Electro Source, LLC v. Pelican Products , 458 F.3d 931 ( 2006 )

  •                    FOR PUBLICATION
    ELECTRO SOURCE, LLC, a                   
    California limited liability
    v.                         No. 04-55844
    BRANDESS-KALT-AETNA GROUP,                     D.C. No.
    INC., an Illinois corporation,               CV-02-07974-NM
    California corporation,
    ELECTRO SOURCE, LLC, a                   
    California limited liability
    v.                         No. 04-55909
    BRANDESS-KALT-AETNA GROUP,                     D.C. No.
    INC., an Illinois corporation,               CV-02-07974-NM
    California corporation,
    ELECTRO SOURCE, LLC, a                   
    California limited liability
    No. 04-56648
    BRANDESS-KALT-AETNA GROUP,                     D.C. No.
    INC., an Illinois corporation,
    Defendant-Appellant,            OPINION
    California corporation,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of California
    Nora M. Manella, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    April 4, 2006—Pasadena, California
    Filed August 14, 2006
    Before: Sidney R. Thomas, M. Margaret McKeown, and
    Marsha S. Berzon, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge McKeown
    Larry C. Russ, Russ, August & Kabat, Los Angeles, Califor-
    nia, for Electro Source, LLC.
    Gregory B. Wood, Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP, Los Angeles,
    California, for Brandess-Kalt-Aetna Group, Inc. and Pelican
    Products, Inc.
    McKEOWN, Circuit Judge:
    Is a summary judgment determination of abandonment
    appropriate when the record supports an inference that the
    trademark holder—a small, troubled business—continued to
    transport and sell trademarked goods in the ordinary course of
    trade as part of a good faith effort to deplete inventory? The
    answer is no, because the trademark law requires both discon-
    tinuance of all bona fide trademark use in the ordinary course
    of trade and an intent not to resume such use. 15 U.S.C.
    § 1127. Legitimate commercial transport or sales of trade-
    marked goods, even for a failing business, are sufficient to
    defeat a claim of abandonment.
    Ronald Mallett owned federal Trademark No. 2,073,287
    (the “Pelican Mark”), consisting of the word “pelican” below
    an outline of a flying pelican in a circle, for a backpack/
    luggage line. His business had enjoyed some modest success
    but later was set back by dwindling prospects. Nonetheless,
    Mallett kept plugging, selling a few backpacks and promoting
    them at trade shows for several years until he assigned the
    Pelican Mark to Electro Source, LLC (“Electro Source”).
    Because he continued to transport and sell his trademarked
    goods in commerce, he never ceased using the Pelican Mark.
    The district court concluded, however, that Mallet’s use of the
    mark while depleting his inventory was neither bona fide nor
    in the ordinary course of trade, and that he therefore aban-
    doned the mark. In reaching its decision, the district court
    improperly weighed evidence at the summary judgment stage
    and applied a mistaken legal standard. We reverse the district
    court’s cancellation of the mark and its determination that
    Mallett abandoned the Pelican Mark before assigning it and
    remand for further proceedings.
    In 1995, Mallett began selling goods under the Pelican
    Mark. The mark was primarily designed by Mallett’s friend
    Tom Robbins, who lived in Thailand and had access to manu-
    facturing facilities. After working out an unwritten “hand-
    shake” agreement, Robbins agreed to manufacture Pelican
    Mark products overseas, while Mallett agreed to design, mar-
    ket, and sell the goods in the United States.
    On November 20, 1995, Mallett filed an application to reg-
    ister the Pelican Mark with the United States Patent and
    Trademark Office. In 1997, the Pelican Mark issued as Trade-
    mark No. 2,073,287, covering wallets, backpacks, totebags,
    and luggage.
    Mallett transported and sold goods branded with the Peli-
    can Mark from 1995 through 2002. At first, sales were prom-
    ising. According to Mallett, his business was building up a
    reputation for making quality goods, including “the best back-
    ELECTRO SOURCE v. PELICAN PRODUCTS                9593
    pack in the business.” Mallett employed sales representatives
    to sell his products in 1996 and 1997.
