Trustees of So Cal v. Flores ( 2008 )

  •                   FOR PUBLICATION
    TRUSTEES OF THE SOUTHERN               
    TRUST FUND,                                  No. 06-55812
    v.                           D.C. No.
    HERMAN FLORES, d/b/a BHF                      OPINION
    Electrical Contractors,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of California
    Florence Marie Cooper, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    February 5, 2008—Pasadena, California
    Filed March 27, 2008
    Before: Alfred T. Goodwin, Diarmuid F. O’Scannlain, and
    William A. Fletcher, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Goodwin
    TRUSTEES v. FLORES                  3163
    J. David Sackman, Reich, Adell, Crost & Cvitan, Los Ange-
    les, California, for the plaintiff-appellant.
    Marla B. Hendrickson, Tustin, California, for the defendant-
    GOODWIN, Circuit Judge:
    The Trustees of the Southern California IBEW-NECA Pen-
    sion Trust Fund (“Trustees”) appeal the district court’s judg-
    ment against them in their action to collect delinquent trust
    fund contributions from employer Herman Flores. The Trust-
    ees contend that the district court erred by holding that the
    term “covered employees” in the relevant collective bargain-
    ing agreements is ambiguous and by considering extrinsic evi-
    dence of the parties’ oral representations. We hold that the
    collective bargaining agreements require Flores to make bene-
    fit contributions for all electrical workers engaged in project
    work. For this reason, we reverse and remand for further pro-
    In late August 2003, the Los Angeles Unified School Dis-
    trict awarded a construction contract to general contractor
    3164                  TRUSTEES v. FLORES
    DJM/Borbon for the Commonwealth Avenue and Hoover
    Elementary School Safety and Technology Upgrades Project.
    Flores, an individual doing business as BHF Electrical Con-
    tractors (“BHF”), worked as an electrical subcontractor on the
    On October 1, 2003, Flores signed a Subscription Agree-
    ment with Local Union 11 of the International Brotherhood of
    Electrical Workers in which he agreed to make pension trust
    fund contributions on behalf of his employees. In addition to
    the Subscription Agreement, Flores’ obligation to make trust
    fund contributions was regulated by a Project Stabilization
    Agreement (“PSA”), the Local Union 11 Inside Wiremen’s
    Agreement (“IWA”) and other trust agreements.
    Flores began work on the project in October 2003. Sections
    4.6 and 4.8 of the PSA obligated Flores to hire all project
    workers, excluding his core employees, from the union’s
    referral system, unless the referral system did not fulfill Flo-
    res’ request within forty-eight hours. In October and Novem-
    ber 2003, Flores made several calls to union officials,
    requesting union workers. The union did not refer workers
    until December 8, 2003. In the meantime, Flores used his own
    workforce of nonunion employees for project work.
    Flores made no contributions to the pension trust fund on
    behalf of his employees before December 8, 2003. The Trust-
    ees later conducted an audit of BHF by comparing the
    employer’s monthly payroll reports with its certified payroll.
    The audit discovered unpaid contributions for project work
    performed before December 8, 2003, by electricians other
    than Flores himself.
    The Trustees filed this action against Flores in federal dis-
    trict court to collect delinquent trust fund contributions under
    section 301(a) of the Labor Management Relations Act, 29
    U.S.C. § 185(a), and section 502(e)(1) of the Employee
    TRUSTEES v. FLORES                  3165
    Retirement Income Security Act, 29 U.S.C. § 1132(e)(1). The
    district court conducted a three-day bench trial.
    On March 13, 2006, the district court entered judgment in
    favor of Flores. The court held that the PSA is ambiguous
    because “it never defines the term ‘covered workers’ and
    never expressly requires contributions for nonunion workers.”
    After considering parol evidence, the district court concluded
    that “defendant’s Subscription Agreement was not in effect
    and his obligations under the PSA did not arise until Decem-
    ber 8, 2003.”
    On May 10, 2006, the district court denied the Trustees’
    motion to alter or amend the judgment. This appeal followed.
    We review the interpretation of contract provisions de
    novo. Operating Eng’rs Pension Trusts v. B & E Backhoe,
    911 F.2d 1347
    , 1351 (9th Cir. 1990) (citing Kemmis v.
    706 F.2d 993
    , 996 (9th Cir. 1983)).
    The Trustees contend that the district court erred by hold-
    ing that the term “covered employees” is ambiguous in the
    PSA. They argue that the PSA’s language, structure, and pur-
    pose unambiguously require Flores to pay benefit contribu-
    tions for electrical workers engaged in project work, including
    the nonunion workers he employed prior to December 8,
    2003, and after accepting the contract. We agree.
    [1] Written terms are ambiguous only if multiple reason-
    able interpretations exist. 11 Samuel Williston & Richard A.
    Lord, A Treatise on the Law of Contracts § 30:4 (4th ed.
