Granite Rock Company v. Local 287 ( 2008 )

  •                   FOR PUBLICATION
    GRANITE ROCK COMPANY,                  
    No. 07-15040
    & HELPERS, LOCAL 287 (AFL-
    GRANITE ROCK COMPANY,                  
    TEAMSTERS, FREIGHT CONSTRUCTION,            No. 07-16142
    & HELPERS, LOCAL 287 (AFL-                   D.C. No.
    14704            GRANITE ROCK CO. v. TEAMSTERS
    GRANITE ROCK COMPANY,                    
    No. 07-16236
    TEAMSTERS, FREIGHT CONSTRUCTION,                 D.C. No.
    & HELPERS, LOCAL 287 (AFL-                        OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of California
    James Ware, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    September 8, 2008—San Francisco, California
    Filed October 22, 2008
    Before: Ronald M. Gould and Carlos T. Bea, Circuit Judges,
    and James W. Sedwick,* District Judge.
    Opinion by Judge Gould
    *The Honorable John W. Sedwick, Chief United States District Judge
    for the District of Alaska, sitting by designation.
    GRANITE ROCK CO. v. TEAMSTERS            14707
    Garry G. Mathiason, Alan S. Levins, Adam J. Peters, and
    Kimberly L. Owens, Littler Mendelson, San Francisco, Cali-
    fornia, for plaintiff-appellant Granite Rock Company.
    Stephen P. Berzon, Peter D. Nussbaum, and Peder J.V. Thor-
    een, Altshuler Berzon LLP, San Francisco, California, for
    appellee International Brotherhood of Teamsters.
    Duane B. Beeson and Lisa W. Pau, Beeson Taylor & Bodine,
    APC, San Francisco, California, for appellant/cross-appellee
    Teamsters Local 287.
    GOULD, Circuit Judge:
    Granite Rock Company (“Granite Rock”) sued Interna-
    tional Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 287 (“Local 287”)
    and International Brotherhood of Teamsters (“IBT”) under
    section 301(a) of the Labor Management Relations Act
    (“LMRA”) with claims relating to a collective bargaining
    agreement. Granite Rock seeks remedies against Local 287
    for breach of the collective bargaining agreement, and against
    IBT for tortious interference with the collective bargaining
    14708           GRANITE ROCK CO. v. TEAMSTERS
    agreement between Granite Rock and Local 287. The district
    court dismissed the claim against IBT under Federal Rule of
    Civil Procedure 12(b)(6) for failure to state a claim. Granite
    Rock appeals that dismissal, and we affirm.
    In the dispute between Granite Rock and Local 287, the
    parties appeal and cross-appeal a total of five orders, but we
    need reach only one: the district court’s denial of Local 287’s
    motion to compel arbitration on the question of contract for-
    mation. We reverse that ruling and remand with instructions
    to compel arbitration on the entire dispute between Granite
    Rock and Local 287.
    For purposes of analyzing the district court’s dismissal of
    Granite Rock’s claims against IBT, Granite Rock’s alleged
    facts must be presumed true and viewed in the light most
    favorable to Granite Rock. Pakootas v. Teck Cominco Metals,
    452 F.3d 1066
    , 1069 (9th Cir. 2006). Granite Rock
    alleges: Granite Rock is a California company engaged in
    supplying ready mixed concrete for commercial use, and
    Local 287 represents certain employees at Granite Rock’s San
    Jose facility. Between March 1, 1999 and April 30, 2004,
    Granite Rock and Local 287 were parties to a collective bar-
    gaining agreement (“CBA”). Before expiration of that agree-
    ment, the parties began negotiations. Throughout the
    negotations, Rome Aloise (“Aloise”), the administrative assis-
    tant to the General President of IBT, advised Local 287 that
    certain provisions of the CBA were inadequate. Aloise also
    represented the interests of IBT and other local unions affili-
    ated with IBT in the negotiations. No resolution was reached
    in April or May, and in early June, 2004, after the CBA
    between Granite Rock and Local 287 expired, Local 287
    members went on strike. Negotiations resumed shortly there-
    after, and the parties reached a tentative four-year agreement
    (“new CBA”) at 4:00 a.m. on July 2, 2004. This tentative
    agreement contained a broad arbitration clause requiring the
    GRANITE ROCK CO. v. TEAMSTERS             14709
    parties to arbitrate “[a]ll disputes arising under this agree-
    At the conclusion of the successful bargaining session,
    George Netto (“Netto”), Business Representative for Local
    287, told Granite Rock’s CEO Bruce Woolpert that Netto
    would put the new CBA to a vote among the union members,
    would recommend ratification, and would cease picketing. At
    the same time, Netto raised the topic of a “back-to-work”
    agreement to provide for the terms under which the parties
    would return to work, including liability for actions taken dur-
    ing the strike. However, the parties agreed to discuss prepar-
    ing a back-to-work agreement at a later date.
