Jerden v. Amstutz ( 2005 )

  •                  FOR PUBLICATION
    DANIEL JERDEN; CATRINA JERDEN,            No. 04-35889
    v.                           D.C. No.
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Oregon
    John P. Cooney, Magistrate Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    September 13, 2005—Portland, Oregon
    Filed December 9, 2005
    Before: Raymond C. Fisher, Ronald M. Gould, and
    Carlos T. Bea, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Gould
    16118                JERDEN v. AMSTUTZ
    Megan B. Annand, Law Office of Megan B. Annand, Med-
    ford, Oregon, for the plaintiffs-appellants.
    Robert L. Cowling (argued) and Benjamin M. Bloom, Cowl-
    ing, Heysell, Plouse, Ingalls & Moore, Medford, Oregon, for
    the defendant-appellee.
    JERDEN v. AMSTUTZ                   16119
    GOULD, Circuit Judge:
    In this diversity case, Plaintiffs-Appellants Mr. Daniel and
    Ms. Catrina Jerden (“Plaintiffs”) brought a claim of medical
    negligence against Defendant-Appellee Dr. Paul G. Amstutz
    (“Defendant”) after Defendant, a neurosurgeon, mistakenly
    diagnosed Mr. Jerden as having a brain tumor based partly on
    Defendant’s interpretation of magnetic resonance imaging
    (MRI) reports. Defendant conducted invasive and unwar-
    ranted brain surgery on Mr. Jerden before the correct diagno-
    sis of multiple sclerosis was made.
    Plaintiffs appeal from the judgment entered against them
    after a jury trial resulted in a verdict for Defendant, contend-
    ing that the district court committed reversible error warrant-
    ing a new trial. Plaintiffs assert that there was reversible error
    based on: (1) the granting of Defendant’s motion for a limit-
    ing instruction to the testimony of Plaintiffs’ expert witness,
    Dr. Karl Gross, on the last day of trial; (2) the actual jury
    instruction limiting Dr. Gross’s testimony; (3) the testimony
    of Defendant’s witness, Mr. Don Bowser, relating to his opin-
    ion of the magnetic resonance angiogram (MRA) report; and
    (4) the district court’s denial of Plaintiffs’ motion for a new
    trial in light of the above claims and newly discovered evi-
    dence that Defendant has a prosthetic eye. We agree that there
    was error in the granting of a motion limiting the jury’s con-
    sideration of Dr. Gross’s testimony, and error with regard to
    admission of Mr. Bowser’s opinion concerning the MRA
    report. We reverse and remand.
    In June 2000, Mr. Jerden was referred to Dr. Amstutz, who
    was called upon to evaluate an unknown illness. After exam-
    ining MRI reports of Mr. Jerden, Dr. Amstutz made a diagno-
    sis that Mr. Jerden had a brain tumor and recommended a
    16120                 JERDEN v. AMSTUTZ
    craniotomy. On July 10, 2000, Dr. Amstutz performed a
    craniotomy on Mr. Jerden, who was thereafter correctly diag-
    nosed with multiple sclerosis based on pathology analysis of
    the brain tissue removed during the operation.
    Plaintiffs, in their action for medical negligence, asserted
    that a less invasive biopsy would have had fewer physical
    implications and would have allowed a greater possibility of
    recovery from the effects of the plaques formed in the brain
    by the demyelination associated with multiple sclerosis. Plain-
    tiffs alleged that Defendant failed to review adequately the
    diagnostic MRI reports, radiology reports, and Mr. Jerden’s
    medical history and symptoms, which indicated signs of mul-
    tiple sclerosis. Plaintiffs also contended that Defendant was
    negligent for failing to use less intrusive diagnostic methods
    than the craniotomy and for failing to consult with qualified
    specialists such as neurologists.
    The jury trial commenced on May 24, 2004. As pertinent
    to this appeal, Plaintiffs presented testimony from two medi-
    cal doctors, Dr. Karl Gross, a neurologist, and Dr. Martin
    Johnson, a neurosurgeon, who both testified that Defendant
    breached his standard of care and that this breach was the
    cause of Plaintiffs’ injuries. Defendant countered with the
    presentation of medical testimony from Dr. Elaine Edmonds,
    a neurologist, and Dr. Edward A. Neuwelt, a neurosurgeon,
    who both testified that the initial diagnosis of a brain tumor
    was reasonable under the circumstances. In addition, the jury
    heard testimony from Defendant Dr. Amstutz and from a
    neurosurgical nurse practitioner, Mr. Bowser, who had
    worked with Defendant since 1997 and who had assisted Dr.
