William O. Gilley Enterprises, Inc. ( 2009 )

  •                   FOR PUBLICATION
    INC., a Nevada corporation doing
    business in California and the
    estate of William O. Gilley,
    deceased; DENNIS DECOTA, an
    individual; PATRICK PALMER, an
    individual on behalf of themselves
    and all others similarly situated,
    v.                          No. 06-56059
    ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY;                   D.C. No.
    CORPORATION; MOBIL OIL                         OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of California
    Barry T. Moskowitz, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    February 13, 2008—Pasadena, California
    Filed April 3, 2009
    4014           GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.
    Before: Stephen S. Trott, Richard R. Clifton, and
    Consuelo M. Callahan, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Trott;
    Dissent by Judge Callahan
    Charles M. Kagay, Spiegel, Liao & Kagay LLP, San Fran-
    cisco, California, for the plaintiffs-appellants.
    GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.           4017
    Timothy D. Cohelan, Cohelan & Khoury, San Diego, Califor-
    nia, for the plaintiffs-appellants.
    Hojoon Hwang, Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP, San Francisco,
    California, for the defendants-appellees.
    Peter H. Mason, Fulbright & Jaworski LLP, Los Angeles,
    California, for the defendant-appellee.
    David M. Foster, Fulbright & Jaworski LLP, Washington DC,
    for the defendant-appellee.
    TROTT, Circuit Judge:
    The district court granted Defendants’ motion to dismiss
    Plaintiffs’ antitrust claim founded on § 1 of the Sherman Act,
    holding that 1) Aguilar v. Atlantic Richfield Co., 
    24 P.3d 493
    (Cal. 2001), precludes the allegations made in the operative
    pleading; 2) Defendants’ exchange agreements can not be
    aggregated to establish market power and anticompetitive
    effect; and 3) even if the exchange agreements could be
    aggregated, the absence of a conspiracy to limit supply and
    raise prices eliminates a causal connection between the
    exchange agreements and anticompetitive effect. We have
    jurisdiction pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    , and we reverse and
    Plaintiff-Appellant William O. Gilley filed this class-action
    lawsuit in 1998 on behalf of himself and other wholesale pur-
    chasers of CARB gasoline in the state of California. CARB
    4018           GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.
    gas is a cleaner-burning fuel, and since 1996 it is the only
    type of gas that can be sold in California. The complaint
    alleged that Defendants-Appellees, major oil producers, vio-
    lated § 1 of the Sherman Act by entering into a conspiracy to
    limit the supply of CARB gasoline and to raise prices.
    The allegations of the complaint were similar to those
    alleged in Aguilar, a class-action suit filed in California Supe-
    rior Court in 1996. That suit was brought under the Cart-
    wright Act, CAL. BUS. & PROF. CODE § 16720 et seq.,
    California’s equivalent to the Sherman Act. Aguilar, 
    24 P.3d at 502
    . The plaintiff in Aguilar was a retail purchaser and con-
    sumer of gasoline and sought to represent a class of retail pur-
    chasers. The plaintiff in this action was a wholesale purchaser
    and retail dealer of gasoline and sought to represent a class of
    wholesale purchasers. Both plaintiffs were represented by the
    same attorneys, and both actions targeted the same defendants
    for essentially the same allegedly unlawful conduct. Because
    of the similarity in the cases, the district court hearing this
    case stayed the suit pending the outcome of Aguilar.
    In Aguliar, the state superior court granted summary judg-
    ment to the defendants, concluding that there was insufficient
    evidence presented by the plaintiffs to allow a reasonable
    juror to find a conspiracy to limit supply and raise prices
    among the several gasoline companies. 
    Id. at 503
    . The Cali-
    fornia Supreme Court affirmed. 
    Id. at 521
    . As a result, Defen-
    dants in this case brought a motion for summary judgment
    arguing that Gilley’s claims were barred by collateral estop-
    pel. In response, Gilley offered a proposed amended com-
    plaint, which the court found insufficient. The district court,
    however, granted Gilley leave to provide another proposed
    amended complaint, which he did.
    On May 6, 2002, the district court granted Defendants’
    motion for summary judgment on that complaint, holding that
    Gilley was precluded by Aguilar from relitigating whether a
    conspiracy existed to limit supply and raise prices. However,
    GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.            4019
    the court granted Gilley further leave to amend the complaint
    to allege that “each of the bilateral agreements, entered into
    independently between various defendant gasoline companies,
    ha[s] anti-competitive effects and therefore violate[s] the
    Sherman Act.”
    On May 24, 2002, Gilley filed the third post-Aguilar com-
    plaint, alleging that forty-four bilateral exchange agreements
    had the effect of unreasonably restraining trade in violation of
    § 1 of the Sherman Act and in violation of CAL. BUS. & PROF.
    CODE § 17200. On March 27, 2003, the district court granted
    Defendants’ motion to dismiss that complaint with prejudice.
    With respect to the § 1 claim, the court explained that Gilley
    had not alleged any theory as to how any individual exchange
    agreement, which accounts for a small percentage of the rele-
    vant market, is able to inflate the price of CARB gasoline.
    The district court rejected Gilley’s argument that the court
    could consider the aggregate effects of the individual bilateral
    agreements to allege an anticompetitive effect—namely
    higher gas prices.
    Gilley appealed to this Court, which reversed and
    remanded, holding that the district court erred in not giving
    Gilley an opportunity to correct the newly identified deficien-
    cies. After the remand, the second amended complaint
    (“SAC”) was filed. Most of the allegations of anticompetitive
    conduct and effect are stated in the following terms:
    [Defendant] entered into the following sales/
    exchange agreements for delivery of CARB gas in
    [geographic market]: [list of exchange agreements.]
    [Defendant’s] intent and purpose in entering into
    these sales/exchange agreements was to limit refin-
    ing capacity for CARB gas and/or to keep CARB
    gas out of the spot market and away from unbranded
    4020              GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.
    These agreements have had the effect of raising
    CARB gas prices in [geographic market] above com-
    petitive levels, without any countervailing procom-
    petitive benefit.
    The district court granted Defendants’ motion to dismiss
    the SAC, holding that Plaintiffs failed to allege that the
    exchange agreements, when considered individually, would
    be capable of producing significant anticompetitive effects.
    We now review the district court’s summary dismissal of the
    A.     Standard of Review
    We review de novo a dismissal for failure to state a claim
    pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6). Knievel v. ESPN, 
    393 F.3d 1068
    1072 (9th Cir. 2005). All allegations of material fact are taken
    as true and construed in the light most favorable to the non-
    moving party. 
    B.     Analysis
    We address the following issues in this appeal: 1) the pre-
    clusive effect of the California Supreme Court’s decision in
    Aguilar; 2) the pleading standard for § 1 claims; 3) the suffi-
    ciency of Plaintiffs’ SAC; 4) Plaintiffs’ standing to add
    Tesoro as a Defendant in the SAC; and 5) the state law claim
    under CAL. BUS. & PROF. CODE § 17200.
    1.    The Preclusive Effect of the California Supreme
    Court’s Aguilar Decision.
    Gilley does not dispute that the decision in Aguilar has
    some preclusive effect in the current lawsuit, but he contends
    GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.             4021
    that his current claim is not entirely extinguished by Aguilar.
