United States v. Betts ( 2007 )

  •                  FOR PUBLICATION
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,                 No. 06-50205
    Plaintiff-Appellee,          D.C. No.
    v.                         CR-04-00172-
    MARCUS BRANDON BETTS,                         DOC-3
         OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of California
    David O. Carter, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    January 10, 2007—Pasadena, California
    Filed December 14, 2007
    Before: Andrew J. Kleinfeld, Ronald M. Gould, and
    Milan D. Smith, Jr., Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Kleinfeld
    16408              UNITED STATES v. BETTS
    James H. Locklin, Deputy Federal Public Defender, Los
    Angeles, California, for the appellant.
    Douglas F. McCormick, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Santa Ana,
    California, for the appellee.
    KLEINFELD, Circuit Judge:
    We review several conditions of supervised release.
    Marcus Betts worked for TransUnion LLC, one of the three
    major credit reporting agencies. He was the leader of the unit
    that decided disputes, where people claimed that some black
    mark on their credit score was inaccurate. He took bribes to
    conspire with his codefendants to falsely improve people’s
    UNITED STATES v. BETTS                 16409
    credit scores. His coconspirators would take money from peo-
    ple who wanted to improve their credit, and send letters that
    Betts would put in TransUnion’s database in such a way as to
    delete negative entries. It was a kind of private sector ticket-
    fixing scheme, with the outside people calling themselves
    “Second Chance Financial Services,” designed to make it eas-
    ier for people with bad credit records to borrow money. Betts
    did not create or direct the conspiracy, but was the essential
    inside man at TransUnion and helped his coconspirators com-
    pose an effective form letter. Betts falsified 654 credit histo-
    ries, generating around a million dollars in losses to lenders
    who got stuck with the bad risks.
    He pleaded guilty to conspiracy under 
    18 U.S.C. § 371
    , and
    raises no issues on appeal except with regard to sentencing.
    He claims that some of the conditions of supervised release
    are too restrictive. The judgment applies these conditions to
    the entire three-year period of supervised release.
    We review conditions of supervised release for abuse of dis-
    1.       The Employment Restriction.
    The two most onerous conditions challenged were justified
    by the record in this case. The district court restricted Betts’s
    employment after his release from prison to keep him away
    from his employers’ money, and required him to allow
    searches without warrant.
    The employment restriction that Betts challenges says that
    “the defendant shall not be employed in any capacity wherein
    he has custody, control, or management, of his employer’s
    United States v. Weber, 
    451 F.3d 552
    , 557 (9th Cir. 2006) (quoting
    United States v. Williams, 
    356 F.3d 1045
    , 1052 (9th Cir. 2004)).
    16410                   UNITED STATES v. BETTS
    funds, lines of credit, or any similar sources of monies.” Betts
    argues that this condition was an abuse of discretion because
    his crime did not involve stealing from his employer, so the
    condition unduly restricts his employability. Also, he argues,
    the district court did not expressly determine whether the con-
    dition is necessary to protect the public, and if so, what mini-
    mum time and extent would sufficiently protect the public.
    [1] Betts was an employee of a credit reporting company,
    but his fraud would harm, at least in the short run, only the
    banks that loaned money to the debtors whose history he
    faked, not his employer. Nevertheless, as an employee, he
    owed the credit reporting company a fiduciary duty of loyalty.2
    An employee’s duty of loyalty includes a duty to act solely
    for the interests of his employer within the business area for
    which he is employed, account to the employer for money
    received in connection with his work, and avoid undisclosed
    interests that might affect his conduct as an employee.3 An
    employee who takes a bribe to benefit some third party vio-
    lates his duty to his employer, even if the harm induced by the
    bribe is to a third party. Betts took bribes to use his employ-
    ment duties in a way that would distort the credit reports his
    employer provided, with obvious potential harm to lenders
    who relied on the reports.
    [2] The applicable statutes and guidelines enabled the judge
    to restrict employment as he did. The district court may, sub-
    ject to other statutory provisions and sentencing guidelines,
    impose as a condition of supervised release any of the discre-
    Restatement (Second) of Agency § 387 (“Unless otherwise agreed, an
    agent is subject to a duty to his principal to act solely for the benefit of
    the principal in all matters connected with his agency.”).