    Local 287 members allegedly ratified the new CBA, which
    contained a “no-strike” clause, later on the morning of July 2,
    2004. However, on July 5, 2004, Aloise and members of
    Local 287 called workers to instruct them not to return to
    work the next day. On July 6, 2004, Netto demanded a back-
    to-work agreement that would explicitly shield Local 287, its
    members, and IBT from any liability arising from the strike.
    Granite Rock refused to sign such an agreement, and Local
    287 continued its strike in violation of the no-strike clause.
    Throughout the strike, Aloise played an active leadership role;
    he sent letters to other local unions and employees encourag-
    ing their support, held meetings to discuss strategy, and
    sought to secure financial support for the strike. IBT gave
    benefits to Local 287 members as long as they did not return
    to work.
    Granite Rock’s Third Amended Complaint alleged breach
    of contract against Local 287, and tortious interference with
    contract against IBT. Both actions were asserted under section
    301(a) of the LMRA, 29 U.S.C. § 185(a). Defendant IBT
    moved to dismiss the complaint pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6) of
    the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The district court
    granted that motion on the grounds that Granite Rock failed
    14710           GRANITE ROCK CO. v. TEAMSTERS
    to state a claim against IBT under section 301(a). Granite
    Rock timely appealed.
    There is only one fact that is critical to our determination
    of whether the entire dispute between Granite Rock and Local
    287 should have been submitted to arbitration, and that fact
    is undisputed: While the parties disagree about the ratification
    date, they agree that the tentative new CBA reached on July
    2, 2004, contains an arbitration clause that requires arbitration
    for “[a]ll disputes arising under this agreement.” Interpreting
    this clause, the district court dismissed the issues of breach
    and damages in favor of arbitration, but retained the question
    of contract ratification for the district court’s determination.
    Local 287 timely appealed the order retaining the formation
    Because we determine that the district court erred by deny-
    ing Local 287’s motion to compel arbitration of the entire dis-
    pute, and we remand for arbitration, we need not address the
    appealed orders that arose from the district court’s rulings in
    resolving on the merits the issue of contract formation by rati-
    The district court’s dismissal of Granite Rock’s claims
    against IBT presents questions of law which we review de
    novo. Pruitt v. Cheney, 
    963 F.2d 1160
    , 1162-63 (9th Cir.
    [1] Section 301(a) of LMRA, 29 U.S.C. § 185(a), provides:
    Suits for violation of contracts between an employer
    and a labor organization representing employees in
    an industry affecting commerce as defined in this
    chapter, or between any such labor organizations,
    may be brought in any district court of the United
    States having jurisdiction of the parties, without
    GRANITE ROCK CO. v. TEAMSTERS            14711
    respect to the amount in controversy or without
    regard to the citizenship of the parties.
    Jurisdiction over a claim under section 301(a) requires two
    things: First, that the claim be “based on an alleged breach of
    contract between an employer and a labor organization,” and
    second, “that the resolution of the lawsuit be focused upon
    and governed by the terms of the contract.” Painting & Deco-
    rating Contractors Ass’n v. Painters & Decorators Joint
    Comm., Inc., 
    707 F.2d 1067
    , 1071 (9th Cir. 1983).