    Amstutz during Mr. Jerden’s operation.
    After a six-day trial, the jury returned a verdict for the
    Defendant on June 1, 2004. On June 16, 2004, Plaintiffs filed
    their motion for new trial which was denied on September 3,
    2004. Plaintiffs appeal.
    JERDEN v. AMSTUTZ                         16121
    We first consider Plaintiffs’ contention that the district
    court erred by granting a motion to strike testimony of Dr.
    Gross, a neurologist, and instructing the jury that it could not
    consider his testimony on the issue of negligence.1
    [1] Oregon has adopted a locality rule in medical malprac-
    tice actions whereby physicians have “the duty to use that
    degree of care, skill and diligence that is used by ordinarily
    careful physicians or podiatric physicians and surgeons in the
    same or similar circumstances in the community of the physi-
    cian or podiatric physician and surgeon or a similar communi-
    ty.” Or. Rev. Stat. § 677.095 (2003) (last amended Aug. 5,
    1997). Pursuant to Federal Rule of Evidence 601, the district
    court was required to follow the Oregon locality rule when
    presented with the testimony of out-of-town medical experts
    who testify as to the appropriate standard of care for local
    physician defendants. Under this evidentiary rule, out-of-town
    experts must show “knowledge of what is proper conduct by
    practitioners in the community or a similar community under
    circumstances similar to those which confronted the defen-
    dant.” Creasey v. Hogan, 
    637 P.2d 114
    , 122 (Or. 1981).
    During the trial, on Wednesday, May 26, 2004, Dr. Gross
    testified for Plaintiffs, stating that an ordinarily reasonable
    surgeon would not have made the incorrect diagnosis and
    would have referred the patient to a neurologist before con-
    ducting the operation. Dr. Gross did not expressly testify that
    he had knowledge of the proper medical conduct within
    Defendant’s community or a similar community. During the
    testimony of Dr. Gross, counsel for Defendant objected based
    on “lack of foundation, lack of qualification as to what a sur-
    geon should do,” after asking Dr. Gross if he ever practiced
    We review rulings to admit or exclude evidence for an abuse of discre-
    tion and will not reverse absent prejudice. Watec Co., Ltd. v. Liu, 
    403 F.3d 645
    , 650 n.3 (9th Cir. 2005).
    16122                     JERDEN v. AMSTUTZ
    surgery. Although the district court did not at this time make
    a ruling concerning this objection, Plaintiffs’ counsel in sub-
    stance cured this objection by asking Dr. Gross about his
    professional experience as a neurologist working with neuro-
    surgeons. See 
    Creasey, 637 P.2d at 118
    (allowing the testi-
    mony of medical experts from another discipline in medical
    malpractice actions on matters where the principles of both
    schools concur).
    On May 28, 2004, Defendant moved to strike the portion
    of Dr. Gross’s testimony relating to whether Defendant satis-
    fied his standard of care. The record is not crystal clear on
    whether the basis for the motion was disclosed when it was
    made on May 28th, or on the last day of trial, June 1st, when
    the motion was granted. However, this potential difference is
    not material to our analysis which proceeds on the assumption
    that the basis was disclosed on May 28, two days after Dr.
    Gross’s testimony had concluded. Defendant argued that Dr.
    Gross’s testimony relating to Defendant’s standard of care
    was inadmissible because Dr. Gross, in his testimony two
    days earlier, had not stated that he was familiar with the
    proper medical conduct in Defendant’s community in compli-
    ance with the foundational requirement under Creasey.2 The
    court granted the Defendant’s motion to strike on June 1, con-
    cluding that a necessary predicate for the testimony was not
    An expert can satisfy this requirement without actual knowledge of the
    defendant’s community and may even testify that a nationally uniform
    standard of care should govern the defendant’s conduct. See Mosley v.
    816 P.2d 1198
    , 1201-1202 (Or. Ct. App. 1991). Furthermore,
    Defendant Dr. Amstutz himself introduced testimony of an out-of-town
    neurologist stating an opinion as to Defendant’s standard of care which
    was admitted after the neurologist acknowledged that she was familiar
    with the standard of care governing the locality. Defendant’s witness
    expressly testified that she was “familiar with the appropriate methods of
    practice for doctors who take care of patients with MS and physicians who
    actually diagnose MS such as Dr. Amstutz, who is a neurosurgeon in this
    case practicing in Klamath Falls” and that she was “familiar with what is
    appropriate care for those neurosurgeons under these circumstances.”
