Minkler v. Safeco Insurance ( 2009 )

  •                    FOR PUBLICATION
    SCOTT MINKLER,                               No. 07-56689
    Plaintiff-Appellant,           D.C. No.
    v.                          CV-07-04374-
    SAFECO   INSURANCE COMPANY,                     MMM
    Central District of
    Los Angeles
           ORDER
    Filed April 8, 2009
    Before: Daniel M. Friedman,* Carlos T. Bea, and
    Sandra S. Ikuta, Circuit Judges.
    Jeffrey Isaac Ehrlich (argued), The Ehrlich Law Firm, Clare-
    mont, California; Michael J. Bidart and Ricardo Echeverria,
    Shernoff Bidart Darras & Echeverria, LLP, Claremont, Cali-
    fornia; for appellant Scott Minkler.
    Gregory H. Halliday (argued) and William D. Burger, Jr.,
    Sedgwick, Detert, Moran & Arnold, LLP, Irvine, California;
    for appellee Safeco Insurance Company of America.
    *The Honorable Daniel M. Friedman, Senior United States Circuit
    Judge for the Federal Circuit, sitting by designation.
    4154           MINKLER v. SAFECO INSURANCE CO.
    We respectfully ask the California Supreme Court to exer-
    cise its discretion to accept and decide the certified question
    below pursuant to California Rule of Court 8.548.
    I.   Statement of Facts and Procedural Background
    This is a liability insurance coverage dispute involving a
    policy issued to a California homeowner. Scott Minkler
    appeals the district court’s order granting Safeco Insurance
    Company of America’s (“Safeco”) motion under Federal Rule
    of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6) to dismiss Minkler’s causes of
    action for breach of insurance contract, breach of the implied
    covenant of good faith and fair dealing, recovery as a judg-
    ment creditor pursuant to California Insurance Code Section
    11580, and professional negligence. Minkler’s claims arise
    out of Safeco’s failure to provide a defense to Betty Schwartz,
    an insured under a Safeco homeowners insurance policy.
    Betty Schwartz was a resident of California at all relevant
    In 2003, Minkler sued Betty Schwartz and her son, David,
    in California Superior Court. Minkler’s first amended com-
    plaint alleged David, Minkler’s little league coach, had sexu-
    ally molested him over a period of several years, beginning in
    1987. Minkler asserted multiple causes of action against
    David, including sexual battery, intentional infliction of emo-
    tional distress, negligence, and negligence per se. Minkler
    also asserted a single cause of action for negligent supervision
    against Betty Schwartz: Minkler alleged David molested
    Minkler in Betty’s home; Betty knew her son was molesting
    Minkler; but Betty nonetheless failed to take reasonable steps
    to stop her son from doing so.
    MINKLER v. SAFECO INSURANCE CO.                     4155
    From August 26, 1988 to August 26, 1995, Betty Schwartz
    held a series of homeowners insurance policies issued by
    Safeco.1 The policies provide general liability coverage to
    each insured up to a limit of $300,000 for each occurrence.
    The policies define “an insured” to include both the policy-
    holder and any relative resident of the policyholder’s house-
    The “Exclusions” sub-section of the liability coverage sec-
    tion of the policy contains an intentional acts exclusion that
    provides: “Personal Liability [coverage] . . . do[es] not apply
    to bodily injury or property damage: (a) which is expected or
    intended by an insured or which is the foreseeable result of an
    act or omission intended by an insured . . . .” However, in the
    “Conditions” sub-section, the policy also contains a
    severability-of-interests clause that provides: “This insurance
    applies separately to each insured. This condition will not
    increase our limit of liability for any one occurrence.”
    David Schwartz, acting on behalf of himself and his
    mother, tendered the defense of Minkler’s complaint to
    Safeco. Citing the intentional acts exclusion, Safeco’s insur-
    ance adjuster denied the tender as to both Schwartzes.
    Minkler then obtained a default judgment against Betty
    Schwartz in the amount of $5,020,612.20. Subsequently,
    Minkler entered into a settlement agreement with Betty. In
    exchange for a covenant not to execute the judgment, Betty
    assigned her claims against Safeco to Minkler.
    On May 15, 2007, Minkler filed this action against Safeco
    and Safeco’s insurance adjuster, Patricia Orris, in California
    superior court. By stipulation, Orris was dismissed from the
    action. Safeco removed the case to the United States District
    Only the 1993 version of the policy appears in the record. Neither party
    contends the 1993 version differs in any material respect from any version
    of the policy in effect at the time of the relevant occurrences.
    4156             MINKLER v. SAFECO INSURANCE CO.
    Court for the Central District of California on the basis of
    diversity of citizenship.
    In federal court, Safeco filed a Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dis-
    miss on the ground the intentional acts exclusion barred cov-
    erage for Minkler’s claims against Betty. Minkler conceded
    that, absent the severability clause, the intentional acts exclu-
    sion would bar coverage for Minkler’s negligent supervision
    claim against Betty Schwartz; David Schwartz was “an
    insured” within the meaning of the policy, and Minkler’s bod-
    ily injury resulted from David’s intentional acts. However,
    Minkler contended the severability-of-interests clause
    excepted Betty’s coverage from the exclusion either expressly
    or under California rules for interpretation of ambiguity in
    insurance contracts.
    The district court granted Safeco’s motion to dismiss and
    Minkler timely appealed.