    In response to this promising trend, Mallett placed a very
    large order with Robbins in 1996. Unfortunately, sales did not
    meet expectations, and the 1996 inventory order was not
    depleted until 2002. Sales dropped sharply in 1997 and 1998.
    Disappointed with the sales, Robbins parted ways with Mal-
    lett in 1998.
    Mallett suffered another setback in 1998, undergoing multi-
    ple surgeries that spanned the entire calendar year. During this
    time, Mallett’s business took a sharp turn for the worse. His
    flagging sales required him to fire his sales representatives,
    and he no longer used invoices or letterhead with the Pelican
    Mark. Instead, he began making “on the spot” sales for cash,
    only some of which he documented. Also, because his busi-
    ness failed to show a profit, he ceased to segregate the busi-
    ness income on his tax returns. By late 1998, Mallett was
    selling backpacks at a steep discount.
    In 1999, Mallett took a job selling products as a commis-
    sioned salesman for various manufacturers, including No
    Fear, Billabong, and Koko Island. Although his arrangement
    with Koko Island was subject to a non-competition agree-
    ment, Mallett continued to market his remaining Pelican Mark
    inventory on the assumption that his products (backpacks and
    totes) did not compete with the Koko Island goods (shorts,
    hats and shirts).
    From 1999 to 2002, Mallett tried to sell Pelican Mark prod-
    ucts out of the trunk of his car to Koko Island customers. Mal-
    lett also went to a Florida trade show twice a year (as he had
    been doing since 1995) to market his products. Documented
    sales of Pelican Mark goods were made during this time; Mal-
    lett also claims that many other undocumented cash transac-
    tions were made as well.1 Although Mallett’s enterprise was
    Mallett declared that he can document sales of Pelican Mark products
    between 1995 and 2001: 1995, 6027 units; 1996, 5821 units; 1997, 1939
    not as successful as he had hoped, his goods always bore the
    Pelican Mark and, according to Mallett, his business contin-
    ued to enjoy the reputation of having the “best-made” back-
    Mallett testified that he continued to sell products out of his
    car and travel bi-annually to the Florida trade show until he
    assigned the Pelican Mark, along with all the goodwill of the
    business, to Electro Source on August 5, 2002. In return for
    the assignment, Electro Source paid Mallett $15,000 and a
    grant-back license to use the Pelican Mark on certain goods,
    subject to maintenance of product quality. At the time of the
    assignment, Mallett had at least ten boxes of inventory bear-
    ing the Pelican Mark. Using his license, Mallett continued to
    market Pelican Mark goods until finally, in December 2002,
    he sold his remaining inventory to Electro Source.
    Pelican Products, Inc. and Brandess-Kalt-Aetna Group, Inc.
    (collectively “PPI”) manufacture, market, and distribute a
    variety of products under the trademarks “Pelican Products,”
    “Pelican,” and “Peli Products.” PPI also registered the mark
    “www.pelican.com.” Electro Source commenced suit against
    PPI in 2002, setting forth a variety of claims, including trade-
    mark infringement of its Pelican Mark. PPI responded with
    various counterclaims and defenses alleging, among other
    things, that Mallett had abandoned the Pelican Mark prior to
    the assignment to Electro Source. PPI moved for summary
    judgment. The district court agreed with PPI that the Pelican
    Mark had been abandoned, thus rendering the subsequent
    assignment to Electro Source ineffective. The court ordered
    cancellation of the Pelican Mark but denied PPI’s application
    for attorneys’ fees. Electro Source appeals the determination
    units; 1998, 593 units; 1999, 187 units; 2000, 660 units; and 2001, 72
    units. These numbers exclude undocumented sales, such as “on the spot”
    cash sales, sales made at the bi-annual Florida trade show, or other sales
    to a “number of stores.”
    ELECTRO SOURCE v. PELICAN PRODUCTS                    9595
    of abandonment and the cancellation order, and PPI cross-
    appeals the denial of attorneys’ fees.