    JERDEN v. AMSTUTZ                          16123
    given, which the court described as a lack of “magic words.”3
    Shortly thereafter, the court instructed the jury: “You have
    heard testimony from Karl Gross, M.D. This testimony should
    be considered by you for a limited purpose only. You are
    instructed that you may not use any of Dr. Gross’ testimony
    as a basis for deciding whether Dr. Amstutz was negligent.”
    Plaintiffs have argued on appeal that the limiting instruc-
    tion regarding Dr. Gross’s testimony should not have been
    given because the objection was untimely, and because the
    phrasing of the instruction was overbroad. We focus on the
    first contention, and consider the issue of the timeliness of the
    objection to be dispositive in our assessment of whether trial
    error by the district court occurred.4
    The rule requiring timely objection to evidence in federal
    trials is set forth explicitly in the Federal Rules of Evidence.
    “Error may not be predicated upon a ruling which admits or
    excludes evidence unless a substantial right of the party is
    In ruling on the Defendant’s motion, the district court stated: “The
    Court invited counsel to show the Court where in the transcript of Dr.
    Gross’s testimony there was that necessary predicate. And counsel quite
    candidly has said that the magic words, if you will, are not there or remain
    — that she cannot find them either.”
    Because Plaintiffs did not object to the wording of the instruction, their
    challenge to the ambiguous language is waived. Fed. R. Civ. P. 51. Plain-
    tiffs’ opposition to the motion to strike did not alert the district court to
    Plaintiffs’ particular concerns about the language of the instruction and in
    our view the lack of a specific objection on this ground cannot be justified
    based on the “pointless formality” exception. Voohries-Larson v. Cessna
    Aircraft Co., 
    241 F.3d 707
    , 714 (9th Cir. 2001). We have recognized only
    a limited sphere for plain error in a civil case. As we held in Bird v. Gla-
    cier Electric Cooperative, Inc.: “We will review for plain or fundamental
    error, absent a contemporaneous objection or motion for a new trial before
    a jury has rendered its verdict, where the integrity or fundamental fairness
    of the proceedings in the trial court is called into serious question.” 
    255 F.3d 1136
    , 1148 (9th Cir. 2001). Assuming, without deciding, that plain
    error can ever be found under this standard as to jury instructions for
    which objection was not given, the jury instruction given here without
    objection does not meet our standard for plain error.
    16124                      JERDEN v. AMSTUTZ
    affected, and . . . a timely objection or motion to strike
    appears of record, stating the specific ground of objection, if
    the specific ground was not apparent from the context . . . .”
    Fed. R. Evid. 103 (2005).
    [2] This rule is reflected in the guidance of a respected pro-
    cedural treatise. “An objection must be made as soon as the
    ground of it is known, or could reasonably have been known
    to the objector, unless some special reason makes its post-
    ponement desirable for him and not unfair to the offeror.” 21
    Charles Alan Wright & Kenneth W. Graham, Jr., Federal
    Practice and Procedure § 5037.1 (2d ed. 2005) (citing John
    H. Wigmore, Code of Evidence 25 (3d ed. 1942)). The
    requirement of timely and specific objections “serves to
    ensure that the ‘nature of the error [is] called to the attention
    of the judge, so as to alert him [or her] to the proper course
    of action and enable opposing counsel to take corrective mea-
    sures.’ ” United States v. Gomez-Norena, 
    908 F.2d 497
    , 500
    (9th Cir. 1990) (quoting Advisory Committee’s Note to Rule
    56 F.R.D. 183
    , 195 (1972)) (first alteration in origi-
    [3] The specific basis for Defendant’s objection to Dr.
    Gross’s testimony should have been asserted when Dr. Gross
    testified as to Defendant’s compliance with his standard of
    care without reciting that he had knowledge of the proper
    medical conduct within Defendant’s community.5 “An objec-
    tion is ‘timely’ if it is made as soon as the opponent knows,
    or should know, that the objection is applicable.” 1 Jack B.
