Gatti v. Reliance Standard ( 2005 )

  •                  FOR PUBLICATION
    TERRI GATTI,                          
    No. 03-15562
           D.C. No.
    RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE                    CV-01-00175-FRZ
    TERRI GATTI,                               No. 03-16183
    D.C. No.
       CV-01-00175-FRZ
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Arizona
    Frank Zapata, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted October 6, 2004
    Submission Deferred October 8, 2004
    Resubmitted May 31, 2005
    San Francisco, California
    Filed May 31, 2005
    Amended Opinion and Concurrence
    Filed July 22, 2005
    Before: Pamela Ann Rymer, Richard C. Tallman, and
    Carlos T. Bea, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Tallman;
    Concurrence by Judge Rymer
    Joshua Bachrach, Rawle & Henderson, LLP, Philadelphia,
    Pennsylvania, for the appellant.
    Barry Kirschner, Waterfall, Economidis, Caldwell, Hanshaw
    & Villamana, P.C., Tuscon, Arizona, for the appellee.
    GATTI v. RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE             8603
    TALLMAN, Circuit Judge:
    Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company (“Reliance”)
    appeals the district court’s summary judgment in favor of
    Terri Gatti in her action brought under the Employee Retire-
    ment Income Security Act (“ERISA”) for reinstatement of
    long term disability benefits. The district court reviewed Reli-
    ance’s decision to terminate Gatti’s benefits de novo, because
    it interpreted an ERISA regulation as placing a temporal limi-
    tation on the administrator’s discretion and because it found
    Reliance to have a serious conflict of interest. The district
    court erred in applying de novo review. We reverse and
    Appellant Reliance, which provided long term disability
    coverage for employees of Paine Webber Group, approved
    appellee Gatti for long term disability benefits effective May
    24, 1993, based on complications related to Hepatitis B.
    Almost seven years later, in April 2000, Reliance concluded
    that Gatti was no longer suffering from complications related
    to Hepatitis B, but that her disability was caused by a mental
    disorder. Reliance apparently based this determination on
    tests indicating that Gatti’s Hepatitis B was inactive as of
    1997, and on physicians’ reports that she suffered from bipo-
    lar disorder and chronic fatigue syndrome. Disability benefits
    for mental illness were limited to twenty-four months under
    Gatti’s policy, so Reliance determined that Gatti had already
    received the maximum amount of benefits to which she was
    entitled and discontinued her disability payments.
    Gatti administratively appealed Reliance’s decision. Reli-
    ance then had Dr. Stephen Feagin review Gatti’s medical
    records. Based on his review, and without actually examining
    Gatti, Dr. Feagin concluded that any disability suffered by
    8604           GATTI v. RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE
    Gatti was caused by her psychiatric issues. On October 27,
    2000, 177 days after it received Gatti’s request for administra-
    tive review, Reliance reaffirmed its decision to discontinue
    Following that decision, Reliance gave Gatti an additional
    opportunity to present “any additional medical evidence
    which she believes might allow [Reliance] to reinstate her
    benefits.” Gatti did present new evidence, including a Decem-
    ber 7, 2000, letter from Dr. Nicholas H. Rice stating that a
    new HBV DNA test had been performed on Gatti which con-
    firmed that she still had Hepatitis B. On February 6, 2001,
    279 days after it received Gatti’s request for administrative
    review, Reliance concluded that the additional submissions
    were insufficient to warrant reversing its decision to discon-
    tinue Gatti’s benefits.
    Gatti filed a complaint against Reliance, and the district
    court ruled for her on summary judgment. The court reviewed
    Reliance’s decision to terminate benefits de novo because the
    court reasoned that the termination of Gatti’s benefits was not
    an act of discretion as Gatti’s claim was “deemed denied”
    when Reliance violated the time deadlines for processing
    administrative appeals established in the ERISA regulations.
    The court also justified de novo review with its finding that
    Reliance had an actual conflict of interest, demonstrated by
    Reliance’s failure to follow the treating physician rule. The
    district court concluded that Gatti was entitled to benefits
    based on the treating physician rule.
    We review de novo whether the district court applied the
    appropriate standard of review. See Alford v. DCH Found.,
    311 F.3d 955
    , 957 (9th Cir. 2002).