    A party need not be a signatory to a CBA to come within
    the purview of section 301(a). In Painters & Decorators, the
    “Joint Committee”—created by the bargaining agreement to
    administer the terms of the agreement—was not a signatory
    of the agreement. We held that the Committee was still an
    appropriate defendant under section 301(a) because the CBA
    created the Committee and governed its rights and duties. 
    Id. at 1069.
    However, the second part of the Painters and Decorators
    test requires that resolution of any section 301(a) claim be
    governed by the terms of the relevant agreement. In Carpen-
    ters S. Cal. Admin. Corp. v. Majestic Housing, 
    743 F.2d 1341
    (9th Cir. 1984), the defendant’s property was subject to a
    mechanic’s lien because a party to the collective bargaining
    agreement had not made required trust 
    contributions. 743 F.2d at 1343
    . The district court found jurisdiction under section
    301(a) because the lien foreclosure would require interpreta-
    tion of the collective bargaining agreement. 
    Id. at 1345.
    reversed, holding that “mere reference to the collective bar-
    gaining agreement does not make this a case ‘arising under’
    federal law within the meaning of 28 U.S.C. § 1441.” 
    Id. Although Majestic
    Housing dealt with rights under a
    mechanic’s lien, its reasoning also applies to tort claims. The
    underlying agreement in Majestic Housing was relevant to the
    mechanic’s lien because the lien could only be foreclosed if
    14712           GRANITE ROCK CO. v. TEAMSTERS
    the contract was violated, just as a tortious interference with
    contract claim depends on a breach. The court in Majestic
    Housing held that such a connection is inadequate to satisfy
    the requirements of section 
    301(a). 743 F.2d at 1345
    [2] Applying the rule developed in Majestic Housing, we
    conclude that the district court was correct to dismiss Granite
    Rock’s claim against IBT because a claim for tortious inter-
    ference cannot be said to “arise under” the new CBA between
    Granite Rock and Local 287. Majestic 
    Housing, 743 F.2d at 1345
    . That agreement did not mention IBT, and did not gov-
    ern any rights or duties of IBT. Indeed, Granite Rock con-
    cedes that the alleged tortious interference could only be a
    violation of a general tort duty, not a violation of any specific
    contractual duty. Notwithstanding, Granite Rock contends
    that the alleged tortious interference claim still meets the
    requirement that “the resolution of the lawsuit be focused
    upon and governed by the terms of the contract.” Painters &
    Decorators, 707 F.2d at 1071
    . Granite Rock’s theory is that
    because breach of the underlying contract is a necessary ele-
    ment of the tortious interference claim, the resolution of the
    tort claim is “focused upon” and “governed by” the contract.
    [3] We reject Granite Rock’s argument, because its position
    clashes with the plain language of section 301(a) and the
    Majestic Housing requirement that the underlying agreement
    must have created the rights or liabilities which the parties
    seek to vindicate by their suit. Majestic 
    Housing, 743 F.2d at 1345
    . We made this distinction clear in Majestic Housing: In
    Painters and Decorators, “the rights and liabilities of both
    parties were determined by the bargaining agreement,” but in
    Majestic Housing, “although the amount of the mechanic’s
    lien must be determined by the terms of the collective bar-
    gaining agreement, Majestic has no rights or liabilities under
    the agreement.” 
    Id. Similarly, IBT
    has no rights or duties
    under the agreement, and thus Granite Rock’s tortious inter-
    ference claim against IBT does not meet the requirements of
    section 301(a).