    Weinstein & Margaret A. Berger, Weinstein’s Federal Evi-
    Because Defendant’s objection during Dr. Gross’s testimony did not
    make any reference to the community where Defendant practiced, it did
    not give the Plaintiffs fair notice of the grounds for Defendant’s successful
    motion to strike Dr. Gross’s testimony made on May 28, near the end of
    the trial. See United States v. Gomez-Norena, 
    908 F.2d 497
    , 500 (9th Cir.
    1990) (holding that “a party fails to preserve an evidentiary issue for
    appeal not only by failing to make a specific objection, but also by making
    the wrong specific objection.”) (citations omitted) (emphasis in original).
    JERDEN v. AMSTUTZ                   16125
    dence § 103.11 (Joseph M. McLaughlin ed., 2d ed. 1997)
    (footnotes omitted); see also San Antonio Cmty. Hosp. v. So.
    Cal. Dist. Council of Carpenters, 
    125 F.3d 1230
    , 1238 (9th
    Cir. 1997) (concluding that the failure to raise a hearsay
    objection until the close of direct examination is a waiver of
    the objection); McKnight v. Johnson Controls, Inc., 
    36 F.3d 1396
    , 1408 (8th Cir. 1994); Belmont Indus. v. Bethlehem Steel
    512 F.2d 434
    , 437-38 (3d Cir. 1975).
    Despite the apparent delay and the lack of timeliness of the
    Defendant’s specific objection at issue, we recognize that
    “trial courts have broad discretion in making evidence rulings
    and handling late objections.” Home Indem. Co. v. Lane Pow-
    ell Moss & Miller, 
    43 F.3d 1322
    , 1329 (9th Cir. 1995); see
    also United States v. Achiekwelu, 
    112 F.3d 747
    , 754 (4th Cir.
    1997) (“Even when a district court admits evidence without
    objection, the district court has the discretion to grant a subse-
    quent motion made after the close of the evidence to exclude
    the evidence.”). However, we hold here that the court’s late
    exclusion of Dr. Gross’s testimony was an abuse of its discre-
    tion because the untimely decision unfairly prevented Plain-
    tiffs from providing a curative response.
    [3] We have adhered to the general rule that neither the dis-
    trict court nor the opposing party may unfairly deprive parties
    of the opportunity to lay a foundation in support of their evi-
    dence. The opposing party may not delay objections until
    after trial such that it becomes too late to resolve them effec-
    tively. See Bartleson v. United States, 
    96 F.3d 1270
    , 1278
    (9th Cir. 1996) (holding that an objection not raised during
    trial is waived because the delay “denied [the witness] the
    opportunity to lay a better foundation for his testimony, and
    potentially denied the government the opportunity to intro-
    duce other evidence on the issue”). Also, the district court
    may not exclude evidence before trial without allowing the
    parties to lay a foundation for its admission. See Wendt v.
    Host International, Inc., 
    125 F.3d 806
    , 814 (9th Cir. 1997)
    (holding that the district court abused its discretion in exclud-
    16126                      JERDEN v. AMSTUTZ
    ing evidence on summary judgment without providing the
    parties with “the opportunity respectively to lay a foundation
    for the admission of the survey or to challenge the adequacy
    of the foundation”). Our prior decisions viewed together sup-
    port the principle that an objection to admission of evidence
    on foundational grounds must give the basis for objection in
    a timely way to permit the possibility of cure.
    This principle is reinforced by decisions of other circuits
    that have required district courts to give parties an opportunity
    to respond to objections to the foundation of their evidence.
    “Given the ‘liberal thrust’ of the federal rules it is particularly
    important that the side trying to defend the admission of evi-
    dence be given an adequate chance to do so.” Padillas v.
    Stork-Gamco, Inc., 
    186 F.3d 412
    , 417 (3d Cir. 1999) (citation
    omitted). “Counsel should not ‘sandbag’ Daubert concerns
    until the close of an opponent’s case, thereby placing oppos-
    ing counsel and the trial court at a severe disadvantage.”
    Alfred v. Caterpillar, Inc., 
    262 F.3d 1083
    , 1087 (10th Cir.
    [4] Considering our precedent and that of other circuits
    interpreting Rule 103, we hold that the exclusion of testimony
    for lack of foundation is improper following an untimely
    objection if such objection unfairly deprives the proponents of
    the testimony of an opportunity to cure the objection. Apply-
    ing this rule here, we conclude that the district court did not
    give Plaintiffs an opportunity to lay a foundation for the testi-
    mony after the basis of Defendant’s objection to the existing
    foundation was belatedly made clear. Any foundational flaw
    in the testimony of Dr. Gross as presented likely could have
    In contrast to this reasoning, the Fourth Circuit in United States v.