    District courts review a decision to deny or terminate bene-
    fits under an ERISA plan “under a de novo standard unless
    GATTI v. RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE                      8605
    the benefit plan gives the administrator or fiduciary discre-
    tionary authority to determine eligibility for benefits or to
    construe the terms of the plan.” Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.
    v. Bruch, 
    489 U.S. 101
    , 115 (1989). When the plan gives the
    administrator or fiduciary discretionary authority to determine
    eligibility for benefits, that determination is reviewed for
    abuse of discretion. Taft v. Equitable Life Assurance Soc’y, 
    9 F.3d 1469
    , 1471 (9th Cir. 1993); see also Firestone, 
    489 U.S. at 114-15
    [1] The regulations implementing ERISA establish mini-
    mum requirements for employee benefit plan procedures per-
    taining to beneficiary claims. 
    29 C.F.R. § 2560.503-1
    These regulations include a sixty-day time limit for making a
    decision on review, which may, under certain circumstances,
    be extended to 120 days. 
    29 C.F.R. § 2560.503-1
    (h). If a deci-
    sion has not been made within these time limits, the claim is
    deemed denied on review. 
    29 C.F.R. § 2560.503-1
    The pertinent regulation was amended in 2000; the alterations apply to
    claims filed on or after January 1, 2002. See 
    65 Fed. Reg. 70,246
    21, 2000); 
    29 C.F.R. § 2560.503-1
    (o) (2002). These alterations shorten the
    time allowed for initial responses to forty-five days (from sixty) and
    remove the language that says that violations of the time limitations will
    result in the claim being “deemed denied.” 
    29 C.F.R. § 2560.503-1
    (2002). At the same time, the new regulation provides that if plan adminis-
    trators fail “to establish or follow claims procedures consistent with [the
    new regulation], a claimant shall be deemed to have exhausted the admin-
    istrative remedies available under the plan and shall be entitled to pursue
    any available remedies . . . on the basis that the plan has failed to provide
    a reasonable claims procedure . . . ,” including suing for benefits. 
    29 C.F.R. § 2560.503-1
    (l). We do not address the question of whether, under
    the new regulation, claimants who can establish a failure to comply with
    the claims procedures established by ERISA regulations are entitled to de
    novo consideration of their claims. The earlier version of the regulation
    applies to Gatti’s claim because her claim was made prior to 2002. All fur-
    ther citations to the Code of Federal Regulations are to the 1998 regula-
    tions unless otherwise noted.
    8606             GATTI v. RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE
    [2] Relying upon Jebian v. Hewlett-Packard Co., 
    310 F.3d 1173
     (9th Cir. 2002),2 the district court found that “because
    Reliance failed to comply with the time limitations in 
    29 C.F.R. § 2560.503-1
    (h) when it decided Gatti’s request for
    review, its decision was not an exercise of discretion.” We
    conclude that Jebian does not control the issue presented here,
    and hold that violations of the time limits established in 
    29 C.F.R. § 2560.503-1
    (h) are insufficient to alter the standard of
    The Jebian panel was presented with, but did not decide,
    the issue of whether violating the ERISA regulation time lim-
    its alters the standard of review. 349 F.3d at 1103. Factually,
    Jebian was very similar to this case — both involve an
    ERISA beneficiary’s claim that was denied more than 120
    days after the date of appeal. 349 F.3d at 1102. However, one
    factual distinction is critical: the language of the plan being
    administered in Jebian contained the same time limits as are
    found in the ERISA regulation, whereas Gatti’s plan with
    Reliance did not include time limits. Id. at 1103-04. Gatti
    relies on the ERISA regulation alone to establish that her
    claim was “deemed denied” and not denied as an act of dis-
    [3] The Jebian opinion discusses the time limits established
    by the plan and those imposed by regulation in tandem, but
    the court’s ultimate holding was based solely on the time limi-
    tation language in the plan. Noting that “[w]e are just as
    bound by the Plan language deeming denial in the event that
    time limits are exceeded as we are bound by the Plan lan-
    The Jebian decision on which the district court relied, and on which
    the parties’ briefs were based, was withdrawn and superceded by Jebian
    v. Hewlett-Packard Co., 
    349 F.3d 1098
     (9th Cir. 2003), cert. denied, No.