    This appeal focuses on a single legal question: does the
    Lanham Act mandate a finding of trademark abandonment
    where the record on summary judgment supports an inference
    that the trademark holder persisted in exhausting excess
    inventory of trademarked goods at reduced prices through
    good faith marketing and sales, despite the decline of his busi-
    ness?2 To answer this question, we begin with § 1127 of the
    Lanham Act, giving its words their plain and ordinary mean-
    ing. See United States v. TRW Rifle 7.62X51mm Caliber, One
    Model 14 Serial 593006, 
    447 F.3d 686
    , 689 (9th Cir. 2006).
    PPI, as the party asserting abandonment, is required to “strictly prove”
    its claim. Prudential Ins. Co. of Am. v. Gibraltar Fin. Corp. of Cal., 
    694 F.2d 1150
    , 1156 (9th Cir. 1982) (“Abandonment of a trademark, being in
    the nature of a forfeiture, must be strictly proved.”); see also Doeblers’
    Pa. Hybrids, Inc. v. Doebler, 
    442 F.3d 812
    , 822 (3rd Cir. 2006) (“A party
    arguing for abandonment has a high burden of proof: . . . ‘abandonment,
    being in the nature of a forfeiture, must be strictly proved.’ ”); Cumulus
    Media, Inc. v. Clear Channel Commc’ns, Inc., 
    304 F.3d 1167
    , 1175 (11th
    Cir. 2002) (“Because a finding of abandonment works an involuntary for-
    feiture of rights, federal courts uniformly agree that defendants asserting
    an abandonment defense face a ‘stringent,’ ‘heavy,’ or ‘strict burden of
    proof.’ ”). The Ninth Circuit has not spoken as to what “strictly proved”
    means, but at least one district court has required “clear and convincing
    evidence” of abandonment. eMachines, Inc. v. Ready Access Memory,
    2001 WL 456404
    , at *5 (C.D. Cal. 2001). We do not need to flesh
    out the contours of the “strict proof” standard because our resolution of
    this summary judgment appeal rests on the proper legal construction of
    § 1127 and the determination that factual issues preclude summary judg-
    ment in favor of PPI. See Playboy Enters., Inc. v. Netscape Commc’ns
    354 F.3d 1020
    , 1024 (9th Cir. 2004) (trademark appeal reversing
    grant of summary judgment and passing on a legal question because there
    was a genuine issue of material fact and under either interpretation of the
    legal issue, the case could proceed).
    The Lanham Act defines abandonment as (1) discontinu-
    ance of trademark use and (2) intent not to resume such use:
    A mark shall be deemed to be “abandoned” if . . . the
    following occurs:
    (1) When its use has been discontinued with intent
    not to resume such use. Intent not to resume may be
    inferred from circumstances. Nonuse for 3 consecu-
    tive years shall be prima facie evidence of abandon-
    ment. “Use” of a mark means the bona fide use of
    such mark made in the ordinary course of trade, and
    not made merely to reserve a right in a mark.
    15 U.S.C. § 1127 (emphasis added).
    Neither “bona fide use” nor “ordinary course of trade” is
    defined in the statute. Both phrases, however, also appear in
    the statute’s definition of “use in commerce,” which provides:
    The term “use in commerce” means the bona fide
    use of a mark in the ordinary course of trade, and
    not made merely to reserve a right in a mark. For
    purposes of this chapter, a mark shall be deemed to
    be in use in commerce—
    (1)    on goods when—
    (A) it is placed in any manner on the
    goods or their containers or the displays
    associated therewith or on the tags or
    labels affixed thereto . . . and
    (B) the goods are sold or transported in
    commerce . . . .
    ELECTRO SOURCE v. PELICAN PRODUCTS                   9597
    Id. (emphasis added).
    Because “trademark” is defined under
    the statute in part by the “bona fide intention to use [it] in
    id., and because
    both “use in commerce” and
    “use” for the purposes of abandonment mean “bona fide use
    . . . in the course of ordinary trade,” the meaning of “use” for
    the purposes of abandonment necessarily signifies “use in
    commerce” and thus includes the placement of a mark on
    goods sold or transported. See Money Store v. Harriscorp
    Fin., Inc., 
    689 F.2d 666
    , 676 (7th Cir. 1982) (construing “use”
    in the definition of “abandonment” in an earlier, but similar,
    version of the Lanham Act as meaning “use in commerce”).