    In contrast, Defendants argue that all of the allegations in the
    SAC are precluded by Aguilar. We conclude that Gilley has
    stated a claim that is not precluded by the California Supreme
    Court’s decision.
    [1] The critical determination in Aguilar was that the plain-
    tiff failed to provide sufficient proof of a fact necessary for
    the claim she had pled, specifically that Defendants conspired
    and acted collectively through exchange agreements to fix
    prices and/or control supply. As the California Supreme Court
    explained: “Aguilar had to present evidence that tended to
    exclude the possibility that the petroleum companies acted
    independently rather than collusively. This she did not do.”
    24 P.3d at 518
    . In the order granting Defendants’
    motion to dismiss, the district court in this case summarized
    its understanding of that finding: “With respect to exchange
    agreements specifically, the court found that the evidence
    showed independent action on the part of the petroleum com-
    panies rather than a collusive web of bilateral exchange agree-
    ments to control supply and prices.” The district court,
    applying the doctrine of issue preclusion (or collateral estop-
    pel), accepted as an established fact the finding that the defen-
    dants did not collude to control supply and prices through the
    exchange agreements.
    The California Supreme Court was clear in Aguilar, how-
    ever, that the failure to prove that fact did not necessarily
    mean that plaintiff did not have a legally viable claim against
    In alleging facts for her Cartwright Act cause of
    action, Aguilar proceeded on a theory, which was
    legally sound, that the assertedly unlawful conspir-
    acy consisted of an agreement among the petroleum
    companies as competitors to restrict the output of
    CARB gasoline and to raise its price, and was
    unlawful per se without regard to any of its effects.
    4022             GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.
    In granting the petroleum companies summary judg-
    ment, the superior court did so on that theory. On
    appeal, Aguilar apparently attempted to introduce an
    alternative theory, which was also legally sound, that
    the assertedly unlawful conspiracy consisted of the
    various exchange agreements entered into by the
    various petroleum companies, and was unlawful
    because of its effects. The Court of Appeal rejected
    any such attempt as too late. To the extent that Agui-
    lar makes the same attempt on review, we reject it
    for the same reason.
    Id. at 521, n. 35
     (citations omitted). Plaintiff was not allowed
    to proceed with the alternative theory based on the effects of
    the exchange agreements, without proof of collusion, because
    the theory had not been timely pleaded, not because it was
    held to be defective, either legally or factually.
    The Aguilar decision does not preclude the latter theory in
    subsequent litigation. Issue preclusion is decided under the
    law of the state where judgment was entered. Ross v. Alaska,
    189 F.3d 1107
    , 1110 (9th Cir. 1999). Under California law,
    issue preclusion applies only if a number of conditions are
    satisfied. Calvert v. Huckins, 
    109 F.3d 636
    , 638 (9th Cir.
    1997). Among those conditions are “[the] issue must have
    been actually litigated in the former proceeding” and “the
    decision in the former proceeding must be final and on the
    [2] Aguilar precludes a claim that depends upon proof of
    collusion by Defendants to use exchange agreements to con-
    trol supply and prices, notably in the form of a per se claim
    of a horizontal price-fixing conspiracy,1 but it does not pre-
    The determination of whether an agreement unreasonably restrains
    trade can be based upon per se condemnation or under a rule of reason
    analysis. See Texaco Inc. v. Dagher, 
    547 U.S. 1
    , 5-7 (2006) (noting that
    a per se claim and a rule of reason claim are distinct). Courts will con-
    GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.                     4023
    clude a claim that the bilateral exchange agreements have an
    anticompetitive effect on competition, despite the absence of
    collusion, under the rule of reason.2
    [3] The SAC may include allegations which are precluded
    by Aguilar, but not of all of what the SAC alleges is pre-
    cluded. To the extent that the SAC alleges a claim that Defen-
    dants have entered into exchange agreements, without a
    conspiracy to control supply or to set prices, and that those
    agreements aggregated together have an anticompetitive
    effect on competition in the relevant market, it has stated a
    claim that is not precluded by Aguilar.
    2.    The Pleading Standard for § 1 Claims.
    To successfully state a claim under § 1 of the Sherman Act,
    a plaintiff need only meet the notice pleading standard articu-
    lated in Fed. R. Civ. P. 8(a)(2). Bell Alt. Corp. v. Twombly,
    550 U.S. 544
    127 S. Ct. at 1964
     (2007). Rule 8(a)(2) requires
    “ ‘a short and plain statement of the claim showing that the
    pleader is entitled to relief,’ in order to ‘give the defendant
    fair notice of what the . . . claim is and the grounds upon
    which it rests.’ ” 
     (quoting Fed. R. Civ. P. 8(a)(2)). “[A]
    well-pleaded complaint may proceed even if it strikes a savvy
    judge that actual proof of those facts is improbable, and ‘that
    demn as per se illegal only those agreements that are “so plainly anticom-
    petitive that no elaborate study of the industry is needed to establish their
    illegality.” Nat’l Soc’y of Prof’l Eng’rs v. United States, 
    435 U.S. 679
    , 692
    (1978). For example, “[p]rice-fixing agreements between two or more
    competitors, otherwise known as horizontal price-fixing agreements,” are
    condemned as per se illegal. Dagher, 
    547 U.S. at 5
    For a rule of reason claim, “the finder of fact must decide whether the
    questioned practice imposes an unreasonable restraint on competition, tak-
    ing into account a variety of factors, including specific information about
    the relevant business, its condition before and after the restraint was
    imposed, and the restraint’s history, nature, and effect.” State Oil Co. v.
    522 U.S. 3
    , 10 (1997).
    4024               GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.
    a recovery is very remote and unlikely.’ ” Id. at 1965. Addi-
    tionally, dismissals for failure to state a claim are disfavored
    in antitrust actions. Hosp. Bldg. Co. v. Trs. of Rex Hosp., 
    425 U.S. 738
    , 746 (1976); Clayco Petroleum Corp. v. Occidental
    Petroleum Corp., 
    712 F.2d 404
    , 406 (9th Cir. 1983).
    3.        The SAC is a Sufficient Pleading.
    [4] Section 1 of the Sherman Act prohibits “[e]very con-
    tract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or con-
    spiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several
    15 U.S.C. § 1
    . However, it has long been recognized
    that Congress did not intend to give literal meaning to those
    words, but instead only intended to make unlawful unreason-
    able restraints on trade. State Oil Co. v. Khan, 
    522 U.S. 3
    , 10
    (1997). Therefore, “to establish a claim under § 1 of the Sher-
    man Act, the plaintiff must show 1) that there was a contract,
    combination, or conspiracy; 2) that . . . unreasonably
    restrained trade under either a per se rule of illegality or a rule
    of reason analysis; and 3) that the restraint affected interstate
    commerce.”3 Bhan, 929 F.2d at 1410.
    a.     The First Element—Existence of an Agreement.
    Under the first element of a § 1 claim, a plaintiff must
    plead the existence of a contract, combination, or conspiracy,
    meaning a defendant did not operate unilaterally, but instead,
    at least two entities acted in concert. Copperweld Corp. v.