    1999). We interpret written terms in the context of the entire
    agreement’s language, structure, and stated purpose. See
    Huber, Hunt & Nichols, Inc. v. United Ass’n of Journeymen
    3166                   TRUSTEES v. FLORES
    & Apprentices of the Plumbing & Pipefitting Indus., Local 38,
    282 F.3d 746
    , 752 (9th Cir. 2002). Litigants cannot isolate
    terms of a collective bargaining agreement in order to create
    an ambiguity where none exists. See 
    id. at 753-54.
    [2] In this case, the collective bargaining agreements cover
    both union and nonunion employees. Section 3.7 of the PSA
    extends coverage to “construction craft employees” and pro-
    vides a detailed list of excluded job classifications. For exam-
    ple, the PSA does not apply to “office or clerical employees,
    draftspersons, supervisors, timekeepers, messengers, guards,
    inspectors, or any other employees above the classification of
    general superintendent.” When a collective bargaining agree-
    ment defines covered employees by job classification, it gen-
    erally covers “all employees within those classifications,
    regardless of union membership.” Teamster’s Local 348
    Health & Welfare Fund v. Kohn Beverage Co., 
    749 F.2d 315
    318 (6th Cir. 1984).
    [3] The recognition clauses in both the PSA and the IWA
    also show that the agreements cover all electrical workers
    engaged in project work, regardless of union status. “The
    presence in the agreement of a recognition clause designating
    the union as the exclusive bargaining agent for all employees
    indicates that fringe benefit contributions are required for both
    union and non-union members.” 
    Id. (citing Audit
    Servs., Inc.
    v. Rolfson, 
    641 F.2d 757
    , 761 (9th Cir. 1981); Manning v.
    498 F.2d 1311
    , 1313 (10th Cir. 1974)).
    Section 2.06(a) of the IWA states that “[t]he employer rec-
    ognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive representative of
    all its employees performing work within the jurisdiction of
    the Union for the purpose of collective bargaining in respect
    to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment and other condi-
    tions of employment.” Similarly, section 4.1 of the PSA
    broadly defines the relevant collective bargaining unit as “em-
    ployees engaged in Project Work covered by this Agree-
    ment.” The PSA defines “Project Work” as “work performed
    TRUSTEES v. FLORES                      3167
    by a Contractor or Subcontractor pursuant to the terms of a
    Construction Contract.” These terms yield only one reason-
    able interpretation: the collective bargaining agreements cover
    all of Flores’ electrical workers engaged in project work.
    Flores nevertheless contends that the PSA’s benefits contri-
    bution requirement did not take effect until the union pro-
    cessed the relevant paperwork and supplied union workers on
    December 8, 2003. He cites section 4.6 of the PSA, which
    obligates employers to “hire all covered employees, excluding
    core employees,” through the union referral system. He also
    relies on section 4.8 of the PSA, which states:
    In the event that any Union’s registration and referral
    system does not fulfill the requirements for specific
    classifications of covered employees requested by
    any Contractor within forty-eight (48) hours (exclud-
    ing Saturday, Sunday and holidays), that Contractor
    may use employment sources other than Union reg-
    istration and referral services and may employ appli-
    cants from any other available source.
    Flores argues that under these provisions his obligation to
    make trust fund contributions was conditioned upon actual
    referral of union workers.
    [4] The agreements contain no such condition. Sections 4.6
    and 4.8 of the PSA do not limit “covered employees” to those
    supplied by the union. Rather, these provisions establish the
    employer’s separate obligation to hire employees through the
    union referral system unless that system does not supply
    workers in a timely manner. Neither PSA section 4.11, which
    requires employers to contribute benefits, nor the Subscription
    Agreement conditions the employer’s obligation to make trust
    fund contributions upon actual referral of union workers.
    [5] Flores’ obligations under the PSA arose before his
    employees started work on the covered project in October
    3168                   TRUSTEES v. FLORES
    2003. Section 1.9 of the PSA unambiguously states: “By
    accepting the award of a Construction Contract covered by
    this Agreement, whether as a Contractor or Subcontractor, the
    Contractor or Subcontractor agrees to be bound by each and
    all of the provisions of this Agreement.” Flores also agreed to
    be bound by these provisions when he signed the Subscription
    Agreement for project work on October 1, 2003.
    [6] The collective bargaining agreements unambiguously
    required Flores to make benefit contributions for all electrical
    workers engaged in project work, including the nonunion
    workers he employed prior to December 8, 2003, but after
    accepting the contract. The district court erred by considering
    extrinsic evidence that contradicted these unambiguous terms.
    See Pace v. Honolulu Disposal Serv., Inc., 
    227 F.3d 1150
    1157-58 (9th Cir. 2000) (noting that the parol evidence rule
    bars admission of extrinsic evidence to contradict unambigu-
    ous contract terms).
    Finally, the Trustees contend that the district court erred by
    failing to rule on their claim that Flores owes approximately
    $893 in unpaid contributions for project work performed after
    December 8, 2003, by employees other than ditch-diggers and
    Flores himself. The district court made no findings or ruling
    on this issue, and the parties have not adequately briefed the
    question on appeal. We remand this issue to the district court
    for further consideration.
    REVERSED and REMANDED for further proceedings.
    Appellant to recover costs.