    GRANITE ROCK CO. v. TEAMSTERS                     14713
    Granite Rock makes an additional argument in its unsuc-
    cessful attempt to bridge this gap: that the “close relationship”
    between IBT and Local 287, at least when presented with
    IBT’s aim to “benefit” from the breach by gaining a release
    of liability through the proposed back-to-work agreement, jus-
    tifies allowing a tort claim against IBT. Although Granite
    Rock’s argument has some emotive force, Granite Rock pro-
    vides no persuasive case support for its position, and does not
    explain adequately how the concepts of “close relationship”
    and “benefit” bring IBT within the scope of the contractual
    rights and obligations created by the new CBA.1
    The majority of our sister circuits to have considered the
    question have declined to find a section 301(a) cause of action
    against parties not governed by the relevant agreement. See
    Int’l Union, United Mine Workers of America v. Covenant
    Coal Corp., 
    977 F.2d 895
    , 897 (4th Cir. 1992) (“The majority
    of courts to address the issue have refused to construe section
    301 in such a way as to allow [tortious interference claims
    against non-signatories.]”); Carpenters Local Union No. 1846
    v. Pratt-Farnsworth, Inc., 
    690 F.2d 489
    , 501 (5th Cir. 1982)
    (“[C]ourts have almost unanimously held that a section 301
    suit may be brought for violation of a labor contract only
    against those who are parties to the contract at issue.”).
    Although there are some variations in phrasing, the circuits
    are almost unanimous in rejecting LMRA jurisdiction over a
    It is undisputed that the separate back-to-work agreement was never
    signed, and IBT is not transformed into a third party beneficiary or obligor
    by supporting an abandoned addendum to the relevant collective bargain-
    ing agreement.
    Moreover, although there may be limited section 301 remedies available
    when parties are so intertwined that one is the “alter ego” of the other, and
    a plaintiff might be able to recover by “piercing the veil,” see Local 159
    v. Nor-Cal Plumbing, Inc., 
    185 F.3d 978
    , 984-85 (9th Cir. 1999) (finding
    jurisdiction under section 301 because the veil-piercing theory “merely
    concern[ed] the remedy attached to a breach of contract claim governed
    by LMRA,” and was not a separate tort cause of action), Granite Rock did
    not pursue such a theory in the district court.
    14714           GRANITE ROCK CO. v. TEAMSTERS
    claim such as Granite Rock’s claim against IBT. See Green-
    blatt v. Delta Plumbing & Heating Corp., 
    68 F.3d 561
    , 572
    (2d Cir. 1995) (holding that “at a minimum the defendant
    must have breached some duty created by a labor contract to
    be liable for a violation” under section 301(a)); Covenant
    Coal, 977 F.2d at 897
    (declining to find jurisdiction under
    section 301(a) for a tortious interference with contract claim);
    Pratt-Farnsworth, 690 F.2d at 501-02
    (holding, in response to
    plaintiffs’ arguments that defendants had “conspired” with the
    alleged breaching party, that “the absence of a contractual
    relationship between [the parties] requires dismissal of the
    section 301 claim”); Serv., Hosp., Nursing Homes & Public
    Employees Union, Local No. 47 v. Commercial Prop. Servs.,
    755 F.2d 499
    , 506 (6th Cir. 1985) (holding “that a dis-
    trict court does not have subject matter jurisdiction over a
    non-signatory to a collective bargaining agreement, where no
    rights or duties of the non-signatory party are stated in the
    terms and conditions of the contract”); Loss v. Blankenship,
    673 F.2d 942
    , 948 (7th Cir. 1982) (holding “that a complaint
    for interference with a collective bargaining agreement,
    against a non-party to that agreement, is not actionable under
    § 301(a) of the LMRA”); United Food & Com. Workers
    Union, Local No. 1564 v. Quality Plus Stores, Inc., 
    961 F.2d 904
    , 906 (10th Cir. 1992) (concluding “that section 301 does
    not establish subject-matter jurisdiction for a federal common
    law claim of tortious interference against an entity that is not
    a signatory to the contract”).