    Warren A. Seavey, Law of Agency § 147 (1964) (“[W]ithin the area of
    his employment and when not acting in the protection of a superior or
    equal interest, [an agent’s] duty is to give single-minded attention to the
    principal’s affairs and to subordinate personal interests, except with the
    principal’s consent.”).
    UNITED STATES v. BETTS                   16411
    tionary conditions available for probation.4 Among these are
    that the defendant “refrain . . . from engaging in a specified
    occupation, business, or profession bearing a reasonably
    direct relationship to the conduct constituting the offense, or
    engage in such a specified occupation, business, or profession
    only to a stated degree or under stated circumstances.”5
    The applicable sentencing guideline in substance repeats
    the statutory provision and adds some restraint on its use. The
    condition has to be “reasonably necessary to protect the pub-
    lic because there is reason to believe that, absent such restric-
    tion, the defendant will continue to engage in unlawful
    conduct similar to that for which the defendant was convicted.”6
    The purpose of the occupational restrictions is to prevent
    crime but facilitate lawful employment, so occupational
    restrictions must be used prophylactically rather than as punish-
    [3] The question here is how close the crimes protected
    against by the employment restriction have to be to the crimes
    of conviction. The answer implied by the statutes and guide-
    lines, is, close enough to protect the public from reasonably
    similar crimes. An employee such as Betts, who has taken
    bribes to betray his employer, has sufficiently demonstrated
    his untrustworthiness in the employment relationship to be
    kept away from employers’ money for three years. That the
    crime of embezzlement differs from the crime of conspiracy,
    and that Betts’s conspiracy used the employer as a vehicle
    rather than as the victim, do not eliminate the “reasonably
    direct” relationship needed. It is not sufficient, for purposes of
    protecting the public, that the barn door only be locked
    against the commission of a substantially identical crime. The
    public is entitled to be protected against crimes flowing from
    18 U.S.C. § 3583
    18 U.S.C. § 3563
    U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 5F1.5(a)(2) (2006).
    U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 5F1.5 cmt. background (2006).
    16412                    UNITED STATES v. BETTS
    the same character trait demonstrated by the crime. Betts was
    a dishonest employee who betrayed his employer.
    The judge expressly stated his view that the employment
    restriction had a connection to the crime committed, and that
    Betts’s employment in any capacity needed scrutiny to protect
    against fraud. Betts argues that this explanation was inade-
    quate but has cited no authority requiring the judge to say
    more. Circuit law establishes that a sentencing judge is not
    required “to articulate on the record at sentencing the reasons
    for imposing each condition”8 of supervised release, where we
    can determine from the record whether the court abused its
    2.       Warrantless Searches.
    The judgment provides that “the defendant shall submit
    person and property to search and seizure at any time of the
    day or night by any law enforcement officer, with or without
    a warrant.” The judge said that the reason for this condition
    was “the underlying crime itself, and the fraudulent nature of
    that crime.”
    [4] Betts argues that the court abused its discretion because
    he had no prior convictions and had fully accepted responsi-
    bility for his crime. We cannot characterize the judge’s exer-
    cise of discretion as an abuse, even though it is very intrusive.
    First, the public is entitled to protection against the possibility
    that Betts’s conduct may not have been so aberrational as he
    contends, and considering his skill and success in committing
    this subtle fraud, protection will not be easy.
    [5] Second, the Supreme Court recently held in Samson v.
    California, that a similarly worded condition imposed by stat-
    ute on all California parolees did not violate the Fourth
    Amendment, even though the condition did not require rea-
    United States v. Rearden, 
    349 F.3d 608
    , 619 (9th Cir. 2003).
