
    Cir. 1975) (holding that trademark law protects the trademark
    itself, despite the fact that only “a reproduction of the trade-
    mark itself is being sold, unattached to any other goods or ser-
    [7] However, in this case, there is no evidence that Kremer
    was trying to sell the domain name itself. The letter delivered
    by Kremer to Bosley’s headquarters is a threat to expose neg-
    ative information about Bosley on the Internet, but it makes
    no reference whatsoever to ransoming Bosley’s trademark or
    to Kremer’s use of the mark as a domain name.
    Bosley argues that it was denied an opportunity to pursue
    discovery on commercial use, and had it been allowed to pro-
    ceed with discovery, it could further establish that Kremer has
    attempted to sell the domain name. However, in opposing
    Kremer’s motion for summary judgment, Bosley did not
    make any such objections. Bosley failed to request further dis-
    covery under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56(f), but
    instead moved for summary judgment itself. Although Bos-
    ley’s reply brief supporting its own motion for summary judg-
    ment complained about limited discovery in a footnote,
    Bosley did not move for leave to take discovery. The district
    court did not abuse its discretion in granting the summary
    judgment without permitting further discovery.
    Bosley’s third and final argument that it satisfied the com-
    mercial use requirement of the Lanham Act is that Kremer’s
    use of Bosley’s trademark was in connection with Bosley’s
    goods and services. In other words, Kremer used the mark “in
    connection with goods and services” because he prevented
    users from obtaining the plaintiff’s goods and services. See
    People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals v. Doughney,
    263 F.3d 359
    (4th Cir. 2001) (“PETA”). In PETA, defendants
    created a site that promoted ideas antithetical to those of the
    PETA group. 
    Id. at 362-63.
    The Fourth Circuit held that the
    defendant’s parody site, though not having a commercial pur-
    pose and not selling any goods or services, violated the Lan-
    ham Act because it “prevented users from obtaining or using
    PETA’s goods or services.” 
    Id. at 365.
    [8] However, in PETA, the defendant’s website “provide[d]
    links to more than 30 commercial operations offering goods
    and services.” 
    Id. at 366.
    To the extent that the PETA court
    held that the Lanham Act’s commercial use requirement is
    satisfied because the defendant’s use of the plaintiff’s mark as
    the domain name may deter customers from reaching the
    plaintiff’s site itself, we respectfully disagree with that ratio-
    nale. While it is true that is not
    sponsored by Bosley Medical, it is just as true that it is about
    Bosley Medical. The PETA approach would place most criti-
    cal, otherwise protected consumer commentary under the
    restrictions of the Lanham Act. Other courts have also
    rejected this theory as over-expansive. See L.L. Bean, Inc. v.
    Drake Publishers, Inc., 
    811 F.2d 26
    , 33 (1st Cir. 1987); see
    also Ford Motor Co. v. 2600 Enters., 
    177 F. Supp. 2d 661
    664 (E.D. Mich. 2001).
    The PETA court’s reading of the Lanham Act would
    encompass almost all uses of a registered trademark, even
    when the mark is merely being used to identify the object of
    consumer criticism.2 This broad view of the Lanham Act is
    supported by neither the text of the statute nor the history of
    trademark laws in this country. “[T]rademark laws are
    intended to protect” consumers from purchasing the products
    of an infringer “under the mistaken assumption that they are
    buying a product produced or sponsored by [the trademark
    holder].” Beneficial Corp. v. Beneficial Capital Corp., 529 F.
    Supp. 445, 450 (S.D.N.Y. 1982). Limiting the Lanham Act to
    cases where a defendant is trying to profit from a plaintiff’s
    trademark is consistent with the Supreme Court’s view that
    “[a trademark’s] function is simply to designate the goods as
    the product of a particular trader and to protect his good will
    against the sale of another’s product as his.” United Drug Co.
    v. Theodore Rectanus Co., 
    248 U.S. 90
    , 97 (1918); see also
    1 McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition § 2:7
    (4th ed. 2004).