    The only circuit to have adopted Granite Rock’s position is
    the Third. Wilkes-Barre Publishing Co. v. Newspaper Guild
    Local 120, 
    647 F.2d 372
    (3d Cir. 1981). In Wilkes-Barre, the
    court held that tortious interference claims do arise under the
    underlying contract because “an essential element of the cause
    of action . . . is a violation of the collective bargaining agree-
    Id. at 380-81.
    We rejected similar reasoning in Majes-
    tic Housing, where we held that “mere reference to the
    GRANITE ROCK CO. v. TEAMSTERS                    14715
    collective bargaining agreement” is inadequate to confer juris-
    diction under section 
    301(a). 743 F.2d at 1345
    Granite Rock attempts to distinguish cases from other cir-
    cuits by arguing that they did not deal with parties who are
    “closely related” or who “benefitted from” the breach. As dis-
    cussed above, these distinctions are unsupported by precedent
    and the fact remains that only the Third Circuit has recog-
    nized a tortious interference claim under section 301(a).
    Granite Rock’s assertion that we should create federal com-
    mon law to reach IBT misinterprets our instructions from
    Congress and the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has
    said that section 301 can be read as a “congressional mandate
    to the federal courts to fashion a body of common law to be
    used to address disputes arising out of labor contracts.” Allis-
    Chalmers v. Lueck, 
    471 U.S. 202
    , 209 (1985). However,
    based on the language of section 301(a) and Allis-Chalmers,
    we understand this as a mandate to create a federal common
    law of labor contract interpretation, not an independent body
    of tort law. Accord, Brazinski v. Amoco Petroleum Additives
    6 F.3d 1176
    , 1180 (7th Cir. 1993) (“The common law to
    be made is a common law of contracts, not a source of inde-
    pendent rights, let alone tort rights; for section 301 is as we
    have said a grant of jurisdiction only to enforce contracts.”).
    Finally, Granite Rock’s invocation of legislative intent does
    not persuade us. Congress intended to improve the enforce-
    ment of bargaining agreements via the LMRA. S. Rep. No.
    80-105 (1947). But “[n]othing in the legislative history of
    The Eleventh Circuit initially seemed to adopt the Third Circuit’s
    approach in Local 472, United Ass’n of Journeymen & Apprentices v.
    Georgia Power Co., 
    684 F.2d 721
    , 725 (11th Cir. 1982). However, the
    Eleventh Circuit then implicitly overruled that precedent when it held, in
    Xaros v. U.S. Fid. and Guar. Co., 
    820 F.2d 1176
    , 1181 (11th Cir. 1987),
    that section 301(a) jurisdiction did not lie when the defendant was not a
    signatory to the underlying contract, because the cause of action did not
    “arise under the agreement but [was] merely related to it.” 
    Id. 14716 GRANITE
    § 301 bears on the question of holding a nonsignatory to a
    collective bargaining agreement.” Carpenters Local Union
    No. 1846 v. Pratt-Farnsworth, Inc., 
    690 F.2d 489
    , 503 n.6
    (5th Cir. 1982). Granite Rock asks us to extrapolate from
    Congress’s general purpose a tort claim against IBT, despite
    the language of the statute, in the interests of “fundamental
    fairness.” We decline to do so. The plain language of the stat-
    ute appears to require at least that rights or obligations created
    by a labor agreement be in contest to support a section 301(a)
    challenge. Moreover, the persuasive array of authority in our
    sister circuits counsels against adopting Granite Rock’s posi-
    tion, and leads us instead to take the beaten path established
    by this extra-circuit precedent.
    Any “gap” that might exist in Congress’s labor law design
    is for Congress and not for us to fill. When Congress regulates
    an area comprehensively, as it has done in the federal labor
    laws, rights and remedies can be defined and circumscribed.
