Vaughn v. Bay Environmental ( 2008 )

  •                    FOR PUBLICATION
    v.                            No. 05-17100
    INC.; PINA J. BARBIERI; CAESAR                  D.C. No.
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of California
    Martin J. Jenkins, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    May 12, 2008—San Francisco, California
    Filed September 19, 2008
    Before: Betty B. Fletcher and Pamela Ann Rymer,
    Circuit Judges, and Kevin Thomas Duffy,*
    Senior District Judge.
    Opinion by Judge B. Fletcher
    *The Honorable Kevin Thomas Duffy, Senior United States District
    Judge for the Southern District of New York, sitting by designation.
    Teresa S. Renaker, Lewis Feinberg Lee Renaker & Jackson,
    P.C., Oakland, California, for the plaintiffs-appellants.
    Nicole A. Diller (argued), D. Ward Kallstrom, Andrew C.
    Sullivan, Morgan Lewis & Bockius, LLP, San Francisco, Cal-
    ifornia, for defendants-appellees Bay Environmental Inc.,
    Caesar Nuti, and Dennis Varni.
    Bernard Gehlhar (argued), James D. Boughey, Reina G.
    Minoya, Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker, LLP,
    San Francisco, California, for defendants-appellees FSC
    Securities Corp. and Jerrold N. Weinberg.
    Elizabeth Hopkins, U.S. Dep’t of Labor, Washington, D.C., as
    amicus curiae supporting plaintiffs-appellants.
    B. FLETCHER, Circuit Judge:
    This case requires us to consider whether a former
    employee who has received a full distribution of his or her
    account balance under a defined contribution pension plan has
    standing as a plan participant to file suit under the Employee
    Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), 
    29 U.S.C. § 1001
     et seq., to recover losses occasioned by a breach of
    fiduciary duty that allegedly reduced the amount of his or her
    benefits. We join the First, Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, and
    Eleventh Circuits, and hold that these former employees have
    standing to bring their claims.1 Accordingly, we vacate the
    district court order dismissing the action for lack of subject
    matter jurisdiction, and remand for further proceedings.
    See Lanfear v. Home Depot, Inc., ___ F.3d ___, No. 07-14362, 
    2008 WL 2916390
     (11th Cir. July 31, 2008); Evans v. Akers, 
    534 F.3d 65
    Cir. 2008); In re Mutual Funds Inv. Litig., 
    529 F.3d 207
     (4th Cir. 2008);
    Bridges v. Am. Elec. Power Co., 
    498 F.3d 442
     (6th Cir. 2007); Graden v.
    Conexant Sys. Inc., 
    496 F.3d 291
     (3d Cir. 2007); Harzewski v. Guidant
    489 F.3d 799
     (7th Cir. 2007).
    VAUGHN v. BAY ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT                    13225
    Jerry Vaughn and Theresa Travers (“Vaughn”) are former
    employees of Bay Environmental Management Inc. (“Bay
    Environmental”) who participated in two types of ERISA-
    governed retirement plans offered by the company (“Plans”).
    The first, referred to as the “Pension Plan,” was funded solely
    by the discretionary contributions of Bay Environmental. The
    second, known as the “Retirement Plan,” consisted of both a
    profit-sharing component and a 401(k) component. Both
    Plans were individual account plans, also known as defined
    contribution plans.2 All Plan investments were chosen by the
    Plan trustees and investment advisors except for the 401(k)
    component of the Retirement Plan, which was directed by the
    Plan participants.
    In 2000 or early 2001, Republic Services, Inc. purchased
    Richmond Sanitary Services, Inc. (“RSS”), of which Bay
    Environmental was an affiliate. At around this same time, the
    Trustees of the Plans voted to terminate the Plans. On or
    about April 13, 2001, Bay Environmental notified its employ-
    ees that the Plans would be terminated effective April 30,
    2001. In August 2001, the Trustees transferred all non-
    participant-directed plan assets to money market funds. Sub-
    sequently, in the year 2002, Plan participants received a lump-
    sum distribution of the value of their individual accounts.