    Independence Tube Corp., 
    467 U.S. 752
    , 768 (1984). Defen-
    dants argue that the exchange agreements are not concerted
    [5] “Our antitrust law is clear that [a plaintiff] need not
    prove intent to control prices or destroy competition to dem-
    onstrate the element of an agreement . . . among two or more
    Neither party disputes that the exchange agreements affect interstate
    GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.             4025
    entities.” Paladin Assocs., Inc. v. Mont. Power Co., 
    328 F.3d 1145
    , 1153-54 (9th Cir. 2003) (internal quotation marks omit-
    ted) (noting that intent of the parties is to be evaluated under
    the second element of the § 1 analysis). The exchange agree-
    ments are “contracts.” As a result, each bilateral exchange
    agreement, even without intent to control prices, provides an
    agreement that meets the first element of a § 1 Sherman Act
    b.   The Second Element—When Aggregated, the
    Exchange Agreements Unreasonably Restrain
    Under the second element of a § 1 claim, a plaintiff must
    show the challenged agreement unreasonably restrains trade
    by establishing anticompetitive effects. Bhan, 929 F.2d at
    1410. To make this showing under the rule of reason analysis,
    a plaintiff generally must establish market power. Adaptive
    Power Solutions, LLC v. Hughes Missile Sys. Co., 
    141 F.3d 947
    , 951 (9th Cir. 1998). “Market power is the ability to raise
    prices above those that would be charged in a competitive
    market.” NCAA v. Bd. of Regents, 
    468 U.S. 85
    , 109 n.38
    Because each of the exchange agreements arguably affects
    only a small amount of CARB gas, Plaintiffs pleaded the
    cumulative effect of a single Defendant’s exchange agree-
    ments to show market power and anticompetitive effect.
    [6] Plaintiffs argue correctly that the district court erred in
    not allowing them to allege the cumulative effects of a single
    Defendant’s exchange agreements. They find support in Ninth
    Circuit and United States Supreme Court precedent, which
    has allowed the aggregation of multiple contracts when evalu-
    ating the legality of an individual contract. Twin City
    Sportservice, Inc. v. Charles O. Finley & Co., 
    676 F.2d 1291
    (9th Cir. 1982); Fortner Enters. v. United States Steel Corp.,
    394 U.S. 495
     (1969); Standard Oil Co. of Cal. & Standard
    4026            GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.
    Stations, Inc., v. United States, 
    337 U.S. 293
     (1949); cf. 2
    AREEDA & HOVENKAMP ¶ 310c1, p. 201 (“An aggregation of
    claims may produce sufficient proof of violation or injury
    where violation requires that a certain legal threshold be met
    and no claim standing alone is sufficient to meet the thresh-
    In Twin City, we were presented with the issue of “whether
    a district court, in assessing the antitrust liability of a defen-
    dant, may look to the overall effects of a defendant’s conduct
    in the relevant market, or is limited to looking at the market
    implications of the one contract between the antitrust plaintiff
    and defendant.” 
    676 F.2d at 1302
    . We allowed aggregation,
    reasoning that a defendant who restrains trade by an obvious
    pattern and practice of entering into individual contracts
    should not be allowed to do piecemeal what he would be pro-
    hibited from doing all at once. 
     We held that, “[c]reating
    such a distinction would require courts to enforce arguably
    innocuous single contracts that belong to a pattern of contrac-
    tual relations that significantly restrain trade in a relevant
    Id. at 1303
    [7] The district court and Defendants concede that aggrega-
    tion of agreements is appropriate in some cases. Both, how-
    ever, contend that aggregation should be allowed only in the
    context of “exclusive dealing” and “tying” cases because of
    the predictably anticompetitive effect of those practices—
    market foreclosure to competitors. The district court reasoned
    that only those types of contracts can be aggregated because
    they have “a clear purpose and an identifiable effect” and
    because “[d]etermining the cumulative effect of such con-
    tracts can be done with relative ease.” We disagree, as no gen-
    eral rule requires that only the easiest cases may be
    aggregated. As noted by the California Supreme Court, plain-
    tiffs have a viable legal theory. See Aguilar, 
    24 P.3d at
    n.35 (noting an “alternative theory, which [is] also legally
    sound, that the assertedly unlawful conspiracy consisted of
    the various exchange agreements entered into by the various
    GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.               4027
    petroleum companies, and was unlawful because of its
    effects”) (citation omitted).
    At the stage of a motion to dismiss for failure to state a
    claim, it is not our role to determine the soundness of Plain-
    tiffs’ economic theory. Even if we, as a savvy court, view
    actual proof of the facts pleaded in the SAC as improbable
    and conclude that a recovery is remote and unlikely, the com-
    plaint should still proceed. Bell Atl. Corp., 
    127 S. Ct. at 1965
    The analysis we would have to undertake to dismiss the com-
    plaint here is not appropriate at the Rule 12 stage.4
    Defendants also argue that bilateral exchange agreements,
    in general, are an efficiency-enhancing distribution practice
    that promotes, not hinders, competition. The allegations con-
    tained in the SAC, however, are that these exchange agree-
    ments have anticompetitive effects.
    That exchange agreements like “exclusive dealing” and
    “tying” arrangements, may be efficiency-enhancing and thus
    procompetitive does not necessarily mean that the anticompe-
    titive effects of those types of arrangements or agreements are
    always outweighed by procompetitive justifications. See
    Brown v. Hansen Publ’ns, Inc., 
    556 F.2d 969
    , 971 (9th Cir.
    1977) (noting that “exclusive dealing” contracts may be pro-
    competitive); NCAA, 
    468 U.S. at
    104 n.26 (noting that “tying”
    arrangements may be procompetitive).
    This loggerhead is precisely what a rule of reason analysis
    would address. The formulation of the dispute at issue was
    long ago laid out. “The true test of legality is whether the
    restraint imposed is such as merely regulates and perhaps
    thereby promotes competition or whether it is such as may
    suppress or even destroy competition.” Bd. of Trade of Chi-
    cago v. United States, 
    246 U.S. 231
    , 244 (1918). This point
    We note that the decision in Aguilar concerned a summary judgment,
    not a dismissal for failure to state a claim.
    4028           GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.
    of contention is yet another reason to allow the complaint to
    Defendants offer a number of other arguments against
    aggregation. None of the arguments, however, can sidestep
    our precedent.
    Defendants argue that Plaintiffs waived the aggregation
    argument by not challenging the district court’s Order Grant-
    ing Leave to Amend in their first appeal to the Ninth Circuit.
    That order reads, “The court GRANTS leave to amend plain-
    tiff’s complaint only to the extent that it alleges that each of
    the bilateral agreements, entered into independently between
    various defendant gasoline companies, have unreasonable
    anti-competitive effects and therefore violate the Sherman
    Act.” The purpose behind the district court’s decision to grant
    leave to amend was so Plaintiffs could plead a claim different
    than the per se violation pled in Aguilar. Plaintiffs complied
    by pleading a rule of reason claim based on the aggregate
    effects of the exchange agreements.
    Defendants also argue also that Dickson v. Microsoft Corp.,
    309 F.3d 193
     (4th Cir. 2002), forecloses aggregation of the
    bilateral exchange agreements to establish a violation of § 1.