    Congress has not left parties such as Granite Rock altogether
    without recourse. It has provided for remedies in labor dis-
    putes through both section 301—against parties to the bar-
    gaining agreement—and through the National Labor
    Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. §§ 151-169. Indeed, Granite Rock
    vigorously pursued actions against Local 287 in the federal
    courts as well as in the National Labor Relations Board. If
    Congress did not provide a remedy for Granite Rock directly
    against IBT on its asserted tortious interference claim, then
    that is an issue to be addressed by Congress, not by an
    extraordinary and outlier interpretation of the governing stat-
    [4] We affirm the dismissal of Granite Rock’s claims
    against IBT.3
    Language in section 301(a) of the LMRA strongly suggests that its
    requirements are necessary to confer subject-matter jurisdiction on the
    federal courts: The action “may be brought in any district court of the
    United States having jurisdiction of the parties, without respect to the
    GRANITE ROCK CO. v. TEAMSTERS                     14717
    We review de novo the effect of the arbitration clause in
    the alleged new CBA between Granite Rock and Local 287.
    See Nagrampa v. Mailcoups, Inc., 
    469 F.3d 1257
    , 1267 (9th
    Cir. 2006) (en banc).
    [5] The United States Supreme Court has drawn a distinc-
    tion between challenges to an arbitration clause and chal-
    lenges to an entire contract. The Court has stated this general
    rule: “[U]nless the challenge is to the arbitration clause itself,
    the issue of the contract’s validity is considered by the arbitra-
    tor in the first instance.” Buckeye Check Cashing, Inc. v. Car-
    546 U.S. 440
    , 445-46 (2006); see Prima Paint Corp.
    v. Flood & Conklin Mfg. Co., 
    388 U.S. 395
    , 403-04 (1967).
    The Ninth Circuit recognized this dichotomy recently in
    Nagrampa, where we held that federal courts must refer to
    arbitration those claims seeking to “invalidate or otherwise
    directly affect the entire 
    contract,” 469 F.3d at 1271
    , but may
    hear “challenges specifically to [an] arbitration agreement.”
    Id. at 1269.
    [6] Consistent with this framework, a party generally may
    not sue in federal court under a contract that, by its terms,
    amount in controversy or without regard to the citizenship of the parties.”
    29 U.S.C. § 185(a); see also Steel Co. v. Citizens for a Better Env’t, 
    523 U.S. 83
    , 89 (1998) (reasoning that similar language in the Clean Water
    Act made the Act’s requirements jurisdictional). This reading is consistent
    with our precedent. See Majestic 
    Housing, 743 F.2d at 1345
    (holding that
    “mere reference” to a collective bargaining agreement does not confer fed-
    eral question jurisdiction under section 301(a)). Thus, a failure to state a
    claim under section 301(a) of the LMRA is a defect in subject-matter
    jurisdiction, and Granite Rock’s claim against IBT here should have been
    dismissed under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(1), not 12(b)(6) as
    the district court held. This difference in theory, however, leads to the
    same result of dismissal. We may affirm the district court’s dismissal of
    the claim on any grounds supported by the record, even if the district court
    did not rely on those grounds. See United States v. State of Wash., 
    969 F.2d 752
    , 755 (9th Cir. 1992).
    14718           GRANITE ROCK CO. v. TEAMSTERS
    requires arbitration. Teledyne, Inc. v. Kone Corp., 
    892 F.2d 1404
    (9th Cir. 1989). In such cases, the matter must be sent
    to arbitration “unless there is a challenge to the arbitration
    provision which is separate and distinct from any challenge to
    the underlying contract.” 
    Id. at 1410
    (citing Prima 
    Paint, 388 U.S. at 402-04
    ). In Teledyne, the plaintiff sued for breach of
    contract, and defendant argued that the draft agreement was
    never finalized. 
    Id. We upheld
    the dismissal of the claim, in
    favor of arbitration, to avoid the absurd result where a plain-
    tiff simultaneously argues that the whole contract is valid, but
    that the court should ignore the arbitration provision which
    strips its power.