    2005 WL 1499770
     (U.S. 2005). Although the latter opinion con-
    tains some clarifying dicta, the holding that “deemed denied” language in
    a benefits plan cuts off an administrator’s discretion remains the same.
    References to Jebian in this Opinion are to the amended opinion published
    349 F.3d 1098
    GATTI v. RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE                        8607
    guage that grants discretion to the Plan administrator[,]” the
    Jebian court held that “we will not defer when a decision is,
    under the Plan, necessarily the mechanical result of a time
    expiration rather than an exercise of discretion.” 
    349 F.3d at 1104-05
    ; see also 
     at 1106 n.6 (distinguishing Judge Tashi-
    ma’s dissent on the basis that the majority opinion relied on
    the language of the plan). The Jebian decision recognizes that
    there will be cases where benefits decisions are made in viola-
    tion of the regulations alone, and explicitly leaves this issue
    Id. at 1105-06
    [4] We reject Gatti’s suggestion that once a benefits admin-
    istrator has violated the regulation’s time limitation, the
    “deemed denied” language operates to cut off the administra-
    tor’s discretion, making de novo review appropriate.3 Instead,
    we read the “deemed denied” language to provide beneficia-
    ries with a “final decision” from which to appeal if the admin-
    istrator has not made a decision within the timelines
    established in the regulation. Because a claimant must exhaust
    her plan’s administrative review procedures before she may
    bring suit in federal court, Amato v. Bernard, 
    618 F.2d 559
    566-68 (9th Cir. 1980), a mechanism is necessary to allow
    claimants access to the courts in the event that their plan
    never makes a decision. Thus, the “deemed denied” language
    gives claimants the ability to access the courts if the adminis-
    trator does not exercise its discretion within a reasonable time
    (as established by the regulations).4
    This is the approach that has been taken in other contexts; we have
    interpreted a statute that sets deadlines for action by the U.S. Fish and
    Wildlife Service to prevent the Service from having additional time to
    make discretionary findings. See Biodiversity Legal Found. v. Badgley,
    309 F.3d 1166
    , 1178 (9th Cir. 2002) (“The exercise of discretion is fore-
    closed when statutorily imposed deadlines are not met.”).
    It appears that the beneficiary in Jebian took advantage of this protec-
    tion. The 120-day time limit for the administrator to respond to Jebian’s
    appeal expired on March 16, 1999. 
    349 F.3d at 1102
    . Over six months
    later, Jebian had still not received a final decision on his appeal, so he filed
    a complaint in district court on September 29, 1999. 
    8608             GATTI v. RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE
    [5] Significantly, this is the way the U.S. Supreme Court,
    Stevens J., read this regulatory provision:
    This provision [
    29 C.F.R. § 2560.503
    therefore enables a claimant to bring a civil action to
    have the merits of his application determined, just as
    he may bring an action to challenge an outright
    denial of benefits.
    Mass. Mut. Life Ins. Co. v. Russell, 
    473 U.S. 134
    , 144 (1985)
    (reversing a Ninth Circuit decision that held that the benefi-
    ciary had a cause of action against the fiduciary administering
    her benefits plan because it took the plan 132 days to respond
    to the beneficiary’s appeal, which was ultimately successful).
    [6] This interpretation is also consistent with the way
    “deemed denied” is used in other parts of this ERISA regula-
    tion. For example, 
    29 C.F.R. § 2560.503-1
    (e)(2) states in rele-
    vant part:
    If notice of the denial of a claim is not furnished in
    accordance with paragraph (e)(1) of this section
    within a reasonable period of time, the claim shall be
    deemed denied and the claimant shall be permitted
    to proceed to the review stage . . . .
    29 C.F.R. § 2560.503-1
    (e)(2).5 We have previously found that
    the purpose of this language was “to aid claimants in avoiding
    the obstacles a plan may place in their paths to the appeals
    board.” White v. Jacobs Eng’g Group, 
    896 F.2d 344
    , 351 (9th
    Cir. 1989).
    The administrative history indicates that when this rule was promul-
    gated, the deemed denied language was added to provide access to review.