    In that case the plaintiff “alleged discrete conspiracies
    between Microsoft and two original equipment manufactures
    (OEMs): Dell and Compaq. Id. at 210.” The Fourth Circuit
    affirmed the district court’s determination “that it could not
    consider the cumulative harm of Microsoft’s agreements with
    all OEMs but instead was required to consider—individually
    —Microsoft’s agreements with Compaq and Dell” because
    the complaint “did not allege a conspiracy among Microsoft
    and all OEMs; it alleged discrete conspiracies between Micro-
    soft and Compaq and Microsoft and Dell.” Id. (emphases
    added). In other words, because the plaintiff did not allege the
    cumulative effect of Microsoft’s agreements with “all OEMs”
    in the complaint, the Fourth Circuit declined considering their
    aggregate effects. Dickson is distinguishable from the present
    GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.           4029
    case, as the plaintiffs here do expressly allege that each
    Defendant’s agreements considered in the aggregate have
    anticompetitive effects.
    Defendants also contend that aggregation would subject
    firms to unwarranted liability and great uncertainty regarding
    the validity of independent business dealings that do not carry
    inherent anticompetitive potential. Section 1 liability, how-
    ever, is directed not only at inherent anticompetitive conduct,
    but also at conduct that has anticompetitive effects. Khan, 
    522 U.S. at 10
    . Furthermore, aggregation of the agreements does
    not lessen a plaintiff’s burden of demonstrating anticompeti-
    tive effects of a given agreement.
    [8] Because the district court’s application of the law was
    incorrect, and because we reject Defendants’ arguments
    against aggregation, we conclude that the district court erred
    in not allowing Plaintiffs to aggregate the agreements to dem-
    onstrate their anticompetitive effects.
    c.   The Allegations in the SAC Are Not Necessarily
    Premised on a Conspiracy to Limit Supply and
    Raise Prices.
    [9] The district court concluded that, even if aggregation
    were proper, the complaint alleges the existence of a network
    of exchange agreements that allow Defendants to limit supply
    and raise the price of CARB gas. The district court based that
    conclusion on language of the complaint stating that each
    Defendant obtained market power “through the use of [the
    Defendant’s] exchange agreements, coupled with its own
    refining capacity and that of its contracting partners.” How-
    ever, that language says nothing more than the exchange
    agreements provide access to refining capacity of Defendant’s
    competitors through the exchange agreements themselves.
    Furthermore, that language, read in the light most favorable
    to Plaintiffs, Knievel, 
    393 F.3d at 1072
    , certainly does not
    plead a “network”, a “precise dance of give-and-take”, or any
    4030           GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.
    other nomenclature for the operation of a conspiracy to limit
    supply or raise prices.
    The district court concluded also that “Plaintiffs cannot
    avoid the fact that their Sherman Act claim is, at its core, a
    conspiracy claim.” To come to that conclusion, the district
    court did not rely on the allegations made in the SAC. Instead,
    the court, in effect, probed the soundness of Gilley’s eco-
    nomic theory, concluding that the alleged anticompetitive
    effects could not result without the intentional collusion pre-
    cluded, as a factual allegation, by Aguilar. The district court
    illustrated its analysis with a hypothetical:
    Defendant A enters into separate exchange agree-
    ments with B, C, D, E, and F. If B overproduces
    CARB gasoline at some point in time, A may be able
    to take the excess amount and adjust its production
    accordingly. However, in the absence of a conspir-
    acy, C, D, E, and F may also produce excess CARB
    gasoline which cannot be absorbed by A because A
    has already taken the overproduction from B.
    The district court may be correct in its understanding of how
    the economy or the oil business works, but that is a factual
    assessment, not left to the court, even a savvy judge, to decide
    on a Rule 12 motion. The hypothetical is not what has been
    pled in the SAC. The SAC alleges that anticompetitive effects
    have resulted from the exchange agreement, even in the
    absence of collusion, and under Rule 12(b)(6), allegations of
    material fact are taken as true and construed in the light most
    favorable to the plaintiff. Knievel, 
    393 F.3d at 1072
    [10] A review of the SAC shows that it alleged that the
    existence of the exchange agreements allows a given Defen-
    dant in a given geographic market control of enough refining
    capacity of CARB gas to keep CARB gas out of the spot mar-
    ket and away from unbranded marketers, with the overall
    effect of creating supracompetitive prices. Plaintiffs did not
    GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.             4031
    allege that Defendants entered into a conspiracy to limit sup-
    ply or raise prices, and did not assert a conspiracy to enter
    into the exchange agreements. That the district court believes
    that the allegedly anticompetitive effects would not actually
    occur without a conspiracy does not justify dismissal of the
    SAC for failure to state a claim.
    [11] Furthermore, the absence of a conspiracy to limit sup-
    ply and raise prices does not eliminate a causal connection
    between the exchange agreements and anticompetitive effect.
    As discussed above, Plaintiffs must first identify an agree-
    ment that unreasonably restrains trade. Here, the SAC prop-
    erly identifies a number of agreements satisfying the contract,
    combination, or conspiracy requirement of § 1. Next, Plain-
    tiffs must plead facts that if taken as true would allow Plain-
    tiffs to recover for an antitrust injury. Here, Plaintiffs’ SAC,
    construed in the light most favorable to them, alleges that
    each Defendant’s control of its refining capacity, coupled
    with that of its contracting partners, establishes requisite mar-
    ket power in the relevant geographic market sufficient to
    establish anticompetitive effects.
    We conclude that the SAC is a sufficient pleading to move
    beyond Rule 12(b)(6).
    4.   Plaintiffs Have Standing Against Tesoro.
    Although a plaintiff must directly purchase from a defen-
    dant to have standing to recover damages, Ill. Brick Co. v. Illi-
    431 U.S. 720
     (1977), an indirect purchaser may
    nevertheless have standing to seek injunctive relief. Lucas
    Auto. Eng’g, Inc. v. Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc., 
    140 F.3d 1228
    , 1235 (9th Cir. 1998).
    [12] Taking Plaintiffs’ allegations as true, and construing
    them in the light most favorable to Plaintiffs, at least an indi-
    rect purchaser scenario exists in the SAC. In addition to Plain-
    tiffs’ allegations that they are “direct purchaser[s] from
    4032             GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.
    [D]efendants,” the allegation that Tesoro acquired the Avon
    refinery from UDS, and that “Tesoro entered into the same
    sales and/or exchange agreements that UDS had formerly
    entered into with other refiners . . . in connection with the
    ownership and operation of the Avon refinery” provides suffi-
    cient pleading to conclude that Plaintiffs have standing to
    include Tesoro in the SAC.
    5.     We Remand the State Law Claim.
    [13] The district court dismissed Plaintiffs’ claim under
    CAL. BUS. & PROF. CODE § 17200 as follows:
    Plaintiffs’ state unfair competition claim rests on
    the same facts as their Sherman Act claim. Because
    the Sherman Act claim is being dismissed at an early
    stage of litigation, the Court finds that the factors
    underlying the assertion of supplemental jurisdiction
    . . . weigh against retention of jurisdiction over the
    remaining state law claim.
    Because we reverse the dismissal of the Sherman Act claims,
    we also reverse the district court’s dismissal of the state law
    We agree with the California Supreme Court that the Agui-
    lar trial court only adjudicated a per se claim of horizontal
    price fixing. Therefore, Plaintiffs’ rule of reason claim alleg-
    ing that the bilateral exchange agreements have anticompeti-
    tive effects is not precluded. In addition, Ninth Circuit and
    Supreme Court precedent allow for aggregation of the indi-
    vidual exchange agreements to demonstrate market power and
    anticompetitive effect in a given market. Though the district
    court may think the prospects of Gilley actually proving the
    GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.             4033
    allegations contained in the SAC to be highly improbable—
    and may be correct in that assessment—that is not a valid
    basis for Rule 12 dismissal.