    UNITED STATES v. BETTS            16413
    sonable suspicion.9 The Court considered the high risk of
    recidivism for people convicted of crimes, and the problem
    that “[i]mposing a reasonable suspicion requirement . . .
    would give parolees greater opportunity to anticipate searches
    and conceal criminality.”10 Because the blanket requirement
    imposed by California on state parolees did not violate the
    Fourth Amendment, a fortiori the individualized requirement
    imposed in this case on supervised release does not. There is
    no sound reason for distinguishing parole from supervised
    release with respect to this condition. The federal system has
    abolished parole, and uses supervised release to supervise fel-
    ons after they get out of prison.11 People on supervised release
    have not completed their sentences, they are serving them.
    The Court in Samson itself drew the analogy to supervised
    release.12 After Samson, there is no room for treating the
    search condition in this case as an abuse of discretion.
    3.        Windfalls.
    The judgment provides that “as directed by the Probation
    Officer, the defendant shall apply monies received from
    income tax refunds, lottery winnings, inheritance, judgments,
    and any anticipated or unexpected financial gains to the out-
    standing Court-ordered financial obligation.”13 The “Court-
    ordered obligation” is the $967,340 restitution order, which is
    itself not challenged.
    With respect to this condition, the district court erred by
    delegating what would be done to the probation officer. The
    problem is not that part or all of the money will be applied to
    restitution, but rather that the probation officer instead of the
    judge will decide how much.
    Samson v. California, 
    126 S.Ct. 2193
    , 2202 (2006).
    Id. at 2201
    Pub.L. No. 98-473, 
    98 Stat. 2177
    126 S.Ct. at 2201
    Emphasis added.
    16414                    UNITED STATES v. BETTS
    The controlling statute says that “the court” must make the
    decisions about the terms of restitution.14 The statute specifi-
    cally provides that “the court” makes the decision on changes
    in terms because of changes in the defendant’s financial cir-
    cumstances. The defendant has to notify the court and the
    prosecution, and then the court decides on motion of either
    party or on its own motion what changes to make.15
    [6] We remanded twice in the same case, United States v.
    Gunning,16 holding that the district judge erred by delegating
    the scheduling of restitution payments, first to the probation
    officer and then to the Bureau of Prisons. We held, in accord
    with our sister circuits, that “fixing the terms for making resti-
    tution . . . is non-delegable,”17 and we said as clearly and
    emphatically as we could that “the district court simply does
    not have the authority to delegate its own scheduling duties
    [for paying restitution] — not to the probation office, not to
    the BOP, not to anyone else.”18 The sentence has to be
    vacated and remanded because the district court erred by dele-
    gating to the probation office how large restitution payment
    terms would be affected by windfalls.
    [7] The motion procedure outlined in section 3664(k) does
    leave open a practical problem, that a windfall will be spent
    18 U.S.C. § 3664
    18 U.S.C. § 3664
    (k) (“A restitution order shall provide that the defen-
    dant shall notify the court and the Attorney General of any material
    change in the defendant’s economic circumstances that might affect the
    defendant’s ability to pay restitution. The court may also accept notifica-
    tion of a material change in the defendant’s economic circumstance from
    the United States or from the victim . . . . Upon receipt of the notification,
    the court may, on its own motion, or the motion of any party, including
    the victim, adjust the payment schedule, or require immediate payment in
    full, as the interests of justice require.”).
    United States v. Gunning, 
    401 F.3d 1145
     (9th Cir. 2005); United
    States v. Gunning, 
    339 F.3d 948
     (9th Cir. 2003).
    401 F.3d at 1149
    Id. at 1150
    UNITED STATES v. BETTS            16415
    or hidden before the notification and motion process is com-
    pleted. That problem can be solved by altering the windfall
    condition to require the defendant to turn over every penny of
    a tax refund, payment on a judgment, inheritance, lottery win-
    nings, etc., to the probation officer for deposit in a court
    account until the court issues its order pursuant to section
    3664(k). Such a condition would preserve the money while
    the court, not the probation officer, decided how it should be
    applied. For inheritances, settlements and judgments received
    during incarceration, the statute dictates that all the money be
    applied to restitution,19 but there may be more room for judi-
    cial discretion for income tax refunds and for money received
    after incarceration ends.