    On December 18, 2003, Vaughn filed suit on behalf of him-
    self and all similarly-situated individuals.3 He named Bay
    Defined contribution plans “provide[ ] for an individual account for
    each participant and for benefits based solely upon the amount contributed
    to the participant’s account, and any income, expenses, gains and losses
    . . . which may be allocated to such participant’s account.” ERISA § 3(34),
    29 U.S.C. § 1002
    (34). Because the benefits received under a defined con-
    tribution plan are determined in part by the rate of return on investments
    made by the plan, a plan’s chosen investments can have a substantial
    impact on the account balance.
    The district court never considered Vaughn’s motion for class certifica-
    tion because it held that he did not have standing to bring the suit.
    Environmental and the Plans’ Trustees as defendants, alleging
    that Defendants breached their fiduciary duties by investing
    the Plans’ assets imprudently. Specifically, Vaughn alleged
    that Defendants knew or should have known that the purchase
    of Bay Environmental by RSS would likely result in the ter-
    mination of the Plans and that Defendants should have trans-
    ferred the non-participant-directed plan assets to money
    market funds sooner in light of the Plans’ shortened invest-
    ment horizon. Vaughn sought relief in the form of a declara-
    tion that Defendants had breached their fiduciary duties, a
    preliminary injunction prohibiting distribution of the individ-
    ual Defendants’ Plan accounts, and the establishment of a suc-
    cessor trust for benefits owed to the Plans, benefits to be paid
    by the Defendants.
    On March 14, 2005, after the parties failed to mediate the
    dispute, Vaughn filed his First Amended Complaint, adding
    the Plans’ investment advisors, FSC Corporation and Jerrold
    N. Weinberg (“FSC Defendants”), as defendants.4 Vaughn
    also added a second claim for relief alleging that Bay Envi-
    ronmental further breached its fiduciary duties by failing to
    conduct an adequate investigation before selecting the invest-
    ment advisors or to monitor the performance of the Plans’
    investments and investment advisors.
    On July 22, 2005, the FSC Defendants filed a motion to
    dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction arguing that
    Vaughn lacked statutory standing under ERISA. Specifically,
    they claimed that Vaughn failed to allege sufficient facts to
    bring him within ERISA’s definition of “participant.” See 
    29 U.S.C. § 1002
    (7) (defining “participant” as “any employee or
    former employee of an employer . . . who is or may become
    eligible to receive a benefit of any type from an employee
    benefit plan which covers employees of such employer . . . or
    Subsequent references to “Defendants” include both the original defen-
    dants and the FSC Defendants.
    VAUGHN v. BAY ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT                 13227
    whose beneficiaries may become eligible to receive any such
    The district court granted the FSC Defendants’ motion to
    dismiss on September 26, 2005. The court concluded that
    Vaughn was not a participant because he had received a lump-
    sum distribution of his individual account balance and was
    therefore not entitled to additional benefits under the plan.
    Vaughn timely appealed.5
    We review the district court’s dismissal for lack of subject
    matter jurisdiction de novo, accepting all facts alleged in the
    First Amended Complaint as true. See Rhoades v. Avon
    Prods., Inc., 
    504 F.3d 1151
    , 1156 (9th Cir. 2007); see also
    LaRue v. DeWolff, Boberg & Assocs., Inc., 553 U.S. ___, 
    128 S. Ct. 1020
    , 1024 (2008) (“As the case comes to us we must
    assume that respondents breached fiduciary obligations
    defined in [ERISA] § 409(a), and that those breaches had an
    adverse impact on the value of the plan assets in petitioner’s
    individual account.”).
    [1] ERISA § 404(a) imposes a “[p]rudent man standard of
    care” on plan fiduciaries. 
    29 U.S.C. § 1104
    (a). This standard
    requires that the fiduciary discharge her duties “with the care,
    skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances then
    prevailing [of] a prudent man acting in like capacity . . . .” 
    29 U.S.C. § 1104
    (a)(1)(B). It also requires the fiduciary to “di-
    versify[ ] the investments of the plan so as to minimize the
    risk of large losses, unless under the circumstances it is
    clearly prudent not to do so.” 