    CALLAHAN, Circuit Judge, dissenting:
    I write separately because I think that the majority reads the
    California Supreme Court’s opinion in Aguilar v. Atl. Rich-
    field Co., 
    24 P.3d 493
     (Cal. 2001), too narrowly and fails to
    appreciate the pleading standard set forth in Bell Atl. Corp. v.
    550 U.S. 544
    127 S. Ct. 1955
     (2007). When Gil-
    ley’s Second Amended Complaint (sometimes referred to as
    “SAC”) is viewed in light of these cases, it is too broad and
    amorphous and fails to limit his claims to those that are not
    precluded by Aguilar. Furthermore, because Gilley has been
    on notice since 2002 that his complaint must be limited to
    those claims not precluded by Aguilar, has had several oppor-
    tunities to submit a properly circumscribed amended com-
    plaint, and has failed to do so, I would affirm the district
    court’s dismissal of the Second Amended Complaint.
    Section 1 of the Sherman Act prohibits “[e]very contract,
    combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy,
    in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States.”
    15 U.S.C. § 1
    . The Supreme Court has clearly established that
    the section is limited to prohibiting unreasonable restraints of
    trade. See Texaco Inc. v. Dagher, 
    547 U.S. 1
    , 5 (2006).
    Whether a plaintiff pursues a per se claim or a rule of reason
    claim under § 1, the first requirement is to allege a “contract,
    combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy.”
    I agree with the majority that the core of the plaintiff’s
    claims in Aguilar was a per se claim based on an alleged
    4034           GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.
    unlawful conspiracy among petroleum companies. I also
    agree that the California Supreme Court in Aguilar recognized
    that plaintiffs “attempted to introduce an alternative theory,
    which was also legally sound [ ], that the assertedly unlawful
    conspiracy consisted of the various exchange agreements
    entered into by the various petroleum companies, and was
    unlawful because of its effects.” Aguilar, 
    24 P.3d at 521, n.35
    The California Supreme Court agreed with the Court of
    Appeal that this attempt came too late and rejected it for that
    The California Supreme Court’s opinion in Aguilar, how-
    ever, is broader than the footnote referenced by the majority.
    The Aguilar opinion goes on to state:
    Just as the superior court’s order granting the petro-
    leum companies summary judgment was not errone-
    ous as to Aguilar’s primary cause of action for an
    unlawful conspiracy under section 1 of the Cart-
    wright Act to restrict the output of CARB gasoline
    and to raise its price, neither was it erroneous as to
    her derivative cause of action, which was for an
    unlawful conspiracy under the unfair competition
    law for the same purpose.
    The petroleum companies carried their burden of
    persuasion to show that there was no triable issue of
    material fact and that they were entitled to judgment
    as a matter of law as to Aguilar’s unfair competition
    law cause of action. They did so by doing so as to
    her Cartwright Act cause of action. Again, they car-
    ried their burden of production to make a prima facie
    showing of the absence of any conspiracy, but she
    did not carry her shifted burden of production to
    make a prima facie showing of the presence of an
    unlawful one.
    GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.              4035
    It is true, as Aguilar argues, that her unfair competi-
    tion law cause of action is not based on allegations
    asserting a conspiracy unlawful under the Cartwright
    Act. But it is indeed based on allegations asserting a
    conspiracy, specifically, one unlawful at least under
    the unfair competition law itself. As stated, the
    petroleum companies showed that there was no tri-
    able issue of the material fact of conspiracy. Aguilar
    claims that conspiracy is not an element of an unfair
    competition law cause of action in the abstract as a
    matter of law. Correctly so. (See Bus. & Prof. Code,
    § 17200). But she simply cannot deny that conspir-
    acy is indeed a component of the unfair competition
    law cause of action in this case as a matter of fact.
    Id. at 521 (emphasis in original).
    This portion of Aguilar holds that the plaintiffs had failed
    to demonstrate the existence of a conspiracy that was per se
    illegal or otherwise illegal under the Sherman Act. With this
    understanding, if Gilley were not asserting that the defendants
    entered into a conspiracy in violation of the Sherman Act, I
    could agree with the majority that “a claim that Defendants
    have entered into exchange agreements, without a conspiracy
    to control supply or to set prices,” would state a claim that is
    not precluded by Aguilar. However, even assuming that in the
    abstract the Second Amended Complaint can be interpreted as
    alleging such a limited claim, it clearly alleges much more
    than that and it is far too late in the litigation process to pre-
    sume that this is anything but intentional.
    The preclusive effect of Aguilar is woven through the
    numerous court decisions in Gilley’s federal action. Gilley
    filed this class action in 1998, and its proceedings were stayed
    pending the outcome of Aguilar. After the California Supreme
    Court issued its opinion in Aguilar, the defendants filed a
    4036           GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.
    motion for summary judgment. Gilley opposed the motion
    and also offered to file an amended complaint. The district
    court granted the motion for summary judgment. The district
    court held that pursuant to the doctrine of issue preclusion,
    Gilley was barred from relitigating the conspiracy alleged in
    Aguilar. The court denied Gilley’s request to amend the com-
    plaint to allege continuing violations of antitrust laws subse-
    quent to the time period involved in Aguilar, reasoning:
    The exchange agreements were already judged by
    the California Supreme Court not to be evidence of
    a conspiracy. The court finds that the proposed
    amended complaint merely alleges the ongoing use
    of these supply agreements and not any new con-
    duct. Issue preclusion therefore bars Gilley from reli-
    tigating whether use of the ongoing agreements
    constitute an illegal conspiracy under the Sherman
    The district court, however, agreed with Gilley that “his
    rule-of-reason claim has not been litigated to the extent that
    he is alleging that the individual bilateral exchange agree-
    ments violate the anti-trust laws due to their anti-competitive
    effect.” Accordingly, it granted Gilley leave to file an
    amended complaint “only to the extent that it alleges that each
    of the bilateral agreements, entered into independently
    between various defendant gasoline companies, have unrea-
    sonable anti-competitive effects and therefore violate the
    Sherman Act.”
    Gilley amended his complaint. Defendants responded by
    filing a motion to dismiss the First Amended Complaint
    (“FAC”). The district court granted the motion, explaining:
    After careful scrutiny of the FAC, the court has been
    unable to discern any allegation that any of the par-
    ties in any of the bilateral agreements entered these
    agreements with an unlawful intent or purpose to
    GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.                4037
    restrain competition. In the few instances that Plain-
    tiff does allege an improper purpose, he does so by
    alleging joint action among all, or substantially all of
    the defendants. As discussed below, Plaintiff’s
    pleading of such joint purpose or action regarding
    the various defendants is improper and will not be
    considered by the court. Therefore, Plaintiff has
    failed to properly allege “concerted action” regard-
    ing any individual bilateral exchange agreement.
    The district court dismissed the case with prejudice, com-
    menting that because “Plaintiff was already granted leave to
    amend his complaint previously, and at this late date was
    unable to set forth a valid anti-trust claim, it appears that
    Plaintiff cannot allege sufficient facts constituting a valid § 1
    Gilley appealed, and we reversed and remanded to allow
    Gilley an opportunity to file a further amended complaint. We
    held that the district court had abused its discretion by deny-
    ing Gilley an opportunity to amend his complaint.