    Two years later, we held that a party who disputes the for-
    mation of a contract may not be forced to arbitrate the issue
    of contract formation; otherwise “[p]arty A could forge party
    B’s name to a contract and compel party B to arbitrate the
    question of the genuineness of its signature.” Three Valleys
    Municipal Water Dist. v. E.F. Hutton & Co., 
    925 F.2d 1136
    1140 (9th Cir. 1991). In Three Valleys, plaintiffs sued E.F.
    Hutton for substantial losses in their investment accounts. 
    Id. at 1137.
    Defendant asserted an arbitration clause in a client
    agreement, while plaintiffs contended that the entire client
    agreement was not binding because the signor lacked author-
    ity to bind plaintiffs. 
    Id. at 1138.
    The district court directed
    arbitration of the contract formation issue, and we reversed on
    the grounds that forcing the formation issue into arbitration
    would have held the plaintiffs to an arbitration clause upon
    which they might not have agreed. 
    Id. at 1138-42.
    The parties’ briefing and the district court’s careful analysis
    in the case at bar illuminate the conceptual tension that exists
    between Teledyne and Three Valleys. It might be argued that
    these two cases look in opposite directions: Teledyne com-
    pelled arbitration on the question of contract formation, Three
    Valleys reserved the formation question for the court. How-
    ever, the court in Three Valleys distinguished its facts from
    those in Teledyne in an instructive way:
    GRANITE ROCK CO. v. TEAMSTERS                     14719
    Teledyne is a rare case. In Teledyne, the plaintiff (1)
    asserted the validity of the underlying contract con-
    taining the arbitration clause by bringing a breach of
    contract action and (2) did not make an independent
    challenge to the arbitration clause. The plaintiff thus
    had no ground on which to repudiate the arbitration
    agreement. As we explained in Teledyne, to allow
    the plaintiff to circumvent arbitration in these cir-
    cumstances by bringing its claims in federal court
    would lead to an absurd result . . . .
    Valleys, 925 F.2d at 1142
    . This reading of Teledyne
    precisely fits the facts of the case presented by the appeal
    before us. Whether the facts of this case and of Teledyne are
    “rare” or not, we conclude that the general rule stated by the
    Supreme Court, reiterated recently in our en banc decision in
    Nagrampa, and previously implemented sensibly in Teledyne,
    should be followed.
    [7] Here, Granite Rock brings a section 301(a) breach of
    contract action based on its alleged new CBA with Local 287,
    which includes an arbitration clause covering “[a]ll disputes
    arising under this agreement.” This clause is broad enough to
    cover the dispute over contract formation, and Granite Rock
    does not make an independent challenge to the arbitration
    clause.4 Granite Rock “thus ha[s] no ground on which to repu-
    While Granite Rock does not argue the arbitration clause is invalid in
    any way, it does argue briefly that the clause does not cover a dispute over
    formation. However, Granite Rock offers no support for a narrow reading
    of the arbitration clause here. Arbitration clauses are to be construed very
    broadly: “An order to arbitrate the particular grievance should not be
    denied unless it may be said with positive assurance that the arbitration
    clause is not susceptible of an interpretation that covers the asserted dis-
    pute. Doubts should be resolved in favor of coverage.” AT&T Techs., Inc.
    v. Comm. Workers, 
    475 U.S. 643
    , 650 (1986) (quoting Steelworkers v.
    Warrior & Gulf Navigation Co., 
    363 U.S. 574
    , 582-83 (1960)). Because
    Granite Rock is suing “under” the alleged new CBA, the arbitration clause
    is certainly “susceptible of an interpretation” that covers the dispute.
    14720           GRANITE ROCK CO. v. TEAMSTERS
    diate the arbitration agreement.” Three 
    Valleys, 925 F.2d at 1142
    . Therefore, we must not allow Granite Rock to “circum-
    vent arbitration in these circumstances by bringing its claim
    in federal court.” 
    Id. Granite Rock
    contends that because Local 287 has con-
    tested the issue of contract formation, Local 287 has repudi-
    ated and waived the arbitration clause and should be estopped
    from asserting it, even as to questions of breach and damages.