    [9] The Second Circuit held in United We Stand America,
    Inc. v. United We Stand, America New York, Inc., 
    128 F.3d 86
    , 90 (2d Cir. 1997), that the “use in connection with the sale
    of goods and services” requirement of the Lanham Act does
    not require any actual sale of goods and services. Thus, the
    In fact, such a holding would suggest that any time a non-holder of a
    trademark uses the mark as his domain name, he would violate the Lan-
    ham Act. However, when Congress amended the Lanham Act to add the
    Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, it limited violations only to
    situations where a person registers the site with a bad faith intent to profit.
    To find a Lanham Act violation without finding commercial use may con-
    tradict Congress’ intent.
    BOSLEY MEDICAL INSTITUTE v. KREMER                     3989
    appropriate inquiry is whether Kremer offers competing ser-
    vices to the public. Kremer is not Bosley’s competitor; he is
    their critic. His use of the Bosley mark is not in connection
    with a sale of goods or services — it is in connection with the
    expression of his opinion about Bosley’s goods and services.
    [10] The dangers that the Lanham Act was designed to
    address are simply not at issue in this case. The Lanham Act,
    expressly enacted to be applied in commercial contexts, does
    not prohibit all unauthorized uses of a trademark. Kremer’s
    use of the Bosley Medical mark simply cannot mislead con-
    sumers into buying a competing product — no customer will
    mistakenly purchase a hair replacement service from Kremer
    under the belief that the service is being offered by Bosley.
    Neither is Kremer capitalizing on the good will Bosley has
    created in its mark. Any harm to Bosley arises not from a
    competitor’s sale of a similar product under Bosley’s mark,
    but from Kremer’s criticism of their services. Bosley cannot
    use the Lanham Act either as a shield from Kremer’s criti-
    cism, or as a sword to shut Kremer up.3
    B.    Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act
    In 1999, Congress passed the Anticybersquatting Consumer
    Protection Act (“ACPA”), 15 U.S.C. § 1125(d), as an amend-
    ment to the Lanham Act to prohibit cybersquatting.
    [C]ybersquatting occurs when a person other than
    the trademark holder registers the domain name of a
    well known trademark and then attempts to profit
    from this by either ransoming the domain name back
    to the trademark holder or by using the domain name
    to divert business from the trademark holder to the
    domain name holder.
    Because we hold that Kremer’s use of Bosley’s mark was noncommer-
    cial, we do not reach the issue of initial interest confusion which was
    addressed in Interstellar Starship Services, Ltd. v. Epix, Inc., 
    304 F.3d 936
    (9th Cir. 2002).
    DaimlerChrysler v. The Net Inc., 
    388 F.3d 201
    , 204 (6th Cir.
    2004) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The ACPA states:
    A person shall be liable in a civil action by the
    owner of a mark . . . if, without regard to the goods
    or services of the parties, that person (i) has a bad
    faith intent to profit from that mark . . . ; and (ii) reg-
    isters, traffics in, or uses a domain name [that is con-
    fusingly similar to another’s mark or dilutes
    another’s famous mark].
    15 U.S.C. § 1125(d)(1)(A) (2004).
    The district court dismissed Bosley’s ACPA claim for the
    same reasons that it dismissed the infringement and dilution
    claims — namely, because Kremer did not make commercial
    use of Bosley’s mark. However, the ACPA does not contain
    a commercial use requirement, and we therefore reverse.
    Kremer argues that the “noncommercial use” proviso that
    appears in the dilution portion of § 1125 applies to cyber-
    squatting claims with equal force. Admittedly, the language in
    § 1125 is confusing. 15 U.S.C. § 1125(c)(4) reads: “The fol-
    lowing shall not be actionable under this section: . . . (B) Non-
    commercial use of a mark.” 15 U.S.C. § 1125(c)(4)(B).
    Kremer asserts that by using the word “section,” rather than
    the more precise term “subsection,” Congress meant for the
    proviso to apply to all of § 1125, as opposed to subsection (c).