    When Gilley filed a Second Amended Complaint, defen-
    dants again moved to dismiss, and the district court granted
    the motion. It explained:
    Plaintiffs do not allege that each exchange agree-
    ment has a discrete effect on competition which can
    be viewed together with the separate effects of the
    other exchange agreements. Instead, Plaintiffs allege
    the existence of a network of exchange agreements
    that allow Defendants to coordinate their production
    and output, thereby limiting the amount of CARB
    gasoline on the rack or spot market and allowing
    Defendants to raise prices to branded dealers.
    Even if a single defendant and all of the defendants
    who contracted with that defendant cumulatively had
    4038           GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.
    sufficient market power to substantially impair com-
    petition, Plaintiffs would need to make the further
    showing that all of these defendants worked together
    through the use of the exchange agreements and stra-
    tegic shutdowns or decreased production to stabilize
    the spot market and avoid the depression of gasoline
    prices. . . .
    Plaintiffs cannot avoid the fact that their Sherman
    Act claim is, at its core, a conspiracy claim. Plain-
    tiffs’ theory of recovery rests upon the existence of
    a web of exchange agreements that allegedly allows
    all of the Defendants to engage in a precise dance of
    give-and-take with the goal of maintaining the deli-
    cate balance of CARB production. Coordinated
    action is essential to Plaintiffs’ claim.
    After four attempts to plead around a conspiracy
    claim, Plaintiffs still fail to allege that the bilateral
    exchange agreements, viewed independently, consti-
    tute an unreasonable restraint on trade. Plaintiffs’
    inability to establish a causal connection between the
    individual exchange agreements, and anti-
    competitive harm is fatal to Plaintiffs’ Sherman Act
    A critical aspect of the district court’s perspective is its
    determination that the SAC does not allege “that each
    exchange agreement has a discrete effect on competition
    which can be viewed together with the separate effects of
    other exchange agreements.” Rather, the district court sees the
    SAC as alleging “a network of exchange agreements” that
    “allow Defendants to coordinate their production and output.”
    In essence, the district court reads the SAC as not alleging
    that the bilateral agreements “violate the anti-trust laws due to
    their anti competitive effect,” but rather that the agreements
    facilitate coordinated action by the defendants that unlawfully
    restrains trade.
    GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.               4039
    This distinction is critical. If the bilateral agreements in
    themselves have an illegal effect on competition (when aggre-
    gated), then the bilateral agreements constitute the “contract,
    combination or conspiracy” required for a claim under § 1 of
    the Sherman Act. If, however, the bilateral agreements only
    facilitate coordinated activity, then to maintain a claim under
    § 1 of the Sherman Act, Gilley must show some meeting of
    the minds, some “contract, combination or conspiracy,”
    between those defendants whom Gilley alleges coordinated
    their actions. Although a plaintiff might well be able to do so
    in the abstract, here, Gilley is precluded by Aguilar from
    asserting that the defendants so conspired.
    The Second Amended Complaint implicitly, if not explic-
    itly, asserts a conspiracy. The charging paragraphs of the SAC
    describe the defendants’ parallel actions and imply the exis-
    tence of a conspiracy. The SAC asserts:
    California’s CARB gas supply is generally manu-
    factured primarily by defendants, California branded
    refiners, who are engaged in the business of refining,
    distributing and selling almost 100% of the CARB
    gas in the state of California during the class period.
    California remains largely isolated from external
    sources of supply.
    All California refiners, now also major retail mar-
    keters, control supply and pricing from production to
    distribution, in part, through supply agreements that
    require dealers to purchase gasoline exclusively at
    each branded refiner’s present DTW price, a price
    that is always greater than the rack price and cost of
    California refiners’ weekly refinery production
    decisions are influenced by, among other things, spot
    4040              GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.
    price impact, refiner margins, bilateral exchange
    partners’ market needs, ability to draw inventory
    from bilateral exchange partners, and overall market
    With the impending introduction of CARB gaso-
    line in 1996, each of the defendants or their pre-
    decessors in interest, entered into new sales and/or
    exchange agreements with other defendants, many of
    which provided for the provision of CARB gas “as
    mutually agreed” (AMA) with no minimum or maxi-
    The determination that these paragraphs assert a conspiracy is
    reinforced by the next paragraph of the SAC which reads:
    The sales and exchange agreements known to plain-
    tiffs that are subject of this action are listed on the
    attached Exhibit . . . . On information and belief,
    plaintiffs allege that defendants have entered into
    other sales and exchange agreements, presently
    unknown to plaintiffs, with similar intent and effect.
    Certainly the tenor of this paragraph is that the “similar intent
    and effect” violates antitrust laws. Moreover, in light of the
    preceding paragraphs and the failure to assert any other spe-
    cific violation of the Sherman Act, the alleged violation must
    be one of conspiracy or collusion.
    This allegation of conspiracy is carried forward in the
    SAC’s allegations against particular defendants, starting with
    Chevron.1 It lists three exchange agreements that Chevron
    entered into with Exxon, Shell, and Tosco Refining Co., and
    alleges, on information and belief, that Chevron has entered
    The allegations against the other defendants are similar to the allega-
    tions against Chevron.
    GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.                   4041
    similar agreements “for the delivery of CARB in Northern
    California.” The SAC then alleges:
    Chevron’s intent and purpose in entering into
    these exchange agreements was to limit refining
    capacity for CARB gas and/or to keep CARB gas
    out of the spot market and away from unbranded
    Through the use of these exchange agreements,
    coupled with its own refining capacity and that of
    its contracting partners, Chevron has obtained suf-
    ficient market power to limit the supply of CARB
    gas to unbranded marketers and to raise the price at
    which it sells CARB gas in Northern California to
    supracompetitive levels. These agreements have had
    the effect of raising CARB gas prices in Northern
    California above competitive levels, without any
    countervailing procompetitive benefit.
    (Emphasis added).
    These paragraphs reveal, as the majority notes, how Gilley
    proposes to meet the market power requirement for a claim
    under § 1 of the Sherman Act, but they leave the reader unin-
    formed as to how the individual exchange agreements alleg-
    edly violated the Sherman Act “without a conspiracy to
    control supply or to set prices.” In his brief, Gilley responds
    by pointing to the paragraphs concerning the relationship
    between Chevron and Tosco. These paragraphs set forth vari-
    ous reasons for why the defendants purportedly entered into
    particular agreements,2 suggest an industry-wide conspiracy,3
    For example, the SAC sets forth a 1994 individual exchange agreement
    between Chevron and Tosco and alleges:
    Chevron’s intent and purpose in entering into this agreement with
    Tosco was to place its surplus CARB gas with other branded
    4042              GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.
    and assert that the individual agreements facilitated a combi-
    nation or conspiracy.4 Again, the paragraphs seem to allege a
    conspiracy. They certainly do not clearly allege that the
    exchange agreements themselves constitute a restraint of trade
    or suggest why the defendants’ actions were “collusive, rather
    than independent, action.” See Aguilar, 
    24 P.3d at 519
    In sum, the SAC, fairly read, is not limited to alleging that
    the bilateral exchange agreements are themselves restraints of
    trade. Instead, its broad allegations encompass conspiracy
    claims that are precluded by Aguilar. Indeed, the majority so
    concludes when it states “[t]he SAC may include allegations
    which are precluded by Aguilar, but not of all of what the
    SAC alleges is precluded.”
    refiners to maximize returns. Chevron intended to and did rear-
    range its CARB gas supply to avoid a market imbalance caused
    by CARB gas flowing to independent marketers.