    We summarily rejected that rationale in Teledyne, where the
    defendant denied the existence of the contract but asserted the
    arbitration clause. We stated: “Teledyne argues that Kone has
    no right to enforce the arbitration provision because it has
    denied that a valid contract exists. If accepted, this argument
    would produce an absurd result . . . 
    .” 892 F.2d at 1410
    . Local
    287 timely raised the arbitration issue, and thus it is entirely
    acceptable for Local 287 to argue in the alternative that the
    agreement was never ratified, but even if it was, this case
    belongs in arbitration. (This outcome does not fun afoul of
    Three Valleys. The court there ultimately held that “ ‘a party
    cannot be required to submit [to arbitration] any dispute
    which he has not agreed so to submit.’ ” Three 
    Valleys, 925 F.2d at 1142
    (quoting AT & T Technologies, Inc. v. Communi-
    cations Workers, 
    475 U.S. 643
    , 648 (1986)). In Three Valleys
    the party contesting contract formation also resisted arbitra-
    tion, so it was a permissible outcome to reserve the question
    of contract formation for the court.
    [8] Here, both parties consented to arbitration; Granite
    Rock implicitly by suing under the contract containing the
    arbitration clause, and Local 287 explicitly by asserting the
    arbitration clause. Either might have had the right to a court
    determination of the formation issue had that right not been
    waived by asserting the validity of the contract. The holding
    of Teledyne is clear: Parties have no right to access the federal
    courts when they sue under agreements which, by their terms,
    remove the federal courts’ power to hear the case—unless
    GRANITE ROCK CO. v. TEAMSTERS              14721
    they challenge the arbitration clause independently. See Tele-
    dyne, 892 F.2d at 1410
    Congress and the Supreme Court have declared a “national
    policy favoring arbitration.” Buckeye Check 
    Cashing, 546 U.S. at 443
    (citing the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. §§ 1-
    16). As courts have noted however, this policy is best served
    by limiting arbitrators’ jurisdiction to those cases where the
    parties have actually agreed to arbitrate; “[t]he willingness of
    parties to enter into agreements that provide for arbitration of
    specified disputes would be ‘drastically reduced’ . . . if a labor
    arbitrator had the ‘power to determine his own jurisdiction
    . . . .’ ” AT & 
    T, 475 U.S. at 651
    (quoting Cox, Reflections
    Upon Labor Arbitration, 72 Harv. L. Rev. 1482, 1509
    (1959)). When the parties have both consented to arbitration
    there are no concerns about arbitrators imposing themselves
    upon parties. If a party sues under a contract containing a
    broad arbitration clause, logic dictates that the most reliable
    way of honoring the parties’ expectations is to enforce that
    arbitration clause from the outset unless the other party shows
    it never agreed to arbitrate.
    When an alleged contract includes a broad arbitration
    clause, it is sensible to conclude that an arbitrator will hear
    challenges to contract formation or to the contract as a whole
    —provided that both parties have consented, in some fashion,
    to arbitration. Teledyne shows that one can consent to arbitra-
    tion by suing under a contract that includes an applicable arbi-
    tration clause.
    [9] The challenge here regards contract formation, Granite
    Rock does not challenge the arbitration clause independently,
    and both parties have consented to arbitration. As such, Gran-
    ite Rock’s claims against Local 287 should have been dis-
    missed in favor of arbitration.
    We AFFIRM the district court’s judgment dismissing
    Granite Rock’s claims against IBT, and we REVERSE and
    14722           GRANITE ROCK CO. v. TEAMSTERS
    REMAND the district court’s order denying Local 287’s
    motion to arbitrate, with instructions that Granite Rock and
    Local 287 should be compelled to arbitrate their dispute in its
    entirety. Costs of IBT and of Local 287 shall be borne by
    Granite Rock.

Document Info

Docket Number: 07-15040

Filed Date: 10/21/2008

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/14/2015

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View All Authorities »