    29 U.S.C. § 1104
    (a)(1)(C). A
    plan fiduciary who breaches her fiduciary duties “shall be per-
    On appeal, the Secretary of Labor appeared as amicus curiae in support
    of Vaughn.
    sonally liable to make good to such plan any losses to the plan
    resulting from each such breach.” ERISA § 409(a), 
    29 U.S.C. § 1109
    [2] ERISA § 502 provides for a civil action by a plan par-
    ticipant “for appropriate relief” for a breach of fiduciary duty.
    29 U.S.C. § 1132
    (a)(2). Under the statute, “ ‘participant’
    means any employee or former employee of an employer . . .
    who is or may become eligible to receive a benefit of any type
    from an employee benefit plan which covers employees of
    such employer . . . .” 
    29 U.S.C. § 1002
    (7). The Supreme
    Court has interpreted this section as conferring standing on
    former employees who “have a reasonable expectation of
    returning to covered employment or . . . a colorable claim to
    vested benefits.” Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. v. Bruch, 
    489 U.S. 101
    , 117 (1989) (original alterations and quotation omit-
    ted). In contrast, former employees do not have standing if a
    successful suit would result in a damage award that was not
    for benefits due under the plan. Kuntz v. Reese, 
    785 F.2d 1410
    , 1411 (9th Cir. 1986) (per curiam) (“Kuntz II”); see also
    Mass. Mut. Life Ins. Co. v. Russell, 
    473 U.S. 134
    , 148 (1985)
    (holding that ERISA § 409(a) does “not provide . . . a cause
    of action for extra-contractual damages caused by improper or
    untimely processing of benefit claims”).
    [3] In concluding that Vaughn lacked standing, the district
    court first rejected his argument that Kuntz did not apply
    because Bay Environmental’s Plans were defined contribution
    plans, whereas the plan in Kuntz was a defined benefit plan.
    In so doing, the district court noted that the Ninth Circuit has
    not distinguished between the two types of plans and that two
    district courts have applied Kuntz to defined contribution
    plans. The court also noted that Vaughn’s claim was not for
    an ascertainable amount of improperly calculated benefits, but
    rather alleged imprecise financial losses due to imprudent
    investment, and concluded that neither of the recognized
    exceptions to Kuntz applied because Vaughn did not allege
    self-dealing and the case did not involve an annuity. The court
    VAUGHN v. BAY ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT                   13229
    thus concluded that under Kuntz, former employees who have
    received a lump sum distribution of their individual accounts
    are seeking damages for breach of fiduciary duty, not vested
    benefits, and do not have standing as participants under
    [4] Contrary to the district court’s order, Kuntz does not
    control this case. The Kuntz plaintiffs sued their former
    employer for breach of fiduciary duty alleging that the
    employer had misrepresented the benefits that would be paid
    under a defined benefit plan. Kuntz v. Reese, 
    760 F.2d 926
    929 (9th Cir. 1985) (“Kuntz I”), vacated by Kuntz II, 
    785 F.2d 1410
    . On rehearing, we held that the Kuntz plaintiffs were not
    “participants” within the meaning of ERISA § 3(7), 
    29 U.S.C. § 1002
    (7), because “if successful, [their] claim would result in
    a damage award, not an increase of vested benefits.” 
    785 F.2d at 1411
    . Importantly, the Kuntz plaintiffs conceded that they
    had received all of the benefits due to them under the plan.
    They alleged only that they would not have participated in the
    plan but-for the defendant’s misrepresentations about the
    amount of benefits they would receive. Kuntz I, 
    760 F.2d at 929
    [5] In contrast, Vaughn alleges that he has not received all
    of the benefits due to him under the Plans. Although he
    received a lump-sum distribution of the value of his individ-
    ual accounts, he claims that he did not receive a “full” distri-
    bution because his accounts contained less than they would
    have if the fiduciaries had not breached their duty of prudent
    investment. Because Vaughn alleges that he did not receive
    everything that was due to him under the Plan, he has stand-
    ing, even under Kuntz.6 See Kuntz II, 
    785 F.2d at 1411
    Plaintiffs argue that Kuntz should not apply in cases involving defined
    contribution plans. We decline to decide that question because Kuntz does
    not affect Plaintiffs’ standing in this case. We note, however, that the
    Supreme Court has recently directed that cases involving defined benefit
    plans are not necessarily controlling in cases involving defined contribu-
    tion plans. See LaRue, 
    128 S. Ct. at 1025
    ing Joseph v. New Orleans Elec. Pension & Ret. Plan, 
    754 F.2d 628
    , 630 (5th Cir. 1985) (holding that “retirees who have
    accepted the payment of everything due them in a lump sum”
    do not have standing (emphasis added))); see also LaRue, 
    128 S. Ct. at 1024
     (distinguishing LaRue’s claim from that of the
    plaintiff in Russell because the latter “received all of the bene-
    fits to which she was contractually entitled”); Harzewski v.