    [1] Section 1127 thus provides that “use” of a trademark
    defeats an allegation of abandonment when: the use includes
    placement on goods sold or transported in commerce; is bona
    fide;3 is made in the ordinary course of trade; and is not made
    merely to reserve a right in a mark. Critically, for present pur-
    poses, nothing in the plain meaning of § 1127 excludes from
    the protections of the statute use of a trademark by a strug-
    gling or even a failing business that meets these requirements.
    PPI does not challenge the fact that good faith sales of
    goods bearing the Pelican Mark were made during the critical
    time period (from 1998, when Mallett’s business was clearly
    suffering, until the Pelican Mark was assigned to Electro
    Source in 2002). Instead, PPI argues that “those transactions
    were not made and could not have been ‘bona fide’ trademark
    uses because they were not made by or in connection with any
    business to which goodwill accrued” in light of Mallett’s
    alleged intent to abandon his business after his inventory was
    We note that “bona fide” is not defined in § 1127. Black’s Law Dictio-
    nary provides two similar definitions for “bona fide”: “1. Made in good
    faith; without fraud or deceit. 2. Sincere; genuine.” 
    Id. at 186
    (8th ed.
    2004). These definitions are unsurprising, as the term “bona fide” in com-
    mon parlance means “ ‘made or carried out in good faith; sincere.’ ” Nike,
    Inc. v. McCarthy, 
    379 F.3d 576
    , 582 (9th Cir. 2004) (quoting THE AMERI-
    CAN HERITAGE COLLEGE DICTIONARY 158 (3d. ed. 2000)).
    The district court implicitly adopted PPI’s formulation,
    which is predicated on prospective abandonment. In its sum-
    mary judgment order, the district court correctly recited the
    elements of abandonment, but went on to weigh the evidence
    and “find, as a matter of law, that Mallett abandoned” the Pel-
    ican Mark because Mallett’s sales, characterized as attempts
    to merely “rid oneself of inventory,” were not bona fide uses
    in the ordinary course of trade.
    [2] This summary judgment conclusion was erroneous for
    two reasons. Although it acknowledged that abandonment is
    generally a factual issue, see Rivard v. Linville, 
    133 F.3d 1446
    , 1449 (Fed. Cir. 1998), in resolving the issue the court
    weighed evidence and drew inferences against Mallett as to
    his intent and as to what constituted sales in the ordinary
    course of trade. This approach contravenes the rule on sum-
    mary judgment that all reasonable inferences are to be made
    in favor of the non-moving party. See McLaughlin v. Liu, 
    849 F.2d 1205
    , 1208 (9th Cir. 1988).4 In addition, the district court
    did not hew to the strict statutory standard for abandonment,
    which requires complete discontinuance of use, even for a
    business on its way out. If there is continued use, a prospec-
    In cases where there is a presumption of abandonment from nonuse,
    see § 1127 (“Nonuse for 3 consecutive years shall be prima facie evidence
    of abandonment.”), a mere statement declaring an intent not to abandon,
    or an intent to resume, use is not dispositive. See 
    id. (“Intent not
    to resume
    may be inferred from circumstances.”); 
    Rivard, 133 F.3d at 1448-49
    (affirming summary judgment finding of abandonment where there was a
    presumption of abandonment from nonuse); Silverman v. CBS Inc., 
    870 F.2d 40
    , 46-48 (2nd Cir. 1989) (affirming finding of abandonment after a
    trial on the merits where there was a presumption of abandonment from
    nonuse); Uncas Mfg. Co. v. Clark & Coombs Co., 
    309 F.2d 818
    , 819-20
    (1st Cir. 1962) (same); Anvil Brand Inc. v. Consol. Foods Corp., 464 F.
    Supp. 474, 481 (S.D.N.Y. 1978) (finding an unrebutted inference of aban-
    donment from nonuse after a trial on the merits). In this case, however,
    there has not been a trial on the merits, and abandonment cannot be pre-
    sumed at the summary judgment stage, in light of Mallett’s sworn declara-
    tions and documentary evidence attesting to his continued use of the
    Pelican Mark through sales and trade show appearances.
    tive intent to abandon the mark or business does not decide
    the issue of abandonment.