    4.        Alcohol.
    The judgment commands that “the defendant shall abstain
    from using illicit drugs or alcohol and abusing prescription
    medications during the term of supervised release.” No issue
    is raised regarding illicit drugs or abusing prescription medi-
    cations, but Betts challenges the requirement that he “abstain
    from using . . . alcohol.” On the record before us, he is cor-
    There is nothing in the record to suggest that the judge
    thought there was any past abuse of alcohol, or any relation-
    ship between alcohol and Betts’s crime. Betts appears to have
    lost this liberty because of a policy disagreement between the
    federal defender’s office and the court, and a misallocation of
    the burden of proof. Presentence reports always have a para-
    graph about substance abuse, and in Betts’s report the proba-
    tion officer wrote that “[o]n the advice of counsel, Betts
    declined to discuss his past or current use of illicit substances
    or alcohol.” The supervised release statute requires urinalysis
    for drugs as an explicit condition of supervised release unless
    the judge exercises discretion otherwise. The probation officer
    18 U.S.C. § 3664
    16416                   UNITED STATES v. BETTS
    recommended that drug testing be suspended because “the
    defendant poses a low risk of future substance abuse,” and the
    judge accepted his recommendation.
    [8] In United States v. Weber, we acknowledged that “a dis-
    trict court’s discretion [in imposing conditions of supervised
    release] is not . . . boundless.”20 We identified 
    18 U.S.C. § 3583
     as the “principal statute governing a district court’s
    ability to impose conditions . . . .”21 After examining § 3583
    and the statutes referenced therein, we concluded that
    “[u]nder this statutory scheme, . . . conditions of supervised
    release ‘are permissible only if they are reasonably related to
    the goal of deterrence, protection of the public, or rehabilita-
    tion of the offender’ ” and “involve ‘no greater deprivation of
    liberty than is reasonably necessary for the purposes’ of
    supervised release.”22 And we explained that this determina-
    tion must be an “individualized” one based on “the nature and
    circumstances of the offense and the history and characteris-
    tics of the defendant.”23 The requirement of individualization
    leaves no room for blanket policies applicable without indi-
    vidualized consideration regarding discretionary conditions.
    [9] Betts contends that the condition prohibiting him from
    drinking alcohol fails the test set out in Weber.24 We agree.
    No one suggests that alcohol played any role in Betts’s crime.
    And there was no evidence that Betts had any past problems
    with alcohol. Under these circumstances, we think it impossi-
    United States v. Weber, 
    451 F.3d 552
    , 557 (9th Cir. 2006).
    Id. at 558
     (quoting United States v. T.M., 
    330 F.3d 1235
    , 1240 (9th
    Cir. 2003) (internal quotation marks omitted)).
    451 F.3d at 566
     (9th Cir. 2006) (quoting 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 3583
    (d)(1), 3553(a)(1)).
    In addition to the condition prohibiting Betts from drinking any alco-
    hol at all, the judge imposed a condition prohibiting Betts from using alco-
    hol excessively. Betts did not appeal the prohibition on excessive drinking
    and our decision does not affect its validity.
    UNITED STATES v. BETTS                     16417
    ble to say that the condition imposed bears a reasonable rela-
    tionship to rehabilitating the offender, protecting the public,
    or providing adequate deterrence.
    In so concluding, we join the other two circuits to have
    faced this precise question. In United States v. Prendergast,
    the Eighth Circuit vacated a no alcohol condition, concluding
    that it did not “reasonably relate to the goals of rehabilitation
    and protection” because “[t]here is no evidence indicating that
    Prendergast suffers from alcoholism or that the use of alcohol
    in any way contributed to the commission of the offense . . . .