    Guidant Corp., 
    489 F.3d 799
    , 806 (7th Cir. 2007) (noting that
    the Kuntz plaintiffs “were not suing to enforce any entitlement
    created by the plan” and that the result might have been dif-
    ferent if the Kuntz plaintiffs had argued that the representa-
    tions were the plan).
    [6] The district court also erred by denying Vaughn stand-
    ing on the basis that his claim is not for an ascertainable
    amount of improperly computed benefits. The requirement
    that a claim be to correct a miscomputation of benefits comes
    from Kuntz, a defined benefit plan case. See 
    785 F.2d at 1411
    Under a defined benefit plan, benefits are determined by
    applying a “formula that takes into account factors such as
    final salary and years of service with the employer.” Pension
    Benefit Guar. Corp. v. LTV Corp., 
    496 U.S. 633
    , 637 n.1
    (1990) (citing 
    29 U.S.C. § 1321
    ). Thus, a plan fiduciary could
    improperly compute benefits by not applying the correct for-
    mula or using incorrect values. In contrast, there is no formula
    involved in calculating benefits under a defined contribution
    plan—the benefits payable are determined by the “amount
    contributed to the participant’s account, and any income,
    expenses, gains and losses, and any forfeitures of accounts of
    other participants which may be allocated to such partici-
    pant’s account.” 
    29 U.S.C. § 1002
    (34). Because there is no
    formula involved in determining the benefits due under a
    defined contribution plan, Kuntz’s requirement that a claim be
    to correct for an miscomputation of benefits is inapplicable.
    [7] Moreover, we have never required that the claim be for
    an “ascertainable amount.”7 We decline to determine whether
    This requirement comes from two Fifth Circuit cases, Yancy v. Am.
    Petrofina, Inc., 
    768 F.2d 707
     (5th Cir. 1985), and Sommers Drug Stores
    we should apply such a requirement, because in this case, the
    amount sought is ascertainable, despite the fact that it is not
    readily apparent on the face of the First Amended Complaint.
    Vaughn seeks the difference between the benefit he received
    and what he would have received if the Plans’ assets had been
    prudently invested. This amount is ascertainable through
    expert testimony or other evidence regarding investment
    returns during the relevant period. See Graden, 
    496 F.3d at 301
    ; cf. Cal. Ironworkers Field Pension Trust v. Loomis
    Sayles & Co., 
    259 F.3d 1036
    , 1046-47 (9th Cir. 2001)
    (upholding district court’s decision to rely on a “benchmark
    yield as an approximation of what the improperly invested
    funds would have earned if properly invested”).
    [8] Finally, we turn to the district court’s conclusion that
    the recognized exceptions to Kuntz are inapplicable to this
    case. While the district court was correct that Kayes v. Pacific
    Lumber Co., 
    51 F.3d 1449
     (9th Cir. 1995), is inapplicable
    because it dealt with a statutory exception not at issue here,
    the district court erred in distinguishing Amalgamated Cloth-
    ing & Textile Workers Union, AFL-CIO v. Murdock, 
    861 F.2d 1406
     (9th Cir. 1988). Although Vaughn does not allege self-
    dealing, the reasoning of Murdock supports the conclusion
    that Vaughn has standing to bring this suit. In Murdock we
    held that the plaintiffs had standing despite the fact that they
    had received all of their actuarially vested benefits under an
    ERISA employee benefit plan. In support of our holding we
    noted that the Murdock plaintiffs, unlike those in Kuntz,
    sought equitable relief. Murdock, 
    861 F.2d at 1411
    . Next, we
    reasoned that “granting plaintiffs standing to seek a construc-
    tive trust remedy . . . is the only means available to give effect
    to the goals of ERISA,” including the “overriding goal[ ] of
    . . . prevent[ing] the misuse and mismanagement of plan
    assets by fiduciaries.” 