    Achiekwelu sustained the granting of an untimely objection, which was
    asserted after closing arguments, that defendant failed to provide authenti-
    cation for a key 
    document. 112 F.3d at 754
    . The court there held that Rule
    103’s requirement of timely objections only applied to the appellate
    court’s ability to review erroneous rulings, and did not limit the district
    court’s discretionary power to grant these objections. 
    Id. JERDEN v.
    AMSTUTZ                          16127
    been fixed if Defendant had disclosed to Plaintiffs the basis
    for his objection when Dr. Gross was still on the witness stand
    and available to amplify his testimony.7
    [5] Defendant contended at oral argument that his objection
    at the close of Plaintiffs’ evidence was timely because Plain-
    tiffs failed to present an essential element of their case so that
    the testimony was not improper until Plaintiffs closed their
    case without providing the necessary predicate. However, we
    reject this argument because Oregon case law describes the
    foundation requirement as a rule of evidence, and not as an
    element of defendant’s standard of care. See 
    Creasey, 637 P.2d at 121
    (stating that while the definition of Defendant’s
    standard of care is a rule of law, “[t]he evidence question is
    one of foundation or competency: Can an out-of-town expert
    testify as to the propriety of a local practitioner’s treatment
    absent some knowledge of the standard of medical treatment
    in the community?”). Therefore, the testimony of Dr. Gross
    was immediately objectionable once Dr. Gross stated his
    opinion on the standard of care if he had not satisfied all nec-
    essary foundation for his opinion testimony.8
    The district court stated in its order denying Plaintiffs’ motion for a
    new trial that Plaintiffs could have corrected the foundational flaw by
    arranging for the witness to testify by telephone. Plaintiffs assert that this
    option was not actually presented to them when the court considered the
    motion to strike. Testimony in open court by telephone is permitted “for
    good cause shown in compelling circumstances and upon appropriate safe-
    guards,” Fed. R. Civ. P. 43(a). In light of the district court’s error in vali-
    dating an untimely objection, it would be unfair to require Plaintiffs to
    have initiated the option of a telephone deposition supplementing Dr.
    Gross’s testimony given the short amount of time before the trial was set
    to end and the relative disadvantage of having a key expert witness testify
    by telephone.
    This conclusion is strengthened by considering the procedural context.
    If Defendant had intended to argue in the district court that Plaintiffs had
    failed to present evidence as to all elements of their claim, Defendant
    might have tried to move for a directed verdict rather than for an instruc-
    tion limiting portions of Dr. Gross’s testimony.
    16128                     JERDEN v. AMSTUTZ
    [6] A timely and specific objection to Dr. Gross’s knowl-
    edge of the standard of medical conduct in Defendant’s com-
    munity would have allowed Plaintiffs to attempt to resolve the
    foundational concern by asking Dr. Gross whether he had
    knowledge of the proper standard for Defendant’s community
    or a similar community. The district court should have given
    Plaintiffs an opportunity to lay a proper foundation under the
    locality rule, if they could do so, before the court decided to
    grant Defendant’s untimely motion and to severely limit the
    jury’s consideration of Dr. Gross’s testimony. By striking key
    portions of Dr. Gross’s testimony that supported the negli-
    gence claim, without providing Plaintiffs with an opportunity
    to correct the foundational requirement of knowledge of local
    medical standards, the district court abused its discretion.
    Plaintiffs also assert error in the admission of Mr. Bowser’s
    testimony concerning his observations of the MRA report,
    which are a special type of MRI report. Mr. Bowser is a
    neurosurgical nurse practitioner who acted as Defendant’s
    surgical assistant during the operation on Mr. Jerden. He testi-
    fied that he routinely reviewed imaging reports before opera-
    tions although he was not licensed to interpret them.
    Plaintiffs examined Mr. Bowser as an adverse witness dur-
    ing their case-in-chief. During cross-examination, Defendant
    asked Mr. Bowser about his observations of the MRA report
    of Mr. Jerden and whether he thought that they indicated a
    brain tumor. Defendant argues that Plaintiffs failed to make
    a timely objection to this testimony. The transcript shows that
    Plaintiffs’ counsel promptly and specifically objected when
    these questions were raised by the Defendant but the objec-
    tion was overruled by the court.9 The district court held that
    Defendant’s argument that Plaintiffs “opened the door” to this testi-
    mony also fails because Plaintiffs never sought the opinion of Mr. Bowser.