    42 Fed. Reg. 27,427
     (1977) (“If the plan fails to act on the claim within
    these periods of time, paragraph (e) provides that the claim is deemed
    denied and the claimant may proceed to the review stage, described
    GATTI v. RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE              8609
    Further support for interpreting “deemed denied” to allow
    claimants to seek judicial review, rather than to cut off admin-
    istrators’ discretion, is provided by the amendments that were
    made to the regulation in 2000. The current version of the rel-
    evant regulation does not include the deemed denied lan-
    guage. Instead, the regulation specifies that if a plan fails to
    follow the requirements of the regulation:
    [A] claimant shall be deemed to have exhausted the
    administrative remedies available under the plan and
    shall be entitled to pursue any available remedies
    under section 502(a) of the Act on the basis that the
    plan has failed to provide a reasonable claims proce-
    dure that would yield a decision on the merits of the
    29 C.F.R. § 2560.503-1
    (l) (2002). The Department of Labor
    did not explain its reasons for this change, but did note, in
    explaining other changes, that section 503 of ERISA was
    intended “to assure that claimants whose claims are denied
    have the ability to take their claims to court without undue
    65 Fed. Reg. 70,246
    , 70,253 (Nov. 21, 2000).
    Finally, this interpretation is the most consistent with the
    way Gatti herself must have understood the regulation — she
    continued to submit documentation to Reliance well after the
    120 day deadline, suggesting that she did not believe her
    claim to have been deemed denied.
    [7] Nothing in the history of ERISA or its regulations, nor
    in the precedent that binds us, indicates that the “deemed
    denied” language is a temporal restriction on the administra-
    tor’s discretion. We reject the interpretation of “deemed
    denied” advanced by Gatti and accepted by the district court
    and interpret the “deemed denied” language to mean only that
    Gatti could have brought her lawsuit after the time limits
    expired. Instead, she chose to continue participating in Reli-
    8610           GATTI v. RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE
    ance’s claims review process until, as an act of discretion,
    Reliance denied her appeal.
    Another question left open in Jebian was “whether proce-
    dural violations influence the standard of review.” 
    349 F.3d at 1105
    . Although Jebian clarified that a claimant will only be
    entitled to substantive remedies for procedural violations of
    ERISA if the claimant can establish that the violation resulted
    in “substantive harm,” we have not previously decided
    whether procedural violations of ERISA regulations justify a
    non-deferential standard of review.
    [8] The case most relevant to this question is Blau v. Del
    Monte Corp., 
    748 F.2d 1348
     (9th Cir. 1984). In Blau, an
    ERISA benefits administrator “made no attempt to comply”
    with ERISA’s procedural requirements. Id. at 1352. The Blau
    opinion recognized that “[o]rdinarily, a claimant who suffers
    because of a fiduciary’s failure to comply with ERISA’s pro-
    cedural requirements is entitled to no substantive remedy.” Id.
    at 1353. However, the Blau panel found an exception to this
    When procedural violations rise to the level that they
    have in this case, they alter the substantive relation-
    ship between employer and employee that disclo-
    sure, reporting and fiduciary duties sought to balance
    somewhat more equally. The quantity of defendants’
    procedural violations may then work a substantive
    harm. Thus, in reviewing an administrator’s deci-
    sion, a court must consider continuing procedural
    violations in determining whether the decision to
    deny benefits in a particular case was arbitrary and
    Id. at 1354. Under Blau, procedural violations of ERISA’s
    requirements are evidence of arbitrary and capricious deci-
    GATTI v. RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE                8611
    sionmaking, and can result in substantive remedies if they
    caused the beneficiary substantive harm. Id.
    The Blau panel explicitly left open the question at issue
    here, but Blau’s language offers some guidance:
    Despite its failure to assume any of ERISA’s obliga-
    tions, [the plan administrator] urges upon us the def-
    erential standard of review generally applicable to
    administrator’s decisions under ERISA . . . . We do
    not decide that this is the only applicable standard of
    review when ERISA’s provisions have been flouted
    in such a wholesale and flagrant manner.