     (citing Russell, 
    473 U.S. at
    Co. Employee Profit Sharing Trust v. Corrigan, 
    883 F.2d 345
     (5th Cir.
    & n.8). One way in which Congress sought to achieve that
    goal was to impose a statutory duty of loyalty on plan fidu-
    ciaries. See id. at 1416 (distinguishing this core duty from the
    regulatory requirement at issue in Kuntz). We reasoned that
    these considerations counseled in favor of permitting the
    establishment of a constructive trust in which the ill-gotten
    profits would be deposited. We directed that the contents of
    the trust should be considered “equitably vested benefits” and
    “the plan should be viewed as continuing to exist for the pur-
    pose of distributing the equitably vested benefits.” Id. at 1419.
    Accordingly, we held that plaintiffs had standing under
    ERISA. Id.
    [9] Like the plaintiffs in Murdock, Vaughn seeks an equita-
    ble remedy, the establishment of a trust for benefits owing to
    the Plan participants. More importantly, his claim is based on
    an allegation that the Plans’ fiduciaries mismanaged the
    Plans’ assets and, in so doing, breached their statutorily-
    imposed fiduciary duties. In this sense, Vaughn’s claim is
    similar to that of the Murdock plaintiffs and Murdock’s
    rationale—that ERISA’s goals can be effectuated only if
    plaintiffs have standing—applies.
    [10] Our holding that Vaughn has standing is consistent
    with that of every Circuit Court of Appeals to have considered
    the issue to date.8 The leading case on this issue is the Seventh
    Circuit case Harzewski v. Guidant Corp. The Harzewski
    plaintiffs were former employees who had cashed out their
    individual accounts under a defined contribution plan. 
    489 F.3d at 801
    . They brought suit for breach of fiduciary duty,
    alleging that the pension plan fiduciaries acted imprudently by
    not disposing of certain stock that the fiduciaries knew was
    overvalued as a result of fraud by the company’s manage-
    ment. See 
    id. at 807
    . The district court dismissed the com-
    All of these cases were decided after the district court issued its order
    in the present case. The district court made its decision without the benefit
    of these appellate courts’ reasoning.
    VAUGHN v. BAY ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT                    13233
    plaint for lack of standing, concluding that the plaintiffs were
    not participants because they had already received the full
    benefit available to them under the plan. 
    Id. at 801
    The Seventh Circuit reversed, reasoning that if the plan
    documents, in conjunction with the statutory requirements of
    ERISA, entitle the former employee to the relief sought, the
    suit is for benefits and the plaintiff has standing. 
    Id. at 804
    A plaintiff seeking extra-contractual damages, on the other
    hand, does not have standing. 
     Noting that “[t]he benefit in
    a defined-contribution pension plan is . . . whatever is in the
    retirement account when the employee retires or whatever
    would have been there had the plan honored the employee’s
    entitlement, which includes an entitlement to prudent manage-
    ment,” the Seventh Circuit concluded that a lawsuit to recover
    benefits lost as a result of plan mismanagement was a suit for
    benefits and not for damages. 
    Id. at 804-05
    Since Harzewski was decided, five other circuits have held
    that former employees who have cashed out their individual
    accounts but allege that they are entitled to additional benefits
    as a result of a breach of fiduciary duty have standing as “par-
    ticipants” under ERISA, see footnote 1 supra, and the
    Supreme Court has cited the Seventh Circuit case with
    approval, see LaRue, 
    128 S. Ct. at
    1026 n.6.9 This subsequent
    LaRue does not control the outcome of this case because it did not
    address the meaning of “participant” or the distinction between benefits
    and damages. It is nevertheless helpful in several respects. First, it estab-
    lishes that precedent from cases involving defined benefit plans is not
    automatically applicable in cases involving defined contribution plans. See
    128 S. Ct. at 1025
    . Second, it specifically distinguished LaRue’s
    claim from that of the Russell plaintiff because the latter “received all of
    the benefits to which she was contractually entitled.” 