    [11] This argument fails for two reasons. The noncommer-
    cial use exception, which appears in a different part of the
    Lanham Act, is in direct conflict with the language of the
    ACPA. The ACPA makes it clear that “use” is only one possi-
    ble way to violate the Act (“registers, traffics in, or uses”).
    Allowing a cybersquatter to register the domain name with a
    bad faith intent to profit but get around the law by making
    BOSLEY MEDICAL INSTITUTE v. KREMER               3991
    noncommercial use of the mark would run counter to the pur-
    pose of the Act. “[T]he use of a domain name in connection
    with a site that makes a noncommercial or fair use of the mark
    does not necessarily mean that the domain name registrant
    lacked bad faith.” Coca-Cola Co. v. Purdy, 
    382 F.3d 774
    , 778
    (8th Cir. 2004) (internal quotation marks and citation omit-
    ted); see also H.R. Rep. No. 106-412 at 11 (1999) (“This fac-
    tor is not intended to create a loophole that otherwise might
    swallow the bill, however, by allowing a domain name regis-
    trant to evade application of the Act by merely putting up a
    noninfringing site under an infringing domain name.”). “It is
    a well-established canon of statutory construction that a court
    should go beyond the literal language of a statute if reliance
    on that language would defeat the plain purpose of the stat-
    ute.” Bob Jones Univ. v. United States, 
    461 U.S. 574
    , 586
    (1983); see also Albertson’s, Inc. v. Commissioner, 
    42 F.3d 537
    , 546 (9th Cir. 1994).
    Additionally, one of the nine factors listed in the statute
    that courts must consider is the registrant’s “bona fide non-
    commercial or fair use of the mark in a site accessible under
    the domain name.” 15 U.S.C. § 1125(d)(1)(B)(i)(IV). This
    factor would be meaningless if the statute exempted all non-
    commercial uses of a trademark within a domain name. We
    try to avoid, where possible, an interpretation of a statute “that
    renders any part of it superfluous and does not give effect to
    all of the words used by Congress.” Nevada v. Watkins, 
    939 F.2d 710
    , 715 (9th Cir. 1991) (internal quotation marks and
    citation omitted).
    [12] Finally, other courts that have construed the ACPA
    have not required commercial use. In DaimlerChrysler, the
    Sixth Circuit held that a
    trademark owner asserting a claim under the ACPA
    must establish the following: (1) it has a valid trade-
    mark entitled to protection; (2) its mark is distinctive
    or famous; (3) the defendant’s domain name is iden-
    tical or confusingly similar to, or in the case of
    famous marks, dilutive of, the owner’s mark; and (4)
    the defendant used, registered, or trafficked in the
    domain name (5) with a bad faith intent to 
    profit. 388 F.3d at 204
    . See also Ford Motor Co. v. Catalanotte, 
    342 F.3d 543
    , 546 (6th Cir. 2003); E. & J. Gallo Winery v. Spider
    Webs Ltd., 
    129 F. Supp. 2d 1033
    , 1047-48 (S. D. Tex. 2001),
    286 F.3d 270
    (5th Cir. 2002) (“As reflected by the lan-
    guage of the ACPA and the case law interpreting it, there is
    no requirement . . . that the ‘use’ be a commercial use to run
    afoul of the ACPA”).
    [13] The district court erred in applying the commercial use
    requirement to Bosley’s ACPA claim. Rather, the court
    should confine its inquiry to the elements of the ACPA claim
    listed in the statute, particularly to whether Kremer had a bad
    faith intent to profit from his use of Bosley’s mark in his site’s
    domain name. Bosley has met the first prong of the ACPA
    (that the domain name is identical to the mark) because
    Kremer used an unmodified version of Bosley’s mark as his
    domain name.