    The district court failed to make any specific findings . . . that
    the defendant . . . otherwise is in need of any substance abuse
    rehabilitation.”25 Similarly, in United States v. Modena, the
    Sixth Circuit vacated a no alcohol condition, concluding that
    it did “not bear a reasonable relationship to either rehabilitat-
    ing Modena or protecting the public” because “[n]either alco-
    hol nor drug use played a role in Modena’s crime,” and the
    record does not “indicate that Modena has any substance
    abuse problem.”26
    It is true that our circuit has, on several occasions, upheld
    the imposition of a no alcohol condition. However, in each of
    these cases, we upheld the condition because there was some
    evidence of prior alcohol, drug, or prescription medicine
    abuse. In United States v. Miller, we upheld the condition
    because “[i]nasmuch as Miller’s previous history was indica-
    tive to the [t]rial [j]udge that alcohol was a substantial con-
    tributing factor to his legal transgressions the imposition of
    the condition is certainly protective of the public interest” and
    may help to rehabilitate the offender by ending his addiction
    to alcohol.27 In United States v. Johnson, we upheld a “re-
    quirement that [the defendant] submit to drug abuse treatment
    and mental health counseling and refrain from alcohol use
    United States v. Prendergast, 
    979 F.2d 1289
    , 1293 (8th Cir. 1992).
    United States v. Modena, 
    302 F.3d 626
    , 636 (6th Cir. 2002).
    United States v. Miller, 
    549 F.2d 105
    , 107 (9th Cir. 1976).
    16418                     UNITED STATES v. BETTS
    during and after treatment” because, inter alia, the defendant
    had “a long history of substance abuse and violent aggres-
    sion” and “the record . . . shows that [he] has been involved
    in alcohol-related incidents.”28 In United States v. Maciel-
    Vasquez, we upheld a no alcohol condition because we
    rejected the defendant’s contention that he “has never been
    convicted of an alcohol-related crime” and that “there is noth-
    ing to suggest that alcohol has ever caused problems in his life.”29
    We did so because the record showed that the defendant had
    a prior conviction for driving under the influence, a prior
    arrest for possession of an open bottle of alcohol, and a his-
    tory of drug abuse.30 And, most recently, in United States v.
    Sales, we upheld a no alcohol provision only because “the
    record . . . revealed [the defendant’s] history of substance
    abuse and his need for outpatient substance abuse treatment,
    as well as his history of depression.”31
    The best case for the government is United States v. Carter.32
    In Carter, we upheld the no alcohol condition even though
    Carter had “no history of drug or alcohol abuse.”33 But we
    only did so because “there was . . . evidence before the district
    court that Carter had attempted suicide by overdosing on
    migraine medication” and because “the district court noted
    that Carter’s behavior had been unstable.”34 Indeed, we specif-
    ically distinguished Carter from the Eighth Circuit’s holding
    in United States v. Prendergast because the defendant in that
    case had not “displayed Carter’s erratic behavior” and had not
    United States   v. Johnson, 
    998 F.2d 696
    , 699 (9th Cir. 1993).
    United States   v. Maciel-Vasquez, 
    458 F.3d 994
    , 996 (9th Cir. 2006).
    United States   v. Sales, 
    476 F.3d 732
    , 735-36 (9th Cir. 2007).
    United States   v. Carter, 
    159 F.3d 397
     (9th Cir. 1998).
    Id. at 401
    UNITED STATES v. BETTS                 16419
    “attempted suicide by overdosing on prescription medica-
    [10] For essentially the same reasons, Carter is not applica-
    ble here. There was absolutely no evidence of any type of
    substance abuse or any erratic behavior of the kind in Carter.
    And the judge expressly noted that he did not think Betts had
    a problem with drugs or alcohol and that he did not consider
    Betts to be at risk of future substance abuse. In short, contrary
    to the rationale of our opinions affirming the imposition of the
    no alcohol condition, nothing suggests that the condition is
    related to (or necessary for) protecting the public, rehabilitat-
    ing Betts, or providing adequate deterrence.
    At the sentencing hearing, the judge said to the federal
    defender, “I know the blanket position of your office concern-
    ing search and seizure conditions and alcohol conditions and
    narcotics conditions,” and “I am not going to harm your client
    because of it,” but in telling clients not to answer questions
    about these things, “you leave the court defenseless [so] there
    has to be some presumption that it’s really the client’s respon-
    sibility to disclose.” The judge went on to say that his “guess
    is that you don’t have any narcotics background or any alco-
    hol background, but if you did, it might be de minimis.”