    Id. at 1024
    . Third,
    the Court rejected the employer’s argument that the distribution rendered
    the case moot and cited Harzewski for the proposition that a “plan ‘partici-
    pant,’ as defined by § 3(7) of ERISA, 
    29 U.S.C. § 1002
    (7), may include
    a former employee with a colorable claim for benefits.” 
     at 1026 n.6.
    It follows from the conclusion that LaRue’s claim is not moot that he has
    activity further persuades us that our holding is correct. Nev-
    ertheless, we briefly address Defendants’ additional argu-
    ments in support of their position that Vaughn is not a
    “participant” within the meaning of ERISA.
    [11] First, the fact that Vaughn did not assert a claim for
    benefits under ERISA § 502(a)(1)(B), 
    29 U.S.C. § 1132
    (a)(1)(B), is not an admission that his claim is not for
    benefits. That provision provides that “[a] civil action may be
    brought . . . by a participant . . . to recover benefits due to him
    under the terms of his plan . . . .” 
     However, whereas
    claims under ERISA § 502(a)(2) can be brought against any
    fiduciary, “the defendant [in an action brought under
    § 502(a)(1)(B)] is the plan itself (or plan administrators in
    their official capacities only).” Graden, 
    496 F.3d at 301
    tion omitted); accord Everhart v. Allmerica Fin. Life Ins. Co.,
    275 F.3d 751
    , 754 (9th Cir. 2001) (citations omitted). In this
    case, the Plans no longer exist and the allegedly imprudent
    investments were the result of actions by the trustees and
    investment advisors, not the plan administrator. As a result,
    Vaughn could not have brought an action under
    § 502(a)(1)(B) because the proper defendants could not have
    been named under that subsection.
    [12] Second, ERISA’s definition of “accrued benefit” does
    not defeat Vaughn’s claim. Vaughn does not deny that he
    standing as a former employee with a colorable claim for benefits. See
    U.S. Parole Comm’n v. Geraghty, 
    445 U.S. 388
    , 397 (1980) (“[M]ootness
    [is] the ‘doctrine of standing set in a time frame: The requisite personal
    interest that must exist at the commencement of the litigation (standing)
    must continue throughout its existence (mootness).’ ” (quoting Henry
    Monaghan, Constitutional Adjudication: The Who and When, 
    82 Yale L.J. 1363
    , 1384 (1973))). However, because this statement is found in a foot-
    note and the Court stated that the “withdrawal of funds from the Plan may
    have relevance to the proceedings on remand” without indicating what that
    relevance might be, we decline to read LaRue as dispositive on the ques-
    tion of standing. But see In re Mutual Fund Inv. Litig., 
    529 F.3d at 215
    (treating LaRue as controlling).
    VAUGHN v. BAY ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT                    13235
    received his “accrued benefit,” defined as “the balance of the
    individual’s account.” 
    29 U.S.C. § 1002
    (23)(B). He argues,
    however, that as a result of the fiduciary breach, the accrued
    benefit was not the full benefit due. Accordingly, the defini-
    tion of “accrued benefit” is irrelevant to the disposition of this
    [13] Third, Defendants’ reliance on the Department of
    Labor’s regulation, 
    29 C.F.R. § 2510.3-3
    (d)(2)(ii)(B), is mis-
    placed.10 The regulation’s purpose is to clarify whether a plan
    is subject to ERISA. It does not purport to provide an all-
    purpose definition of “participant.” See Gilbert v. Alta Health
    & Life Ins. Co., 
    276 F.3d 1292
    , 1303 (11th Cir. 2001) (noting
    that the regulation “does not speak to the . . . issue of who
    may or may not be a . . . participant of a plan once it is
    deemed an ERISA plan”). Accordingly, “this regulation has
    no relevance to the issue at hand.” 