    If Chevron and Tosco agreed to restrain the production of gas, the individ-
    ual exchange agreement might well be a contract to restrain trade pursuant
    to § 1 of the Sherman Act. The paragraph, however, does not say that the
    parties agreed. Instead, it only addresses Chevron’s intent and purpose.
    This purpose and intent would presumably motivate Chevron to act inde-
    pendently or interdependently without any agreement as to purpose or
    intent with Tosco.
    For example, the SAC alleges that “[t]hrough the use of these exchange
    agreements, coupled with its own refining capacity and that of its contract-
    ing partners, Chevron has obtained sufficient market power to limit the
    supply of CARB gas to unbranded marketers and to raise the price at
    which it sells CARB gas.” This implies a conspiracy and does not allege
    that there was a meeting of the minds of the parties to any of the individ-
    ual exchange agreements to raise the price of gasoline.
    For example, the SAC alleges that “Tosco’s intent and purpose in
    entering into this agreement with Chevron was [to] join the ‘club’ of major
    branded refiners and to give Chevron the opportunity to place its surplus
    CARB gas with other branded refiners to maximize returns.” This is con-
    fusing, as it indicates that Tosco’s intent was to give Chevron “the oppor-
    tunity” to maximize its return. This seems to suggest that the individual
    exchange agreement facilitated, but did not in itself provide for, the max-
    imization of Chevron’s return.
    GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.                    4043
    It is this breadth of the SAC that concerns me as it is incon-
    sistent with the spirit of Twombly, 
    127 S. Ct. 1955
    . Although
    Twombly involved an alleged conspiracy based on parallel
    conduct and this case is ostensibly not a conspiracy case,
    nonetheless the Supreme Court’s concerns reverberate in this
    case. The Supreme Court reiterated that Federal Rule of Civil
    Procedure 8(a)(2) requires “ ‘a short and plain statement of
    the claim showing that the pleader is entitled to relief,’ in
    order to ‘give the defendant fair notice of what the . . . claim
    is and the grounds upon which it rests.’ ” Twombly, 
    127 S. Ct. at 1964
     (quoting Conley v. Gibson, 
    355 U.S. 41
    , 47 (1957)).5
    It commented that a plaintiff’s obligation “requires more than
    labels and conclusions, and a formulaic recitation of the ele-
    ments of a cause of action” and that “[f]actual allegations
    must be enough to raise a right to relief above the speculative
    level.” Id. at 1965 (internal citations omitted). The Supreme
    Court reaffirmed its earlier decisions holding that “something
    beyond the mere possibility of loss causation must be alleged,
    lest a plaintiff with a largely groundless claim be allowed to
    take up the time of a number of other people with the right to
    do so representing an in terrorem increment of the settlement
    value,” and that “when the allegations in a complaint, how-
    ever true, could not raise a claim of entitlement to relief, this
    basic deficiency should . . . be exposed at the point of mini-
    mum expenditure of time and money by the parties and the
    The Court went on to disapprove the language in Conley that “a com-
    plaint should not be dismissed for failure to state a claim unless it appears
    beyond doubt that the plaintiff can prove no set of facts in support of his
    claim which would entitle him to relief.” Twombly, 
    127 S. Ct. at 1968
    (quoting Conley, 
    355 U.S. at 45-46
    ). The Court held that:
    [t]he phrase is best forgotten as an incomplete, negative gloss on
    an accepted pleading standard: once a claim has been stated ade-
    quately, it may be supported by showing any set of facts consis-
    tent with the allegations in the complaint.
    127 S. Ct. at 1969
    4044                GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.
    court.” Id. at 1966 (internal quotation marks and citations
    omitted). The Court concluded that allegations of parallel
    conduct in themselves do not provide a sufficient basis to sus-
    tain a conspiracy claim.6
    Similarly, in this case the district court read the complaint
    as not stating a viable cause of action. It determined that the
    SAC did not allege that “each exchange agreement has a dis-
    crete effect on competition which can be viewed together with
    the separate effects of other exchange agreements,” but rather
    as alleging “the existence of a network of exchange agree-
    ments that allow Defendants to coordinate their production
    and output.” I agree with the district court. I read the SAC as
    not asserting that the bilateral agreements, in themselves,
    restrain trade, but that they facilitate or make it easier for the
    defendants to coordinate their actions to restrain trade.7 The
    The Court noted:
    We think that nothing contained in the complaint invests either
    the action or inaction alleged with a plausible suggestion of con-
    spiracy. As to the ILECs’ supposed agreement to disobey the
    1996 Act and thwart the CLECs’ attempts to compete, we agree
    with the District Court that nothing in the complaint intimates
    that the resistance to the upstarts was anything more than the nat-
    ural, unilateral reaction of each ILEC intent on keeping its
    regional dominance. The 1996 Act did more than just subject the
    ILECs to competition; it obliged them to subsidize their competi-
    tors with their own equipment at wholesale rates. The economic
    incentive to resist was powerful, but resisting competition is rou-
    tine market conduct, and even if the ILECs flouted the 1996 Act
    in all the ways the plaintiffs allege, . . . there is no reason to infer
    that the companies had agreed among themselves to do what was
    only natural anyway; so natural, in fact, that if alleging parallel
    decisions to resist competition were enough to imply an antitrust
    conspiracy, pleading a § 1 violation against almost any group of
    competing businesses would be a sure thing.
    127 S. Ct. at 1971
    The district court explained:
    Even if a single defendant and all of the defendants who con-
    tracted with that defendant cumulatively had sufficient market
    GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.                   4045
    majority seems to admit that the SAC includes allegations of
    conspiracy, but contends that the SAC must be allowed
    because it can also be read to allege only that each exchange
    agreement has a discrete effect on competition. This is the
    type of “in terrorem increment of the settlement value” that
    the Supreme Court mentioned in Twombly. Id. at 1966. More-
    over, when viewed in the light of the preclusive effect of
    Aguilar, the SAC “does not raise a claim of entitlement to
    relief.” Id.
    Furthermore, there can be little doubt that the broad scope
    of the SAC was intentional. Gilley has known since 2002 that
    following Aguilar, he was precluded from alleging a conspir-
    acy. Nonetheless, he has thrice been given the opportunity to
    amend his complaint to limit it to a claim based solely on the
    alleged anti-competitive effect of the individual exchange
    agreements absent a conspiracy, and has thrice proffered
    amended complaints that continue to assert, albeit ever more
    subtly, the existence of a conspiracy. I do not necessarily
    quarrel with the majority that it might be possible for Gilley
    to allege an antitrust claim limited to issues that are not pre-
    cluded by Aguilar, but he has declined to do so. Accordingly,
    the district court properly struck the SAC. Furthermore, the
    district court’s denial of leave to amend does not appear to me
    to have been an abuse of discretion.8
    power to substantially impair competition, Plaintiffs would need
    to make the further showing that all of these defendants worked
    together through the use of the exchange agreements and strate-
    gic shutdowns or decreased production to stabilize the spot mar-
    ket and avoid the depression of gasoline prices. . . .