    Concluding that all of Bosley’s claims, including the
    ACPA claim, were subject to a commercial use requirement,
    the district judge granted summary judgment in Kremer’s
    favor. But the ACPA claim was not in front of the district
    court in the motions for summary judgment. The court did not
    provide notice to Bosley that it would rule on this claim, and
    did not give Bosley an opportunity to conduct discovery on
    the issue. See Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    , 326
    (1986). For this reason, the district court erred in granting
    summary judgment for Kremer on the ACPA claim. It
    remains to be seen whether Bosley can establish that Kremer
    registered the domain name in bad faith or can authenticate
    other letters that Bosley alleges were written and sent by
    C.   California’s Anti-SLAPP Law
    [14] In 1993, responding to the “disturbing increase in law-
    suits brought primarily to chill the valid exercise of the consti-
    tutional rights of freedom of speech and petition for the
    redress of grievances,” the California Legislature enacted the
    Anti-Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (“anti-
    SLAPP”) statute. Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 425.16(a). “The hall-
    mark of a SLAPP suit is that it lacks merit, and is brought
    with the goals of obtaining an economic advantage over a citi-
    zen party by increasing the cost of litigation to the point that
    the citizen party’s case will be weakened or abandoned, and
    of deterring future litigation.” United States ex rel. Newsham
    v. Lockheed Missiles & Space Co., 
    190 F.3d 963
    , 970-71 (9th
    Cir. 1999) (citing Wilcox v. Superior Court, 
    33 Cal. Rptr. 2d 446
    , 449-50 (Cal. Ct. App. 1994)). The anti-SLAPP statute
    was designed to curtail these lawsuits by establishing a proce-
    dure to promptly expose and dismiss meritless and harassing
    claims seeking to chill protected expression. The statute pro-
    vides that a defendant may move to strike a plaintiff’s com-
    plaint if it “aris[es] from any act of that person in furtherance
    of the person’s right of petition or free speech under the
    United States or California Constitution in connection with a
    public issue.” Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 425.16(b)(1).
    A defendant filing an anti-SLAPP motion to strike “must
    make an initial prima facie showing that the plaintiff’s suit
    arises from an act in furtherance of defendant’s right of peti-
    tion or free speech.” Braun v. Chronicle Publ’g Co., 61 Cal.
    Rptr. 2d 58, 61 (Cal. Ct. App. 1997). The defendant need not
    show that plaintiff’s suit was brought with the intention to
    chill defendant’s speech; the plaintiff’s “intentions are ulti-
    mately beside the point.” Equilon Enters., LLC v. Consumer
    Cause, Inc., 
    124 Cal. Rptr. 2d 507
    , 519 (Cal. 2002).
    [15] The district court ruled that Bosley was seeking to
    limit Kremer’s free speech and granted Kremer’s anti-SLAPP
    motion to strike Bosley’s state law trademark claims. We now
    reverse. An infringement lawsuit by a trademark owner over
    a defendant’s unauthorized use of the mark as his domain
    name does not necessarily impair the defendant’s free speech
    rights. As noted by the Second Circuit, “[d]omain names . . .
    per se are neither automatically entitled to nor excluded from
    the protections of the First Amendment, and the appropriate
    inquiry is one that fully addresses particular circumstances
    presented with respect to each domain name.” Name.Space,
    Inc. v. Network Solutions, Inc., 
    202 F.3d 573
    , 585 (2d Cir.
    2000). In Panavision, we stated that “[a] significant purpose
    of a domain name is to identify the entity that owns the web
    site,” 141 F.3d at 1327
    , and we explained in Mattel that a
    source identifier is not entitled to full First Amendment pro-
    tection. 296 F.3d at 900
    . While a summary judgment motion
    might have been well-taken, an anti-SLAPP motion to strike
    was not. We reverse the grant of the anti-SLAPP motion to
    strike and remand to the district court for further proceedings
    on the state law claims.
    IV.    Conclusion
    We affirm the district court’s entry of summary judgment
    in favor of Kremer with respect to the infringement and dilu-
    tion claims. We remand the ACPA claim for further proceed-
    ings. The district court’s grant of the anti-SLAPP motion to
    strike the state law claims is reversed.
    AFFIRMED in part, REVERSED                  in   part,   and
    REMANDED. No costs allowed.

Document Info

Docket Number: 04-55962

Filed Date: 4/4/2005

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/13/2015

Authorities (36)

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