    Thus the judge made it perfectly clear that the alcohol
    abstention requirement had nothing to do with any thought
    about Betts as an individual and the risk of alcohol abuse con-
    tributing to further crime. Rather, he told defense counsel “I
    find fault with that blanket policy on your office’s part,” and
    “[u]nless you give me something to work with, then I am
    going to find these conditions and impose them time after
    time. So you might rethink it. Not you personally, but your
    office, and carry that message.” The judge expressly stated
    that he imposed the alcohol abstention requirement because
    “the court has no information, nor a description from you,
    Id. at n.4.
    16420                 UNITED STATES v. BETTS
    concerning any past alcohol abuse,” and “there has to be an
    affirmative duty on the defendant . . . to be completely candid
    and truthful with the court through the probation office.”
    There could not be a clearer case of imposing a discretion-
    ary condition without a reason relating to the individual
    This was error. The statute permits a discretionary super-
    vised release condition to be imposed only “to the extent that
    such condition . . . involves no greater deprivation of liberty
    than is reasonably necessary for the purposes set forth” in sec-
    tions 3553(a)(2)(B), (C), and (D).36 Moderate consumption of
    alcohol does not rise to the dignity of our sacred liberties,
    such as freedom of speech, but the freedom to drink a beer
    while sitting in a recliner and watching a football game is
    nevertheless a liberty people have, and it is probably exer-
    cised by more people than the liberty to publish a political
    opinion. Liberties can be taken away during supervised
    release to deter crime, protect the public, and provide correc-
    tional treatment,37 but that is not why it was taken away in this
    The court explains that it took away this liberty to change
    federal defender office policy by imposing the burden on
    defendants to answer probation officers’ questions about
    drugs and alcohol. We need not reach any constitutional ques-
    tion that might arise under the Fifth Amendment, because the
    parties have not raised such a question and the statute does
    not support the burden to volunteer information that the court
    imposed. We do not understand how a federal defender’s
    office or private law firm could, consistent with a lawyer’s
    ethical duties, adopt a policy sacrificing a client’s interest to
    the interests of criminal defendants as a class, but this is also
    a question we need not reach.
    18 U.S.C. § 3583
    18 U.S.C. §§ 3553
    (a)(2)(B),(C) and (D), and 3583(d)(2).
    UNITED STATES v. BETTS                      16421
    [11] The bureaucratic reason for the sentence, to set court
    policy against federal defender office policy in order to com-
    pel a change in federal defenders’ office policy, is prohibited
    in the context of sentencing by the requirement in 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a)(1) that the court must consider “the history and
    characteristics of the defendant.” Sentencing must, under sec-
    tion 3553, be individualized.38 Congress can make non indi-
    vidualized policies, but not judges. We squarely rejected the
    proposition that the defendant has the burden to come forward
    with information in a decision that came down after the sen-
    tencing in this case, United States v. Weber.39 We held in
    Weber that the government bears the burden to demonstrate
    that the discretionary supervised release condition is appropri-
    ate for the particular case.40 The defendant does not bear the
    burden to demonstrate that a discretionary condition is unneces-
    This is not to say that there is anything wrong generally
    with supervised release conditions requiring abstention from
    alcohol. Many people commit crimes when they drink too
    much, and such conditions are often necessary to protect the
    public and provide correctional treatment. We have upheld
    abstention conditions where there is some indication in the
    record of a problem of abuse.42 Frequently the need for
    abstention is obvious from the defendant’s criminal history,
    and the court does not need any admissions from the defen-
    dant, because of such past offenses as drunk driving.43 But the
    decision has to be individualized, not a matter of policy appli-
    cable without regard to the individual defendant.
    451 F.3d at 566
     (9th Cir. 2006) (quotation omitted).
    Id. at 558
    Id. at 558-59
    458 F.3d at 996
    16422             UNITED STATES v. BETTS
    The employment and the search conditions were proper.
    The windfall and the abstention conditions were error. We
    therefore VACATE the sentence and REMAND for resen-