    “Under the rule of curative admissibility, or the ‘opening the door’ doc-
    JERDEN v. AMSTUTZ                          16129
    these statements were admissible because Mr. Bowser was
    testifying as a fact witness and did not state any opinions as
    an expert.10
    [7] Lay witnesses can permissibly base opinion testimony
    upon their experience, but the Federal Rules of Evidence
    require that lay opinion testimony be “(a) rationally based on
    the perception of the witness, (b) helpful to a clear under-
    standing of the witness’ testimony or the determination of a
    fact in issue, and (c) not based on scientific, technical, or
    other specialized knowledge within the scope of Rule 702.”
    Fed. R. Evid. 701. “The mere percipience of a witness to the
    facts on which he wishes to tender an opinion does not trump
    Rule 702.” United States v. Figueroa-Lopez, 
    125 F.3d 1241
    1246 (9th Cir. 1997) (holding that opinions were based on
    specialized knowledge within the meaning of Rule 702
    because they were “properly characterized as testimony based
    on the perceptions, education, training, and experience of the
    Mr. Bowser’s testimony contained detailed and scientific
    observations about the MRA report and the conclusions that
    he interpreted the MRA of Mr. Jerden’s brain to show signs
    trine, the introduction of inadmissible evidence by one party allows an
    opponent, in the court’s discretion, to introduce evidence on the same
    issue to rebut any false impression that might have resulted from the ear-
    lier admission.” United States v. Whitworth, 
    856 F.2d 1268
    , 1285 (9th Cir.
    1988) (citation omitted). Plaintiffs questioned Mr. Bowser about the actual
    diagnosis made before the surgery and how this diagnosis affected their
    surgical procedure. The diagnosis and its effect on the surgery is a fact
    independent of any personal opinion held by Mr. Bowser. Plaintiffs did
    not attempt to introduce inadmissible expert opinion from these questions
    such that Defendant would be permitted to follow them through the door.
    In its order denying Plaintiffs’ motion for a new trial, the court upheld
    its admission of Mr. Bowser’s testimony and its overruling of Plaintiffs’
    objection by stating that the “trial transcript shows that Mr. Bowser did
    not testify as an expert, and that he only testified as to what he did in his
    practice, and specifically as to plaintiff Daniel Jerden’s care.”
    16130                      JERDEN v. AMSTUTZ
    of a brain tumor. Mr. Bowser’s testimony did not merely
    relate his factual observations of what occurred that was
    within his competence to describe; instead, he rendered opin-
    ions and inferences that he drew from his observations and
    that, as he himself admitted, he was not competent to provide.
    [8] Because of its incorrect conclusion that Mr. Bowser was
    simply testifying about facts, the district court did not use the
    proper standards to determine whether the opinions expressed
    by Mr. Bowser should have been characterized as expert or
    lay opinions. If the district court wanted to consider Mr.
    Bowser’s opinion as a lay opinion, then it was necessary to
    assess all requirements of Federal Rule of Evidence 701: that
    the opinion is rationally based on the witness’s perceptions,
    that it is helpful to a trier of fact, and that it is not based on
    scientific, technical or other specialized knowledge.11
    Plaintiffs are entitled to a thorough evaluation of Mr.
    Bowser’s qualifications to interpret an MRA report as either
    a qualified expert or as a lay witness entitled to give opinion,
    in light of the division in the testimonial opinions that were
    given by undisputedly qualified experts. See 
    Figueroa-Lopez, 125 F.3d at 1246
    (“Trial courts must ensure that experts are
    qualified to render their opinions and that the opinions will
    assist the trier of fact.”). While the privileges granted to Mr.
    Bowser by the state licensing board are not dispositive of his
    right to testify, he must show greater expertise in the field
    before he can be deemed qualified to opine on the compli-
    From the record before us now, Mr. Bowser’s statements that the
    MRA report showed a brain tumor appear to be in the nature of proffered
    expert opinions based on his experience as a nurse practitioner working in
    neurosurgery. If Mr. Bowser lacked the specialized experience to state
    these opinions as an expert consistent with Federal Rule of Evidence 702,
    then the record before us does not indicate that his opinions would likely
    be admissible as lay opinion testimony because the record does not dis-
    close a rational basis in his perceptions or a legitimate capacity to help the
    trier of fact with lay opinion.