    [3] Abandonment under § 1127 requires an intent not to
    resume trademark use, as opposed to a prospective intent to
    abandon the mark in the future. This distinction is not merely
    semantic. An intent not to resume use presupposes that the
    use has already ceased—the first prong of the abandonment
    statute. In contrast, a prospective intent to abandon says noth-
    ing about whether use of the mark has been discontinued. See
    Exxon Corp. v. Humble Exploration Co., 
    695 F.2d 96
    , 102
    (5th Cir. 1983) (distinguishing “intent to abandon” from “in-
    tent not to resume use”); KeyCorp v. Key Bank & Trust, 
    99 F. Supp. 2d 814
    , 827 (N.D. Ohio 2000) (“While intent to
    abandon was the touchstone of legal abandonment in early
    common law cases, the Lanham Act requires a showing of
    ‘intent not to resume,’ rather than ‘intent to abandon.’ ”).
    Of course, we recognize that “[n]othing in the statute enti-
    tles a registrant who has formerly used a mark to overcome
    a presumption of abandonment arising from subsequent non-
    use by simply averring a subjective affirmative ‘intent not to
    abandon.’ ” Imperial Tobacco Ltd. v. Philip Morris, Inc., 
    899 F.2d 1575
    , 1581 (Fed. Cir. 1990). However, a prospective
    declaration of intent to cease use in the future, made during
    a period of legitimate trademark use, does not meet the intent
    not to resume standard. Thus, the district court’s collapsing of
    the standards was at odds with the statute.
    [4] Consequently, unless the trademark use is actually ter-
    minated, the intent not to resume use prong of abandonment
    does not come into play. See Money 
    Store, 689 F.2d at 675
    76. In Money Store, a trademark holder decided to stop using
    its trademark, yet continued to make some good faith use of
    the mark on billboard displays until it sold and assigned the
    Id. at 669-70.
    The court held “[t]he statutory definition
    makes clear . . . that abandonment requires discontinuance of
    use . . . . Although United’s use of the mark may have
    declined by the date of the assignment, any use . . . of the
    mark was ‘in commerce’ ” and defeats abandonment. 
    Id. at 675-76.
    The question, then, is whether Mallett ceased use of
    the mark before assignment, not whether Mallett harbored an
    intent to cease use in the future.
    [5] The district court erred in failing to recognize that, as
    a threshold matter, abandonment requires complete cessation
    or discontinuance of trademark use. See § 1127; see also Doe-
    blers’ Pa. Hybrids, 
    Inc., 442 F.3d at 823
    (holding that a trade-
    mark was not abandoned because “[t]he simple fact is that the
    use of [the trademark] never ceased”).
    [6] Our decision in Carter-Wallace, Inc. v. Proctor & Gam-
    ble Co. offers a bright line rule: “Even a single instance of use
    is sufficient against a claim of abandonment of a mark if such
    use is made in good faith.” 
    434 F.2d 794
    , 804 (9th Cir. 1970).
    In Carter-Wallace, the trademark holder made nominal sales
    over a period of four years in order to maintain the mark
    while the trademark rights were litigated in court:
    During the period of the above litigation and thereaf-
    ter defendant sold deodorant products with the mark
    SURE, albeit in small quantities. Defendant has not
    advertised or promoted SURE deodorant other than
    by listing the product in trade directories. Defen-
    dant’s sales of SURE deodorant were not made for
    profit but for the purpose of continuing the business
    . . . so that the SURE mark would be available for
    use on a major advertised product when the legal
    problems . . . were resolved.
    Id. at 798.
                    ELECTRO SOURCE v. PELICAN PRODUCTS                    9601
    We rejected the argument that the trademark had been
    abandoned because “only nominal” sales were made “with the
    sole intent of sustaining the mark.” 
    Id. at 803.
    Rather, we held
    that the mark had not been abandoned because the trademark
    holder “proferred [sic] legitimate business reasons for its
    action” in waiting for the trademark ownership issues to be
    fully litigated and resolved.5 
    Id. at 803-04
    (citing Mendes v.