    In Griggs v. Pace Amn. Group, Inc., 
    170 F.3d 877
    , 880 (9th Cir. 1999),
    we held that the “district court determines the propriety of a motion to
    amend by ascertaining the presence of any of four factors: bad faith, undue
    delay, prejudice to the opposing party, and/or futility.” Generally, “this
    determination should be performed with all inferences in favor of granting
    the motion.” 
     Nonetheless, “we have noted that a district court does not
    abuse its discretion in denying a motion to amend a complaint . . . when
    the movant presented no new facts but only new theories and provided no
    4046              GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.
    Although much of what the majority has to say about
    aggregation may be correct, I do not think that aggregation
    cures the defects in the SAC. Initially, I note that in an oligop-
    oly, aggregation cannot be as broad as alleged in the SAC.
    More importantly, aggregation, which addresses the second
    prong of a § 1 claim, cannot overcome the SAC’s failure to
    adequately identify the agreements that allegedly violate the
    Sherman Act.
    In Twin City Sportservice, Inc. v. Charles O. Finley & Co.,
    676 F.2d 1291
    , 1302 (9th Cir. 1982), we addressed the ques-
    tion of aggregation on a claim for an unreasonable restraint of
    trade under § 1 of the Sherman Act. We held:
    the issue is whether a district court, in assessing the
    antitrust liability of a defendant, may look to the
    overall effects of a defendant’s conduct in the rele-
    vant market, or is limited to looking at the market
    implications of the one contract between the antitrust
    plaintiff and defendant. At least in the factual con-
    text of the instant litigation, we think the district
    court correctly assessed Sportservice’s aggregate
    pattern of conduct in the relevant market.
    I agree with the majority that pursuant to Twin City, Gilley
    may aggregate the contracts entered into by each defendant in
    determining that defendant’s marketpower. The allegations in
    the SAC, however, are not so limited. Rather, they appear to
    satisfactory explanation for his failure to fully develop his contentions
    originally.” Nunes v. Ashcroft, 
    375 F.3d 805
    , 808 (9th Cir. 2004) (quoting
    Vincent v. Trend W. Technical Corp., 
    828 F.2d 563
    , 570-71 (9th
    Cir.1987)) (internal quotation marks omitted). Here, assuming that Gilley
    could, in the abstract, amend his complaint to state a claim that is not pre-
    cluded by Aguilar, his repeated failure to do just that suggests that it
    would be futile to offer him another chance to do so.
    GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.             4047
    allow the aggregation of all the bilateral agreements by all of
    the defendants. I know of no authority or reason that would
    allow such an aggregation, as it would include the entire mar-
    ket. Accordingly, I think that Gilley is limited to aggregating,
    for example, Chevron’s contracts with Exxon, Shell and
    Tosco, in asserting that Chevron has sufficient market power
    to effect the price of CARB gasoline, and may not include in
    the calculation of Chevron’s alleged market share any bilat-
    eral agreements entered into by Exxon, Shell or Tosco with
    any party other than Chevron.
    Whatever the proper scope of aggregation, and accepting
    that the aggregation of each defendant’s bilateral agreements
    gave each defendant sufficient market power to affect the
    price of gasoline, the SAC still fails to meet the first require-
    ment for a § 1 claim — an allegation of a meeting of the
    defendants’ minds. See Twombly, 
    127 S. Ct. at 1965
    . Twin
    City does not help Gilley on this issue. There, Sportservice
    had a practice of entering into exclusive concessionaire con-
    tracts, which were in themselves agreements to restrain trade.
    The only question was whether Sportservice had sufficient
    market power. Here, because the SAC does not clearly allege
    that the individual exchange agreements inherently restrain
    trade, the aggregation of Chevron’s individual agreements
    might show market power, but it would not meet the require-
    ment that Gilley assert an agreement to restrain trade.
    The majority’s over-reliance on aggregation may be seen in
    its conclusion that the SAC alleges “that the existence of the
    exchange agreements allows a given Defendant in a given
    geographic market control of enough refining capacity of
    CARB gas to keep CARB gas out of the spot market and
    away from unbranded marketers, with the overall effect of
    creating supracompetitive prices.” This conclusion allows
    effect to take the place of intent in precisely the way that the
    Supreme Court criticized in Twombly, 
    127 S. Ct. at 1971
    “Spot market” is defined in the SAC as “a market for short-
    term bulk gasoline purchases,” and “unbranded marketers”
    4048           GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.
    refer to “jobbers and dealers who sell unbranded product not
    associated with the name brand of a branded refiner such as
    the defendants herein.” These definitions indicate that “spot
    markets” exist only when a refiner produces more gasoline
    than can be sold by its “branded dealers.” It follows that
    because “spot markets” produce a lower return to the refiner
    of gasoline than the refiner obtains through branded dealers,
    spot markets are a result of inefficiencies on the part of refin-
    ers. Accordingly, even without any collusion, a refiner is
    strongly motivated to avoid having to sell gasoline in the spot
    markets. Thus, a narrow focus on effect as a result of aggrega-
    tion would convert self-interest parallel action, similar to that
    found to be legal in Twombly, into an antitrust violation, even
    when the plaintiff is precluded from showing any agreement
    between the competing businesses.
    VI.   Conclusion
    We recently reiterated in Kendall v. Visa U.S.A., Inc., 
    518 F.3d 1042
    , 1047 (9th Cir. 2008), that “[t]o state a claim under
    Section 1 of the Sherman Act, 
    15 U.S.C. § 1
    , claimants must
    plead not just ultimate facts (such as a conspiracy), but evi-
    dentiary facts which, if true, will prove: (1) a contract, combi-
    nation or conspiracy among two or more persons or distinct
    business entities; (2) by which the persons or entities intended
    to harm or restrain trade or commerce . . . (3) which actually
    injures competition.” Gilley, in order to state a § 1 claim,
    must plead “a contract . . . by which the persons or entities
    intended to harm or restrain trade.” Despite its length and
    detail, the SAC does not clearly assert which individual agree-
    ment or agreements constitute in themselves a “contract . . .
    by which the persons or entities intended to harm or restrain
    trade.” Rather, the SAC is fairly read as alleging the existence
    of a network of exchange agreements that arguably allowed
    the defendants to unlawfully coordinate their production and
    output. But given the preclusive effect of Aguilar, Gilley can-
    not show such coordination. The SAC is not saved by the
    argument that it could be read to encompass a claim that the
    GILLEY v. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO.             4049
    individual agreements in themselves constitute a restraint of
    trade because the SAC does not provide the defendants fair
    notice of such a claim and the grounds upon which it rests.
    See Twombly, 
    127 S. Ct. at 1964
    . Moreover, aggregation does
    not save the SAC because it does not show that the defen-
    dants’ adjustments of CARB production were part of any
    agreement or conspiracy, rather than independent efforts to
    maximize profits. See Twombly, 
    127 S. Ct. at 1971
    . Finally,
    I note that, as written, the SAC might allow Gilley to seek dis-
    covery on, and to assert, allegations of conspiracy that Gilley
    concedes he is precluded by Aguilar from asserting as a cause
    of action. For these reasons, I would affirm the district court’s
    dismissal of the Second Amended Complaint without leave to

Document Info

Docket Number: 06-56059

Filed Date: 4/3/2009

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/14/2015

Authorities (25)

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