    II.    The Certified Question
    We certify the following issue to the California Supreme
    Where a contract of liability insurance covering mul-
    tiple insureds contains a severability-of-interests
    clause in the “Conditions” section of the policy, does
    an exclusion barring coverage for injuries arising out
    of the intentional acts of “an insured” bar coverage
    for claims that one insured negligently failed to pre-
    vent the intentional acts of another insured?
    If the California Supreme Court decides the certified question,
    we will accept and rely on the Court’s decision in any further
    proceedings in this court.
    III.    Explanation of the Importance of the Certified Question
    The answer to the certified question will determine the out-
    come of Minkler’s appeal of the district court’s order granting
    Safeco’s motion for summary judgment.
    MINKLER v. SAFECO INSURANCE CO.             4157
    The certified question is also one of considerable impor-
    tance to insureds and insurers alike. Many homeowners and
    other insurance policies covering multiple insureds contain
    severability provisions similar to the clause at issue in this
    case. Because of the ubiquity of such clauses, the issue is a
    recurrent one and courts have reached different answers. See
    W. Am. Ins. Co. v. AV & S, 
    145 F.3d 1224
    , 1227-29 (10th Cir.
    1998) (collecting cases). Compare, e.g., Taryn E.F. by Grune-
    wald v. Joshua M.C., 
    505 N.W.2d 418
    , 420-22 (Wis. 1993)
    (holding that a policy exclusion applicable to “any insured”
    unambiguously barred coverage despite inclusion of sever-
    ability clause), with Worcester Mut. Ins. Co. v. Marnell, 
    496 N.E.2d 158
    , 161 (Mass. 1986) (holding that the term “any
    insured” was ambiguous in light of a severability clause and,
    construing the contract against the insurer, finding coverage).
    The California Supreme Court has never addressed this
    issue of exceptional importance. See generally Safeco Ins. Co.
    of Am. v. Robert S., 
    26 Cal. 4th 758
    , 772 (2001) (Baxter, J.,
    concurring and dissenting) (“Little California authority con-
    siders the effect of severability clauses on exclusionary provi-
    In his concurring opinion in Robert S., Justice Baxter
    wrote: “[I]f the policy contains language stating the severabil-
    ity of the insurer’s obligation, exclusionary clauses apply sep-
    arately to each insured, even when language internal to the
    clauses themselves might suggest otherwise.” 
     (emphasis in
    original). However, the full court held that the policy exclu-
    sion in the case was void as against public policy and did not
    have occasion to address the effect of the contract’s severabil-
    ity clause.
    Two California Court of Appeal decisions—California
    Casualty Insurance Co. v. Northland Insurance Co., 
    48 Cal. App. 4th 1682
    , 1697 (4th Dist. 1996) and Bjork v. State Farm
    Fire & Casualty Co., 
    157 Cal. App. 4th 1
    , 8-11 (1st Dist.
    2007)—have addressed the effect of a severability clause on
    4158           MINKLER v. SAFECO INSURANCE CO.
    policy exclusions, but Northland’s statement on the issue is
    dicta, and both the Northland and Bjork courts expressly lim-
    ited their holdings to the unique facts of each case.
    Because the California Supreme Court has not addressed
    this issue, and because of the split of authority in other juris-
    dictions, we respectfully request that the California Supreme
    Court answer the certified question. If the Court, in its discre-
    tion, chooses to address the certified question, we will accept
    and rely on the Court’s decision of the certified question in
    any further proceedings in this court.
    IV.    Administrative Information
    The caption of the case is:
    No.    07-56689
    SCOTT MINKLER, Plaintiff-Appellant
    Washington corporation, Defendant-Appellee
    Counsel for the parties are as follows:
    For Plaintiff-Appellant: Michael J. Bidart, Ricardo
    RIA, LLP, 600 S. Indian Hill Blvd., Claremont, California
    91711; Jeffrey Isaac Ehrlich, THE EHRLICH LAW FIRM,
    411 Harvard Ave., Claremont, California
    For Defendant-Appellee: Gregory H. Halliday, William D.
    LLP, 3 Park Plaza, 17th Floor, Irvine, CA 92614-8540
    If the California Supreme Court grants the request, Scott
    Minkler should be deemed the petitioner, as he is the appel-
    lant before our court.
    MINKLER v. SAFECO INSURANCE CO.              4159
    V.   Conclusion
    We recognize that the California Supreme Court has a
    heavy caseload and we do not make our request lightly. If the
    Court accepts the certified question, we will be grateful for its
    All further proceedings in this case in this court are stayed
    pending final action by the California Supreme Court. The
    case is withdrawn from submission until further order of this
    court. This court retains jurisdiction over further proceedings
    after the California Supreme Court renders a decision or
    declines to answer the certified question. The parties shall
    notify the Clerk of this court within one week after the Cali-
    fornia Supreme Court accepts or rejects certification. If the
    California Supreme Court accepts the certified question, the
    parties shall file a joint status report to our court every six
    months after the date of acceptance or more frequently if cir-
    cumstances warrant, and again within one week when the Cal-
    ifornia Supreme Court renders an opinion.
    In accordance with California Rule of Court 8.548, the
    Clerk of the Court is hereby directed to transmit forthwith to
    the California Supreme Court, under official seal of the Ninth
    Circuit, the original and ten copies of this order, along with
    all relevant briefs and excerpts of record. The Clerk shall also
    file certificates of service with the parties to this appeal.
    The summary, which does not constitute a part of the opinion of the court, is copyrighted
    © 2009 Thomson Reuters/West.