    New England Duplicating Co., 
    94 F. Supp. 558
    , 560 (D.
    Mass. 1950), aff’d, 
    190 F.2d 415
    (1st Cir. 1951)); see also
    Drop Dead Co. v. S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc., 
    326 F.2d 87
    , 93-
    94 (9th Cir. 1963) (holding that the transport of a single trade-
    marked product is sufficient to constitute a use in commerce).
    [7] Good faith nominal or limited commercial sales of
    trademarked goods are sufficient, we held, to avoid abandon-
    ment, where the circumstances legitimately explained the pau-
    city of the sales. See also Anvil Brand Inc. v. Consol. Foods
    464 F. Supp. 474
    , 481 (S.D.N.Y. 1978) (recognizing
    that “circumstances may . . . justify a proponent’s limited use
    of a mark and still permit the registrant to maintain its trade-
    mark rights,” citing Carter-Wallace).6
    Consistent with Carter-Wallace, we held in Karl Storz Endoscopy Am.,
    Inc. v. Surgical Technologies, Inc., that “ ‘use in commerce’ appears to
    contemplate a trading upon the goodwill of or association with the trade-
    mark holder.” 
    285 F.3d 848
    , 855 (9th Cir. 2002). This requirement
    attempts to distinguish activities that may be made in good faith, but none-
    theless do not constitute a trademark use. The question is whether the
    transaction was one that could trade upon the goodwill or association with
    the trademark. For example, in Karl Storz, “a mere repair of a trademarked
    good, followed by return of the good to the same owner . . . does not con-
    stitute a ‘use in commerce’ ” because there was no trademark use—a
    transaction designed to trade upon the goodwill or association with the
    Id. In contrast,
    good faith sales or transport of trademarked
    goods in commerce typically employ or envision promoting the goodwill
    associated with the trademark.
    In contrast, “[a] trademark maintenance program obviously cannot in
    itself justify a minimal sales effort, or the requirement of good faith com-
    mercial use would be read out of the trademark law altogether.” La Societe
    Anonyme des Parfums le Galion v. Jean Patou, Inc., 
    495 F.2d 1265
    , 1273
    The district court did not follow Carter-Wallace’s principle
    that a single legitimate sale satisfies the use criteria of § 1127.
    Instead the court assumed that declining sales, discounted
    sales, depletion of inventory, and the decision not to sue
    potential infringers were factors that, in combination, were
    tantamount to discontinuance of bona fide use in the ordinary
    course of trade. The court made that determination as a matter
    of law in the face of obvious factual disputes.
    This approach suffers from two difficulties: it is at odds
    with Carter-Wallace and reflects a rather cramped view of
    “bona fide” and “the ordinary course of trade.” The district
    court assumed, and PPI argues, that once Mallett decided to
    discontinue his business, a fact which he disputes, and liqui-
    date his goods bearing the Pelican Mark, any sales or trans-
    port of the trademarked goods were not a “bona fide”
    n.10 (2nd Cir. 1974). Similarly, the sale of a trademarked item cannot be
    a trademark use if not made in the ordinary course of trade. See 
    id. at 1272-73
    (holding, after a trial on the merits, that the “meager trickle of
    business” of 89 sales in 20 years was not a trademark use because under
    the circumstances, the sales were designed solely to establish and maintain
    the trademark right and were inconsistent with commercial exploitation);
    Uncas, 309 F.2d at 819
    (upholding the district court’s finding of abandon-
    ment after a trial on the merits where, following nonuse of a mark before
    a merger, the clear and undisputed evidence showed that the acquiring
    company had “no intention of making and selling the [trademarked
    goods]” or doing business in the business area of the trademark); Osh-
    man’s Sporting Goods, Inc. v. Highland Import Corp., 16 U.S.P.Q.2d
    1395, 1397 (T.T.A.B. 1990) (finding that a mark was abandoned in the
    face of nonuse for several years after 1983, where the trademark holder
    stopped ordering or importing the trademarked item, stopped advertising
    the item for sale, had no plans to resume use of the mark, and there were
    no records of shipments or sales after 1983); 
    Anvil, 464 F. Supp. at 481
    (finding that no trademark use existed where, after a trial on the merits,
    the evidence clearly showed that left-over trademark labels of a discontin-
    ued line were affixed to random promotional shirts, reasoning “[i]t cannot
    be said that the use of the label on the promotional shirts was in any way
    intended as an inducement of the sale . . . [n]or was the application of the
    label made as a purposeful act of the merchandising management”).