    JERDEN v. AMSTUTZ                   16131
    cated and divisive issue of this MRA report. On the current
    record, we are skeptical that he meets this standard.
    [9] We conclude that it was error to permit Mr. Bowser to
    give opinion testimony interpreting the MRA report as show-
    ing a tumor when there was no testimony showing that he was
    qualified as an expert to do so, within the scope of Federal
    Rule of Evidence 702, or otherwise permitted to give lay
    opinion testimony consistent with the standards of Federal
    Rule of Evidence 701.
    Although we have concluded that the district court erred in
    striking and limiting the testimony of Dr. Gross in light of the
    untimely specificity of the objection, and that the district court
    also erred in admitting Mr. Bowser’s testimony on the same
    issue, these conclusions do not end our inquiry.
    [10] Evidentiary errors to warrant reversal must affect the
    substantial rights of the appellant. Obrey v. Johnson, 
    400 F.3d 691
    , 699 (9th Cir. 2005) (citing Fed. R. of Evid. 103 and Fed.
    R. Civ. P. 61). However, we start with “a presumption of prej-
    Id. at 701.
    As pertinent here, that presumption may be
    rebutted if Defendant can show that, more likely than not, the
    jury would have reached the same verdict if Dr. Gross’s testi-
    mony had been admitted on negligence and Mr. Bowser’s tes-
    timony interpreting the MRA report had been excluded.
    [11] We are considering these errors cumulatively. See,
    e.g., Gonzales v. Police Dept., City of San Jose, Cal., 
    901 F.2d 758
    , 762 (9th Cir. 1990) (“Considered together, there is
    no doubt that a remand is required in light of the cumulative
    effect of the two material errors.”); Gordon Mailloux Enters.,
    Inc. v. Firemen’s Ins. Co. of Newark, N.J., 
    366 F.2d 740
    , 742
    (9th Cir. 1966) (“We conclude it too must be reversed;
    although the errors requiring reversal, if considered sepa-
    rately, were perhaps harmless, their cumulative effect was
    16132                     JERDEN v. AMSTUTZ
    prejudicial.”). Many of our sister circuits have similarly held
    that cumulative error in a civil trial may suffice to warrant a
    new trial even if each error standing alone may not be prejudi-
    cial. See, e.g., Beck v. Haik, 
    377 F.3d 624
    , 645 (6th Cir. 2004)
    (“Since a jury reaches its verdict in light of the evidence as
    a whole, it makes no sense to try to analyze errors in artificial
    isolation, when deciding whether they were harmless.”);
    Frymire-Brinati v. KPMG Peat Marwick, 
    2 F.3d 183
    , 188
    (7th Cir. 1993); Malek v. Fed. Ins. Co., 
    994 F.2d 49
    , 55 (2d
    Cir. 1993); Hendler v. United States, 
    952 F.2d 1364
    , 1383
    (Fed. Cir. 1991); but see SEC v. Infinity Group Co., 
    212 F.3d 180
    , 196 (3d Cir. 2000).
    [12] This case involved multiple medical experts on both
    sides testifying as to the proper interpretation of the MRI and
    MRA reports and whether Defendant’s mistaken interpreta-
    tion of the reports as showing a tumor, rather than demyelin-
    ation, was a breach of his standard of care. The jury was
    required to decide which side to believe, assessing credibility
    of witnesses and determining how much weight to give the
    views of each. We cannot say that “it is more probable than
    not that the jury would have reached the same verdict” if Dr.
    Gross’s testimony had not been limited and if Mr. Bowser’s
    testimony had been. 
    Obrey, 400 F.3d at 701
    . We conclude
    that the errors affected a substantial right of the parties and
    constituted reversible error warranting a new trial.12 We
    accordingly reverse the district court’s judgment and remand
    for further proceedings consistent with this disposition.
    Because we reverse on these evidentiary errors, we need not consider
    Plaintiffs’ further argument that a new trial was warranted because of
    Plaintiffs’ counsel’s belated discovery that Defendant Amstutz had a pros-
    thetic eye.

Document Info

Docket Number: 04-35889

Filed Date: 12/8/2005

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/13/2015

Authorities (24)

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