    Id. at 1352-53 (internal citations and quotation marks omit-
    ted). In Blau, it was the “wholesale and flagrant” nature of the
    benefits administrator’s violations that caused the panel to
    decide that the violations altered the substantive relationship
    between the employer and employee such that ERISA’s pur-
    poses were defeated. Id. at 1354.
    [9] It would be inconsistent with the opinion in Blau to
    alter the standard of review on the basis of technical viola-
    tions of ERISA’s requirements. It would also be inconsistent
    with what has previously been assumed, but not discussed, in
    our prior decisions which have applied deferential review
    even when the plan has committed procedural violations. See,
    e.g., Bogue v. Ampex Corp., 
    976 F.2d 1319
    , 1324-26 (9th Cir.
    1992) (applying the abuse of discretion standard even though
    the plan had admitted to procedural violations).
    [10] The district court interpreted Jebian to allow de novo
    review any time a benefits administrator violates the proce-
    dural requirements in ERISA’s regulations, no matter how
    small or inconsequential the violation. This interpretation of
    Jebian is inconsistent with Blau, and we reject it. Instead, as
    a corollary to Blau, we hold that procedural violations of
    ERISA do not alter the standard of review unless those viola-
    8612           GATTI v. RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE
    tions are so flagrant as to alter the substantive relationship
    between the employer and employee, thereby causing the ben-
    eficiary substantive harm.
    [11] De novo review of a plan administrator’s decision is
    justified where the plan administrator has a serious conflict of
    interest that the beneficiary can demonstrate with “material,
    probative evidence, beyond the mere fact of an apparent con-
    flict, tending to show that the fiduciary’s self-interest caused
    a breach of the administrator’s fiduciary obligations to the
    beneficiary.” Atwood v. Newmont Gold Co., 
    45 F.3d 1317
    1323 (9th Cir. 1995). The district court found that a serious
    conflict was evidenced by Reliance’s failure to follow the
    treating physician rule, which required that a treating physi-
    cian’s medical opinion be given controlling weight as long as
    it is well supported and consistent with other substantial evi-
    dence. Although we once applied this rule to ERISA cases, it
    is no longer good law. Black & Decker Disability Plan v.
    538 U.S. 822
    , 834 (2003) (holding that “courts have no
    warrant to require administrators automatically to accord spe-
    cial weight to the opinions of a claimant’s physician; nor may
    courts impose on plan administrators a discrete burden of
    explanation when they credit reliable evidence that conflicts
    with a treating physician’s evaluation”). Because the district
    court’s conclusion that a serious conflict existed was based on
    the discredited treating physician rule, de novo review is not
    justified on this basis.
    We remand this case for reconsideration under the appro-
    priate standard of review, given that procedural violations of
    ERISA should not alter the standard of review unless the ben-
    eficiary suffers substantive harm, and that the treating physi-
    cian rule is no longer good law. Unless the district court
    concludes that de novo review is nonetheless justified based
    GATTI v. RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE             8613
    on other evidence of substantive harm, the court should
    review Reliance’s decision for abuse of discretion. See Fire-
    489 U.S. at 114-15
    When considering the merits, the district court may prop-
    erly consider anything that was part of the administrative
    record before February 6, 2001, the date that Reliance made
    its final decision. See Kearney v. Standard Ins. Co., 
    175 F.3d 1084
    , 1090 (9th Cir. 1999) (“If a court reviews the adminis-
    trator’s decision, whether de novo as here, or for abuse of dis-
    cretion, the record that was before the administrator furnishes
    the primary basis for review.”). The district court should also
    reconsider its award of fees and costs depending on the results
    of the merits determination. See Barns v. Indep. Auto. Dealers
    Ass’n of Cal., 
    64 F.3d 1389
    , 1397 (9th Cir. 1995); 
    29 U.S.C. § 1132
    RYMER, Circuit Judge, concurring in part and in the judg-
    I agree that we must reverse because of the intervening
    reversal of the “treating physician rule” in Black & Decker
    Disability Plan v. Nord, 
    538 U.S. 822
     (2003). However, while
    I understand the majority’s basis for distinguishing Jebian v.
    349 F.3d 1098
     (9th Cir. 2003), I am hard-
    pressed to say that “deemed denials” can mean one thing if
    embedded in a Plan and another if established by regulation.
    I therefore part company on this issue.