    ELECTRO SOURCE v. PELICAN PRODUCTS                   9603
    trademark use. The notion underlying this assumption is that
    goodwill cannot legitimately attach to a business that may be
    discontinued at a later date because trademark law requires an
    existing business to which goodwill could attach. But that is
    not so. Trademark use does indeed require an existing busi-
    ness, see Siegel v. Chicken Delight, Inc., 
    448 F.2d 43
    , 48 n.2
    (9th Cir. 1971) (“a trade-mark does not confer upon its owner
    the right to prohibit a competitor’s use of the mark unless the
    owner himself uses the mark in connection with an existing
    business”), but it does not follow that a failing, yet ongoing,
    business automatically abandons its mark although it is still in
    business.7 Even a declining business retains, may benefit
    from, or may continue to build its goodwill until it shuts its
    doors or ceases use of its marks.
    Alternatively, PPI’s argument assumes that when the deci-
    sion is made to liquidate inventory and close out a trade-
    marked line, any use beyond that point is not “in the ordinary
    course of trade.” We disagree. Although the facts here do not
    unambiguously show that Mallett decided to abandon his
    business, even assuming that he did, the Pelican Mark was not
    abandoned until he actually discontinued use of the trademark
    with intent not to resume such use. See § 1127.
    Because the abandonment inquiry is tied to the unique cir-
    cumstances of each case, it is appropriate to look at the total-
    ity of the circumstances to determine if genuine, albeit
    limited, usage of the mark qualifies a trademark use “in the
    ordinary course of trade” under § 1127. The factors that guide
    courts in examining trademark use in the context of trademark
    registration are instructive:
    As we know from the seminal Supreme Court trademark case, United
    Drug Co. v. Theodore Rectanus Co., “[t]here is no such thing as property
    in a trade-mark except as a right appurtenant to an established business or
    trade in connection with which the mark is employed.” 
    248 U.S. 90
    , 97
    (1918). This principle does not, however, exclude a business that is not
    going gangbusters.
    In applying this approach, the district courts should
    be guided in their consideration . . . by factors . . .
    such as the genuineness and commercial character of
    the activity, the determination of whether the mark
    was sufficiently public to identify or distinguish the
    marked service [or product] in an appropriate seg-
    ment of the public mind as those of the holder of the
    mark, the scope of the [trademark] activity relative
    to what would be a commercially reasonable attempt
    to market the service [or product], the degree of
    ongoing activity of the holder to conduct the busi-
    ness using the mark, the amount of business trans-
    acted, and other similar factors which might
    distinguish whether a service [or product] has actu-
    ally been “rendered in commerce”.
    Chance v. Pac-Tel Teletrac Inc., 
    242 F.3d 1151
    , 1159 (9th
    Cir. 2001); see also Paramount Pictures Corp. v. White, 31
    U.S.P.Q.2d 1768, 1774 n.8 (T.T.A.B. 1994) (the phrases “use
    in commerce” and “use in the ordinary course of trade” are
    “flexible enough to encompass various genuine but less tradi-
    tional trademark uses . . . . [and] reflect[ ] the possibility that
    use may be interrupted due to special circumstances.’ . . .
    ‘[T]he Committee recognizes that the ordinary course of trade
    varies from industry to industry.’ . . . Congress’ intent that the
    revised definition still encompass genuine, but less traditional,
    trademark uses must be made clear.’ ”) (internal quotation
    marks omitted) (quoting congressional reports and testimony
    from the legislative history of § 1127).