    [14] Fourth, Mertens v. Hewitt Assocs., 
    508 U.S. 248
    (1993), and Ariz. State Carpenters Pension Trust Fund v. Citi-
    125 F.3d 715
     (9th Cir. 1997), do not stand for the prop-
    osition that payments by a fiduciary to a plan under ERISA
    § 409 cannot constitute benefits. Although both opinions use
    the word “damages” to describe the award sought, neither
    case considered the distinction between benefits and damages.
    Accordingly, these cases are irrelevant to the one at hand. See
    Sommers Drug Stores, 
    883 F.2d at 349
     (noting that although
    “benefits” and “damages” are mutually exclusive for purposes
    of determining whether a former employee is a participant in
    an ERISA plan, the terms have overlapping meaning).
    [15] Fifth, we reject Defendants’ contention that even if
    The regulation states that “[a]n individual is not a participant covered
    under an employee pension plan . . . if . . . [t]he individual has received
    from the plan a lump-sum distribution . . . of cash or other property which
    represents the balance of his or her credit under the plan.” 
    29 C.F.R. § 2510.3-3
    Vaughn’s claim were for benefits, it would not be for vested
    benefits. It is true that the Supreme Court in Firestone
    required that former employees “have a colorable claim to
    vested benefits.” 
    489 U.S. at 117
     (emphasis added and quota-
    tion omitted). But we agree with the Seventh Circuit that “in
    context[,] it is apparent that all the Court meant was that the
    former employee had to have an entitlement—had to show
    that had it not been for the trustees’ breach of their fiduciary
    duty he would have been entitled to greater benefits than he
    received.” Harzewski, 
    489 F.3d at 806
    . Under this reading,
    money not in the account at the time of distribution is still a
    “vested benefit” if the plaintiff is entitled to it.
    [16] Finally, we reject Defendants’ suggestion that the
    terms of the Retirement Plan preclude Vaughn’s claim.11 The
    Plan summary outlines two situations that might have an
    effect on the contributions made to an account or to an indi-
    vidual’s further participation in the Plans. Defendants rely on
    the section stating that if an individual’s employment is termi-
    nated, she “will receive no further benefits.” This provision is
    not applicable, however, because the distributions resulted
    from the termination of the Plans, not from the termination of
    employment. Accordingly, this case is governed by the sec-
    tion providing that “[i]f the Plan is terminated, then plan con-
    tributions will stop, and you will receive a total distribution
    of your account.” As we have previously explained, Vaughn
    does not deny that he received a total distribution of his
    account. Accordingly, the Retirement Plan summary is inap-
    posite because it does not address cases, such as this one,
    where the former employee alleges that his total distribution
    did not reflect the full benefit to which he is entitled.
    Having considered and rejected each of Defendants’ argu-
    ments, we hold that former employees who have received a
    full distribution of their account balances under a defined con-
    Defendants only make this argument with respect to the Retirement
    Plan, but the relevant language also appears in the Pension Plan summary.
    tribution pension plan have standing as plan participants
    under ERISA to recover losses occasioned by a breach of
    fiduciary duty that allegedly reduced the amount of their ben-
    efits. In addition to maintaining consistency among the cir-
    cuits, this holding is necessary in order to give effect to one
    of the primary goals of ERISA, “prevent[ing] the misuse and
    mismanagement of plan assets by fiduciaries.” Murdock, 
    861 F.2d at
    1411 (citing Russell, 
    473 U.S. at
    140-43 & n.8). If for-
    mer employees in Vaughn’s situation did not have standing
    “an employer who had mismanaged individual account plan
    assets [could] avoid liability by cashing out the participants.”
    496 F.3d at 302
    . This could not have been Con-
    gress’s intention, particularly since “ERISA’s legislative his-
    tory indicates that its standing requirements should be
    construed broadly to allow employees to enforce their rights.”
     (citing Leuthner v. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ne.
    454 F.3d 120
    , 128 (3d Cir. 2006) (citing S. Rep. No.
    93-127, at 3 (1974), reprinted in 1974 U.S.C.C.A.N. 4639,
    The order of the district court is VACATED and the case
    REINSTATED and REMANDED for further proceedings.

Document Info

Docket Number: 05-17100

Filed Date: 9/19/2008

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/14/2015

Authorities (24)

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View All Authorities »