    Evaluating whether a use is in “the ordinary course of
    trade” is often an intensely factual undertaking. For a case
    like this, one involving a waning business, it is useful to con-
    sider the term in the bankruptcy context. In that arena, finan-
    cial distress and failure are ubiquitous and yet sales made
    under those circumstances may still be “ordinary.” In the
    bankruptcy context,
    ELECTRO SOURCE v. PELICAN PRODUCTS              9605
    creditors are not required to prove a particular uni-
    form set of business terms, rather, “ordinary business
    terms” refers to the broad range of terms that
    encompasses the practices employed by those debt-
    ors and creditors, including terms that are ordinary
    for those under financial distress. Only a transaction
    that is so unusual or uncommon “as to render it an
    aberration in the relevant industry,” falls outside the
    broad range of terms encompassed by the meaning
    of “ordinary business terms.”
    In re Jan Weilert RV, Inc., 
    315 F.3d 1192
    , 1198 (9th Cir.
    2003) (citations omitted).
    The same general notion merits consideration in the trade-
    mark context. Indeed, it is not unusual for a troubled or failing
    business to sell and assign its trademark, along with the corre-
    sponding goodwill and the remaining business. See Money
    Store, 689 F.2d at 669-70
    Carter-Wallace, 434 F.2d at 798
    Some business and financial firms even specialize in rescuing
    troubled companies, rehabilitating the business, and capitaliz-
    ing on their goodwill and intellectual property, including
    trademarks. If trademark protection were stripped the minute
    a company runs into financial trouble or decides to liquidate,
    the two cornerstone interests in trademark would be defeated
    —protection of the public through source identification of
    goods and protection of the registrant’s investment in the
    trademark. See United 
    Drug, 248 U.S. at 97-98
    ; State of Idaho
    Potato Comm’n v. G & T Terminal Packaging, Inc., 
    425 F.3d 708
    , 715 (9th Cir. 2005) (“Trademarks protect the public from
    confusion by accurately indicating the source of a product.”);
    New Kids on the Block v. News Am. Pub., Inc., 
    971 F.2d 302
    305 (9th Cir. 1992) (describing the Lanham Act as protecting
    against the unfair use of a rival’s mark, where “the infringer
    capitalizes on the investment of time, money and resources of
    his competitor”).
    [8] Looking at the circumstances of this case, we evaluate
    the legal requirements for abandonment against the record of
    Mallett’s sales and his transport of Pelican Mark goods, mak-
    ing all reasonable inferences in favor of Electro Source as the
    non-moving party. See 
    Liu, 849 F.3d at 1208
    . There are no
    allegations that Mallett’s activities were feigned, non-
    commercial, insufficiently public, or made merely to reserve
    the mark. See § 1127. Neither are there allegations that Mal-
    lett’s efforts were unreasonable in relation to his
    circumstances—a continuing yet failing business trying to sell
    excess inventory—or to the relevant market. See 
    Chance, 242 F.3d at 1159
    Carter-Wallace, 434 F.2d at 803-04
    . To the
    contrary, the record suggests that in the ordinary course of his
    small, struggling business, Mallett transported and publically
    displayed his Pelican Mark goods over a number of years in
    an earnest effort to sell them, and made actual sales. These are
    core trademark activities that necessarily contemplate trading
    upon the goodwill of the mark.
    [9] In sum, the record does not support summary judgment
    in favor of PPI on the claim of abandonment. We therefore
    reverse the district court’s grant of summary judgment as to
    abandonment and vacate the order cancelling the Pelican
    Mark. See Prudential Ins. Co. of 
    Am., 694 F.2d at 1156
    (vacating cancellation order because evidence of use defeated
    abandonment claim).
    [10] PPI is no longer a prevailing party. Its cross-appeal on
    attorneys’ fees is moot in light of our disposition of abandon-
    ment and cancellation. Interstellar Starship Servs., Ltd. v.
    Epix Inc., 
    184 F.3d 1107
    , 1112 (9th Cir. 1999). We therefore
    affirm the district court’s denial of attorneys’ fees.
    REVERSED as to the grant of summary judgment in favor
    of PPI on abandonment and cancellation of the trademark, and
    REMANDED for proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    AFFIRMED as to the denial of attorneys’ fees. Costs on
    appeal shall be awarded to Electro Source.

Document Info

Docket Number: 04-55844

Citation Numbers: 458 F.3d 931

Filed Date: 8/14/2006

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (26)

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View All Authorities »